Population of the Siberian Federal District. Siberian Federal District

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Table10 Characteristictransportwaysregion


Railways, thousand km

River routes, thousand km

Highways, thousand km

The Republic of Khakassia



Area of ​​the region, thousand square meters.km

Railway track density, km/10,000 sq.km

Density of river routes, km/1000 sq.km

Road density, km/1000 sq.km

The Republic of Khakassia


In the transport services market, one of the leading roles is assigned to railway transport.

In the Republic of Khakassia, the total length of railway tracks is 666.6 km. Of these, 288.4 km are electrified and equipped with dispatch centralization devices and automatic blocking. Density railways on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia is 108 km per 1000 sq. km of territory.

The basis of the railway transport framework of the Republic of Khakassia is the South Siberian Railway (Mezhdurechensk - Abakan - Taishet) and the Achinsk - Abakan railway line.

There are 4 large railway bridges in the republic: across the river. Yenisei, r. Abakan, r. Black Iyus and r. White Iyus.

The railway service covers 33 settlements, 43 are operated railway stations, there are five railway stations - in the cities of Abakan, Abaza, urban-type settlements Shira, Askiz, Biskamzha.

Automotivetransport: The republic's road network is most developed in its center, west and southwest, which is directly related to the location major cities republics. The federal highway M54 runs through Khakassia, which near the capital connects with the A161 highway, connecting Abakan with Tuvan Ak-Dovurak. Most developed areas highways Khakassia: Abakan - Sayanogorsk; Abakan - Beya; Abakan - Abaza; Abakan - Sorsk; Abakan - Shira - Kopyovo; Kopyovo - Priiskovy. Roads to other, smaller settlements are represented mainly by dirt roads, although in this moment They are being replaced with paved roads. Intercity traffic is carried out to all neighboring regions: Krasnoyarsk region(Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Artyomovsk), Tyva (Kyzyl, Ak-Dovurak), Kemerovo region (Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk), Altai Territory and the Altai Republic (Biysk, Barnaul, Gorno-Altaisk). There are messages over longer distances - Novosibirsk, Tomsk. Intercity communications are represented by buses, fixed-route Gazelles, and private taxis. With the opening of the season, the load increases on sections of the roads Abakan - Shira, Abakan - Sorsk (to the Tumanny sanatorium).

Railwaytransport: The Khakassia Railway belongs to the Krasnoyarsk Railway (Abakan Branch). The total length of railways is 663 km. The railway passes through almost all the most significant settlements republics. There is both an electrified railway (Abakan - Kaltas) and its non-electrified sections (diesel traction), which make up the bulk of the republic's railways: Tigey - Kopyovo, Askiz - Abaza, Biskamzha - Teya. The junction center of the republic's railways is the capital. There are 3 main trains running across the republic: local trains: No. 659/660 Abakan - Krasnoyarsk (via Achinsk); No. 675/676 Abakan - Novokuznetsk (via Biskamzha); long distance: No. 67/68 Abakan - Moscow-Yaroslavskaya (via Achinsk, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, trains change numbering to Achinsk-1 station); In addition, from Abakan, depending on the time of year and day of the week, trailer cars or temporary trains can be used to reach Irkutsk, Taishet, Tomsk, Adler, and Bishkek. The section of the Tigei - Kopyovo (and further - Uzhur, Achinsk) railway is link between two railway arteries - Trans-Sib and Yuzhsib (Taishet - Abakan - Novokuznetsk - Artyshta - Barnaul - Kulunda - Pavlodar - Astana - Tobol - Kartaly - Magnitogorsk - Dema) (similar to the Sayanskaya - Uyar section). In addition to Abakan, the junction in the republic is the Biskamzha station. The city of Sayanogorsk is connected to the “big” railway through the Kamyshta station.

Air transport: There is an airport in Khakassia. And although it is officially located not in the village of Kalinino, but 200 meters from it, residents of the capital and the republic as a whole generally believe that the Abakan airport is located in this village. Air transportation of passengers and cargo in Khakassia is carried out by Abakan CJSC -- Avia", JSC "Vladivostok" -- Avia" and JSC "Airport -- Abakan". Flights are operated to Moscow, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Kyzyl. Aircraft carrying out transportation are Tu class (in particular Tu-204) and Airbus, in particular Airbus A320).

IN Depending on the time of year, flights are operated to the south of Russia and to resort countries.

Chapter6. EnvironmentalProblemsdistrict

To determine the level of impact of the social component on the state of the ecology of the Republic of Khakassia, we calculate the average ecological density of the population:

EPsr=K2*population size,

Where TO 2 -- from 501 thousand to 1.0 million.

people; TO 2 = 1,5;

EPsr=532200 *1.5=798300

Let's identify the level of impact of the urban population on the natural environment:


Where TO cf - a tabular indicator that takes into account the environmental situation and the significance of the soil condition ( TO n), atmosphere ( TO A), water basin (TO c) Republic of Khakassia ( Siberian district, Yenisei basin)

TO av = ( TO n + TO a + TO at 3.

TO avg =(1.4+1.1+1.25)/3=1.25


Table11 LevelimpacturbansettlementsonnaturalWednesday

Conclusion: The highest level of impact of the urban population on nature is in Abakan - 137.04, second place - Chernogorsk - 60.32. The difference in indicators is significant, because Abakan is the capital, its average ecological population density is 145.2 thousand people. The same high, but does not exceed 500 thousand people, this means that the level of pollution concentration is 1, not high compared to cities in other regions.

Table12 CharacteristicindustriesBycharacterimpact

To the air

To the biosphere

Per person

Thermal power engineering

Chemical and petrochemical

Mechanical engineering

Forestry and woodworking

Pulp and paper

Light industry

Food industry



Features of the impact of the industry complex (thermal power engineering, hydropower engineering, mechanical engineering, forestry and woodworking industries were assessed, non-ferrous metallurgy, food industry, agriculture, transport, housing and communal services) for the environment: for land - 21 points, for water - 19 points, for air - 19 points, for biological environment - 23 points, per person - 20 points (according to Appendix A, Table L2 ).

When assessing the environmental problems of the region, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Republic of Khakassia is in 41st place in terms of pollution. In the cities of the Republic, the level of air pollution ranges from high to very high; water in surface water bodies is classified as “polluted” and “very dirty”.

75% or more of the urban population of our republic lives in conditions of high and very high level air pollution. 45% of its pollution from stationary sources was provided by metallurgy and thermal power plants. The “leaders” are OJSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter (with lease of facilities of the Khakass Aluminum Smelter). This enterprise provided almost 33 thousand tons of emissions in 2010. It was followed by: Abakan Thermal Power Plant (9.5 thousand tons), Montenegrin "Khakassky TeploEnergoKompleks" (7.9 thousand tons) and Sayanogorsk LLC "Teploresurs" (4.4 thousand tons). The contribution of motor transport to air pollution was 47.1 thousand tons (32.9%). The total total emissions into the atmosphere of Khakassia in 2010 exceeded 140 thousand tons. The air we breathed was constantly filled with sulfur dioxide, carbon and nitrogen oxides. The chemical reactions occurring in the atmosphere when the listed substances are mixed, of course, could only lead to the formation of some kind of “rubbish”. The “priority list of Russian cities with the highest air pollution” includes the cities of Chernogorsk and Minusinsk.

Among the most effective ways to solve environmental problems, it is necessary to highlight the introduction of environmentally efficient and resource-saving technologies, raw materials, products and equipment, rational use natural resources.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that, despite all the steps currently being taken to reduce the level of anthropogenic pressure on the environment, a significant result will not be achieved without increasing the level of human environmental culture, his environmental education and upbringing.


Based on the study of literary, cartographic, statistical and other sources, I have established that the development of the Russian economy as a whole depends, first of all, on economic situation its federal subjects. That is why, when planning the development of the national economy of the country, one cannot ignore the role domestic economy its individual regions.

In accordance with the above, during the research I discovered that the Republic of Khakassia is primarily a raw material base for neighboring regions. Natural resources, unique in their diversity and combination, formed the basis for the development of such industries as: coal mining, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper; power generation.

Overall, I consider the goal achieved.


1. Atlas of Russian Railways.

2. Atlas of roads in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries.

3. Atlas "Geography of Russia"

4.Atlas of the Republic of Khakassia

5. "Geography of Russia" Atlas for grades 8-9, Roscartography, 2005.

6. Infrastructure of Russian regions, Komarov M.P. . - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

7. Russia in figures 2011

8. Russian statistical yearbook. 2012: Statistical collection/Rosstat. - M., 2012.

9. Economic and geographical characteristics of the railway area: assignment and guidelines To course work/ Comp. N.B. Popova, E.Yu. Nikitina, E.A. Gizunova. - Novosibirsk: SGUPS Publishing House, 2007.

10. Economic geography and regional studies, E.N., Kuzbozhev, I.A. Kozyeva, M.G., Klevtsova, M., 2011.

11. Socio-economic mechanisms of environmental protection: textbook. manual / Yu. A. Mazhaisky, O. A. Zakharova. - Ryazan: Publishing house 2005

12.http://www.r-19.ru/ official website of the Republic of Khakassia


14. http://newsruss.ru/doc/

Posted on Allbest.ru


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The Republic of Khakassia is located in the southwestern part Eastern Siberia in the left bank part of the Yenisei River basin, in the territories of the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin. The length from north to south is 460 km, from west to east (in the widest part) - 200 km. In the north, east and southeast, Khakassia borders with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the south with the Republic of Tyva, in the southwest with the Altai Republic, and in the west with the Kemerovo Region.

The republic includes 3 cities of republican subordination: Abakan, Sayanogorsk, Chernogorsk; 8 districts: Altaisky, Askizsky, Beysky, Bogradsky, Ordzhonekidzevsky, Tashtypsky, Ust-Abakansky and Shirinsky. The administrative center is the city of Abakan, located in the southeast of the republic, on the banks of the river. Abakan, the left tributary of the Yenisei.

The climate of Khakassia is sharply continental, with cold winter and hot summer. Characterized by sharp fluctuations in temperature, air and precipitation. The average temperature in July is + 19 C, in January -20 C. The duration of the frost-free period is from 80 to 120 days. Annual quantity precipitation ranges from 250 to 780 mm. The prevailing winds are from the southwest. Winds occur almost every year in April and May great strength, reaching speeds of 17-20 m/s. Winter sets in at the end of October - beginning of November.

According to the nature of the relief, mountainous (eastern slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Abakan ridge, northern slopes of the Western Sayan - height up to 2930 m) and flat (Minusinsk, Chulym-Yenisei basins) parts are distinguished.

The flat areas are confined to wide river valleys and are called steppes (Abakanskaya, Koibalskaya, etc.).

On the territory of the republic there are deposits of coal, iron ore, non-ferrous and rare metals (copper, molybdenum, lead, gold, etc.), gypsum, and building materials.

Khakassia is located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The vertical zonality of the landscapes is clearly expressed. The mountains are dominated by soddy-podzolic, as well as mountain-taiga podzolic and mountain-tundra soils. In the intermountain basins and partly in the foothills there are various types of chernozems. In the lowest parts of the basins there are dry turf-grass steppes, along the outskirts there are mixed-grass steppes and forest-steppe (a combination of meadow steppes with larch, birch and pine coppices).

Mountain taiga forests rise to a height of 1200 m in the north, 1600 m and higher in the south. On the dry slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau there is light coniferous taiga of larch and pine, on the slopes of the Abakan Range and Western Sayan there are dark coniferous forests with a predominance of fir and cedar.

In the steppe and foothill regions of Khakassia live the mole, ermine, weasel, in the mountains - squirrel, white hare, wolf, fox, bear, etc. Birds include hazel grouse and wood grouse. In the rivers - taimen, tench, burbot, etc.

On the territory of Khakassia there are the Maly Abakan and Chazy nature reserves.

Main industries: mining (Yeniseiskaya coal mine and Chernogorsky coal mine; iron ore - Abakan Mining Management JSC; non-ferrous metal ores - Molybdenum JSC (Sorsk); marble - Sayanmramor JSC), light (wool - JSC "Siteks"; knitting factory "Khakassia"; shoe - JSC "Sayany"; leather - JSC "Iskozh"), mechanical engineering (production of cars (JSC "Abakanvagonmash"); containers, truck cranes), non-ferrous metallurgy (Sayan aluminum plant, Sorsk Molybdenum Plant, JSC "Tuimsky OCM Plant" (brass rolled products)), timber and woodworking ("Sayanles"), food (meat - JSC "Abakansky Meat Processing Plant"; dairy, etc.). Hydrolysis plant in the village of Ust-Abakan.

Main industrial centers: the cities of Abakan, Sayanogorsk, Chernogorsk, Abaza, Sorsk; PGT - Ust-Abakan. In agriculture, the leading place is occupied by farming (cereal (mainly wheat) crops), meat and dairy farming, sheep breeding, and poultry farming.

The transport complex in the Republic of Khakassia is represented by road, rail, air and water (river) transport. The remoteness of the Republic of Khakassia from the main economic centers of the country and the need to overcome large distances determined the development of the transport system in the republic. The main purpose of the transport industry is freight and passenger transportation.

The following railway lines pass through the territory of the Republic of Khakassia: Abakan-Taishet, Abakan - Achinsk, Abakan - Novokuznetsk.

Legislative body The Supreme Council Republic of Khakassia - the highest representative and only Legislature Republic of Khakassia. The Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia consists of 75 deputies elected by citizens of the Republic of Khakassia on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of 4 years in single-mandate (one district - one deputy) constituencies with approximately equal numbers of voters.

Organ executive power The Government of the Republic of Khakassia is the highest executive and administrative body of state power of the Republic of Khakassia, is appointed for the term of office of the elected Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia and resigns its powers upon the new election of the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia, continuing to perform its duties until the formation of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia of a new composition.

The Republic of Khakassia (until July 3, 1991, Khakass Autonomous Region) has existed within its modern borders since October 20, 1930. The official languages ​​are Khakassian and Russian.

In general, the economic and geographical position of the Republic of Khakassia is very favorable (relief and climatic conditions favorable for agriculture and industrial development). Also, in the EGP of the republic, the proximity to such developed regions like the Kemerovo region and the Krasnoyarsk region. The Republic of Khakassia has a favorable transport and geographical position (presence of railways, highways, air and river routes). Its geographical position on the South Siberian Railway, connecting the Republic with the Minusinsk right bank, the Irkutsk region, and Kuzbass, is advantageous. Along the river The republic has access to the Yenisei to the Central Krasnoyarsk region and the Yenisei North.

Historical ways of settlement and economic development.

Khakassia is part of the Sayan-Altai Highlands. Scientists suggest that human ancestors settled in the territories of the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin over 300 thousand years ago. Ancient history this region is unique and original. Khakassia is known all over the world for its ancient historical and archaeological monuments. It is no coincidence that archaeologists call it the “archaeological Mecca.”

For thousands of years, numerous cultures of Finno-Ugric, Iranian, and ancient Turkic peoples collided on the territory of modern Khakassia. The ancient Chinese states also had a certain influence on the development of the South Siberian peoples: in ancient Chinese chronicles we find references to their northern neighbors, called “Hyagasy” by the Chinese. The relationship between these peoples was not easy: there were countless military clashes, struggles for survival, and periods of relative calm when there were lively trade and cultural exchanges.

Since ancient times, Khakassia had caravan routes with Mongolia, China, Tibet and India. During the era of the Kyrgyz Kaganate, there was a branch of the Great Silk Road that connected Khakassia with Tuva. This path was mentioned in ancient Turkic runic monuments of the 7th - 8th centuries.

According to the assumptions of Professor L.R., writing existed in the upper Yenisei basin (including Khakassia). Kyzlasov, right up to the Mongol conquest, i.e. until the XIII century, and according to recent research, until the later period of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Since the 13th century, the peoples of Sayan-Altai, incl. The Yenisei Kirghiz began to experience increasing pressure from the southern neighbors of the Mongols. As a result of long, bloody battles that lasted several decades, Mongol troops invaded the territory of the Kyrgyz (Khakassian) state and in 1293. it fell.

The Mongolian period in the history of Khakassia is characterized by enormous human losses, cultural decline, feudal fragmentation. After the destruction of the Khakassian state, the scattered feudal principalities on the territory of Khakassia were never able to create a strong unified union due to external and internal reasons. A certain stability occurred only at the beginning of the 17th century, when four feudal uluses (principalities) Altysar, Altyr, Yezersky and Tubinsky were formed. The uluses were ruled by princes from the dominant Kyrgyz family.

The process of Khakassia joining Russia was long and controversial.

In March 1707, Tsar Peter 1 signed a Decree on the construction of a fort in Khakassia, which was built in fifteen days, from August 4 to 18, 1707. This year is the year of Khakassia’s entry into Russia. To finally consolidate Khakassia within Russia, another fort, Sayansky, was built on its southern border in 1718.

The territory of Khakassia was of interest to the tsarist authorities, primarily for its riches. Even under Peter 1, D.G. Messerschmidt made the first descriptions of the nature of Khakassia and its mineral resources. This contributed to the development of industry here. By the beginning of the 30s of the 18th century, many copper deposits were discovered: Syrskoye, Mainskoye, Bazinskoye, where industrial ore mining was organized. In 1740, two factories were built: the Lugansk copper smelter and the Irbinsk ironworks.

To provide metallurgical plants with raw materials in the 30-40s of the 18th century, the Karyshsky and Zastupovsky mines on the river were developed. Bely Iyus, Erbinsky on the Yerba River, Askizsky, Bazinsky, Syrsky and Tashtypsky on the Abakan River, Mainsky and Uysky on the Yenisei River.

Gold mining played an important place in the development of the economy of the Khakass-Minusinsk region, where the “gold rush” began in Siberia in the 30s and 40s of the 19th century. By 1860, 127 mines were operating on the territory of the Minusinsk and Achinsk districts. The main gold mining areas were the Sarala, God-given (now Kommunar mine) and Balakhchino mines. In 1852, 3,800 workers worked in the gold mines and mines in the Minusinsk district. The formation of the working class began.

Over the two centuries since Khakassia became part of Russia, its territory has been populated and developed by the Russian population. Already in 1822, there were 90 Russian settlements on the territory of the Khakass-Minusinsk region.

In the 18th century, cattle breeding predominated in Khakassian farms. Purely cattle-breeding farms did not engage in agriculture; they raised livestock in large quantities. And agricultural farms, along with arable farming, had livestock in moderate sizes. Hunting farms engaged in hunting, kept some livestock and sowed grain in small quantities.

In all livestock farms, herd horse breeding occupied first place in the structure of the herd.

In the 19th century, the Khakass moved from a semi-nomadic cattle-breeding economy to a semi-sedentary one with two migrations per year.

The fur trade became commercial in the 19th century. According to the 1890-1891 census, there were 1,714 hunters and commercial hunters in Khakassia, of which 67% belonged to the Askiz department.

On the eve of October 1917, a characteristic feature of Khakassia was a multi-structured economy; it included patriarchal-feudal, patriarchal-tribal, small-scale commodity and private capitalist structures, which were intertwined with each other and did not exist in a “pure” form.

The absolute majority of the Khakass population at that time was engaged in individual agricultural production, and 93.7% did not use hired labor. Bai accounted for only 2.5%.

The 20th century was a turning point in the history of Khakassia. Soviet authority changed the structure of the national economy of Khakassia. It has transformed from an agricultural, predominantly cattle-breeding region into an industrial region. Large enterprises were built here: the Sayan aluminum smelter, Abakanvagonmash, the Sorsk molybdenum plant, the Abakan and Teysk iron mines and many others. The energy heart of Khakassia has become Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

Population and labor resources. Functional typology of cities.

The total area of ​​Khakassia is 61,900 square meters. km. The population of the republic is 583,200 people, of which 414,100 live in urban areas and 169,100 people live in rural areas. The republic's share within Russia is 0.4% both in area and population. Population density 9.4 people per 1 sq. km.

According to the 1989 All-Union Population Census, representatives of 108 nationalities lived in the republic, including: Russians (79.5%), Khakassians (11.1%), Ukrainians (2.3%), Germans (2%), Tatars (0.8%), Belarusians (0.7%), Chuvash (0.6%), Mordovians (0.6%), Shors (0.2%), Poles (0.1%) and other nationalities (2.1%).

The total population of the Republic of Khakassia for the period 1993-2006. has undergone minor changes. So in 1993, 583.6 thousand people lived in the republic, currently in 2006 - 583.2 thousand people, that is, the number of residents has decreased by 400 people. In the population structure, the number of children aged 1 to 14 years decreased from 18.5% in 1993 to 16.6% in 2006, the share of elderly people increased from 13.0% (1993) to 16.9 % (2006), that is, the population of the republic has aged in 13 years. The share of the urban population in the Republic of Khakassia in 2006 was 72%. The expected average life expectancy decreased from 67.4 years in 1993 to 62.4 years in 2006, that is, it decreased by 4 years. Against this background, the problem in addition to the mortality rate of men is especially noticeable; the difference in life expectancy between men and women is 11-12 years, the life expectancy future life men do not reach 60 years of age (2006 - 56.3). Natural population decline has been observed in the Republic of Khakassia since 1993 and in 2006 amounted to 5.7 per 1000 population.

The birth rate in the Republic of Khakassia has decreased in recent years from 15.2 per 1000 population in 1993 to 11.2 in 2006, the rate of decline was 26.3%, but the birth rate in the republic still remains higher than in Russian Federation by 11.5%. The territories of compact residence of the Khakass - the Tashtyp and Askiz districts - have always been characterized by a high birth rate. Large large families - national peculiarity indigenous population of Khakassia. But in these territories there has been a decrease in the birth rate by 18-36% over the past ten years.

The overall mortality rate continues to increase both in the republic as a whole and in places where the indigenous population is densely populated. In these territories, the overall mortality rate exceeds the republican level by 6-14%. For the period 1993-2006. there was an increase in the overall mortality rate in the Republic of Khakassia by 33%, but compared to the Russian Federation in the Republic of Khakassia, the mortality rate was 10% lower (RH - 16.0; RF -16.3 per 1000 population in 2005). The structure of overall mortality in the republic is presented in the following way: I place - diseases of the circulatory system (48%); II place - injuries and poisonings (18%); III place - malignant neoplasms 12.5%. Changes in the structure of mortality (an increase in the proportion of deaths from injuries and poisonings) have been noted since 1993, when this class took second place among the causes of overall mortality in the republic.

Of particular concern is the analysis of the mortality structure of the working-age population. The first place among losses in this population group is occupied by injuries and poisoning. 74% of those who died from accidents, poisonings and road traffic injuries are people of working age, including 10-12% each from violent death (murder) and road accidents, 2 times more likely to die from alcohol poisoning 20% and suicides 22%. Persons of working age accounted for 16% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system and 28.5% in the class of neoplasms.

The main reason for the decline in numbers remains natural population decline. The migration increase, which amounted to 172 people in January - November 2005, compensated for the natural decline by only 6.2%. If in general there is an outflow of population in Eastern Siberia, then in Khakassia there is an influx of population with average indicators of monetary income and unemployment levels. It is associated with the sustainability of the economy thanks to large industrial enterprises(Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station and aluminum smelter). The positive balance of migration was maintained due to the influx of population from other regions of Russia and the CIS and Baltic countries.

Emigration to non-CIS countries amounted to 494 people, which is 228 people, or 31.6% less than in January - November 2004. The bulk of the emigrants (470 people) left for Germany.

In January - November 2005, compared to the corresponding period in 2004, there was an increase in migration growth in exchanges with the majority of CIS member states and the Baltic countries. The exceptions were Kazakhstan, Georgia and Latvia, for which a decrease in migration growth was noted.

The number of economically active population of the Republic of Khakassia in the first half of 2006 increased by 1.7% and reached 261 thousand people. The total number of employed people at the beginning of the second half of the year was 231.6 thousand people; it varied during the six months from 229.2 to 239 thousand people. Peak employment occurred in May-June. The total number of unemployed at the beginning of the second quarter was 29.5 thousand people, or 11.2% of total number working population. Compared to the first half of 2005, this figure increased by 45%. The number of registered unemployed is 9.1 thousand people, or 3.2% of the total economically active population. There was a decrease of 3.5% compared to last year's figure. Tension in the labor market - 3 people per vacancy. In the republic, the most problematic area is the Bogradsky district, where 70 people apply for one vacancy. The most problematic city is Sayanogorsk. There are 11 people applying for one vacancy. In Abakan, the number of vacancies exceeds demand by 30%. The working population is not expected to increase in the coming years. Reduction of workers is predicted in agro-industrial complex, industry, housing and communal services and construction. Now greatest number small business vacancies. Number of employees in peasant farms individual labor and household work increased by 15%. Those working under civil contracts - by 26.7%. Significant layoffs are occurring in trade, agriculture, transport and construction.

According to statistical data, the standard of living of the population of the Republic of Khakassia has been steadily increasing in recent years. Thus, the average wage of those employed in the economy of the republic in November 2006 amounted to 9193.3 rubles, which is 18.3 percent higher than the average wage in 2005 and 2 times higher than the wage level in 2002.

The average annual cash income of the population in January-November 2006 amounted to 5821.7 rubles per month and increased by 14 percent compared to the previous year, and by 85.2 percent in 2002.

At the same time, the cost of living increases from year to year. If in 2002 its level was equal to 1859 rubles, in 2005 - 2844, in 2006 - 3243 rubles per person.

Due to the rapid growth of monetary incomes of the population over the growth rate of inflation in the republic, there is a steady decline in the number of residents living below the poverty line. Thus, in 2002, 31.8 percent of the republic’s population had cash incomes below the subsistence level, in 2005 - 28.7 percent, and in the 3rd quarter of 2006 - 22.4 percent or 120 thousand people.

Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District, the Republic of Khakassia ranks 10th in this indicator. Of the 16 subjects, the lowest percentage of residents with incomes below the subsistence level is in the Kemerovo region (13%), the highest (76.1%) is in the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Okrug, Irkutsk region.

Natural conditions and resources as one of the most important factors in economic development and territorial organization of productive forces.

The climate is sharply continental, with dry, hot summers and cold winters with little snow. The average air temperature in July is +17.9°C, in January -18.9°C. The average annual precipitation is 300-700 mm per year in the steppe zone and up to 1500 mm per year in the mountain taiga zone.

The predominant terrain is steppes, mountains and taiga. The Sayan Mountains, whose height sometimes exceeds 2000 m, occupy two-thirds of the territory and are located in the west and south of the republic.

The republic has almost all types of water bodies - mountain rivers, tarn lakes, foothill rivers, water bodies with plain type regime (small steppe rivers and lakes of closed basins). Most of The territory of the Republic belongs to the middle reaches of the river basin. Yenisei, which is currently regulated hydraulic structures Krasnoyarsk, Sayano-Shushenskaya and Mainskaya hydroelectric power stations. Its water resources are used primarily to generate electricity.

In Khakassia there is Lake Shira, famous in Siberia for its medicinal waters and mud, a significant number of lakes whose waters have medicinal properties.

More than 320 small rivers participate in the formation of the flow volume of the Yenisei and Ob rivers. In addition, small rivers play a significant role in the formation of operational reserves groundwater in the steppe part of the Republic, as well as a major role in the agricultural complex. Surface reservoirs are represented by a number of reservoirs (the largest of which are Krasnoyarsk, Sayano-Shushenskoye, Mainskoye), natural lakes, of which there are more than 500 in the Republic.

The Republic of Khakassia is one of the oldest mining regions in eastern Russia. On its territory, iron, molybdenum, gold, coal, mineral and radon waters, non-metallic minerals are mined: barite, bentonite, facing marbles and granites, building materials. Deposits of copper, polymetals, phosphorites, asbestos, gypsum, jade, and jade have been explored.

In total, the state balance sheet for the Republic takes into account 166 deposits.

The explored deposits of Khakassia contain (as a percentage of the reserves of the Russian Federation): coal - 3%, iron ores - 1%, molybdenum - 11%, barite - 27%, bentonites - 6.5%, facing stones - 13%. There are high prospects for identifying deposits of manganese, tungsten, antimony, cobalt, highly decorative facing and ornamental stones, and industrial accumulations of hydrocarbon raw materials.

The forests of Khakassia are one of the main types of natural resources and play a vital role in economic development and a special role in environmental protection.

The forest fund of the Republic of Khakassia is 3988.2 thousand hectares, occupying two-thirds of its territory. About 96% of the forest fund is mountain forests, which have increased water-regulating and soil-protecting significance.

Of particular value in Khakassia are cedar forests, which make up 29% of the total forest fund. 20% of the territory of Khakassia is occupied by the steppe belt.

The total reserve of wood from the main forest-forming species is 438 million cubic meters. meters. Incl. coniferous species - 127 million cubic meters. meters.

The vegetation of Khakassia includes more than 1.5 thousand species of higher plants. About 300 plant species are used as medicinal and technical raw materials. The most valuable food plants are wild garlic and bracken, the volumes of which are significant.

In the republic there are 2 state reserves, 4 zoological reserves of republican significance, more than 100 natural monuments. Despite the technogenic impact on the environment of existing and under construction facilities, the environmental situation is assessed as satisfactory.

The total area of ​​the land fund is 6156.9 thousand hectares.

Date of formation: May 13, 2000. The Siberian Federal District includes 12 subjects of the Russian Federation (since January 1, 2007, the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug and the Evenki Autonomous Okrug are part of the united Krasnoyarsk Territory. Since January 1, 2008, the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug is part of the united Irkutsk region. Since March 1, 2008, as a result of the merger Chita region and Aginsky Buryatsky Autonomous Okrug Transbaikal region was formed).

The territory of the Siberian Federal District makes up 30% of the territory of Russia, the population is 20.06 million people. The following are concentrated in Siberia: 85% of all-Russian reserves of lead and platinum, 80% of coal and molybdenum, 71% of nickel, 69% of copper, 44% of silver, 40% of gold. The gross regional product is 11.4% of Russia's GDP. District share in total volume Industrial production in the Russian Federation in 2001 amounted to 12.4%. Share of the Siberian Federal District in total length railways of Russia - 17.5%.

general characteristics

Composition of the Siberian Federal District

12 subjects of the Russian Federation , including:

  • 4 republics (Altai, Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia);
  • 3 regions (Altai, Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk);
  • 5 regions (Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk).

Administrative center - Novosibirsk city

Administrative division

A total of 4190 municipalities, of which:

  • municipal districts - 320,
  • urban districts - 79,
  • urban settlements - 261,
  • rural settlements - 3530.


total area

  • 5114.8 thousand km2 (30% of the territory of Russia).

Length of territory

  • north to south - 3566 km;
  • from west to east - 3420 km.

The county borders

  • in the north - with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, part of the Tyumen region;
  • in the west - from Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug;
  • in the east - with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Amur Region;
  • in the south - with the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Mongolia, China People's Republic.

Length of the state border

  • 7269.6 km,


  • with the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2697.9 km;
  • with the Republic of Mongolia - 3316.2 km;
  • with the People's Republic of China - 1255.5 km.

Characteristics of the state border

  • border outposts - 120;
  • border checkpoints - 63;
  • customs posts - 71.

Population - 20,062.9 thousand people.

Population density - 3.9 people. per 1 km2.

The share of the urban population is 71.1%, rural - 28.9%.

National composition

  • Russians - 87.38%
  • Buryats - 2.13%
  • Ukrainians - 1.86%
  • Germans - 1.54%
  • Tatars - 1.26%
  • Tuvans - 1.20%
  • Kazakhs - 0.62%
  • Belarusians - 0.41%
  • Khakass - 0.36%
  • Altaians - 0.33%
  • Chuvash - 0.31%
  • Azerbaijanis - 0.30%
  • Armenians - 0.30%

Natural resources

Mineral resources

The following are concentrated in Siberia:

  • 85% of all-Russian reserves of lead and platinum;
  • 80% coal and molybdenum;
  • 71% nickel;
  • 69% copper;
  • 44% silver;
  • 40% gold.

Land resources:

  • 59.0% of land under forests;
  • 8.1% - swamps;
  • 11.1% - agricultural land;
  • 3.3% - water bodies;
  • 18.5% - other lands.

Of all the lands under reindeer pastures - 11.0%.

Forest resources

The total area of ​​the forest fund is 371,899 thousand hectares;

  • including the area occupied by coniferous species - 190,268 thousand hectares.

The total standing timber stock is 33,346 million m3.

Specially protected natural sites

On the territory of the district there are:

  • 21 state nature reserve(42.3% of the area of ​​Russian nature reserves);
  • 6 national parks (35.9% of the area of ​​Russian national parks).

Hunting grounds

Square hunting grounds districts - 30.7% of total area hunting grounds of Russia.


The leading sector of the economy of the Siberian Federal District is industry.

Gross regional product - 715.2 billion rubles. (or 11.4% of GRP in Russia).

Gross regional product per capita - 34.5 thousand rubles. (in Russia - 43.3 thousand rubles).


The district's share in the total industrial production of the Russian Federation in 2001 was 12.4%.

Leading industries:

  • non-ferrous metallurgy;
  • electric power industry;
  • forestry and woodworking;
  • ferrous metallurgy;
  • chemical and petrochemical;
  • food and flour milling;
  • fuel;
  • building materials;
  • mechanical engineering and metalworking;
  • light.


The district's share in the total agricultural production in Russia in 2001 was 16.2%.

The most important branches of agriculture: livestock breeding, grain production, vegetable growing.

The volume of agricultural production in 2001 was 161,875 million rubles, including products:

  • crop production - 83933 million rubles;
  • livestock farming - 77942 million rubles.

Foreign trade activities

Foreign trade turnover in 2006:
(according to customs statistics)

  • 36984.5 million US dollars (including export volume - 31949 million dollars; import - 5035.5 million dollars).

The Siberian Federal District is the main transport hub of Russia

Unique geopolitical situation Siberia (together with Far East) as a bridge between Europe and Asia.

The main transit flows of Russia (freight and passenger transportation) from the European part of the country to the Asian part pass through the Siberian Federal District.

Share of Siberian federal district in total length:

  • railways of Russia - 17.5% (2nd place);
  • highways (general and departmental use) in Russia - 16.8% (3rd place);
  • shipping inland waterways Russia - 29.7% (1st place).

The territory is attractive for international cooperation

On the territory of the district there are representative offices of 7 foreign countries:

  • Federal Republic of Germany (Novosibirsk - Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany);
  • Mongolia (Irkutsk, Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva), Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia) - Consulates General of Mongolia);
  • Poland (Irkutsk - Consulate General of Poland);
  • Israel (Novosibirsk - Israeli Cultural and Information Center);
  • Italy (Novosibirsk - department of the department for the development of trade exchanges of the Italian Embassy);
  • Republic of Belarus (Novosibirsk - branch of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus);
  • Bulgaria (Novosibirsk - Consulate General of Bulgaria).

The Siberian Federal District includes territories with extreme conditions for accommodation

To the regions Far North and equivalent areas include a significant part of the territory of the Siberian Federal District:

Republic of Tyva, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) municipal district, Evenki municipal district; partially the territory of 6 subjects - the Republic of Buryatia, the Altai Republic, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk, Tomsk regions. About 70 thousand people live in the district. 18 nationalities of indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia (more than one third of the 45 indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia living in the Russian Federation).

Social complex

The science

On the territory of the district there are Siberian branches of 3 Russian Academies of Sciences - SB RAS (Siberian branch Russian Academy Sciences), SB RAAS (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences), SB RAMS (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), which includes more than 100 research organizations, as well as a network of scientific experimental stations.


  • The number of daytime educational institutions is 11,168 (including 77 non-state ones);
  • The number of state secondary specialized educational institutions is 401;
  • The number of higher educational institutions is 110 (including 28 non-state ones).

The largest number of universities is concentrated in the Novosibirsk (24), Omsk (18) regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory (15), Irkutsk (14), Kemerovo (10) and Tomsk (8) regions. The total number of students in various types educational institutions of the district - 4045.0 thousand people. (14.8% total number studying in Russia),




  • hospital institutions - 1847;
  • hospital beds - 234.6 thousand units;
  • medical outpatient clinics - 3644 with a capacity of 507.6 thousand visits per shift;
  • doctors of all specialties - 96.3 thousand people;
  • nursing staff - 218.1 thousand people.

In terms of the number of doctors per 10 thousand population (46.5), the district ranks 4th, and the number of nursing staff per 10 thousand population (105.5) is 6th in Russia.


  • the number of theater spectators per 1000 population is 205 (3rd place in Russia);
  • number of museum visits per 1000 population - 342 (3rd place in Russia);
  • library collection public libraries per 1000 population, copies - 6465 (5th place in Russia);
  • newspaper production per 1000 population (single circulation, copies) - 283 (7th place in Russia).

Physical education and sports

Number sports facilities - 23557;


  • stadiums with stands for 1,500 or more seats - 375 (3rd place in Russia);
  • flat sports structures (grounds and fields) - 14469 (4th place in Russia);
  • gyms- 8323 (3rd place in Russia);
  • swimming pools - 390 (3rd place in Russia).