Cosmonautics Day middle group entertainment. Thematic entertainment for children of the middle group "Cosmonautics Day"

Program content:

  • Expand children's understanding of space, Cosmonautics Day;
  • Develop healthy lifestyle skills;
  • Develop physical qualities of the individual - speed, agility, endurance, mobility;
  • Contribute to the unity of the children's team, create a situation of emotional well-being in the form of play activities.

Progress of entertainment

Instructor: Hello, guys! Do you know what day it is today? Today the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day!

Instructor: What happened on this day? (Children's answers)

Instructor: The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight. Do you know who was the first person to go into space?

(Children's answers. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He flew around the globe on the Vostok spaceship.)

Instructor: How do you understand what space is? (Children's answers)

Instructor: There are many galaxies in outer space. And our solar system is located in one of these. And our planet is the third in a row. And how many planets in the solar system we learn from the poem.


All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Instructor: Well done, you really know all the planets, but would you like to become an astronaut and see other planets?

Well, then I invite you to the astronaut school; where today two space squads will be tested and compete in strength, agility, speed, and courage. (Command View)

Meet the space squad "Comet". Motto: Comet has a motto - never fall down!

Space squad "Sputnik". Motto: In order to fly into space and to the stars, we are ready to show ourselves now!

Instructor: A jury will evaluate today's tests at the cosmonaut school. (Jury Presentation)

Are the teams ready for the challenge? We will start our competition with a warm-up.

1. Warm up

Teams line up in two lines, break up, and perform general developmental exercises as shown by the instructor, accompanied by musical accompaniment (music from the movie “Great Space Journey”).

2. Space Rocket Relay Race

At the starting line, each team has 8 gymnastic sticks and 2 hoops. Team members take turns taking one item and placing a rocket on the finish line.

Instructor: You have made wonderful rockets, now you can launch into space.

3. Relay race “Running into a rocket”

Children, on command, taking turns overcoming obstacles (walking along a rope while maintaining balance; then jumping through 4 hoops), must quickly take a place in the “rocket”. The whole team must be in the “rocket”.

Instructor: Do you know that a flight in space can last a very long time, so astronauts need a lot of food, supplies of water and oxygen, and equipment. The next competition is called “Loading the Rocket”. You need to go through obstacles (walk along a ribbed board; go around cubes arranged in a checkerboard pattern; crawl under an arc) and deliver the load (balls) to the rocket.

5. Competition “Conquer weightlessness”

Instructor: In outer space, gravity does not act, all objects, even the heaviest, become light as a balloon, in space there is weightlessness. And in the next test, our teams will try to cope with weightlessness (each participant must use a stick to push a balloon into a bucket).

6. Competition "Intellectual"

Instructor: It's time to show the teams your knowledge about space. The next competition is intellectual (teams solve riddles).

Chain of riddles for children:

1. To equip the eye and make friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way, so gentle and powerful... (telescope)

2. The life of planets has been studied using telescopes for hundreds of years.
A smart uncle will tell you about everything... (astronomer)

1. Astronomer - he is an astronomer, he knows everything inside out!
Only the full sky is visible better than the stars... (moon)

2. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,
But the fast one can do it... (rocket)

1. The rocket has a driver, a lover of zero gravity.
In English: “astronaut”, and in Russian... (cosmonaut)

2. An astronaut sits in a rocket, cursing everything in the world -
As luck would have it, there appeared in orbit... (UFO)

1. A UFO flies to its neighbor from the constellation Andromeda,
In it, out of boredom, an evil green one howls like a wolf... (humanoid)

2. The humanoid lost its course, got lost in three planets,
If there is no star map, the speed...(of light) will not help.

1. Light flies the fastest, it doesn’t count kilometers.
The Sun gives life to the planets, gives us warmth, tails -... (to comets)

2. The comet flew around everything and examined everything in the sky.
He sees that in space a hole is a black... (hole)

1. In black holes, the darkness is occupied by something black.
The interplanetary spaceship ended its flight there... (starship)

2. The starship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light.
Learns in practice the stellar... (galaxies)

For both teams:
And the galaxies fly in all directions as they please.
This whole…(universe) is very healthy

7. Competition “Collect a constellation”

Teams must make the Ursa Major constellation out of paper stars. Each participant, in turn, riding on a large ball - a fitball, brings his star to the star map and places it in the right place.

8. Obstacle course “On the Moon”

Instructor: Our teams face the last test. We are landing on the surface of the Earth's satellite - the Moon. There are many obstacles on the lunar surface: craters, mountains, depressions. Let's see how the teams will overcome all the obstacles (crawl along a gymnastic bench on their stomachs, pulling themselves up with their arms; walk a distance, placing foam rubber circles in front of them; hit a hoop with a bag of sand; run back back).

9. Competition “Portrait of an Alien”

On a sheet of paper mounted on an easel, each blindfolded participant must draw one of the alien's body parts (head, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, torso, tentacle arms, legs).

Instructor: The aliens turned out to be wonderful, funny with kind faces (children dressed as aliens enter). And here they themselves came to us from a distant galaxy. And they want to please us all with a real space dance (children perform a dance to the music of the group “Space”).

Instructor: Our competition at the cosmonaut school has come to an end. The jury gives the floor.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Members of both teams are awarded certificates stating that they have completed training at the cosmonaut school, and they are awarded the honorary title “Young Cosmonaut”. Teams are awarded certificates.

Sports entertainment for the middle group of kindergarten: “If you really want to, you can fly into space!” »

Goal: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, consolidating ideas about space and the astronaut profession through outdoor games.

Develop children's physical activity.

Develop children's voluntary attention using elements of psycho-gymnastics.

Development of correct nasal breathing skills.

Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to act in a team.

Develop cognitive interests, the ability to compare and reason.

Developing an attitude towards oneself as an inhabitant of planet Earth.


Hoops 8 pcs.

Skittles 8 pcs.

Sandbags (according to the number of children)

Progress of the event.

Children enter the hall to “cosmic” music.

Host: Hello, guys! Today a letter arrived at our kindergarten, let's see who it is from. (Opens the letter. It contains a picture of the cartoon character Luntik). Can you guess who sent it to us? Let's see what it says there: “Dear guys! You know that I was born on the Moon and one day came to Earth. I really like Earth, but I would like to know if there is a better planet in space than Earth. I live far in the forest, and I cannot fly to other planets myself. Maybe you can help me, fly down and tell me how life is on other planets? "Guys, let's help Luntik?

Host: but before we fly, let's solve riddles and think about what we need to fly into space.

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Make it fast (rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian (cosmonaut)

Children solve riddles and express their thoughts about what is needed to fly into space.

Presenter: That's right, children. To fly into space you need to be an astronaut. Do you know that astronauts are the healthiest people? After all, flying into space is a difficult task, you need preparation! Who knows what to do to be strong and healthy, like an astronaut?

Children: play sports, do exercises, etc.

Presenter: That's right! And you and I will also prepare a little and gain strength. Come out for our fun space workout!

Children get up to warm up.

Warm-up with elements of breathing exercises.

Exercise “We start a movement - this is a rotation of the head”

I. p. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your head at a slow pace.

Exercise “And now the step is in place. Legs up! Stop, one, two! »

I.p. arms along the body, legs together. Walking in place. (6 times)

Exercise “Raise your shoulders higher, and then lower them.”

I.p. arms along the body, raise and lower the shoulders (6 times)

Exercise "Weightlessness".

I. p. lying on his stomach. The legs are closed, the arms are bent under the chin. Raise your head and shoulders, move your arms back and bend over. Lie down in the starting position and relax.

Exercise “Belka and Strelka”.

I. p. “The dog is happy.” Standing on your hands and knees. Raise your head, stretch and bend in the lumbar region. Take a deep breath.

I. p. “The dog is angry.” Standing on your hands and knees, lower your head and press your chin to your chest. Arch your back. (5-6 times)

Exercise “The planet rotates: you need to jump ten times,

Let's jump higher, let's jump together! » Jumping with a turn.

Exercise “Let’s fill the spacesuits with air.”

Bring your hands together in front of your chest, clenching your fists. Bend forward and down and with each springy bend take gusty breaths - breathe like a “pump”. Exhalation is voluntary.

Presenter: you and I are ready for the flight. But we won’t fit into the same rocket, what should we do?

Children express their guesses.

Host: I know that we need to divide into two teams and each team will fly on its own rocket.

Children are divided into two teams.

Presenter: The team needs to choose a spaceship captain. Are the crews ready? Then, the next task is for the teams. You need to choose items that you, the astronauts, will definitely take with you on the flight. (Hands out cards to the teams with pictures of a space suit, space food, lunar rover, Russian flag, cup. Children choose the necessary items).

Well done, you completed the task. Let's check if everything is okay with our missiles.

Psycho-gymnastics: exercise “Attentive astronaut”. Children take the pose of an attentive astronaut.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

We’ll fly whichever one we want!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

The children take their places.

Presenter: so, fasten your spacesuits and help your neighbor by tapping on the back with your fingers!

Children “fasten their spacesuits” and help their neighbors to the right and left.

Presenter: close your eyes, let's fly. (Slow music plays)

Relaxation: “Slow motion.” Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place their hands loosely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, and draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

Movement slows down and tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

Presenter: we have arrived. And to find out where, guess my riddle.

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full (Moon)

That's right, we're on the moon. What is unusual on the Moon?

Children: children's answers.

Presenter: There are lunar craters on the moon. And now we will walk on the lunar surface and collect samples of lunar soil.

Relay "Moonwalk" (There are hoops on the floor; children can only walk by stepping into the hoop. After walking through the lunar craters, each child takes a bag of sand and returns to their team).

Presenter: Well done, guys. So we walked on the Moon. We didn't meet anyone. Shall we go further?

Host: Then get into the rocket! And listen to my riddle.

Almost at the speed of light

The fragment flies away from the planet.

Flying towards the ground

Cosmic ... (meteorite).

You and I flew to a large meteorite. There is no one here except us, only small meteorites. Let's collect them and take Luntika! The first team collects blue meteorites. The second one is red. (there are small balls of two colors red and blue on the floor, each team collects balls of its own color to the music).

Presenter: Well done. How many meteorites were collected! Let's move on. Only there was little air left in the spacesuits. We need to dial it.

Breathing exercise “Let’s fill the spacesuits with air.”

In space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (Comet)

We, too, will now be comets. The captain of the team is the comet, and the crew is the tail of the comet. The comet flies past all obstacles, and must not lose its tail! Come on, let's check which team will complete the task faster and won't lose anyone! (Children stand behind each other “like a locomotive”, holding each other’s waists. The comets must bypass the obstacles and return to their places).

Presenter: Well done! Sit down in your space chairs. We fly further. Listen to the poem:

There is one garden planet,

Thematic leisure scenario
for Cosmonautics Day
"Space Stories"
Goals and objectives:
Introduce children to Cosmonautics Day. Learn to express your thoughts. Foster kindness, a sense of love for people, as well as respect for elders;
develop students’ creative abilities, attention, memory, deepening knowledge about space, nurturing patriotism;
teach to understand and independently use space terminology in speech: spacecraft, ISS, docking stations, pre-launch site, space crew;
develop logical thinking, the ability to hear each other, constructive abilities, imagination;
cultivate mutual assistance, friendly relations, and the ability to work in a team, coordinating one’s actions with the actions of peers.
Posters depicting the solar system,
Portraits of astronauts,
Children's drawings about the theme "Space",
Sets of geometric shapes and 2 containers,
Letter with text.
Hoops according to the number of children.
Puppet theater: screen, scenery of the Universe, Sun, Earth.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations on the theme “Space”, reading books about space and astronauts, making a model of the Solar System, drawing on crumpled paper, appliqué and modeling on the topics: “Meeting in Space”, “Flight to the Moon”, “Our Cosmodrome” , “Flying saucers and aliens from outer space”, etc.
Progress of the event
Introductory conversation. Hello dear guys! Who can guess what our holiday will be dedicated to? Maybe someone can tell what holiday was celebrated on April 12? That's right, Cosmonautics Day. People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. They thought for a long time about building a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records. In 1961, the heroic cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to visit Space (display of a painting depicting Yuri Gagarin) On November 3, 1957, in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space, a living heart beat for the first time. In the pressurized cabin of the satellite, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world.
Other dogs flew after Laika. Maybe some of you know these two famous dogs? After Laika, children, Belka and Strelka followed (showing photos of Belka and Strelka).
Imagine, guys, not only men, but also women can fly into space. And the first woman cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova. Since then, many cosmonauts from different countries have been in space. Not only the cosmonauts of our country, but also the Americans, Japanese, Chinese, and French. We are just standing on the threshold of a new era - the cosmic one. Despite the fact that after the first manned flight to the stars, hundreds of people from different countries have already been in near-Earth orbits, we are only taking the first steps. It was discovered that our planet Earth revolves around a huge star - the Sun. People also got the idea that our planet and several others are part of the solar system. Guys, the Cosmonautics Day holiday is known all over the world. And late yesterday evening near our kindergarten we discovered an unusual message - here it is. This is a message from aliens, inhabitants of another planet. They sent us a letter and an unusual gift.
We are residents of a very distant galaxy located in the Andromeda Nebula. We have seen your planet through a telescope, and we hope that living beings live on it. If someone reads this letter, it means your planet Earth is inhabited and we will be waiting for a reply message from you!
Let’s see what the alien inhabitants have sent us together. Well, children, we need to think carefully about how to tell the aliens about what our planet is like. And in order to think better, you need to warm up a little and play. One wonderful game was sent to us by aliens. Let's check it out and play!
The game “One is a planet...” (there are hoops on the floor according to the number of children, during the music the children have fun, the music stops - the children occupy one hoop each, with each stage the number of hoops decreases, the eliminated children sit on chairs. The one remaining wins). Guys , now sit down and together we will decide what is the most important thing on our planet. What should we talk about in our message? For this I have little tips. Listen to the following names and tell me how you can say about them in one word.1. Apple, pear, grapes, banana, peach, orange, pineapple (fruits).2. Rose, chamomile, tulip, violet, narcissus, dahlia (flowers).3. Shark, crucian carp, whale, trout, perch, salmon (fish).4. Bear, tiger, lion, giraffe, leopard, monkey (Animals).5. Rain, thunderstorm, snow, wind, sunset, clouds, rainbow (natural phenomena).6. Legs, arms, head, back, stomach, torso (body parts).7. Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister (relatives). Well done guys, it turns out you know a lot about our planet - planet Earth.
Guys, do you know where our planet Earth lives, how it lives and with whom it is friends, what is the name of its house? Solar system. Look and listen.
Fairy tale “The Sun and the Ball” (theatrical).
Puppet theater behind a screen.
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a star. She was beautiful and bright. Its light became brighter and stronger each time. And now the time has come when the star is tired of shining so brightly. It flared up more than usual and crumbled into small pieces. There were so many of them, and they were completely different, these pieces, and not similar to each other. And one turned out to be even, smooth and very round, like a ball. This ball flew for a long, long time alone in space, and it became boring. He paused a little and, feeling sad, said. “Here I am, all alone, in a dark space, and there is no one next to me. I feel bad without a friend!” he said and began to cry. And, suddenly, bright light and warmth enveloped him. And so he felt good and happy! “Can I become your friend?” - Sharik heard, - “I will warm you and protect you, we will play with you!” “How are we going to play with you? – Sharik asked, “and who are you?” “I am the Sun, I am also a star, I give everyone light and warmth!” “Yes, yes, yes!” – Sharik exclaimed, “let’s play catch-up!” “Come on!” - answered the Sun, - “I will show you the way so that you no longer get lost in space.”
And so Sunny and Sharik became friends. When they approached each other, playing catch-up, Sharik always shouted: “Oh, oh, oh, oh! I am very hot! Very! I want it cooler!” - and, running away from the Sun, he turned his other side towards him.
This is how the seasons appeared. And when friends played blind man's buff, night gave way to day.
From the sun's heat and light, the ball began to grow. It became larger and larger, and rivers, seas and land, animals, fish and birds began to appear on its surface, and then people appeared. And our Sharik grew up. It turned into a huge beautiful planet called Earth. And you and I are Earthlings, because the Earth is our common home, here is our Motherland.
Well, what about friendship? Our planet is still friends with the sun. And this friendship will continue for a very, very long time, because you cannot live without friends.
(A beep sounds and the children sit on the carpet.)
The Alien appears.
Alien: (speaks slowly, on one note). Hello, earthlings!
Educator: Hello, dear Alien! Our crews received an alarm signal from your spaceship. What happened to you? Maybe we can help?
Alien. I can't return to my planet until I collect the cosmic crystals.
Educator: (addressing the children). The crystals need to be sorted into compartments: in red - red crystals, in green - in green.
Game "Find Your Color"
Alien. How cleverly you managed to collect the cosmic crystals! Well done, earthlings!
Earthlings! You did a great job with my task! What else do you know about planets and the universe?
POEMS:*** We are only children for now, But the desired hour will come - On a space rocket Let's fly together to Mars
***The stars are shining brightly in the sky And they are waiting for our rocket To the distant fairy-tale planet - Our space route***
In a space rocket called "Vostok" He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars. Spring drops sing songs about this: Gagarin and April will be together forever.
Planet Earth is our dear home. But how much do we know about it, guys? The Earth is incomparable! A miracle of nature! It is inhabited by animals and peoples. Life on Earth is defenseless and fragile. We are not protecting it well yet.
There is one planet - a garden in this cold space. Only here the forests make noise, calling migratory birds.
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise
There lived an astrologer on the moon.
He was counting down the planets.
Mercury - one, Venus - two,
Three - Earth, four - Mars,
Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,
Nine - Pluto is farthest...
If you don't see it, get out!
To become an astronaut,
To fly into the sky,
There's a lot to know
You need to know a lot.
Educator: Yes, becoming an astronaut is not very easy - you need to be well oriented in space and know and be able to do a lot.
The exercise “Attention, astronauts!” is carried out. Results of the lesson. We consolidate the concepts.
Don’t say anything, just show with your hands - high, far, low, close, left, right, wide, narrow. The adult names various concepts and objects of space themes, the children show their location with their hands.



Expand children's horizons.

Develop children's cognitive interest.

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary on the topic “Space”.

Develop creative imagination and fantasy

Develop motor activity.

Preliminary work:


Looking at illustrations in books, viewing slides about space

Educational conversation

Drawing, applique, modeling on the theme “Space and Man”

Learning poems about space.

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall to the music, walk one circle and stand in a semicircle.

Host: Hello, guys!

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of going to space. The mysterious world of space attracted people's attention, attracted them with its mystery and beauty. And finally, this dream has come true! On April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft; this was the first manned flight into space. Since then, we have been celebrating Cosmonautics Day on April 12.


1. On a spring day, a wonderful day,

Many years ago,

A rocket was racing in space

Mesmerizing to look at.

2. The rocket is flying, flying

In the circle of earthly light,

Oh, Gagarin is sitting in it

A simple Soviet guy!

3.Above the earth late at night,

If you glance at the sky,

You will see, like grapes,

The constellations hang there.

4. And galaxies fly

In loose form as they wish.

Very hefty

This whole universe.

5. Mom already bought a helmet -

Soon I'll fly to the stars.

I eat porridge and carrots

Even if I don't want to.

Children sit on chairs.


It's so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

It's so cool in space!

Sharp missiles

At great speed

They rush here and there!

Guys, do you want to fly in space?

Children: Yes.

Host: What will we fly on?

Children: On a space rocket.

Leading : Indeed, to fly we need a rocket. I propose to build a rocket.

Children build a rocket from modules to the music.

Leading : Well done guys, our rocket is ready .

But to fly into space you need to become an astronaut.

To become an astronaut,

There's a lot to learn

Be agile and skillful

Very clever, very brave.

Guys, are you ready to take a difficult course in training astronauts?

Children: Yes, we are ready.

Host: And you won’t be afraid of difficult tasks?

Children : No, we won't be afraid.

Host: Great. Let's start our training.

The Game is being held - Relay Race “Cosmic Order”

Two teams. Skittles of two colors (blue, red) are scattered in the center of the hall. The teams' task is to collect pins of the same color into their baskets.

Leading : Well done guys, they completed the task. But it’s too early for us to relax, our training continues and will continue to do so every time, it becomes more and more difficult.

The Game is being held - the “Pass to Another” Relay Race.

Game with balls. Two teams, upon a signal from the children, pass the ball to each other in a chain, starting with the first participant. The last participant with the ball runs to the front of the column and also passes the ball back. The game continues until the first participant returns to his place.

Host: Great, you completed the task, I’m proud of you.

An astronaut must not only be brave, strong and skillful, but also smart.

A chain of riddles for children.

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
We need a powerful...(Telescope)

Telescope for hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything
Smart uncle... (Astronomer)

An astronomer is a stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the stars are visible better,
The sky is full...(Moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it fast...(Rocket)

The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian... (Cosmonaut)

An astronaut sits in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it,

UFO flies to neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil green…(Humanoid)

The humanoid has lost its course,
Lost in three planets,
If there is no star map,
Speed ​​won't help...(Light)

Light flies the fastest
Doesn't count kilometers.
The Sun gives life to the planets,
We are warm, tails are ... (Comets)

The comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is black...(Hole)

There is darkness in black holes
She's busy with something dark.
There he ended his flight

Starship - steel bird,
He runs faster than light.
Learns in practice

Host: Now I see that you are ready to fly into space. We take our places, sit down,

more convenient. We're going into space.

Musical accompaniment sounds. .

(Images of space are reproduced on the screen using a projector)

1stPicture “Space panorama”

Host: Guys, here we are in space, look how beautiful it is HERE.

2nd picture “Cluster of stars, constellations.”

Host: The stars are always in the sky. But during the day the sky is so brightly illuminated by the Sun that we cannot see them. The stars we see at night look much smaller than the Sun because they are much further away from us. Many years ago, people looking at the sky noticed that groups of stars looked like the outlines of people, animals and various objects. These clusters of stars are called constellations.

Now we will fly past the moon.

3rd picture

Leading : "Moon" - This is the closest neighbor of the Earth in space. It is a rocky ball about a quarter the size of the Earth and is the largest celestial body in the night sky. Although the Moon is much smaller than any star, it appears so large because it is much closer to Earth than the stars. The moon is an empty world without air and without life. Its surface is covered with dust and millions of depressions called craters. The craters were formed when pieces of rock from space, called meteoroids, fell onto the moon.

4th picture

Leading : "Earth from Space." Earth is the planet on which we live. From space it looks like beautiful white and blue marble. Most of the Earth is covered by the blue water of vast oceans. White spirals and spots are clouds, snow and ice. The landmass of the Earth is brown in color and consists of vast expanses of rock and soil. Earth is the only habitable planet we know of. People, plants and animals can live on Earth because it is neither too hot nor too cold. On earth there is water to drink and air to breathe. Water and air are necessary for living organisms.

Our space journey is coming to an end, we are returning to Earth.

Leading. So we have returned to our beloved Earth.

Children exit the rocket.

Leading. Well, guys, today we learned a lot of interesting and new things about space and astronauts, and tried ourselves in the role of astronauts themselves. Did you like our holiday?

Children's answers.

Leading : Now you and I know that an astronaut must be strong, healthy, fit, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut.

Compiled by:

Teacher Bychkova T. Yu.


  • In the foreground (curtains) stars and spaceships.
  • On easels there are paintings with photographs of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev, etc.
  • Tables with sheets of white paper and pencils.

1. In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April. (Romanov Sasha)

Slide 2. (Click the mouse to play video and song).

2. To the song “You know what kind of guy he was!” children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Slide 3. Educator: Dear guys, we are at a holiday. Look how the hall is decorated. Have you guessed what day our holiday is dedicated to?

Children: Cosmonautics Day.

Educator: That's right, Cosmonautics Day. (Lights turn off, mirror ball turns on).

Slide 4, 5. Educator: This holiday is celebrated on April 12. The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. They have long dreamed of exploring outer space.

Slide 6. People thought for a long time about building a spaceship.

Slide 7. Among these people was our scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He dreamed of flying into space, he dreamed of how he could study space, find out what was there.

But Sergei Pavlovich Korolev made his dream come true. He became a spaceship designer. They called him "East" .

Slide 9. (Clicking on the music icon starts the song).

A game "Let's play" .

3. Educator: And now, we will cast a magic spell with you and turn into constructors. We will build a spaceship with you.

We will build the ship ourselves

Let's fly over the forests,

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.

Slide 11. (click the mouse to turn on the video and song)

4. A song is playing “I am the Earth!” . Children sit on chairs.

5. Educator: But we cannot fly to the stars without remembering our first brave cosmonauts - Yu. A. Gagarin and V. V. Tereshkova.

(teacher's story)

Slide 13. (clicking on the music icon starts the song)

6. Dance – "transformations" in asterisks.

7. Poem "From the Sky High" . (Alyona)

Slide 15, 16.

8. Educator: Guys, do you know where our planet Earth lives, how it lives and with whom it is friends, what is the name of its house? Solar system. Look and listen.

9. (Teacher's story with demonstration of the globe).

10. Fairy tale "Sun and Ball" (theatrical).

Sun and ball

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a star. She was beautiful and bright. Its light became brighter and stronger each time. And now the time has come when the star is tired of shining so brightly. It flared up more than usual and crumbled into small pieces. There were so many of them, and they were completely different, these pieces, and not similar to each other. And one turned out to be even, smooth and very round, like a ball. This ball flew for a long, long time alone in space, and it became boring. He paused a little and, feeling sad, said.

“Here I am, all alone, in a dark space, and there is no one next to me. I feel bad without a friend! - he said and cried.

And, suddenly, bright light and warmth enveloped him. And so he felt good and happy!

“Can I become your friend?” - Sharik heard, - “I will warm you and protect you, we will play with you!”

“How are we going to play with you? – asked Sharik, “and who are you?”

“I am the Sun, I am also a star, I give light and warmth to everyone!”

"Yes Yes Yes!" - Sharik exclaimed, - “let’s play catch-up!”

"Let's!" - answered the Sun, - “I will show you the way so that you will no longer get lost in space” .

And so Sunny and Sharik became friends. When they approached each other, playing catch-up, Sharik always shouted: “Oh, oh, oh, oh! I am very hot! Very! I want it cooler!” - and, running away from the Sun, he turned his other side towards him.

This is how the seasons appeared. And when friends played blind man's buff, night gave way to day.

From the sun's heat and light, the ball began to grow. It became larger and larger, and rivers, seas and land, animals, fish and birds began to appear on its surface, and then people appeared. And our Sharik grew up. It turned into a huge beautiful planet called Earth. And you and I are Earthlings, because the Earth is our common home, here is our Motherland.

Well, what about friendship? Our planet is still friends with the sun. And this friendship will continue for a very, very long time, because you cannot live without friends.

Slide 19.

11. Song about friendship "Friendship is strong" .

12. Game "Find your planet and name yourself" .

Slide 21. (clicking on the music icon starts the song)

13. Song "Sunny Circle" .

14. Educator: Guys, now let’s draw gifts for the astronauts.

  1. Spaceship
  2. Sun

15. Song "Flourish, wonderful land" .