How is geography studied? Geography - definition, history, main branches and scientific disciplines

Physical geography is the science of the structure of the Earth's shell. This discipline is the basis of the natural sciences. What shells of the Earth does he study? Physiography? She studies the location of various geographical objects, the shell as a whole natural phenomenon. In addition, regional differences in the Earth's shell are explored. This science will interfere with a whole complex of other sciences that study the geography of our planet.

Considering that the diversity of phase and chemical composition quite large and unusually complex, all parts earth's crust are constantly connected with each other and continuously exchange various substances, as well as necessary energy. It is this process that makes it possible to distinguish the geographical shell as a specific material in the system of our planet; scientists explain the set of processes that take place inside as a special process of the movement of matter.

What kind of science is physical geography?

Already for a long time physical geography studies nature earth's surface. The only direction, over time, thanks to the differentiation of some sciences and the development of human horizons, questions began to appear, the answers to which could only be obtained by expanding the scientific spectrum. Thus, geophysics began to study inanimate nature, and geography fully fits into the study of all living things on planet Earth. Physical geography is a science that studies both sides, that is, living and inanimate nature, the shell of the Earth, as well as its influence on human life.

History of the development of science

Throughout the development of science, scientists accumulated facts, materials and everything necessary for the study to be successful. Systematization of materials helped to facilitate the work and draw certain conclusions. This is what played very important role in the further development of physical geography as a science. What does general physical geography study? In the middle of the 19th century there was a very active period of development of this direction. It consisted in the constant study of various natural processes that occur in the geographical environment and are caused by various geographical phenomena. The study of these phenomena was justified by requests practical knowledge, a deeper study and explanation of some of the patterns that began to occur in the nature of planet Earth. Thus, in order to know the nature of certain phenomena, it was necessary to study certain components of the landscape. Thanks to this need, other developments followed. geographical sciences. Thus, a whole complex of sciences appeared that acted as related ones.

Objectives of physical geography

Over time, paleography began to be related to physical geography. Some scientists include geography and soil science in this system. Evolution scientific knowledge, ideas and discoveries examines the entire history of physical geography. Thus, one can trace one’s internal and external Relations, practical use patterns. So the task of physical geography became the study regional differences shell of the Earth and specific factors in the manifestation of general and local patterns that correspond to certain theories. General and local patterns are interconnected, closely combined and continuously interact.

Geography of Russia

What does physical geography of Russia study? Land resources, minerals, soil, relief changes - all this is included in the list of studies. Our country is located on three huge flat layers. Huge deposits Russia is rich in mineral resources. In different parts of it you can find iron ore, chalk, oil, gas, copper, titanium, and mercury. What does physical geography of Russia study? Important topics research areas are the country's climate and water resources.

Differentiation of science

The spectrum of physical and geographical sciences is based on certain materials and general patterns, which are studied by physical geography. Differentiation definitely had a positive impact on the development of science, but at the same time there were problems in the special physical-geographical sciences, their developments were not enough, because not all natural phenomena were studied, some facts were overused, which made it difficult further development in mutually dependent natural processes. Recently, the trend towards balancing differentiation has been moving in a rather positive direction; comprehensive research, a certain synthesis is carried out. General physical geography uses a number of related industries in its processes natural sciences. At the same time, other sciences arise that help in the future to reveal more and more new knowledge. In addition to all this, the histories of science are preserved, with their knowledge and experiments. Thanks to this, scientific progress continues to move forward.

Physical Geography and Related Sciences

Special sciences in the field of physical geography, in turn, depend on generally accepted laws. They, of course, have a progressive meaning, but the problem is that there are certain boundaries that do not allow one to achieve greater knowledge. This is what makes lasting progress difficult, for which it is necessary to discover new sciences. In many particular physical and geographical sciences, chemical and biochemical methods, processes and objects are most often used; this becomes the moving force. Physical geography connects these sciences, enriches them with necessary materials and teaching methods. This is necessary to solve practical problems, which gives certain forecasts of changes natural environment under certain human actions. In addition, the above sciences connect the problem as a whole, which also gives rise to whole line new research. But what does the physical geography of continents and oceans study?

Most of the earth's surface is covered with water. Only 29% are continents and islands. There are six continents on Earth, only 6% are islands.

Connection with economic geography

Physical geography has a fairly close connection with economic sciences and many of their branches. This is explained by the fact that in specific natural conditions, economic geography, one way or another, influences them. One more an important condition production is use natural resources, and this is precisely what affects some economic aspects. Economic development and industrial production, modifies the geography, the shell of the earth's surface, sometimes there is even an increase in the surface; such spontaneous changes should be reflected in research. Also, such changes affect the state of nature; all these points must be studied and explained. In light of all of the above, the study of the geographical envelope can be successful only if we understand the conditioned way in which human society influences the nature of the planet.

Physical Geography Concepts

An interesting fact is the aspects outlined in theoretical foundations physical geography, they began to take shape at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Then the basic concepts of this science were formed. The first concept suggests that geographical shells have always been and will be integral and inseparable. All their components cooperate with each other, sharing energy and necessary substances. The second concept says that scientists in the field of geography explain the moment of zonation as the most important manifestations territorial differentiation shells of the planet. The study of this science in local patterns, as well as local manifestations, has great value for zoning.

Periodic law of zoning

Differentiation is quite difficult geographical system, particles are interconnected, spatial changes occur, the magnitude of which should not interfere with the balance of the earth's surface. This can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as annual rainfall, the relationship between them and much, much more. Surface balance globe closely related to land boundaries. If you look at different thermal zones, the conditions will be different, depending on the characteristics of the landscape. This pattern even got its name - periodic law geographical zonation. This is what physical geography studies. The concept of this law has some general concepts and values ​​that can be applied to a large number physical and geographical processes. These processes come down to determining a rational balance that is optimal for vegetation.

If we combine all these areas, we can conclude that science plays a very important role as a method of analysis natural relationships and implementation of new knowledge. The methodology of physical geography has not yet been sufficiently improved. Therefore, in the coming years, science will also develop rapidly; fresh ideas and other things are required. New industries may also emerge.

Geography is a rather interesting and unusual science that studies the Earth. Translated from Greek, the word “geography” means “description of the earth,” and it is from this that one can answer the question of what geography studies. Every year this science only improved, it conquered new heights, became more extensive and interesting, and attracted attention.

Geography arose because the rulers were obsessed with finding out how different states and countries were structured, how many sea and land routes there were for movement. Geography, as a science, has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years, bringing us only new and useful information.

General characteristics of geography

Geography deals with the study of the geographical envelope of the Earth, as well as its structure. Geography includes three main sciences that make it more interesting and complete.

  1. Geography - it studies the development of the geographical envelope, as well as the patterns of its structure.
  2. Landscape science is the science of territorial natural complexes.
  3. Paleogeography – studies the physical and geographical situation, as well as its dynamics.

Geography is a broad concept; it is directly related to other sciences, which also study various earthly components, phenomena and processes.

Geography - Earth Science

Starting to study the subject of geography, even small child It is known that, first of all, geography studies the entire Earth. But in fact there are still many additional sciences who also study living beings and organisms. Let us note the following sciences:

  • Regional studies.
  • Historical geography.
  • Cartography.

The science of Geography deals with the study of the water, air and solid shell of the Earth, as well as the interaction of living beings with nature, and also answers a number of other questions.

The earth's surface is quite diverse; there are areas of both land and water. The largest are the oceans and continents. The earth tends to accept different weather such as hail, rain, wind, snow, earthquake. All this is also studied by geography.

Behind Lately people have a huge impact on the Earth, and, unfortunately, it is negative. Geography tries to study all the changes taking place on Earth, no matter how negative they may be.

Studying geography is a task that can be daunting. Geography is a broad subject that includes many branches, and learning the names of places, especially without any context, can seem boring and difficult. However, mastering this science can give you a feeling of deep satisfaction and help you better understand the world in which we live. It is possible that the study of geography will develop into a true passion for travel and meeting new cultures!


Part 1


    Decide for what purpose you are learning geography. Your approach to studying will be determined by your goal. If you'd just like to learn more about the world around you or do better at answering geography questions on quizzes, the stakes are pretty low. If you plan to travel around several countries with a backpack behind you and need to have an idea of ​​the route, or if you happily slept through your geography lessons and now need to study for an exam, a lot can be at stake.

    • Ask yourself what you hope to achieve from studying geography and let the answer to that question help you determine specific area and approach.
    • For example, if you're taking a solo trip to Europe, you'll want to focus on the region you're going to and learn about its culture, currency, and languages ​​spoken there.
  1. Define your boundaries. It is impossible to learn everything about all the places in the world at once. If you set yourself a framework - study a small area thoroughly or get general knowledge oh much larger territory– then this will help you decide on your further approach. Here are examples of such frames:

    • Learn all the streets in your city
    • Learn all the main roads in your region
    • Learn all areas and regional centers(or other administrative units) in the region (state, province)
    • Learn all regions (areas) of your country
    • Learn all the countries of the world
    • Learn all the continents, oceans and most populated countries
    • Learn all the countries where English is spoken
    • Learn all European countries
  2. Choose an approach. There are two main approaches to studying geography: from small to large or from large to small. By moving from small to large, we mean that you start studying in your area and gradually expand the scope until you get general idea about the world. When moving from large to small, learning begins with a general picture of the world and then moves to deeper “layers” and narrow areas of knowledge.

    • If you're taking a general-to-specific approach, start by researching your city or area. Then find out about the neighboring areas, then about the region or region. Then study the regions bordering yours, then those bordering them. Once you've explored your country, move on to neighboring states. Continue to expand your learning until you have a good understanding of the geography of the entire world.
    • If you choose a general-to-specific approach, start by studying the continents and oceans. Then learn the countries. Then - the capitals of all countries. Then study the largest cities and regions of each state, then who is the head of each of them. Continue until you reach the level of knowledge that is your goal. You can work on one continent at a time in this way.
  3. Study the maps. To learn geography you need maps. There are many available on the Internet geographical maps, but you can also use paper ones. Maps contain a variety of information and come in varying degrees detailed; choose the one or ones that provide all the information you need.

    • You can also find and print contour maps. Place the names of cities, regions, countries on contour maps - good way learn them and also test yourself.

Part 2

Deepening knowledge
  1. Study the culture and population. Just the name of a country and its position on the map is rather impersonal information, and memorizing them may seem pointless if you do not make connections between the country and the people inhabiting it. Every place in the world is, first and foremost, a people with their own unique culture and history, and getting to know the character of a place through exposure to the culture and people will breathe life into your study of geography.

    Read about border disputes. Borders between countries often have long history conflicts and disputes. Learn about these conflicts to make it easier to remember who is on each side of the border. Likewise, if you read about how the names of countries and cities changed - not just the fact of the renaming, but who made it and why it was done - then you will better understand the history of the region and remember modern names countries or cities.

    Explore the waterways. Civilizations have always arisen near water. Majority major cities, especially ancient ones, is located near oceans, seas or big rivers. Find out about trade routes and imagine what shipping was like and sea ​​travel in the process of development or exploration of the mainland in order to better understand the current situation.

    Combine geography with other areas of interest to you. If you're trying to learn geography but find it boring or rote, try relating it to a topic or area that interests you. For example, if you are interested in climate, learning about the climate of each region can help you remember geography information more effectively.

    Visit places that interest you. The best way get to know a place - visit it! You may find it counterintuitive to study the geography of a place after you've been there (if your goal is to plan your travels), but it may be easier to grasp the details if they are based on experience.

    • For example, if you are trying to learn the most populated cities your region, try to visit each of them. As you travel from city to city, you will get an idea of ​​the distances between them, as well as what is remarkable about the cities themselves.
  2. Ask questions about the current situation. Part of truly understanding a subject is the ability to think critically. In the case of geography, you might wonder who determines where the border goes, who makes the maps you use, or how political boundaries influence local population, which in the beginning could hardly adapt to them.

Geography is one of the ancient sciences in the world. More primitive people studied their terrain, drew the first primitive maps on the walls of their caves. Of course modern science Geography poses completely different tasks. Which ones exactly? What is she studying? And what definition can be given to this science?

Defining Geography: Main Issues and Difficulties

If physics teaches “how”, history explains “when” and “why”, then geography tells “where”. Of course, this is a very simplified view of this subject.

Geography is a very old science. The term itself has ancient Greek roots and is literally translated as “land description”. And its foundation was laid precisely in antiquity. The first geographer is called Claudius Ptolemy, who in the second century published a book with an ambiguous title: “Geography”. The work consisted of eight volumes.

Among other scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of geography as a science, it is worth highlighting Gerhard Mercator, Alexander Humboldt, Karl Ritter, Walter Christaller, Vladimir Vernadsky,

A precise and uniform definition of geography still remains sufficient challenging task. According to one of several interpretations, the sciences that study various aspects functioning and structure of geography There is another definition of geography, according to which this science studies the patterns of distribution of any phenomenon across the earth's surface. But Professor V.P. Budanov wrote that although the content of geography is very difficult to determine, its object, without any doubt, is the surface of the entire globe.

Geography as the science of the geographical envelope of the Earth

However, the main object of study is geographic envelope Earth. Domestic science gives following definition this term. is a holistic and continuous shell of planet Earth, which consists of five structural parts:

  • lithosphere;
  • hydrosphere;
  • atmosphere;
  • biosphere;
  • anthroposphere.

Moreover, they are all in close and constant interaction, exchanging matter, energy and information.

The geographic envelope has its own parameters (thickness is approximately 25-27 kilometers), and also has certain patterns. Among these are integrity (unity of components and structures), rhythm (periodic repetition of natural phenomena), latitudinal zonation, altitudinal zone.

Structure of geographical science

The distinction between natural and bold lines passed through the “body” of the once unified geographical science, scattering its individual disciplines into completely different planes scientific research. Thus, some physiographic branches are more closely related to physics or chemistry than to population or economics.

Geography of the Earth is divided into two large disciplines.

  1. Physical.
  2. Social and economic.

The first group includes hydrography, climatology, geomorphology, glaciology, soil geography and others. It is not difficult to guess that they are studying natural objects. The second group includes population, urban studies (the science of cities), regional studies and others.

Connections with other sciences

How closely is geography related to other sciences? What place does it occupy in the system of scientific disciplines?

Geography has the closest connections with such sciences as mathematics, history, physics and chemistry, economics, biology and psychology. Like any other discipline, it is also genetically related to philosophy and logic.

It is worth noting that some of these interscientific connections were so strong that they gave rise to entirely new so-called cross-cutting disciplines. These include the following:

  • cartography (geography + geometry);
  • toponymy (geography + linguistics);
  • historical geography (geography + history);
  • soil science (geography + chemistry).

The main geographical problems at the present stage of scientific development

Strange as it may sound, one of the most important geographical problems is the definition of geography as a science. Moreover, methodologists and theorists are so keen on solving this problem that the question has already arisen: does such a science exist at all?

In the 21st century, the role of prognostic function geographical science. Using a huge amount of analytical and factual data, various geomodels (climatic, geopolitical, environmental, etc.) are built.

The main task of geography in modern stage- not only to recognize the deep connections between natural phenomena And social processes, but also learn to predict them. One of the most important branches of science today is geourbanism. The world's urban population is growing every year. Largest cities planets are facing new problems and challenges that require immediate and constructive solutions.

Textbook for 5th grade

In preparing the textbook, suggestions and recommendations from geographer teachers at experimental schools were used:

Edited by Candidate of Geographical Sciences I.P.Galaya

Minsk, 2000


Rules for working with the textbook

In geography lessons, while preparing homework, you, except teaching aid, you must have a geography atlas and a set of outline maps for 5th grade, a compass, a squared notebook, colored pencils, a compass, and an eraser.

Work at home on the paragraphs of the study guide in the following sequence:

    Read the text.

    Retell each part of the paragraph, and then the entire paragraph.

    While reading the text, find on the map all the geographical objects mentioned in it.

    Answer the questions and complete the tasks placed after each paragraph.

    Write down all the words highlighted in the text of the paragraph (for example, geography) in a dictionary and remember how they are written.

    If any term found in the text is not clear to you, refer to the short dictionary geographical concepts and terms (at the end of the textbook).

Introduction &1. What does geography study?

Let's remember: What do you know about our planet from the courses “Universe” or “Natural History”? Why is it warm in some areas of the globe and cold in others? Why does it rain?

Keywords:geography, natural conditions, population, economy, nature conservation.1. Geography as a science.G E O GRAPHY- a science that studies the natural conditions of the earth's surface, the earth's population and its economic activity. This science is one of the most ancient.

Geography translated from Greek language means land description (in Greek “ge” - Earth, “grapho” - I write, describe).

*The name “geography” was first used by Eratosthenes even before the beginning of our era in the book “Geography”. It examined the shape and size of the Earth, oceans, land, climate, described individual countries, and the history of geography .

For a long time (until the end of the 18th century), the main task of geography was the discovery and description of new lands, countries, peoples, and the elimination of blank spots on the geographical map. The names of discoverers and explorers - brave and courageous people- captured in geographical names on the map.

The first geographers were travelers and seafarers. They discovered new lands, countries, peoples, continents, islands, oceans, seas, bays, mountains, plains, rivers and lakes, drew up maps depicting travel routes and new lands, described natural conditions, life and occupations of the population. The routes of their travels and expeditions passed through sultry deserts and cold glaciers, in the sky-high mountains, along fast rivers and stormy ocean waters.

** People learned about ancient travels not only from descriptions, but also from scraps of papyrus or a fragment of a clay tablet with signs written on them.

Geographers have revealed and continue to reveal many secrets of nature. Thanks to their research and observations, we can already answer many questions. For example: why is it raining or windy? In what areas of the Earth should we look for coal, oil or other minerals? But nature still conceals many mysteries, which geographers and other scientists are working to uncover.

Geography is divided into two large parts: physical and economic. Physical geography studies the nature of the surface of the globe; economic geography - population, its economic activities, patterns of distribution of the population and economy.

2. The meaning of geography. Geography was descriptive in the past. Now the main task of geography is to study the diversity of nature, population, its economic activities and explain their development and distribution.

Modern geography clarifies the causes of processes and phenomena occurring on the surface of the globe, and the patterns of their change. One of the most important tasks of geography is forecasting the development of phenomena. Since the nature of the Earth began to change extremely quickly, it is necessary to anticipate those changes in the environment that may occur as a result of human economic activity.

Any development of the territory and construction does not begin without a preliminary study of the area. So, when building a hydroelectric power station on a river, it is necessary to determine where to build a dam, study what rocks the river banks are made of, and what area will be flooded with water after the construction of the dam.

For example, a project was proposed for the construction of a very large hydroelectric power station on the Ob River, which flows through the West Siberian Plain. But when this project was thoroughly examined by geographers, it turned out that as a result of the construction of a hydroelectric dam, a huge reservoir would be formed that would flood a significant part of the plain. Swamps will form around the reservoir, which will lead to a change in the local climate, and other unfavorable changes in nature will occur. This project was not accepted.

3. Geography and nature conservation. Geography provides answers to the questions of how best to use the wealth of nature, what to do so that nature does not become impoverished, so that forests do not disappear, fertile soils do not deplete, rivers do not dry up, how to restore and transform nature in the interests of man and nature itself.

State documents of our country constantly emphasize the need for rational use and protection of soils, subsoil, air and water basins. It is necessary to strengthen comprehensive studies of nature for the purpose of wise management.

The features of nature, population and economy of many parts of the earth's surface have not yet been sufficiently studied. People cannot always predict how nature will change as a result of their impact on it. Therefore, geographers continue to explore the Earth's surface. They participate in various expeditions on land and in the oceans, and conduct long-term observations at scientific stations.

    1.What is called geography? 2. What two parts is geography divided into? 3. What does physical geography study? Economical geography? 4. What is the significance of geographical science?