Formation of communicative properties of the individual. Specifics and features of a communicative personality


Abakirova, Tatyana Petrovna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Place of thesis defense:


HAC specialty code:


General psychology, history of psychology

Number of pages:

CHAPTER 1. Nature communicative personality traits

1.1. Study of communicative properties of personality in psychology.

1.2. System of communicative properties in the structure of personality.

CHAPTER 2. Socio-psychological factors and communicative properties of personality.

2.1. Formation of communicative properties of the individual.

2.2. Factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

2.3. Methods and organization of research into factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

CHAPTER 3. Experimental study of factors in the formation of communicative properties of a person.

3.1. The influence of the parental relationship factor on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence.

3.2. The influence of the factor of joint activity on the formation of communication activity.

3.3. The influence of targeted communication training on the development of a person’s communicative properties.

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "Social and psychological factors in the formation of communicative properties of the individual"

At the present stage, the environment is acquiring leading importance in the formation of a new type of person. One of the leading indicators of a socially active personality is the ability to contact and cooperate with other people. In this regard, the process of interpersonal communication is increasingly complex and extensive. This contributes to the actualization of interest in the problems of personal interaction in the field of communication.

Significant contributions to the problem of personality development and communication in their deep interrelation were made by both domestic ones (B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, JI.C. Vygotsky, A.I. Krupnov, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Mudrik, V.M. Myasishchev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.V. Ryzhov, I.M. Yusupov, etc.), as well as foreign researchers (J. Bowlbi, J.S. Bruner, M. Hoffman, S. Kelley, T. Lipps, V. Skiner, R. Spitz).

Despite numerous theoretical and experimental studies, the problem of the development of a person’s communicative properties still requires further study, since in known concepts there is no unambiguous answer to questions about the nature, patterns of development and factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties, there is no single view on the phenomenology, classification of these properties . Consequently, a systematic analysis of scientific knowledge about communicative characteristics is necessary in order to summarize the basic concepts of studying the communicative properties of a person and determine the most significant factors in the formation of these properties.

The relevance of the study is due to the terminological uncertainty of the concept of communicative properties of a person; the need to analyze directions in the study of these properties and highlight the stages and factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

In this work, the communicative properties of a person are understood as stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in the sphere of communication, significant for his social environment. The properties themselves have a social, natural and mental origin and are interconnected. This allows us, based on the works of V.V. Ryzhov and V.A. Bogdanov, conditionally distinguish from the personality structure the systems of these properties, the communicative structure of the personality, a stable holistic formation. Based on the stated understanding of the communicative properties of a person, we formulated the goals and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the study is to determine the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties, as well as to highlight the structure of a person’s communicative properties as a complex entity. In addition, the dissertation attempted to establish a connection between the communicative properties of a person and some individual and socio-psychological characteristics of a person.

The object of the study is the communicative properties of the individual.

The subject of the study is socio-psychological factors.

To realize the purpose of the study, we put forward the following hypotheses:

1. Each person has a certain level of development of the communicative properties of the individual, which characterizes the person’s capabilities in terms of communication and is expressed in the presence of systems of communicative properties of the individual that are in certain relationships with each other.

2. These systems of properties are not directly innate, but are formed in the process of human development. In this regard, we can identify the main stages in the formation of these properties.

3. The formation of a person’s communicative properties is influenced by both social and psychological factors in their deep interconnection.

Based on the set goal and formulated hypotheses, the following tasks were put forward: to systematize the data accumulated in psychological science on the state of the problem of human capabilities in terms of communication; develop a holistic understanding of the systems of communicative properties in the personality structure; study the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties; develop a methodology for determining the level of development of a person’s communicative properties; identify the main factors and prove their influence on the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

The study involved 272 people aged 8 to 45 years; The main study was conducted at school No. 152 in Novosibirsk.

The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach to human capabilities in terms of communication, the principles of determinism and development, as well as the principle of the activity approach.

During the research, methods of general psychology were used: observation, survey, conversations, projective techniques, testing. In order to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties, we also developed and used a questionnaire containing questions concerning various aspects of a person’s communicative development: empathy, communicative confidence, sociability, activity, communication abilities and some characterological personality traits necessary for communication.

Processing of scientific results was carried out using methods of statistical mathematics: correlation analysis, chi-square test, Student's test.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the work: presents the results of a systematic theoretical study of the problem of the communicative capabilities of the individual, developed both in domestic and foreign psychology; systems of communicative properties in the personality structure are considered and their interrelation is revealed; a definition of the communicative properties of a person has been formulated, which is understood as stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in communication that are significant for his social environment; a questionnaire was compiled to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties; the leading factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties are identified; the influence of the parental relationship factor on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence has been experimentally proven; the factor of the effectiveness of joint activities to increase the activity of communication and the factor of targeted training in communication to increase the overall level of development of communicative personality traits in children from emotionally distant families.

Theoretical value:

The development of the communicative structure of the personality allows us to create a holistic idea of ​​the systems of communicative properties in the structure of the personality.

The theoretical and experimental material presented in the work is the theoretical basis for subsequent research into the communicative properties of the individual and the development of theoretical and practical approaches to improving the correction of the level of development of the communicative properties of the individual.

The practical significance of the study is that knowledge of the factors in the formation of an individual’s communicative properties allows one to manage this process in order to increase the level of their development, and also serves as assistance in the development of diagnostic, preventive and corrective work with children and adults.

Approbation of research results: .

The results obtained during the research process were partially introduced into the practice of a school psychologist for the purpose of diagnosing and correcting the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties.

The research materials were repeatedly discussed at graduate seminars of the Department of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, and were also presented at regional, regional and interuniversity conferences on psychological and pedagogical problems in 1998-2000. Theoretical principles and recommendations are used in the work of school teachers, in the practice of psychological counseling and educational training.

Special courses for parents and teachers are based on the research materials.

The main ideas and scientific results are reflected in five publications.

The provisions put forward for defense: the communicative properties of a person are an integral, relatively stable, holistic formation and are manifested in the individual psychological characteristics of a particular individual. In their interconnection, they form the communicative structure of the personality, which consists of systems of communicative properties of the personality, communicative potential and the communicative core of the personality; The development of a person’s communicative properties goes through a number of successive stages, at which the formation of individual links occurs, which constitute a prerequisite for the formation of the final mechanism - the basis of this property. The criterion for changing stages is the change in leading activities and activity-mediated types of relationships with the current reference group (or person); The formation of a person’s communicative properties is influenced by two groups of factors: psychological and socio-psychological. The first are determined by the type of higher nervous activity, needs, interests, abilities, etc. In this case, the communicative properties of a person are associated with the individual typological characteristics of a person and we explain their development by the internal structure of the personality. Socio-psychological factors show the relationship between the communicative properties of the individual and the environment, social communities. In this case, they act as the experience of the individual’s social relations. This may include the uniqueness of the microenvironment, the individual characteristics of those people with whom the individual comes into contact; There is a relationship between the attitude of parents towards the child and the level of development of his communicative personality traits. The relationship between parents and children, determining the nature and ways of satisfying the need for communication and emotional contact, forms the child’s initial motive. Already by the time of school, the child has a certain level of development of activity and self-confidence; the development of communication activity depends on the special organization of joint activities; Communication training according to a specially designed program increases the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "General psychology, history of psychology", Abakirova, Tatyana Petrovna


1. Based on a systematic analysis of the results of studies of communicative properties of personality by domestic and foreign psychologists, we managed to: firstly, create a holistic idea of ​​the systems of communicative properties in the structure of personality. Conditionally isolate from the personality structure a communicative structure, a relatively stable holistic formation, manifested in the individual psychological characteristics of a particular individual. The communicative structure of a personality consists of systems of communicative properties of the personality, communicative potential and the communicative core of the personality. Communicative properties are stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in the sphere of communication, significant for his social environment. In our study of the communicative structure of personality, we identified the following systems of communicative personality properties: communicative activity, communicative motivation, communicative personality properties that depend on temperament, communicative character traits, communicative personality properties that depend on water, emotions that perform a communicative function. All substructures are closely interconnected and are formed in diverse processes of communication, as well as joint activities under the influence of a number of socio-psychological factors; secondly, to highlight the main stages in the formation of a person’s communicative properties. The development of CSL goes through a number of successive stages, at which the formation of individual links occurs, which constitute a prerequisite for the formation of the final mechanism - the basis of this property. The criterion for changing stages is the change in leading activities and activity-mediated types of relationships with the current reference group. The determinant of the transition to a new stage of development is also social factors external to the individual; thirdly, to highlight the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties. The communicative properties of a person are determined by both internal (psychological) and external (socio-psychological) factors. The first are determined by the type of higher nervous activity, needs, abilities, etc. In this case, the communicative properties of a person are associated with the individual typological characteristics of a person and we explain their development by the internal structure of the personality. Socio-psychological factors show the relationship between the communicative properties of the individual and the environment, social communities. In this case, they act as the experience of the individual’s social relations. This may include the uniqueness of the microenvironment, the individual characteristics of those people with whom the individual comes into contact. Thus, based on the studied psychological literature, we have identified the most significant factors that influence the formation of a person’s communicative properties: psychological and socio-psychological. We included the following psychological factors: VIEW factor, motivational factor, ability factor, character factor, will factor, emotion factor. We included the following as socio-psychological factors: microenvironment as a factor (family, immediate environment) and macroenvironment (team, social environment). Moreover, all the child’s relationships, first in the family, then in kindergarten, etc. are mediated by the activity factor. Activity is the connecting link between external and internal. And, depending on the stage of development, its different components are activated (playing, educational, work, etc. activities).

2. The results of a systematic study of a person’s communicative properties made it possible to draw up a questionnaire to determine the level of development of empathy, communication abilities, communicative confidence, sociability and a number of characterological personality traits necessary in communication. The validity of the questionnaire was tested using a pilot study and the method of competent judges. The reliability of the results was 92%.

3. An experimental study of formation factors confirmed the dependence of a person’s communicative properties on them. As a result of the experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The factor of parental relations plays an extremely important role in the formation of a person’s communicative properties. According to our experiment, different types of parental relationships have different effects on the development of a person’s communicative properties. The relationship we define as harmonious is characterized by cooperation, coordination of actions, and emotional contact. Parents know the child well and perceive him as he is. In such a situation, initiative and independence are encouraged, due to which children have a higher level of development of personal communicative properties. In families with authoritarian relationships there is no such close emotional contact. Parents demand unconditional obedience from the child; there are a large number of prohibitions and orders. The child’s independent initiative is suppressed, therefore, along with self-confidence, a slightly reduced level of activity development is noted. Nevertheless, the level of development of communicative properties in children in these families remains quite high, but provided that the child accepts this parent. If rejection occurs, then the level of KCJI development remains low. The number of children with a low level of development of communicative personality traits here is three times higher than in families with a harmonious type of relationship. An overprotective attitude speaks of close emotional ties with the child, excessive care, and the establishment of dependence on oneself. Lack of requirements does not produce positive results. An environment of permissiveness allows the child to show some activity in combination with pronounced uncertainty, which is subsequently consolidated in the child’s actual behavior. The level of development of communicative skills in children in these families remains extremely low. Rejecting parental attitudes contribute to the internalization of negative relationship experiences. The adult is not interested in the child’s world, carelessness is manifested, and cases of aggression are sometimes observed. The unsatisfied need for communication and emotional contact is the basis for a low level of development of a person’s communicative properties and inadequate communication with peers;

The level of development of communication activity can be increased through proper organization of joint activities. Research has shown that overcoming passivity in children from emotionally distant families is possible through properly organized joint activities, which are built on the basis of common interest and the experience of positive emotional relationships. The fact of rapprochement with the team on the basis of emotional experiences is very significant, especially in relation to those children whose level of development of communication activity was low. Our observations indicate that, based on interest in joint activities, the need for communication in children with a low level of communication activity increases. These children, overcoming isolation, begin to make contacts more freely and take initiative. Due to the effectiveness of joint activities, the breadth of their social circle and the activity of communication itself became higher, the more passionate they were about the activity. Shifts in changes in communication activity first appeared in a narrow circle of communication with peers. As experience grew, my circle of contacts expanded. Research has shown that influencing the activity of communication through one or another activity in order to overcome passivity and isolation is advisable. As we have already noted, the groups recruited children from emotionally dysfunctional families and the reasons for unsociability were largely associated with improper upbringing in the family, as a result of which some negative traits were present in the child’s character. The correct organization of joint activities has shown that the level of communication activity can be increased; targeted communication training is an important factor in correcting the level of development of the communicative personality traits of children from families with emotionally distant relationships. In group work, it was possible to address the problems of each child participating in the classes. The level of development of personal communicative properties increased by 74.99%. The ability to reflect was significantly developed, as well as a number of other communicative abilities: the ability to listen, the ability to correctly express thoughts and feelings, mastery of non-verbal means of communication, etc. The children became more open, they actively participated in everything that was happening. Levels of empathy and sociability also increased. In addition, it was possible to correct many negative character traits and consolidate positive ones.

4. The conducted research does not exhaust the entire diversity of the problem of communicative properties of a person. Further research is needed, in which more attention should be paid to the communicative structure of the individual and the peculiarities of the development of the communicative properties of the individual depending on gender, social and professional indicators.

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2. Abakirova T.P. Communicative structure of personality // Psychological mechanisms of regulation of personality activity. / Sat. scientific articles. - N.: NGPU, 2000.

3. Abakirova T.P. Formation of communicative properties of personality // Formation of personality at the present stage. - Biysk, 2000.

4. Abakirova T.P. The influence of the factor of parental relations on the formation of a person’s communicative properties // Personality formation at the present stage. - Biysk, 2000.

5. Abakirova T.P. Formation of communicative properties of future teachers // Problems of teacher training at the present stage: Abstracts of reports of the regional scientific and practical conference (October 20-21). - N.: NGPU, 2000.

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248. Fig. 1.1. Communicative structure of personality.

249. What qualities were brought up:

250. What is positive and negative about the child: What measures were taken to eliminate negative qualities: How the child’s success was assessed:

251. What is the manifestation of a child’s success and failure in the system of relationships:

252. How much time do you devote to your child: How do you spend your free time:


254. Answer options: A completely agree; a rather agree than disagree; b rather disagree than agree; 1. B completely disagrees.

255. If children consider their views to be correct, they may disagree with the views of their parents. A a b B.

256. A good mother should protect her children even from small difficulties and insults. A a b B.

257. A small child should always be held firmly while washing to prevent him from falling. A a b B.

258. When a child grows up, he will thank his parents for their strict upbringing. A a b B.

259. Staying with a child all day can lead to nervous exhaustion. A a b B.

260. It is easier for parents to adapt to their children than vice versa. A a b B.

261. Parents should do everything to find out what their children are thinking about. A a b B.

262. If you agree once that a child is being sarcastic, he will do it all the time. A a b B.

263. We must encourage children to express their opinions about life in the family, even if they believe that life in the family is wrong. A a b B.

264. A mother must do everything to protect her child from the disappointments that life brings. A a b B.11. All young mothers are afraid of inexperience in handling a child. A a b B.

265. Strict discipline towards a child develops a strong character in him. A a b B.

266. Mothers are often so tormented by the presence of their children that it seems to them that they cannot be with them for a minute more. A a b B.

267. Parents must win the favor of their children through their actions. A a b B.

268. A child should not have secrets from his parents. A a b B.

269. Parents who talk with a child about his problems should know that it is better to leave the child alone and not get involved in his affairs. A a b B.

270. A child should have his own views and opportunities to express them. A a b B.

271. We must protect the child from hard work. A a b B.

272. If a child is in trouble, in any case the mother feels guilty. A a b B.

273. Children who are taught respect for norms of behavior become good, stable and respected people. A a b B.

274. It rarely happens that a mother who takes care of her child all day manages to be affectionate and calm. A a b B.

275. Forcing children to refuse and adapt is a bad method of education. A a b B.

276. An attentive mother should know what her child is thinking about. A a b B.

277. Children torment their parents with minor problems if they get used to it from the very beginning. A a b B.

278. Children should take part in solving important family issues. A a b B.

279. Parents should know what to do so that their children do not find themselves in difficult situations. A a b B.

280. Most mothers are afraid to torture their child by giving him small tasks. A a b B.

281. Most children should be brought up more strictly than is actually the case. A a b B.

282. Raising children is hard, nervous work. A a b B.

284. When a child does what he is obliged to do, he is on the right path and will be happy. A a b B.

285. We must leave a child who is sad alone and not deal with him. A a b B.

286. A child should have confidence that he will not be punished if he entrusts his problems to his parents. A a b B.

287. A child does not need to be accustomed to hard work at home, so that he does not lose the desire for any work. A a b B.

289. Raising children with strict discipline makes them happier. A a b B.

290. Naturally, “ mother is going crazy“if her children are selfish and very demanding. A a b B.

291. There is no reason why parents should have more rights and privileges than children. A a b B.

292. It is the mother’s duty to know the secret thoughts of the child. A a b B.

293. Children do everything possible to interest their parents in their problems. A a b B.



296. Active 3 2 10 123 Passive

297. Sedentary 3 2 10 123 Mobile

298. Indifferent 3 2 10 123 Passionate

299. Inactive 3 2 10 123 Active1. Timid 3 2 10 123 Brave

300. Unsure 3 2 10 123 Confident

301. Doubting 3 2 10 123 Decisive

302. Cautious 3 2 10 123 Swift

303. Absent-minded 3 2 10 123 Attentive

304. Closed 3 2 10 123 Open


306. Full name Contribution to joint activities Contribution to the psychological atmosphere1

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Abakirova Tatyana Petrovna. Socio-psychological factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties: Dis. ...cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.01: Novosibirsk, 2000 191 p. RSL OD, 61:01-19/216-2


CHAPTER 1. The nature of the communicative properties of the individual

1.1. Study of communicative properties of personality in psychology 10

1.2. System of communicative properties in the personality structure 46

CHAPTER 2. Socio-psychological factors and communicative properties of the individual

2.1. Formation of communicative properties of personality 64

2.2. Factors in the formation of personal communicative properties... 80

2.3. Methods and organization of research into factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties 100

CHAPTER 3. Experimental study of factors in the formation of personal communicative properties..

3.1. The influence of the parental relationship factor on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence 125

3.2. The influence of the factor of joint activity on the formation of communication activity 135

3.3. The influence of targeted communication training on the development of a person’s communicative properties 144

Conclusion 150

Bibliography 156

Appendix 177

Introduction to the work

At the present stage, the environment is acquiring leading importance in the formation of a new type of person. One of the leading indicators of a socially active personality is the ability to contact and cooperate with other people. In this regard, the process of interpersonal communication is increasingly complex and extensive. This contributes to the actualization of interest in the problems of personal interaction in the field of communication.

Significant contributions to the problem of personality development and communication in their deep interrelation were made by both Russians (B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.I. Krupnov, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Mudrik, V.M. Myasishchev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.V. Ryzhov, I.M. Yusupov, etc.), as well as foreign researchers (J. Bowlbi, J.S. Bruner, M. Hoffman, S. Kelley, T. Lipps, V. Skiner, R. Spitz).

Despite numerous theoretical and experimental studies, the problem of the development of a person’s communicative properties still requires further study, since in known concepts there is no unambiguous answer to questions about the nature, patterns of development and factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties, there is no single view on the phenomenology, classification of these properties . Consequently, a systematic analysis of scientific knowledge about communicative characteristics is necessary in order to summarize the basic concepts of studying the communicative properties of a person and determine the most significant factors in the formation of these properties.

The relevance of the study is due to the terminological uncertainty of the concept of communicative properties of a person; the need to analyze directions in the study of these properties and highlight the stages and factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

In this work, the communicative properties of a person are understood as stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in the sphere of communication, significant for his social environment. The properties themselves have a social, natural and mental origin and are interconnected. This allows us, based on the works of V.V. Ryzhov and V.A. Bogdanov, conditionally distinguish from the personality structure the systems of these properties, the communicative structure of the personality, a stable holistic formation. Based on the stated understanding of the communicative properties of a person, we formulated the goals and objectives of the study.

Purpose of the study consists in determining the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties, as well as highlighting the structure of a person’s communicative properties as a complex entity. In addition, the dissertation attempted to establish a connection between the communicative properties of a person and some individual and socio-psychological characteristics of a person.

"Object of study are the communicative properties of the individual.

Subject of study- socio-psychological factors. To achieve the purpose of the study, we put forward the following hypotheses:

1. Each person has a certain level of development

communicative properties of a person, which characterizes a person’s capabilities in terms of communication and is expressed in the presence of systems of communicative properties of a person that are in certain relationships with each other. 2. These systems of properties are not directly innate

congenital, but formed during human development. IN
In connection with this, we can identify the main stages of the formation of these
3. On the formation of communicative properties of the individual

influence both social and psychological factors in their deep interrelation. Based on the goal and the formulated hypotheses, the following tasks:

systematize the data accumulated in psychological science on the state of the problem of human capabilities in terms of communication;

develop a holistic understanding of the systems of communicative properties in the personality structure;

study the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties;

develop a methodology for determining the level of development of a person’s communicative properties;

identify the main factors and prove their influence on the formation of a person’s communicative properties. The study involved 272 people aged 8 to 45 years. ; The main study was conducted at school No. 152 in Novosibirsk.

Methodological basis of the study became a systematic approach to human capabilities in terms of communication, the principles of determinism and development, as well as the principle of the activity approach.

During the research, methods of general psychology were used: observation, survey, conversations, projective techniques, testing. In order to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties, we also developed and used a questionnaire containing questions regarding

different aspects of human communicative development: empathy,
communicative confidence, sociability, activity,

communicative abilities and some characterological personality traits necessary for communication.

Processing of scientific results was carried out using methods of statistical mathematics: correlation analysis, chi-square test, Student's test.

Scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time in work:
presents the results of a systemic theoretical
research into the problem of communication capabilities

personality, developed both in domestic and foreign psychology;

systems of communicative properties in the personality structure are considered and their interrelation is revealed;

a definition of the communicative properties of a person has been formulated, which is understood as stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in communication that are significant for his social environment;

a questionnaire was compiled to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties;

the leading factors of formation are identified

communicative properties of the individual;

the influence of the parental relationship factor on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence has been experimentally proven; the factor of the effectiveness of joint activities to increase the activity of communication and the factor of targeted training in communication to increase the overall level of development of the communicative properties of the individual

children from emotionally distant families. Theoretical value:

The development of the communicative structure of the personality allows us to create a holistic idea of ​​the systems of communicative properties in the structure of the personality.

The theoretical and experimental material presented in the work is the theoretical basis for subsequent research into the communicative properties of the individual and the development of theoretical and practical approaches to improving the correction of the level of development of the communicative properties of the individual.

Practical significance of the study is that knowledge of the factors in the formation of an individual’s communicative properties allows one to manage this process in order to increase the level of their development, and also serves as assistance in the development of diagnostic, preventive and corrective work with children and adults.

Approbation of research results:.

The results obtained during the research process were partially introduced into the practice of a school psychologist for the purpose of diagnosing and correcting the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties.

The research materials were repeatedly discussed at graduate seminars of the Department of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, and were also presented at regional, regional and interuniversity conferences on psychological and pedagogical problems in 1998-2000. Theoretical principles and recommendations are used in the work of school teachers, in the practice of psychological counseling and educational training.

Special courses for parents and teachers are based on the research materials.

The main ideas and scientific results are reflected in five publications. Provisions submitted for defense:

communicative properties of a person are
integral, relatively stable, holistic

education and are manifested in the individual psychological characteristics of a particular individual. In their interconnection, they form the communicative structure of the personality, which consists of systems of communicative properties of the personality, communicative potential and the communicative core of the personality;

The development of a person’s communicative properties goes through a number of successive stages, at which the formation of individual links occurs, which constitute a prerequisite for the formation of the final mechanism - the basis of this property. The criterion for changing stages is the change in leading activities and activity-mediated types of relationships with the current reference group (or person);

The formation of a person’s communicative properties is influenced by two groups of factors: psychological and socio-psychological. The first are determined by the type of higher nervous activity, needs, interests, abilities, etc. In this case, the communicative properties of a person are associated with the individual typological characteristics of a person and we explain their development by the internal structure of the personality. Socio-psychological factors show the relationship between the communicative properties of the individual and the environment, social communities. In this case, they act as the experience of the individual’s social relations. This includes originality

microenvironment, individual characteristics of those people with whom the individual comes into contact;

There is a relationship between the attitude of parents towards the child and the level of development of his communicative personality traits. The relationship between parents and children, determining the nature and ways of satisfying the need for communication and emotional contact, forms the child’s initial motive. Already by the time of school, the child has a certain level of development of activity and self-confidence;

the development of communication activity depends on the special organization of joint activities;

Communication training according to a specially designed program increases the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties.

Studying the communicative properties of personality in psychology

The literature on the study of personality traits necessary for communication is extensive. In recent years, this topic has become the subject of comprehensive research by philosophers, sociologists, ethicists, psychologists, teachers, and representatives of other scientific disciplines.

Theoretical issues of the general philosophical theory of communication are raised in the works of S.S. Batenina, G.S. Batishcheva, L.P. Buevoy, M.S. Kagan, V.M. Sokovnina. The importance of the category of communication and all personality qualities necessary for its success, according to A.A. Brudny, was noted in ancient times. So, in ancient times, 5th century. BC. The sophists put the communicative issues at the center of attention and identified three important aspects of it:

1) considering connections with other people as an impact on these people;

2) an individual’s communicative contact with other individuals is not accidental;

3) an individual’s communicative contact can also be a dangerous phenomenon.

Socrates saw in communication a powerful means of self-knowledge of the individual, and Plato put forward the idea of ​​intercommunication. Much later, it was this idea that Kant developed, believing that to think means to talk to oneself. Existentialists already considered mutual understanding as the essence of communication. Representatives of this concept put in the first place the fact that it is necessary to take into account the mutual self-expression of the participants in a communicative act.

Later, Alberto Moravia in his short story “Sociability” said: “To be sociable means to have the property of sociability.”

Currently, philosophy analyzes the role of communication as a way of realizing social relations. Communication is studied as a specific type of human activity, the laws of the process of appropriating one’s social essence are revealed in accordance with the law of unity of communication and isolation.

In the general sociological direction of the communication process, the social fullness of the content of communication in the conditions of socio-economic formations is studied. These works analyze the formation of socially typical personality qualities in the process of communication. The sociological approach to the study of communication is implemented in the works of L.M. Arkhangelsky, L.A. Gordon, I.S. Kona.

General psychology studies the psychological functions of communication, the relationship of communication with other aspects of a person’s mental life and personality characteristics.

The initial basis for the study of the communicative properties of personality in psychology was precisely the study of problems of communication and personality.

It is known that both domestic and foreign scientists made a huge contribution to the development of personality problems: A.F. Lazursky, G. Allport, R. Cattell and others.

Conceptual developments of the problem of communication are primarily associated with the names of B.G. Ananyev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, V.M. Myasishchev, S.L. Rubinstein, who considered communication as an important condition for human mental development, its socialization and individualization, personality formation. The genesis of communication abroad was studied by J. Bowlby (Bowlbi J., 1951), R. Spitz (Spitz R., 1946), A. Freud (Freud A., 1951) and many others. In the early 60s, extensive research into the genesis of communication began in Russian psychology. For example, problems of interaction between an adult and a child are reflected in the works of N.M. Shchelovanova, N.A. Askarin, R.V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya. Thanks to these scientists, a scientific school on the normal physiology of childhood was created. M.I. Lisina and A.V. Zaporozhets subjected a systematic and in-depth study to the genesis of communication in children in the first years of life.

Recently, another direction in the study of personality psychology has been developing in breadth and depth - the problem of personality and communication in their relationship with each other. Thus, at the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, emphasis was placed on tracing the dependencies of meaningful relationships in which this person is included. At the Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR and at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, the patterns and mechanisms of personality formation under the influence of various types of activities were studied. Psychologists at Leningrad University focused their efforts on revealing the psychological mechanisms of the influence of personality on personality.

The direction itself was developed thanks to the influence of the ideas of B.G. Ananyev and V.N. Myasishchev.

A particularly original contribution to the development of a large complex of issues related to this topic was made by V.N. Myasishchev. He sought to consider communication as a process of interaction between specific individuals, reflecting each other in a certain way and influencing each other. He is responsible for the development of a program of further psychological research in general psychology on the problem of communication and personality, in which he set the following series of tasks:

1) clarification from a general psychological point of view of the content, structure, forms of manifestation in a person during his real interaction with people of a block of qualities on which the success of communication depends;

2) the role of other blocks of properties in the structure of the personality, which, combined with the block of communicative personality traits, change its characteristics and more or less strongly affect the course of the processes of its cognition of other people, the characteristics of the emotional response.

B.G. Ananyev also showed the importance of taking into account communication among other determinants. “Social relations...create a type of personal communication relationship (attachments, tastes, etc.). On the basis of these individual communication relationships, the so-called communicative character traits are formed.” When analyzing communication and personality, he pointed out the need to develop research into the nature of the interaction of communication activities with other basic types of human activity, so that the formation of his personality proceeds as close as possible to the social ideal.

Formation of communicative properties of personality

The development of CSL goes through a number of successive stages, at which the formation of individual links occurs, which constitute a prerequisite for the formation of the final mechanism that forms the basis of this property. Development is a complex integrative process with a stable structure, a natural change in the qualitative state of the system as a whole (S.T. Melyukhin). Development appears as a set of stable qualitative changes in the state of the system, leading to a new level of its integrity (A.M. Miklin, V.N. Podolsky). Moreover, stable properties are nothing more than moments of system development. The sustainability of individual development is the basis for the direction of change. In this case, development itself represents, in essence, transitions from one stable (qualitative) state to another.

The pattern of stages in the development of properties is the stage of transition from external to internal action, the period of curtailment of action, etc. (Leontyev A.N., 1955).

The criterion for changing stages is the change in leading activities and activity-mediated types of relationships with the current reference group (or person).

The determinant of the transition to a new stage of development is also social factors external to the individual (Petrovsky A.V., 1984). Systematic game, educational, theoretical, practical, professional, etc. activities and types of relationships that develop in the process of these activities, as well as external conditions lead to the formation of stable personality traits. In this regard, at each stage there is a qualitative transformation of a person’s inner world and a change in his relationships with people around him. As a result, the personality acquires something new, characteristic specifically for this stage of development and remains with him throughout his entire subsequent life.

The communicative properties of a personality are not formed out of nowhere - their appearance is prepared by the entire process of previous personality development.

In our opinion, we can distinguish 7 main stages in the formation of communicative properties in an individual.

Stage I - the formation of trust and attachment to people.

Stage II - the emergence of speech.

Stage III - the formation of openness and sociability.

Stage IV - formation of communication abilities.

Stage V - formation of organizational skills.

Stage VI - stage of self-determination

Stage VII - consolidation of the communicative properties of the individual.

Formation of communicative properties of a personality at the first stage

Expressive-facial means of communication appear first in ontogenesis. They express the content of relationships that cannot be conveyed with such completeness by any other means. First of all, these means more clearly and more accurately convey the attention and interest of one person to another. The first to appear is an attentive gaze combined with facial expressions (Massen, 1987).

Expressive and facial means of communication are maximally adequate to convey goodwill.

Then a smile appears. A. Vallon (1967) argued that a smile is a gesture addressed by a child to an adult. At the first stage, a “revival complex” is formed (Figurin N.L., Denisov MP., 1949) in response to an adult’s appeal. The “revitalization complex” manifests itself in throwing up the arms and fiddling with the legs. First, individual response elements appear, then their combinations.

Next, a reaction to distant forms of address from an adult appears. Moreover, there is a correspondence between the proactive actions of the adult and the nature of the children’s responses. Then the mere reappearance of an adult causes a smile and motor revival. (Kharin S.S., 1986).

The "revitalization complex" performs two functions: communicative, for communication purposes, and expressive - a way of expressing joy. (S. Yu. Meshcheryakova).

The appearance of the “revival complex” indicates the beginning of the formation of the need for communication. At stage I, the first level of this need is formed - the need for attention and goodwill on the part of an adult. After the appearance of the “revival complex”, development continues. Babies begin to laugh, gurgle, and make low, gentle sounds in response to speech addressed to them. They develop babbling (a combination of vowels and consonants). Babbling increases until the first words are spoken. By the end of stage I, a clear intention to communicate with others appears. This need begins to be expressed through gestures, gaze, and vocalization.

At the end of the first stage, the child can already pronounce a number of simple words. Moreover, the child’s level of understanding of words during this period depends little on the level of development of his productive speech. A child can understand many more words than he can pronounce

The formation of a person’s communicative properties at stage I covers approximately the period from birth to 1 year. Necessary conditions for the successful formation of a person’s communicative properties at the first stage of a child’s life.

First of all, the child must be surrounded by attention and affection from an adult. During this period, the child needs not only care, but also communication. Satisfying the need for communication forms attachment and trust in people. In a timely manner, a “revival complex” arises. If the need for communication is not satisfied, the development of the “revitalization complex” is delayed. This is proven by examples of “hospitalism” (Spitz R., 1945).

Direct physical contact with the anticipatory, positive emotional coloring of an adult gives rise to both reactive and active interactions of the child with others.

Among infants in the family, the frequency of smiling reaches its maximum several weeks earlier. Children at home have a stronger relationship with relatives (Gewirtz J.L., 1955).

The influence of the parental relationship factor on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence

The experimental study was carried out at school No. 152 in Novosibirsk from 1998 to 1999. 100 families took part in the experiment, in a parent-child pair (children 7-13 years old).

At the first stage, the selection of adequate research methods was carried out: projective techniques, the standardized “PARI” questionnaire, conversations, essays, targeted observations.

The second stage involved in-depth study of students and parents during the first and second academic quarters. For this purpose, an “observation diary” was kept for each child, which included: data about the child and his parents, anamnesis, psychological examination of the child (mental characteristics, characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, characterological characteristics), and also the relationship between the child and parents in communication situations, relationships with peers and the most frequently demonstrated personality traits were noted. To clarify the data, we also used spontaneous conversations with students. In order to study parents, individual conversations were used according to a specially developed conversation map (see Appendix 2). The procedure took about 15 minutes. As a result of observations, preliminary data were obtained that made it possible to conditionally divide families into two groups: prosperous and disadvantaged.

At the third stage, the characteristics of the relationship between parents and children were studied (third academic quarter). Thus, after the parent-teacher meetings, parents were asked to fill out the “PARI” questionnaire. Each parent was given questionnaire forms (see Appendix 3) with the instruction: “You have before you a test to determine parental relationships with children. You must express your attitude to these judgments in the form of active or partial agreement or disagreement.” The filling procedure took approximately 20 minutes. Then the parents were asked to write an essay on the topic: “My child” to clarify data about the emotional component of the relationship between parents and children. On the day of clarifying the cognitive and behavioral aspects of the relationship, at the next parent meeting the topic was proposed: “How we will spend the day off.”

As a result of filling out the questionnaire, the following results were obtained: high scores on the “optimal emotional contact” scale - 34 people; high scores on the “excessive emotional distance” scale - 30 people; high scores on the “excessive concentration on the child” scale - 30 people; high scores on the “over-authority of parents” scale - 30 people. To diagnose intra-family relationships from the child’s point of view, we used a projective technique: “Kinetic drawing of a family” and essays on the topics: “My family”, “My day off”.

To draw a family, the children were given blank sheets of A4 paper, a pencil, and an eraser. The children received the following instructions: “Draw your family so that its members are busy with something.” Drawing time was not limited. The observer recorded the child's corrections, erasures, and statements. At the end of the work, a conversation was held with each child.

To clarify the data in the drawing, during Russian language and literature lessons, children were asked to write essays.

As a result of a study of parental relationships from the child’s point of view, signs of trouble and a lack of mutual understanding with parents were identified in 46 children.

Having summarized the data from observations, filling out a questionnaire, essays and drawings of the family, we identified four groups of parental relationships, which, in our opinion, include all the components of the parental relationship: emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects.

1. Overprotective attitude. Characterized by close emotional ties with the child, excessive care, and dependence on oneself. The child is not given independence. The parent tries to solve all the problems for the child, to merge with him. Pseudo-collaboration. Egocentric type of education.

2. Harmonic relation. These relationships are based on constant consistency and a flexible attitude towards the child. These parents know their children well and accept them as they are. The child is trusted, given more independence and his initiative is encouraged. Cooperation. Personality-oriented model of education.

3. Authoritarian attitude. Parents of this type demand unconditional obedience from the child and impose their will on him. The child's initiative is suppressed. In relationships there are a large number of prohibitions and orders. Strict discipline.

A.I. Krupnov, M.I. Lisina and many others. When studying communication, three approaches were identified: analytical, multicomponent and systemic.

Within the framework of the analytical approach, individual aspects or facets of sociability are studied mainly. In our opinion, three directions can be distinguished within this approach.

1. Study of the motivational characteristics of sociability, i.e. aspirations and inner motivations.

Thus, M. Argyle identified the main motives that determine the orientation of the individual in communication:

A. Non-social needs mediated by social behavior.

B. The need for dependence. This need mainly manifests itself in childhood.

B. The need for affiliation, for spiritual or sensory contact with other people.

D. The need for dominance, which includes the need for power and a certain level of recognition.

D. Sexual need, as an expression of the need for affiliation and directed towards a person of the opposite sex.

E. The need for aggression, determined by affective, emotional factors.

G. The need for self-knowledge and self-affirmation.

Domestic researchers add to the above needs the need to achieve results and “altruistic” social motives, as well as cognitive needs. With such a list, we get a more complete picture of the connection between sociability and the motivational side of the individual.

2. Study of the relationship between sociability and temperament. When interconnected with temperament, the content of sociability included mainly the psychodynamic characteristics of sociability.

So I.P. Pavlov showed that in the style of behavior, in the style of sociability, traits associated with the type of higher nervous activity and temperament can appear.

Data from A.I. Ilyina was allowed to distinguish between the concepts of “communication” and “sociability”. An essential characteristic of sociability, as a stable trait of an individual, is its close connection with the properties of the nervous system and temperament. In her research, she showed that the connection between the dynamic qualities of sociability and rapid manifestations of temperament was more often observed in diverse, changing conditions.

T.G. Yakusheva, I.V. Strakhov and G. Eysenck also compare sociability with temperament and type of GNI.

Some characteristics of sociability were studied within the framework of the extraversion-introversion parameter -

G. Eysenck argued that the observed patterns of extroverted-introverted behavior are based on the characteristics of central nervous activity.

3. Study of the effective side of sociability as a personality trait. They consider the role of sociability in ensuring the success of various types of activities.

Abroad, within the framework of this approach, they studied intentions and drives that encourage sociability, external forms of sociability, and the role of sociability in ensuring the success of activities.

Within the framework of a multicomponent approach, several facets of sociability are studied at once.

So, A.I. Krupnov and A.E. Olynannikov compares the dynamic and emotional signs of sociability. According to their ideas, two main components are distinguished in the structure of temperament: general mental activity and emotionality. One of the types of mental activity in social terms is communication.

L.V. Zhemchugova found a relationship between dynamic, emotional and motivational characteristics. According to her ideas, the dynamic characteristics of sociability in early and late adolescence are an important prerequisite for ensuring the level of social activity of students. In her study, she proved that signs of extraversion-introversion have a greater influence on the level of social activity.

O.P. Sannikova and I.M. Yusupov also traced the connection between sociability and emotionality. Sociability as a socio-psychological quality has its own emotional side. So, I.M. Yusupov noted that communication partners practically “talk” to each other about their emotional state, often without realizing it themselves. Emotional exchange of information arises as a result of the need to express feelings, as well as a manifestation of expectations to feel the emotional state of a communication partner.

The systematic approach provided for the unity of various aspects of sociability.

Also B.G. Ananyev noted that sociability includes a person’s relationship with other people, motives, abilities and the result of communication. The structure of sociability is multi-layered and should be considered, as V.A. believes. Kan-Kalik and L. Khanin in the unity of three components: the need for communication on the part of the individual, high emotional tone throughout the entire time period and stable communication skills.

So, as we have seen, all of the above researchers noted that sociability is a necessary personality trait that guarantees successful communication.

Along with sociability, empathy has also been widely studied. The concept of empathy first appears in the early twentieth century. This word was formed from the German Einfuhlung. For the first time this concept, according to V.G. Romek, is used in the works of T. Lipps when studying the problem of human cognition by man. In his understanding, empathy is an arbitrary process of identification with an object followed by the reproduction of emotions in oneself. Later, American scientists began to interpret empathy as the ability to reflect.

The problem of empathy is still of wide interest. Empathic experiences are studied in connection with the problem of communication and interaction of individuals. In our time, there is not yet much agreement on a clear definition of empathy.

Thus, the behaviorist understanding of the phenomenon is represented by two adjacent directions. V. Skinner believed that any learning, including emotional, occurs through reinforcement. V. Moor, V. Undewood, D. Rosenhan associate empathy with the imitation of approved behavior: learning by feeling occurs through parental approval of the child’s behavior. M. Hoffman considered empathy as the arousal of affect in an individual when observing the state of another person.

In psychoanalytic theory, empathy is understood as the subject’s attunement to another person. . Moreover, it is divided into two components: empathy, as egotization of feelings about the respondent’s emotions, and sympathy, as an altruistic experience with him.

In humanistic psychology, empathy is interpreted as a tool of psychotherapy and psychotechnics. S. Rogers, D. Eure focus on the spiritual values ​​of a person and the development of moral perspectives of the individual.

Having analyzed the domestic literature, we can identify several positions on the study of empathy:

As an important factor in human moral development;

as a mechanism of procedural behavior;

as an effective means of mastering the inner meaning of moral relations;

All of these researchers identified three components of empathy: emotional, cognitive and behavioral.

Empathy in the emotional component is considered as an emotional process, the experience of the affective state of another person in response to his emotional behavior. In a family with one child, according to T.P. Gavrilova, the formation of his ability to empathize occurs more slowly than in large families or in kindergartens with a well-organized educational process. It is easier for a child to identify with another person when this other person is a peer. Abroad, supporters of affective theories in empathy recognize the emotional principle. Moreover, the breadth of manifestation of this ability is largely associated with how large the circle of people that a person includes in the “we” category is, in other words, how many people in his environment are subjectively significant to him and truly dear to him.

The cognitive process of empathy includes understanding, comprehension of the inner life of another person, and the ability to take the role of another person’s position. So, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, SL. Rubinstein believed that the ability to empathy is first built on imitation of a certain adult, empathy with him, and then the child can transfer his experience to other children, i.e. learns to empathize with peers. A. Bodalev, R. Dumond, T. Sabrin insist on the cognitive function of this phenomenon.

The relationship between empathy and behavior can be traced in the studies of L.P. Vygovskaya, . Representatives of the behavioristic direction can also be included here. Empathy in their understanding is a personal quality manifested in selfless action.

In addition to the isolated components of L.P. Vygovskaya adds two more trends in the interpretation of empathy:

as a complex affective-cognitive process;

as an interaction of affective, cognitive and performance components.

So, empathic understanding is an arbitrary process of emotional-cognitive decentration of the subject, accompanied by penetration - feeling into the empathized object. As a result of the resonant effect, subjective confidence is created in the adequate reproduction of ideas about the state and motives of behavior of the empathized object.

As we have observed, both domestic and foreign psychologists have repeatedly emphasized that empathy is a necessary property in the interaction of individuals.

It should be noted that when studying individual communicative characteristics, an important place was also occupied by the study of volitional properties.

Will, as defined by V.I. Selivanov, is a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties when performing purposeful actions and deeds.

A communicative personality is characterized by its communication abilities.

Communicative abilities are a system of socio-psychological properties of a person that determine or ensure his participation in communication with other people or his entry into cooperation, joint activities, and thereby into the human community. Communication abilities have been studied by many authors. And if the interpretation of these abilities is approximately the same for most of them, then the approaches to the classification of communicative abilities differ markedly. Having analyzed the scientific literature on this issue, the following approaches can be identified:

L. Thayer distinguishes two types of communicative abilities: a) strategic, expressing the individual’s ability to understand a communicative situation, correctly navigate it and, in accordance with this, form a certain strategy of behavior; b) tactical abilities that ensure the direct participation of the individual in communication.

In our opinion, A. A. Leontiev structures the abilities most fully. He identifies two main groups of communicative abilities: the first of them is associated with the skills of communicative use of personal characteristics in communication, and the second is with the mastery of communication and contact techniques. These two groups of abilities combine a whole complex of personality qualities (and unique skills) that ensure successful participation in communication, for example: the ability to manage one’s behavior in communication, a complex of perceptual abilities associated with understanding and taking into account the personal characteristics of another person in communication, with the ability to model personality another; the ability to establish and maintain contact, change its depth, enter and exit it, transfer and seize the initiative in communication; the ability to optimally construct one’s speech psychologically.

Based on the analysis of various approaches to determining the structure of communicative abilities, a structure was developed that combines the concepts of several authors. She divides communication skills into two components. These are, firstly, social-perceptual abilities, skills. These include empathy, socio-psychological observation, socio-psychological reflection, socio-psychological perception, reflexive self-esteem properties, contact (the ability to enter into psychological contact, to form trusting relationships during interaction). Secondly, these are the perceptual-reflexive abilities of the individual, expressing the ability to reflect and understand the socio-psychological characteristics of the group of which the individual is a member, as well as the ability to understand the place and role in the group of each participant, including himself.

At the moment, there are many methods for developing communication skills. One of the ways to stimulate and develop these abilities is socio-psychological training, which is focused on the development of the individual and group by optimizing forms of interpersonal communication. It helps develop abilities in children of different ages, athletes, and people of various professions. In Russian psychology, socio-psychological training is discussed in detail in the works of G.A. Andreeva, N.N. Bogomolova, A.A. Bodaleva, A.I. Dontsova, Yu.N. Emelyanova, L.A. Petrovskaya, S.V. Petrushina, V.Yu. Bolshakova.

The communicative personality is also characterized by the concept of a communicative attitude.

In general, the assessment of a communicative personality as a social phenomenon depends on the degree of effectiveness in performing basic socially significant functions - the interaction function and the influence function. In this regard, it is advisable to distinguish between a communicative personality (English: “personality as an individual”) and a communicative personality (English: “personality as an individual”). In addition to typical characteristics, the effectiveness of updating which ultimately depends on the degree of social significance (in personal and/or social terms) of a communicative attitude, a communicative personality has a number of individual characteristics, among which sociability and so-called charisma are especially highlighted.

Strictly speaking, the Russian new formation “communicative” corresponds in content to English, communicative with the basic meaning of “sociable, talkative”, and in form it is closer to English. communicable with the basic meaning of “communicating, transmitted.” In everyday speech, and even in the popular scientific context, sociability is understood as the ability of an individual to easily and on his own initiative establish contacts in any area of ​​communication, as well as skillfully maintain the proposed contacts. Professionally, this ability is highly rated and is one of the prerequisites for employment related to active communication activities. Sociability is determined not only by the psychological type of the individual, but also by the social experience of communication, which involves focusing on a partner - the ability to listen and empathize, and timely correct one’s speech behavior.

A significant place in the structure of a charismatic personality is occupied by communicative competence, which, by the way, is the most difficult to improve, primarily because it is difficult to achieve complete harmony in the interaction of verbal and nonverbal means of communication.

Over time, each individual develops his own “communicative style.” Known typologies are not exhaustive and are built on heterogeneous bases, for example: dominant, dramatic (with elements of exaggeration), argumentative (involving argument, discussion), impressive (memorable due to the successful use of words or phrases), calm (balanced), attentive, open and etc. In terms of influence as a socially significant function, two main types of communicative personality are distinguished: a) dominant, which is characterized by self-confidence, assertiveness, and b) reactive, which is characterized by argumentativeness, analyticalism and responsiveness.

The study of communicative personality can have varying degrees of depth depending on the purpose of the study, for example, in professional communication areas, which is necessary for lawyers, teachers, announcers, television and radio commentators.

The study of communicative personality is a useful practice for developing skills of observation and critical analysis of human social behavior and at the same time a fascinating activity in terms of self-knowledge and self-correction of speech activity in various communicative areas. Self-improvement of a communicative personality presupposes the self-improvement of the individual as a member of society, since it is associated with linguistic consciousness and self-knowledge. By its nature, linguistic consciousness is individual, but it also includes typical characteristics of culture and social norms of communication. The optimal combination of these characteristics makes a person a unique role model or an object of rejection and oblivion. The problem of communicative personality remains open for research.

So, we can say that at the moment, psychological analysis of communication reveals the mechanisms of its implementation. Communication is put forward as the most important social need, without the implementation of which the formation of personality slows down and sometimes even stops. Psychologists classify the need for communication as one of the most important conditions for personality formation. In this regard, the need for communication is considered as a consequence of the interaction of the individual and the sociocultural environment, and the latter simultaneously serves as the source of the formation of this need.

Communicative personality is understood as one of the manifestations of personality, determined by the totality of its individual properties and characteristics, which are determined by the degree of its communicative needs, the cognitive range formed in the process of cognitive experience, and communicative competence itself - the ability to choose a communicative code that ensures adequate perception and targeted transmission of information in a specific situation.

Manifestations of a communicative personality are determined by a combination of individual properties and characteristics that provide the ability to choose a scheme for transmitting information in a specific situation and to adequately perceive information. A communicative personality is characterized by motivational, cognitive and functional parameters.

The assessment of a communicative personality as a social phenomenon depends on the degree of effectiveness in performing basic socially significant functions. The effectiveness of communications depends on the degree of social significance of the communication setting. Communicative attitudes are considered as a system of internal resources necessary for building effective communication in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction.

The ability to establish and maintain contact is determined by the interaction of various (spatial, temporal, psychological, social) communication conditions. The basis in interpersonal communication is the social and communicative conditions of communication, which determine the presence or absence of contact between communicants, and value orientations, which presuppose an evaluative attitude towards the participants in communication.

A necessary condition for ensuring optimal human communication is adaptation. It allows a person not only to express himself, his attitude towards people, activities, to be an active participant in social processes and phenomena, but also thanks to this to ensure his natural social self-improvement.




The relevance of research

At the present stage, the environment is acquiring leading importance in the formation of a new type of person. One of the leading indicators of a socially active personality is the ability to contact and cooperate with other people. In this regard, the process of interpersonal communication is increasingly complex and extensive. This contributes to the actualization of interest in the problems of personal interaction in the field of communication.

Significant contributions to the development of the problem of personality and communication in their deep interrelation were made by both domestic ones (B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.I. Krupnoe, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Mudrik, V.M. Myasishchev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.V. Ryzhov, I.M. Yusupov, etc.), as well as foreign researchers (J. Bowlbi, J.S. Bruner, M. Hoffinan, S. Kelley, T. Lipps, V. Skiner, R. Spitz).

Despite numerous theoretical and experimental studies, the problem of the development of a person’s communicative properties still requires further study, since in known concepts there is no unambiguous answer to questions about the nature, patterns of development and factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties, there is no single view on phenomenology, the classification of these properties. Consequently, a systematic analysis of scientific knowledge about communicative characteristics is necessary in order to summarize the basic concepts of studying the communicative properties of a person and determine the most significant factors in the formation of these properties.

The relevance of the study is due to the terminological uncertainty of the concept of communicative properties of a person; the need to analyze directions in the study of these properties and highlight the stages and factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

In this work, the communicative properties of a person are understood as stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in the sphere of communication, significant for his social environment. The properties themselves have a physiological and mental origin and are interconnected. This allows us, based on the works of V.V. Ryzhov and V.A. Bogdanov, conditionally distinguish from the personality structure the systems of these properties, the communicative structure of the personality, a stable holistic formation. Based on the stated understanding of the communicative properties of a person, we formulated the goals and objectives of the study.

Purpose of the study consists in highlighting the structure of the communicative properties of a person as a complex formation, as well as in determining the factors in the formation of these properties. In addition, the dissertation attempted to establish a connection between the communicative properties of a person and some individual and socio-psychological characteristics of a person.

Object of study are the communicative properties of the individual.

Subject of study- socio-psychological factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

To achieve the purpose of the study, we put forward the following hypotheses:

1. Each person has a certain level of development of the communicative properties of the individual, which characterizes the person’s capabilities in terms of communication and is expressed in the presence of systems of communicative properties of the individual that are in certain relationships with each other.

2. These systems of properties are not directly innate, but are formed in the process of human development. In this regard, we can identify the main stages in the formation of these properties.

3. The formation of a person’s communicative properties is influenced by both social and psychological factors in their deep interconnection.

Based on the goal and the formulated hypotheses, the following were put forward: tasks:

Systematize the data accumulated in psychological science on the state of the problem of human capabilities in terms of communication;

Develop a holistic understanding of the systems of communicative properties in the personality structure;

To study the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties;

Develop a methodology for determining the level of development of a person’s communicative properties;

Identify the main factors and prove their influence on the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

The study involved 272 people aged 8 to 45 years. The main study was conducted at school No. 152 in Novosibirsk.

Methodological basis of the study became a systematic approach to human capabilities in terms of communication, the principles of determinism and development, as well as the principle of the activity approach.

Research methods: During the research, methods of general psychology were used: observation, survey, conversations, projective techniques, testing. In order to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties, we also developed and used a questionnaire containing questions concerning various aspects of a person’s communicative development: empathy, communicative confidence, sociability, activity, communication abilities and some characterological personality traits necessary for communication.

Processing of scientific results was carried out using methods of statistical mathematics: correlation analysis, chi-square test, Student's test.

Scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time in work:

The results of a systematic theoretical study of the problem of an individual’s communicative capabilities, developed both in domestic and foreign psychology, are presented;

The systems of communicative properties in the personality structure are considered and their interrelation is revealed;

A definition of the communicative properties of a person has been formulated, which means stable features of a person’s behavior in communication that are significant for his social environment;

A questionnaire was left to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties;

The leading factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties are identified;

The influence of the parental relationship factor on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence has been experimentally proven; the factor of the effectiveness of joint activities to increase the activity of communication and the factor of targeted training in communication to increase the overall level of development of communicative properties in children from emotionally distant families.

Theoretical significance.

The development of the communicative structure of the personality allows us to create a holistic idea of ​​the systems of communicative properties in the structure of the personality.

The theoretical and experimental material presented in the work is the theoretical basis for subsequent research into the communicative properties of the individual and the development of theoretical and practical approaches to improving the correction of the level of development of the communicative properties of the individual.

Practical significance of the study is that knowledge of the factors in the formation of an individual’s communicative properties allows one to manage this process in order to increase the level of their development, and also serves as assistance in the development of diagnostic, preventive and corrective work with children and adults.

Approbation of research results.

The results obtained during the research process were partially introduced into the practice of a school psychologist for the purpose of diagnosing and correcting the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties, as well as correcting parent-child relationships.

The research materials were repeatedly discussed at meetings of the Department of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The results of the study were discussed at regional and regional conferences on psychological and pedagogical problems in 1998-2000. Theoretical principles and recommendations are used in the work of school teachers, in the practice of psychological counseling and educational training.

Special courses for parents and teachers are based on the research materials.

The main ideas and scientific results are reflected in five publications listed at the end of the abstract.

Basic provisions submitted for defense;

The communicative properties of a person are an integral formation, formed on the basis of external (social) and internal (psychological) factors;

Social and psychological factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties;

The relationship between the factor of parental relations, the effectiveness of joint activities, purposeful learning and the communicative properties of the individual.

Structure and scope of the dissertation.

The dissertation consists of an "Introduction", three chapters and a "Conclusion", contains a bibliography including 200 titles (23 in foreign languages), and nine appendices. The volume of the dissertation is 190 typewritten pages.


In the Introduction the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated, the object, subject, purpose and methods of research are determined, the theoretical novelty and practical significance of the work is shown.

In the first chapter "The Nature of Personality's Communicative Properties" presents general trends in the interpretation of the problem of personality's communicative properties in modern psychology. The current state of theoretical and experimental research into the communicative properties of personality is analyzed.

The first paragraph examines the communicative capabilities of the individual from the point of view of various approaches, both in domestic and foreign psychology.

In our opinion, three approaches can be distinguished in the study of the communicative properties of a person: analytical, multicomponent and systemic.

Within the framework of the analytical approach, individual communicative characteristics were studied, most often: sociability (B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A.A. Bodalev, A.I. Ilyina, L.V. Zhemchugova, V.A. Kan-Kalik, A.I. Krupnoe, I.M. Yusupov, etc.), empathy (L.I. Bozhovich, V.Yu. Zavyalov, T.P. Gavrilova, S.N. Karpova, Ts.P. Korolenko, N.N. Obozov, I.M. Yusupov, R. Dumond, D. Eure, S. Markus, V. Moor, S. Rogers), self-confidence (A. Lazarus, C. Oelkers, K. Rudestam , V. Tanner, U. Petermann, R. Hinsch) and volitional personality traits (M.S. Govorova, M.I. Dyachenko, T.V. Zaripova, A.G. Kovalev, I.I. Kuptsova, Yu. M. Orlov, V.I. Selivanov).

Study of communication abilities (G.S. Vasiliev, A.B. Dobrovich, N.I. Karaseva, N.V. Kuzmin, T.A. Pirozhenko, K.K. Platonov), communicative competence (Yu.M. Zhukov, L.A. Petrovskaya, P.V. Rastyannikov), communication skills (A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Mudrik, K. Rudestam, R.R. Garkhuff, G. Egan, C.R. Rogers), communicative character traits ( B. G. Ananyev, V. Sh. Maslennikova, V. P. Yudin, etc.) can be attributed, in our opinion, to a multicomponent approach.

However, for quite a long time, when studying interpersonal communication, no parameter was identified that could reveal the system of a person’s internal capabilities in the implementation of interpersonal communication. Integral concepts that reflect the system of personality traits necessary for successful communication within the framework of a systematic approach are: communicative qualities (V.A. Bogdanov, A.A. Bodalev, A.V. Mudrik, V.N. Panferov, S. Slavson), communicative potential (A.A. Bodalev, V.A. Koltsova, R.A. Maksimova, U.M. Rivers, V.V. Ryzhov, A.V. Fomin), communication capabilities (A.A. Bodalev, I L.L. Kolominsky), communicative core of personality (A.A. Bodalev, V.N. Kunitsyna), communicative properties of personality (A.K. Karpova, A.A. Leontyev, M.E. Teplyshev). An analysis of the literature showed that psychologists do not have a single term to denote the personality traits necessary for communication. There is a certain fragmentation and the systematic approach is insufficiently expressed.

The second paragraph is devoted to the analysis of the communicative structure and systems of communicative properties of the individual.

The analysis of various approaches to the study of the communicative properties of a person, as well as the works of A.G. Kovaleva, A.N. Leontyeva, A.K. Perova, S.L. Rubinstein allowed us to conditionally identify the communicative structure of personality, a relatively stable, holistic formation, manifested in the individual psychological characteristics of a particular individual. The communicative structure of a personality consists of systems of communicative properties of the personality, communicative potential and the communicative core of the personality. On communication activities, as shown in Fig. 1, on the one hand, social factors have a strong influence, and, on the other hand, individual psychological characteristics of the individual, psychological factors.

Isolating the communicative structure from the holistic structure of the personality is only possible conditionally. The core ensures consistency of communication capabilities. Those opportunities from the communicative potential that have become established and are significant for the social environment pass into the communicative properties of the individual. By communicative properties of a person we understand stable characteristics of an individual’s behavior in the sphere of communication that are significant for his social environment. The periphery, the communicative potential of the individual, closer or further from the center, can be replenished and changed. Thus, communicative potential is a dynamic, developing, enriching system of properties (V.V. Ryzhov). A change in the communicative potential of an individual leads to a change over time in the communicative core of the individual. This occurs due to the fact that, under the influence of external and internal factors, some opportunities from the communicative potential of the individual are consolidated and characterize the constancy of the characteristics of a person’s behavior in the sphere of communication, which are significant for himself and his social environment. All systems of the communicative structure of the individual are closely interconnected. That is why the communicative structure of a personality is presented by us in the form of an intersection of spheres (systems of communicative properties of a personality).

Let us briefly characterize the systems of properties in the communicative structure of the individual.

Communicative activity is the interaction of two or more people aimed at coordinating and combining efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., 1981, Vasiliev G.S., 1977, Leontiev A.A., 1979 , Obukhovsky K., 1972). Each participant in communicative activities is active, i.e. acts as a subject (Dragunova T.V., 1967, Kolominsky Ya.L., 1976) and is a person (Bodalev A.A., 1965). Analysis of existing literature allowed us to conclude that the success of communicative activities depends on many personality traits. In different types of communicative activities, different substructures are activated. The communicative activity itself also presupposes the presence of motives, goals, and needs.

Communicative motivation. Theoretical research by A.N. Leontyeva, V.G. Leontyeva, B.S. Merlin, V.P. Simonov made it possible to classify as communicative motivation the motives, needs, goals, intentions, and aspirations that stimulate and support the activity of communicative activities. Motivation, therefore, can be defined as a set of reasons of a psychological nature that explain the act of communication itself, its beginning, direction and activity. A consistently dominant system of motives underlies the orientation of a person (L.I. Bozhovich, B.F. Lomov). Direction orients the formation of a person’s communicative properties, sets the goal of activity and communication (Sirotkin L.Yu., Khuziakhmetov A.N., 1997). Many of the motivational factors over time become so characteristic of a person that they turn into properties of his personality. Such factors include the motive for achieving success (H. Heckhausen), the motive for affiliation (I.M. Yusupov), the motive for altruism (G. Murray), etc.

Communication abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, manifested in communication, as well as skills and abilities to communicate with people, on which his success depends (R.S. Nemov). Summarizing the research of A.A. Bodaleva, A.A. Leontyeva, V.V. Ryzhov, L. Thayer and others, we identified the following communication abilities:

1. Strategic abilities - the ability of an individual to understand a communicative situation and correctly navigate it.

2. Tactical abilities - ensure the participation of the individual in communication:

a) the ability to communicatively use personal characteristics in communication (peculiarities of intelligence, speech development, characteristics of character, will, emotional sphere, characteristics of temperament, etc.);

b) mastery of communication and contact techniques (the ability to control one’s behavior, a set of perceptual abilities, the ability to establish and maintain contact, the ability to optimally structure one’s speech).

Communicative properties of a person, depending on temperament, relate to the characteristics of verbal and non-verbal interaction between a person and a person. Temperament is associated with such personality traits as impressionability, emotionality, impulsiveness and anxiety (G. Eysenck, V.N. Voronin, L.V. Zhemchugova, A.I. Ilyina, A.I. Krupnov, V.D. Nebylitsyn, I.P. Pavlov, K. Jung).

Communicative character traits are an individually unique combination of essential personality traits that express a person’s attitude to reality and are manifested in communication (R.S. Nemov). In communicating with people, character is manifested in the manner of behavior, in the ways of responding to the actions and actions of people. Having summarized the research results of L.V. Zhemchugova, A.I. Krupnova, V.Sh. Maslennikova, V.P. Yudin, we can distinguish three main groups of character traits necessary for any communication:

1) sociability-isolation;

2) politeness, cheerfulness, self-confidence;

3) diligence, initiative, truthfulness.

Communicative properties of personality, depending on will. Research by M.I. Dyachenko, T.V. Zarinova, A.G. Kovaleva, V.I. Selivanov allowed to highlight:

Energy, perseverance (primary or basic volitional properties);

Decisiveness, courage, self-control, self-confidence, determination, responsibility (secondary properties);

Responsibility, discipline, commitment.

Emotions that perform a communicative function: the desire to share thoughts, experiences, feelings of sympathy, respect, disposition (V.K. Vilyunas, J. Reikovskaya, L.M. Wekker). The system and dynamics of typical emotions characterize a person as a person.

So, a systematic analysis of the study of the communicative capabilities of the individual in domestic and foreign psychology allowed us to conditionally identify systems of communicative properties, the communicative structure of the individual, from the structure of the personality.

In the second chapter “Socio-psychological factors and communicative properties of the individual” highlights the main stages and factors in the formation of the communicative properties of the individual, outlines the experimental research scheme, substantiates the hypotheses and describes the research methods.

The first paragraph discusses the main stages in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

The development of a person’s communicative properties goes through a number of successive stages, at which the formation of individual links occurs, which constitute a prerequisite for the formation of the final mechanism - the basis of this property. Development is a complex integrative process with a stable structure, a natural change in the state of the system as a whole (S.T. Melyukhin). Moreover, stable properties are nothing more than moments of system development. The sustainability of individual development is the basis for the direction of change. The pattern of stages of development is the stage of transition from external to internal action, the period of curtailment of action, etc. (A.N. Leontyev). The criterion for changing stages is the change in leading activities and activity-mediated types of relationships with the current reference group (or person). The determinant of the transition to a new stage of development is also social factors external to the individual (A.V. Petrovsky). Systematic theoretical and practical activities and the types of relationships that develop in the process of these activities, as well as external conditions, lead to the formation of stable personality traits. In this regard, at each stage there is a qualitative transformation of a person’s inner world.

An analysis of foreign and domestic literature on the study of an individual’s communicative abilities allowed us to identify seven main stages in the formation of an individual’s communicative properties.

Stage I - the formation of trust, attachment to people, the beginning of the formation of the first level of the need for communication (A. Vallon, M.P. Denisov, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova, S.S. Kharin, N.L. Figurin, R. Spitz ).

II. stage - the emergence of speech (M.I. Lisina), the formation of the second level of the need for communication (L.I. Bozhovich) and the first level of moral development (A.V. Zaporozhets), the beginning of the formation of self-awareness (Piaget).

III. stage - the formation of openness, sociability, the second level of moral development, the continuation of the formation of moral self-awareness, the emergence of “emotional decentration” (Piaget), the consolidation of extraversion-introversion, emotionality and neuroticism (Ya.L. Kolominsky), the formation of the “internal position” as the initial point for the formation of perseverance, independence, determination (L.I. Bozhovich), continued formation of character, openness, self-confidence, communication manners (G.M. Breslav).

IV. stage - consolidation of observed forms of behavior in the form of demonstrated personality qualities, the formation of initiative, the will of independence, the formation of a motive for achieving success or avoiding failure and a system of voluntary regulation, the formation of communicative abilities (the ability to manage one’s behavior in the process of communication, the ability to establish and maintain contact, convey and seize the initiative in communication).

V. stage - the emergence of the need for self-knowledge, the desire for self-improvement (V.G. Stepanov), the stabilization of character traits and basic forms of interpersonal behavior, the formation of standards of interpersonal perception and evaluation of people (A.A. Bodalev), the formation of organizational abilities (the ability to establish business contacts, negotiate, distribute responsibilities among themselves).

VI. stage - the emergence of age-related introversion, the formation of moral self-awareness, the formation and development of morality, moral self-determination of the individual (T.V. Snegireva).

VII. stage - completion of the formation of complex social attitudes and a culture of communication. Strengthening the basic communicative properties of the individual.

So, the development of a person’s communicative properties goes through a number of successive stages, at which the formation of individual links occurs. The communicative properties of a person are a product of ontogenetic development. They cannot be directly innate. And they are always formed in the process of human development and education.

The second paragraph discusses the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties.

Analysis of literary data has shown that the proportion of certain factors in the formation of personality is presented heterogeneously. Representatives of the biological approach believed that the leading place in the formation of personality is occupied by the genetic predisposition of the individual (A. Cessel, D.B. Dromley, H. Eysenck). The dominant influence on the formation of personality is exerted by the conditions of training and education, according to supporters of the social approach (A.S. Makarenko, I.M. Sechenov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky). V.A. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, A.R. Luria noted that in the formation of personality, both heredity and environment play an important role in their deep interrelation. A detailed study of the communicative properties of a person allows us to believe that their formation is influenced by two groups of factors: psychological and socio-psychological. The first are determined by the type of higher nervous activity, needs, interests, abilities, etc. In this case, the communicative properties of a person are associated with the individual typological characteristics of a person and we explain their development by the internal structure of the personality. Socio-psychological factors show the relationship between the communicative properties of the individual and the environment, social communities. In this case, they act as the experience of the individual’s social relations. This may include the uniqueness of the microenvironment, the individual characteristics of those people with whom the individual comes into contact. The conducted research gives reason to assume that the communicative properties of a person are determined by both internal (psychological) and external (socio-psychological) factors in their dialectical interdependence. This relationship can be expressed in two formulas:

External causes act through internal conditions (S.L. Rubinstein);

The internal acts through the external and thereby changes itself (B.S. Bratus, B.V. Zeigarnik).

Thus, based on the studied psychological literature, we have identified the most significant factors that influence the formation of a person’s communicative properties: psychological and socio-psychological. We included the following psychological factors:

Factor of higher nervous activity (G. Eysenck, A.I. Ilyina, L.V. Zhemchugova, A.I. Krupnoe, I.P. Pavlov, K. Jung);

Motivational factor (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev, A. Anastasi, R. Berne, L.I. Bozhovich, V.I. Kovalev, A.N. Leontiev, V.G. Leontiev, A. Maslow, V.D. Shadrikov, X. Heckhausen);

Ability factor (A.A. Bodalev, G.S. Vasiliev, N.I. Karaseva, A.A. Leontyev, V.V. Ryzhov, L. Thayer);

Character factor (B.G. Ananyev, V.A. Bogdanov, V.Sh. Maslennikova, V.P. Yudin);

Will factor (M.I. Dyachenko, T.V. Zaripova, A.G. Kovalev, Yu.M. Orlov, V.I. Selivanov, A.I. Shcherbakov, D.B. Elkonin);

Factor of emotions (L.M. Wekker, V.K. Vilyunas, V.D. Nebylitsyn, A.E. Olshannikova, L.A. Rabinovich, Y. Reikovskaya).

We included the following as socio-psychological factors:

Microenvironment, as a factor - family, immediate environment (T.V. Arkhireeva, R.K. Bell, E. Bern, A.A. Bodalev, V.I. Garbuzov, A.I. Zakharov, M.I. Lisina, A.I. Lichko, P. Massen, A.V. Mudrik, T.A. Repina, J. Bowlbi, M. Rutter);

Macroenvironment, team, social environment (A.B. Dobrovich, A.V. Mudrik, D.R. Anderson, J. Bryant, G. Salomon).

Moreover, all the child’s relationships, first in the family, then in kindergarten, school, etc. are mediated by the activity factor. And, depending on the stage of development, its different components are activated (play, educational, labor, professional activities).

At different stages of development, the role of certain factors is heterogeneous. The determinant of the transition to a new stage of development is factors external to the individual. The communicative properties of a personality express the structure of thoughts, the characteristics of the emotional sphere, the typological characteristics of the personality and, in general, its character. Properties acquire their own individual traits, characteristic of a certain social group in which a person lives, as well as specific personal traits that reflect the history of his life and activities and express some of the natural characteristics of the individual.

The third paragraph justifies the choice of studying factors and communicative properties of personality, outlines the experimental research scheme, hypotheses, methods and criteria for assessing empirical data.

When analyzing psychological and pedagogical literature and our own pedagogical experience, it became clear that children experience difficulties in communication. Moreover, these difficulties occur both in communication with adults and with peers and arise due to the low level of development of a person’s communicative properties and inability to communicate. In this regard, the need to search for leading factors influencing the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties was determined.

When studying the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties, we can conclude that for the full development of a child at all age stages, family and family upbringing are of paramount importance. Communication as the main condition for the development of a child is carried out in child-parent relationships, which have a decisive impact on the formation of his personality.

In domestic and foreign literature, much attention is paid to the factor of parental relations. At the same time, there are some aspects that have not been properly explored. First of all, this relates to the influence of parental relationships on the complex of communicative properties, including the motive for achieving success, activity and self-confidence. It is this complex of communicative properties of the individual that determines the future development trends of the child. The implementation of the thesis of personality activity at all stages of its formation requires considering the mental characteristics of a child not as a result of the influence of external factors on him, but as a result of interaction in which the child is a full-fledged subject. The child's passivity, as a result of crisis situations in the family, is aggravated by improper organization of joint activities in the educational process. Thus, the contribution to the development of a person’s communicative properties of such a component as joint activities for school-age children has not yet been clearly defined, although this aspect is one of the leading factors in personality development.

In this regard, in our study we studied the following factors: parental relationships, as a factor in the formation of the motive for achieving success, self-confidence, and activity; the effectiveness of joint activities, as a factor in correcting activity in communication and targeted training in communication, in order to increase the overall level of development of the communicative properties of children from families with emotionally distant relationships.

The objectives of the study were to study the nature of the influence of parental relationships on the process of formation of an individual’s communicative properties, as well as the influence of the effectiveness of joint activities and targeted communication training on increasing the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties. The study consisted of three series. In accordance with the objectives of the study, the following tasks were put forward:

1) analyze the dependence of the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity and self-confidence on the type of parental relationship;

2) experimentally prove that properly organized joint activities are an effective method of correcting a child’s passivity;

3) also prove that targeted training increases the overall level of development of an individual’s communicative properties;

4) select adequate research methods from the entire arsenal of data.

So, the first partial hypothesis: there is a relationship between parental relationships towards the child and the level of development of his communicative personality traits. The relationship between parents and children, determining the nature and ways of satisfying the need for communication and emotional contact, forms the child’s initial motive. Already by the time of school, the child has a certain level of development of activity and self-confidence.

The research was carried out in stages, in accordance with the assigned tasks. Main research methods: targeted observations, conversations, using specially compiled “conversation maps”. To diagnose parent-child relationships, we used the “PAR1” method, shortened by us (E.S. Schaefer and R.K. Bell, adapted by T.V. Neshcheret, candidate of psychological sciences), and also to clarify the emotional and cognitive components of relationships in the essay “My child" and "How we will spend our day off." To diagnose intrafamily relationships from the child’s point of view, the projective technique “Kinetic Family Drawing” was used. In order to study the level of development of a person’s communicative properties, in particular: the motive for achieving success and avoiding failure, activity and self-confidence, we applied the projective technique of R.S. Nemov “Remember and reproduce the drawing”, as well as the method of competent judges (using a map specially created by us).

At the fifth stage of our research, we traced the dependence of the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties on the type of parental relationship. For this purpose, methods of primary (sample average) and secondary data processing (correlation analysis) were used.

Using correlation analysis, it was found that there is a positive relationship between the type of parental relationship and the level of development of a person’s communicative properties. The correlation coefficient was 0.9711 (significance level p less than 0.05), which confirms our first partial hypothesis.

The validity and reliability of the results is ensured by the consistency of the basic theoretical principles with the data of the experimental study and the use of statistical data processing methods.

The purpose of the second series of experiments was to prove that properly organized joint activity is a factor in correcting passivity of communication.

The second particular hypothesis: the development of communication activity depends on the special organization of joint activities.

The organizational scheme of the study provided for obtaining primary information in three successive sections: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of classes.

The research was carried out in the following areas:

1) recording acts of communication over a long period of time, for this we used observation diaries and maps specially compiled by us;

2) studying the effectiveness of joint activities;

3) analysis of individual characteristics of a person’s communication activity. The effectiveness of joint activities was measured using the method of mutual expert assessments (Poddubny E.S., 1995).

Due to the fact that the sections were carried out three times, we were able to trace the dynamics of changes in both the effectiveness of joint activities and the activity of communication. When studying the mutual influence of joint activities and communication activity, we used methods of mathematical data processing: correlation analysis and chi-square test.

First, data on the dynamics of communication activity were processed. The chi-square test in the experimental group was 37.16 with a probability of an acceptable error of 0.1%, which is significant for these degrees of freedom, and in the control group it was 4.26, which is significantly less than the table value.

Using correlation analysis, the dependence of communication activity on the effectiveness of joint activities was revealed. The correlation coefficient was 0.9986 at a significance level of 0.001.

Third particular hypothesis: learning to communicate using a specially designed program increases the level of development of an individual’s communicative properties.

To study the influence of the factor of targeted learning on the level of development of a person’s communicative properties, we used the following methods: pilot study, psychological and pedagogical experiment, observations, method of competent judges, questionnaire.

In a questionnaire specially created for our purposes, an attempt was made to determine the level of development of a person’s communicative properties. The questions were aimed at determining the level of development of only the basic communicative properties of the individual. The adequacy of the questions was tested using a pilot study in which 136 people from different backgrounds took part.

The experiment consisted of two stages: establishing and formative. The research data was subjected to mathematical processing. Using the Student's t-test, the cause-and-effect relationship between the independent variable - the training program and the dependent variable - the level of development of an individual's communicative properties was calculated. Having calculated statistically significant differences between the average data before and after the experiment for each student, we came to the conclusion that the experiment was a success. The tabulated data for nine out of twelve students were significant for these degrees of freedom (5+5-2) at a significance level of p less than 0.05 and ranged from 2.32 to 7.5. For three students, these data turned out to be not significant 0.308; 0.194; 2.275.

In the third chapter “Experimental study of factors in the formation of personal communicative properties” describes the progress and results of the experimental work.

In the first paragraph The influence of parental relationships on the formation of the motive for achieving success, activity, and self-confidence was considered.

The experimental study was carried out at school No. 152 in Novosibirsk from 1998 to 1999. 100 families took part in the experiment, in a parent-child pair (children 7-13 years old).

At the first stage, the selection of adequate research methods was carried out.

The second stage involved in-depth study of students and parents during the first and second academic quarters. For this purpose, an “observation diary” was kept for each child. To clarify the data, we also used spontaneous conversations with students and targeted conversations with parents.

At the third stage, the characteristics of the relationship between parents and children were studied (III academic quarter). Thus, after parent-teacher meetings, parents were asked to fill out the PARI questionnaire. Then the parents were asked to write an essay on the topic: “My child” to clarify data about the emotional component of the relationship between parents and children. To clarify the cognitive and behavioral aspects of the relationship, the following topic was proposed at the next parent meeting: “How we will spend the day off.”

To diagnose intra-family relationships from the child’s point of view, we used a projective technique: “Kinetic drawing of a family” and essays on the topics: “My family”, “My day off”.

Having summarized the data from observations, filling out a questionnaire, essays and drawings of the family, we identified four groups of parental relationships, including emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects.

At the fourth stage, the level of development of a person’s communicative properties was studied: the motive for achieving success, activity, self-confidence (IV quarter) using the projective technique “Remember and reproduce the drawing.”

To clarify data on the level of development of self-confidence and activity, we also used the expert method.

Having summarized the research results, we divided all children into three groups according to the level of development of personal communicative properties: high, average, low.

At the fifth stage, we traced the dependence of the level of development of a person’s communicative properties on the type of parental relationship.

Table 1

Dependence of the level of development of a person’s communicative properties on the type of parental relationship.

Relationship type

Number of families

Level of development of k.s.l. %

I. Overprotective

P. Harmonic

IV. Rejecting


Diagram 1 Dependence of the level of development of a person’s communicative properties on the type of parental relationship.

Scale X - types of parental relationships;

Scale U - % indicator of the level of development of a person’s communicative properties.

The diagram shows that a high level of development of communicative personality traits is observed in children from families with a harmonious type of relationship. In families with an authoritarian type of relationship, provided that the child accepts the parent, there is also a high level of development of the communicative properties of the individual. A low level of development of personal communicative properties was recorded in families with overprotective and rejecting types of relationships.

The obtained data were subjected to statistical processing. To do this, we analyzed two sets of dependent variables. Using correlation analysis, it was found that there is a positive relationship between the type of parental relationship and the level of development of communicative properties. The correlation coefficient was 0.9711 (significance level p less than 0.05), which is significant for these degrees of freedom. Consequently, a person’s communicative properties develop depending on the type of parental relationship.

Summarizing the results of the first series of experiments, we can formulate the following conclusions:

1. Based on the results of the study, four types of parental relationships were identified, including emotional, cognitive and behavioral components.

2. The study of the level of development of the communicative properties of the individual in children has revealed the specific nature of the tendencies of this development for each type of family, which reveals the extremely important role of parental relationships in the development of the communicative properties of the individual.

3. A clearly expressed high level of development of a person’s communicative properties is observed in families with a harmonious and authoritarian type of relationship (subject to the child’s acceptance of the parent). However, in families with an authoritarian type of relationship, a low level of development of personal communicative properties was noted three times more often.

4. A low level of development of personal communicative properties is recorded in families with overprotective and rejecting types of parental relationships. At the same time, the following negative factors are noted that inhibit the development of a person’s communicative properties: overprotection, symbiosis, suppression of initiative and independence, lack of respect, carelessness, lack of demands, emotional distance, disorganization of everyday life.

The second paragraph examined the influence of the factor of joint activity on the development of communication activity.

The study involved 26 people (from 9 to 13 years old), who were divided into two groups: control and experimental. The formative experiment was carried out from September to November 1999, on the basis of school No. 152 in Novosibirsk.

A total of ten classes were held as part of the “Skillful Hands” circle. Before the start of the experiment (September 1999), all subjects underwent an initial measurement of the level of communication activity according to observation data and the method of competent judges. For each child, three cards were filled out, where intensity, initiative, impulsiveness and breadth of social circle were noted.

In accordance with the data, all students were divided into three groups: with a high level of communication activity, with an average and low level.

After the first lesson, a control measurement was made of the effectiveness of joint activities, as well as the time spent on entering the beginning of joint activities.

Accordingly, the overall positive effectiveness of joint activities was 47%. The cost of entering the activity was 18 minutes in September.

Repeated measurements of communication activity and the effectiveness of joint activities were carried out in October. The overall positive indicator of joint activity was 69%. The cost of entering the beginning of a joint activity was 9 minutes.

At the end of the formative experiment (November), the third measurement of communication activity and the effectiveness of joint activities was made. Communication activity was also recorded in the control group. The overall positive result was 92%. The cost of entry into the beginning of the activity was 4 minutes. To identify the dependence of communication activity on the effectiveness of joint activities, statistical data processing methods were used. First, we looked at the dynamics of communication activity (see item 2). To do this, we used the chi-square test, calculating the dependence of the percentages of communication dynamics (September, November). The value we obtained - 37.16 is greater than the corresponding table value of m - 1 = 2 degrees of freedom, which is 13.82 with a probability of permissible error of less than 0.1%. In the control group, the result was not significant for these degrees of freedom - 4.26, which is significantly less than the tabulated indicators.



September-47% October 69% November 92%

Diagram 2 Dynamics of development of communication activity.

Diagram 3 Dynamics of development of the effectiveness of joint activities.

Then we traced the dynamics of development of the effectiveness of joint activities (see item 3).

Using linear correlation, the dependence of communication activity on the effectiveness of joint activities was established

The linear correlation coefficient was 0.9986 at a significance level of 0.001, which is greater than the corresponding tabulated indicators for these degrees of freedom. Consequently, properly organized joint activities increase the activity of communication.

Research has shown that overcoming passivity in children from emotionally distant families is possible through properly organized joint activities, which are built on the basis of common interest and the experience of positive emotional relationships.

Carrying out the second series of experiments allows us to draw the following practical conclusions:

1. It is very important for a teacher to master the methodology of working with various children, taking into account not only age, but also individual characteristics.

2. Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the level of development of a person’s communicative properties allows them to be used more rationally for the purpose of correcting relationships.

3. Extracurricular work with children in schools must be differentiated through varied activities in groups of a small number of students, since each child has different skills and needs.

4. An important condition is unification based on common interest and the experience of positive emotional relationships.

The third paragraph examined the influence of targeted communication training on the development of an individual’s communicative properties.

The study was conducted from the 1999 to 2000 academic year (I, P, Sh, GU quarters) at school No. 152 in Novosibirsk. 12 people took part in the experiment. The main research method - a psychological and pedagogical experiment - consisted of two stages: ascertaining and formative.

The first stage of work included recruiting children into the group. Based on the results of a study of parent-child relationships and conversations with teachers, a group of 12 people was recruited, which included mainly children from emotionally distant families.

Before the start of classes, all subjects underwent a control measurement of the level of development of communicative personality traits according to a questionnaire we compiled.

The second stage included determining the direction of work, goals and objectives of the group.

The third stage is drawing up a group lesson program. The development of a person’s communicative properties presupposed the use of the entire set of means, focused both on the development of the subject-subject, personal aspects of communication, and its subjective-objective, reproductive components. To draw up the lesson program, we used the methods of N.N. Bogomolova, A.B. Dobrovich, G.N. Nikolaeva, L.A. Petrovskaya, V.V. Petrusinskaya, A.S. Prutchenkova, M.I. Chistyakova, I.M. Yusupova. From the entire arsenal of data, it was necessary to select “exercises that correspond to the problems of the children and the tasks of the group.

Having worked through the first three stages, it was possible to move on to the fourth - conducting classes in a group. The results of the formative experiment are presented in Table 2.

The table shows that the indicators of increase in the level of development of communicative personality traits for three students are less than the tabulated data, for the rest - more. Consequently, the level of development of personal communicative properties has increased compared to the initial data for the majority of students (74.99%), which confirms our particular hypothesis.

table 2

Changes in the level of development of a person’s communicative properties under the influence of targeted communication training


Communicative skills


Character logical properties

Student's t test

The third series of research allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. In group work, it was possible to address the problems of each child participating in the classes.

2. The level of development of communicative personality traits has increased in the majority of students. The ability to reflect was significantly developed, as well as a number of other communicative abilities: the ability to listen, the ability to correctly express thoughts and feelings, mastery of non-verbal means of communication, etc. The children became more open, they actively participated in everything that was happening. Levels of empathy and sociability also increased. In addition, it was possible to correct many negative character traits and consolidate positive ones.

3. Negative results include failures in working with three specific children. This is partly due to the unpreparedness for group work and poor motivation of these children.

Analysis of the results emphasizes that careful selection of children into groups is necessary, because In many ways, this is the key to success in our work.

In custody general conclusions were formulated confirming the validity of the hypotheses put forward.

In general, the results of our study of the communicative properties of personality allow us to make the following conclusions:

1. Based on a systematic analysis of the results of studies of the communicative properties of personality by domestic and foreign psychologists, we managed to:

First, to create a holistic idea of ​​the systems of communicative properties in the personality structure. Conditionally distinguish from the personality structure the communicative structure, which consists of communicative capabilities and the communicative core of the personality. Define communicative properties, which are understood as stable characteristics of a person’s behavior in the sphere of communication, significant for his social environment;

Secondly, to highlight the main stages in the formation of a person’s communicative properties. The criterion for changing stages is the change in leading activities and activity-mediated types of relationships with the current reference group. The determinant of the transition to a new stage of development is also social factors external to the individual;

Thirdly, to highlight the factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties. The communicative properties of a person are determined by both internal (psychological) and external (socio-psychological) factors.

2. The results of a systematic study of a person’s communicative properties made it possible to draw up a questionnaire to determine the level of development of empathy, communication abilities, communicative confidence, sociability and a number of characterological personality traits necessary in communication.

3. An experimental study of formation factors confirmed the dependence of a person’s communicative properties on them. As a result of the experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The factor of parental relations plays an extremely important role in the formation of a person’s communicative properties;

The level of development of communication activity can be increased through proper organization of joint activities;

Purposeful teaching of communication is an important factor in correcting the level of development of communicative personality traits of children from families with emotionally distant relationships.

4. The studies carried out do not exhaust the diversity of the problem. Further research is needed, in which more attention should be paid to the communicative structure of the individual and the peculiarities of the development of the communicative properties of the individual depending on gender, social and professional indicators.

Author's publications

1. Abakirova T.P. Socio-psychological factors in the formation of a person’s communicative properties // Problems of regulation of personality activity: Abstracts of reports of a regional scientific-practical conference. - Novosibirsk, 2000. 1.5 p.

2. Abakirova T.P. Communicative structure of personality // Psychological mechanisms of regulation of personality activity. / Sat. scientific articles. - Novosibirsk, 2000. 0.4 p.l.

3. Abakirova T.P. Formation of communicative properties of personality // Formation of personality at the present stage. Biysk, 2000. 0.6 p.l.

4. Abakirova T.P. The influence of the factor of parental relations on the formation of a person’s communicative properties // Personality formation at the present stage. Biysk, 2000. 2 p.

5. Abakirova T.P. Formation of communicative properties of the personality of future teachers // Problems of teacher training at the present stage: Abstracts of reports of the regional scientific and practical conference (October 20-21, 2000). - Novosibirsk 2000 (in print).