School of Qigong by Anna Vladimirova reviews. Women's Taoist practices or ten years of travel

– I don’t know anything about this, but I admit I would like to know more. According to what I have read, there have been no creatures capable of killing in the archipelago for many thousands of years. on a large scale. Their fossilized remains were preserved, of course, on Yiren. I’ll try to find out.

“Thank you,” Brind said. - I have to go. I'll come back and visit you again.

“Goodbye, Brind Latreya,” the downir responded absentmindedly.

- Do you know what your problem is?

They were standing at the counter at the Cross and Crescent. It was nearing midnight and the tavern was almost empty. The veteran of the Ninth Dragoons slept in the corner, clutching his cradle and still wearing a uniform he would no longer need. Two elderly Rumels sat nearby and were silent in friendly silence. Nearby, the fire crackled comfortably in the hearth, clink-clink-clink - the glasses on the tray of the waitress, who was carrying them into the kitchen, clinked back and forth. The tavern was one of those where attention was paid to the decor: mirrors in carved frames, imported ebony, lighting bright enough to make the women who came here for a drink feel calm.

- So what? – asked Brind. This was not the first time that Apius explained to him the essence of his problem. And of course, not the last.

Brind took a sip of beer.

“You are a weakling,” continued Apius. “That’s what you are, weakling.” You take everything too close to your ass and never complain. You serve these advisors.

- Is it true? Thanks for support.

– Yes, tell them “no” at least once in your life! If I were you, I would have kicked their asses a long time ago!

– Is diplomatic resolution of problems not your thing?

– Diplomats have never won a war for a soldier.

Brind pondered the wisdom of the captain's words:

- Maybe you are right. - Then he noticed that his comrade’s attention was completely captured by the waitress who was wiping the tables. - Hey, are you still with me?

“I am with her in spirit,” admitted Apius. “Ever since she walked in here.”

Brind stared at him.

- Stop it. Do you have no shame at all?

“No, shame does not protect me,” said Apius. “Maybe that’s why my feelings are so acute.”

Brind laughed, shook his head, then stared thoughtfully at the bar again.

They had fun at upper level city, and the Balmakara barracks were just a stone's throw away. Brind considered this privileged position for his soldiers to be a waste of resources, since they rarely visited the city. It would be better to give the places to refugees. But no, the room they occupied was cut into the mountainside north of the chambers last emperor, and usually at least two guardsmen kept watch there in case His Majesty was suddenly needed. True, this has never happened in Brind’s memory, but caution wouldn’t hurt.

Brind's own apartment as commander of the guards was quite extravagant and separate from the rest. He liked its interior decoration: all polished marble mixed with slate, purple draperies on every wall. Behind them were hidden maps of the distant territories of the empire, so that they would always be at hand if he suddenly wanted to study them at his leisure. This activity often helped him while away sleepless night. His sense of duty strengthened him. Military medallions hung from the mirror on the dressing table.

Then he noticed a letter left for him on the table. He lit the lamp, opened the envelope and found in it, written in the hand of Chancellor Urtica, detailed coordinates for the village of Hayuk in the South Fjords, where Lady Rika lived. In addition, in the letter, the Chancellor expressed a desire to talk with Brind before his departure about the tragic incident at Cape Daluk.

Brind didn’t want to think about his dead colleagues right now and look for the strength to cope with the news of who turned out to be a traitor. There is nothing worse for a soldier than such lulls, when the death of his comrades, which he witnessed, is remembered again and again. It will be necessary to order that letters of condolences be written and sent to the families of the victims. So many things have not yet been done, and tomorrow we have to leave. Brind sat down desk and decided to work for a couple of hours.

Brind paused, raised his head and looked at his watch. Not even an hour had passed, and he didn’t feel particularly tired, but he still decided that the letters could wait. I wanted to take a breath of fresh air and relax. Maybe Apius is right: Brind takes life too seriously. The tension began to tell.

He took off his uniform, put on an inconspicuous brown tunic, threw on a cloak with a hood and hurriedly stepped into the cold night.

Brind knocked on the door. There was a suffocating darkness all around, on a night like this it always seems as if someone is watching your every move.

Then Brind's secret will come to the surface.

And he is executed on the city wall.

He stood in front of an unremarkable door near Gata-Gul, not far from the places where, at the intersection of Gata-Cartanu and Gata-Sentimental, groups of artists and poets were having fun in a bistro. Nearby, on a bare street, there was a bad hotel, from where some noise was always heard: harsh laughter, hasty steps, the clanking of dishes or the clanging of metal. Depending on the mood of the city, these sounds could mean either a fight or love, or even murder. And everyone was free to interpret them depending on the degree of their obsession: Villjamur is one of those cities that acquire reality only in the human mind.

The door opened, and a slender young man in a thin robe over his naked body stood on the threshold. High cheekbones thin lips, the wicked grin that was so enticing to Brind. The young man combed his smooth black hair with his fingers.

- “Bah, yes, no way, my big one.” heroic warrior? I haven't seen you for a long time.

“It’s been a hard week,” Brind breathed, lowering his gaze to the ground. Not in last resort because he didn't want to see his reflection in Kim's eyes.

“Apparently, it was so,” said Kim. - You still have the same look. Yes, and you came out of shape. Well, he’s a pure tramp, and that’s all. But I will survive this.

“If we’re caught together when I’m in uniform, we’ll both be hanged.” And imagine what my people will think when they find out the truth about me. They already suspect something.

The absence of a wife raised suspicions; Brind was lucky that he was an albino - at least some kind of excuse.

“You're just freaking out about the color of your skin, honey,” Kim said. - That's enough, relax. People will put their trust in you, believe me.

“I didn’t come here to quarrel.”

- Well, if so, come in.

Still hesitating, Brind asked:

- Are you alone? Don't you have anyone else?

- Of course not, otherwise I would have told you.

Brind followed him inside, looking around carefully before closing the door. Kim always showed such carelessness, and there was something terribly attractive in his lightness. Or maybe this is not ease, but recklessness? Many saw this as a sign of strength. Women were especially attracted to him by his deep self-confidence, which gave rise to his sarcasm, sense of humor, and supernatural wisdom. They always wanted him to pay attention to them, but he always returned to Brind.

– What do you have, a cut? – Brind asked him, seeing in the light the thin line under Kim’s eye.

- Yes, I became a victim of rudeness, well, you know how it happens. Although no, you just don’t know, you’re a military man. One guy came here, called me names, and threatened to inform the Inquisition. And the guy I was dating at the time was healthy and muscular. Well, he broke that bastard's jaw. Now he can't eat on his own. – Kim’s face lit up with the gentlest of his smiles.

- That's how it is. Brind didn’t know whether to be angry or jealous. He had no right to either. - So, how are you? I see you've done the renovations again.

Brind nodded at the metal-framed chairs, the strange frescoes on the walls, the stylish new lanterns that cast a soft bluish-green light all around. He was always impressed by Kim's ability to introduce something new into the decoration of his home year after year.

When they met, Brind was just a captain in the Second Dragoons. His reputation was not impeccable enough to worry about, so there were good days, relatively serene, when he could spend the evenings making love and chatting casually. The two of them walked through the galleries and even climbed bridges on warm evenings to be closer to the stars. But even then, the shadow of the executioner invisibly followed on their heels, and all because of two lines in the ancient Jorsalir text. But all the same, in those days people had not yet thought about Glaciation, and it did not belong to key role in the defense and development of the empire, so that he was less afraid of his reputation.

In those relatively carefree young days, he walked around the city and picked up guy after guy. Villjamur was always full suitable places, closed clubs, so dark that there’s even married men could afford to be hypocrites. The realization that he could be executed simply for who he was tickled his nerves pleasantly. And sucking someone else's dick while thinking about it was just great. Now Brind had settled down and remained faithful to one man - so unlike himself that he himself did not want to think about the reasons for their union. Maybe precisely because Kim was completely devoid of machismo, a quality that was literally instilled in the army.

“I sold the painting for decent money...” Kim paused, following Brind’s gaze as he looked around the room. “It’s not that she was very good, but taste is a matter of taste.” “He laughed at his own joke—another thing that Brind liked so much about him. – So I decided to update everything here. An update wouldn't hurt you.

Founder of the School of Healing Practices, author of the method of direct training of the brain in correct movement.

No seminar leader, no doctor can suit everyone, because there is a question of personal compatibility and coincidence of goals.

This little biography is intended to give you an idea of ​​what you can expect from studying with Anna Vladimirova, and what you should not expect.

"When you go to a doctor, you try to find out about his education, work experience and reputation. You want to find a professional. It is very strange to me that people have lower requirements for teachers of body and breathing practices than for their attending physician.

After all, if you think about it, when you study bodily practice and do it every day, any mistake is multiplied by the number of repetitions. No doctor can interfere with your health so regularly.

Therefore, I see the profession of teaching bodily practices as very responsible and demanding of its representatives. In order to guarantee safety and positive results, it takes years personal experience and years of teaching experience," Anna Vladimirova.

Higher medical education.

Firstly, Anna’s extremely responsible attitude towards delayed results. We all know that there are practices that make you feel good right now, but cause harm to your health that will manifest itself years later. Most often, this manifests itself sharply after 45 years, when the body runs out of strength to compensate.

That is why the School teaches only those practices that have stood the test of time and historically exist unchanged for at least 800 years. And only those practices that A.V. She has been practicing for at least 10 years.

Secondly, it is knowledge and understanding of the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the human body. This makes it possible to develop the medical, healing aspect of qigong and very correctly help students in maintaining their health.

In addition, this allows you to speak the same language with doctors and collaborate with them.

A.V. works in partnership with many medical practitioners and conducts training in qigong for doctors.

Anna Vladimirova completely devoted 10 years of her life to the study of qigong. During these years she lived in Asia (China, Thailand, Indonesia...) and personally practiced under the guidance of great modern Qigong masters. Some of her teachers are very famous, their lives are described in books, others lead secret lives.

In Chinese tradition, lineage is very important. Knowledge is transferred only to selected students, over many years, in small portions. And in order to obtain permission to teach, the highest personal achievements and years of personal practice of 6-9 hours a day are required.

Over the years of travel A.V. received initiation into several closed schools of qigong and, what is much more difficult, received permission to transfer knowledge.

Let us add that A.V. was presented to several grandmasters (teachers). In the Chinese tradition, this is the rarest and highest recognition of a student’s achievements. Such an acquaintance occurs only when the master is proud of the student's achievements and wants to earn the praise of his teacher.

Anna Vladimirova is a personal student of such masters as:

  • John Chang Mo Pai (his life is described in the book “The Magician from Java”, author - Costa Danaos; on our website and here in the “photo and video” section there is a short video about him - “Ring of Fire”).
  • Wang Liping Long Men Pai (his life is described in the book “Asceticism of Tao”, authors - Chen Kaiguo, Zheng Shunchao).
  • Lion Kanchi Miao Tong Tao.
  • Wang Tingjun Xing Shen Juan.

And others who wish to remain anonymous.

One of the benefits of initiation into various schools is the opportunity to identify the fundamental principles of techniques, without which they will not be effective, and unimportant ones, which may vary depending on the master and school.

Such deep knowledge practitioners allow you to select the most effective solutions individually for each student.

Why Qigong

Before starting to study qigong, Anna became acquainted with many schools:

  • yoga,
  • Sufis,
  • aesychasts...

The goal was simple—improving one’s own health.

Qigong attracted me with the greatest technological effectiveness and speed of results. Qigong has a technology that you can use and get results without changing your beliefs, beliefs and values. Technology separate from symbolism, ritual and religion. Moreover, in qigong physical health considered the basis for spiritual growth.

Social orientation

In teaching bodily practices, the role of the intellect is often denied; you can even hear the phrase: "Turn off your head."

For business educated people It is very valuable that A.V. does not contrast mental (verbal) intelligence with bodily intelligence. The brain is most important organ body, and developed intelligence- this is not a problem, but an advantage.

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The Wu Ming Dao school began operating in Moscow in 1999. Wu Ming Dao has its own patented proprietary methods, which are recognized as scientific medical inventions. In fact, it is a way to improve and treat a person using non-drug methods. Having mastered the school’s methods, a person is able to maintain his own health and get rid of some negative impact urban environment on the body.

The school runs five-day workshops designed for anyone who wants to improve their health. The main activity of the school is health-improving gymnastics for the spine. This is a complex of ten basic exercises, based on the synthesis of qigong practices, proven over centuries and existing unchanged, and knowledge modern medicine. Special attention is given to the correct execution of the exercises. Over the years of the school’s activity since its opening in 1999, Wu Ming Dao has taught health-improving gymnastics for the spine to more than seven thousand people in 6 countries around the world.

Using the rich experience of Eastern practices, the school provides knowledge on health improvement, and not ideology or worldview.

About other school methods

A separate area of ​​activity is women's practices.

Women's Taoist sexual practices help a woman in the sensual aspects of relationships with her partner, in preparation for pregnancy and childbirth. Classes on women's practices are exclusively and only exercises without excessive esoteric bias and extravagance, namely the knowledge that helps a woman, for example, ensure a normal birth.

The Taoist tradition states that a normal birth is a birth with the mother's screams of pleasure. This is a process that should not bring a traumatic experience to either the woman or the child. At the Wu Ming Dao school, they prepare for pregnancy six months before this time. It is necessary to prepare and improve the spine, which will then improve general work body, preparing the body for childbirth.

The technique for maintaining a woman’s health at all times deserves special attention. further years life, "from 50 and older." This is an age that is also full of the brightest sensory experiences and wonderful emotions. It is necessary to prepare for this facet of a woman’s life in advance in order to be active not only during the childbearing period, but much more.

About Anna Vladimirova

Anna Vladimirova is the founder of the Wu Ming Dao school and the author of a unique technique for improving posture and health in general. Having a higher medical education, Anna went to live in southeast Asia. During ten years of living in China, Thailand and Indonesia, Anna was trained by various qigong masters of the Taoist tradition. In 1999, Anna opened her own school in Moscow. Over ten years of teaching, Anna has developed her own methodology, which is based on modern research in the field of neurophysiology and qigong gymnastics, but is also based on an understanding of the anatomy and biochemistry of the human body.

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Doctor, specialist Chinese medicine, founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of healing practices, author of a patented method of non-drug treatment of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias and other diseases associated with disorders of the structure of the spine.

Popularizer of qigong practices in Russia and the West. Developer and presenter of the author’s seminars “Youth and Spine Health” and “Women’s Taoist Practices.” Conducts training of certified instructors in both areas.

Vladimirova was born into a family of doctors, and since childhood she dreamed of continuing the medical dynasty. All that remained was to choose a specialization. Relatives recommended dentistry or gynecology, both areas allow you to see the results of treatment almost immediately. She chose orthodontics because by correcting the bite, the doctor not only corrects the patient’s appearance, but also affects his entire body.

After working as an orthodontist in a clinic for some time, she became interested in alternative techniques for working on posture and influencing the entire body. Since 1995, she began to study eastern practices related to body healing.

Vladimirova practiced yoga under the guidance of Andrei Lapin, studied tantra, and attended tensegrity seminars by Carlos Castaneda and Florinda Doner. Traveled around India to study kundalini yoga, attended Manteca Chia seminars on Taoist practices.

She chose the areas that seemed closest to her - qigong and Taoist practices, and began to study their medical component. She studied every day for 6-9 hours, among her teachers were Rene Navarro, John Chang, Wang Liping, Jeffrey Yuen and others. Intensive practices allowed us to achieve positive changes in your own health.

Since 1999, Vladimirova began conducting seminars: first on women’s Taoist practices, then on Sing Shen Juang gymnastics, which formed the basis of the “Youth and Spine Health” seminar. Similar activities were not previously known in the West, everyone who now teaches women's Taoist practices are students of Vladimirova.

Anna has given lectures and conducted seminars for various audiences, including doctors, in France, Turkey, Romania, Sweden, Italy, Thailand and China. Today she speaks five languages: English, Italian, Turkish, French and Chinese.

On April 25, 2007, Vladimirova opened the Wu Ming Dao School of healing practices in Moscow. Now the School employs more than 50 certified instructors in the practice of Sing Shen Juang (Xinshen) and women's Taoist practices, and conducts daily seminars, workshops and support classes. Representative offices of Wu Ming Dao operate in St. Petersburg and Izhevsk. A growing area of ​​the School is online seminars and classes for advanced students.

In 2014, Vladimirova patented a rehabilitation technique based on the practice of Sing Shen Juang (Xinshen) qigong. This is a non-drug method of treating osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias and other diseases associated with disorders of the structure of the spine.

Collaborates with the media, often acts as an expert on oriental practices on television.

Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov (MGMSU), specialty "dentist", residency in the specialty "orthodontist"

NLP Seminars Group International – course by Richard Bandler, certified NLP specialist

Academy of Classic Chinese Medicine, Ireland – certification course in aromatherapy in classical Chinese medicine

AMSA associazione medica per lo studio della agopuntura, Italy – certified acupuncturist

Daoist Traditions – College of Chinese Medical Arts, Jeffrey C. Yuen course “Vitality in Chinese Traditional Medicine”

Open lecture “How to get out of stress on your own”

Seminar "Youth and spinal health"

Seminar “Silence”

Retreat "Women's and men's practices"

Seminar "Increase vitality: Neigong"

"Women's Taoist Practices: Health and Sexuality"

“Femininity on the verge of madness or a guide to women's Taoist practices”

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