Introduction to the peace lesson for September 1. God-protected native land

Class notes "Lesson of Peace"

Ezhevskaya Natalya Vladimirovna
Brief description and purpose of the material:
The material may be of interest to class teachers of grades 1-11 of secondary schools, curators of secondary specialized schools and technical schools. The lesson provides brief information about the end of the Second World War, remembers memorable dates in the history of our country, remembers young peace fighters whose outstanding courage became an example and symbol for us: Tanya Savicheva, Anne Frank, Sadako Sasaki, Samantha Smith. The teacher's story is accompanied by a presentation and reading of documentary information by student co-leaders of the lesson.
Purpose of the lesson: Involving students in the struggle for peace, instilling patriotism.
1. Form an active civic position for students.
2. To instill in students patriotism, a humanistic attitude to the emerging problems of humanity, and tolerance.

Teacher: Today, September 1, 2015, our first lesson is the Lesson of Peace. In a world where military conflicts are being imposed every day, the arms race is increasing, the governments of different countries are devoting the lion's share of funds to the creation and purchase of modern weapons, we will talk about peace. And this is no coincidence. After all, a strong peace directly depends on how thoroughly the state is prepared for war. This idea is so ancient that it is high time for us, the descendants of the 21st century, to take on faith the sayings of the ancient sages, since the course of history has already repeatedly confirmed everything.
1 student: Roman historian Cornelius Nepos, lived in the 1st century BC (99-24 BC), said: “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (Russian: “if you want peace, prepare for war”) the legitimacy of these words has been proven by the course of history. Strong states are not attacked. And if they attack, then it’s time to recall the words of the outstanding Russian commander - Alexander Nevsky: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.”
1 student: Quite recently we celebrated a significant date throughout the world - the date of the end of the Great Patriotic War. But the end of the Second World War, of which the Great Patriotic War was a part, had to wait quite a long time. And many tank and fighter divisions, after the signing of the surrender pact in Germany, went not to their homeland, but to the Far East.
Teacher: On July 26, 1945, the Potsdam Declaration of the United States, Great Britain and China was published, demanding Japan's immediate unconditional surrender. On July 28, Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki issued a statement saying that the Japanese government was ignoring the Potsdam Declaration. The result of this policy was the atomic bombing by the Americans of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (08/06/1945) and Nagasaki (08/09/1945) and the entry of the USSR into the war against Japan on 08/09/1945. Despite the overwhelming power of allies Russia and the United States, Japanese troops continued to resist. The fighting did not stop even after the commander of the Kwantung Army, General O. Yamada, signed an act of unconditional surrender in Changchun on August 19, 1945. Only on August 22, after powerful artillery and air preparation, Soviet troops managed to storm the Khutou resistance center; on August 26, the garrison of the Dongning fortified area surrendered. From August 19 to September 1, 1945, Soviet troops carried out the final landing operation of the Second World War - the South Kuril Landing Operation.

And on September 2, 1945, the ceremony of signing the Act of Surrender of Japan took place on the American battleship Missouri. This day is considered to be the date of the end of the Second World War. That is why today, September 1, 2015, we celebrate a significant date in the history of relations between Russia and Japan - the day of the victory of Russian troops in the final landing operation, which became the last point in the Second World War, in which 61 states were forced to take part.
1 student: And today, in the peace lesson, we want to remind you of those who, with their courage, rightfully deserve to become the image of the struggle for peace and life. We will talk about two diaries and two birds in the hands of four fragile girls. At the end of the lesson, we suggest that you make these paper birds, since they are symbols of peace...
Student 2: War and children. The concepts are incompatible, since war kills not only physically, but also morally - it kills the child in the child. He thinks like an adult, he acts like an adult - understanding and accepting everything.
1 student:Tanya Savicheva- a schoolgirl who, from the beginning of the siege of Leningrad, began keeping a diary in a notebook. Almost the entire family of Tanya Savicheva died between December 1941 and May 1942. Born on January 23, 1930, in the village of Dvorishchi, Lyadsky district, Leningrad region (now Plesnovskaya volost, Gdovsky district, Pskov region)
Date and place of death: July 1, 1944 (14 years old), Shatki, Nizhny Novgorod region
Parents: Nikolai Rodionovich Savichev, Maria Ignatievna Savicheva

Her small notebook - a silk-covered notebook that became Tanya's blockade diary - is a cry for help, that there is nothing in the world worse than war. Due to the strength of its emotional impact, this document leaves no one indifferent.
Student 2: This small notebook, donated by brother Leonid (Lyoka) to sister Nina, served as a working reference for a draftsman and designer. Nina filled half of its pages with data on boiler fittings: gate valves, gate valves, valves, and the other half of this homemade reference book, with the alphabet, remained blank. This blank alphabetical part of the notebook was destined to become a mournful diary, in which Tanya made notes that became immortal with her sister’s blue pencil.
1 student: Left alone, barely moving her legs, she went to her grandmother’s niece, Aunt Dusya. The path ahead was quite long, to the Smolninsky district. From Vasilievsky Island, Aunt Dusya moved many of the Savichevs’ things into her room for storage and took custody of Tanya. When she left for work, she sent her out into the air, into the sun, and locked the room. It often happened that upon returning I found Tanya sleeping right on the stairs.
Student 2: The dystrophy progressed, and it was necessary to urgently admit Tanya to the hospital. And at the beginning of July 1942, Aunt Dusya, having resigned her guardianship, placed her in orphanage No. 48 of the Smolninsky district, which was then preparing for evacuation to the Gorky region.
Teacher: The train in which the Leningrad children were was repeatedly bombed, and only in August 1942 it finally arrived in the village of Krasny Bor, located 25 kilometers from Ponetaevka. The children were placed in one of the high school buildings, where they had to undergo a 2-week quarantine. 140 exhausted, sick and wounded children, exhausted by the hard road, were nursed by the entire village. But Tanya was so weak that she had to be sent to the Ponetaevsky Home for the Invalids, although she did not get better there either. For health reasons, she was the most seriously ill patient. Tanya was transferred to the Shatkovo regional hospital, but progressive dystrophy, scurvy, nervous shock, and even bone tuberculosis, which she suffered from in early childhood, took their toll. Of all the children evacuated from Leningrad to the Gorky region, only Tanya Savicheva could not be saved. She died at the age of 14 and a half years old with a diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis.

1 student: An incredible amount has been written about the Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva, who became famous throughout the world thanks to her siege diary, which reflected the fate of thousands of families who died in the city besieged by the Nazis. Poems and monuments are dedicated to Tanya, songs have been written about her, one of the minor planets of the solar system, No. 2127, was named after her in 1971.

Student 2: Anne Frank (German: Anne Frank), Anneliese Marie Frank (German: Anneliese Marie Frank; June 12, 1929 - early March 1945) - a Jewish girl, a native of Germany, who, after Hitler came to power, hid with her family from Nazi terror in the Netherlands, author of the famous “The Diary of Anne Frank” - a document denouncing Nazism and translated into many languages ​​of the world. This book immediately became a world bestseller - not only because of its piercing intonation, but mainly because it managed to unite in the fate of one girl millions of human tragedies associated with the Nazi genocide. Anne Frank and her family are considered among the most famous victims of Nazism.
Teacher: In May 1940, Germany occupied the Netherlands and the occupation government began to persecute Jews. The Frank family was denied entry into the United States in May 1941. In July 1942, the Franks received a Gestapo summons addressed to Margot, Anna’s sister. On July 6, Anne Frank's family moved into a shelter set up by employees of the jam additive company Opecta, where Otto Frank, Anne's father, worked. Since the Franks were leaving the apartment in a hurry, Otto Frank left a note in which he wrote that the whole family had left for Switzerland. The morning of July 6 was very rainy, which was to the advantage of the Franks, because they expected that in such weather there would be few Gestapo men on the street. Since Amsterdam Jews were already forbidden to use public transport at that time, Anna and her parents walked several kilometers in the rain. To create the illusion that they were without luggage, all three of them wore several sets of clothes.
1 student: Like other Amsterdam buildings along the canals, house number 263 on the Prinsengracht embankment, where the Opecta company was located, consisted of a front and a back part. An office and storage area occupied the front of the building. The back of the house is often an empty space. This is what Otto Frank, with the help of his colleagues, adapted for a future shelter. The entrance was disguised as a filing cabinet.
Student 2: In the shelter, Anna kept a diary in letters in Dutch (her first language was German, but she also began to learn Dutch from early childhood). She wrote these letters to her fictional friend Kitty. In them, she told Kitty everything that happened to her and the other inhabitants of the shelter every day. Anna called her diary Het Achterhuis (“In the Back House”). In the Russian version - “Refuge”. Anna made her first entry in her diary on her birthday, June 12, 1942, when she turned 13 years old. The last one was on August 1, 1944.
Teacher: Entry November 19, 1942:
The Germans ring every doorbell and ask if Jews live in the house... In the evening, when it is dark, I see columns of people with crying children. They walk and walk, showered with blows and kicks that almost knock them off their feet. There was no one left - old people, babies, pregnant women, the sick - everyone set off on this deadly journey.
1 presenter: At first, Anna kept a diary only for herself. In the spring of 1944, she heard on the Dutch radio Oranje (the editors of this radio were evacuated to England, from where they broadcast until the end of the war) a speech by the Minister of Education of the Netherlands, Herrit Bolkestein. In his speech, he called on citizens to preserve any documents that would prove the suffering of the people during the years of German occupation. Diaries were called one of the important documents.
Student 2: Impressed by the performance, Anna decided to write a novel based on the diary. She immediately began rewriting and editing her diary, while at the same time continuing to update the first diary with new entries. Anna gives pseudonyms to the inhabitants of the shelter, including herself. In 1944, the authorities received a denunciation of a group of Jews hiding, and on August 4, the house where the Frank family was hiding was searched by the Dutch police and the Gestapo led by Karl Silberbauer. Behind a bookcase they found a door where Jews had been hiding for 25 months. All eight people were held in prison on Weteringshans Street for four days, and then were placed in the Westerbork transit concentration camp, where, as those who had evaded summons, they were placed in the “punishment department” and sent to the most difficult work.
Teacher: On September 3 they were deported to Auschwitz. This 93rd train, which consisted of 1,019 people, became the last train to take Dutch Jews to the death camp - after it, the deportation of Jews from Westerbork to Auschwitz stopped. In addition, the inhabitants of the shelter had the misfortune of ending up in Auschwitz in the second half of 1944, when the extermination of Jews in German concentration camps was especially intense.
1 student: Upon arrival, Anna, along with her mother and sister, was forcibly separated from her father. Everyone was sent to be selected by Dr. Josef Mengele, who decided who would be allowed into the camp. Of the 1,019 people, 549, including all children under 15 years of age, were sent to the gas chambers. Anna, who turned 15 a few months ago, was the youngest prisoner who was not subject to this selection due to her age.
Student 2: Augusta, Edith, Margot and Anna were sent to barracks 29, where they spent three weeks in quarantine. On October 7, in the block where the Franks were kept, women were selected to work at the weapons factory. Among those selected were Edith and Margot, but Anna had developed scabies by that time, which is why her mother and sister refused the offer because they did not want to leave Anna.
Teacher: Sisters Yanni and Lyn Brillesleiper, who became friends with the Frank sisters back in Westerbork, recalled that in the last days of her life, Margot fell from her bunk onto the cement floor and lay there in oblivion, but no one had the strength to raise her. Anna had a high fever, and she often smiled in delirium. Both had clear signs of typhus. At the beginning of March 1945, Margot died, after which Anna finally lost the desire to resist, and a few days later Lin and Yanni discovered that Anna’s place on the bunk was empty, and they found Anna herself outside and with difficulty dragged her to the mass grave, where they had previously taken her Margot. The exact dates of their deaths are unknown. On April 15, 1945, the British liberated Bergen-Belsen.

1 student Xia: The only family member to survive the Nazi camps was Anna's father, Otto Frank. After the war he returned to Amsterdam, and in 1953 he moved to Basel (Switzerland). He died in 1980.
Teacher: Anne Frank's diary was first published in the Netherlands in 1947, in the USA and Great Britain - in 1952 under the title The Diary of a Young Girl. Several works of art were created based on the diary.
Student 2: The entries were published in Russian with some abbreviations under the title “The Diary of Anne Frank” in 1960 (translation by R. Wright-Kovalyova, preface by I. Ehrenburg).

Teacher: Sadako Sasaki (Japanese: Sasaki Sadako, January 7, 1943 - October 25, 1955) was a Japanese girl who lived in the city of Hiroshima.
On August 6, 1945, during the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, she was at home, just one and a half kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion. She died 10 years later from leukemia, which most likely was a consequence of radiation exposure.
1 student: At the time of the “Baby” detonation, two-year-old Sadako was at home at a distance of approximately 2 kilometers from the epicenter. The blast wave carried her through the window, but the girl remained alive. In November 1954, she showed the first signs of the disease - a tumor appeared on her neck and behind her ears.
Student 2: In January 1955, a tumor appeared on her legs, and on February 21, the girl was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of leukemia. According to doctors, she had no more than a year to live. On August 3, from her best friend, Chizuko Hamamoto, she learned about a legend according to which a person who folds a thousand paper cranes can make a wish that will definitely come true. The legend influenced Sadako, and she, like many hospital patients, began to fold cranes from any pieces of paper that fell into her hands.

Teacher: But Sadako's health, unfortunately, constantly deteriorated, and on October 25, 1955, she died. According to the legend from the book “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes”, she managed to make only 644 cranes. Her friends finished their work, and Sadako was buried along with a thousand paper cranes.
1 student: Sadako Sasaki has become a symbol of opposition to nuclear war. Inspired by her courage and willpower, Sadako's friends and classmates published her letters. They began planning to build a monument in memory of Sadako and all the other children who died from the atomic bombing. Young people from all over Japan began to raise funds for this project.
Student 2: In 1959, a statue depicting Sadako holding a paper crane was erected in the Peace Park in Hiroshima. On the pedestal of the statue it is written: “This is our cry. This is our prayer. World peace". There is a statue of Sadako in Peace Park in Seattle, USA. The life-size statue also depicts a girl holding a paper crane. On the pedestal it is written:
(Sadako Sasaki. Child of Peace. She gave us a paper crane, symbolizing our hope for world peace)
Teacher: The Sadako Peace Garden was opened on August 6, 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and named after Sadako Sasaki. On June 30, 2002, the park entered the Gardens of the World network. The garden is located at La Casa Maria Retreat Center in Santa Barbara, California, USA. Created by Isabelle Greene and Irma Cavat as a garden for reflection and inspiration. Project of Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and La Casa de Maria. In the depths of the garden there are stones on which cranes are carved.
1 student: On October 26, 2000, the Student Association of the Municipal Youth High School Nobori-cho unveiled a monument to the paper crane. The words “Prayers of the paper cranes here” are carved on the pedestal of the monument.
Student 2: Sadako Sasaki is one of four famous girls whose stories are dedicated to Yuri Yakovlev’s work “The Passion of Four Girls. Mystery". And the fourth girl who has become a symbol of peace is Samantha Smith.

1 student: Samantha Reed Smith was born on June 29, 1972 in Houlton, Maine, USA to Arthur and Jane Smith. Samantha once saw US President Reagan and the new Soviet leader, Yuri Andropov, as Person of the Year on the cover of Time Magazine. One of the articles in that magazine said that the new leader of the USSR is a very dangerous person and that under his leadership the Soviet Union threatens the security of the United States more than ever. Then Samantha asked her mother that “if everyone is so afraid of Andropov, why don’t they write him a letter and ask if he is going to start a war?” The mother, jokingly, replied: “Well, write it yourself,” and Samantha wrote.

Student 2: Dear Mr. Andropov, my name is Samantha Smith. I am ten years old. Congratulations on your election to your new position. I am very worried that a nuclear war will break out between the USSR and the United States. Are you going to start a war or not? If you are against war, please tell me how you are going to prevent war? You, of course, are not obliged to answer my question, but I would like to know why you want to conquer the whole world or at least our country. God created the Earth so that we could all live together in peace and not fight. Sincerely, Samantha Smith
Teacher: Samantha’s letter was sent to the USSR in November 1982, and at the beginning of 1983 it was published in the Pravda newspaper. Samantha was happy when she found out about this, but by that time she had not yet received a response to her letter. Then she wrote a letter to the Soviet ambassador to the United States, asking whether Andropov was going to answer her. On April 26, 1983, I received a letter from Andropov..
1 student: The letter, in Russian, typed on tinted paper and signed in blue ink, was dated April 19, 1983, and was accompanied by an English translation:
Teacher: Dear Samantha!
I received your letter, like many others coming to me these days from your country, from other countries of the world.
It seems to me - I judge from the letter - that you are a brave and honest girl, similar to Becky, the girlfriend of Tom Sawyer from the famous book of your compatriot Mark Twain. All boys and girls in our country know and love this book.
You write that you are very concerned about whether a nuclear war will happen between our two countries. And you ask if we are doing anything to prevent war from breaking out.
Your question is the most important one that any thinking person could ask. I will answer you seriously and honestly.
Yes, Samantha, we in the Soviet Union are trying to do everything to ensure that there is no war between our countries, so that there is no war on earth at all. This is what every Soviet person wants. This is what the great founder of our state, Vladimir Lenin, taught us.
Soviet people know well what a terrible and destructive thing war is. 42 years ago, Nazi Germany, which sought to dominate the whole world, attacked our country, burned and ravaged many thousands of our cities and villages, and killed millions of Soviet men, women and children.
In that war, which ended in our victory, we were in alliance with the United States, and together we fought for the liberation of many peoples from the Nazi invaders. I hope you know this from history lessons at school. And today we really want to live in peace, trade and cooperate with all our neighbors around the globe - both distant and close. And, of course, with such a great country as the United States of America.
Both America and we have nuclear weapons - terrible weapons that can kill millions of people in an instant. But we don't want it to ever be used. That is why the Soviet Union solemnly announced to the whole world that never - never! - will not use nuclear weapons first against any country. And in general, we propose to stop its further production and begin to destroy all its reserves on earth.
It seems to me that this is a sufficient answer to your second question: “Why do you want to conquer the whole world, or at least the United States?” We don't want anything like that. No one in our country - neither workers and peasants, nor writers and doctors, nor adults and children, nor members of the government - wants either a big or a “small” war.
We want peace - we have something to do: grow bread, build and invent, write books and fly into space. We want peace for ourselves and for all the peoples of the planet. For your children and for you, Samantha.
I invite you, if your parents allow it, to come to us, preferably in the summer. You will get to know our country, meet your peers, and visit an international camp for children - in Artek by the sea. And you will see for yourself: in the Soviet Union everyone is for peace and friendship between peoples.
Thank you for your congratulations. I wish you all the best in your new life.
Yu. Andropov
Student 2: Samantha and her parents left for the USSR on July 7, 1983. At the airport she was met by many people who were not indifferent to the event and politics.

During the two weeks the Smith family spent in the Soviet Union, Goodwill Ambassador Samantha visited Moscow, Leningrad and the main pioneer camp, Artek, in Crimea. At the Artek camp, the leadership was preparing to receive Samantha: they completed the construction of the dining room and prepared the best room. At the suggestion of her peers, she put on and wore a pioneer uniform. She really liked the uniform and took it with her. In the camp, she followed the usual daily routine, like all Soviet children. Although the seriously ill Andropov never met Samantha, they spoke on the phone.
1 student: The media of the USSR, the USA and the whole world followed her every step, every phrase. Before flying home on July 22, Samantha smiled at the television cameras and shouted in Russian with a smile: “We will live!” And in her book “Journey to the Soviet Union,” Samantha concluded that “they are just like us.” In 1986, Soviet schoolgirl Katya Lycheva visited the United States as a return visit.

Teach l: Samantha Smith died in a plane crash on August 25, 1985 (en:Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808). That day, Samantha and her father were returning from the filming of Robert Wagner’s series “Lime Street,” where Samantha played one of the roles. Jane Smith was waiting for her husband and daughter at the Augusta airport. However, the plane carrying Samantha and her father was diverted to Auburn-Lewiston Municipal Airport, southwest of Augusta. The flight took place in difficult weather conditions, and due to poor visibility during landing, the pilot of a small twin-engine Beechcraft 99 aircraft missed the runway. The plane crashed 200 meters from its end (44°28). None of the 6 passengers and 2 pilots survived. The bodies of Samantha and her father were buried near Houlton, where she was born. Many in the USA associated the death of the famous girl with the activities of the KGB, in the USSR - on the contrary - with the CIA.
1 student: In Maine, USA, the first Monday in June is officially celebrated as Samantha Smith Memorial Day. In 1989, the Peace Committee was established Four Girls Medal(Tani Savicheva, Anne Frank, Sadako Sasaki and Samantha Smith), awarded to fighters for the happiness of children and authors of the best works of art, under the motto “Peace to the children of the world!”
Student 2: The medal was made according to a drawing by artist Gennady Pravotorov. The first winner of the medal was the American Patricia Montandon, head of the Children as Peacemakers organization. The medal was solemnly presented to her in Moscow on January 25, 1990 in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions.

1 student: Samantha’s name seems to contain the names of other girls from this medal: Sadako, Anna, Tanya... On December 22, 1986, a monument to Samantha Smith was inaugurated in Augusta, erected on the initiative of Glen Michaels, commercial director of a shopping center in the city. Obernai, not far from which a plane crashed in 1985.
Student 2: The author of the monument, sculptor Glenn Hines, depicted Samantha in full growth, releasing a dove from her hands. A bear cub, the patron saint of Maine, clings to her feet. On the pedestal of the monument there is a plaque with the inscription “Samantha Reed Smith June 29, 1972 - August 25, 1985. Maine’s Young Ambassador of Good Will.” The amount needed for the construction of this monument (25 thousand dollars) was collected throughout the country.
Teacher: Today there are 4 military hotbeds on our planet that are not quiet: Iran-Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Syria-Lebanon, Ukraine. It is no secret that all 4 hotbeds were created and are sponsored to this day by the United States, the only country in the world that craves world domination. The only country in the world where during disasters they save their “asses”, save our asses, and not “souls”. One can only hope that a strong Russia will force the United States to abandon the idea of ​​world domination. And in conclusion, I would like to present to you the opinion of the greatest scientist Albert Einstein:
Anyone who happily marches to the music in formation has already earned my contempt. He was endowed with a brain by mistake; a spinal cord would have been enough for him. This disgrace to civilization must end. Heroism on command, senseless cruelty and disgusting senselessness called patriotism - how much I hate all this, how low and vile war is. I would rather be torn to pieces than be part of this dirty act. I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder.

Class hour

for 11th grade students


classroom teacher:

Zherebtsova V.N.

Class hour

Subject:Lesson of Peace.


    Continue to teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;

    To promote the development of concern for others, the desire to help one’s comrades, to be considered and respect the opinions of others;

    To educate, develop and enhance a person’s personal qualities: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s homeland, the desire for peace.

Motto:“A world without violence, without worries and tears”

Decor: On the board there are inscriptions: “Peace and harmony is a great treasure,” “Peace is the most precious thing,” “To live peacefully is to be happy,” “Light will conquer darkness, and peace will conquer war!”

Computer presentation.

Slide number 1

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! We are together again! Summer holidays are over. And I'm glad to see you in our class again. I am sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here to our home school! Especially considering that this year will be the final of your school life.

Slide number 2

Today is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and again.

Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated on September 1. Officially, this holiday was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984. Schoolchildren and students celebrate September 1; on this day they begin a new academic year.

Slide number 3

Although Peace Day is celebrated on September 21, it was decided to focus on this event during the first days of school. Science is, first of all, creation, difficult and painstaking work for the benefit of all humanity, and it is for the sake of creation that children go to school.

Student: September 21 - The UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

This day should promote a ceasefire throughout the world, when all countries and peoples cease hostilities for the entire day, when all people observe a minute of silence at noon local time... The purpose of this day is to strengthen the ideals of peace both within the country and between nations.

Humanity must stop repeating the evil of children's lives being sacrificed and astronomical amounts of money being spent for the sake of war. The time has come when all countries of the world must use all their capabilities and set out on a campaign to establish peace. The world depends on our efforts.

Teacher: Today is our first lesson in 11th grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You can see the topic of our lesson on the board.

What does the concept of peace mean to you?

Students' answer options.

Slide number 4

Teacher: Peace on the planet is friendship between nations and people, it is a harmony of interests based on love for humanity. Therefore, we all must make a choice: peace or war. We must fight against terror so that children all over the planet can study, live, work, and dream about the future.

But humanity tends to forget simple truths and, as a result, even such a bright date as September 1 can be painted black.

Slide number 5

62 states out of 73 that existed at that time (80% of the world's population) took part in it. The fighting took place on the territory of three continents and in the waters of four oceans. This is the only conflict in which nuclear weapons were used.

The Great Patriotic War began with the invasion of the territory of the USSR.

On June 21, 1941, school graduates received matriculation certificates, and on June 22, 1941, all male teachers, led by the director, and yesterday’s graduates went to the front.

Most of the school's teachers and graduates died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, having fulfilled their duty to the end.

Slide number 6

In history lessons we learned about the events and chronology of this war, and every year many countries celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. Sverdlovsk residents also sacredly honor this tradition. This year, together with veterans, everyone joined the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, confirming: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”

Slide number 7

The peoples learned many lessons from that terrible war, but the main one was that war must be fought before it begins.

Student: Can't get overgrown with grass

Traces of terrible metal explosions.

Listen, the earth has long been tired

From wars that have continued unabated for centuries.

What other measures can be found?

To measure our special age?

And in every century, as before the new era

Man kills man.

Leading: Every person around the globe, I think, wants peace on the planet. Here, I think, we can remember the great tragedy in the beautiful Japanese city of Hiroshima.

Slide number 8

On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. A significant part of Hiroshima was destroyed, over 140 thousand people were killed and wounded. And until the end of their days, not only the Japanese, but the people of the whole earth will not forget that terrible tragedy when a monstrous mushroom suddenly grew over the city, which in an instant destroyed tens of thousands of men and women, old people and babies and turned the beautiful land into a dead desert.

How the earth shook and went blind

How the instruments of death thundered

A terrible tornado over the earth in the blue sky

This is the Black Death in Hiroshima.

Black ash in our hearts forever.

Slide number 9

2nd reader: Peace - the highest rank of the planet

The path directed into infinity,

Merciless Rocket Pencil

He won't dare cross it out.

To the whole planet and dear Motherland

The highest loyalty will be faithful.

If we say so, then with the whole world,

We will protect the earth from war!

Slide number 10

Teacher: September 1, 2004. Who doesn't remember this terrible date?! It entered the life of every nation with the tragedy in Beslan. A peaceful, pure and touching day, as September 1 has always been, was shaken by grief, crying and pain. As a result of the villainous terrorist act of unprecedented cruelty in the city of Beslan, hundreds of civilians were killed and injured, most of whom were innocent children. We will never be able to forget that bitter day.

Slide number 11


Everywhere you look -
Children, children, children!
All humanity is responsible for them!
But at night on all continents
Bombs are tossing and turning in hiding places.
There are so many of them accumulated on the planet -
The ground beneath them began to sag.
Where are they thinking of throwing them?
Wherever you throw it -
Children, children, children!

Don't need many worlds
We only need one
In the scent of flowers
Calm and friendly with soul.
Necessary for people
Friends, open spaces, book pages
Our mothers' wrinkles
Children's fluffy eyelashes.
In labor, in the boiling of dreams
Giving free rein to youthful forces,
In struggle, in love - to the fullest
We will greedily enjoy the world.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the Sun for us,
And for the happiness of everyone, to end it, -
Unite together, people of the world,
Even more united, firmer and tighter.
People of good will are unanimous
We stand as a wall against the forces of war, -
And we won’t allow anyone in the world
To plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

Slide number 12

Leading: Wars have plagued humanity throughout history.

Humanity is now going through a troubling time.

1st reader: To be or not to be

Grass, trees, people,

Dawns and blooming roses?

To be life or not to be?

Will we or won't we?

This is a cruel and direct question.

A stream of threats.

But we won't be intimidated

We are not afraid.

We fight for peace


Teacher: And even though today’s youth of the planet have not seen the events of 41-45 and know about them from the stories of their grandparents, art chronicles and films, we have had to endure very bitter events that are happening here and now, on our land, next to each of us. us.

Slide number 13


The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine is the fighting on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, which began in April 2014.

According to the UN, as of July 10, 2015, 6,764 people became victims of the conflict in Ukraine, 16,877 people were injured, and the number of refugees exceeded 2.3 million people.

Slide number 14

Teacher: On October 1, 2014, when local schools finally decided to open their doors to students and the first bell rang, the Kiev district of Donetsk came under fire. Five meters from school No. 57 and next to a transport stop on Kievsky Prospekt, rocket artillery shells fell and exploded. As a result of the shelling, ten people were killed, including one child, and another eight were seriously injured.

More than 40 children died from shrapnel and bullet wounds as a result of clashes in eastern Ukraine. “Now the number of child deaths there has already begun - more than 40 children died from shrapnel wounds.

Slide number 15

Student: For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

We are bequeathed to protect this world,

So unique at dawn.

He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood.

We are responsible for the future of the world

Will never become ashes and cinders

All that is called earthly beauty.

May the sky above the earth be peaceful

May childhood always laugh loudly.

Slide number 16

Teacher: In order for the sky to be peaceful, children's ringing laughter can be heard, so that every child can go to school to study fearlessly, we must fight for peace and always remember:

Student: Nowadays there is no place for anger, not for phrases,

What they aimed at our hearts.

People believe in good things. Into the mind

And not into the evil cunning of lead.

For the sake of happiness and life in the world,

For the sake of the soldiers who fell then

Let there be no war on the planet

Never! Never! Never!

Slide number 17

V. Summing up.

Teacher: And now I will give each of you a dove cut out of paper - a bird of peace and love.

Student: Dove of Peace is an expression that gained popularity after the end of World War II in connection with the activities of the World Peace Congress. The first World Peace Congress took place in 1949 in Paris and Prague. The emblem of this congress was painted by Pablo Picasso. The emblem depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak.

There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions.

Please write your kind and peaceful wishes to all of us. We will attach these pigeons in our classroom corner so that this school year we will be surrounded by the warmth of our hearts, kindness and, of course, peace. Because “Peace is the most precious thing”!

“Peace and harmony is a great treasure”

“Peace is the most precious thing”

“To live peacefully is to be happy” “Light will conquer darkness, and peace will conquer war!”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 3

Extracurricular activity

Conducted by a primary school teacher

Malkova Marina Valerievna


Lesson objectives:

    Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinions;

    Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;

    To educate, develop and enhance the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, the desire for peace.

Motto: “Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

Progress of the class hour:

(slide 1)

Not marked with red number

This day on the calendar

And the flags are not colored

Near the house, in the yard.

According to one simple sign

We will recognize this day:

For children going to school

Cities and villages.

Out of joyful excitement

On the students' faces,

Due to special embarrassment

Seven year old beginners...

And even if there are many glorious ones,

Different days in the calendar,

But one of the most important -

The very first one in September!


Good afternoon, dear guys! We are together again! The wonderful summer holidays are over. I am sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here to our home school!

Today is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and again. Do you know the history of this holiday?

(slide 2)

In Russia, Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated on September 1. Officially, this holiday was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984. Schoolchildren and students celebrate September 1; on this day they begin a new academic year.

The Day of Knowledge holiday has its own history. ( Slide 3 ) Historians believe that its origins go back centuries. On the one hand, the date is associated with church canons. Byzantine theologians assumed that God began the creation of light on September 1. Plus, the harvest season ends in the fall. It is no coincidence that in ancient times Slavic farmers celebrated the New Year at this time. In the 15th century, Ivan the Terrible even declared September 1 the official state holiday of the New Year.

(slide 4) The next stage in the history of the holiday continued in 1700, when Peter the Great issued another decree, according to which the New Year was moved to January 1. For some time, the day of September 1 was forgotten, but after 300 years, a new year began to begin again on September 1, only the new year was not a calendar year, but an academic one. A single start to the school year was introduced in the USSR in 1935.

(slide 5)

And in 1984, a decree was issued, in accordance with which September 1 officially became a holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Now September 1 is a holiday for all schoolchildren, students and their parents. I congratulate you on this wonderful day.

(slide 6)

Our school is a temple of science,

Home of comfort, bright light,

Kind teacher hands,

Our first and last call!

It is at school that we learn to write, count, read, and learn about life. Knowledge is necessary in our time. “Teaching is light”... Who are we without knowledge? Neither build, nor heal, nor live. Knowledge gives us the opportunity to live our only life wisely and correctly, acquiring everything we need. And although we, as a rule, study in schools and institutes without much enthusiasm, a little later we remember this blessed and happy time with joy in our souls.

(Slide 7)

Although Peace Day is celebrated on September 21, it was decided to focus on this event during the first days of school. Science is, first of all, creation, difficult and painstaking work for the benefit of all humanity, and it is for the sake of creation that children go to school.

September 21 - The UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

This day should promote a ceasefire throughout the world, when all countries and peoples cease hostilities for the entire day, when all people observe a minute of silence at noon local time... The purpose of this day is to strengthen the ideals of peace both within the country and between nations.

Humanity must stop repeating the evil of children's lives being sacrificed and astronomical amounts of money being spent for the sake of war. The time has come when all countries of the world must use all their capabilities and set out on a campaign to establish peace. The world depends on our efforts.

Today is our first lesson in the eighth grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You will decide the topic of our lesson yourself after I read the poem.

(slide 8)

Parents, don't cry... Mom... Dad...
I feel good here on the clouds
I am now your eternal Angel
In the Ukrainian land are my ashes.

It's quiet, good, calm here...
Large wings on the back.
I feel good, it doesn't hurt at all anymore
I love you very, very much, with all my soul...

I'm floating over my home,
Floating over the forest and hill...
I only miss my mother's affection
And I miss a bedtime story...

There are quite a few of us Angels,
Everyone came to heaven in their own way
Trouble again - again there are more of us,
Some found death from shells, some from bullets

And on our native land people are still dying
I have already forgiven my killers
We are Angels, we are not judges of murderers
To murderers - God is the judge!

I ASK you, parents, DON'T CRY!
Light a candle for my peace
On my native land, my brother remains
Beloved, my dear brother...

Tell him about me,
Soon he will be very big
You love him as much as we love both of us...
Tell me, is he now being kept by his sister...

Bring flowers to the grave,
Let's talk about this and that...
Plant a birch or rowan
What would rustle in the wind during the day

I felt good and easy with you
On a cloud, I'm almost not sad...
I love you more than I loved you
I’ll ask God for your happiness...

– What is the topic of our class hour? What is this poem about?

(slide 9)

- Yes, guys, the theme of our lesson is “Peace to the world!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence, without worries and tears”

3. A minute of silence.

Armed conflict in eastern Ukraine - fighting in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, which began in April 2014.

(slide 10)

The fighting is taking place between the armed forces of Ukraine and rebel groups (mainly supporters of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics)

Ukraine, the United States and a number of other states, as well as NATO, the Council of Europe and the European Union accuse the Russian Federation of interfering in the conflict - in particular, by using regular troops in fighting on the side of the rebels, supplying weapons and financial support. The Russian leadership rejects claims of military intervention, saying that Russia is not a party to the confrontation.

The start date of the conflict is considered to be April 7, 2014, when... O. President of Ukraine Alexander Turchynov, in connection with the seizure of administrative buildings in Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk and the proclamation of the Kharkov and Donetsk People's Republics, announced the creation of an anti-crisis headquarters and that “anti-terrorism measures will be carried out against those who took up arms.” On April 14, the text of a decree on the start of an anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine was posted on the website of the President of Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has repeatedly called the conflict the “Patriotic War.” Pro-Russian forces and the Russian leadership call the actions of the Ukrainian side in this conflict a punitive operation, and the conflict as a whole is called a civil war.

At the beginning of September 2014, a ceasefire agreement was concluded, after which the intensity of hostilities decreased, but in certain areas clashes and shelling continued with varying degrees of intensity. Since mid-January 2015, active hostilities have resumed along the entire front. As a result of the fighting, by the beginning of February 2015, the rebels managed to achieve significant success. At the negotiations on February 11-12, a new set of measures was agreed upon to implement the September armistice agreement.

According to the UN, as of July 10, 2015, 6,764 people became victims of the conflict in Ukraine (including civilians, Ukrainian security forces, rebels and 298 passengers of flight MH17), 16,877 people were injured, and the number of refugees exceeded 2.3 million people.

(slide 11)

On October 1, 2014, when local schools finally decided to open their doors to students and the first bell rang, the Kiev district of Donetsk came under fire. Five meters from school No. 57 and next to a transport stop on Kievsky Prospekt, rocket artillery shells fell and exploded. As a result of the shelling, ten people were killed, including one child, and another eight were seriously injured.

(slide 12)

More than 40 children died from shrapnel and bullet wounds as a result of clashes in eastern Ukraine. “Now the number of child deaths there has already begun - more than 40 children died from shrapnel wounds. That is, from a shrapnel hitting the window near which the child was located after an explosion. Also, innocent children are shot in the heart, which leads to instant death,” Bakhteeva said.

(slide 13) Tragedy at Donetsk school No. 63. A shell killed two children - an 8th grader and an 18-year-old graduate. .

4. Guys, why is the first lesson of the new school year still dedicated to the struggle for peace?

– Peoples learned many lessons from it, but the main one is what is against

war must be fought before it begins.

(slide 14)

On September 1, 1939, the Gleiwitz provocation (Operation Canned Food) occurred, which served as the pretext for the German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939, which became the beginning of World War II. Nations learned many lessons from it, but the main one was that war must be fought before it begins.

(slide 15)

Peace policy is the law of our country. The question of peace is especially acute now when there are wars.

Everywhere you look -
Children, children, children!
All humanity is responsible for them!
But at night on all continents
Bombs are tossing and turning in hiding places.
There are so many of them accumulated on the planet -
The ground beneath them began to sag.
Where are they thinking of throwing them?
Wherever you throw it -
Children, children, children!

Don't need many worlds
We only need one
In the scent of flowers
Calm and friendly with soul.
Necessary for people
Friends, open spaces, book pages
Our mothers' wrinkles
Children's fluffy eyelashes.
In labor, in the boiling of dreams
Giving free rein to youthful forces,
In struggle, in love - to the fullest
We will greedily enjoy the world.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the Sun for us,
And for the happiness of everyone, to end it, -
Unite together, people of the world,
Even more united, firmer and tighter.
People of good will are unanimous
We stand as a wall against the forces of war, -
And we won’t allow anyone in the world
To plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

5. Practical work

Today, guys, we will make pigeons. The dove is a symbol of peace, a symbol of the fight against war, violence, anxiety and tears. On each dove you will write your wish for peace for all the people of our big planet. Let our pigeons tell the whole world that children in Russia and other countries do not want wars.

Making pigeons, writing wishes. A stand is set up depicting a blue sky. Children attach their doves with written wishes to the stand.

(slide 16)

– Many more events happened on this day, but for you and me, September 1 is, first of all, the Day of Knowledge.

The Day of Knowledge is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows.
September 1 is a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, primarily for pupils, students, teachers and professors.

I congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important thing: wisdom in life. May there always be a place in the lives of you and your children for knowledge and wisdom that will help you cope with everyday troubles.

8. Summing up the class hour:

Dear Guys! In the 3 years that you studied at school, you became one family, one small country. Let's all try together to do everything possible so that our team has more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinions. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. A lot depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.

Methodological development of extracurricular activities on the topic:

Lesson objectives:

    Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinions;

    Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;

    To educate, develop and enhance the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, the desire for peace.

Motto: “Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

Progress of the class hour:

(slide 1)

Not marked with red number

This day on the calendar

And the flags are not colored

Near the house, in the yard.

According to one simple sign

We will recognize this day:

For children going to school

Cities and villages.

Out of joyful excitement

On the students' faces,

Due to special embarrassment

Seven year old beginners...

And even if there are many glorious ones,

Different days in the calendar,

But one of the most important -

The very first one in September!


Good afternoon, dear guys! We are together again! The wonderful summer holidays are over. I am sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here to our home school!

Today is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and again.Do you know the history of this holiday?

(slide 2)

In Russia, Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated on September 1. Officially, this holiday was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984. Schoolchildren and students celebrate September 1; on this day they begin a new academic year.

The Day of Knowledge holiday has its own history. ( Slide 3 ) Historians believe that its origins go back centuries. On the one hand, the date is associated with church canons. Byzantine theologians assumed that God began the creation of light on September 1. Plus, the harvest season ends in the fall. It is no coincidence that in ancient times Slavic farmers celebrated the New Year at this time. B XVcentury, Ivan the Terrible even declared September 1 the official state holiday of the New Year.

(slide 4) The next stage in the history of the holiday continued in 1700, when Peter the Great issued another decree, according to which the New Year was moved to January 1. For some time, the day of September 1 was forgotten, but after 300 years, a new year began to begin again on September 1, only the new year was not a calendar year, but an academic one. A single start to the school year was introduced in the USSR in 1935.

(slide 5)

And in 1984, a decree was issued, in accordance with which September 1 officially became a holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Now September 1 is a holiday for all schoolchildren, students and their parents. I congratulate you on this wonderful day.

(slide 6)

Our school is a temple of science,

Home of comfort, bright light,

Kind teacher hands,

Our first and last call!

It is at school that we learn to write, count, read, and learn about life. Knowledge is necessary in our time. “Teaching is light”... Who are we without knowledge? Neither build, nor heal, nor live. Knowledge gives us the opportunity to live our only life wisely and correctly, acquiring everything we need. And although we, as a rule, study in schools and institutes without much enthusiasm, a little later we remember this blessed and happy time with joy in our souls.

Did you know that on September 1st, Peace lessons are often held in all schools.

(Slide 7)

Although Peace Day is celebrated on September 21, it was decided to focus on this event during the first days of school. Science is, first of all, creation, difficult and painstaking work for the benefit of all humanity, and it is for the sake of creation that children go to school.

September 21 - The UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

This day should promote a ceasefire throughout the world, when all countries and peoples cease hostilities for the entire day, when all people observe a minute of silence at noon local time... The purpose of this day is to strengthen the ideals of peace both within the country and between nations.

Humanity must stop repeating the evil of children's lives being sacrificed and astronomical amounts of money being spent for the sake of war. The time has come when all countries of the world must use all their capabilities and set out on a campaign to establish peace. The world depends on our efforts.

Today is our first lesson in the eighth grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You will decide the topic of our lesson yourself after I read the poem.

(slide 8)

Parents, don't cry... Mom... Dad...
I feel good here on the clouds
I am now your eternal Angel
In the Ukrainian land are my ashes.

It's quiet, good, calm here...
Large wings on the back.
I feel good, it doesn't hurt at all anymore
I love you very, very much, with all my soul...

I'm floating over my home,
Floating over the forest and hill...
I only miss my mother's affection
And I miss a bedtime story...

There are quite a few of us Angels,
Everyone came to heaven in their own way
Trouble again - again there are more of us,
Some found death from shells, some from bullets

And on our native land people are still dying
I have already forgiven my killers
We are Angels, we are not judges of murderers
To murderers - God is the judge!

I ASK you, parents, DON'T CRY!
Light a candle for my peace
On my native land, my brother remains
Beloved, my dear brother...

Tell him about me,
Soon he will be very big
You love him as much as we love both of us...
Tell me, is he now being kept by his sister...

Bring flowers to the grave,
Let's talk about this and that...
Plant a birch or rowan
What would rustle in the wind during the day

I felt good and easy with you
On a cloud, I'm almost not sad...
I love you more than I loved you
I’ll ask God for your happiness...

What is the topic of our class hour? What is this poem about?

(slide 9)

Yes, guys, the theme of our lesson is “Peace to the world!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence, without worries and tears”

3. A minute of silence.

Armed conflict in eastern Ukraine - in the territory And regions , which started in .

(slide 10)

The fighting is taking place between and rebel groups (mainly supporters of the self-proclaimed And People'sRepublics)

Ukraine, and a number of other states as well , And They accuse the Russian Federation of interfering in the conflict - in particular, by using regular troops in fighting on the side of the rebels, supplying weapons and financial support. The Russian leadership rejects claims of military intervention, saying that Russia is not a party to the confrontation.

The start date of the conflict is considered to be April 7, 2014, when... O. President of Ukraine in connection with the seizure of administrative buildings in Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk and the proclamation of the Kharkov and Donetsk People's Republics, he announced the creation of an anti-crisis headquarters and that “anti-terrorist measures will be carried out against those who took up arms.” On April 14, the text of a decree on the start of an anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine was posted on the website of the President of Ukraine.

President of Ukraine repeatedly called the conflict a “Patriotic War.” Pro-Russian forces and the Russian leadership call the actions of the Ukrainian side in this conflict a punitive operation, and the conflict as a whole - .

At the beginning of September 2014 it was concluded , after which the intensity of hostilities decreased, but in certain directions clashes and shelling continued with varying degrees of intensity. Since mid-January 2015, active hostilities have resumed along the entire front. As a result of the fighting, by the beginning of February 2015, the rebels managed to achieve significant success. At the negotiations on February 11-12 it was agreed on the implementation of the September armistice agreement.

According to the UN, as of July 10, 2015, 6,764 people became victims of the conflict in Ukraine (including civilians, Ukrainian security forces, rebels and 298 flight passengers ), 16,877 people were injured, and the number of refugees exceeded 2.3 million.

( slide 11)

On October 1, 2014, when local schools finally decided to open their doors to students and the first bell rang, the Kiev district of Donetsk came under fire. Five meters from school No. 57 and next to a transport stop on Kievsky Prospekt, rocket artillery shells fell and exploded. As a result of the shelling, ten people were killed, including one child, and another eight were seriously injured.

( slide 1 2 )

More than 40 children died from shrapnel and bullet wounds as a result of clashes in eastern Ukraine. “Now the number of child deaths there has already begun - more than 40 children died from shrapnel wounds. That is, from a shrapnel hitting the window near which the child was located after an explosion. Also, innocent children are shot in the heart, which leads to instant death,” Bakhteeva said.

(slide 13) Tragedy at Donetsk school No. 63. A shell killed two children - an 8th grader and an 18-year-old graduate..

4. Guys, why is the first lesson of the new school year still dedicated to the struggle for peace?

Nations learned many lessons from it, but the main one is what is against

war must be fought before it begins.

(slide 14)

September 1, 1939 is the day the Second World War (the war against fascism) began.

On September 1, 1939, the Gleiwitz provocation (Operation Canned Food) occurred, which served as the pretext for the German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939, which became the beginning of World War II. Nations learned many lessons from it, but the main one was that war must be fought before it begins.

( slide 15)

Peace policy is the law of our country. The question of peace is especially acute now when there are wars.

Everywhere you look -
Children, children, children!
All humanity is responsible for them!
But at night on all continents
Bombs are tossing and turning in hiding places.
There are so many of them accumulated on the planet -
The ground beneath them began to sag.
Where are they thinking of throwing them?
Wherever you throw it -
Children, children, children!

Don't need many worlds
We only need one
In the scent of flowers
Calm and friendly with soul.
Necessary for people
Friends, open spaces, book pages
Our mothers' wrinkles
Children's fluffy eyelashes.
In labor, in the boiling of dreams
Giving free rein to youthful forces,
In struggle, in love - to the fullest
We will greedily enjoy the world.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the Sun for us,
And for the happiness of everyone, to end it, -
Unite together, people of the world,
Even more united, firmer and tighter.
People of good will are unanimous
We stand as a wall against the forces of war, -
And we won’t allow anyone in the world
To plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

5. Practical work

Today, guys, we will make pigeons. The dove is a symbol of peace, a symbol of the fight against war, violence, anxiety and tears. On each dove you will write your wish for peace for all the people of our big planet. Let our pigeons tell the whole world that children in Russia and other countries do not want wars.

Making pigeons, writing wishes. A stand is set up depicting a blue sky. Children attach their doves with written wishes to the stand.

(slide 16)

Many more events happened on this day, but for you and me, September 1 is, first of all, the Day of Knowledge .

The Day of Knowledge is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows.
September 1 is a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, primarily for pupils, students, teachers and professors.

I congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important thing: wisdom in life. May there always be a place in the lives of you and your children for knowledge and wisdom that will help you cope with everyday troubles.

8. Summing up the class hour:

Dear Guys! Over the 7 years that you studied at school, you became one family, one small country. Let's all try together to do everything possible so that our team has more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinions. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. A lot depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.

Usually on Knowledge Day, students and their class teachers discuss plans for the next school year. But not only the topic of education should be considered at such events. An interesting and useful lesson about peace on September 1, 2017 will help children in the future become wise adults who will never allow hostilities or state conflicts in their native land. That is why students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 should be asked to prepare stories about how important world peace is. But for Knowledge Day, high school students can compose stories about the military, soldiers and nurses, whose exploits should not be forgotten. Such educational stories can also be supplemented with video presentations and corresponding photo collections from past years.

Interesting lesson on peace September 1, 2017 for 1st grade - examples of presentations and topics for class

For kids who have just come to school, you can hold a class hour in which you will briefly and concisely talk about how important it is to maintain peace in the world. This will help to have a very interesting first Knowledge Day for first-graders, which they will remember well for many years.

What topics should be covered in a world lesson in 1st grade on September 1, 2017?

It is not worth conducting a peace lesson in 1st grade that describes the horrors of war. Children visiting school for the first time should receive maximum positive emotions from the class hour. Therefore, it will be better if the topic of the first lesson concerns the preservation of peace. You can conduct a survey among first-graders what peace means to them, and what needs to be done so that all people live together.

Examples of presentations for first-graders to conduct an interesting lesson on peace on September 1, 2017

Properly selected presentations will help make the first class hour truly useful and interesting for 1st grade students. They will allow you to consolidate the material covered and convey to children how important peace on earth is. In your work, you can use the videos below or use them to create equally educational presentations.

How to conduct a peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in elementary school in grades 2, 3, 4 - topics for the first lesson

If during the Knowledge Day class for first graders you should select simple and understandable topics for discussion, then with children from grades 2-4 you can consider more serious issues. Therefore, most of the first lesson on September 1 should be devoted to stories about the war and its consequences.

What topics can be considered on Knowledge Day in a peace lesson in grades 2, 3, 4 of primary school?

Class teachers of grades 2-4 are recommended to devote the first lesson not just to the consideration of military topics, but also to discuss important issues with children. The opinion of each student will help the teacher in the future to correctly construct subsequent lessons about the world and, if necessary, help slightly change the students’ reasoning. After all, the patriotism and love for one’s native people and native land instilled in elementary school will help children grow up as sincere and kind people who will never allow war. Therefore, during a peace lesson, it is recommended to pay sufficient attention to the following topics:

  1. Military exploits of soldiers, nurses.
  2. Possible solutions to conflicts without military action.
  3. Dangers, fears and consequences of war.

By choosing one, or covering several topics at once during the knowledge lesson on September 1, the class teacher of elementary school students will be able to convey to them the most important idea: preserving peace is the main task of modern society. Such discussions will help instill in little patriots the desire to work for the good of the country, to try to avoid conflicts in any areas of activity.

Educational lesson about the world on September 1, 2017 for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - what to devote to Knowledge Day?

Middle school students also need to start the new school year with a peace lesson. During it, you can discuss various topics related to military operations, conflicts between states and between residents of the same country. This first lesson on September 1 will help convey to teenagers the importance of the ability to maintain peace in their native land.

Rules for conducting a peace lesson on Knowledge Day 2017 for grades 5, 6, 7, 8

It will be much more interesting for secondary school students to participate not just in discussions, but also in preparation for class. It is necessary to offer teenagers different topics that they can sanctify on their own behalf, expressing their opinions. Such a task can be divided into parts, which will be gradually considered in the first and subsequent lessons of the world.

What to dedicate to a peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in high school - topic ideas and presentation examples

High school leaders who want to conduct an educational class hour need to choose a very serious topic for the first lesson. If during such an event he manages to interest teenagers, then there will be no doubt about their ability to correctly and soberly assess the situation, value their loved ones, and their country.

Interesting and useful topics for a world lesson for high schools on Knowledge Day 2017

If with kids and middle school students serious, pressing topics should be discussed without delving into social problems, then in the 11th grade, teenagers are already ready to discuss “adult” military topics. For example, on Knowledge Day you can start with a story about the Second World War, which began on September 1st. But the class teacher can also discuss with students military operations in modern countries of the world and the dangers of such incidents. It is important to determine exactly what Knowledge Day 2017 is dedicated to (military operations in general or a specific war) and stick to the chosen direction throughout the entire lesson.

Examples of presentations for September 1, 2017 - how to make a peace lesson interesting for high school students?

During the first lesson, you can show short films about the war in high schools. You can also use educational videos to work with students. For example, prepare social presentations for a peace lesson. The following selection can be used as examples:

A correctly composed scenario for a peace lesson will help to conduct Knowledge Day for elementary and high school students and first-graders in an interesting and informative way. In it, depending on the age of the students, one can consider problematic issues of preserving peace and discuss the possibility of preventing or eliminating wars. It is recommended to conduct a peace lesson on September 1, 2017, supplementing the stories with presentations and videos. You should also discuss acute social problems with children in grades 2, 3, 4 and teenagers in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, and convey to them the importance of patriotism in the modern world.