The Black Sea as a large natural complex. Seas as large natural complexes

Relating to an internal closed basin. These seas are very diverse in terms of natural conditions, natural resources, and the degree of their study and development.

– the warmest sea in our country. Only it, of all the seas, has a significant depth (2200m), and is shallow and highly desalinated.

Now it has no connection with, but in the past it was part of a single, ancient basin. This is a warm sea, in winter a short time Only its northern part is covered with ice, and this same part of the Caspian Sea is shallow and highly desalinated.

Have important economic importance. First of all, these are cheap routes, the role of which is especially important in foreign trade transportation. The seas are of significant value. The seas washing the territory of our country are home to almost 900 species of fish, of which more than 250 are commercial, and many marine mammals, mollusks and crustaceans. The importance is increasing mineral resources seas. You can use sea energy to generate electricity; in addition, the sea coasts are vacation spots.

IN Lately, as a result of the ever-increasing influence economic activity person has sharply worsened ecological situation seas. To preserve the seas, a special government program is needed.

White Sea

  • It is located “on the threshold” of the Arctic and has a very cold climate. Summer is short and cool. On the southern shores the water warms up to +170C. Winter is long, from November to May the sea is covered with ice. There is a lot of precipitation, up to 500 mm per year.

  • The White Sea is small in area. The bottom topography is uneven. The sea is shallow. Because located on the continental shelf. Average depth - 60 m. Salinity - 20-26% O in the south, 30% O- in the north. The Strait connects the White Sea Throat with the Bering Sea.

White Sea

  • Low-lying but heavily indented shores.

  • Tides from 1m to 3.5m. Mezen Bay - up to 10m.

  • Biological resources are poor.

  • Fish: cod, navaga, herring, salmon.

  • Animals: harp seal, seal, beluga whale.

  • Kandalaksha Nature Reserve. Nesting sites are protected eiders

White Sea

  • Brave people live here - Pomors.

  • There is a large port of Kandalaksha.

  • An artificial Belomorsk canal was dug near the city of Belomorsk (built from 1933 to 1933 by prisoners). It connects the sea with the Baltic. Length - 227 km.

  • At the entrance to Onega Bay on Solovetsky Island, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery was founded at the beginning of the 15th century.

Sea of ​​Azov

  • Surprising in its shallowness, its average depth is 7m, and the maximum is 15m.

  • The climate is warm and dry, but the sea does not dry out and does not accumulate salts (Why?).

  • The sea is desalinated to 11-13% O. Sivash - 60% O. The mouth of the Don and the Taganrog Bay are almost completely fresh.

  • This is a paradise for sturgeon and stellate sturgeon.

Sea of ​​Azov

  • In December the sea becomes covered with ice and is freed at the end of March. There are strong storms, especially in the fall. In June, the water temperature rises to +23-250 C, July-August +290 C, in estuaries up to +350 C.

  • Problem: fertilizers with water end up in the sea, hence the blooms and algae. Living organisms die and hydrogen sulfide is released. The saltier waters of the Black Sea flow into Azov. Disruption of the salt balance leads to a decrease in fish resources.

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the basin Atlantic Ocean, through Kerch Strait connects with Black

by sea. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest in the world, its maximum depth 14 meters, average depth about 7.5 m. Area 37,000 km². The sea has many bays and estuaries. The largest bays:

Taganrog, Temryuk, Kazantip, Arabat, Obitochny, Berdyansk. In the west, the Arabat Spit separates the Sivash Bay (Rotten Sea) from the sea; its shores are covered with a layer of salt in summer.

The gently sloping and low bank is strewn with shell rock. The spits are formed only on the northern coast, this is the result of long work sea ​​waves, which washed shell rock along the shore. In the north, sea spits lined up: Biryuchiy Island, Obitochnaya, Berdyanskaya, Belosarayskaya, Krivaya, Tuzlinskaya. A large number of braids - characteristic feature shores Sea of ​​Azov.

Temperature The Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by great seasonal variability. The minimum temperature is observed in winter (January–February), the water cools to +3 ... –3 0С. Starting in December, the Sea of ​​Azov freezes. In summer +24…+26°С.

The main trend is circular flow along the shores of the Azov Sea counterclockwise. average speed current movement is 10–20 cm/s.

The salinity of the sea is three times less than the average salinity in the ocean, and is 12 ‰. Maximum salinity water levels are observed in Sivash Bay – 250 ‰. Minimum salinity indicators in the north of the sea, in the Taganrog Bay. The salinity indicator is constantly changing due to a decrease in the flow of fresh water from rivers. In the sea

The rivers Don, Kuban, Mius, Kalmius, Berda, and Obitochnaya carry their waters.

By biological productivity The Sea of ​​Azov occupies first place in world. The diversity and richness of life in the Azov Sea is explained by the content organic matter, which is 5-6 times more than in other reservoirs. Rivers supply the sea with a mass of inorganic and organic substances that are washed out of the soil.

Inorganic substances necessary for development flora, organic - for the animal.

Among the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Azov there are many ancient ones that have already become extinct in other seas. Among them

include two types of mollusks, one type of crustacean and annelids. 115 species of fish have been registered in the Sea of ​​Azov. In addition to sea sturgeon, bream, pike perch, ram, sabrefish, mullet, herring, anchovy, flounder, and goby, there are also freshwater fish: crucian carp, gudgeon, roach, tench, and pike. Tuna, mackerel, and eel swim here from the Mediterranean and Black Sea, making constant migrations. Among the marine mammals, the Azov white-sided dolphin, harbor porpoise are found here, and the Black Sea dolphin swims.

Azov water has healing properties . The shallow depth promotes good water heating. The combination of sea air and water, sun, beaches with golden sand makes it possible to develop

recreational resources . In the territory Donetsk region settlements: Melekino, Yalta, Urzuf, Novoazovsk, Sedovo are recognized as resorts.

The Sea of ​​Azov is important transport route . The main port of the Donetsk region is Mariupol.


During the twentieth century, almost all rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked by dams to create reservoirs. This has led to a significant reduction in discharge fresh water and silt in the sea. After

creation of a hydroelectric complex on the Don, The salinity of the sea began to increase. Due to this spawning conditions have worsened fish

Main sources of pollution are industrial enterprises.

The transparency of the waters of the Azov Sea is low. In summer, due to rapid development V upper layers In the water of the smallest plant and animal organisms, the water acquires a bright green color. This phenomenon is called " bloom" of the sea.

1) What natural complexes of the ocean do you know?

In the World Ocean there are large natural complexes - individual oceans, smaller ones - seas, bays, straits, etc. In addition, in the ocean there are natural complexes of surface layers of water, various layers of water and the ocean floor.

2) How do they differ from natural sushi complexes?

Natural ocean complexes are distinguished by a different set of components and less diversity.

Questions in a paragraph

*Remember what you already know about ocean resources from your continental and oceanic geography course. What resources are the Russian seas rich in?

The world's oceans are rich mineral resources, which are mined from its bottom. Highest value has oil and gas that is produced from the continental shelf. The main wealth of the deep ocean floor are ferromanganese nodules containing up to 30 different metals. Huge potential energy resources waters of the World Ocean. The greatest progress has been made in the use of tidal energy. The world's oceans are a source of food - fish, algae, seafood. The seas of Russia are of great economic importance. First of all, these are cheap transport routes connecting our country both with other states and with its individual regions. Of significant value biological resources seas, primarily their fish wealth. The importance of the mineral resources of the seas is increasing. Energy sea ​​tides can be used to generate electricity. The seas are also places of rest. Certainly, most of the seas of our country are too harsh natural conditions so that people can relax there. But southern seas– Azov, Black, Caspian and Japanese attract a large number of vacationers.

*Name and remember the ports White Sea.

Arkhangelsk, Belomorsk, Vitino, Kem, Mezen, Onega, Severodvinsk, Kandalaksha.

Questions at the end of the paragraph

1. What components does the natural complex of the sea consist of?

Components of the PC of the sea - underlying surface, water, vegetation and animal world.

2. What factors influence the formation of this complex?

Very many natural features seas are determined by their position within certain climatic zones: water temperature, ice cover, fog, wind strength, storms and hurricanes, currents. All these factors have a direct impact on navigation conditions, making it easier or more difficult. Rivers have a great influence on marine complexes.

3. Why is it so important to know the properties of the PC of the sea?

In the era scientific and technological progress problems of comprehensive study and development natural resources seas and oceans are becoming one of the most important for humanity. Rational use ocean resources requires knowledge of the characteristics of the natural complexes of the seas.

4. Describe the natural complex of the White Sea.

The White Sea juts deep into the land between the Kola and Kanin peninsulas and connects with Barents Sea wide strait. The sea has bays - Kandalaksha, Dvinsky, Mezensky, Onega, which protrude deeply into the land. The rivers Northern Dvina, Onega and Mezen flow into the sea.

Underlying surface. Relief seabed uneven, depth increases from east to west.

Water. The volume of water is 5400 km3. Rivers bring significant volumes of water into the small sea, which desalinate the seawater. The salinity of the water is about 30 ‰, in the south – 20-26 ‰. From November to May the sea is covered with drifting ice.

Flora and fauna. Biological productivity The White Sea is small. There are 194 species of algae, 57 species of fish, beluga whales, and two species of seals.

Class: 8 Topic: Seas as large natural complexes.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1.Introduce the natural complexes of the seas using the example of the White and Azov Seas.

2. Develop cognitive interest and students' geographic thinking.

3.Improve skills in working with various sources geographical


4.Form a feeling of love for native nature.

Equipment: Physical map of Russia, atlases, presentation “The Sea of ​​Azov”, film “Seas of Russia”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework.

Working with average students

(Front survey)

Working with weak students


  • -Remember what a natural complex is?

  • -Name the components of any PTC.

  • (Relief, rocks, soils, plants, animals, climate, water.)

  • -What are the leading components? (Climate, relief.)

  • -How are the components in the PTC interconnected? (There is an exchange of matter and energy between them in the form of cycles.)

  • -Who founded the science that studies PTC? (Dokuchaev V.V.) What is it called? (Landscape science.)

  • -Give examples of regional PTCs. (Natural areas, areas.)

  • - Give an example of the largest PTC on Earth. (Geographical envelope.)

  • -What are anthropogenic PTCs?

  • Give examples (These are PTCs modified under the influence human activity: fields, vegetable gardens, quarries, cities, reservoirs, etc.)

1. Choose the correct statements.

A. Facies – large PTC.

B. Zoning is a study of the nature of the Uporovo region

IN. V.V. Dokuchaev created the science of PTC -

landscape science.

2. The largest PC in terms of rank


A. Mainland Eurasia.

B. West Siberian Plain,

IN. Geographical envelope.

3. Any human impact on nature

A. They do not cause any consequences.

B. Do not change the PC.

IN. Change PC.

4.Natural science territorial complexes called:

A. Zoning

B. Facies

IN. Landscape science

Answers: 1B 2B 3B 4B

III. Learning new material.

1) Teacher's story.

  • Natural complexes exist not only on land, but also in the ocean. L. S. Berg was the first to write about the existence of natural complexes of the bottom and surface of the sea. Underwater natural complexes are similar to the PC of land in the unity and interaction of its constituent components: underlying surface, water, flora and fauna.
In the era of scientific and technological progress, the problems of comprehensive study and development of the natural resources of the seas and oceans are becoming one of the most important for humanity. Rational use of ocean resources requires knowledge of the characteristics of the natural complexes of the seas.

Today our task is to use the example of the White and Azov Seas to show the specifics of the marine natural complex.

  • 2) Working with a physical card.

  • In the Sea of ​​Azov, find the Kerch Strait, Sivash Bay, rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov: Don, Kuban.
In the White Sea - the Strait of the White Sea Throat, Cape Svyatoy Nos, Cape Kanin Nos, Kandalaksha Bay, Onega, Mezen, Dvinskaya lips; Solovetsky Islands. Find the rivers flowing into the White Sea: Northern Dvina, Mezen, Onega. The mouths of these rivers are flooded with water from the White Sea and have a funnel shape - they are called estuaries, and local residents- lips.

Both seas are connected to the oceans by narrow straits, therefore they have a special appearance and are special natural complexes.

3) Presentation “Sea of ​​Azov”.

4) Independent work students.(Do it in a notebook)

Plan for studying (comparing) the PC of the seas.

  1. Which ocean basin does it belong to?

  2. Outlying or internal (connection with the ocean)

  3. Area (compared to other seas)

  4. Depths (predominant and greatest, conclusion: deep or shallow)

  5. Salinity

  6. Temperature (freezing or not)

  7. Sea resources

  8. Human activities aimed at preserving PC.
IV. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Why does the Azov Sea remain muddy for a long time after a storm? (It is shallow, depth - 5-7 m. Bottom silt also affects the excitement.)

Why is the salinity in Sivash 60%, although in Azov itself it is 11-13%0. (Very strong evaporation of heated waters, the bay is shallow and the influx of already salty water from Azov.)

V. Watching videos “Solovetsky Islands”, “Kandalaksha Nature Reserve”, “Bay (Lake) Sivash”

Homework.: § 22. Weak students - talk about the White Sea PC.

Individual assignments for average students

Prepare messages for natural areas Russia:

  1. Birds of the Arctic desert. - Diana
2) Taimyr Nature Reserve. - Sasha Leskov

3) The wealth of the tundra. - Sasha Chiryatiev
Additional material

Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov is almost a lake, a remnant of a more extensive system of straits that once connected the Black Sea with the Caspian Sea. The Sea of ​​Azov is a record holder in its own way. This is one of the smallest seas in the world (only the Sea of ​​Marmara is smaller) and the smallest sea washing the territory of Russia - its area (38,840 km2) is 11 times smaller than the Black Sea.

This is the shallowest sea in our country and the world: the greatest depth does not exceed 15 m, and the prevailing depths are 5-7 m. It can be compared to a flat-bottomed saucer. Therefore, during storms, waves cover the entire thickness of the water and bottom silt, after which the sea remains cloudy for a long time.

The Sea of ​​Azov (in ancient times it was called the Sea of ​​Surozh) is “Mediterranean” - internal in the Atlantic Ocean basin. The Kerch Strait connects it with the Black Sea. Largest bay(Taganrog) protrudes deep into the land in the northeastern part of the sea. Off the western and northern shores there is a system of small bays, collectively called Sivash. Sivash is separated from the sea by the narrow Arabat Spit.

From large rivers The Don and Kuban flow into the Sea of ​​Azov. River waters significantly desalinate sea water at their confluence - up to 5-6%o at medium salinity sea ​​- 11 - 130/00.

A decrease in river flow due to the construction of reservoirs and the consumption of Don and Kuban waters for irrigation has led to an increase in the salinity of the Azov Sea. This turned out to be disastrous for part of the plankton on which the fish feed, and for the juveniles of many valuable fish (pike perch, bream, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon). The amount of fish in the sea has decreased, although its commercial value is still great.

Summer temperature sea ​​water+25-30 3C, in winter below 0 °C. From the end of December to the end of February - beginning of March, the sea is covered with ice.

On northern shores The Sea of ​​Azov has excellent natural conditions for sea and climatic resorts.

Sivash can only formally, due to the presence of a strait at the Arabat Spit, be considered a gulf of the Sea of ​​Azov. This body of water is so isolated and has such a unique appearance and regime that some oceanographers call it a sea, despite its amazing shallowness (about 1 m) and small size (2560 km 2). The second name of Sivash also sounds reasonable - Rotten Sea (from the smell of algae decomposing in it).

Sivash is a natural reservoir of salts. Over the summer, it evaporates up to half the volume of its water. In addition to rare rains, they are replenished only by a trickle of Azov water entering through the strait. With this water, salts also enter Sivash. Evaporation in shallow water is so intense that even in the strait, the brackish Azov water turns into bitter-salty water, reaching 60%o, and in Sivash itself it contains up to 170 mg of salts per 1 kg of water, t i.e. 5 times more than the average in the World Ocean.

To restore and increase the marine resources of the Azov Sea in coastal zone There is a fish farm in Taganrog Bay.

With the participation of geographers, projects for resort and health complexes are being created on the Sea of ​​Azov, the shores of which have not yet been sufficiently developed.