Family system constellations according to Bert Hellinger. Family constellations according to Hellinger: what kind of method is it?

“I understand that I am being scammed. I just can’t figure out how exactly,” said the director of one company when he saw people completely unfamiliar to him moving around the room and saying words that were too similar to the truth. While he called these people the names of his employees and placed them on the area limited by chairs, he smiled knowingly: “Yes, guys, I participated in so many different games. Let's play. I will explain to you what is wrong here.” Gradually, as the action in the center of the hall developed, his face changed expression.

Victorious confidence melted away, revealing confusion and puzzlement. How do these people, whom he sees for the first time in his life, know such details about the relationships and feelings of his employees? After all, even with the help of espionage, for which there was neither time nor money, it is impossible to find out so much, down to intimate details of personal life and hidden character traits. He admitted that he could not understand how the group members learned all the roles, because he assigned them himself, in random order. Having still not found an answer, he was fired up with childish curiosity: “tell me again...”. So much so that I had to stop him and remind him what issue he came on in the first place.

*Assignment - the customer of the arrangement names any group member he has chosen with the name of one of the members of his system (or an object of his internal structure). /author's note/

This director went through several typical stages of acquaintance with the systemic-phenomenological method of Bert Hellinger (hereinafter referred to as the Hellinger method), which in the CIS, with the light hand of translator Irina Belyakova, was called Family Systemic Constellation or Systemic Constellation, since the method has already gone beyond the family therapy.

Here is an approximate sequence of these stages:

  1. Mistrust.
  2. The desire to understand (expose).
  3. Surprise, reaching the point of amazement: “how do they know?!”
  4. Dead end, bewilderment, confusion, embarrassment (sometimes shame, fear).
  5. The joy of discovery at the sight of a solution, relief, hope for the future.
  6. Waiting for a miracle.
  7. “It’s so simple, I want everything and more.”

Someone can go through all the steps, someone can go through part of them. Some steps may go by too quickly, while on others a person may be stuck for a long time. But the generalized algorithm is something like this. And distrust can sometimes turn out to be more promising than excessive optimism in the desire to fulfill any desire. A superficial attitude towards something that contains a wondrous power, not yet studied and in a small fraction, can cause more harm than the expected benefit.

This is not just a method - it is a manifestation of phenomenology in action. No mysterious words or mind-blowing reasoning - he named and delivered. And I got the information! It shocks, surprises, confuses, pleases, delights, causes indignation, but leaves almost no one indifferent. Therefore, the army of people who want to use this method as either a customer or a specialist is growing rapidly. Just 5 years ago on the Internet one could find 2-3 references to Hellinger’s visit to Moscow. Today - 29 thousand pages with service offers and discussions. Books by Hellinger and other specialists in systemic therapy can be found in every department of psychological literature.

In view of so many publications and the massive abundance of all kinds of resources, we will not dwell on a detailed description of what has already been described many times. We propose to come from an unexpected angle and consider the method with all the sincerity originally inherent in it. Perhaps our publication will cause criticism in circles that advocate infallibility. However, we believe that problem-solving leads to the opening of new directions, broadening horizons and deepening understanding. And we see this as our main task in promoting our favorite method. With all due respect to the founders, whom we honor with all our souls.

The nature of this phenomenon has no scientific basis.

This is true. Leaving aside theorizing on the topics: Freud - the subconscious, Jung - the collective unconscious, Einstein - quantum physics, Vernadsky - the noosphere - everything that can be offered to the logical side of the mind, let’s just look at what is happening from the perspective of an outside observer. Ordinary, unmarked people are simply called by names. For example, “you are my grandfather”**.

**This is not role-playing, not imitation or duplication, although perhaps psychodrama, as a group work, could have inspired Hellinger to take exactly such a form. /approx. auto/

After they have been appointed, people, also known as deputies, are simply placed in the hall. And then they begin to feel and experience what does not belong to them, what belongs to someone else’s system. They are not under hypnosis, they are completely aware of themselves, but at the same time, they really feel something different: feelings, connections, relationships, events that they did not know before. WHERE and HOW do they get information from? And, most importantly, WHY can this information be trusted?

“Common soul,” says the founder of the method, Bert Hellinger. This doesn't explain anything except that there's a lot we don't know. And that is why the method is called phenomenological***.

***Phenomenology is an unpremised description of the experience of cognitive consciousness and the identification of essential, ideal features in it. /wikipedia/

So, here it is, this very experience of cognitive consciousness!? But the question still remains: why can you believe this? And where is the guarantee that the words following the truth are also true? “What is truth?” asked Pilate. And he didn’t receive an answer, and washed his hands. But for an ordinary person, the main thing will remain his “I”. Either I believe it or I don’t. It's not even a religion. It is like a faith based on existential experience and therefore indestructible. I believe this because my personal experience tells me that it is so, time after time. I make sure I feel SOMETHING and it is unique and I can observe it. At the same time, they tell me that this does not belong to me, and this calms me down. I can experience anything without fear - after all, it’s “not mine.” What gives me even more confidence is that my experience is confirmed by similar experiences of others around me.

Okay, but what if it's a suggestion? Mass hypnosis? Sect? I believe what I experience, but people under hypnosis believe too. True, after leaving a hypnotic trance, a person does not remember what happened to him, but my consciousness retains everything brightly and clearly. I didn’t stop being myself, I expanded my understanding of my capabilities and the world around me. And moreover, I suddenly realize that I can feel this outside the seminar, without a group and a leader. In principle, I can feel the states and emotions of the people with whom I communicate. And I always knew how to do this, but I didn’t pay attention before. Yes, there are many stories of how someone felt what was happening to loved ones at great distances. It turns out that you can feel not only your loved one, but almost any person. Here, two people are talking next to me, smiling. And I feel tension. An employee comes up with a question, and I feel the child’s anxiety in front of the parent. This is not a fantasy, this is reality.

But the question remains: how much can I trust myself when I feel another person? How much can I trust each individual deputy in each case?

Harm #1: thoughts, or rather the conjectures of the deputies.

Feelings are true, but “a thought expressed is a lie.” Conclusions can be drawn by those who observe and see the system as a whole. The conclusions of an individual deputy are not only meaningless, but also harmful. They can, and usually do, come from the values, worldview and way of thinking of this particular person, personality. For a true picture, it is necessary that the personality be absent, and we would receive information about the state of the object and its relationship to other objects in its pure form****, without distortion by assessment and conclusions. Deputies who talk too much (as a rule, asserting themselves in this) must be trained to give out the correct information, or replaced with those who can not think, but feel and observe the feeling. This also includes demonstrative experiences “in public” as conjectures. All these attempts to pull the blanket over oneself, to prove oneself the main one in the arrangement process, can nullify the work of the rest of the group.

****In fairness, we note that we cannot yet obtain information in its ideal pure form, given the current state of man as an information channel. Therefore, when we talk about purity, we mean information that is as free as possible from the evaluative influence of the individual.

Okay, we've made sure that the method is real, i.e. with its help you can obtain unique information about the human system, provided that the correct work is carried out with substituents. But the next question arises.

Is all this actually useful for the customer?

There are several variations of this question: It doesn't work. That's not how it works. It may be dangerous. This can be both useful and dangerous. And in that case, what more? Harm or benefit?

We received information from deputies in the system placed here and now. The customer (client), almost always, having seen what is actually happening there, asks the question: “What should we do about it?” Actually, the reason he came was because he wanted to do something “about it.” And this is where a lot of questions begin, ranging from “do we have the right to interfere?” to “why exactly?”

If we talk about the policy of non-interference in general, then it is actually impossible to live in this world and not interfere in it. We intervened already at birth. And every step we take, every choice we make, every thought is an intervention in the world, in the surrounding system, or rather, our interaction with the world. Metabolism with the environment is a condition of life. Attempts to influence the course of events and history, to change the surrounding space to a more comfortable one, have always been inherent in man and humanity. And in their personal lives, in order to improve relationships, people try to please or punish in order to fix something in the body, they turn to doctors to influence the spiritual side of life - they read prayers, affirmations, go to trainings and conquer peaks. And the fact that this inexplicable method has now been revealed to us - maybe this is not accidental? This is the next step in our interaction with the world. Then you need to learn to do it correctly. What is correct? And what are the consequences of careless exposure?

For those who have not seen the film “The Butterfly Effect,” we recommend watching it as a tutorial on hacking the world order. The hero of the film always wanted to correct the situation, to do what was best. And the further it went, the more terrible the consequences were. Particularly brilliant is the director's version of the film, which Hollywood rejected (the producers lacked vision). There, the solution was that the hero should not have been born at all, because his birth was the desire of his parents, who overcame the ban of the higher system.

How does this “Butterfly Effect” manifest itself in life? You removed a papilloma, and 10 years later you are given a serious diagnosis. You asked for eternal happiness for a loved one, and suddenly he died in an accident. You prayed as a group for the country, and on the other side of the world two skyscrapers fell. Coincidences?

Maybe it’s better not to touch anything at all, not to touch anything and not to interfere anywhere? Alas, do you know the consequences of your failure to do so? Refusing an action where you could have done it and were afraid is also an action.

It turns out that we are doomed to live and interact with the system, and interfere with it in some way, creating something better or worse, or simply different. But what does the Hellinger method bring to this interaction? Doesn't it increase the danger?

The answer is simple: If the method is effective, it can also cause harm. If it is safe, it is not effective. Because we cannot interpret the effect in any direction without fully knowing where the plus and where the minus are, drawing conclusions from the height of our current understanding, even if we consider them very high.

And in fact, to what extent do we have the right to restore order (one of B. Hellinger’s first books on systemic alignment is called “Orders of Love”) where it was not we who violated them? And who said which order is correct? Why should we listen to the opinion of Hellinger, who terrifies many readers with his radical phrases? “The Jewish people will only find peace with themselves, their Arab neighbors and with the whole world when every Jew says a prayer for the repose of Hitler’s soul.” (Hellinger, “Mit der Seele gehen”, 2001, p. 50) - for this statement he was called a fascist. “The husband is just a lightning rod, he is involved in the dynamics, because they all act together against him” (G. Weber. Crises of love. Systemic psychotherapy by Bert Hellinger, M. 2002, p. 80) - this is about incest between father and daughter . And in general, according to Hellinger, the mother is to blame for incest. And the first wife is more important than the current one. And the youngest child is the least important in the family. And evil must be answered with evil. And the power lies with the killer, the killer is the first one to be accepted into your heart. Nightmare, what kind of inhumane order is this? Maybe our people have gone crazy that they are accepting this German with his far-fetched rules with a bang?

But for some reason those who saw Bert Hellinger are not horrified, but admired. Why? Hypnosis again? As they wrote on the Internet: “a man came to have a look, and he was recruited”? Or maybe it’s the same thing: his method is not a theory? It is useless to try to describe the fullness of the mystery of meeting the beyond, i.e. with that which is beyond ordinary ideas.

And Hellinger’s phrases often sound provocative, because it is provocation that makes it possible to identify the contradiction that lives inside a person, to experience what was not accepted and discover that one has begun to see more, feel more deeply and understand differently? Awareness of the contradiction, the solution to the paradox - this is the solution in a crisis situation. The ability to accept opposing points of view is true acceptance. When a person was able to step over his own limiting framework, he moves to a higher level, and then what connects the contradictory parts is revealed to him, a common meaning, which Hellinger called the energy of love. Maybe that’s why so many people follow his method because they all strive for the same thing? To love... And those who have experienced a sea of ​​love at the point of conflict resolution, a flow of life energy blocked for many years, will not be intimidated by “wrong phrases.” Moreover, these phrases are often taken out of context, and the general meaning remains unclear.

If only Bert Hellinger's admirers did not canonize his living flow of the Spirit into a dead set of rules. The moment of truth only lives for one moment. The next moment it is no longer true.

And yet... and this understanding does not make us omnipotent. It doesn’t make it possible to get what we expect from the heights of ant importance. But what does this give us? After all, no matter how much we write here, the customer is looking for a miracle and wants a solution! “Love? Okay, let's love! I agree!". What will happen to you then? "Everything will be fine!". But we never know what kind of butterfly effect we will get. The system is changing as it can and should. The only thing we can really do, thanks to Hellinger’s ingenious discovery, is to receive systemic information from deputies - see the problem area and reach the point of tension. And this is not always the case, but only if this zone was detected correctly and went to exactly the right point (more on this in the next article). If this happened without loss of information and energy, then you can make one movement - like a switchman moving the arrow. One phrase, a look, the truth in this moment - and the locomotive moved to another track. What awaits on this new path? Although the arrangement is systematic, in any case, you will only be able to see part of the system.

Harm #2. System constellation really makes a difference in life and you have to face what you don't know!

If we always avoided this, we wouldn’t have sex, wouldn’t take a new job, wouldn’t give birth, and wouldn’t be born. Life is a collision with what I don't know (and death too). And when a person wants to change something, and he is already convinced that what he did before does not suit him, and he can no longer be there, then he is ready to face something unknown. And only inside him there is this signal - it’s time, go ahead! If this can be done not blindly, but using a method that gives more vision, a method that helps to consciously overcome an obstacle, then why not use it?

But why? Why is there so much resistance to change in people? They protect themselves, familiar and familiar to themselves, from that “I” that can be dangerous. This is protection from one’s “shadow”, a ban on looking at the dark side of the moon.

Overcoming internal barriers is associated with those secrets and deeply hidden traumas that a person keeps behind seven seals. To free yourself from what is holding you, you need to look into the eyes of your fear, your suppressed feeling. And moreover, we not only open the forbidden door of the past, but also invite a person to relive it again, no matter what happens there: shame, pain, humiliation, nightmare, hatred. This task in itself is not an easy one, but, in addition, social prohibitions are imposed from above. Most modern people are accustomed to suppressing their feelings and controlling their emotions. A direct emotional outburst in front of others is already an action. And even having decided on it at a seminar, afterward, in everyday life, a person may feel confused - he can no longer wear the same mask, but he does not know how to behave directly.

Another manifestation of these changes is a change in environment. You may be abandoned by old friends who seemed unchanged and irreplaceable, or you will leave them because playing old games is no longer interesting. Marital status may change, in any direction. You may find yourself plunged into a boiling of passions or into an exclusion zone. And all this does not always cause delight, although the direction of change may be positive in the future, but stress has to be experienced now.

Harm #3. The systemic constellation reveals hidden feelings. And then you have to live with this.

You have to stop being a robot and return to life, where there is both joy and pain, both delight and suffering.

Such a sudden transition scares not only the customer. Imagine that you are the one doing the constellation and your client falls into hysterics at the sight of the picture that opens. What will you experience? Normal human empathy can lead to you being close to hysterics. And then the presenter no longer leads anything, no one observes the process, and no one knows what dead end everyone finds themselves in. Or will you want to help, ease his suffering, comforting him, explaining that everything is not so scary? Then you lead the person away from the decision, acting as a rescuer and affirming him in the role of a victim. The customer asserts that his problems are so serious that no one can do them, they simply cannot be solved.

We have heard the opinion of distinguished specialists that it is not necessary to allow the client to experience too difficult emotions. But how does a presenter measure the severity of emotions? Why does he take upon himself the right to decide the degree of emotional severity and the level of admission? With this approach, it is necessary not to look for stress points, but to carefully avoid them in order to avoid an accidental explosion. Then you can watch the deputies aimlessly walking around the hall for hours. A group that has reached the point of exhaustion is no longer able to feel real experiences, react, or provide information. And the customer is happy with any completion and therefore feels relieved. Thank God, we suffered for a long time, there is hope that something happened. But then, what was it? What is the point of a long process? If the knot is not untied, then there is no solution.

Even more interesting is the partial entry into the problem space. I took three steps towards an obstacle - stop. You'll do the rest in a month. Perhaps it is very important for someone to consider himself so insightful and powerful, and to think that he can control the processes of energy flow and regulate them, like the supply of gas in a gas pipeline. But what is the true meaning of control? What are you afraid of, arranger?

In one science fiction story there was this dialogue between two aliens:

Why are people so nervous?

They think they can do anything, and they are constantly afraid that they won't succeed.

There is also such a term as ecology. How environmentally friendly are the changes after intervention in a living system with the help of a specialist? Strictly speaking, they are not environmentally friendly at all, no matter the degree of intervention. Butterfly effect: the smallest impact is enough to produce unpredictable results of destructive force.

At the same time, since mentors and other certified experts on human souls exist, they are also part of the system, which means they are environmentally friendly from the very beginning.

Zen masters beat students seeking enlightenment with a stick. The student could become enlightened or die. This was considered environmentally friendly in those circles and no one has disputed this to this day.

Doctors watch a patient suffer after surgery without flinching. This is considered normal and environmentally friendly. And drug addicts are even offered to experience wild torment during treatment, and withdrawal during the recovery process is also considered environmentally friendly.

Responsibility for the result and its division.

To whom and how much does a person trust his loved one? What is he looking for when he asks for help?

As we said above, if you are looking for an effective solution, then you cannot do without risk. If you are looking for safety, you should not hope for results. The danger, let us remind you, is a change in the quality of life. So there are two big differences. Or we play games: smart, psychological, funny, childish and different, as long as they are safe. Or we make a responsible decision and follow where the unknown of the future lurks, even if it’s scary and not entirely comfortable. We don't judge which choice is right. Something different is important for everyone, and it’s not about the desire to overcome difficulties. The game can be difficult and serious, but a decisive step into reality suddenly turns out to be easy and pleasant, or vice versa. But there is always a significant difference: someone chooses a game, and someone chooses a meeting with life.

For those who are looking for a game, there is a danger of meeting an arranger who will confront him with reality. It's just a guard! Meeting with something that a person did not want to see and did not even intend to see - like a murderous blow with a stick. I’m not ready for enlightenment - I was psychologically traumatized.

For those who are looking for a real solution, there is a danger of falling into a constellation who seems to show the truth, but at the same time avoids coming face to face with it. And an apparent avoidance of danger can actually result in great harm. The person has already looked for the answer, which means he knows internally that this is important. He was there and didn't get it. The next meeting with the secret may take place in real life, which is not particularly ceremonious in its methods of influence. And the blows are not only unpleasant, but also irreparable. Life often doesn’t leave a second chance and teaches us to be completely “non-ecological”.

Examples. The son leaves this life for his father, whom he could not accept in time.

The woman, given two decisions: to follow her sick mother or live happily, consciously chose the first option and six months later she was gone.

There are other examples. Five years ago, a man in his forties came with the request “I don’t want to live,” and he actually left, as his constellation showed. Interventions and other attempts to bring him back to life were unsuccessful. Then the presenter (Zelinsky A.V.) simply revealed to him what was happening, after which he suggested that he come home and write a will. This was not an easy decision for either the presenter or the client. And only the fact that the client believed in the seriousness of the situation allowed the system to turn 180 degrees. This man is alive and everything has changed for him. But no one at the time of arrangement could give any guarantees.

Everything changed for a four-year-old girl, whose mother literally came running screaming for help. The child was in intensive care for two weeks, and the doctors were powerless to help. Instead of being on duty at the child’s bedside, the mother came to the constellation and bowed to her unborn seven brothers and sisters. It was a decision she believed in. She told her daughter's surrogate, “Thank you for showing them to me. You did everything right." 15 minutes after this phrase, on the other side of the city, in intensive care, the girl opened her eyes and asked for candy. Two days later she was discharged from the hospital.

It is impossible to count all the amazing stories, each of them is unique. Our experience shows that we cannot control life and death. We, by and large, do not control anything, but there is no other correct action than to openly look into the eyes of reality, to recognize the truth at the point of tension, where it is born in a blinding flash of awareness. What will follow after this, where will the system turn? It's not up to us. Our task is to be a guide to reality for the customer, to move with the energy of his system, and to respectfully accept any choice.

We again echo the theme of intervention in life and the ethics of this issue. There are no people who would not interfere. But some are so afraid of a collision with life that they seek special permission for this, remaining, as it were, safe. But neither a diploma nor a certificate provides a guarantee against harm. Or from not doing anything useful. Perhaps an indulgence, and not a spiritual one, but a social one.

A certificate is neither good nor bad. But the problem of choosing a specialist remains.

“ make sure that Dostoevsky is a writer, is it really necessary to ask him for his identification?” (Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”).

Probably Bulgakov's heroes are right. To identify a writer, you need to read what he writes. To determine whether you trust yourself to a specialist, you need to see how he works. There is no single correct criterion, no objective rule. It all depends on what your soul is looking for right now, what stage of your journey you are at (you can afford to play or you are ready for something serious), what you have to choose from and what your inner voice will tell you. At the same time, the responsibility of the customer is who he chooses as his arrangers (according to Hellinger, assistants), and how he accepts the result of the arrangement. Responsibility for conducting the process lies entirely with the leader.

Harm No. 4. Lack of criteria for correct selection. Dependence of the result of a systemic arrangement on the conditions of its implementation: specialist, time, circumstances.

Harm #5. There is nothing uniquely certain about this method. And an attempt to reduce the phenomenological method to schematic operations can not only negate all its advantages, but also cause harm.

For example, there is a rule, almost an axiom - to follow the system, which seems to be very correct, which we willingly supported above. There is a very good idea by Hellinger that energy flows where the truth is. And this is a tendency observed among many arrangers: they ask deputies to make an intervention from their point in the system, i.e. They suggest: “say what you would like to say to that object (that figure).” Here there is a replacement of truth with human error and an attempt by the constellator to hide from responsibility under the guise of following. Only they follow not the energy of the system, but the intensification of the problem voiced by the deputies. What is the point of a systematic method if the solution is sought from within the problem? The customer is already there. In addition, we have already written about the thoughts of the deputies - not only is there no truth there, there is also speculation. As a result, there is a danger of obtaining an illusory solution that will repeatedly confirm and confirm the existing state of affairs, strengthening the hidden cause of the problem state.

It is also futile to try to compile and memorize a list of permissive phrases, or to find a scheme of error-free actions for all occasions.

The task and responsibility of the leader is to be above the system and outside it, while simultaneously feeling the flow of its energy. This is not a passive role. She must be active in observation and perception, and at the same time unobtrusive. And the experience of the presenter, which is very important for his professionalism, should never interfere with direct perception from a state of “ignorance”. To be in this state, it is not enough to have desire, ambition or diplomas. This requires constant practical training. (We plan to tell you more about the role and tasks of the facilitator, as well as the technique of conducting an effective constellation process in the next article).

The application of the Hellinger method is so simple and natural that it enters into ordinary, everyday life more and more widely and uncontrollably. This flow cannot be stopped. The source does not need to ask for paths. No matter how much you put prohibitions and restrictions on its path, and no matter how you try to catch it and become the sole owner of the water, it still spreads, seeps and chooses its own paths. And warning cries that one must ask permission, where to leak and where to drink, are most likely caused by the desire to concentrate power and finances on oneself, or by the fear of losing them.

We sometimes overestimate the capabilities of our knowledge. The system is always wiser and stronger than our desires, precautions and recklessness. Both in a particular, personal case, and in the global development, for example, of the Hellinger method, which no longer even asks its founder about how to develop further.

Systemic orders are not static, but a feeling of the natural dynamics of the transformative field, the interaction of the energies of subtle field structures that create a unique pattern in which we can read so much information that we do not always have enough knowledge and the quality of the thought process to understand and digest it. It’s not for nothing that in English the method is called constellation.

We see the task of our Center as deepening and developing what Bert Hellinger gave us. Today we have a sufficient number of discoveries to share with inquisitive minds and stimulate Co-Creativity in the endless movement of the Spirit towards knowledge. And also in order to understand how vast the world that opens up in this knowledge is.

Despite the fact that Homo sapiens actively uses all the achievements of modern civilization, some deep part of his psyche and physiology repeats the mental organization of his ancestors from a primitive communal society.

Initially, we were intended to live within the clan, within the family. The laws of these social cells are unconsciously aimed at preserving the species, just as it happens in an anthill or in a swarm of bees.

It would seem, why do we need to know about these laws, when now we can survive and realize ourselves perfectly, living alone or in a small family?

It turns out that the patterns of intra-clan relationships between people still operate in our lives. Moreover, they extend to all its areas, including business and relationships within any team.

The psychotherapist was the first to discover this phenomenon and systematize the laws of relations between members of the same family. Bert Hellinger– author of the family constellation technique.

About the author of the technique

Before becoming a psychotherapist, Bert Hellinger came a long way from a missionary in South Africa to a practicing member of the association of psychoanalysts in Munich.

Exploring the relationships that arise in various groups, he discovered that the emergence of tragic conflicts in various families has its own patterns.

Having extensive experience as a family consultant, Bert Hellinger developed a technique for overcoming such conflicts, which in professional circles was called “Hellinger constellations.”

In collaboration with the German psychiatrist G. Weber, in 1993, the psychotherapist wrote the book “Two Kinds of Happiness,” which talks about the technique of constellations. This fruit of many years of practice immediately became a national bestseller.

Currently, Hellinger has created a school for his followers, travels with lectures around the world and conducts training seminars.

How are the arrangements going?

Externally, the Hellinger arrangement looks like this:

  1. the client states his problem related to relationships between members of his family or personal sphere.
  2. among the members of the group selected to work with this problem, so-called “deputies” are selected members of the client's family or people associated with the client's problem.
  3. They are arranged in space, they are discouraged from using expressive gestures or postures.
  4. deputies who took on other people's roles, move the way they feel and say what they feel.
  5. receiving information and drawing conclusions, the arranger carries out the work, using special techniques, enabling phrases and techniques.
  6. after the end of the session the arranger removes substitutes from the roles of those being replaced.

Even though the group members have no idea about their prototypes and their problems, after serious and thoughtful work by the facilitator, surrogates begin to feel the same way as the client's family members or other people.

Information about this comes to them from the “knowing” or “morphic” field. The presence of this field is the only weak point of the Hellinger constellation method, although during practical studies of recent decades there has been evidence that “field” information can be trusted.

Is the danger of formations a myth?

Bert Hellinger's opponents often claim that with substitution there is a danger that the substitute will not be able to completely leave the role of the one being replaced, he will become obsessed.

It is even more dangerous if the deputy took on the role of the deceased person. So are Hellinger constellations dangerous?

Possible problems of a family therapy session:

  • It is not safe for the arranger to enter the client’s system, as there is a danger of intertwining;
  • Constellators, deputies, and even observers with weak energy protection run the risk of attaching the client’s hereditary karmic diseases to their subtle plane.

To avoid doubts, l

and arrangements, after the session you need to “clean” all participants with energy flows, create protective vibrations, and use special minerals.

Who should I contact if I want to do an arrangement?

This method of work is quickly spreading, and for good reason, because it really leads the client to results. However, more and more unqualified specialists (arrangers) are appearing in the world of psychology who take up work simply after reading books, without training. This is very dangerous, because such an irresponsible approach can harm both the client and the therapist.

If a person decides to try this technique, then he should strictly contact a certified professional. This will ensure safety and quality of work. Below are links to some specialists who are well-known and have already earned the trust of clients.

Lyubov Sadovnikova, Nizhny Novgorod (online)
Natalia Rubleva, Moscow (online)

The world of technology is developing faster and faster every year, but the number of free hours people have is decreasing.

That is why the “online consultation” method appeared in psychological practice. Now almost every specialist in the field of psychology is ready to accept a client from a distance.

However, is it possible to conduct constellations via Skype? After all, this is not a completely traditional method of counseling.

Constellation therapists have differing opinions on this matter. Some argue that it is difficult to convey roles and receive information at a distance, while others are sure that this is not only possible, but also completely easy.

It turns out that the possibility of a high-quality constellation session on Skype depends on the specialist. If he is confident in his ability to read information at a distance, has successful experience in this field, and is also fluent in the method of constellations, then everything will work out. But if at least one of the above points is lame, then there may be difficulties. When contacting a constellation therapist, read reviews about him.

Feedback from experts and session participants

Professional psychotherapists believe that this technique allows a person to overcome internal barriers, give more vision in difficult situations, and get rid of obstacles in relationships.

Reviews of the arrangements of participants in such sessions indicate that they experienced interesting sensations, there was an opportunity to look at many things from another point of view, see through the problem of another way out of your life situation.

Clients of such sessions, leaving reviews of the constellations in which they were the main persons, are mostly satisfied with the results. The effect of the work occurs immediately; long hours of therapy are not needed.

Those who have completed the work believe that they need to constantly work on themselves. Nothing will change for those who do nothing to work on their problem.

Family constellations according to Hellinger are an unusual, promising technique that allows you to penetrate deep into the problem of many generations of one family and solve it with the least effort.

Why don't arrangements help?

Sometimes you hear something like this. A person has made an arrangement for himself, and maybe more than one, but there is no result. Why? There are several nuances here. We answer.

1. Are you sure there is no result?
When a person comes to therapy or constellation, he has a clear picture in his head of a good result and how it should HAPPEN. He is waiting for just such a course of history. For example, so that a suitable partner meets him and invites him on a date. Or to be hired by your dream company. And then, when something doesn’t go quite right, he rejects it. If the right person appears in the field (and this is already a result), and you have the opportunity to get to know him, but in a different way than it was imagined in your head, everything is rejected! This is not it! This is not the same result. If there are no places in the dream company, but a friend offers a good project, this is not accepted as a result. That's not it.
The human brain can be reactive and make erroneous conclusions. Are you sure there is no result?

2. The psyche of the Soul is inert.
What is there to hide? The human psyche is inert, and it just wants to go along the old road. And it’s clear why, because everything there is already familiar and has been completed more than once. And then some new solution is offered, the unknown, the path needs to be cleared, the path must be walked consciously...” Nooo,” says the psyche and returns to the old scenarios. What to do? WANT TO GO FORWARD AND BE CONSCIOUS. Arrangement is not a magic wand, I did it and that’s it. This is work on yourself. Every day you need to make a choice in favor of the new or the old.

3. The degree of NOT readiness for change.
This is perhaps the most common. How does this happen. Person N really wanted to fix something in his life, he went to a constellation and it helped him. The result was 100%. He, of course, told his friend M about this. He lit up, “I’ll go too, it helped N.” He goes, makes arrangements, and does not help him. Why? Because he “didn’t burn like N”!!! He went out of curiosity; he actually had little energy for change.

4. Everyone has their own rhythm.
Sometimes a person wants too much at once. So that the result is the next day, so that everything is as he wants, quickly and efficiently. But each Soul has its own pace. For some people, the arrangement really works very quickly. Sometimes changes come already at the seminar. This suggests that the soul is open to new things, it has already had enough of old problems. And for some people the results are extremely slow. Step by step the Soul opens up to something new. And this may not even be noticeable to the person himself, but only people around him notice how he has changed. These changes are so subtle and little by little that they are difficult to track and impossible to describe!!! But they exist.

5. The problem is not completely resolved.
Not all problems can be resolved in one go. The topic of mother and father is the most popular and longest-running topics that even advanced people have been solving for years. It's full of hidden dynamics and secrets. They keep creeping out again and again. What to do? THANK THE ALMIGHTY that they manifest themselves and you have the opportunity to become even happier. After all, some people live in the fog all their lives. One problem can have up to 10 layers and layers. As Hellinger himself said, a person’s life is not enough even to get rid of 50% of the intertwining. So we suggest you relax and trust the processes that are taking place.

6. Inappropriate therapist or method.
For a successful result, it is necessary that the client trusts the method and the therapist. If this does not happen, then there may be no result. Also, unfortunately, there are many unprofessional specialists who do something without knowing what.

7. Take responsibility.
When the placement of 50% responsibility on the client and 50% on the therapist begins. But when it ends and a person goes into his life, the responsibility is 100% on him! What happens sometimes? A person came, made an arrangement, left and waited for the result. He believes that the therapist should have made the result appear. And the client stops monitoring himself, his internal dynamics, shifting all responsibility to the therapist. As a result, nothing happens. There is no result.

Here are perhaps the most common 7 points why the result does not happen in life after the arrangement. Before you get angry with the therapist or seek help again, you should think about whether some point is relevant?

While looking for information about psychologists for analyzing thoughts, I came across an interesting method about constellations according to Bert Hellinger. I would really like to understand myself and am already looking for a suitable arranger. I would really like “live” reviews - there are opinions that it is scary, mystical, harmful, and they even call the participants zombies.

Recently, a method of psychotherapy called Bert Hellinger's Systemic Phenomenological Approach has become increasingly popular. A simpler name is “method of systemic arrangements” or simply “arrangements”. Many therapists use constellations or individual elements thereof in their work, and as practice shows, this method is very effective and allows, in many cases, to solve quite complex problems or problems in the area of ​​relationships, health, career, etc. Our specialists also use this method in their work, and therefore, I considered it necessary to briefly tell the most important things about this method, which will allow us to get a fairly complete understanding of it. At the same time, I will try to describe the method in as simple a language as possible, avoiding complicated scientific terms.

The basis

Since the 1980s, Bert Hellinger (b. 1925) began to identify patterns that lead to conflicts between family members and to serious consequences. On this basis, he developed his approach and method of systemic family constellation. His students, colleagues, and followers also joined his research. Each of them contributed something of their own to this method, discovering the effect of laws and patterns beyond family relationships, in a wide variety of spheres of life and human activity.

What problems and tasks can constellations solve?

The constellation method is currently used to resolve conflict situations in family relationships, interpersonal relationships, in organizations and enterprises, and to determine the roots of many serious mental and physical illnesses, injuries, suicidal tendencies, and accidents. A request for an arrangement can also be financial problems, uncertainty in life and lack of interest in it, determining one’s life purpose, lack of children in families, hereditary diseases, etc. In general, the request for arrangement should be something important, seeking a solution, an answer. The request must contain energy, a desire to achieve a result, and the clearer the goal and the greater the desire, the more successful and effective the achievement will be. Any life situation, any problem necessarily has its roots, and if the problem is solved superficially, then it will sprout again sooner or later. You can truly change the situation only where it arose, and this method helps to find both the place and the solution.

Does arrangement always help?

As practice shows, constellation helps at least twice as effectively as some other methods of therapy. However, one should not think that a remedy has been found to solve all problems 100%. Firstly, the client’s work is necessary during the arrangement and after it, because success depends 50% on the therapist, 50% on the client. The latter will see where the problem came from in life, how and what needs to be done now, but the action itself and all responsibility lies entirely with him. By the way, this is the basic principle of successful therapy: it will be successful only if the client takes full responsibility for everything that happens in his life 100%. If he continues to blame someone for his problems and failures, does not rush to therapy, he will simply give his money, receiving a temporary visible effect, and his life will return to the lesson that he learned while experiencing suffering.

Secondly, the causes of suffering may be too severe, i.e. a person has committed an act, the consequences of which he must feel for himself and atone for it. And fate has its own plans for a person, which it will not change for now. For example, serious illnesses such as cancer or AIDS, especially in advanced forms, are rarely cured, and here it is necessary to accept one’s fate, which also sometimes leads to healing. I want to clarify here that accepting this does not mean giving up, it means taking responsibility and this is what often gives the necessary strength.

What is arrangement and how is it carried out?

One of the advantages of this method is that it allows you to work with a large number of people at once, influencing not only the client whose request is being considered, but also everyone present and observing the arrangement. Therefore, therapy is carried out in groups of 8-10 people, the upper limit of the group is not limited. The optimal number of participants is 30-50 people.

The group sits down, forming a circle. The therapist also sits on one of the chairs; the chair to his right remains free - this is the client’s seat. Before starting work, as a rule, those present in a circle introduce themselves and voice the feeling with which they came to therapy and also their request or problem that they want to resolve. If the work is not carried out with a specific client, agreed upon in advance, then the client is among those present. The therapist determines which of the voiced requests has the energy and desire to solve the problem. The client sits next to the therapist and has a short conversation with him aimed at clarifying the request, while the therapist looks at where the client’s request is directed, where the problematic situation could arise. Also, if necessary, some details from the life of the client, his parents and ancestors are clarified.

Next, the client is asked to choose, from among those present, a substitute for himself and for those persons related to the client whom the therapist will determine (for example, substitutes for the client’s mother and father). After this, the client is asked to place these people inside the circle as he sees it in his mind. The client takes each of the deputies by the shoulders from behind and places them somehow inside the circle (according to his inner image), and then sits down. And here the most interesting thing begins, which is why constellations are called a mystical process. The surrogates that the client places in the field begin to experience the same feelings and emotions as the real people they are now replacing. They begin to feel towards each other what these people feel. They can see people or events related to this situation, and then the therapist, clarifying any details with the client, adds substitutes for these people or events to the arrangement, which in turn begin to experience their feelings, emotions and even thoughts. In this case, it does not matter whether this person whom the deputy represents is alive or dead, since the field manifests in the person of the deputy the qualities of this person, his needs and desires, etc.

During the constellation, such hidden things may appear as the number of abortions a woman has had, the presence of love affairs outside of marriage and illegitimate children, family secrets, and the like. In cases where it was possible to find out and clarify, the authenticity of the events shown is confirmed. The therapist, using substitutes, directs the constellation to where the cause of the problem originated and the cause becomes obvious. As a rule, this occurs due to violation of certain laws, wrong actions, and rejection of love. Once the cause is identified, the therapist tries various options to find a solution. At the same time, he changes the location of the figures in the circle, asks them about their feelings and how they change. The final image is a solution for the client, when he and all the figures feel real relief, relief from the heavy and oppressive. An internal healing image - a solution - is fixed inside the client. And after a while he begins to act in life. The principle of change in life is this: you change yourself, the world around you changes. And the arrangements very clearly demonstrate how this principle works.

Some time after the arrangement (or immediately), the client feels how his life is changing, people and events are changing, and something completely new comes. And now he decides how to live in a new way. Currently, a huge amount of practical experience has been gained, when as a result of the constellation, amazing, sometimes incredible changes occurred in the lives of the participants.

It is important to note that the result of the arrangement affects not only the client, but also the other participants. Similar situations resonate and produce results both among the deputies and those who observe the arrangement. Often the positive result for those present can be even greater than for the client.

I would also like to add that it is better to see the arrangement at least once than to hear or read about it a hundred times, because it is truly an amazing process of cleansing and getting rid of negativity. And the best way to tell about this process is your own feelings.

Everything new is long forgotten old...

The history of constellations goes back more than 6,000 years ago, when spiritual teachers in some religious directions, accepting their students, put them in the place of the one with whom the student had a conflict, so that he could feel the person with whom he was in conflict, his pain or resentment. Also in ancient Greece, before the performance, actors invited special people who got used to the role of the characters and played their feelings, emotions, actions, and the actors watched their heroes, as if they were present here and learned to imitate them, adopt their feelings, after which they played these roles wonderfully. Also, the history of psychology and psychotherapy can tell a lot about how a similar phenomenon of adopting other people’s feelings was used in various techniques. Some therapists used this phenomenon in their practice and carried out similar constellations, but before B. Hellinger they did not try to systematize their findings and isolate them into a separate method.

Mysticism or science?

Systemic constellations are recognized as the official method of therapy. The phenomenon that appears during the constellation, associated with the adoption of other people's feelings, is now recognized as one of the scientific phenomena, like the law of attraction. It is simply accepted as something that is still inexplicable, but at the same time scientific. Modern science no longer strives to blindly reject phenomena it does not understand (for example, UFOs, ghosts, etc.) but tries to find an explanation for them. A number of intelligent scientists turn to ancient treatises, which describe all the mysteries and their causes, as well as all the phenomena discovered by science and those not yet discovered.

Who can carry out arrangements?

Theoretically, in order to learn how to conduct constellations, you can, having a psychological education, take advanced training courses in certified institutions, after which you can gain as much practice as possible (since all constellations are very individual and write a single textbook applicable to all cases impossible). At the same time, outwardly you can even become quite successful in this area... But not everything is so simple, as elsewhere, there are also hidden, but very important laws, non-compliance with which can harm both the client and the group and ultimately lead to dire consequences for himself. arranger.

The personality of the therapist conducting the constellations is very important. This must be an integral person who knows the price that he will have to pay for his mistakes and is ready for it. The therapist must be environmentally friendly, i.e. understand and respect the boundaries of what is permitted, without trying to manipulate people or use constellations as a method of profit. Its primary goal should be aimed at providing assistance to those who are waiting and asking for it. One cannot intervene “out of good intentions” where he is not asked, in those areas where he has not yet been invited.

Constellations entail serious changes in the destinies of people, and for each such intervention one will have to bear responsibility sooner or later. For example, if a person does not have income, and the constellator increases his income, he must give knowledge about what his poverty was connected with, otherwise he himself will become a beggar in order to go through this lesson together with his client (who will also return to his state). The same goes for health issues, relationships, etc. Once the therapist takes on the role of a wizard or Lord God, he automatically takes on the fate of the one he is helping. Moreover, as a rule, the therapist does not notice this if he does not have certain qualities and does not develop them in himself. Then pride, greed and other enemies will imperceptibly manifest themselves in the heart, after which destruction will come at all levels of life. The therapist himself, if he does not give deep knowledge of the causes of suffering to his client, or if he thinks that he is not an instrument, but solves problems himself, then he will share the suffering, taking on part of the client’s fate. And the client, having received temporary relief and respite, will return to his lessons. That is why it is necessary to approach the choice of a therapist very carefully, finding out not only how many years he has been engaged in therapy, but most importantly, what kind of person he is, what his motives and goals are, as well as personal qualities.

But in any case, everyone chooses for themselves how much they will use this advice. After all, in the end, this is also the right of choice and personal responsibility of a person.

The method of systemic-family constellations is treated differently, most often either very well or very poorly. You can fully understand what this method is only by participating in constellations according to B. Hellinger.

A person who has been a participant in systemic-family constellations is convinced that this is not just a method of group psychotherapy. There is a lot of mysticism in the constellations, things that cannot be explained rationally. They delight, surprise and frighten.

Not all communities of psychologists recognize systemic-family constellations as a scientific method of psychotherapy. Representatives of the Orthodox Church, as well as believing psychologists, consider it occultism and obscurantism. The author of the method himself, German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger (born December 16, 1925), classifies it as a class of spiritual practices. The author has developed not only a practical method, but also an entire theory explaining why and how systemic family constellations work.

B. Hellinger integrated several progressive psychological theories and derived new knowledge on this basis. In particular, the formation of the theory of family constellations was influenced by E. Bern's transactional analysis, that is, the analysis of interactions, states, games that people play and their life scenarios. In addition, by the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century, when B. Hellinger began to apply his method, family psychotherapy was already used and was popular. The psychodrama of J. Moreno and the “Family Structure” method of V. Satir also formed the basis of the teachings of B. Hellinger and are in many ways similar to him.

In 2007, B. Hellinger created his own school, where today he introduces and trains those interested in the method of family constellations.

There can be no doubt that family is extremely important in a person’s life.. In a family, an individual appears, grows, develops, is educated, learns, and becomes a person. The individual survives thanks to the family. But few people look at the family as a kind of system that stores not only knowledge and relationships of the present time, but also ancestral memory, a kind of field of the genus.

The author of the theory and his followers discovered that problems in a person’s life, regardless of the area in which they arise, are a consequence of family trauma. Traumas are troubles that happened to a person’s family, not only after, but also before his birth.

More often Negative events in the life of the family are tried to be silenced or completely hidden. I don’t want to remember and talk about a difficult death (murder, suicide, early death, abortion), forced immigration, divorce, a grief-stricken relative (an alcoholic, a father who abandoned a child, etc.), a period when the family was poor and hungry, about that children do not respect their parents and so on. However, all these events remain and are preserved in the family ancestral field.

According to B. Hellinger, the source of life's troubles is the concealment of family trauma and/or the exclusion of one of the participants in a significant traumatic event from the family system. The imbalance of the family system leads to the fact that the current and subsequent generations suffer without being able to understand the cause of their troubles.

Working on a personal problem in a psychotherapeutic group, a person can discover a hidden cause, find out what in the distant past became the source of his current misfortunes and find a way out of the current circumstances. After the constellations, life changes dramatically within a few months, and unlike other methods of psychotherapy, visiting a group of family constellations is enough only once.

How are Hellinger placements performed?

Constellations according to B. Hellinger are a method of systemic family therapy aimed at correcting the negative consequences of dynamic family traumas.

Constellations are carried out not only in psychotherapeutic groups, but also in the form of individual psychotherapy at the client’s request. In the second case, group members are replaced with objects.

The client communicates his problem to the psychotherapist while in the group, after which participants are selected who will “play the role” of family members in the constellations, that is, they will be their “deputies.” Next begins direct psychotherapy session. The psychotherapist regulates the process, controls the actions of the group, directs the course of therapy, changes the number of substitutes, and so on.

Participants in the family system are not only blood relatives, but also people connected to the family through significant relationships. In addition, a family is people who are currently living, unborn, and dead, regardless of whether a person knows anything about their existence or not.

The human family system includes:

  • parents,
  • children,
  • brothers, sisters,
  • spouses, lovers, sexual partners,
  • other blood relatives,
  • people who influenced the family, who were in a “relationship of life and death” with one of its members; this could be either a person who saved or significantly improved someone’s life, or someone who made it unbearable or took it away.

It turns out that members of the psychotherapeutic group take on the role of not only the living, but also the dead, as well as bad people (scoundrels, rapists, murderers, and so on), participating in the constellation. This explains a lot negative attitude towards the arrangement method as to the occult and negative personal experience, because somehow the feelings and emotions of strangers appear in the deputy. For example, it is not easy to be a substitute for an aborted child or a person who died of starvation.

Orders of love

Problems arise if one of the members of the clan system violates the laws of the family, the order necessary for its normal functioning and the well-being of each of its members. The laws regulating the life of the clan were called by B. Hellinger “orders of love.”

Three orders or laws of love that cannot be violated:

  1. Affiliation. It is impossible to “force” someone out of the family. Each member of the system has the right to belong. If one family member is rejected by her, the other will “replace” him, will behave the same way as he did, or may repeat his fate, or problems will begin in the family that will contribute to its destruction. When someone from the family feels “like a step-in”, this may be a signal of a violation of the law of belonging.
  2. Hierarchy. The new family is more important than the old one. When a person has his own family, his parents are left “behind.” This does not mean at all that the child should forget about his parents, but a new family should be a priority.

This law also warns against transferring problems from past relationships to new ones. Even if a man and a woman were not officially married, but loved each other, they were a family, after breaking up, each of them must leave problems in the past if they want to be happy.

Nowadays, women and men often have several relationships before they find the person with whom they go to the registry office, people get married and remarry, have children from former lovers, and so on. Whatever happened in the past, it must be accepted as part of life, not ashamed and not hidden.

  1. Balance between giving and taking. This is the law of balance and mutual assistance. There will be no harmony in a family where one person always gives his love, strength, tries, makes concessions, and the second only accepts the benefits given to him, without giving anything in return. For relationships to develop, goodness must be responded to with even greater goodness; the mutual desire of family members to make each other happy strengthens the system.

Systemic family constellations are unique in their kind. Despite criticism, psychotherapists working according to B. Hellinger’s method help many people understand themselves and solve problems, not only purely psychological, but also related to health, well-being, personal life and work.

We all have the same number of generations behind us, the origin of everyone lies beyond the memory of Seneca

Each person is an individual, and his destiny is unique and inimitable. At the same time, the individual is part, one of the links in the chain connecting ancestors and descendants. He, like a sponge, absorbs the unconscious reactions and signals of the people who raise and educate him. This affects a person’s behavior, and he can repeat the fate of his ancestors, their mistakes. Systemic constellations according to Hellinger help untie these knots of family intertwining.

The uniqueness of the Hellinger family constellation method

The relationships between family members are most easily understood through an example. If a mother treats her own mother poorly, her daughter will unconsciously adopt this pattern of behavior. Even in the complete absence of objective reasons for hostility, the daughter will experience subconscious antipathy towards her mother.

Shame and guilt in this case can only aggravate the situation, and it can be resolved with the help of family constellations according to Hellinger.

The example given is the simplest. There are much more complex interactions, because each person lives in a generic field, which affects him in the same way as gravitational or electromagnetic.

This field obeys its own laws:

1 Law of belonging. All people are parts of some systems (families, groups, etc.). The more important the system to which he belongs to an individual, the more strongly he is influenced by it. help to understand the motives of behavior determined by gender. 2 Law of hierarchy. Respect for elders is the most striking manifestation of the law of hierarchy. Everyone who got into the system earlier has more weight than those who got into the system later. This influence can force a person to repeat the mistakes of his ancestors, and such a problem can only be resolved by the 3rd Law of Receipt and Return. By accepting any benefits, people give them away more easily. Thanks to this, life becomes brighter and more eventful. But sometimes an error creeps into the system, and a person pays off the debts of his ancestors. He does not understand the cause of the problems and needs qualified psychological help.

Psychotherapist and theologian Bert Hellinger was confident that violation of these laws by one of the ancestors could affect the fate of descendants who unconsciously try to compensate for the damage caused. This can lead to a repetition of the same tragic event, the same problems in personal growth, or “birthday” diseases that are not genetically determined, but psychologically.

Who does the Hellinger method help?

People who need high-quality personal training come to constellations in Moscow under the guidance of an experienced psychologist. Thanks to group classes, they solve a variety of problems:

  • Conflicts between generations, relationships with parents and children. Hellinger system constellations are ideal for solving such problems. Often, serious childhood illnesses, depression and fears are directly related to the birth field.
  • Search for a partner, . It happens that there are no objective reasons for difficulties in your personal life. They are echoes of unresolved problems of our ancestors. In this case, constellations according to Bert Hellinger turn out to be an extremely effective method.
  • Goal setting. People often do not distinguish between their true and imposed goals. Many clients say that after the constellation they experienced insight - an insight that immediately resolved their difficulties.
  • Troubles at work. Even highly skilled workers can have serious difficulties. They arise not because of low qualifications, but because of the peculiarities of relationships between team members. Group psychological training helps relieve stress and change the situation for the better.
  • Health problems. It has been proven that 80% of diseases are in one way or another related to psychological problems, especially diabetes, allergies, infertility, etc. Family constellations help alleviate the condition if the disease is based on psychosomatics.

Online registration for systemic constellations according to Hellinger in Moscow is always open. Take advantage of the opportunities that this unique method offers, and your problems will be resolved in the best possible way.