Who can benefit from Family and systemic constellations? “Spiritual” dimension of systemic work.

Interview with Idris Laor

Maya Ollie, Chief Editor quarterly journal “Knowledge of Consciousness”, attended the international conference on psychogenealogy in Lyon, in November 2007, where Idris Laor was one of the keynote speakers, along with Anna Schutzenberger, “the mother of psychogenealogy”, author of the best-selling book “The Ancestor Syndrome”.

This interview with Idris Laor about Bert Hellinger and Family Constellations is the first in a 3-part series. The second is dedicated to a meeting with Professor Giacomo Risolatti, the discoverer of “mirror neurons”. The third was written based on an interview with Rupert Sheldrake, an expert in the field of morphogenetic fields.

Respect to Anna Schutzenberger and Bert Hellinger

M.O. Besides you, another notable speaker at this international conference in psychogenealogy - this is Anna Schutzenberger. She spoke quite negatively about Bert Hellinger and family constellations. What's your point of view?
I.L. Of course, Anna Schutzenberger is not an expert in family constellations. Additionally, I don't know her reasoning. But I think that her negativity is addressed personally to Bert Hellinger. I can also imagine that a woman of this intelligence may be critical of the way some people use constellations, or she belongs to a school of thought whose theories do not include a constellation model or application. Every person has the right to his own ideas and theories.

M.O. What is your point of view on Bert Hellinger and his work?
I.L. First of all, I would like to pay great respect to this man, thanks to whom the constellation method has become widespread in almost all countries of the world. He was the instrument of this spread. Certainly the life and work of this man was given to the service, or rather, as he himself said, taken in the service of something greater, perhaps the force field of constellations. As for me, I can only bow to his work, which was outstanding to say the least.

M.O. You have already expressed this gratitude to him in Lyon, adding that since he is one of the founders of family constellations, it is normal that some of his students betrayed him. What do you think of it?
I.L. The creators - "mothers" and "fathers" - are often betrayed by their "children", perhaps even a condition for later becoming free. However, it is also true that we can free ourselves without betraying anyone; everything depends on our state of mind. Gratitude towards the creators - "mothers" and "fathers" - is what allows true liberation to happen and, more than anything else, promotes independent growth and evolution.

M.O. Having been involved in this work for over 30 years, what is it that you personally thank Bert Hellinger for?
I.L. You mean, quite rightly, that I have been involved in this work for more than three decades, although the “systemic constellation approach of Bert Hellinger” (as we should really designate the systemic movement of which he was the founder) is not that old.

If you wish, we can look again at Bert Hellinger's development compared to mine. I called my work “Euphonic Performances” until one day someone said to me: “What you are doing is family constellations, as Bert Hellinger makes them." I became curious to find out what these arrangements were and who Bert Hellinger was. I studied his work and it greatly enriched my own research and experience, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. I then adapted a number of his procedures to mine. own practice.

In the same way, I studied the work of some of his students, especially Insa Sparrer and Matthias Varga von Kibbed in the field of structural constellations, and Dan von Kampenhout and Robert Langotz with their more ritualized approach, closer to the spiritual shamanic traditions with which I am associated. I have also integrated some of their experience into my work.

These different approaches have allowed me to transform my work, which is nevertheless based on what my Masters in tradition have passed on to me; as a result, I am able to adapt it much better to the needs of today's men and women. For this I am grateful to Bert Hellinger, as well as to those whom I have quoted and to many other constellators, especially from German-speaking countries, who with their research and work have honed, and continue to hone, this great movement.

Traditional dervish springs of Idris Laor

M.O. We are aware of your training in the tradition in the fields of philosophy, psychology, anthropology and medicine. But what traditions are you referring to?
I.L. I was very fortunate to be in contact with several, the most important of which was the tradition of the Hakim dervishes of Kafiristan, whose knowledge and techniques go back to the Samara culture, over 6000 BC. I mention these dates because my work is often confused with Sufi work, although the dervishes I refer to have pre-Islamic sources, spreading from the Samara Valley south to Afghanistan and India, northeast to Siberia, east to China and west to Europe.

But I can tell you about my first encounter with Dervish practices, which closely resemble family constellations. In one of my books, called “The Secret of Eternal Youth of Dervishes” ( published in Russian under the title “Yoga of Dervishes”, Gayatri Publishing House, Moscow), I describe in detail my meeting with the Hakim Dervishes, a tradition of healing therapists, as also the most strange and extraordinary event in which I was lucky enough to participate. This event lasted from evening until morning and was called “the night of reconciliation with the ancestors,” during which, according to Hakim, the souls of someone’s ancestors could again find peace and tranquility. I will give here an excerpt from this book, in which I describe what I saw on this most mystical of nights.

The soft light emitted by the oil lamps once again flooded the large white-walled hall. The floor was covered with thick carpets, leaving only the circle of the enneagram exposed. Nine Khakims sat around the enneagram, outside the circle the Master sat on a low table that served as a platform. Men, women and even children were crowded along the entire length of the walls, there were hundreds of them. It was clear that they belonged to very different social strata. Among the veiled women I saw several who looked, in their silken robes, like the princesses of the Arabian Nights. Peasants in rough woolen clothes sat next to people dressed in Western style - white shirts, jackets and ties.

The men and most of the women sat in silence and meditative presence, as if mirroring the stillness and silence of the nine Hakims around the enneagram. Even the children seemed to be caught up in this atmosphere of peace, they simply laughed and the mother's attention seemed to be enough to satisfy their needs.

Suddenly, the master’s voice sounded in the silence like a question. A few moments passed, and all eyes were fixed on him. One of the men sitting near the walls stood up with a serious expression, looked at the Master, bowed respectfully to him, then looked at him again. The master gave him a sign to approach. Approaching the Master, the man bowed again, and the Master asked him to sit next to him on the platform. A short dialogue ensued, which seemed to be clarifying the problem. The master signaled the man to stand up. The man stood up, then entered the circle and bowed in succession to six of the nine Hakims seated along the circumference of the enneagram. The six Khakims stood as they were elected. The man looked at the Master, who made another sign, accompanied by a few words.

Approaching the first of the six Hakims, the man placed the palms of his hands on his shoulders and pushed Hakim towards the center of the circle, after which he suddenly stopped. The man looked at the Master again. He pointed him to the second Hakim and the scenario repeated itself - the man put his hands on him top part back and pushed towards another point of the circle. He did the same with the remaining four, whom he asked to stand. After this, the Master once again called him to sit next to him. The Hakims now stood inside the enneagram. One of them stared at the floor, another looked outside the circle, three more looked at each other, and the fourth covered his eyes with his hands.

Suddenly, I heard the Master exclaim in a strong voice: “Alla Hu!”, which means “breath of God.” And then the most amazing thing happened: one of the dervishes; immediately took a step out of the circle and walked out into the large white hall; the other fell to the floor and lay spread out on his back, as if dead; the one who covered his eyes with his hands reached the limits of the circle, and turned his back to the stage, looking in a completely different direction. The two standing nearby approached the lying man and fixed their gaze on him, obviously with great sadness. All this happened as if in slow motion, and I got the impression that the space had become denser.

None of the spectators moved, not even the children. Everyone held their breath. All the people seemed spellbound until, as if on cue, three women sitting in the crowd rose from their seats and, crying, rushed at Hakim, who was playing dead. One of them grabbed his heels, the other squeezed his palms in hers, and the third, covering her face with her hands, bowed to his head. At the same time, next to the emotionless master, I saw that the man took a large piece of cloth from his pocket and used it as a handkerchief, dabbing his eyes, overcome with emotion at the sight of the spectacle of which he was the cause.

For several minutes, during which time seemed to stand still, all the main characters in the circle continued their movements until the Master's voice sounded again. “Allahu,” he exclaimed again, rising from his seat. The Master entered the center of the circle, signaling to everyone who was kneeling or lying, one after another, to rise; straightening those who are bowed down; calling back Hakim, who had left the hall, and gathering everyone into a circle, in which all the participants in the scene I had just witnessed took each other's hands. After everyone has gathered together, the Master is in the center inner circle said some word. Everyone standing in the circle lowered their eyes and sang with him “Alla HU, Allah HU, Allah HU.”

Their faces lit up with inner lights, as if they were suddenly filled with deep joy. And in fact, they began to look at each other and smile, as if the problem had been solved. The Master gestured towards the man who sat next to him, inviting him to take the place of one of the Hakims, who had returned to his place on one of the peaks of the enneagram. The man, still noticeably worried, entered the circle and here the overwhelming energy of joy changed his emotion, his face lit up and sadness gave way to clear calm. The Master's voice sounded again, everyone fell silent and, giving a sign, he opened the circle. Everyone returned to their places - the Hakims on the circle of the enneagram, the three women to their places near the wall and the man to a place next to the Master, who spoke a few more words in his direction.

The man bowed before the Master, took his hand in his, kissed it and raised it to his forehead. Master, full of love gesture, placed his other hand on his head. Then, lightly squeezing his shoulders, he lifted him up and motioned him to return to his place against the wall. As soon as this man sat down, another man stood up, bowed and approached the Master. The same scenario started again and this happened many times during the night. Each time a man or woman selected some of the nine Hakims seated on the circle of the enneagram and each time various participants rose from the crowd seated along the walls to participate in the scene. During the night, some people fell asleep, others woke up, but as for me, I was so mesmerized by what was happening before my eyes that I did not even notice how the night passed. Early in the morning the Master got up and left the hall, accompanied by nine Hakims. The students of the monastery remained between the men, women and children until they all dispersed.

The explanation of what was happening at first seemed more unusual to me than what I had seen. Since then I have known that there is nothing supernatural in this and that it is nothing more than the manifestation of an absolutely natural ability inherent in every person, which he or she can express under certain conditions.

I witnessed my first "euphonic representation of the breath of the spirit" in the context of Samadeva, which I subsequently recognized in the family constellations of which I observed one of the sources. This form of work was also one of the fundamental components of theater and even a “temple of sleep and healing” during ancient Greece.

Taoist sources of Idris Laor

I learned the techniques from the Dervishes, while the theory, to a large extent, came from my grandfather. Many called him an original, an alchemist and a great traveler. The expedition that affected him most deeply was undertaken in China, long before the Chinese Revolution. When I was old enough to understand, he told me a story about meeting a Chinese sage, Huang Zhen Hu, a Taoist master of the Chan and Chen Yen tradition. Instead of traveling all over China, as he had originally intended, my grandfather settled next to the man who became his Master, and who told him what my grandfather subsequently passed on to me and which I described partly in my book Tao, La voie du Tao.”

But first of all, he initiated me into I Chin, one of the oldest Chinese books, also known as the "Book of Movements". In the 37th chapter, Yi Chin summarizes all the knowledge of the ancients Chinese sages, relating to family and society, which has not lost its significance today. I will read you a few passages, and you will easily recognize in them the basic principles of what Bert Hellinger calls the “Orders of Love.”

“The family represents the laws that prevail within the home, laws which, when applied to the outside world, likewise maintain order in the city and the universe.” Here we understand the impact that family problems have on our relationships, our social and professional lives.
“A woman’s place is inside and a man’s place is outside.” (This is not just my opinion, of course!)
“Men and woman follow the great law of nature in occupying their right place».
“The family needs firm authority - this is the authority of the parents. When the father is really father and the son is really son, when the eldest by birth takes, as he should, his place as the firstborn, and the younger takes the place of the youngest, when the husband is really husband and the wife is really wife, then the family is in order. When the family is in order, then the social relationships of humanity are in order, in turn.”
“Three out of five social relationships take place within the family: between parents and children, which is love; between a man and a woman, which is balance; and between the elders and the younger, that there is a hierarchy.”
“The family is the initial unit of society, the fertile soil in which moral values ​​are cultivated through natural love. So in this narrow circle, a base is created for consistent application these principles to human relations in general."
“The family should be a clearly defined unit within which each member knows his place.”
“The advice is not to seek anything through aggression, but to peacefully limit ourselves to the limits of our existing values.”
“In a family, the middle ground between weakness and rigidity should prevail. It is best to create a strong dam within which individuals have freedom of movement.”
“Love is what governs relationships. Her nature is to spontaneously direct right influence».
“If parents develop their personality in such a way that their influence is felt through their inner truth, everything goes well in the family. When we take a leadership position, we must spontaneously accept responsibility."
“When words are meaningful and apply clearly to a particular situation, they have an impact.”
“General discussions and comments have no effect. Words must be confirmed by all human behavior. If one's words and behavior do not correspond to each other and do not follow from one another, the impact of the words is lost.”

In this 37th chapter of the I Chin, we find principles governing family relationships and an indication that these principles are projected onto the outside world. In addition, the importance is emphasized the right words- words that allow you to find the best solution and solve problems, which was also proposed by Bert Hellinger.

M.O. All this is very interesting and seems to immerse us in the very basics of not only family, but also system principles, but takes us away from Bert Hellinger...
I.L. No, not as far as you think. I know Bert Hellinger likes to quote Lao Tzu, the founding father of Taoism. On the other hand, I do not know whether he was in contact with an offshoot of the Dervish tradition.

M.O. What is the difference between his practice and yours?
I.L. Other than my use of shamanic techniques and structural constellations, there is not much difference, in any case, as far as I know the constellation techniques and what relates to Hellinger's personal evolution.

“Spiritual” dimension of systemic work

M.O. For several decades you have been saying that systemic work is spiritual work. For a long time Hellinger avoided this term, although a year ago he spoke openly about “Spiritual Constellations.” What does the word “spiritual” mean to you?
I.L. The word "spiritual" comes from the Latin "spiritus", and means, among other things, air or breath. With these two definitions, we can find the deepest meaning of spirituality: the air in which we are all immersed and which connects us all to each other, excluding no one. As for breathing, it is the “movement” of air, and without it there is no life and no possible evolution. The work of constellations is to include each and every person without excluding anyone, and to allow us to re-introduce the breath, that is, the movement that has been blocked. This is true both in relation to family, social, professional situations and relationships between people, and for bodily diseases and psychological problems.

Bert Hellinger's development path

M.O. At the beginning of our conversation, you drew a parallel between your development path and the path of Bert Hellinger. Could you tell us more about this?
I.L. First of all, I can say that Bert Hellinger's path of development seems to be the path of true evolution, since it resembles the path followed in the ancient "mystic centers" and "wisdom schools", with the only exception that in these places it was followed strictly in reverse order.

From what I know of Bert Hellinger's life and work, he began as a Christian minister, went through psychoanalysis, and then received training in psychoanalysis. He went to the United States, where he studied Arthur Yanov's Primal Therapy, Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis and Ericksonian Hypnosis. However, upon returning to Europe he did not receive recognition among psychoanalysts.

However, he continued his work, combining, in particular, Berne's Transactional Analysis and "life record analysis". Hellinger said that he became very interested in Moreno's psychodrama, which he also tried to do. However, the impetus for real family constellations and its own experience he received as a “constellation” from Che Schonfelder, a German therapist with whom he worked twice during psychotherapy congresses in Lindau. Hellinger mentioned that this had a decisive influence on his subsequent orientation; it was then that he witnessed real family constellations for the first time. Thus, it is not his invention, but thanks to his creativity in this field, he created an original and specific instrument from them. He also learned various techniques family therapy during a four-week workshop in Snowmass, Colorado, with Roose McKendall and Less Cadiz. During this seminar he gained further experience as a constellator. He later continued his training with McKendall and Cadiz. Contrary to popular opinion, he only once observed the work of Virginia Satir at the congress in Oldenburg, and did not practice working with “family sculptures”.

Despite his interest in these various methods, Hellinger wished to continue his own work, based mostly on “analysis of life records.” In the context of this work, he realized the influence of ancestors on people's lives and began to develop, during the 80s, his own equipment"family constellations". He never spoke of possible contact with a tradition he might have had in southern Africa when he was headmaster of a religious school, nor of contact with any other spiritual association practicing techniques similar to family constellations.

In technical terms, Bert Hellinger began doing family constellations by placing people in space relative to each other and asking them how they felt. He then rearranged them so that they felt better in their place, while at the same time using words to move toward solving the client's problem.

M.O. You said that movements and spoken words come from the same “brain”. Could this explain why permutations and words have similar effectiveness?
I.L. Yes, that's absolutely true. In addition, and Hellinger also noticed this, there is an impulse to move in the representatives, which he called the "movement of the soul", and this movement naturally leads to the best solution for all members family system client. When the "movement of the soul" is manifested, it allows the representatives to follow this movement that comes into them. Here we must note the difference between the soul in which the representatives are immersed, in other words, the force field surrounding them all (this is what Rupert Sheldrake calls the morphic field), and the individual soul or psyche.

It took Hellinger more than twenty years to develop this process in detail - first, constellations and rearrangements, which were performed by the constellator himself, and then the free movement of various representatives following the “movement of the soul.”
A few years ago, Hellinger spoke about the “movement of the spirit” - something that is even greater than the movement of the soul. He further improved technical model, which he had already begun to simplify into “movements of the soul” - he no longer accommodated an entire family, not even a few selected representatives - often he now starts with one person. He intervenes even less, remaining in the background and allowing the "movement of the spirit" to reveal, if necessary, the need for the placement of one or more representatives, first allowing this movement to lead to a deeper solution, even if this is often incomprehensible to beginners... and for the arranger himself!

Hellinger also uses the following technique - he asks the client to sit next to him, and since he is completely centered in himself, in his inner resonance, he comes into contact with the “inner movement”. Then all he has to do is say a few words to the client to guide him towards the best solution to his problem.

M.O. The method seems to evolve from complexity to simplicity...
I.L. Simplicity, yes, but this does not mean simplification, ease, or accessibility for everyone. Like a true seeker, Bert Hellinger went all the way, which led him to a method in which more and more external stillness, silence, listening internal movement. From my point of view, this work is only available to those who have true desire and who gives his all... as well as several decades of his life.

Idris Laor's development path is exactly the opposite

M.O..Is your development path the same?
I.L. My training is the exact opposite of Bert Hellinger. I know that what he revealed is the "breath of the Spirit", and even Furthermore, "movement of the Source". This is the movement that exists within every person, and which in the Dervish tradition is called Oya.

As for my path of development, during my search I first met in the Dervish Brotherhood a person who in spiritual traditions is called a master. When someone was accepted into his school, he could, if he had a problem, enter, sit next to the master, without saying anything to him, and with only one intention - to find a solution with him or just by being near him. He could sit in silence, centered in his breathing and in his sensations (the Hindus call this darshan). After this special meditation, which could be more or less long in time, he could, remaining as a master in “presence” and “awareness,” come into contact with the solution to his problem. From stillness and silence it was possible to get in touch with the solution.

I later realized that the principle of triple intent was at work here: a problem mobilizes energies that lead to its solution. This is the law quantum physics, called: information=energy=matter (Editor's Note: See Idris Laor's article on this topic entitled "Mirror Neurons, Quantum Physics, Morphic Fields and Family Constellations").

Sometimes this master would say to those who came to him with a problem: “Stand up straight and follow the movement that comes to you, that is, the movement of the Source or Oya. And mystically, the person began to move naturally, spontaneously. When the movement ended or the master said, “Stop,” he came into contact with the solution to the problem—the solution came to him through his “Source movement.”

In other situations this master would say to those who came to him, “Sit down here,” and ask one of his most experienced disciples, “Stand up and for this man follow the movement that is coming towards you.” The student he chose became a "representative" for the person who was seeking help, and that student would naturally become part of a movement that would lead to a better solution.

Sometimes, during very unusual evenings, many people would gather around this master for what he called the “night of reconciliation with the ancestors,” which I described above.

Along this path, family, ancestral, spiritual, therapeutic and all other forms of constellations have existed for centuries in these traditional organizations.

M.O. So can we say that for many years Mr. Hellinger resonated with the morphic field of this traditional knowledge and practice?
I.L. I was trained in one of these traditions, but I can't say anything more about Hellinger's course of development other than that his work is very High Quality and corresponds to the experience of those few who are rare these days, and who initially follow true path initiations, and who have knowledge of ancient spiritual traditions and therapies. I know that everything I have just said smacks of mysticism to all those Cartesian scholars whose ethnological, anthropological and spiritual knowledge is shallow.

Remaining humble in the presence of something greater than ourselves

M.O. You mentioned ancient spiritual techniques and traditions, can you say more about this?
I.L. Every constellator knows that when he works, he is in contact with that which relates to “force fields”, “field of knowledge”, “soul”, “spirit” or “energy”, and he also knows that this phenomenon is both very powerful and very mystical. Constellators think a lot about this subject: what are the perceptions of the representative? What is this resonance that allows us to feel and even know what other people are experiencing? What is this energy that leads us towards a better solution?

Neither psychological, nor philosophical, nor scientific or technical explanation provides a satisfactory answer to these questions. Hellinger explains it as "great spirit" or even "heaven". In my vision, this is a natural explanation for a phenomenon whose power and mystery is comparable to God. But giving a name to this phenomenon and this movement is a way to designate them. I know Hellinger didn't see it that way initially. Those who have been trained in an initiatory atmosphere, in the School, have a specific knowledge of the phenomenon that Bert Hellinger, as a solitary seeker, rediscovered with his in my own way, a phenomenon that constellations reflect on, whereas here we are dealing with precise and codified knowledge.

This is due to their unawareness of the history of this phenomenon in other cultures and other circles, and this unawareness may lead them to imagine that such a phenomenon has only recently begun to appear in a type of work known as constellations. Some people will say that it is impossible to codify the Spirit. They are right, but what we are in contact with during constellations is a specific and limited aspect of its manifestation. We are not suggesting that this is a “great spirit” and that limited reality can become whole. In addition, a characteristic of what emerges is that it can be analyzed, codified, and described with the awareness that, in the words of Alfred Korzybski, “the map itself is not the territory.”

I am also sure that many people who follow Bert Hellinger's level at which he has always worked think that they are capable of working in the same way, when in fact they are not at the level that Hellinger himself reached after many decades of work and research. The illusion, faith and delusion in which they reside can lead them to create new religious movements in which people will be superficially attracted to something unknown and extraordinary, and which is undoubtedly considered spiritual by the crowd.

M.O. So you are warning those who do not have many years of experience like Mr. Hellinger, but who take credit for his abilities?
I.L. To practice this way one must, in my opinion, have a considerable degree of knowledge, experience and maturity, or follow a specific teaching which is not given in new school Hellinger and is not given by arrangers. These constellations, however, do an excellent job of imparting in various forms the knowledge and techniques associated with family and structural constellations.

I am afraid that those who imagine that just because they are close to Bert Hellinger are able to imagine him, but they are thereby deluding themselves. Knowledge and techniques can be transferred. In contrast, neither personal work nor individual evolution can be transmitted artificially or as an infection. Friendship or love for him is not enough in itself.

M.O.According to what you said, it seems that the highest art in the field of representations and constellations, it manifests itself when the constellation can sit in silence and stillness and from this silence and stillness receive a person seeking help, subsequently saying a few words to him or allowing him to rise up any movement - bodily, emotional, mental or energetic - that leads to a decision.
I.L. Yes, more or less that's true. In fact, the tradition to which I belong calls this the “breath of the spirit.” This is where I began my work more than 30 years ago, and only later discovered the work of Bert Hellinger and other constellations, and which I realized as the practical application of the principle of "breath of the spirit."

M.O. Mr. Laor, I would like to thank you for having me, for our long conversation and for your illumination of answers to questions that I know many people have asked about Mr. Hellinger and constellations in general.

I look forward to seeing you in the future to discuss issues related to Professor Rizzolatti's work on mirror neurons and Rupert Sheldrake's research on morphogenic fields. Thank you.

The main phenomenon on which family constellations are based is the phenomenon of perceptions of the representative. These perceptions are manifested in the representatives that the client chooses to represent himself and a certain number members of your family. We are not going to discuss the reality of this phenomenon based on dogmatic and theoretical criticism, since this phenomenon cannot be questioned by us, it can raise doubts among people who do not have experience in this. We will try to show how modern thinking, based on quantum physics and neuroscience, as well as psychology and field theory, can lead us to understand the manifestations of this phenomenon, which at first glance is incomprehensible, but which has nevertheless been observed thousands of times during family constellation courses. And this will give us the opportunity to fill many gaps in the knowledge of many constellators, although we respect their practical experience and their clinical practice, if they are also therapists. We are also aware of the necessary metaphorical nature of our thinking.

Let me briefly remind you of the methodological practice of family constellations. The client presents his problem to a mediator (instructor, therapist or euphonic consultant, for example), who decides which people from the client's family system should be placed (put in a certain place). Of course, it is impossible to arrange all the members of his family system, since there could be several dozen of them, so the constellator places the most important family members associated with the client's problem that he has presented.

From the people present, the client selects representatives, whom he then places in certain places in accordance with your feelings. What happens next is as strange and surprising as it is interesting: Representatives who represent living or deceased members of the client's family system begin to experience sensations, emotions, thoughts, and even impulses to move or speak words that exactly match related and psychological situation of a person. These representatives know nothing or almost nothing about the lives of these completely strangers whom they represent. I would like to put special emphasis on the fact that the representatives have (or practically have) no information, no details about the people they represent. Despite this, the representative's perceptions surprisingly, but quite habitually, lead the mediator towards a (better) solution to the problem presented by the client, and not only for the benefit of the client, but also for the benefit of all members of his family system who are associated with this problem.

Everything happens as if these people, who are placed in this new representative system, come into contact, into resonance with the client's family system and, despite the space-time distance, they are able to do this.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake calls this morphic resonance. In the context of constellation work, I refer to this phenomenon as morpho-systemic resonance. Inspired by the German embryologist Hans Driesch, the outstanding scientists Alexander Gurvich (St. Petersburg) and Paul Weiss (Vienna) demonstrated that the classical biological explanation based on genetic transmission is not sufficient to explain the evolution of life. And they compiled a unified theory of force fields, which included the existence of other fields, such as gravitational and electromagnetic.

The British biologist from the University of Edinburgh, C. H. Waddington, developed the term "creod" to designate a further path of development that indicates the direction of a goal. He explains that this purpose is the attractor that allows information and energy to come together, and this in turn causes them to manifest and materialize.

Then it was Rupert Sheldrake's turn to study, develop and expand the idea of ​​the morphogenic field. He suggested that this phenomenon was related to morphic fields, and, starting with biology, extended this idea to many other areas, including social interaction, economics and psychology. But let's return to our family constellation, during which the phenomenon of a representative of the following quality takes place: the representatives show exact knowledge in detail of those facts that concern the client's family, and about which until this time the client himself was in the dark, and, of the truth of which he he is convinced later, after talking and discussing the issue with people or relatives. I remind you that we are not dealing with a mediumship session here, and this phenomenon occurs in almost all family constellation courses. We might ask: if there is a family morphic field, a family system that Jungian psychologists might have referred to as the “collective or familial unconscious,” then how does the sensory, emotional and educational information manifested in the people who are representatives in the newly arranged representative system?

From our point of view, only quantum theories and their application to fields can today provide us with several satisfactory answers and hypotheses on this issue. We will return to this in the final part of the article. But before that, we need, first of all, to explore another question that requires clarification from the point of view of genetic biology, systems psychology and genealogy: what are the various “pieces of information” that are passed on to the family system?

On biological level- and this is a mystery for any person - transmission takes place through our genes. On psychological level it manifests itself primarily through behavior based on attitude, observation and imitation. We know today that in addition to maternal and paternal genetic contributions, the embryo, through its symbiotic relationship with the mother, from the moment of conception and throughout intrauterine development during pregnancy, is subject to positive or negative influence not only psychological state mother, but also her emotional life. And then subsequently these influences are superimposed upon by periods of learning and conditioning.
process of learning and imitation, but also ultimately on development mental abilities, as well as the mystical phenomenon of representative perceptions, which are always associated with “movements” of a bodily, sensory, emotional or intellectual nature. It is information that causes these movements. And this information can only have its source in the presented morpho-systemic family field, which is simultaneously in resonance with both the problem presented by the client and his family system. Mirror neurons reflect or “mirror” this information to the visual center of the brain and connect them instantly (etymologically - “without an intermediary”) with the motor centers of the representative. After this, the arrangement becomes a materialization, a manifestation of both the past evolution and the position of the client’s family system in the present time.

Rupert Sheldrake, after witnessing family constellations and seeing with his own eyes the manifestations of morphic fields in action, expressed his greatest amazement. In a letter to the Institute of the French Academy of Sciences, one of the discoverers of mirror neurons and professor at the University of Parma Department of Neuroscience, Giacomo Risolatti, describes a certain essence of the functioning of mirror neurons. Their fundamental characteristic is that they are activated both when we perform an action ourselves and when we observe an action performed by someone else. They are the mechanism that projects the description of action, localized in the complex of visual areas of the brain, and transmits it to the motor lobes. It is also the mechanism that allows one to understand an action and makes it possible to imitate it later. This means that mirror neurons allow us to see what another person is doing and understand why he is doing it (in other words, understand his intention) before we can repeat the action ourselves. They thus enable us not only to recognize an action, but also to anticipate the next action or, in other words, to recognize intention. Most recent research has demonstrated that this mirror neuron mechanism also becomes active in “empathy,” which can be defined as the ability to feel the same sensation, feeling, or emotion as another person.

Knowing how “mirror neurons” work sheds light not only on the process of learning and imitation, but also ultimately on the development of mental abilities, as well as on the mystical phenomenon of representative perceptions, which are always associated with “movements” that have a bodily, sensory , emotional or intellectual nature. It is information that causes these movements. And this information can only have its source in the presented morpho-systemic family field, which is simultaneously in resonance with both the problem presented by the client and his family system. Mirror neurons reflect or “mirror” this information to the visual center of the brain and connect them instantly (etymologically - “without an intermediary”) with the motor centers of the representative. After this, the arrangement becomes a materialization, a manifestation of both the past evolution and the position of the client’s family system in the present time.

Rupert Sheldrake, after witnessing family constellations and seeing with his own eyes the manifestations of morphic fields in action, expressed his greatest amazement.
In a letter to the Institute of the French Academy of Sciences, one of the discoverers of mirror neurons and professor at the University of Parma Department of Neuroscience, Giacomo Risolatti, describes a certain essence of the functioning of mirror neurons. Their fundamental characteristic is that they are activated both when we perform an action ourselves and when we observe an action performed by someone else. They are the mechanism that projects the description of action, localized in the complex of visual areas of the brain, and transmits it to the motor lobes. It is also the mechanism that allows one to understand an action and makes it possible to imitate it later. This means that mirror neurons allow us to see what another person is doing and understand why he is doing it (in other words, understand his intention) before we can repeat the action ourselves. They thus enable us not only to recognize an action, but also to anticipate the next action or, in other words, to recognize intention. Most recent research has demonstrated that this mirror neuron mechanism also becomes active in “empathy,” which can be defined as the ability to feel the same sensation, feeling, or emotion as another person.

In addition, this mechanism is also sufficient proof of the thesis about the source of sign language. Before Condillac's work, the prevailing view was that the spoken word was born from an animal cry, when in fact it was born from sign language. Through the action of mirror neurons, movements and gestures, which in themselves are archaic messages, become understandable to the observer, without any need for verbal communication. (For over 10 years, I have developed the psychophysical practice of Samadeva Euphony Gestures, which uses these principles). In the context of family constellations, this explains the importance and effectiveness of constellations, permutations and other symbolic movements, the archaic form of communication of which we respect, and which is immediately understandable to the representatives. This also allows us to explain the almost instantaneous transformation of the emotional states of the representatives during the arrangement.

The study of mirror neurons may lead physiologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists to a deeper understanding of certain serious mental pathologies, such as autism and schizophrenia, an important basis of which - at least for autism - is the lack of empathy associated with a deficiency in the human mirror neuron system. in which the severity of the disease is proportional to the degree of this deficiency. Knowledge of mirror neurons also helps us understand the importance of the mother-child relationship, the quality of which determines the development of the child. In fact, in
The child’s psyche is reflected not only by the mother herself, but also by her own attitude towards parents, ancestors, relatives, and, naturally, towards the child’s father (identification according to Freud).

During family constellations, the following phenomenon occurs: when the mediator asks the client to independently select representatives of members of his family system, he in most cases (unconsciously) selects people who have the same type of problem as the client, despite the fact that he knows nothing about the lives of the representatives he has chosen. Perhaps this phenomenon serves as an example of the mechanism of gestures and emotions of mirror neurons.

Despite the fact that the study of mirror neurons gives us the key to understanding many phenomena that arise during family constellations, there is one more phenomenon, when reflecting on which, the question arises: how, from the point of view of quantum physics, information is transmitted during constellation from mother to child, from client to his representative, or from the client's real family system to the arranged morphic system of representatives?

We all know that Albert Einstein's equation E=mc2 can be translated as "energy is the equivalent of matter." Quantum physics and especially quantum mechanics, developed by Werner Heisenberg ( Nobel Prize, 1932) and then by Paul Dirac with Erwin Schrödinger (Nobel Prize, 1933), and then later expanded to quantum field theory by Wolfgang Pauli (Nobel Prize, 1945), allows us to understand the equivalence of matter, energy and information from that point the view that Thomas Gernitz from the University of Frankfurt presents to us today.

Equivalence in this case means that each of the elements “information-energy-matter” can be transformed into one another. Gernitz demonstrated this by combining quantum theory with the theory of gravity, with black holes and cosmology. And then it became possible for us to determine the absolute value of quantum information.

Let us remember that the closer we get to the infinitesimal in the realm of matter, the more that matter tends to disappear, giving way to energy and, ultimately, information. Thus, an atom is mostly empty space with a central nucleus consisting of quarks, which are considered the building blocks of protons and neutrons. This classic concept, but it contradicts quantum reality: the mass of quarks represents only about two percent of the total mass of protons, while the rest is what we might call the “motion” of the quarks!

If we now return to the “matter-energy-information” equation, and consider it from the point of view that information can exist outside the transmitter and receptor, then we can come to the conclusion that quantum information, in addition to everything else, is non- local, in other words, it “permeates the entire cosmos,” that is, it is cosmic in the true sense of the word.

This also means that we must imagine that any unit of quantum information (quantum bit) is representative of the entire cosmos. No matter how the moment of this unit of information is defined, it becomes, as a consequence, capable of localization. Thus, if an ordinary bit is represented only as "right" or "left", then a quantum bit is determined by the context, "where exactly "right" and "left" are localized", in other words, in the environment. Then any quantum system can be characterized as a relative potentiality that includes every possibility. The more information there is, the more manifestations there are.

Thus, we can define matter, from the point of view of black holes and cosmology, as condensed quantum information, like water vapor condensed into a drop. This means that our thoughts—in other words, information—are as real as the neurons in our brains. These neurons are condensed information, and our thoughts are pure unmaterialized information.

IN general outline this means that although each piece of information is everywhere (in space), it is not represented anywhere in particular, in other words, neither here nor now... until it connects with the foundation that will carry it. In family constellation work, we create a context - the client, his problem (that is, his intention), and representatives - in which information that has its source in the client's family system can appear in the representatives in the form of their perceptions.

If we now introduce through specific work new information(assuming we need to find a better solution) into the system, this information - and our experience confirms this - will cause changes in the client's family system. Due to its non-localization, this information can manifest itself instantly if an attractor exists. In our case, the attractor is the morpho-systemic field of the client’s family. This is an example of the “EPR” phenomenon (Einstein, Podovsky and Rosen). Indeed, according to the quantum principle of non-localization, information produced in one place is perceived instantly in another place, without requiring the presence of a conductive element between the transmitter and the receptor.

Let me give you an example. A client tells us that after an argument, her son did not speak to her for 10 years. We can imagine the suffering of the mother... and certainly the suffering of the son too, trapped inside his negativity.

During a family constellation, we find a solution to the problem through reunion. The next morning, after returning from our seminar, the mother tells us - and we can imagine her emotional state - that when she came home, she found a message from her son on her answering machine! Most psychotherapists, trainers and other consultants know that the EPR phenomenon is not uncommon, and that after a course of observation during which personal or business case client, the solution was already beginning to emerge on its own and there was no need to explain anything to the client. These few reflections do not mean that they are exhaustive or final, and that they come close to explaining this mystical, extraordinary phenomenon that takes place during family constellations. I hope that I have given several directions for further research questions that interest us.

Before making a final conclusion, it should also be noted that the principle of non-locality in quantum physics applies not only to space, but also to time. The quantum system has no internal time, in other words, it is in an ongoing present and has no past or future. This is the same idea that the wisdom masters of the past considered in their spiritual teachings as eternity. She is also perhaps what Carl Gustav Jung called the unconscious, and Sigmund Freud spoke of her as having no concept of time. The reality of information and thought allows us to feel the reality of consciousness and spirit without a material basis, in other words, regardless of the brain and body. Quantum physics, as an advanced branch of science, gives us the opportunity to better understand the immaterial existence of the Spirit and its survival even after it is separated from the physical body. The question arises: due to its informational nature, does this Spirit become non-local and dissolve in the cosmos or does it remain individualized by joining another base or body?

Final part

It is self-evident that the evolution we have considered different approaches, carried out over the past two decades, and based on psychology and especially psycho-neuro-immunology, as well as neuroscience, makes us reject most of the theories of the 20th century, the vast majority of which were born of the “Age of Enlightenment” and based on Cartesianism. And those of us who have been successful in putting these new approaches together know to some extent the "enlightenment" that we're talking about, was something of a candle, and that Cartesian materialist thinking was only one possible model and language applied to a limited field of knowledge, thanks to its rational syntax.

Thus, systemic, genetic, informational and cybernetic models shed light on scientific knowledge two past centuries, which nevertheless served as its foundation, and many modern scientists still remain constrained by the framework of these models. And along with them great part modern adults trained by these outdated languages, confuse syntax with semantics. But a new era has begun, and those whose minds are still young are themselves joining the new generation.

Systemic family constellations in the modern world - sources and history of development to the present day

The sources and history of the method of systemic constellations have two "shoulders"- this is the direction that was developed Bert Hellinger, and the knowledge that he imparts to us Idris Laor.

Bert Hellinger introduced in the early 1980s systemic family constellations to the general public as a psychotherapeutic method of “helping practice”. In fact, Bert Hellinger became the instrument for spreading this method, which became known in almost all countries of the world.

At the beginning of his career, Bert Hellinger was a parish priest, teacher and school director for the Zulus in South Africa. There he became interested in the first, which later became important, approach to life - phenomenology - the selection of what is necessary from all the available diversity, without intention, without fear, without prejudice, relying on what is clear. The second important approach is a systematic one, which implies that:

  1. The family as a system is more than just the sum of its parts.
  2. When influencing the family as a whole, every element within it is influenced.
  3. A change in one part of the system affects the entire system as well as the parts that make it up.

In general, the predecessors of family systemic constellations were several areas of psychological counseling, such as: script analysis by Eric Berne, primary therapy Arthur Yanov, family psychotherapy (as opposed to individual), family sculpture by Virginia Satir, psychodrama by Jacob Moreno, metaphors of Milton Erickson, etc.

Through the synthesis of these methods and adding to them the point of “turning to the field for information,” Hellinger discovered Systemic Laws, which he called “Orders of Love.”

Chronologically, the development of constellations according to the Bert Hellinger method consists of 5 stages.

  • Until about 1998 - classic ordinal arrangements. The proxies represented the participants in the client's family system; they were positioned statically in space, then interrogated and moved by the therapist until a “good solution” was achieved—the most harmonious state for most proxies.
  • From 1998 to 2001 - Hellinger noticed that if some deputies are given the opportunity to move around in space themselves, then they themselves find the most harmonious position, leading to a “good solution”. He interpreted this as the movement of the soul of the person represented by the substitute, which senses the direction of harmonious movement.
  • Since 2001 - in one of the formations, Bert Hellinger allowed all deputies to move freely, and their general movement showed the development of the client situation at the level of several systems - family and larger (systems of countries and conflicts). The term Spirit Mind appeared - the source of the movement “everything as it is.” We can assume that from this moment on, constellations appeared that Bert Hellinger himself calls spiritual.
  • Since 2008 - multi-level arrangements. Deputies represent several roles at the same time, and these roles can also change, flowing into one another. Some roles may remain “one-level” and are recognized by the client as specific figures. Here, several system dynamics of several systems develop simultaneously.
  • Since 2009 – so-called “dead” arrangements. “Dead” representatives do not interact with the “living”; resolution is achieved through the client achieving such a state of respect for the dead, which allows him to leave them, to no longer be intertwined with them. The client, staying in " dead kingdom“receives the disintegration of emotionally rich contacts with them. Then he is taken outside this “realm” and the client discovers the experience of continuing life with the memory of the dead, but without intertwining with them.

The essence of the method is that the client’s request/problem is related to a violation of the order in his family system. These disturbances can be identified through the work of group members and restored through therapist interventions.

It is also impossible not to mention some of Hellinger’s students and colleagues, who also contributed to the development of the method and the creation of techniques used in constellations. These are, first of all, Insa Sparrer and Matthias Varga von Kibed.

In the teaching tradition passed on by Idris Laor to his students, this method was originally known as "euphonic performances" until Idris Laor learned about the work of Bert Hellinger.

Idris Laor says that learning about Hellinger's approach has greatly enriched his own research and experience, both theoretically and practically.

He then adapted a number of the procedures used by Hellinger to his own practice.

Another source of knowledge about formations for Idris Laor was Taoist practices, given to him by his grandfather, who brought them from his travels to China, long before the Chinese Revolution. In China, grandfather met the Chinese Master Huang Zhen Hui, the sage, patriarch of Chan and Chen Yen, who initiated him into the secret science of Mi-tsung.

The transmission of his teachings was carried out by word of mouth, in the same way the grandfather passed on all his knowledge to Idris Laor. First of all, the grandfather initiated his grandson into the I Chin, one of the oldest Chinese books, which is known in the West as the “Book of Changes.” Chapter 37 of I Chin summarizes all the knowledge of the ancient Chinese sages concerning family and society, which has not lost its significance today.

Here one can find the basic principles that govern family relationships (what Bert Hellinger calls the “Orders of Love”). In addition, there are indications that these principles are projected onto the outside world. In addition, the importance of using the right words to find the best solution to a problem is emphasized.

In the tradition that Idris Laor passed on to his disciples, the word “spiritual” comes from the Latin “spiritus”, and means, among other things, air or breath. With these two definitions, we can find the deepest meaning of spirituality: the air in which we are all immersed and which connects us all to each other, excluding no one. As for breathing, it is the “movement” of air, and without it there is no life and no possible evolution.

The work of constellations is to include each and every person without excluding anyone, and to allow us to re-introduce the breath, that is, the movement that has been blocked. This is true both in relation to family, social, professional situations and relationships between people, and for bodily illnesses and psychological problems.

Theoretical part

Constellations are a method with which anyone can resolve most of their problems and difficulties.

The method is based on the fact that each of us is part of our own family. The family is the simplest example of a system. Any system lives according to certain laws; if they are violated, the system suffers, and then each of its members has a problem.

Mediator (leader of arrangements) – This is the person who knows how and according to what laws the system works, how these laws are violated, what happens because of this, and how to correct these violations using the method of systemic constellations.

“We usually believe that everything that happens to us is the result of our actions or our mistakes, or even a consequence of our personal past. But the constellations show us that when we do what we don’t want to do, or when we don’t do what we would like to do, this is often not because of us, but rather is due to the influence of other members of our family system, to the fact that what they have done or neglected.

These may be deceased ancestors we never knew. This is what is called “being intertwined with a member of your system.” It is very difficult to observe such influences directly. However, they may be the reason serious illnesses, such as cancer, mental disorders, depression, as well as accidents, repeated failures and difficulties.

The practice of family systemic constellations is a method that makes visible these influences, these invisible movements, like threads that permeate our lives. We don't see them, but we see and experience the consequences of their impact on our lives. This process is similar to contact with radiation - a person does not feel anything, but becomes seriously ill.”

It is with this introduction that almost every evening of constellations according to the Idris Laor method begins. All the most important, most necessary things are concentrated in two short paragraphs. This text is like icing on the cake, crystallized over the course of for long years work, synthesized by Idris Laor as the most effective and clearly representing the essence of the method of systemic family constellations.

There is also more classic definition concept of "system".

System - (from ancient Greek σύστημα - a whole made up of parts; connection) - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity. At the same time, the system has important properties, common to all systems:

  • Integrity - a system is an abstract entity that has integrity and is defined within its boundaries. System integrity implies that, in some significant respect, the “strength” or “value” of the connections of elements within the system is greater than the strength or value of the connections of system elements with elements of external systems or the environment;
  • Synergy, systemic effect - the appearance of properties in a system that are not inherent in the elements of the system; the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of a system to the sum of the properties of its constituent components (non-additivity). The capabilities of the system exceed the sum of the capabilities of its constituent parts; the overall performance or functionality of a system is better than the simple sum of its elements.

What does this mean translated into Russian?

That a system is several elements interconnected, they mutually influence each other, a change in the state of one element causes a change in the state of other elements and the entire system as a whole, and since the system is larger than an element, it affects all elements, i.e. e. can “impose” certain states on elements.

We often do this ourselves in our lives. Each person is also a system consisting of many subsystems and elements. And imagine that tomorrow, for example, you have a very important meeting! A person who is very significant to you, and whom you have not seen for a long time, is flying in for just one day and you should definitely meet him. And suddenly you feel unwell, runny nose, sore throat and all the symptoms of an incipient illness. What are you going to do? WITH high probability take your medications and start taking them to be in shape tomorrow. And yet we all know that all drugs have side effects– aspirin irritates the esophagus and stomach, antibiotics kill beneficial microflora and harm intestinal function, etc. But we sacrifice some to feel better overall. The family system that we are part of does the same thing.

To get acquainted with the Idris Laor method, come to the evening of constellations -

With the help of arrangement you can solve such important problems as:

RELATIONSHIP- transformation of failures into personal life, conflicts within the family and at work, inability to get married, problems and fears of a sexual nature, and other issues related to personal relationships;

MONEY- their absence, fear of losing money, fear of making money, fear of poverty, fear of having a lot of money, guilt associated with money, fear of making big purchases, inability to reach a new level of earnings, and more;

HEALTH- diseases, pain, psychosomatic diseases, diseases of unknown etiology, psychological trauma, depression, fears, despondency, panic attacks etc.;

SPIRITUALITY- self-determination, creativity, choice of profession, purpose, mission.

Individual arrangements

With the help of family and systemic constellations according to the Idris Laura method, it is possible to bring healing to any area of ​​life. And not only the client himself, but also his family system.

Individual sessions can address decisions in a variety of areas:

From love relationships to systemic level healing (repeated by gender) various diseases and business problems.

Special attention should be paid to those who want to create a genogram of their family and more order in the history of the family

Work with negative character traits in order to live your life more consciously and joyfully, benefiting yourself, others and the entire planet.

Individual work allows you to:

Consciously experience some of the recurring dynamics in your system;

Develop a conscious vision, that is, learn to look at what is happening differently;

The mediator will direct your attention and strength only to the work of your Soul, to analyzing your important circumstances, and will help you get good result in the form of a new solution through an interesting and cognitive process.

Individual work system

I. First meeting - preparation in formation

Treatment of “unlearned disorders”

Very often a person is unable to formulate his problem due to the fact that the situation in life is rather a reaction to stress and trauma of the past: these reactions, physical symptoms, psychological disorders, attitudes and behaviors are not adapted to current situations and prevent healthy and new thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Unhealed wounds from the past may have their source in this life, in the embryonic or pre-conception period. All these wounds are called “unlearned disorders” and their treatment is available through the “vision-expression” Mudra.

This practice is also recommended after each constellation, as it allows us to “clean up” the new aspects of the problem that appear after the constellation and allow energy to circulate in us in a new way at the level of intellect, emotions and actions.

II. Re-meeting - basic setup

Family of Origin

this work allows us to take our right place in the family in which we were born, to truly see ourselves in the position of a small child relative to our parents and older generations of the family. The stated problem can be anything; the work is intended for those who do not have much experience in doing constellations for themselves.

Make peace with mom

“Often an unclear relationship with the mother, a lack of reconciliation with the mother, prevents one from coming to terms with something greater than a person, because the mother is larger than the child. She represents something much greater.
For her child, a mother symbolizes everything, even the world! We cannot be at peace until we have done the work regarding the mother, and the problems we have because of this are very various shapes" Idris Laor

Violation of the law of seniority in relation to children

“How can the second law, the law of seniority, be violated in the family? How do bonds between children and parents become painful?

There are 4 special situations:

1. The child plays the role of the elder, one of the parents, because he is not able to do this himself, no matter for what reason.

2. When the child is obliged to play the role of one of the partners in the couple, either in reality (through sexual abuse of one of the parents against the child), or through emotional manifestation relationships.

3. There is often triangulation in families. One of the parents makes the child a witness to problems with his partner and includes him in the difficulties of the relationship.

4. Parents speak freely in the presence of their children about their intimate relationships. This is parental immodesty towards children.

These are the four main reasons for violating the second system law. Children then cannot play the role of children, live their childhood lives, because the pressure on them is too high.” Idris Laor

Fratry arrangement. Our place in the line of brothers and sisters

Quite often we feel a strong attraction, or, on the contrary, rejection towards seemingly strangers, towards those with whom, according to the logic of things, there should not be such a strong tension. The reason may still lie within our family. Often in families it is not customary to talk about unborn children - miscarriages, abortions, early deaths due to tragic reasons, and children from one of the partners “on the side” outside the existing family. Such exceptions have the consequences of the inability to adequately perceive one’s surroundings, as a person unconsciously tries to restore lost connections with brothers and sisters.

"Face to face" arrangement

If your relationship as a couple is not working out, constellations will help you! Anyone who could not accept his parents will not be able to accept his partner. Many problems in partnerships arise because one partner or both of them are not in agreement with their parents in the sense of a deep connection with them, including respect and the ability to "take" with gratitude. Even if you feel like you've done your best and your partner can't hear you or understand your needs, there is an opportunity to have an open conversation on a soul level. This work is also recommended for bringing healing into any relationship with people who do not belong to our family system (colleague, country neighbor, classmate, etc.)

III. Spiritual Constellations

Working with Internal Archetypes

Inside every person there is a part that remembers its spiritual divine origin; the part that knows nothing and came to evolve and the parts that are called upon to “serve” this process.

How do these parts interact within you? How at peace are they and do they see each other clearly?

If you want to become a truly good steward of your life, it is important to get to know and hear the manifestations of these parts. This work will help to understand the deep personal manifestations, adjust them to bring greater respect and understanding of your own path.

Who can help Family and system arrangements?

Did you know that hidden family and systemic reasons lie behind most illnesses, interpersonal problems, conflicts between parents and children, professional dissatisfaction and failures?

Surprisingly, certain painful or serious events that occurred in the lives of our ancestors have a devastating impact on our lives:

Maybe your great-grandfather's failures are interfering with your professional success;

Perhaps his son’s problems at school are due to the fact that his grandfather was forced to go to work at the age of 16 so that his brothers could study;

Maybe your allergies, cancer or arthritis are a consequence of your grandmother's stillborn baby;

Perhaps the constant incidents with her daughter occur because of her aunt, who died under the ruins of her own house;

Maybe your difficulties at work are due to a previous employee leaving before you arrived.

Thousands of family and systemic constellations have shown that all these connections are possible, and even many more amazing ones.

These systemic connections are the sources of disturbances in family systems and organizations. The specific systemic techniques of our constellation methods help restore balance, allowing the return of harmony, health, success and well-being.

For more than 30 years, Idris Laor (Director French Institute systemic constellations) develops his methodology of family and systemic constellations (called “euphonic representations”). Family and systemic constellations became widely known thanks to Bert Hellinger, but they have ancient origins in the mysteries and rituals of different peoples. Thus, among the Hakim dervishes (7000 BC), constellations are known as “the night of reconciliation with the ancestors.”

Idris Laor, founder of the University of Samadeva (France), inheriting this tradition, adapting it to the present and using modern achievements psychology, psychoanthropology, quantum physics, peculiarities of the behavior of morphological fields (Rupert Sheldrake), echoes in his work the methodology of Bert Hellinger. At the same time, using essential psychology, Idris Laor simply, clearly and at the same time systematically explains and restores the flow of energy in the client’s system.

Also integrated into this work are body-oriented techniques and new energy psychotherapy, in which Idris Laor is one of the pioneers.

The famous author, whose books have been translated into several languages, including Russian, touches on such topics as alternative medicine and psychotherapy, personal evolution and spirituality. An artist whose exhibitions took place, including in Russia.

What are family and system constellations?

Family and systemic constellations are based on an understanding of space, structures and relationships between people, living or dead, things and present, past or future events. This understanding involves perceptions that include people, things, events, relationships and structures; all whole form Maqam (Maqam, according to the teachings of the Dervishes, is what is now defined as a system, ensemble or morphic field). During the course of family and systemic constellations, representatives perceive body sensations, emotions or thoughts belonging to the people or system they represent. It is a representation of perceptions and sensations. Although they perceive them personally, these sensations do not belong to them, these are sensations outside of personality. Each system - whether our family, professional or social community, the organization to which we belong - is a force field, Maqam, in which each of us lives and develops. Take, for example, the system of our family - we are born, each of us takes a place in the family system and receives from our parents and ancestors not only heredity, genetic inheritance, but also a set of beliefs, patterns of thinking and behavior.

All these patterns have a decisive influence on the way we live, think and feel. They have either a positive or negative impact on our ability to feel and act freely, to be happy or unhappy, to succeed or fail in our endeavors. They affect our health and well-being and are the cause of many of our diseases. Often these schemes are responsible for our good or conflicting relationships with other people and with the world. By working with family and systemic constellations, we begin to understand these patterns at their deepest level. Gradually, through family and systemic constellations or other specific techniques, we can learn to free ourselves from the patterns that limit us or are the cause of our problems.

Each family system (force field or Maqam) is determined by the entirety of the past of our family, parents and ancestors, as well as their patterns of thinking, beliefs, religion, nationality and ethnic background. This force field is especially strongly imprinted in all significant and decisive events that occurred in the lives of our parents and ancestors.

Examples of such significant and decisive events may include:

  • Difficult situations;
  • Conflict relationships;
  • Premature deaths due to serious illnesses;
  • Abortion;
  • Miscarriages;
  • Children who died at an early age;
  • Suicides;
  • Accidents;
  • Wars;
  • Adoption;
  • Incests;
  • Ancestors who were guilty of crimes (even unsolved ones);
  • Ancestors who have been victims of crime;
  • Stay in psychiatric hospitals;
  • Imprisonment;
  • Victims of abuse;
  • Victims of theft;
  • Achieving material wealth through dubious means.

Likewise good, positive or noble deeds will influence the force field of the family, strengthening and harmonizing it, while harmful actions will increase negative energies, destructively affecting descendants who will be required to pay and correct them. The way our ancestors behaved towards other people has a decisive impact on the force field of our family.

We usually don't realize the reality of this force field and how it affects us. Sometimes we act and behave in a situation in an inexplicable way, doing things that we later regret. When we become aware of such phenomena through family and systemic constellations, we begin to understand these mechanisms and are able to gradually free ourselves from them, transforming our actions and behavior and thus preventing the unhappiness and suffering that our children and our children's children, even up to the seventh generation, could have been tested. People - especially members of our family - who seem to behave incorrectly towards us or other members of our family, or towards other people, are usually under the influence of a force field. This influence causes them to behave in a way that we interpret as negative. It is up to us whether we can look at these people with understanding and love, because in reality in most cases they are just toys in the hands of force fields. This doesn't take anything away from negative actions committed by people who naturally must bear responsibility for them. No one is to blame, but every person is responsible. The earliest possible compensation is required, preferably to the person who was targeted. negative impact. IN otherwise someone in subsequent generations will be forced to perform the same act or suffer the same fate.

All of the above in equally applicable to any other types of systems - societies, associations, business systems. Family and system constellations are a projection into the outside world internal image the client's family system (or any other system to which he belongs). This outward image is transformed during the course of family and systemic constellations and can be absorbed by the client, making possible solution problems at a higher level.

Hundreds of constellations that we have carried out have clearly shown that this alternative method discovering what is hidden in the individual or collective unconscious. When what has been hidden in this way comes to light, new opportunities arise for action through representatives chosen from among the participants. These participants, through their actions, make it possible to implement the best solution client problems. People are regaining their strength and dignity, teams are finding necessary resources to resolve their internal conflicts, firms and organizations are finding ways to structure more effectively, move more successfully towards common goal.

One of the significant discoveries of this method is beyond conscious goals. individual people, families, organizations, there are other forces at work here that connect people and systems to each other and make them absolutely interdependent. The use of family and systemic constellations in the context of fields of health and well-being opens up enormous new therapeutic perspectives.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"