List of women scientists named Alexandra. Sasha in childhood

The female equivalent of the popular name Alexander. How will this affect the girl Sasha?

The meaning of the name Alexandra

Alexandra means “protector of people” in Greek.

The name is not entirely feminine, and Alexandra feels best in male society. As a child, Sashenka is an open girl and strongly attached to her mother. She has many aspirations and is eager to learn. Sasha makes excellent accountants, doctors, and good drivers. Often girls love “male” sports - hockey, basketball or football. In the future, Alexandra is a caring but strict mother and a loving wife, however, they are in no hurry to get married. Often they do not have good relationships with their mothers-in-law. The husband will find in her not only a wife, but also a faithful friend and comrade. Alexander is attracted by travel and tourism.

Synonyms: Sasha, Shura

Alexandra is a woman of the 21st century. She perfectly combines good masculine and feminine qualities. She is smart and sexy, self-confident and boasts a wonderful sense of humor, knows what she wants and achieves her goals.

But Valery, Valentin, Nikolai, Stepan, Evgeniy are not suitable for a couple.

Famous people named Alexandra

  • Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova (Russian Empress)
  • Alexandra Petrovna (Grand Duchess, founder of the Kyiv Intercession Convent (1838–1900))
  • Alexandra Kollontai (activist of the international and Russian revolutionary socialist movement)
  • Alexandra Pakhmutova (composer-songwriter)
  • Alexandra (mythical character, name of the prophetess, better known as Cassandra)
  • Alexandra Goncharova (Russian actress, one of the first actresses of early Russian cinema)
  • Alexandra Zabelina (Soviet athlete, three-time Olympic champion in fencing)
  • Alexandra Zakharova (Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Alexandra Dorokhina (Russian theater and film actress) Alexandra Yablochkina (actress of the Maly Theater, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Alexandra Glagoleva-Arkadieva (physicist who created the so-called mass emitter (1884–1945))
  • Alexandra Efimenko (historian, ethnographer, first woman honorary doctor of Russian history (1848–1918))
  • Alexandra Grot (Russian flutist)
  • Alexandra Dahlström (Swedish actress)
  • Alexandra Zaretskaya (Israeli figure skater)
  • Alexandra Pivovarova (Russian top model)
  • Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya (Soviet animated film director)
  • Alexandra Timoshenko (rhythmic gymnastics athlete)
  • Alexandra Ekster (painter, avant-garde artist)

The name translated from ancient Greek means “protector of people.”

Patron planet: Moon.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name: sky blue, signifying spirituality, and green blue.

Favorite color: brown.

Talisman stones: aventurine, jasper.

Many poems are dedicated to the beautiful owners of the name Alexander. In 1826-1830, Pushkin visited the hospitable house of the Rimsky-Korsakovs, who often organized dinners, balls, and masked parties. The poet was not indifferent to one of his beautiful daughters, Alexandra Aleksandrovna, and, according to Vyazemsky, he sang “hints” about her in “Eugene Onegin.” In 1831, Pushkin began work on the story “Roman on the Caucasian Waters.” The prototype for the main character Alina Korsakova was supposed to be Alexandra Alexandrovna. Her description was preserved in Pushkin’s sketches: “...a girl of about 18, slender, tall, with a pale, beautiful face and black fiery eyes...” Unfortunately, only the first pages of the story were written...

Women named Alexandra inspired not only poets, but also artists. A beautiful portrait of Alexandra Jacobi by Vereshchagin has survived to this day. A rare beauty - contemporaries called her “the northern Venus” - she was very young and forcibly married to a rich but mentally ill man. The artist Valery Jacobi managed to obtain a divorce for her and took her to Italy, where she became his wife. “The Beautiful Alexandrita” was friendly with Garibaldi and financially supported the Italian revolutionaries.

Alexandras are quite sociable women, there are many open and kind people among them, so communication with them is interesting. Alexandra is a gentle person until you hurt her pride. She can be a faithful and devoted friend.

Alexandra usually chooses a job that involves travel. She can be a school director, a doctor, an actress, or a good official.

The symbols of the name in the natural world are hawthorn and hippopotamus (according to researcher Yuri Medvedev, hydrangea and mastiff).

According to numerology, the name Alexander corresponds to the number 1, symbolizing self-confidence, courage and desire to act, the ability to make the right decisions in extreme situations.

Sometimes Alexandra acts recklessly, gets involved in hopeless enterprises, but she never loses optimism and always finds a way out herself.

A woman named Alexandra loves to show her power. An example of this is Alexandra Kollontai, a revolutionary and diplomat. The daughter of General Domontovich got married, trying to free herself from parental care. From a young age she actively participated in the revolutionary movement, was a member of the Bolshevik party, then the Mensheviks, then returned to the Bolsheviks again. While living abroad, she participated in the social democratic movement in Europe. After the February Revolution, she returned to Russia, spoke at rallies of revolutionary soldiers, and worked as People's Commissar of Social Security in the first Soviet government. She was in retirement for some time in protest against the adoption of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty, but soon returned to active work. She entered the history of world diplomacy as the first female ambassador. From the late 20s until 1945, she was the USSR Ambassador to Norway, Mexico, and Sweden.

The incredible fortitude and fortitude characteristic of many Alexanders was demonstrated by Alexandra Muravyova (née Chernysheva), the wife of the Decembrist Nikita Muravyov. She was one of the first to follow her husband to Nerchinsk, signing all the conditions according to which from now on she was considered the wife of an exiled convict, who completely shared his fate, lost the right to be serfs, and the children born to her in Siberia entered the state factory peasants . It was Alexandra Muravyova who brought Pushkin’s message to the exiled Decembrists. The harsh climate of Eastern Siberia had a detrimental effect on the health of the fragile woman, and after 5 years she was gone.

Alexandra is a devoted friend, she is sociable and cheerful. She is independent, has a strong character, and is a leader by nature. As a rule, he hesitates for a long time to get married, and does not know how to forgive infidelity.

Famous Alexandras

Alexandra Davydova is the wife of the Decembrist Vasily Davydov, who followed her husband to Siberia.

Alexandra Yablochkina is a Russian actress who played leading roles in Ostrovsky’s plays at the Maly Theater.

Alexandra Khokhlova is a film actress and director who starred in all the films of film director Lev Kuleshov.

Alexandra Pakhmutova is a Soviet songwriter, author of vocal and symphonic works.

Alexandra Zavyalova is a theater and film actress who starred in the films “Bread and Roses,” “Aleshkina’s Love,” and “Shadows Disappear at Noon.”

Alexandra Zakharova is a theater and film actress who starred in the films “Formula of Love”, “Kill the Dragon”, “Criminal Talent”, etc.

Alexandra is an independent, power-hungry person. A woman with this name is always true to her beliefs and principles. She is very stubborn, her will cannot be broken. The character of these girls also depends on the time of year in which they were born.

Origin of the name Alexandra (Alexandrina)

Translated from Greek, the female name Alexandra means “protector”, “hope”, “brave”. It comes from the male Greek name Alexander, which means “protector of people.”

In Rus' they began to call children this way after the adoption of Christianity. The name gained great popularity after Alexander Nevsky was canonized.

The female name Alexandra comes from the male version Alexander, which means "protector"

Forms named after Alexander

Shortened forms of the name:

  • Sasha;
  • Shura;
  • Sanya;
  • Sandra;
  • Xandra;
  • Lesya;
  • Leka;
  • Ksana;
  • Sana.

Diminutive forms:

  • Sashenka;
  • Shurochka;
  • Alexa;
  • Sanyura;
  • Sashulya;
  • Sanechka.

Photo gallery: forms named after Alexander

Alexandra - full form of the name Asya - affectionate address to Alexandra Shura - one of the short forms of the name Sasha - the most common shortened form of the name

The church name is Alexandra.

Transliteration of the name - Aleksandra.

Related names:

  • Olesya;
  • Sandra;
  • Sandrina.

When writing poems about girls with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Alexandra - oleander, Sasha - cup, ours, Alexandrina - ruler, core, picture.

Table: the name Alexandra in different languages

Middle names that go with this name

The following patronymics are best suited to the name Alexander:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Yuryevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Mikhailovna.

The most famous song where this name is mentioned is, perhaps, the composition “Alexandra” from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Mikhail Shufutinsky (“Shura, Shura, Shurochka”), the group “King and the Clown” (“Father and Masks”), Zhanna Bichevskaya (“Queen Alexandra”) and many others also sang about Sasha.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a channel on Youtube or an account on Instagram, you can use the following nicknames:

  • sandra;
  • shura;
  • alexandriya;
  • Alexa;
  • sanya.

Patron saints of Alexandra, name day

Patron saints of Alexander:

  • Martyr Alexandra of Amisia (Pontus);
  • virgin and martyr Alexandra of Ancyra (Corinth);
  • empress and martyr Alexandra of Rome (Nicomedia);
  • martyr Queen Alexandra;
  • holy virgin martyr Alexandra.

One of the famous patron saints, Alexandra of Rome, was the wife of Emperor Diocletian. He reigned from 284 to 305 AD. This ruler worshiped pagan gods and was an ardent opponent of the Christian faith. Diocletian mercilessly persecuted and executed all who believed in Jesus Christ.

The Great Martyr George the Victorious did not want to renounce his faith and declared publicly that he believed in the One God. The emperor subjected him to severe torture. Then the heavens opened, and a voice was heard in the thunder. He urged George to be strong and said that his prayers had been answered. All those present were in confusion; many of Diocletian’s subjects believed in the power of Jesus, but not the emperor.

And then Alexandra decided to put an end to her husband’s tyranny. She came to the place where the prisoner was in torment, fell at his feet and began to pray and glorify Christ. Having learned about this, King Diocletian ordered the execution of his wife along with George.

Alexandra of Rome - one of the famous patroness of all Sashas, ​​a martyr for the faith during the time of persecution of Christians

Angel's Day (name day):

  • March 22;
  • April 2;
  • May 4, 6 and 31;
  • November 19;
  • December 23.

If there are blue clouds in the sky on Alexandrina Day, April 2, this is a sign of upcoming rains and warm weather.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • zeal;
  • hard work;
  • sincerity;
  • dedication.

Negative character traits:

  • does not like to do household chores;
  • lust for power;
  • tries to subjugate everyone: friends, parents, spouse.

Video: the meaning of the name Alexandra

The influence of a name on a child’s character

Sasha is growing up to be a very difficult child, especially if she is the only one in the family. It is sometimes difficult for parents to get along with a girl, since in any situation she can become hysterical. Already in childhood, Sashulya shows character, trying to manipulate her family and friends and wanting everything to be the way she wants it. If mom and dad allow the baby to behave this way, she may become selfish and spoiled, not accustomed to making independent decisions.

Alexandra is not the kind of child who will look for friends her own age. She is much more interested in communicating with adults. The baby sometimes has a difficult relationship with her mother.

Sasha is a good student at school, learning is easy for her, and she has a passion for exact sciences. But she has no friends in the class, since her innate sense of justice sometimes takes precedence over tact. Alexandra’s relationships with teachers are also not going well. She will never hide her indignation at the decline in grades. Even in conversations with elders, the girl is not polite and is hostile to any comments addressed to her.

Sasha is a child with character

The influence of the name on the character of young Sasha

As a teenager, Alexandra becomes more sociable and friendly, her desire to achieve justice fades into the background. The relationship with her mother is gradually improving, the girl listens to her advice, becomes softer and sincere. Sasha begins to realize that parental support is very important for her.

Sasha is sociable and makes new acquaintances easily. At the same time, the girl has very few friends to whom she could completely open up. Young Alexandra is honest and rude when communicating with people. She prefers to express her opinion in person, so many try to avoid her company. The opinion of others is of little interest to the girl, since she always remains true to her principles.

Due to her complex character, young Sasha has very few friends

Alexandra is a very purposeful young lady. She is ready to overcome all obstacles to achieve her desired goal. Young Sasha wants to be financially independent from her parents, so she will look for various ways to earn money. She also thinks about her future. The owner of this name decides to get a higher education herself; she is good at combining work and study.

Alexandra is fickle, she has a difficult character, which sometimes prevents her from achieving her plans. The girl is very hot-tempered and harsh, and such emotional attacks sometimes push the right people away from her. Having worked on her character, combining gentleness with sincerity, she is able to become friendlier and more reserved in her interactions with others. Then her path to making her desires come true will be much easier.

The influence of a name on the character and fate of an adult

According to P. Florensky, together with the male name Alexandra, a strong-willed character is conveyed. She has perseverance, courage and endurance. But at the same time, Sasha is characterized by femininity and charm. The combination of opposite qualities often causes disharmony and anxiety. Such a woman usually puts on a mask of indifference when she hears condemnation or criticism addressed to her. But deep down, she is very vulnerable and can store her experiences for a long time. The owner of such a name wants to be perceived as she is. She herself often tries to change people, adjusting them to herself.

The priest and philosopher Pavel Florensky believed that the origins of the male name give rise to a strong and strong-willed character in Alexander

According to P. Higir, Sasha is a loyal and understanding friend and will always come to the rescue at the right time. Lies and betrayal are alien to her. Alexandra is ready to forgive a lot to her loved ones. But if she catches someone lying, don’t expect the liar to get away with it. If the offense is strong, the owner of such a name will definitely take revenge on the offender.

Alexandra is far from a conflicted person. She tries in every possible way to avoid a quarrel, choosing the right words and showing delicacy towards her interlocutor. But if someone manages to piss Sasha off, her anger can destroy any relationship with that person.

P. Rouget believes that Alexandra in most cases prefers to look for friends in male society. She is confident in the honesty and openness of the stronger sex. Sasha is always in the fight for primacy; her desire to gain recognition and rule is sometimes very great. The desire for leadership concerns not only the work sphere, but also personal life.

Talents and hobbies

Alexandra is versatile and skillfully uses her knowledge, but her temper and tendency to jump to hasty conclusions cloud her common sense. Because of this, Sasha often faces difficulties.

The owner of this name prefers an active lifestyle; she does not tend to sit in one place for a long time. Alexandra may spontaneously agree to travel or go on a trip to nature. Despite the fact that it is more common for her to relax in a cozy apartment, Sasha will not refuse to spend the night in an open-air tent with friends.

Alexandra directs her energy in the right direction. She takes care of her appearance, maintaining her figure with regular workouts. The girl likes sports. She can find herself in figure skating, swimming, athletics or rhythmic gymnastics.

Alexandras are fond of sports, they can become successful in this area

Professions, business and career

For Alexandra, when choosing a professional activity, it is important that there is no monotony and consistency in her work. She likes business trips and a change of work environment. Sasha is quite creative. She is able to apply her creative ideas in everyday moments. The owner of this name can become a wonderful teacher, doctor or accountant.

Alexandra has the makings of a leader. If her work does not bring her the desired income, and her career development is not so promising, such a girl will not consider it necessary to devote herself completely to her official duties. Her goal is often to become a leader, while Sasha tends to perform her duties diligently and diligently.

Alexandra can also find herself in entrepreneurial activity. To make her dreams come true, she will overcome all obstacles on the path to success.

Alexandras strive for leadership at work

Love, sexuality, marriage

Alexandra also shows temperament and lack of restraint in romantic relationships. Her love can flare up brightly and suddenly. But if her partner does not take the initiative, the girl will soon lose all interest in him. This temperamental woman, even in family life, is prone to self-will.

Only the strongest and most sincere feelings can curb Alexandra’s freedom-loving disposition. For the sake of shared happiness, she is ready to pacify her rebellion. The main thing is that her chosen one surrounds the girl with care and attention, devoting her to his sincere feelings.

Intimate connection for Alexandra is almost the most important part of a love relationship. She perceives affection no longer on an emotional, but on a physical level. Sasha, perceiving the tenderness of her partner, rarely responds to him in the same way. But if a man manages to ignite passion in this woman, she will give him an unforgettable experience. She will not mind experimenting and realizing joint erotic fantasies.

Alexandra tends to succumb to feelings; she is able to know true love. But this girl is in no hurry to get married, because she is afraid of losing her freedom. She approaches the issue of choosing a husband very seriously, assessing all the qualities of her chosen one. It is important for Sasha:

  • strong financial situation;
  • education;
  • behavior in everyday life;
  • views on raising children.

Alexandra is marrying a man worthy of her, strong and purposeful, with whom she will create a wonderful family, and the children will grow up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

Alexandra's chosen one must be as strong and purposeful as she herself

Sasha is very economical, maintains cleanliness and takes part in arranging home comfort, trying to create a comfortable environment for the family. She values ​​and respects her husband and can become a wonderful assistant for her husband in his business. She treats her children with great love and tenderness and always tries to provide support to her child. This woman never tries to impose her opinion on the child, believing that he has the right to find a solution on his own.

Alexandra’s relationship with her mother-in-law is not always smooth, and she strives to live separately from her husband’s parents, but if they pay a visit, Sasha will always provide a warm welcome.

Table: compatibility with male names

DmitriyIn this family there can be no question of peace, since their characters are too different. However, despite Alexandra’s quick temperament and Dmitry’s desire to idealize everything, family relationships can develop successfully.
AlexanderHaving the same name does not guarantee a perfect relationship. But if sensitivity and mutual understanding prevail in the family, such an alliance can be successful.
EugenePurposeful and conservative Eugene will be able to come to terms with his wife’s stormy and hot-tempered temperament. Alexandra will respond to him with loyalty and mutual understanding.
SergeyThis family is filled with harmony of feelings. They are able to understand each other without words. The relationship between Sergei and Alexandra is built on friendship, love and partnership.
AndreyIn the union of Andrei and Alexandra, romantic feelings are not so important as loyalty, reliability and mutual support.
AlexeiIn relationships, Alexandra approaches everything prudently. Alexey's harshness and straightforwardness suppress Sasha's feelings, because of this the union may fall apart.
AnatolyOver time, an idyll of feelings will come in this family, since each of them does not seek to limit the personal space of their partner, they completely trust each other.
IvanThis couple strives to constantly spend time together. Every day they get to know each other better and fall in love again. The feelings of Alexandra and Ivan remain strong until the end of their lives, and over the years the relationship becomes stronger.
NovelIn such a family love and mutual understanding reign. Partners respect each other's opinions and beliefs. They are wonderful lovers. There is also a strong friendship in the relationship between Alexandra and Roman. They jointly strive for the intended goal and can become excellent business partners.
VladimirResponsive and freedom-loving Vladimir attracts Sasha, but the infatuation may turn out to be temporary.
DenisTheir harmony in relationships can only be envied. Such a strong union is created once and for a lifetime. For Alexandra and Denis, love, loyalty and mutual understanding are important.
IgorThe union of Alexandra and Igor promises them a happy family life. Both are afraid of hurting their partner’s feelings and will always treat each other with understanding.
VitalyHardworking Vitaly wants to find not only a loving wife, but also an excellent housewife. Alexandra will cope wonderfully with the wishes of her lover, which will serve to create a happy family life.


Alexandra has a strong immune system since birth. In childhood, a girl is little susceptible to diseases, but problems associated with the respiratory tract may arise.

Sasha is very emotional, so you should pay attention to her psychological state. Since Alexandra leads an active lifestyle, she is at risk of getting injured.

Table: characters that match the name

CharacteristicMeaningImpact on humans
PlanetMarsPersistent character. They are often hot-tempered, aggressive, but very purposeful people. They achieve what they want at any cost.
Zodiac signAriesThey are always in a constant struggle for primacy, wanting to take the place of leadership. Quite temperamental natures: despite their upbringing, it is sometimes difficult for them to curb their straightforwardness.
ElementEarthSuch people are very prudent. They tend to think carefully about their actions. They have serious plans for the future.
Number1 They have extraordinary thinking. Very hardy and strong-willed people who strive to discover something new. Self-improvement is important to them. The “ones” have high self-esteem, which they will not allow anyone to lower even an inch. Sometimes they show selfishness and hostility towards others.
ColorBlueSymbolizes fidelity, harmony, balance. Encourages you to explore the secrets of the Universe and gain new knowledge.
Totem animalHippopotamusA symbol of power, endurance, defiance and at the same time vulnerability. Sometimes the hippopotamus is considered the personification of absolute equanimity and composure, which is associated with the thick skin of the animal.
TreeCypressIt means eternal youth, perseverance and the desire for prosperity. In eastern countries, cypress represents prosperity, success, but at the same time, the collapse of all living things.
PlantHydrangeaFor the Japanese, it is a symbol of generosity and sincerity.
StoneAventurineAttracts success, strengthens family relationships, giving peace and mutual understanding, promotes positive actions, and has the ability to absorb the negative thoughts of its owner, giving confidence in achieving various goals.
MetalGoldHoliness, omnipotence, purity, happiness. A symbol of prosperity, longevity, uniqueness.

When was Sashenka born?

Winter Alexanders are always looking for adventures on their own and find them. They often find themselves in difficult life situations that they are unable to solve on their own. They are quite stubborn and capricious, and perceive any criticism with hostility.

Spring Alexandra is whimsical, arrogant, selfish. She puts her priorities above all else, this harms not only her career, but also the creation of family relationships. If such a girl becomes responsive and friendly, her financial and family situation will change for the better.

Alexandra, born in spring, can be arrogant and selfish

Summer Alexandra is impulsive and vindictive. You shouldn’t piss off such a woman if you don’t want to be cruelly revenged in the future. She has the makings of a leader, but Sasha, who was born in the summer, is not always able to competently build a plan for achieving what she wants and calculate her capabilities.

Autumn Alexandra is overly persistent, sometimes annoying and whimsical. She is often grouchy and dissatisfied with something. This condition can cause nervous disorders and apathy. To avoid this, Sasha, who was born in autumn, needs to be in the company of happy and friendly people.

Name horoscope

AriesA hot-tempered and energetic woman. Her actions cannot be predicted. Being alone for a long time can make her feel depressed. Alexandra-Aries is always surrounded by optimistic friends. She doesn’t like people who constantly complain about fate; they make Sasha sad.
TaurusResponsible, prudent and practical, in important matters she never gives free rein to her feelings. Many colleagues and acquaintances consider her cold-blooded and insensitive, but this opinion is false. Alexandra-Taurus is a sensitive, calm and modest woman. In relation to her partner - tender and caring.
TwinsPositive, energetic, cheerful, graceful. He does not dwell on the past, he proudly moves forward towards new achievements. No difficulties or obstacles can stop her. Nothing can ruin Alexandra-Gemini’s mood. She enjoys every little thing that happens in her life.
CancerSensitive, vulnerable, kind-hearted. She worries not only about her own life, she is also worried about the hardships of those around her. Alexandra-Cancer is understanding and responsive, which is why she is most often chosen as a vest in which to cry. Such a girl is responsible and will always come to the rescue.
a lionShe is always in the spotlight and sets a good example for her colleagues and acquaintances. Alexandra the Lioness has high self-esteem. She is a strong personality, capable of overcoming all obstacles on the path to success. She has few friends, since she cannot open up to everyone.
VirgoDelicacy, foresight and practicality are characteristic of Alexandra-Virgo. She purposefully goes towards her goal without any losses. She leads a modest life, does not like noisy companies, but her life is filled with various surprises and amazing events.
ScalesElegant, graceful, fragile. Capable of charming anyone with her lightness and good nature. At the same time, Alexandra-Libra has a persistent character and will never allow herself to be insulted or humiliated.
ScorpionSubject to frequent and sudden mood changes. Because of this feature, she has practically no friends. But Alexandra-Scorpio’s eccentricity attracts interesting and bright people to her, who bring new colors to her life.
SagittariusLeads an active lifestyle. She is one of the first to know about all important events. Such a girl is a very curious person; sometimes other people’s destinies are more interesting to her than her own. She should be careful, as she may lose the trust of others and end up alone.
CapricornDelicate, prudent, meek. Alexandra-Capricorn is almost impossible to piss off. She is able to find a way out of the most tense situations. She has well-developed intuition: before panicking, she will think through all the options for solving a problem. Those around her value her for her strong-willed character, accuracy and tact.
AquariusSecretive, vulnerable and sensitive. Often thinks about the meaning of life. Alexandra-Aquarius loves history and philosophy. She often lives in her own world, which is why such a girl is often considered strange. She does not know how to express her emotions, believing that it is a waste of time.
FishCharming, graceful, charming. Alexandra-Pisces knows her worth. She skillfully uses her attractive appearance to achieve her own goals.

Famous women named Alexandra

There are many famous women in history with this name:

  • Alexandra Ekster - artist, theater decorator;
  • Alexandra Romanova - Russian Empress;
  • Alexandra Kollontai - activist in the international and Russian revolutionary socialist movement;
  • Alexandra Pakhmutova - composer-songwriter;
  • Alexandra Zabelina - Soviet athlete, three-time Olympic champion in fencing;
  • Alexandra Zakharova - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Alexandra Glagoleva-Arkadyeva - physicist who created the so-called mass emitter;
  • Alexandra Efimenko - historian, ethnographer, the first woman - honorary doctor of Russian history;
  • Alexandra Zaretskaya - Israeli figure skater;
  • Alexandra Pivovarova is a Russian top model.

There are both children’s and adult poems about Alexander: Agnia Barto “A Joke about Shurochka”, Alexander Dolsky “Sanka”, Elena Frantsuzova “Suitcase”.

Photo gallery: famous Alexandras

Alexandra is very resilient, she stubbornly overcomes all obstacles and achieves what she wants. Sasha is categorical in everything and quite unpredictable, so it is difficult for others to contact her. The owners of this name are very hot-tempered and emotional. Often her impulsiveness leads to an unpleasant outcome of the situation. Despite her practicality and prudence, Alexandra often succumbs to impulses of emotion.

According to Mendelev

A good and big name (the “good” attribute is more pronounced in a female name, and the “big” attribute is more pronounced in a male name). The meaning of “protector of people” perfectly matches the emotional perception of this name, and the attribute “majestic” is apparently confirmed by its fate, because this name belonged to the great rulers of the past, emperors and kings. Other qualities are consistent with the main ones; the name is active, bright, strong, courageous, brave and powerful. The attribute “brave” especially stands out - history confirms this. It is not for nothing that the name Alexander has always been very popular and beloved; it was given to boys more often than others. Widespread distribution of the female version is most likely hampered by the shine of a male name; Alexandra’s characteristic is similar to Alexander’s, but is supplemented by the attribute “smooth”.

The indicators of perception of diminutive names are paradoxical. All of them, naturally, are not so majestic, loud, bright and powerful - this is understandable. But other signs also disappear: “active”, “strong”, “beautiful”. Perhaps only the definition of “simple” continues to remain in force.

Sanya is perceived as the softest and most affectionate of all. This is probably why it suits the female version more than others, it corresponds more to Alexandra than to Alexander; it clearly expresses the characteristics of “light”, “rounded”, “light”. But in the diminutive forms Sasha or Shura, unpleasant features come to the fore: sad, quiet, slow, and in the name Shura - even sad, dangerous, angry and bad.

Character of the name Alexander

It turns out that the magnificent qualities of Alexander - a leader and leader, defender of society - are offset by the much less attractive features of Sasha or Shura in everyday life: after all, in everyday, everyday life, a brilliant warrior and organizer often cannot find a place for himself: quiet family joys cannot satisfy him, and he becomes ordinary, boring, even unpleasant to others. This is reflected in the perception of the name: the sign “majestic”, for example, changes to “base”, “bright” to “dim”, activity disappears, but slowness appears. The attribute “beautiful” fades into the shadows, and its antipode, “repulsive,” becomes more significant, and for the name Sasha it even leaves the neutral zone and becomes significant.

In general, Alexandras are great in moments of danger, tension, in cases where it is necessary to make important decisions - in a word, at turning points in life or in unusual situations. They come out victorious, finding themselves in hopeless situations, but in ordinary life they are lost, sometimes even falling below the average level: this is no longer a good, bright and great person, but often a bad and dark one. Such is the nature of Alexandrov (and Alexander) - dual and contradictory. A red field bordered by narrow green stripes is the color characteristic of the name Alexander.

According to Higir

Comes from the ancient Greek words “alex” - to protect and “andros” - husband, man, that is, “protector of people”.

As children, Alexandra often gets sick, but as teenagers they play a lot of sports and grow up to be quite strong and purposeful men. Alexandras are able to achieve their goals, they make good leaders who know how to manage a team and pay tribute to capable, gifted employees. They enjoy a reputation as fair people. They like to drink, when intoxicated they become boastful and lose control over themselves.

Love and sexuality named Alexander

It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade the self-confident Alexander to drink less; he is often “ahead of the circle,” that is, he drinks even before others have been given a drink. However, a strong life shock can turn him away from his love of alcohol forever. In relationships with women, Alexander first of all strives to be charming. It is rare to meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. Offering a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers - this has become a habit for him. Alexander's main weapon is a compliment. No, Alexander is not playing, he really believes in the sincerity of his compliments, as well as in the truth of his declarations of love. The trouble is that, having vowed to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor and faith in the feeling that gripped him, will swear to another woman. Alexandras born in summer are madly in love with children, including strangers; “winter”, “spring” and “autumn” Alexandras are more restrained towards children.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Alexander

Alexandras with patronymics Nikolaevich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Borisovich, Semenovich belong to complex natures.

The most successful marriages are with Agnessa, Alina, Anna, Bertha, Bogdana, Valentina, Wanda, Varvara, Venus, Vera, Veronica, Veta, Gelena, Daria, Juliet, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inna, Irina; Love, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalya, Nelly, Oksana, Polina, Roxana, Tamara. The likelihood of an unsuccessful marriage is high with Alevtina, Vladlena, Danuta, Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Didia, Svetlana.

From the ancient Greek words “aleko” - to protect and “andros” - a man, the name Alexander is translated as “courageous protector”. This is a symbol of victory, a protector of people. According to its energetic sound, the name gives the boy confidence, strength, and assertiveness. The very first images that come to mind of the famous Alexanders are: Macedonsky, Nevsky, Suvorov.

Love named Alexander

In a love relationship with the opposite sex, a guy may show weakness. For her sake, he is ready to make any sacrifice. Alexander will do his best, if only she would reciprocate. If a girl does not show any feelings for him, this hurts his pride. He experiences his failure on the love front for a long time and the memories of unsuccessful relationships remain forever in his memory.

The natural flexibility that is inherent in him makes it possible to adapt to the character of his beloved. But this will only happen when he cares about her. If a girl becomes uninteresting to Alexander, he will not stand on ceremony with explanations.

In his beloved, appearance and intelligence are important to him. The guy likes smart girls with a sense of humor. But he also wants to see a faithful friend, a caring mother and a magnificent lover next to him.

Sexuality of the name Alexander

The guy is attractive and loves beautiful women. His sexuality is heightened, sometimes he cannot miss a single skirt, although he knows that a beautiful and smart woman is waiting at home. But outside connections mean nothing to him. Purely physiology.

Marriage and family named Alexander

As soon as a young man falls in love, he will immediately propose. Typically, youthful love develops into marriage or a long and serious relationship. But the first feeling is not the last. Alexander is a lover of intrigues, and they are the reason for divorces. But this happens if he got married early.

If the marriage was concluded at a more mature age, Alexander in this case is guided more by reason. Such a union can be long and happy. In his family, he is responsible for each member: he manages to raise children, devotes time to his wife and parents. Makes decisions quickly and spontaneously. Life with him is like a volcano, but that suits everyone.

Business and career

Always strive forward, starts from the very bottom and conquers the peaks. He is respected and liked by the team. Things will go well in commerce, journalism, and design. Having gained experience, he goes on a free voyage.

The meaning of the name Alexander in character

The significance of this name suggests power and heroism, and if a boy named Alexander is not yet one, due to his age, he reacts to this very painfully. He tries to realize his aspirations, since from childhood he knows that he is an extraordinary person. Alexander becomes a leader in noisy boyish groups and tries to establish himself as a leader, already in adulthood. If this does not happen, then a closed and complex man will grow up.

The recipe for Alexander is to confidently do what he has started, just choose a worthy goal and not waste time on trifles. Then those around you will sooner or later notice your efforts and appreciate them. After all, Alexander has every chance for this; he will achieve success in virtually any field of production or science.

Alexander will not be indifferent to an interlocutor who is interested in his affairs. But just don’t flatter, in this case the dialogue won’t work. Alexander will accept someone else's point of view with understanding, even if he does not agree with it.

He is determined, smart and witty. But he is often quick-tempered and impudent. Sometimes he doesn’t even follow social rules of behavior. If you influence him from a position of strength, then Alexander will do everything the opposite, even knowing that this will only make him worse.

By nature, Alexander is an introvert, runs away from reality, has a vivid imagination and extreme curiosity. He already justifies his negative actions and actions in advance, and tries to make sure that those around him do the same.

Teen Alexander

In childhood, most children with this name grow up sickly and thin. But, despite this, already from this period of life everyone is amazed by their determination. Alexander will become a respected leader in the future. But in adolescence he will have a very big drawback - a love of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to this.

Alexander lights up quickly, but cools down even faster. This applies to both studies and relationships with the opposite sex. But what remains unchanged for them is the irresistible need to prove their advantage over others.

1. Full name – Alexander.

2. Boy's name

3.Synonyms of the name - Sasha, Sanya, Alex, Shura, Shurik, Alik.

4. Origin – Greek.

5. The meaning of the name is a courageous protector.

7. Combination with patronymic –

8. Successful people and stars:

Alexander Baluev is a theater and film actor.

Alexander Minkov (Marshal) - singer.

Alexander Revva - comedian, showman.

Alexander Medvedev (SHURA) - singer.

Alexander Ovechkin is a hockey player.

9. Name stone – Alexandrite.

According to Florensky

This name corresponds to a basically sanguine temperament with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, but not superficiality. Signs of the name also include warmth and kindness.

In relation to women - courtesy, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: as a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and it has an internal measure to remain within the limits of the lung a flirtation that ends as quickly as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not blow up inner life with the plow; if they cannot be said to be sliding along the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: this is how two contacting shafts conscientiously rotate each other, without experiencing suffering from this temporary contact, but also anguish when the contact comes to an end.

Character of the name Alexander

With a gear clutch, each of the wheels needs to rotate in rhythm with the other or move away so as not to be broken, but when the shafts slide, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of the Alexanders, but also about mental contacts. There is the same flexibility and readiness, as well as the same indifference or, rather, the same refusal to let thoughts get under the skin. Alexandrov's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this is a mind self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established balance. Therefore, this mind is quite broad, but self-protecting from the pathos of comprehensiveness - strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; rightly weighing a lot, but not delving into the depths - not so much because he cannot, but to protect himself from shock.

The nobility of this spiritual disposition, chivalry, is not a flash and impulse, but an inclination, formalized like a rule, and therefore easily takes on a somewhat artificial character. Then this nobility is programmatic and abstract, but not as a mask of guile, but rather as

a sincerely valued role that must be held on partly out of ego. The readiness to stand up for any truth is too formal, and the truth in general may not be true for the Alexanders, in particular, in specific life. Some coldness of mind, for the sake of maintaining harmony, is compensated by affectation. This “in general” in character makes the name Alexander typical for great people, it is most characteristic of them, for “in general”, said in a full voice - and this is exactly how it is said by the greats - becomes universal and truly human.

The name Alexander wants to be a microcosm and, when it receives sufficient nutritious material for decoration, it becomes that: a genius. But this harmony and self-satisfaction of the name Alexander may not be for everyone: not having the strength to become even greater, he, despite desire, reaches for greatness. A baobab in a flower pot is still a baobab, albeit a starved and frail one, but if someone had said that under these conditions it would be better for it to be only a radish, he probably would not have been mistaken. However, his advice would be in vain. So Alexander is Alexander; But “greatness” in small sizes, the “greatness” of ordinary Alexanders gives dwarf trees of Japanese gardens.

Alexanders usually have some subtle detachment from life. Some of their thinnest, almost invisible hair roots are cut off, but these roots are essential for nutrition: they go into the depths of life, into other worlds. Hence there is a certain bias towards abstract principles, constructing life according to schemes, rationalization, albeit in a very subtle form: Alexander is distracted not by the will to rationalism, not by the heat of self-affirming reason, but due to the lack of the principles of life that feed him; his rationalism is not positive, but negative. Therefore, this subtle rationalism is devoid of offensive energy, fanaticism, passion, reveals a readiness for flexibility and compliance, is soft or, more precisely, elastic and convenient for everyday life. The very programmatic nature of the Alexandrovs, which was mentioned above, has its source in the absence of sufficiently close contact with space; Alexander does not see his deliberateness, because he does not have an influx from the outside, the existential viscosity of which would oppose his behavior according to schemes: he takes abstract schemes as a basis, again not out of special love for them, but due to the lack of initial life impressions from the depths. And his deliberateness is assessed by him not as insincerity, but as vital remplis sage (the highest wisdom in French) of the best kind - yes, from remplis sage "for her this is really the best outcome; in fact, if I do not have inspiration for action, but it is necessary to act , then deliberate nobility is preferable to the same ignobility.

The great Alexander, being a microcosm, would have found in himself the sources of the desired solutions; little Alexander, also self-contained, must look for sources within himself, and the decision naturally comes from reason - schematic and abstract, but still harmonious as much as a rational decision can be harmonious. In connection with that property for which there is no more suitable name than abstraction, although this name is not entirely successful, the name Alexander imparts legislation to the personality. Not by the will to power, but by his supra-vital and partly extra-vital structure, Alexander easily becomes the center of certain norms for those around him and sits, being seated or claiming to sit, on some tribune. This manifests Alexander’s self-isolation and self-sufficiency noted above: he is a monad that has no windows.

On a large scale, this property of sufficiency is a condition of genius. In the small ones - some kind of unadaptability to life, although in a more subtle sense than external success; Alexander’s business and life are accompanied by success, even much above average, but it does not cancel the more subtle impression of some kind of unluckiness, or incompleteness. However, whether it is genius or life’s disorganization, both of them, as a property of the monad, lead to inner loneliness. Friends and beloved comrades, valuable interlocutors and welcome guests in relation to everyone and in general, the Alexandras cannot and do not want to become such in particular and in relation to only one person; such uniqueness would demandingly invade their harmonious little world and would open the windows that should be are closed in it.

The best friends that can exist, the Alexandras are not the best friends, precisely because they are not the essence of the fact that they, like round ones, roll towards everyone, not sticking into anyone with a sharp edge, but not catching on anyone either. Perhaps friendship, like cement, needs suffering, and where everything is smooth, there is no soil for unification that tears apart the monadic shells. The pleasantness of the Alexanders in general does not allow them to be completely close and completely open in particular: such closeness is always accompanied by a tragic sound, and tragedy and Dionysus are inseparable from each other. The Alexanders do not want Dionysus, as it is directly opposed to their already given integrity. Closeness to the end seems both shy and unfair to Alexander, and, moreover, affected. It is worthy of note that the Alexanders recognize real affectation in the style of French tragedies when it is conscious, and they are afraid, like affected people, of the excesses of life when they are spontaneous - they are afraid of Greek tragedy.

Due to their self-sufficiency, due to the monarchical nature of their nature, Alexandra can be very generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without hesitation. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this, when close to them, creates a barrier to very close communication, and vice versa - hence their feeling of detachment. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they harbor trickles of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite universal recognition, they are not satisfied: something important is still missing. But this pessimism of theirs is neither a theoretical conviction, which, on the contrary, is rather optimistic, nor an organic pain, but something secondary and derivative, although necessary: ​​an inseparable shadow of their self-sufficiency. As a result: Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most internally proportional.

1. Identity: those who hide

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: intuition - will

4. Totem plant: lilac

5. Totem animal: crab

6. Sign: Cancer

7. Type. To understand these men, you need to remember that their totem animal is a crab, which attacks with its claws, backs away, drags its victim, and if the fight is unequal, buries itself in the sand.

8. Psyche. Introverts, this means that they are more deep within themselves, running away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. They have a vivid imagination. They often try to justify their actions in advance, especially when they are scared or afraid of condemnation.

9. Will. At first glance, they are very strong, but in their determination there is some instability and unsteadiness.

10. Excitability. In their persistence one senses some kind of anxiety, which emphasizes some inconstancy of character.

11. Reaction speed. They take friendship very seriously, and often passionate love degenerates into friendship, which not all women like. They experience fear and fear failure, most often unreasonably.

12. Field of activity. They are not attracted to science, or rather, they study for themselves. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate the pedagogical process well; they do not tolerate coercion. Artistic natures. They can become talented actors, directors, entertainers, and television workers. Among them are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have withdrawn from the society they reject.

13. Intuition. Female type.

14. Intelligence. Synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and a simply frightening curiosity.

15. Receptivity. They are difficult to understand, they are very independent, although they strive to find a refuge where they could find care and peace.

16. Morality. Capable of questionable actions.

17. Health. Average, easily overtired. They suffer from stomach diseases, so they must take care of their digestion.

18. Sexuality. Their sexuality is largely speculative. They tend to dream about love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

19. Activity. This is not their strong point. Sometimes it seems that while they work, they only dream of returning home, where they can do what they like... or do nothing at all!

20. Sociability. They often expect something impossible from friendship. Luck, a happy accident helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

21. Conclusion. All their lives they look for support in a strong partner - be it a mother or a wife.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: “Protector”, “Protecting people” (Greek)

Energy and character of the name:If not for its extreme prevalence, the name Alexander could have become one of the most powerful. According to the energy of its sound, it gives its owner self-confidence, strength, assertiveness and can even incline him to show condescension and sometimes arrogance. The energy of the name is further enhanced by the images of such eminent Alexanders as Macedonian, Nevsky, Suvorov, three Russian emperors and many others. However, as often happens, especially favorable names become too common, and, of course, today everyone has at least a couple of acquaintances of Sasha, San and Aleksandrov. Alas, with such abundance, the power of a name can easily come into conflict with its ordinariness, and as a consequence - invisibility. This is especially noticeable during adolescence, when most Alexanders feel an irresistible need to prove their superiority in at least one area, be it sports, study or courting women. The strength of the name suggests authority, even heroism, and Alexander often reacts quite painfully when people do not take him seriously. It happens that, realizing these aspirations, he becomes a leader in companies of younger children, which is quite justified: after all, if Alexander cannot establish himself as a leader, then it is likely that he will turn into a very closed and “complex” person.

Implementation in society: The best thing for Alexander is to just confidently do his job and not really pay attention to the fact that people perceive him as an ordinary person. This will be a real strength of character, which sooner or later others will appreciate. However, you probably shouldn’t waste your time on trifles, having outlined truly worthy goals for yourself. In this case, Alexander has every chance of achieving success in almost any area. Secrets of communication: When communicating with Alexander, it would be good not to forget about his innate impulse for leadership. Even if in front of you is an unfulfilled, complex Alexander, try to talk about the area where he managed to achieve some success. This will put him in a good mood for conversation. Just don't flatter! When you simply acknowledge his competence in an area he is familiar with, he is more likely to be receptive to your point of view.

Traces in the history of the name:

Alexander the Great

History knows many famous Alexanders, but none of them can compare with Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) - the greatest commander who conquered the entire civilized world. The story says that a stormy life full of ambiguous events was destined for him by fate: supposedly Alexander was born on the very night when the mad Greek Herostratus, in order to remain in the memory of his descendants, burned down one of the most beautiful Greek temples - the Temple of Artemis. Many years later, Alexander accomplished a similar “feat” by ravaging the rich city of Persipolis and burning its palace to the ground, but his name remained throughout the centuries not only because of this.

Indeed, in many ways the life and worldview of this amazing man was predetermined by the following circumstance: his upbringing was carried out by none other than the famous philosopher Aristotle. They say that Alexander’s father, King Philip of Macedonia, upon learning of the birth of his son, exclaimed: “I thank the gods not so much for my son as for the fact that he was born during Aristotle’s lifetime!” Alexander, who naturally had excellent abilities, turned out to be a worthy student: he grew up to be an extremely educated young man, whose thought was not constrained by the narrow framework of canons and standards, but did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate his courage and ambition. Thus, having once seen the wild horse Bucephalus in the royal stable, which even experienced riders were afraid to approach, he did not calm down until he personally tamed the horse, after which he did not part with him on campaigns.

In his campaigns of conquest, Alexander conquered the mighty Persian empire, invaded Central Asia and subjugated all the lands up to the Indus River, thereby changing the balance of power in the world for thousands of years. After all, if before him the center of the civilized world from time immemorial was the East (the civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, the Persians), then Alexander forcibly moved this center to Europe, and this state of affairs, as is easy to see, continues to this day.

In relation to Alexander, more than to anyone else, the words are true that the whole world was not enough for him. He went down in history as the Great, although he himself did not consider that he had achieved his goal. Alexander the Great dreamed of uniting all nations into one world empire and, perhaps, would have achieved this if not for his early death. When he died he was thirty-three years old. And who could do more during this period?

Lunar calendar for today

Day of love, increased female sexual energy. The energy of the 17th lunar day helps to gain inner freedom; on this day, stereotypes are broken, and you can get rid of bad habits. It's a day of fun...

The male name Alexander is one of the ten most popular not only in Russia, but also in some European countries. This is not surprising, given its ancient Greek origin from the words “ἀλέξω” (alekso) - “to protect” and “ἀνδρός” (andros) - “man”. Adding them up, you can see the full meaning of the name Alexander - “protector of all people.”

It is quite natural that such a loud and courageous name should influence the character and fate of its owner. In addition, Alexander, like everyone else, has a secret name that we will try to unravel.

Name in history

The first who comes to mind when mentioning this name is Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), the famous king and commander, famous for his conquests and victories. Thanks to him, the name Alexander spread to Muslim countries, receiving a new interpretation - Iskander.

After the baptism of Rus', the name Alexander was adopted by the great princes, and several centuries later, by the emperors of the Romanov dynasty. According to legend, Catherine II herself issued a decree on the use of this name and, as an initiative, named her first grandson Alexander.

Alexander's name day

Alexander is mentioned more than thirty times in the Orthodox calendar. To find out exactly when to celebrate the name day of the boy or man Alexander, you should look at the church calendar. The date closest to the real birthday will become the main day of the guardian angel, and all the rest will be called minor.

In the Orthodox Church, one of the most revered is the Grand Duke of Novgorod and Kiev Alexander, who received the nickname Nevsky. When in the 13th century Rus' came under severe attacks from the Golden Horde and Western tribes, this commander, who had not lost a single battle in his life, showed his talent as a diplomat, concluding peace treaties, and averted trouble from the state.

Three centuries later, Alexander Nevsky was canonized by the Orthodox Church as a saint. The days of veneration of this truly great man are June 5, September 12 and 22, November 27 and December 6.

Different forms of the name

The name Alexander has several short variants - Sasha, Shura or Sanya. The nicknames Sashenka, Sashulka, Sanyusha, Sanechka, Sashunya, Shurochka, Shurenok, Aleksashenka can be used as endearments.

Sometimes the owners of this name are called Alik, Alexya, Alya, Lexa or Lexa. Then the diminutive forms will be Lexashenka, Alichek, Leksanya or Leksasha.

The name is also common in other countries, for example, in Ukraine it is one of the three most used. What forms it takes in different languages ​​can be seen from the table.

English Alexander, Alec, Sandy
German Alex, Lex, Xander
Spanish Alejandro, Alejito
Portuguese Alexandri, Shandinho
Italian Alessandro
Romanian, Moldovan Alexandru, Sandu, Sandel
Hungarian Sandor
Greek Alexandros, Alexis
Ukrainian Oleksandr, Oles, Les
Belorussian Alexander, Ales
Polish Alexandrushch, Olesch
Bulgarian Aleko, Leko, Lecho
Swedish Sander, Sandy
Finnish Aleksanteri

The patronymics Alexandrovich and Alexandrovna are formed from the given name. There are also female analogues - Alexandra and Alexandrina.

Famous namesakes

It’s even difficult to imagine how many famous and talented people throughout the history of the Russian state bore the name Alexander. Only a small part of them are included in our list.

  1. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800) - the greatest Russian commander, generalissimo.
  2. Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov (1717-1777) - Russian poet, playwright and literary critic.
  3. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (1749-1802) - Russian philosopher, poet, prose writer.
  4. Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov (1795-1829) - Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, composer.
  5. Alexander Stepanovich Popov (1859-1905) - Russian electrical physicist, inventor of radio.
  6. Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin (1872-1915) - Russian composer and pianist, teacher.
  7. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1938) – Russian writer, translator.
  8. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880-1921) - Russian poet, publicist, translator.
  9. Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko (1894-1956) - Soviet film director, screenwriter, writer.
  10. Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin (1913-1985) - an outstanding Soviet pilot ace, general of aviation, three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

Among our contemporaries there are also many famous people named Alexander. These are artists Abdulov, Kalyagin, Lazarev, Domogarov, Zbruev, Baluev, as well as directors Mitta, Stolper, Zguridi and others.

Character and destiny

Strength, courage and determination go to Alexander along with a beautiful name. But this does not mean that everything in his life will be easy and simple. Let's trace his fate starting from childhood.


Little Sasha is balanced, flexible and unpretentious. The child has many friends with whom he enjoys playing. Left alone, Sanya will not be bored either: having become acquainted with the alphabet early, the boy reads all the books in a row, trying to find answers to his questions in them.

Sashuni has a well-developed imagination and an amazing ability to see the unusual even in the simplest things. He composes fantastic stories and enthusiastically retells them to his family and friends.

An analytical mind, logical thinking and excellent memory help Sasha master the school curriculum without any stress. And thanks to the knowledge gleaned from additional sources, the boy’s answers in class turn into brilliant performances. It is not surprising that Sashenka’s diary almost always contains only A’s.

The boy also has creative abilities: he draws well, and if he has an ear for music, he sings or plays various instruments. Sasha loves physical exercise and always enrolls in the sports section.


The owner of this name is a born leader. Whatever profession Sanya chooses, he will always strive to take the highest place on the career ladder.

Alexander can work in almost any industry where his intelligence, erudition, ability to analyze and creative approach are in demand. Quite often he chooses a scientific path and makes important discoveries. The work of an economist, lawyer, doctor or teacher is also suitable for him. Strong-willed character traits and original thinking are the key to all our hero’s endeavors.

The secret of the name Alexander is the inconstancy of its owner; he is very susceptible to mood swings. A sharp transition from cheerfulness to gloominess and vice versa often causes bewilderment to others. In addition, our hero sometimes commits completely irrational actions, for example, quitting an excellent job or suddenly moving to another city.

Despite the fact that Alexander knows how to work in a team, he will achieve the greatest success if he decides to start his own entrepreneurial activity. A brave and strong character will help our hero start his business practically from scratch and bring it to full prosperity. Moreover, he has all the necessary qualities for a leader - purposefulness, determination, the ability to interest and lead people.

Love and family

It is noteworthy that the strong and courageous Alexander “gives slack” in relationships with the fair sex. Falling in love, he turns into the girl’s humble servant, fulfilling her slightest whims and literally begging for reciprocal feelings. It is not surprising that all of our hero’s first experiments on the love front lead to collapse.

Sometimes Sasha even marries in his early youth, choosing as his object a lady who is liberated and skilled in intimate relationships. But this marriage is doomed from the very beginning, since our hero needs a completely different woman as a wife.

The second (and last) time Alexander will go down the aisle already in adulthood, guided not only by feelings, but also by reason. His chosen one will not be able to boast of a model appearance, but she will become a good friend, a pleasant companion, a caring wife and a loving mother to his children.

As it turns out, Alexander was simply created for family life. He manages to arrange the house, help his wife run the household, raise the children, and, in addition, create decent material security for his household. It’s not for nothing that all his relatives simply adore Sasha, and even his father-in-law and mother-in-law dote on him.

Name matching

Alexander is very skeptical about esotericism and does not rely on predictions and horoscopes. But in vain, because by checking the names for compatibility, he could safely avoid an unsuccessful marriage.

Our hero, even years later, treats his wife with love and tenderness. He remembers all the memorable dates and always presents his wife with flowers and gifts.

Health and hobbies

As a child, Sasha was prone to colds, which often caused complications in the form of sore throat or tonsillitis. By starting to play sports, the boy strengthens his immunity, and illnesses recede.

In adulthood, digestive problems may arise due to poor nutrition. The owner of this name is prone to accumulating extra pounds, so he must follow a diet.

Alexander loves cars very much. He is well versed in all brands, regularly attends exhibitions and car shows, and keeps up with new products. The man keeps his car in perfect condition and considers him almost a member of the family, which does not stop him from changing the “iron horse” almost every year, choosing the most prestigious models.

Alexander's main character traits

The owner of the name is easy-going. He does not like to plan his vacation in advance, but prefers to break away in an instant and go to the mountains or fly to the islands. Such unpredictability does not always benefit the image of our hero, but this does not bother him too much. What other qualities are included in Alexander’s characteristics can be seen in the table.

Without a doubt, the owner of the name Alexander is an outstanding personality. And parents who name their son this way will make the right choice, because they will give him happiness and success.