What is the content of pedagogical activity. Description of the results of teaching activities

A person’s belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the characteristics of his activities and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E. A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to the group of professions whose subject is another person. But the teaching profession is distinguished from others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out in separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the “person-to-person” type is that it belongs to both the class of transformative and the class of managing professions at the same time. Having the formation and transformation of personality as the goal of his activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.

Main content teaching profession constitute relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of the “person-to-person” professions also require interaction with people, but here it is connected with the best way understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them.

Thus, one of the features of pedagogical activity is that its object has a dual nature (A.K. Markova): on the one hand, it is a child, a student in all the richness of his life activity, on the other hand, these are the elements of social culture that he owns teacher and which serve as “building material” for the formation of personality. This duality of the nature of pedagogical activity often leads to the fact that a young teacher inadequately understands the subject area of ​​his activity, in the center of which the child is, and unjustifiably reduces it to working with educational material, to preparing and conducting lessons, forgetting that the latter are only a tool of pedagogical activity, and not its essence. Therefore, the teaching profession requires complex teacher training - general cultural, human studies and special.

V. A. Slastenin identifies its humanistic, collective and creative character as the main specific features of the teaching profession.

Humanistic function teacher’s work is associated primarily with the development of the child’s personality, his creative individuality, with the recognition of the right of the developing personality to be a subject joint activities. All activities of the teacher should be aimed not only at helping the child solve the problems facing him today, but also at preparing him to independently achieve new, complex, promising goals that determine the path of his further development.

The collective nature of pedagogical activity. If in other professions of the “person-person” group the result, as a rule, is the product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a salesman, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the teaching profession it is very difficult to isolate the contribution of each teacher, family and other sources of influence on the development of the pupil’s personality. That is why today people are increasingly talking about the aggregate (collective) subject of pedagogical activity.

In psychology, a “collective subject” is an interconnected and interdependent group of people performing joint activities.

The collective (collective) subject of pedagogical activity in a broad sense is understood as the teaching staff of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower sense - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to a group of students or an individual student.

The main characteristics of a collective subject are interconnectedness and interdependence, joint activity and group self-reflection.

Interconnectedness in the teaching staff contributes to the formation of pre-activity, i.e. formation of motivation to achieve a common goal, formation of a common pedagogical orientation, in other words, the formation of like-minded teachers. “The concept of “like-minded people” does not mean a rejection of one’s personal views and pedagogical techniques. ... Like-minded people are people who think about the same thing, but think differently, ambiguously, decisive issues this one in their own way, from the standpoint of their views, based on their discoveries. The more shades there are within any human community, the more vital it is. Therefore, the more teachers’ thoughts about one in fact, the deeper and more diverse this will be realized one case" .

Joint activity as a characteristic of a collective subject, it presupposes not only joint activity, but also joint communication, communication, group behavior, and intragroup relations. Pedagogical activity is impossible without the exchange of experience, without discussions and disputes, without defending one’s own pedagogical position. The teaching staff is always a group of people of different ages, different professional and social experiences, and pedagogical interaction involves communication and relationships not only with colleagues, but also with students and their parents. Therefore, only if the teaching staff becomes a collective subject is it able to translate existing contradictions into constructive joint activity, and not turn them into constant conflict. A. S. Makarenko argued: “The unity of the teaching staff is an absolutely decisive thing, and the youngest, most inexperienced teacher in a single, united team, headed by a good master leader, will do more than any experienced and talented teacher who goes against the teaching staff. There is nothing more dangerous than individualism and squabbles in the teaching staff, there is nothing more disgusting, there is nothing more harmful."

The most important characteristic of a collective subject is the group’s ability to self-reflection , as a result of which the feelings of “We” (experiences of belonging to a group and unity with it) and the image-We (group idea of ​​one’s group, its assessment) are formed. Such feelings and images can only be formed in teams that have their own history, traditions, respect the pedagogical experience accumulated by the older generation and are open to a new pedagogical search, able to give critical, objective assessment his professional activity.

Thus, the totality of characteristics of the collective subject of pedagogical activity allows us to judge psychological climate (atmosphere) in the teaching staff, on which the effectiveness of the teacher’s work and his satisfaction largely depend own labor, the possibility of self-realization and self-actualization in the profession.

Pedagogical activity as creative process. The most important and system-forming feature of pedagogical activity is its creative nature.

Starting from the classics of pedagogy and ending with the latest research into pedagogical activity, all authors in one way or another considered the activity of a teacher-educator as a creative process. This problem is most fully presented in the works of V. A. Kan-Kalik. He is considering pedagogical creativity as a process of solving countless problems in changing circumstances.

It should be noted that in any human activity there are elements of creativity, i.e. Any activity necessarily combines creative and non-creative (algorithmic) components. Algorithmic - assumes a standard situation that excludes freedom of choice when solving a problem. Creativity occurs when the method of activity is not predetermined, but is determined by the subject of the activity himself in accordance with the characteristics of the situation. However, the role of the creative component in different types activities are significantly different. The algorithmic component of pedagogical activity is represented by a set of normative psychological and pedagogical knowledge and experience. However, they are used in constantly changing conditions and non-standard situations. Thus, a carefully developed lesson summary in a situation of “live” communication with students invariably undergoes changes. This is the specificity of pedagogical creativity. V. A. Kan-Kalik and N. D. Nikandrov note that “the very nature of pedagogical creative work is characterized by a number of parameters that are literally words have a normative character, which by no means excludes their heuristic origin, but presupposes some knowledge of this normativity. If this does not happen, then the results of pedagogical creativity cannot be sufficiently effective, just as one cannot compose poetry without having knowledge of the technique of rhyme, meters, etc. " However, most researchers note that it is in pedagogical activity that the creative component prevails over normative (algorithmic), since a constant selection of the optimal solution to a pedagogical problem is required.

What is the difference between pedagogical creativity and scientific, technical, and artistic creativity? Answering this question, V.I. Zagvyazinsky pointed to following features creativity of the teacher.

  • 1. Strictly limited, compressed in time. “The teacher cannot wait for it to “bloom”; he must find the optimal methodology for the upcoming lesson today, and often make a new decision during the lesson itself in a matter of seconds if a situation unforeseen by him arises.”
  • 2. Since pedagogical creativity is fused with the teaching and educational process, it should always bring positive results. “Negatives are permissible only in mental tests and estimates.”
  • 3. Pedagogical creativity is always co-creation.
  • 4. A significant part of the teacher’s creativity is carried out in public, in public (the ability to manage one’s psychophysical state).

The result of pedagogical creativity is also specific. N.V. Kuzmina notes that the “products” of pedagogical creativity are always pedagogical innovations aimed at improving the pedagogical process or pedagogical system generally. The sphere of pedagogical creativity, and consequently the emergence of pedagogical inventions, is unusually wide. They can be both in the field of selection and composition of information content in educational and non-curricular educational activities, and in the field of selection and organization of various types of activities, in the creation of new forms and methods of training and education, in ways of solving pedagogical problems. However, most often they point to the subjectivity of novelty in pedagogical creativity (the discovery made by the teacher is important not so much for pedagogical theory or practice, but for him and his students in the course of solving a specific pedagogical problem).

Pedagogical activity, being creative in its essence, requires each teacher to have a creative approach to their professional activities. However, the degree creative realization a particular teacher depends on his motives, personal qualities, individual abilities, level of knowledge, general cultural and professional experience. Therefore, pedagogical creativity can be realized at different levels. V. A. Kan-Kalik and N. D. Nikandrov identify the following levels of pedagogical creativity.

  • 1. Level of elementary interaction with the class. Feedback is used, impacts are adjusted according to the results. But the teacher acts “according to the manual,” but to a template.
  • 2. The level of optimization of lesson activities, starting with its planning. Creativity here consists of a skillful choice and appropriate combination of already known to the teacher content, methods and forms of training.
  • 3. Heuristic level. The teacher uses creative opportunities for live communication with students.
  • 4. The level of creativity (the highest) characterizes the teacher with complete independence. A teacher can use ready-made techniques, but put his own personal touch into them. He works with them only insofar as they correspond to his creative individuality, the characteristics of the student’s personality, the specific level of learning, education, and development of the class.

Thus, each teacher continues the work of his predecessors, but the creative teacher sees broader and much further. He one way or another transforms pedagogical reality, but only the teacher-creator actively fights for radical changes and himself is a clear example in this matter.

  • Danilchuk D. I., Serikov V. V. Increasing the professional orientation of teaching special subjects in pedagogical university. M., 1987.
  • Lvova Yu. L. Teacher's creative laboratory. M., 1980. P. 164.
  • Makarenko A. S. Essays. P. 179.
  • Kan-Kalik V. A., Nikandrov N. D. Pedagogy of creativity // Library of teachers and educators. M., 1990. P. 32.

Description of the results of the pedagogical activities of teacher Natalia Nikolaevna Prokopieva

Description of the results of teaching activities

teacher municipal government preschool educational institution Pavlovsky kindergarten "Sun"

Prokopieva Natalia Nikolaevna

A person’s life in society begins in kindergarten, and that is why the basics public relations, pledged teacher, are decisive in further development general abilities child, which are necessary for every person in any form activities. “The ability to communicate with other people, to act together with them, the ability to want, to be happy and upset, to learn new things, albeit naively, but brightly and unconventionally, to see and understand life in one’s own way - this and much more carries with it preschool childhood.” , wrote L.A. Wenger. That's why teacher must be an attentive and responsible person, responsive and tactful, sociable and patient, have a good memory, attention, and high communication skills. What is required is general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team, and the ability to control one’s behavior and emotions. Educator must constantly improve his skills using achievements pedagogical science and best practices, must go forward, master innovative technologies and methods.

Among the factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions, important role belongs to the educational program. I work in basic general education preschool educational program, the content of which is based on an approximate basic general educational program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. My I am building pedagogical activities, focusing on the leading goal of implementation Programs: creation of favorable conditions aimed at the development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics according to the main directions: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic.

I believe that for optimization activities modern educator kindergarten, it is important to be able to plan your work, that is, draw up a plan that will not only contribute to the organization educational process, solving the intended problems, but will also get the job done teacher more meaningful and effective. Therefore, by the beginning of the school year, I draw up a comprehensive thematic planning for the year, where I indicate topics, content, types activities, deadlines, final events. I plan work for every day (calendar planning, determine specific tasks, content, forms and methods of working with children on certain segment time. Scheduling I make up two weeks in advance. This gives pedagogical the process is organized, gets the job done effective. I plan the educational process taking into account the complex thematic principle and the principle of integration of educational areas. This approach allows us to combine complexes of various types of specific children's activities around a single"Topics", provide children with a holistic view of the world around them, master information through different channels perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. As options for themes I use, "events", « seasonal phenomena in nature", "holidays", "traditions".

Our time is characterized constant updating information, it is dynamic and changeable. These conditions dictate to me, kindergarten teacher, work in a new way, using modern technologies when organizing the educational process educational technologies. To determine the level of mastery of the educational program kindergarten students, feasibility of planning pedagogical, correctional and developmental work, obtaining operational information about the real state and trends in the child’s development twice a year, and, if necessary, in the middle of the year, I conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. For high-quality, more complete diagnostics that cover all aspects of a child’s development, I use a monitoring system. System for monitoring children’s achievement of planned results provides an integrated approach to assessing final and intermediate results of mastering the Program, allows you to obtain the required amount of information in the optimal time frame, and assesses the dynamics of children’s achievements.

Diagnostic materials include specially designed tasks, tests, observations, taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of children. Analyzing diagnostic results, I use elements pedagogical technologies: technologies of differentiated approach, technologies of individualization, health-saving technologies.

Its primary task pedagogical activity I believe in revealing the individual abilities of each child, taking into account his personal capabilities. To ensure that every child is successful and feels comfortable, I use the following forms work: dividing children into subgroups taking into account their individual abilities, characteristics, inclinations and interests, level of health, gender. To improve the quality of mastering program content and developing children’s integrative qualities, I use visual aids perception(illustrations, paintings, tables, using tasks of varying complexity, I determine the number of repetitions of the same task. I act according to the scheme "from simple to complex". A large role in its activities I pay attention to the individualization of the educational process. During individual lessons through the creation game situation, alternation of species activities, a set of interesting material I interact with only one pupil. I am planning an individual (correctional and developmental) work two weeks in advance. This approach allows you to fill individual and subgroup work with children with content that takes into account real level the development of each child, his personal problems and difficulties.

In the learning process and in free activities I use a variety of techniques, methods and means to achieve good results on mastering the educational program. When conducting a directly organized activities I rely on the structure of the developing classes:1) creation problematic situation; 2) definition significant problem; 3) putting forward a hypothesis; 4) management independent search children; 4) conducting reflection.

Planning pedagogical activity, application in teaching and educational the process of various methods, techniques, forms of work, an individual and differentiated approach when conducting incoming and final diagnostics led to positive dynamics in the quality of mastering the content of the educational Program by children.

At school, at the first stage of education, children often experience difficulties with by letter: the hand gets tired quickly, the working line is lost, it doesn’t work correct writing letters These difficulties are caused by underdeveloped fine motor skills of the fingers and insufficient development of visual-motor coordination. This problem interested me, and I decided to work on it methodological topic on self-education “Development of fine motor skills of the hands as a means of preparing children for learning to write.” The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that targeted and systematic work for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children contributes to the formation of speech activities. Having studied the experience of working on this problem, I came to the conclusion that work on the development of fine motor skills should be based on a comprehensive approach: a combination of speech development, physical education minutes, finger exercises and game exercises. I put the following tasks: improve hand-eye coordination of children, teach them to navigate in microspace, strengthen the fine muscles of the fingers, and promote the activation of speech function. I chose the maximum effective methods and funds for the development of small motor skills: hand massage using natural material; finger gymnastics with various objects and without objects; work with various materials (seeds, counting sticks, paper, laces, etc.); copying patterns, drawings or working in copybooks; working with stamps; stencil strokes; unscrewing and tightening caps on vials, jars, bottles; playing with small toys; stringing beads or pasta onto a thread. WITH special interest my kids play with the finger theater. I made dolls for the Russian folk theater fairy tales: "Teremok", "Hare and Fox" etc. Fairy tale dramatizations gave children the opportunity to act as screenwriters, stage directors and actors. Theatrical performances develop not only the creative potential of children, but also fine motor skills and speech, since fingers are actively involved in them. In my work I use many non-traditional techniques drawing: drawing with fingers and palms, drawing with a candle, blotography, drawing with foam sponges and cotton swabs. Unconventional methods drawings are quite simple in technology, so I liked them pupils. Using the listed methods in your work helps improve orientation in microspace (on a sheet of paper, and develop coordination of movements in children.

Systematic work in this direction made it possible to develop fine motor skills of the dominant hand and achieve positive results, as evidenced by the diagnostics carried out "Manual skill".

Manual skill

Academic year

2008 2009 2010 2011

Self-care skills 59% 64% 76% 84%

Working with a pencil

Working with a brush

Proficient in modeling techniques 59% 67% 73% 88%

Working with scissors

For a child to fully develop, it is necessary for the child to be healthy. With the modern course of life, unfortunately, it turns out that preschool children most spend their time in kindergarten. Therefore, it is necessary to create DOW conditions for the development, preservation and strengthening of children's health. I devote myself to solving this problem special place using technologies for preserving and promoting health and learning technology healthy image life.

The systematic use of the above technologies made it possible to reduce the incidence of children's illnesses by an average of 20% and, accordingly, increase the percentage of attendance. During the ECD, the children became more active and attentive because they became less tired.

Average attendance

Academic year

2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

Often, being drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers await a person in life. life path. Our carelessness and indifferent attitude to your health often lead to tragedy. But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he owns basic knowledge safety basics vital activity. This knowledge is formed in the process education therefore, teaching children how to keep them safe vital activity is relevant pedagogical task. Therefore, it has become a tradition to hold daily safety minutes, thematic conversations (“Why did the cat Timoshka end up in the hospital?”, “How the guys crossed the street”, "Dangers on the Road", "When Mom Isn't Home", creating problematic situations.

I pay a lot of attention education in children of patriotic feelings, the formation of their civic position. I conduct excursions to the school museum to get acquainted with the history of the village, themed holidays "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Conquerors of Space", "Victory Day". I systematically work on the artistic and aesthetic development of children, involving them in drawing on various topics ( "Defending the Motherland", “I’ll tell my mom about my love...”, "My favorite kindergarten", for the production of greeting cards, applications, for the design of exhibitions of children's works. Enriching children's experience through reading fiction, looking at illustrations. Children participate with pleasure in general kindergarten folklore events: “Hello, Maslenitsa!”, "Happy Easter", "Holiday of Ivan Kupala".

My pupils took part in regional competitions (toy competition "Parade of Siberian Toys", in a children's drawing competition “What a delight these fairy tales are” and in the competition "Green Light") and regional actions "Let's keep the forest alive".

With the transition to FGT, the relationship between the kindergarten and the family also changed. Parents are not outside observers, but active participants in the educational process. With this in mind, I involve parents in all matters. groups: joint creation of a subject-development environment, production of handouts and demonstration materials, design of photo exhibitions and exhibitions of children's works, preparation for the conduct of educational activities. I am completing "Parent's Corner", where I post information about the topic of the current week, about the upcoming joint activities of teachers and children, the planned final event, as well as consultations on all sections of the Program. It should be noted that parents are most interested in small text messages. materials: recommendations, advice, reminders. To ensure the greatest effectiveness work with parents for the new school year, I am conducting a survey in order to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of work with the parent community. When recruiting a group of children, I draw up a social passport for each family in order to identify educational opportunities for parents and invite parents to answer the questionnaire "Let's get acquainted". Specially selected questionnaire questions allow me to learn more about the child, to look at him from the outside. different positions, see its features. I involve parents in preparing and participating in matinees, holidays and sports entertainment (“Mom, dad, I am a sports family”, “We ask you to visit us in autumn”, “All works are good - choose according to your taste”, to the design of the playground. At the beginning of each school year, I draw up a long-term plan for working with parents, in which I prescribe work in several directions:

conducting psychological pedagogical consultations;

study, generalization and implementation of the best family experience education;

prevention of violations in parent-child relationships;

involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

I involve parents in participating in numerous creative competitions and in making costumes for holidays and concerts. I conduct parent meetings at various Topics: “Child’s adaptation to kindergarten”, "Peculiarities raising boys» , "Increase communicative competence among the younger ones preschoolers through the development of fine motor skills of the hands,” "We're a year older", “What a preschooler should know about the rules traffic» , « Upbringing love for my native village", "Prevention of deviant behavior", “What toys do children need?”. I organize exhibitions joint creativity children and parents, musical and sports holidays. In 2012, the team of parents of my group took first place in the competition « Winter's Tale» , parents actively participated in the campaign of landscaping the playground, won the competition “Our site is the best” in nomination "Most Creative".

It has become a tradition to hold annual environmental events ( "Feed the birds in winter", "Let's save the forest beauty", "Nature's Book of Complaints", holding "Open Days", "Health Week", celebrating children's birthdays.

I am constantly improving my pedagogical skill, studying the latest psychological and pedagogical literature, I attend advanced training courses, seminars and workshops both at our kindergarten and in the district. By topical issues training and education I share my experience of working with kindergarten colleagues and parents, I have repeatedly spoken at teachers’ councils, methodological associations, and given open events ("Winter's Tale of Summer", "Visiting Grandma Akulina", "Droplet's Journey", was part of creative group on drawing up the basic general education program.

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activities carried out in the holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.

Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing educational environment and management of various activities of students in order to solve the problems of harmonious personal development. And teaching is such a kind educational activities, which is aimed at managing primarily the cognitive activities of schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. This understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing.

Education, to reveal the essence and content of which many studies are devoted, is considered only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge, in isolation from education. It is no coincidence that teachers involved in developing the problem of the content of education (V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, etc.), along with the knowledge and skills that a person acquires in the learning process, consider the experience of creative activities and experience of emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us. Without unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement the mentioned elements of education. Figuratively speaking, the holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect is a process in which “educational teaching” and “educational education” are merged (A. Disterweg).

Let's compare in general outline teaching activities that take place both during the learning process and outside of class time, and educational work that is carried out in the holistic pedagogical process.

Teaching, carried out within the framework of any organizational form, and not just a lesson, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion teaching effectiveness is the achievement educational goal. Teaching - management of educational and cognitive activities of students - is one of the components of the learning process. Teaching is implemented both directly by the teacher and in an indirect form and involves a counter-directed learning process. The teacher’s activities include: selection, systematization, structuring, perception, awareness and mastery educational information and methods of working with it by students and presenting it to students in teaching practice; organization of rational, effective, adequate learning activities for each student to master the proposed system of knowledge and skills. The teacher’s activities also involve planning and organizing own work. In this context, management as a pedagogical influence is not so much corrective as formative in nature and is aimed at the education of the student, his development various structures mental activity and on personal development. The teacher’s activities are aimed at identifying the conditions of the organization academic work, compliance with which will allow the student to consciously navigate the subject, update acquired knowledge and skills, and exercise self-control. Each act of teaching must make certain changes both in the nature of the student’s activity and in the process of his formation as a person. To do this, the teacher conducts a thorough analysis of learning objectives in relation to various learning situations, a specific academic subject and each of its sections. The learning objectives for each lesson are formed as a definition of typical tasks, for the sake of which the learning is organized. Without defining such tasks, the goals of the lesson turn out to be insufficiently constructive, their achievement is difficult, they cannot be achieved. pedagogical control. When developing his curriculum, the teacher must evaluate what knowledge, for what purpose, and to what extent he expects students to develop as a result of their study of specific material. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the features individual species activities of students that will ensure the achievement of their educational goals. Of great importance is a certain sequence of actions of students, the operational composition of these actions (executive, evaluative and indicative), finding ways to motivate students to participate in cognitive activities. This is the first teaching task in the learning structure.

The second task comes down to the implementation of the principle of activity and self-government in the cognitive activity of students. It consists in such an organization of training sessions in which the teacher, with the help of software programs and the organization of educational and cognitive activities, would direct and intensify the process of active, independent and effective work of each student in mastering the basics of theory and methods of its application in solving educational and cognitive problems.

Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of a goal, because it is unattainable within the time frame limited by the organizational form. IN educational work only a consistent solution can be envisaged specific tasks goal oriented. The most important criterion effective solution educational objectives are positive changes in the consciousness of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities.

The content of training, and, consequently, the logic of teaching can be rigidly programmed, which the content of educational work does not allow. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences and arts, the study of which is not provided curriculum, is essentially nothing more than learning. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms: attitude towards society, towards work, towards people, towards science (teaching), towards nature, towards things, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, towards oneself. The logic of a teacher’s educational work in each individual class cannot be predetermined by regulatory documents.

The teacher deals with approximately homogeneous “source material”. The results of the teaching are almost unambiguously determined by its activities, i.e. the ability to evoke and direct the student’s cognitive activity. The teacher is forced to reckon with the fact that he pedagogical influences may intersect with unorganized and organized negative influences on the student. Teaching as an activity has a discrete nature. It usually does not involve interaction with students during the preparatory period, which may be more or less long. The peculiarity of educational work is that even in the absence of direct contact with the teacher, the student is under his indirect influence. Usually the preparatory part in educational work is longer, and often more significant, than the main part.

The criterion for the effectiveness of students’ activities in the learning process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving cognitive and practical problems, intensity of progress in development. The results of students' activities are easily identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators. In educational work, it is difficult to correlate the results of the teacher’s activities with the developed criteria of education. It is very difficult to identify in a developing personality the result of the activity of the educator. IN educational process It is difficult to predict the results of certain educational actions and their receipt is much delayed in time. In educational work, it is impossible to provide feedback in a timely manner.

The noted differences in the organization of teaching and educational work show that teaching is much easier in the ways of its organization and implementation, and in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process it occupies a subordinate position. If in the learning process almost everything can be proven or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to evoke and consolidate certain personal relationships, since decisive role Freedom of choice comes into play here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formed cognitive interest and attitude towards educational activities in general, i.e. from the results of not only teaching, but also educational work.

Identification of the specifics of the main types of pedagogical activity shows that teaching and educational work in their dialectical unity take place in the activities of a teacher of any specialty. For example, master industrial training in the system of vocational and technical education, in the course of its activities, it solves two main tasks: to equip students with knowledge, skills and abilities to rationally perform various operations and works in compliance with all the requirements of modern production technology and labor organization; to prepare such a qualified worker who would consciously strive to increase labor productivity, the quality of the work performed, would be organized, and value the honor of his workshop and enterprise. Good master not only transfers his knowledge to students, but also guides their civic and professional development. This, in fact, is the essence of the professional education of young people. Only a master who knows and loves his job and people will be able to instill in students a sense of professional honor and create the need for perfect mastery of their specialty.

In the same way, if we consider the responsibilities of an after-school teacher, we can see both teaching and educational work in his activities. The regulations on extended day groups define the tasks of the teacher: to instill in students a love of work, high moral qualities, cultural behavior habits and personal hygiene skills; regulate the pupils’ daily routine, monitoring timely preparation homework, provide them with assistance in learning, in the reasonable organization of leisure; carry out activities together with the school doctor to promote health and physical development children; maintain contact with the teacher, class teacher, parents of students or persons replacing them. However, as can be seen from the tasks, instilling habits of cultural behavior and personal hygiene skills, for example, is already the sphere of not only education, but also training, which requires systematic exercises.

So, of the many types of activities of schoolchildren, cognitive activity is not limited only to the framework of learning, which, in turn, is “burdened down” by educational functions. Experience shows that success in teaching is achieved primarily by those teachers who have the pedagogical ability to develop and support children’s cognitive interests and create an atmosphere in the classroom general creativity, group responsibility and interest in the success of classmates. This suggests that it is not teaching skills, but the skills of educational work that are primary in the content of a teacher’s professional readiness. In this regard, the professional training of future teachers is aimed at developing their readiness to manage the holistic pedagogical process.


Topic 2: Pedagogical activity: essence, structure, functions.


    The essence of pedagogical activity.

    Main types of teaching activities.

    Professional competence of a teacher.

    Levels of pedagogical activity.

    Mastery and creativity of pedagogical activity.

    Self-development of a teacher.


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    Prokopyev, I.I. Pedagogy. Fundamentals of general pedagogy. Didactics: textbook. allowance / I.I. Prokopyev, N.V. Mikhalkovich. – Minsk: TetraSystems, 2002. – p. 171 – 187.

    Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogy/V.A.Slastenin, I.F.Isaev, E.N.Shiyanov; edited by V.A.Slpstenina. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – pp. 18 – 26; With. 47 – 56.

Question No. 1

The essence of pedagogical activity

Activity - on the one hand, it is a specific form of the socio-historical existence of people, and on the other, a way of their existence and development.


1) Ensures the creation of material conditions of human life, satisfaction of natural human needs;

2) Becomes a factor in the development of a person’s spiritual world and a condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

3) Is the sphere of achieving life goals and success;

4) Creates conditions for human self-realization;

5) Is a source of scientific knowledge, self-knowledge;

6) Provides environmental transformation.

Human activity - a necessary condition for its development in the process of which it acquires life experience, gets to know the life around him, assimilates knowledge, develops skills and abilities - thanks to which he and his activities develop.

Activity - active form of relationship between subject and object.

Professional activity of a teacher - This is a special type of socially necessary labor of adults, aimed at preparing younger generations for life.

Pedagogical activity - one of the types of practical art.

Pedagogical activity is purposeful, because the teacher sets a specific goal (to develop responsiveness, teach how to use a sewing machine) In a broad sense, ped. activities are aimed at passing on experience to younger generations. This means that pedagogy as a science studies a special type of activity to introduce a person to the life of society.

Ped. activity is an educational and educational impact on the student, aimed at his personal, intellectual and activity development.

Ped. activity arose at the dawn of civilization in the course of solving such problems as the creation, storage and transfer to the younger generation of skills and norms of social behavior.

Schools, colleges, and colleges are leading social institutions whose main purpose is to organize effective teaching activities.

Pedagogical activities are carried out professionally only by teachers, and parents, production teams, and public organizations carry out general pedagogical activities.

Professional ped. activities are carried out in educational institutions specially organized by the society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

The essence of ped. A.N. Leontiev represented activity as a unity of purpose, motives, action, result. A goal is a system-forming characteristic.

Ped. activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for fulfilling certain social roles in society.

Ped structure activities:

1. purpose of activity;

2. subject of activity (teacher);

3. object-subject of activity (students);

5. methods of activity;

6. result of activity.

Purpose ped. activities.

Target - this is what they strive for. The general strategic goal of pedagogical activity and the goal of education is the education of a harmoniously developed personality.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is developed and formed as a set of social requirements for each person, taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities, as well as trends in social development.

A.S. Makarenko saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the development and individual adjustments of a personality development program.

The goal of a teacher’s professional activity is the goal of education: “A personality capable of building a life worthy of a person” (Pedagogy, edited by P.I. Pidkasisty, p. 69).

Achieving this goal requires the highest professionalism and subtle pedagogical skill from the teacher, and is carried out only in activities aimed at solving the assigned tasks as parts of the goal.

Main objects of purpose ped. activities:

    educational environment;

    activities of pupils;

    educational team;

    individual characteristics of pupils.

Therefore, the implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as:

1) formation of an educational environment;

2) organization of pupils’ activities;

3) creation of an educational team;

4) development of individual personality.

The solution to these problems should dynamically lead to the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society.

Teacher's tools:

    scientific knowledge;

    textbook texts and student observations act as “carriers” of knowledge;

    educational means: technical

computer graphics, etc.

Methods of transferring experience by the teacher: explanation, demonstration (illustrations), collaboration, practice (laboratory), training.

Product of teaching activity - the individual experience formed by the student in the aggregate: axiological, moral-aesthetic, emotional-semantic, objective, evaluative components.

The product of teaching activity is assessed in an exam, tests, according to the criteria of solving problems, performing educational and control actions.

The result of teaching activity is the development of the student (his personality, intellectual improvement, his formation as an individual, as a subject of educational activity).

The result is diagnosed by comparing the student’s qualities at the beginning of training and upon its completion in all plans of human development.

The activity of a teacher is a continuous process of solving many problems of various types, classes and levels.

To ped. the activity was successful,

The teacher needs to know:

    psychological structure of activity, patterns of its development;

    the nature of human needs and motives for activity;

    leading types of human activity at different age periods.

The teacher needs to be able to:

    plan activities, determine objects and subjects, taking into account the individual characteristics, interests and capabilities of children;

    create motivation and stimulate activity;

    ensure that children master the main components of activity (skills of planning, self-control, performing actions and operations (Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in abstracts, illustrations. M., 1999, p. 170))

Question No. 2

Main types of teaching activities

In the process of professional activity, the teacher manages the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and organizes educational work (organizes the educational environment, manages the activities of children with the aim of their harmonious development).

Teaching and educational work are two sides of the same process (you cannot teach without exerting an educational influence and vice versa).


Educational work

1. Carried out within different organizational forms. It has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it.

1 .Is carried out within the framework of different organizational forms. Has goals that are not achievable within a limited period of time. Only a consistent solution of specific educational tasks focused on general goals is provided.

2 . The most important criterion for teaching effectiveness is the achievement of educational goals and objectives.

2 .The most important criterion for the effectiveness of education is positive changes in the consciousness of pupils, manifested in emotions, feelings, behavior and activities.

3. The content and logic of learning can be clearly presented in training programs.

3. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms. The logic of a teacher’s educational work in each specific class cannot be recorded in regulatory documents at all.

4. The results of learning are almost uniquely determined by teaching.

4. The results of educational activities are probabilistic in nature, because The pedagogical influences of the teacher intersect with the formative influences of the environment, which are not always positive.

5. Teaching as a teacher's activity has a discrete nature. Teaching does not usually involve interaction with students during the preparatory period.

5. Educational work in the absence of direct interaction with students can have a certain impact on them. The preparatory part in educational work is often more significant and longer than the main part.

6. The criterion for the effectiveness of students’ activities in the teaching process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems, the intensity of progress in development. The results of the exercise are easily identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators.

6. In educational work, it is difficult to identify and correlate the results of the teacher’s activities with the selected criteria of education. Moreover, these results are difficult to predict and are much delayed in time. In educational work, it is impossible to provide feedback in a timely manner.

Psychological studies (N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Shcherbakov, etc.) show that the following interrelated types of teacher’s pedagogical activities take place in the educational process:

A) diagnostic;

b) orientation-prognostic;

V) constructive and design;

G) organizational;

d) informational and explanatory;

e) communicative-stimulating; g) analytical and evaluation;

h) research and creative.

Diagnostic - studying students and establishing their development and education. It is impossible to carry out educational work without knowing the characteristics of the physical and mental development of each student, the level of his mental and moral education, the conditions of family life and upbringing, etc. To educate a person in all respects, you must first of all know him in all respects (K.D. Ushinsky “Man as a subject of education”).

Orientation and forecasting activities - the ability to determine the direction of educational activities, its specific goals and objectives at each

stage of educational work, predict its results, i.e. what exactly the teacher wants to achieve, what changes in the formation and development of the student’s personality he wants to achieve. For example, there is a lack of student cohesion in the classroom, the necessary collectivist relationships are missing, or interest in learning is decreasing. Based on this diagnosis, he orients educational work towards developing collectivism among students or increasing interest in learning, specifies its goals and objectives and strives to strengthen camaraderie in the class, mutual assistance, and higher activity in joint activities as the most important features of collectivist relations. If we're talking about about stimulating cognitive interests, he can focus his efforts on making learning attractive and emotional. Such activities are carried out constantly in the work of a teacher. Without it, the dynamics and improvement of the goals, methods and forms of education and training cannot be ensured.

Structural and design activity is organically connected with orientation-prognostication. If, for example, a teacher predicts the strengthening of collectivist relations between students, he is faced with the task of constructing, designing the content of educational work, and giving it exciting forms. A teacher needs to have a good understanding of the psychology and pedagogy of organizing an educational team, the forms and methods of education, develop his creative imagination, constructive and design abilities, and be able to plan educational and educational work.

Organizational activities is associated with involving students in the intended educational work and stimulating their activity. To do this, the teacher needs to develop a number of skills. In particular, he must be able to determine specific tasks for the training and education of students, develop their initiative in planning joint work, be able to distribute tasks and assignments, and manage the progress of certain activities. A very important element of this activity is also the ability to inspire students to work, introduce elements of romance into it and exercise tactful control over its implementation.

Information and explanatory activity. Her great importance is determined by the fact that all training and education are essentially based to one degree or another on information processes. Mastery of knowledge, ideological and moral-aesthetic ideas is the most important means development and personal formation of students. In this case, the teacher acts not only as the organizer of the educational process, but also as a source of scientific, ideological, moral and aesthetic information. That is why deep knowledge of the academic subject which he teaches. The quality of the explanation, its content, logical consistency, and saturation with vivid details and facts depend on how the teacher himself masters the educational material. An erudite teacher knows the latest scientific ideas and knows how to clearly convey them to students. He has a good command of the practical side of knowledge, which has a positive effect on the development of skills in schoolchildren. Unfortunately, there are many teachers who do not have such training, which negatively affects teaching and education.

Communicative and stimulating activity is associated with the great influence the teacher has on students through his personal charm, moral culture, ability to establish and maintain friendly relations with them and encourage them by his example to active educational, cognitive, labor and artistic and aesthetic activities. This activity includes the manifestation of love for children, emotional attitude, warmth and care for them, which together characterizes the style of humane relationships between the teacher and children in the broadest sense of the word.

Nothing has such a negative impact on education as the dryness, callousness and official tone of a teacher in relations with students. Children usually keep their distance from such a teacher, as they say; he instills in them inner fear and alienation from him. Children have a completely different attitude towards a teacher who understands their needs and interests and knows how to win their trust and respect through meaningful academic and extracurricular work.

Analytical and evaluation activity. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher, carrying out the pedagogical process, analyzes the progress of training and education, identifies their positive aspects and shortcomings, compares the achieved results with the goals and objectives that were outlined, and also compares his work with the experience of colleagues. Analytical and evaluative activities help the teacher maintain so-called feedback in his work, this means continuously checking what was planned to be achieved in the training and education of students and what has been achieved, and on this basis making the necessary adjustments to the teaching and educational process, searching for ways improving it and increasing pedagogical effectiveness, making wider use of advanced pedagogical experience. Unfortunately, many teachers carry out this type of activity poorly; they do not strive to see the shortcomings in their work that exist and to overcome them in a timely manner. For example, a student received a “D” for not knowing the material covered. This is a clear signal that he needs urgent help, but with such help the teacher hesitates or does not think about it at all, and in the next lessons the student again receives a bad grade. And if he analyzed the reasons for the detected lag and helped the student accordingly, in subsequent classes the latter could receive a good grade, which would stimulate him to further improve his performance.

Finally, research and creative activity. There are elements of it in the work of every teacher. Two aspects of it are especially important. One of them is that the application of pedagogical theory inherently requires creativity from the teacher. The fact is that pedagogical and methodological ideas reflect typical teaching and educational situations. The specific conditions of training and education are too diverse and sometimes unique. For example, the general theoretical position about respect and demandingness towards students as a pattern of upbringing in the real educational process has many modifications: in one case it is important to help the student in his work, in another it is necessary to discuss with him the shortcomings in his behavior, in the third - to emphasize positive actions , in the fourth - make a personal remark or suggestion, etc. As they say, create, invent, try how best to use this pattern, what educational techniques are best used here. And so it is in all the work of a teacher.

The second side is associated with the comprehension and creative development of something new that goes beyond famous theory and in one way or another enriches it.

This is the essence and system of skills for each of the considered types of teacher activities.

Professional functions of a teacher:












Question No. 3

Professional competence of a teacher

The basis of a teacher’s professional competence is his pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical skill is a set of sequential actions based on theoretical knowledge, pedagogical abilities and aimed at solving pedagogical problems.

Let us give a brief description of the main pedagogical skills.

Analytical skills - the ability to analyze pedagogical phenomena, theoretically substantiate them, diagnose them, formulate priority pedagogical tasks and find optimal methods and solutions.

Predictive skills - the ability to present and formulate diagnosable goals and objectives; activities, select methods for achieving them, anticipate possible deviations in achieving the result, select ways to overcome them, the ability to mentally work out the structure and individual components of the educational process, preliminary estimate the costs of funds, labor and time of participants in the educational process, the ability to predict educational and developmental opportunities for the content, interaction of participants educational process, the ability to predict the development of the individual and team.

Design or constructive skills - the ability to plan the content and types of activities of participants in the educational process, taking into account their needs, capabilities, characteristics, the ability to determine the form and structure of the educational process depending on the formulated tasks and characteristics of the participants, the ability to determine individual stages of the pedagogical process and the tasks characteristic of them, the ability to plan individual work with students, select optimal forms, methods and means of education and education, plan the development of the educational environment, etc.

Reflexive skills are associated with the control and evaluation activities of the teacher, aimed at himself.(Reflection of the teacher - This is an activity of understanding and analyzing one’s own teaching activities.)

Organizational skills presented by mobilization, information and didacticsocial, developmental and orientation skills.

Communication skills include three interconnected groups: perceptual skills, the actual skills of pedagogical (verbal) communication and the skills (skills) of pedagogical technology.

Pedagogical technique (according to L. I. Ruvinsky) is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities to effectively interact with people in any situation (speech skills, pantomime, ability to manage oneself, friendly, optimisticistic mood, elements of the actor’s and director’s skills).

Organizational skills

Information and didactic skills:

    present educational material in an accessible manner, taking into account the specifics of the subject, the level of exposure of students, their age and individual characteristics;

    formulate questions in an accessible, concise, expressive manner;

    use effectively various methods training TSO (technical training aids), EVT (electronic computer technology), visual aids;

    work with printed sources of information, extract it from various sources and process it in relation to the goals and objectives of the educational process.

Mobilization skills:

    attract students' attention;

    develop their interest in learning;

    develop the need for knowledge, study skills and techniques scientific organization educational activities;

    Use reward and punishment methods wisely.

Developmental skills:

    determine the “zone of proximal development” of individual students and the class as a whole;

    create special conditions for the development of cognitive processes, will and feelings of students;

    stimulate cognitive independence and creative thinking students.

Orientation skills:

    to form moral and value relations and their worldview;

    to form interest in educational or professional activities, science, etc.

    organize joint creative activities in order to develop socially significant personality traits

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: MBDOU No. 52 “Fairy Tale”

Locality: Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, questions arose regarding aspects of professional pedagogical activity. Active work in the field of renewal legal framework, the content of preschool education, innovations in methodological provisions are faced with the problem of increasing the professional psychological competence of a preschool teacher.

According to the law on education in the Russian Federation (clause 4.5), preschool education reaches the first level general education, which radically changes the attitude towards preschool education as a key level of child development. The “new” model of a kindergarten graduate, due to the changed requirements for a first-grader, implies qualitative change the nature and content of pedagogical interaction with the child, i.e. “development within the framework of the general education program should act as the most important result success in raising and educating children." If previously a child upon entering first grade had to have a certain set of knowledge, abilities and skills, now there is a need to form a competent, socially adapted personality, capable of navigating information space, defend your point of view, interact productively and constructively with peers and adults, in other words, the development of integrative qualities of students.

Interaction between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged subject educational relations;

Supporting children's initiatives in various types activities;

Cooperation between a preschool educational institution and a family;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions child in various activities, participation in project activities.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, educational preschool institutions are guided by a single “Program of education and training in kindergarten “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, which is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas; is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process; a solution is envisaged educational objectives in the joint activities of adults and children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also when conducting regime moments. According to A. N. Leontyev, “activity by its very nature is objective.” The requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education are aimed at creating social situation development for participants in educational relations, including the creation of an educational environment.

Work on the implementation of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva is based on the use in pedagogical work teacher of the following methods: comparison method, elementary analysis, modeling and design method, project activity method, question method - asking questions to children (cultivating the ability and need to ask questions, formulate them competently and clearly), repetition method - the most important didactic principle, without the use of which there will be no strength of knowledge in the education of feelings, the solution logical problems, experimentation.

A feature of the content of educators’ pedagogical activities is pedagogical monitoring, which is aimed at studying:

The child’s activity skills;

Interests; preferences; child's inclinations;

Personal characteristics of the child;

Behavioral manifestations of the child;

Features of the child’s interaction with peers;

Features of child interaction with adults.

Monitoring allows you to track the development of integrative qualities that a student should have, an indicator of success in educational areas; based on monitoring data, a correction work plan is drawn up. When performing monitoring, the teacher must be guided by the principles of pedagogical diagnostics:

1. The principle of objectivity establishes the desire for maximum objectivity in diagnostic procedures and results, avoidance of subjective data in the preparation of diagnostic data value judgments, biased attitude towards the person being diagnosed.

2. The principle of competence establishes a prohibition during the process and based on the results of diagnosis on any actions that could cause

damage to the subject, the teacher making decisions only on those issues for which he has special training;

3. The principle of personalization requires the teacher in diagnostic activities to discover not only individual development paths, but also not to evaluate deviations from the norm as negative without analyzing the dynamic trends of development.

4. The principle of a holistic study of the pedagogical process presupposes: having information about various aspects of its development: social, emotional, intellectual, physical, artistic and creative for assessment general level child development.

5. The principle of processuality involves the study of a phenomenon in change and development.

The effectiveness of the implementation of educational activities of preschool teachers also depends on the organization of work with parents of students. Research by L.S. Vygotsky, L.S. Lisina proves that the family is the main institution for educating the personality of children. . The teacher uses effective forms interactions with parents:

In first place is individual work, general and group parent meetings;

In second place is the form of involvement and integration of parents of pupils into the educational process: exhibitions of children's works with the participation of parents, days of good deeds, participation of parents in preparation for holidays, work with the parent committee of the group, visual propaganda.

a goal that takes into account the specifics of the educational institution. Compile characteristics of groups of pupils, and final results education, i.e. subject knowledge, skills and abilities, key competencies And social experience. According to Lazarenko L.A. successful implementation of the program depends on the “competence of the teacher, i.e. from the subjective property of a person, which allows him to perform pedagogical activities with high quality.”

The content of educational activities provides for the teacher’s responsibilities to complete documentation in a timely and high-quality manner. The documentation includes: a plan of educational work, reports, minutes of parent meetings, etc. Conduct design and research activities with students, both group and individual. Also, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher must have information communication technologies, involving the use of modern educational technologies in direct educational activities.

The educator must have basic professional functions, such as: educational, educational, developmental, communicative, normative, informational, coordinating, reflective and diagnostic. According to Aminov N.A. “all the functions presented provide the teacher with personal growth, which is often expressed in a style of pedagogical activity focused on the development of children.”

The developmental function includes the improvement of didactic knowledge and skills by educators in pedagogical activities, due to which the simultaneous development of cognitive professional qualities such as thinking, memory and speech, pedagogical abilities that allow the use and application of a more effective and creative approach in creating conditions For

harmonious development of children, organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The educational function consists in the independent mastery by teachers of a preschool educational institution of scientific ideas about education, a complex of knowledge, abilities, skills in educational activities, social experience in the interests of the individual and society as a whole, information knowledge. In the applied aspect of the implementation of this function of professional and pedagogical culture, mastery of the content and organizational - methodological foundations on education and training of preschool children.

The normative function of the educator allows you to independently regulate the system of pedagogical activity. Normative knowledge in pedagogical activity gives the teacher confidence in the error-free actions of his actions. This function allows the teacher to choose optimized methods of activity, to approve the sample and professional benefits. The normative function of pedagogical activity allows one to resolve contradictions that arise in the process of cooperation between the teacher and children, colleagues, parents and administration, and ensure cooperation and achievement in joint actions to educate preschool children. .

In the work of a teacher, the information function represents the interconnection of all its functional components. According to this function, the teacher must be proficient in various media of information, be knowledgeable in psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, have the means of computer technology; work with information using these means to fulfill public and personal needs.

The coordinating function ensures variability in the content of the educational process and selection of technologies.

Improving further professional activities is the basis of this function.

A teacher’s reflection on teaching activities, personal qualities, emotional and cognitive abilities depends on the reflexive function.

Pedagogical reflection includes self-reflection of the activities carried out, an adequate assessment of the results of the activities. The teacher must analyze mistakes and difficulties that arise in the educational process, find the reasons for successes and failures, in order to make adjustments to subsequent activities in order to achieve better results. According to Zakharova L.N. “the readiness of the future teacher to solve diagnostic problems different levels complexity in the dynamic conditions of professional activity in the field of education is a high indicator of his professionalism.”

Diagnostic function is a set of skills and knowledge necessary to solve professional problems at a high level. This function allows, together with psychologists, a music worker, and a speech therapist, to carry out correct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, on its basis to analyze and interpret diagnostic data, to design and implement the educational process based on system diagnostics.

The communicative function includes the ability to organize high-quality interaction with preschool children, to coordinate the educational process with all participants in teaching activities.

The implementation of high-quality educational work directly depends on the formation of professional psychological competencies and personal qualities that are acquired

with professional training, obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities.

To effectively perform pedagogical functions, it is important for a modern teacher to understand the structure of pedagogical activity, its main components, pedagogical actions and professionally important skills and psychological qualities necessary for its implementation.

Thus, the content of educational activities includes the implementation modern approaches, positive dynamics individual development pupils, organization of work with parents, implementation of basic general education programs, professional implementation. The high-quality implementation of all areas of teaching activity corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard depends on high level the formation of professional psychological competencies and personal qualities of teachers of preschool educational institutions.


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