Calendar thematic planning for the topic of traffic rules. Calendar and thematic planning on the topic: Work program on traffic rules

Explanatory note

We live in a city where the number of vehicles is growing rapidly from year to year. Sometimes you see emergency situations on the roads, where the culprits are both drivers and pedestrians, among whom, unfortunately, there are children.

Analysis of statistical data shows that the cause of road accidents is most often children themselves. This is caused by ignorance of the basic principles of traffic rules and the indifferent attitude of adults towards the behavior of children on the roadway. Children left to their own devices, especially those of primary school age, do not know how to manage their behavior. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear on the tracks of another. They consider it quite natural to ride a child’s bicycle onto the roadway or start a fun game here.

These dangers can only be avoided by appropriately raising a child from a very early age and throughout his or her schooling.

At the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1” there is a comprehensive system of work for the prevention of road traffic injuries. The program for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries and the study of traffic rules for school students was created on the basis of the program of general education institutions in the Russian Federation “Rules for the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads.” The program is aimed at school-age children and is aimed at ensuring that children successfully master the rules of the road, learn the history of the emergence of traffic rules, be able to navigate situations on the road, and put their knowledge into practice.

When drawing up the program, we took into account methodological recommendations for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries for employees of educational institutions in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, and studied the recommendations of traffic police officers, the interests of children, and their age characteristics.

Within the framework of the program, measures have been developed for methodological work with class teachers and subject teachers in preparing and conducting classes on traffic rules. Primary school teachers pay special attention to studying traffic rules. Thanks to this work, the foundations are laid for the formation of a culture of behavior on the roads.

Together with parents, scenarios of events are prepared, classes on the topic are prepared, parents help conduct classes for the school club of Young Traffic Inspectors, and produce visual aids. Together with their parents, primary school students develop safe routes “home - school - home”. On the diagrams of safe routes for pedestrians, arrows show safe paths to the school and indicate dangerous places for pedestrians. The most successful safe route projects are placed in the “Road Safety Corner”. “Safety Corner” is one of the simple and accessible ways to introduce schoolchildren to the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Extracurricular activities in this direction are carried out through the “Young Traffic Inspector” (JTD) club. The kids from the club not only learn on their own. They pass on their knowledge to others: they participate in various competitions, work with elementary school students and the Berezka kindergarten. The work of the circle is aimed at developing in students basic knowledge, skills and habits of safe behavior on the roads. Schoolchildren are taught traffic rules, behavior on the street, first aid, and are involved in promoting traffic rules among children and adolescents. So

thus acquire knowledge directly related to the protection of life and health.

Classes on traffic rules are held in grades 1-11 according to the plan during extracurricular hours.

The main goal of the programis to create conditions for schoolchildren to develop sustainable skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Target parameters of rules of safe behavior on streets and roads:

  • treat traffic rules as an important public value;
  • possess methods of preventing traffic accidents and providing first aid to victims of road accidents, skills in promoting traffic rules;
  • possess the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Main goals:

  • Create organizational and pedagogical conditions to increase children’s level of knowledge of traffic rules for pedestrians and transport passengers based on the formation of a mechanism for safe behavior on the road;
  • To form in students the conviction of the need to strictly comply with traffic rules;
  • Improve the culture of behavior of road users.
  • Help reduce child road traffic injuries.

Basic principles of program implementation

The principle of an individual and differentiated approachinvolves taking into account the personal, age characteristics of students and the level of their mental and physical development. Based on an individual and differentiated approach to students, studying their character traits, temperament, attitudes, interests, motives of behavior, it is possible to develop positive habits in them, accustom them to discipline, and a culture of behavior in the field of road traffic.

Principle of interaction “Children – road environment”.The younger the schoolchildren, the easier it is to form social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. Children's perception of the environment is largely determined by verbal (verbal) information from adults who pay attention to traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, danger on the road, speed of cars, etc.

The motor response is determined by the level of development in children of central regulatory physiological mechanisms that ensure balance. They acquire the necessary motor skills and abilities with age in the process of training and education.

The principle of the relationship between the causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences:traffic accident. Students should know what dangers may await them in the road environment.

The principle of age safety.Younger schoolchildren have a desire to go to school and walk the streets on their own quite early. On the one hand, this must be approved so as not to inhibit the development of the child’s volitional qualities. On the other hand, it is necessary to cultivate an understanding of the dangers of the road environment and develop habits, skills and habits of safe behavior.

The principle of social security.Students must understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is monitored by

State Road Safety Inspectorate. A traffic police inspector identifies violators among drivers and pedestrians and punishes them: warnings or fines. Traffic rules must be followed for general safety, since incorrect actions of a child on the street and road are dangerous both for himself and for others.

The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and self-education.This principle is implemented when children understand the rules of safe behavior. Then they quite easily, without resistance, regulate their behavior, observe their peers, notice violations of traffic rules by adults and often do not understand and are indignant at why they act riskily and do not follow the rules. To reinforce self-education, we need a positive example from adults. Therefore, the teacher must educate not only schoolchildren, but also parents.

Legal basis

The program was developed taking into account the following legislative and regulatory documents:

  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Traffic Laws;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "(as amended on March 2, 1999, on April 25, 2002, on January 10, 2003, on August 22, 2004) "On road safety";
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On improving road safety for children and students in Russia”;
  • School Charter;
  • Regulations on the detachment of Young Traffic Inspectors.

Main areas of work:

1. Organization of students’ activities to study traffic rules:

  • formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the conscious and responsible implementation of traffic rules;
  • organization of interaction between the school, the traffic safety propaganda group of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Nizhnevartovsk.

2. Work with the teaching staff:

  • informational and educational;
  • generalization and dissemination of the work experience of the best teachers;
  • study of experience in the prevention of DDTT.

3.Work with parents:

  • outreach activities;
  • organizing parents to participate in public events, competitions, and preventive programs implemented at the school.

4. Activities of the JUID detachment:

  • patronage work among school students;
  • patrol work - organizing actions on city streets;
  • information work;
  • participation in city and regional competitions.

Scientific and methodological support:

  • School curriculum and curricula;
  • Methodological recommendations on the life safety course for conducting traffic rules lessons;
  • Plan of educational work of the school for the academic year;
  • Methodological developments for parents, students and teachers.

Predicted results:

Estimated final implementation of goals and objectives

Students will learn:

  • The history of the traffic police;
  • Road signs;
  • Traffic signals;
  • Types of transport;
  • Causes of road accidents;
  • Rules for riding a bicycle;
  • Rules for driving on the road.

Schoolchildren will learn:

  • Navigate in traffic situations;
  • Evaluate your behavior on the road;
  • Provide first aid to victims of road accidents;
  • Explain the rules of behavior on the road.

Students will achieve:

  • Improving road orientation skills;
  • Development of road literacy;
  • Increasing responsible behavior on the roads.

Expected difficulties:

  • Insufficient support from parents, due to poor awareness of the problem of children's road traffic injuries.

The program is based on a systematic approach to solving the problem of preventing road traffic injuries for all subjects of the educational process.

Management activities for information support:

  • Informing participants in the educational process about federal and regional documents;
  • Creation of a data bank - development of lessons, lectures and conversations for parents, students, extra-curricular activities;
  • Collection of current information about the results of tests, competitions, visits to lessons, activities, extracurricular activities;
  • Collection of analytical information on the progress of the program and the results of its implementation;
  • Control over the behavior of thematic class hours, extracurricular activities;
  • Checking the documentation of teachers - subject teachers, class teachers;
  • Conducting parent meetings on the problem of DDTT;
  • Interaction with the traffic police and other public organizations.

Place of the program in the school development plan:

The program for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries and the study of traffic rules among school students should be considered as an integral part of the general educational work of the school.

Subjects of the program:

  • School age children;
  • Families of children attending school;
  • The teaching staff of the school.

Relevance of the program

According to the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety”, the main principles of ensuring road safety are: the priority of the life and health of citizens participating in road traffic over the economic results of business activities; the priority of the state's responsibility for ensuring road safety over the responsibility of citizens participating in road traffic; respecting the interests of citizens, society and the state.

The sharp increase in motorization of cities and rural settlements in recent years gives rise to many problems, among which road traffic injuries are increasingly acquiring the character of a “national catastrophe.”

Tragic statistics show that in Russia, more than 30 thousand people die every year in road traffic accidents (RTAs), and more than 180 thousand people are injured. Every year, up to 3.5 thousand children die under the wheels of vehicles, and about 30 thousand become disabled.

In connection with the growing trend of these indicators, a particularly urgent task is to educate children to be disciplined on the streets and roads, in public transport, which has become part of the school’s educational process.

The current situation with children's road traffic injuries indicates children's ignorance of the Rules of the Road and their inability to correctly navigate the road environment, which is a consequence of insufficient attention to the problems of preventing child injuries.

The social severity of the problem dictates the need to develop and implement programs and preventive measures to prevent an increase in the number of accidents involving children. In accordance with this, the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1” has developed a Program for the prevention of children’s road traffic injuries and the study of traffic rules for students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1” of the city of Nizhnevartovsk “Green Light”

Rationale for the program

The need for this program is caused by the growing severity of the consequences of traffic accidents on the roads, including those involving children and adolescents. An analysis of children's road traffic injuries shows that the main reason is the low culture of road users, including children. Students do not have the skills to behave in a transport environment, do not know how to correctly assess and anticipate the development of traffic situations and the consequences of violating traffic rules.

This program involves reducing the level of child road traffic injuries. As a result of systematic training of children in traffic rules and safe behavior on the road, the program aims to raise a generation of competent and disciplined road users.

The program provides for systematic work in the following areas:

  • Getting to know the history of traffic rules,
  • Development of practical skills,
  • Application of practical skills in real life.


about the detachment of young traffic inspectors (YID)

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

1. General Provisions

  1. The detachment of young traffic inspectors is a voluntary association of schoolchildren, which is created with the aim of instilling in them citizenship, high general culture, collectivism, professional guidance, and their widespread involvement in organizing the promotion of safe behavior on the roads among students.
  2. The main tasks of the detachment of young traffic inspectors are:
  • active assistance to the school in developing an active life position among schoolchildren;
  • Studying the rules of safe behavior on roads and streets, mastering the skills of carrying out work to promote traffic rules and organizing this work among children;
  • mastering the skills of providing first aid to victims of road accidents;
  • Teams of young traffic inspectors are created from among schoolchildren in grades 3–7.

2. Main directions of work of young traffic inspectors

  1. Instilling in members of the YID detachment devotion to their homeland based on heroic, military and labor traditions, developing in them a sense of justice, a humane attitude towards people, and a sense of camaraderie.
  2. In-depth study of the Rules of the Road, mastery of methods for preventing children's road traffic injuries and skills in providing first aid to victims of road traffic accidents, familiarity with operational and technical means of traffic control.
  3. Carrying out mass explanatory work to promote traffic rules in educational institutions and kindergartens.
  4. Organization of work with young cyclists.
  5. Participation in YID shows and rallies, competitions and competitions of propaganda teams.

3. Structure and organization of work of teams of young traffic inspectors

1. Members of the teams of young traffic inspectors can be students aged 9 years and older who have expressed a desire to actively participate in the study and promotion of traffic rules.

2. A squad is created if there are at least 10 people.

3. Admission to membership in the detachment of young traffic inspectors is made on the basis of an oral application.

4. All newly admitted members of the UID are given classes to study the rules of the road.

4. Responsibilities and rights of a young traffic inspector

The young traffic inspector is obliged to:

  1. Cherish the honor and title of young traffic inspector, and actively participate in the affairs of the detachment.
  2. Study the traffic rules and be examples in their implementation.
  3. Conduct explanatory work among peers and young children to promote traffic rules on the roads.
  4. Strengthen your health, systematically engage in physical education and sports.

The young traffic inspector has the right:

  1. Participate in the discussion of all issues related to the activities of the detachment and make appropriate proposals;
  2. Master the knowledge, skills, methods and practices of working on the prevention of DDTT;
  3. A young traffic inspector can be awarded for active work in the detachment by educational authorities, diplomas, valuable gifts, and sent to city, regional and republican gatherings of young traffic inspectors.

Information activities:

- creation of “YuID” stands, wall newspapers “Young Traffic Inspector”, combat leaflets “For traffic safety” and other information work;

Maintaining squad documentation: squad diary, squad passport.

Propaganda activities:

Organizing explanatory work on the topic of road safety, conducting conversations, quizzes, games, excursions, competitions, competitions, themed matinees, holidays, creating propaganda teams, participating in the creation and use of visual propaganda methodological base for studying the Rules of the Road.

Patronage activities:

- providing assistance in creating visual aids for children, organizing drawing competitions among schoolchildren on the topic of road safety, learning songs and poems, assisting educators and primary school teachers in conducting “ABC of Roads” excursions.

Work plan

detachment (circle) of young traffic inspectors (YID)

for the 2015 - 2016 academic year




Gathering of a circle of young inspectors

Purpose: studying traffic rules, organizing events.

Once every 2 weeks (Friday)

Squad raids on an unregulated pedestrian crossing

(Lopareva street, Mosque district)

Goal: cooperation with the traffic police.

Once a month (3rd Friday)

Classes of the propaganda team "Traffic Light" for grades 1 - 4 (according to a separate plan)

Goal: promotion of traffic rules among elementary school students.

During a year

Safety weeks (as planned)

Goal: prevention of road traffic accidents

Last week of the cycle

Updating the “Traffic Safety Corner” stands

Goal: learning through visualization and obtaining information.

During a year

Publication of the newspaper of the YuID detachment

During a year

Competitions of drawings, ditties and fairy tales based on traffic rules.

Goal: prevention of traffic accidents.

During a year

Road accident prevention guidelines.

Goal: prevention of traffic accidents and rewarding those who have distinguished themselves in the work of the traffic police.

During a year

Speeches at parent meetings.

Goal: bringing information to parents, involving them in the work of the team.

During a year

Reminders for parents on traffic rules “Tips for parents”

Goal: promoting traffic rules to parents.

During a year

Creation of presentations on traffic rules.

Goal: developing interest in studying traffic rules through ICT.

During a year

Work with sponsored kindergarten No. 1 “Beryozka” (according to a separate plan).

Goal: promotion of traffic rules among preschool children.

During a year

Conduct a general meeting of members of the JUID detachment. Distribution of duties. Introductory lesson “Pedestrian ABCs - street, sidewalk, roadway, pedestrian.”


Participation in the “Attention – Children!” campaign

Goal: prevention of DDTT


Propaganda brigade "Our friend traffic light" grades 1-4


First aid classes.


Day of Remembrance for Traffic Accident Victims



Drawing competition "Me and the Road" grades 1-4


Conversations on accident prevention for grades 1-5


Competition for the best essay "Your page in the road safety book" grades 4-8


"Funny Rules" line, grades 3-7


Conversation about road signs grades 3-7


Road Safety Week grades 1-8


Quiz "Do you know the traffic rules?" 6-7 grades


Conversation "History of the bicycle" grades 1-3


Competition "Young cyclist" grades 3 – 5


City competition "Safe Wheel"


KVN on traffic rules for 4 classes

Goal: to motivate 4th graders to join the JID squad.


Work plan of the YID detachment

with preschool educational institution No. 1 “Beryozka”

for the 2015-2016 academic year.



For whom is it held?


“Rules of behavior on the sidewalk, pedestrian path, roadside. Pedestrian walk in winter"



“What dangers await us on the streets and roads. Where you can and cannot play"



The JID squad consists of 11 people, age 11 - 14 years (grades 6 - 8)

List of students of the YID detachment

  1. Alibekov Damir – 6th grade
  2. Alimirzoev Noriman – 6th grade
  3. Areshkina Daria – 6th grade
  4. Balabaeva Alexandra – 6th grade
  5. Velikhanov Kurban – 6th grade
  6. Ibragimov Timur – 6th grade
  7. Karimli Maleyka – 6th grade
  8. Kortyukova Ulyana - 6th grade
  9. Kosach Angelina - 6th grade
  10. Moskovets Danil – 6th grade
  11. Nizamova Angelina – 6th grade


primary school safety week




Conversations - five minutes in the last lessons about safe behavior on the streets

Primary school teachers and subject teachers who teach the last lessons

Control dictations (based on traffic rules). Watch safety videos.

Primary school teachers, educators

Conducting parent meetings on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries

Class teachers, teacher - psychologist

Conversations on preventing children's road traffic injuries

Drawing competition “Me and the road”, “The long-awaited winter has come to visit us again...”

Art teachers, primary school teachers

Classes with students at the transport site to practice preventive behavior skills on the road

Class teachers, teachers

Open lessons on traffic rules

Class teachers, teachers



(grades 1 – 11)

Forms of control: testing, competitions, quizzes, games.

1 class



Main content

The city and its transport

Let's talk about history

The city in which we live. Why is it dangerous on the street of history? Why do you need to know and follow the traffic rules? Types of vehicles. Cars: cars, trucks, special vehicles. City route transport: buses, trolleybuses, trams.

Road elements: roadway, sidewalk, curb, pedestrian barriers. How to walk on the sidewalk correctly.

Why is it dangerous to suddenly run out onto the roadway? It is impossible to stop the car instantly. Stopping distance of a car. Examples of road accidents involving children (based on traffic police materials).


Unregulated intersections

Signalized intersections

The traffic controller and his signals

Where can you cross the road? Unregulated pedestrian crossing, its designations (signs, markings). Two-way road. What to do if you didn’t have time to cross the roadway. Behavior of a pedestrian standing in the middle of the roadway. One way road. Rules for crossing a one-way road.

What is a crossroads? Vehicle movement at an intersection. Turning vehicles. Driver warning signals. Designation of an uncontrolled intersection. Rules for crossing the road at an unregulated intersection.

What is a traffic light for? Traffic lights: red, yellow, green. How does a 3-section traffic light work? How to cross the road at an intersection with a traffic light. Pedestrian traffic light and its signals. Pedestrian traffic light with a calling device.

Underground and above-ground pedestrian crossings, their designations. Rules for crossing the road when there are these crossings. Actions of pedestrians when approaching vehicles with special signals on.

Pedestrian – passenger – pedestrian

Tram ride

What vehicles are called route vehicles? Bus and trolleybus stop. Its designations. How to get to the stop correctly. Rules of behavior at a bus stop. Rules for bus and trolleybus passengers when boarding, in the cabin and when exiting. Rules for crossing the road after getting off a bus or trolleybus.

Route taxi. Its difference from a shuttle bus. How to use a minibus correctly. Rules for using a car (boarding, traveling, disembarking). Rules of conduct for passengers on the subway.

Road signs and road markings

Purpose of road signs. Road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Overground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Road works”.

Main streets in the school district. What is a route? Which route is considered safe? The safest way to school and home. Analysis of a specific route.

Safe holiday

You are a cyclist

The danger of playing near the roadway, in places of road works, in transport. Places for games and riding scooters, etc. What to do if the ball rolled out onto the roadway.

History of the bicycle, its general structure. What you need to know about a bicycle to ride it safely. Where can you ride a bike under 14 years old?

A trip out of town

Elements of a country road: shoulder, pedestrian path - places for pedestrian traffic. Rules for the movement of pedestrians on a country road.

The road through the eyes of drivers

The roadway is where drivers work. Why do road accidents happen? How a driver sees violating pedestrians.

Watching videos on traffic rules. Summarizing.

2nd grade



Main content

The city and its transport

Let's talk about history

The road, its elements and rules of behavior on it

Stopping distance and speed

Difficulty driving on the streets of a big city. Compliance with traffic rules is the key to pedestrian safety. Reviewing the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads. Examples of traffic accidents involving children in the city (based on materials from the traffic police). Characteristics of the avenues and streets where students live.

Road elements. Rules of behavior on the sidewalk. Right-hand traffic for pedestrians and vehicles.

Stopping distance of a car. Braking distances. Factors influencing the stopping distance. Danger of crossing in front of nearby vehicles. Features of the movement of pedestrians and drivers on wet and slippery roads.

Where and how to cross the road


Unregulated intersections

Signalized intersections

The traffic controller and his signals

Where else can you cross the road?

Pedestrian crossing and its designations. Rules for crossing two-way and one-way roads. Dangerous situations when crossing the road. Pedestrian crossings in the school district.

Types of intersections. Driver warning signals. Unregulated intersection. Marking of pedestrian crossings at a controlled intersection. Rules for crossing an uncontrolled intersection. Where and how to cross the roadway if the pedestrian crossing is not marked. Excursion to the unregulated intersection closest to the school.

Traffic signals. Types of traffic lights. Rules for crossing the road at a controlled intersection. Regulated intersections in the school district. Examples of traffic accidents involving children at controlled crossings (based on materials from the traffic police). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

Why does a traffic controller need a baton and a whistle? Traffic controller signals. Actions of pedestrians based on these signals. Priority of traffic controller signals over traffic light signals.

Underground and overground pedestrian crossings, their designations. Rules for crossing the road, if any. Actions of pedestrians when approaching vehicles with special signals on. Rules for crossing the road if there is no pedestrian crossing or intersection in sight.

Pedestrian – passenger – pedestrian

Travel by bus and trolleybus

Tram ride

Travel by other means of transport

Rules for bus and trolleybus passengers at the stop, when boarding, in the cabin and when exiting. Rules for crossing the road when moving to a stop and after getting off a bus or trolleybus. Dangerous situations arising from this. Excursion to a bus or trolleybus stop.

Rules for using minibus taxis. Rules for using a passenger car. Rules of conduct for passengers on the subway. Rules of conduct on the railway platform and in an electric train.

Groups of road signs. Road signs: “One-way road”, “Parking area”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Pedestrian crossing” (warning), “Children”, “Pedestrian path”, “Entry prohibited” . Service signs. Road signs in the school district.

Road to school (your daily route)

School district. Transport in the school district. The most dangerous intersections in the school district. What has changed in the student’s route compared to 1st grade? Analysis of safe ways to approach school, home, cinema, store, etc.

Safe holiday

Where you can and cannot play

You are a cyclist

Danger of playing near the roadway. Places for playing and riding scooters. Where you can and cannot play in the yard. Examples of road accidents involving children (based on traffic police materials). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

General structure of the bicycle, typical faults, their elimination. Safe riding rules for young cyclists. Examples of road accidents involving children (based on traffic police materials). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

A trip out of town

Traffic on a country road. Rules for the movement of pedestrians on a country road. How to cross a country road correctly. Railway crossings, their types. Rules for crossing railway crossings (with and without barriers).

The road through the eyes of drivers

Road conditions depending on the time of year, day and weather conditions. Features of the driver's work. Dangerous situations that arise with pedestrians on the roadway, through the eyes of drivers.

Final lesson. Final testing.

Conducting games, quizzes, etc. according to the traffic rules. Summarizing.

3-4 grades



Main content

The city and its transport

Let's talk about history

The road, its elements and rules of behavior on it

Stopping distance and speed

Intensity and speed of traffic in the city. Car brands. The history of the emergence of traffic rules.

Discipline on the road. Responsibilities of pedestrians when walking on the sidewalk. Dangers awaiting a pedestrian on the sidewalk. How to properly walk on the road with friends, brother, sister, elderly people.

Vehicle speed and braking. Stopping and braking distance. Features of the movement of pedestrians and drivers at different times of the day.

Where and how to cross the road


Unregulated intersections

Signalized intersections

The traffic controller and his signals

Where else can you cross the road?

Rules for crossing two-way and one-way roads. Dangerous situations when crossing the road. Examples of road accidents involving children (based on traffic police materials). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

Rules for crossing the roadway at an uncontrolled intersection. Dangerous situations when crossing the road at an uncontrolled intersection. Uncontrolled intersections in the school district.

Purpose of a traffic light. Traffic lights and their meaning. Types of traffic lights. Dangerous situations when crossing the roadway at a controlled intersection. From the history of traffic lights. Excursion to the controlled intersection closest to the school.

Traffic controller signals and rules for crossing the roadway using these signals. State Automobile Inspectorate (SAI). Goals and tasks solved by the traffic police. Traffic police inspector, his job.

Rules for crossing the road if there is no pedestrian crossing or intersection in sight. Dangerous situations arising during such a transition. Examples of traffic accidents involving children during such road crossings (based on materials from the traffic police). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

Pedestrian - passenger - pedestrian

Travel by bus and trolleybus

Tram ride

Travel by other means of transport

Rules for using buses and trolleybuses. Rules for crossing the road when moving to a stop and after getting off a bus or trolleybus. Bus and trolleybus stops in the school district. Examples of road accidents involving children (based on traffic police materials). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

Rules for safe behavior when using a minibus, a car, a motorcycle, a bicycle, or a truck. Rules for safe behavior when traveling by metro and electric locomotive.

Road signs and road markings

The meaning of road signs for pedestrians and drivers. Road signs: “Bicycle path”, “No cycling” and other signs. Road markings, their purpose and types.

Road to school (your daily route)

Drawing up a route “home - school - home” indicating all places dangerous for pedestrians on this route.

Safe holiday

Where you can and cannot play

You are a cyclist

Places for playing and riding scooters in the city and outside the city. Danger of playing near railway tracks. Where you can play in the school district and at home.

Games and competitions on bicycles with elements of bicycle figures.

A trip out of town

Rules for the movement of pedestrians on a country road. Rules for crossing country roads. Dangers awaiting a pedestrian on a country road. Examples of road accidents involving children outside the city (based on materials from the traffic police). Analysis of the reasons for their occurrence.

The road through the eyes of drivers

What is a road traffic accident (RTA). Causes of road accidents caused by pedestrians. Variability of the situation on the road. The ability to see hidden danger. Why is an accident inevitable? How can you avoid an accident?

Final lesson. Final testing.

Game-competition according to the rules of the road. Summarizing. Awarding the best students.

Basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of students in grades 1–4

Students should know:

  1. Elements of the road and their purpose - roadway, sidewalk, dividing strip, shoulder, ditch. Purpose of curbs and pedestrian barriers.
  2. What is a stopping route and its components.
  3. What is a pedestrian crossing (unregulated, regulated, underground, overground). Transition designations. Rules for using transitions.
  4. Rules for crossing the roadway outside the visibility zone of a pedestrian crossing or intersection.
  5. What is a crossroads? Types of intersections. Difference between signalized and uncontrolled intersections. Rules for crossing the roadway onto them.
  6. The meaning of traffic lights and traffic controller signals. Rules for crossing the roadway using these signals.
  7. The meaning of warning signals given by vehicle drivers.
  8. Meaning and name of road signs and road markings.
  9. Rules for pedestrian behavior on the sidewalk. Rules of conduct when moving in a group.
  10. Rules for using city route transport and other types
  11. Peculiarities of pedestrian behavior on a country road. Rules for passing through
    railway crossings.
  12. Typical mistakes of pedestrians when crossing the roadway.
  13. Safe route to school, club, shops, etc.
  14. Where is it allowed to play? Where can you ride scooters?

Students should be able to:

  1. Determine where to cross the roadway.
  2. Cross the roadway under supervision and escort
  3. Seek help from adults in cases of difficulty crossing the road, if you dropped an object on the roadway, etc.
  4. Use city public transport accompanied by an adult.
  5. Use a safe road to school, club, store, etc.
  6. Identify safe places to play and ride a bike.

5th grade



primary goal

Streets and traffic in our city

Reveal the features of traffic and pedestrian traffic in the city; remember the basic rules of behavior on the road; give an understanding of some of the terms used in the Rules of the Road (Road, adjacent territory, sidewalk, populated area, vehicle, route vehicle).

Road signs and additional information

To familiarize schoolchildren with groups of road signs and their meaning.

Rules for using transport

Teach students how to use public transport and behave correctly on the road.

Basic concepts and terms of traffic rules

To form in children a clear knowledge that traffic rules are the law for all traffic participants; teach children to navigate the “Rules of the Road”

Elements of streets and roads

To consolidate the concepts of the terms “Road”, “Roadway”, “Sidewalk”, knowledge about the purpose of streets and roads, about the elements of streets and roads and their meaning.

From “everyday” habit to tragedy on the road

To introduce the concept of a road situation - a “trap”, to wean children from transferring “everyday” habits to the roadway.

On the railway

Teach students to use railway crossings; give an idea about the equipment of railway crossings, the rules for crossing and crossing railway tracks.

Rules for providing first aid in case of a road traffic accident (for bleeding and burns)

Give the concept of bleeding. Teach methods of stopping bleeding, applying bandages, and providing first aid for burns.

A ride on the bicycle

Teach children to choose the right bike, inspect it before leaving, and ride on the training ground. To put basic rules for cyclists into practice.

Causes of road accidents

Form a clear understanding of the causes of road accidents.

Where and how to cross the street

Learn to cross the street correctly in practice. To consolidate knowledge of the causes of road accidents.

Crossroads and their types

Give the concept of an intersection and its types. Form a clear idea of ​​how to cross the road at an intersection and what “trap” situations may await a pedestrian.

Traffic signals with additional section

Give the concept of traffic lights with an additional section and teach how to read their signals. To consolidate knowledge about different types of traffic lights.

Signs for pedestrians and drivers

Teach how to use signs for pedestrians and drivers; consolidate these skills in practice.

Vehicle movement

Give the concept of the speed of transport; foster a sense of mutual respect between driver and pedestrian.

Providing medical care in case of road traffic accidents (fractures and other types of injuries)

Give the concept of injury in general and the most common ones in road accidents; give an idea of ​​fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises. Teach quick first aid.

Driving on country roads

Provide important information about rural transport (tractors and trailers for them, self-propelled agricultural machines, horse-drawn vehicles); study additional requirements for the movement of horse-drawn carts and the driving of animals

Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists

Strengthen your knowledge of the basic rules of cyclists. Give concepts about the procedure for riding a bicycle on the roadway, the rules for transporting goods and maneuvering, and the technical requirements for a bicycle.

Remember the Rules of the Road; promote the development of the ability to see situations on the road - “traps”, teach how to solve road problems.

Road traps

Traffic lights for pedestrians

Traffic controller signals

Expand students’ knowledge about the bicycle, its structure, and equipment; teach how to independently care for a bicycle (i.e. maintenance).

History of road signs

Marking of roadways and streets

Give an idea of ​​vertical and horizontal markings and their importance for regulating traffic; teach how to use markings and navigate in traffic.

Movement of pedestrians individually, in groups and in columns

Car stopping distance

Providing primary care for traumatic brain injuries sustained in road traffic accidents.

Checking the assimilation of the studied material.

6th grade



primary goal

Achieve a clear understanding that traffic rules are a law for everyone, compliance with which is mandatory. Introduce sections of the “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences”.

History of motor vehicles and measures taken to ensure road safety.

Introduce students to the history of the creation of traffic rules, test their knowledge of current traffic rules.

Cargo transportation

Using traffic rules, study the rules for transporting goods. Learn how to solve road problems.

Driver warning signals.

Give an idea of ​​car lighting fixtures and their significance; show the importance of driver warning signals as a necessary condition for traffic safety.



The influence of weather conditions on road safety.


Equipping cars and motorcycles with special signals.

Explain the meaning of various signals; teach how to use them.


Test your knowledge. Received from the entire Road Traffic Rules course.

7th grade



primary goal


How do we know the rules of the road?

Remember the Rules of the Road; promote the development of the ability to see situations on the road - “traps”, teach how to solve road problems.


Road traps

Strengthen knowledge of the rules for safe crossing of the road; develop the ability to see dangerous situations on the road - “traps”.


Behavior of participants and eyewitnesses of road accidents

Teach correct behavior in case of an accident; consolidate knowledge and skills in providing first aid to victims of road accidents.


Traffic lights for pedestrians

To consolidate knowledge about traffic lights, their meaning, types, highlighting traffic lights for pedestrians.


Traffic controller signals

To consolidate knowledge of traffic control methods and traffic controller signals.


Transportation of students by trucks

To consolidate knowledge of the rules for using passenger transport, to give an idea of ​​transporting students in trucks as an absolute necessity.


Rules for transporting passengers on motorcycles and scooters

Learn the rules for transporting passengers on a motorcycle and scooter.


Bicycle design, equipment and maintenance

Expand students’ knowledge about the bicycle, its structure, and equipment; teach how to independently care for a bicycle (i.e., maintenance).


Cyclists move in groups. Bike relay race.

Test students' practical skills; talk about the rules for the movement of cyclists in groups, about the actions of the leader of the group (column).

8th grade



primary goal


History of road signs.

Introduce the history of road signs, the reasons for their complexity, and the international language of signs; teach to read road signs.


Marking of roadways and streets.

Give concepts about vertical and horizontal markings and their importance for regulating traffic; teach how to use markings and navigate traffic.


Pedestrian movement individually, in groups and in columns.

Learn the rules for pedestrians; learn to use them correctly.


Rules of conduct for road users. Road ethics.

Form a clear understanding of the discipline of pedestrians, passengers, drivers and cyclists.


Purpose of license plates, identification marks and inscriptions on vehicles.

Explain the purpose and location of installation of license plates, identification marks and inscriptions on vehicles.


Stopping distance of a car.

Describe the stopping distance of a car.


Providing first aid for traumatic brain injuries sustained in road traffic accidents.

Explain the severity of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and their consequences, talk about their symptoms (features of their manifestation in children) and teach first aid.


Test on knowledge of traffic rules

Check your understanding of the material studied.


Outboard bicycle and moped

Familiarize yourself with the structure of a bicycle with a suspended engine and a moped and their maintenance. Learn the rules of use and additional requirements for the movement of mopeds.

9th grade



primary goal


Responsibility for traffic violations

Achieve a clear understanding that traffic rules are a law for everyone, compliance with which is mandatory. Introduce sections of the “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations”.


History of motor vehicles and measures taken to ensure road safety

Talk about the history of the development of motor vehicles and measures to ensure road safety.


Traffic rules and the history of their creation

Introduce students to the history of the creation of traffic rules, test their knowledge of current traffic rules.


Cargo transportation

Using the traffic rules, study the rules for transporting goods. Learn how to solve road problems.


Driver warning signals

Give an idea of ​​car lighting fixtures and their significance; show the importance of driver warning signals as a necessary condition for road safety.


Driving in the dark

Explain all possible dangers when pedestrians, cyclists and cars move at night. Learn how to solve road problems.


The influence of weather conditions on road safety

Explain the dangers of driving on slippery roads, in fog, rain and thunderstorms. Reinforce knowledge of road signs warning of such dangers.


Equipping cars and motorcycles with special signals

Explain the meaning of various special signals; teach how to use them.


Test (exam) on traffic rules.

Test the knowledge acquired throughout the Road Traffic Rules course.

Basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of students in grades 5 – 9

Students should know:traffic rules, groups of signs and their purpose, installation location, purpose of road markings and their types, rules of safe behavior on the street, on the road; rules for using public and private transport.

Basic concepts and terms


Lesson topics

Number of hours


Traffic regulation. Traffic controller signals. Carrying out his signals.



Road signs:

- warning signs;

- priority signs;

- prohibition signs;

- prescriptive signs;

- signs of special regulations;

- information signs;

- additional information signs (plates0



Causes of DDTT. Measures taken to prevent them



Rules for moving in groups around a populated area. Choosing safe routes.



First aid for road accident victims



On a country road



Rules for safe behavior in case of fire in public transport



Crossroads and their types. Rules of conduct at intersections



Road signs and their groups



Rules for using public transport. Culture of behavior.



Vehicle identification marks



Application of special signals



Rules for using railway transport. Railroad crossing



Road accidents and their causes and consequences. Providing first aid to victims.



Culture of transport behavior


Basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of students in grades 10-11

Students should know:traffic rules, rules of behavior on the streets and roads, basic first aid.Students should be able to:apply your knowledge of traffic rules in practice, provide first aid.


Nowadays it is hardly possible to imagine a person who would not, in one way or another, encounter ground transport, be it a bus, a motorcycle or a bicycle. As you know, the number of vehicles is increasing, their speed characteristics are increasing, the intensity of traffic on the roads is increasing and, especially in large cities, the number of road accidents associated with the death of people is increasing.

The high level of child road traffic injuries invariably forces us to look for the most effective ways to preserve the lives and health of children. For this purpose, training and education as forms of prevention must be constantly improved.

The main task is to teach the child to behave safely and navigate in traffic situations, to cultivate a conscious attitude towards compliance with the Traffic Rules, and also to have the ability to anticipate the development of transport situations, to be as attentive and helpful to each other as possible.

This requires an integrated approach that combines theoretical and practical training into a continuous process of ongoing preventive work with children and adolescents.

Targeted, socially oriented preventive work on traffic rules among students ultimately makes it possible to reduce the level of accidents with children at school, preserve their health, and most importantly, their lives.


  1. Buryan V.M. Class hours on traffic rules - M.: TC Sfera, 2004. - 64 p.
  2. Dmitruk V.P. Traffic rules for schoolchildren. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005. – 160 p.
  3. “Good road of childhood” 2003-2005
  4. Zhuk L.I. Let's protect childhood. - Original market. 2001.- 127 p.
  5. Izvekova N.A. Traffic rules for children. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005. - 6 p.
  6. Kuzmina T.A. Shumilova V.V. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. The system of work in an educational institution is Volgograd. "Teacher" - 2006
  7. Popova G.P. Fundamentals of life safety. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. – 104 p.


Traffic regulations office

Since September 2013, the school has had a specially equipped traffic safety room. The office is equipped with educational and visual aids for theoretical lessons on traffic rules and the basics of safe behavior on the streets and roads, game and educational discs, and educational board games.

Equipment of the traffic regulations office




Graphics tablet



Game set (vest, d./badge, auto.)



Set of magnets (d./small signs)



Multimedia educational and methodological program. "Safety Wheel"



Tabletop game “ABC of Roads” + set of themed magnets



ABC of road science. Multimedia educational program + DVD methodology



Stand “Responsibilities of a pedestrian” (2 pcs.)



Stand “UTC corner: walks cool and of course safely”



Electronic textbook on traffic rules



Demonstration material on the Rules of the Road


In elementary schools, every classroom has a corner on road safety. In the offices of middle and senior management, a section on road safety is provided in the safety corners. Stands are used for operational information, where tips for students and recommendations for parents are posted.

In the school hall on the 1st floor, in accordance with the methodological recommendations for organizing training of children and adolescents in the basics of safe behavior on the streets and roads, an information stand on road safety has been set up.

Size: px

Start showing from the page:


1 Long-term plan for traffic rules in the senior group for the school year Goals of traffic rules Contents of the GCD Methodological techniques Reinforce the rules of the street with children: know that people walk on the sidewalks, cross the street at crosswalks when the traffic light signal permits; children are not allowed to play near the pavement or on the sidewalk; transport drives on the right side of the pavement; know the purpose and signals of traffic lights; be able to determine by a traffic light signal in which direction the movement of vehicles and people is allowed. September “Safe Street” “Know and follow the rules of the road” Introduce the rules for crossing the street in two-way traffic. Expand your understanding of city streets. Familiarize yourself with road traffic signs and the purpose of traffic lights. Targeted walk “The traffic light is our friend” Conversation “Know and follow the traffic rules” Memorization of poems by the “Green Light” propaganda team. D/i “Smart traffic light” P/i “The fastest” Story-based role-playing game “On a city street” Construction from waste material “Street” for parents “Safe path: Home-kindergarten”. Develop awareness of the environment and observation of the movement of cars and the work of the driver. Improve knowledge about various types of transport and their purpose in human life. Give an idea of ​​such specialized transport as an excavator, crane, bulldozer, concrete mixer. Strengthen knowledge about types of public transport. Expand your understanding of the rules of behavior in public transport October “Profession of a driver” Expand your knowledge about the profession of a driver. To familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the work of drivers of various vehicles. Reinforce driver behavior on the road. Teach to understand and distinguish road signs intended for pedestrians and drivers; develop the ability to respond correctly to road signs. Conversation “The history of the appearance of road signs in Russia” Reading and learning the poem by Y. Pishumov “The city in which you and I live” “Road signs”. S/r game "Bus". problem situations “How to behave correctly on the road.” P/n relay race “Public transport stop” Examination of illustrations: Situations on the road.

2 To develop knowledge about the work of drivers of various types of transport and about the rules of behavior of drivers on the road. Continue to work on familiarizing yourself with the rules of the streets of the city and town. Give an idea of ​​prohibition signs: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Cycling traffic is prohibited” Expand knowledge about specialized transport: “Ambulance”, “Patrol car”, “Fire truck”. Build knowledge about the purpose of signs: “Underpass”, “ Bus stop”, “Crossroads”, “Parking site” Improve the understanding of various types of transport (freight, passenger, air, water); generalize knowledge about the main types of ground transport (special vehicles, bus, trolleybus, tram, passenger car, truck); introduce children to the rules of conduct at a passenger transport stop; November “Rules for pedestrians on the road” Improve pedestrians on the road (roadway) and on the sidewalk. Consolidate: knowledge about the concepts of “pedestrian”, “road signs”, “safety island”, “crossing”; consolidate ideas about the purpose of road signs. Introduce prohibition signs: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Cycling traffic is prohibited” December “Transport” Give an idea of ​​different types of transport. Introduce special vehicles. parents “So that trouble does not happen” - measures to prevent child injuries. Entertainment “Traveling through the country of road signs” Conversation “My village” Game situation “How to cross the road correctly.” "Collect the sign." S/r game “Journalists” - “Interview what I know about my village” Reading the story by V. Klimenko “Who is more important than everyone else on the street” P/i “Skillful pedestrian” problem situations “How to cross the road correctly” Design of the information stand “Not scary the one who is attentive from the doorstep is dear to him" parents "Education by example" Conversation "Introduction to transport" Folder movement "Rules of conduct on the street and in transport." Walk to the stop “Observing minibuses and passing vehicles” D/Game “Find the mistake in the picture of transport with missing elements” Drawing up a memo “Rules of Use”

3 contribute to the formation of a culture of behavior in a public place. Continue to familiarize yourself with the rules of the city streets. To introduce the work of traffic police officers To improve knowledge about the purpose of road signs and “safety islands” To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of “pedestrian”, “road signs”, “safety island”, “crossing”. Familiarize yourself with the dangers of winter roads for pedestrians and drivers. form ideas about the intersection; establish the rules for crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing; consolidate the concepts of “pedestrian”, “sidewalk”, “roadway”, “pedestrian crossing”; practice driving skills across the roadway in accordance with January “The work of a traffic police officer”; give a basic understanding of the work of a police officer or traffic police officer; explain the conditions under which their work is needed, talk about the meaning of the traffic controller’s baton and gestures. Insert traffic rules intended for pedestrians and drivers on the layout. February “Dangerous intersection” Expand knowledge about the peculiarities of traffic at an intersection. Give an idea of ​​a “controlled intersection” and the work of a traffic controller. Continue to introduce the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cars using passenger transport" Training "The Road to Kindergarten" Riddle game "Bus" Competition of riddles about transport "Visiting Grandma - Riddles" for parents "Education by example" Meeting with a traffic police officer Reading S. Mikhalkova “Uncle Styopa is a policeman” Conversation “From the history of traffic lights and the appearance of traffic controllers on the streets of cities” Communication situation “How to behave in transport.” Game situation “I’m traveling in transport.” V. Klimenko “Who is more important than everyone else in the world.” Learning the poem by S. Mikhalkov “My Street” D/i “Highway” P/i “Traffic signals” S/r game “Policeman on duty” Walk “Remember the rules of the traffic police. These are your rules" Consultation "Children's safety on the road." Conversation on the topic “Crossroads” “If you see a crossroads” P/n “Sparrows and a car” Communication situation “How I go to kindergarten.” Igryzaby with sleds and skis. Consideration

4 traffic lights; teach how to cross an intersection correctly, form a model of an intersection. three-color traffic light illustrations. Excursion to crossroads of different types of parents “Rules of all” Work with the layout “Crossroads” March Form ideas about safe games in the yard and in kindergarten; introduce the rules of cycling; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules in practice. Develop orientation in the surrounding world and observation of the movement of cars on a winter road. To develop knowledge about the purpose of signs: “Underpass”, “Bus stop”, “Intersection”, “Parking area”; Introduce the underground transport “metro”, its features and the rules of behavior for passengers in it. Expand “Games in the yard”; discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard of the house; Teach children the necessary precautions. April “My traffic certificate” Consolidate knowledge about prohibiting road signs. Expand knowledge about the purpose of warning road signs addressed to drivers. Learn to distinguish between informational, prohibiting and warning signs Conversation “Games in the yard” Children's stories according to the plan of how children will play in their yard “Laws of streets and roads”. Children's stories according to the plan "Safe route from home to kindergarten" by V. Semernin "Forbidden is allowed" Role-playing game "Pedestrians and drivers" Collective collage "Children's games in the yard" Design of an information stand "What future schoolchildren need to know about traffic rules" . Looking at pictures of traffic. Construction "Guess, cut and stick the truck." A. Usacheva “Soccer ball”. “Road signs” Drawing “My favorite road sign.” Situational conversation “What dangers lie in wait on the road” for parents “Rules for everyone”

5 knowledge about the purpose of warning road signs addressed to drivers “Caution: children”, “Two-way traffic”, “Railway crossing” Consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road prescribed for pedestrians, passengers of various types of transport and drivers of transport in game situations on the transport site. Improve your skills in using traffic rules in various practical situations using mock-ups. May “We know the rules of the road, like the multiplication table” Consolidate knowledge of how to navigate the road, using the rules of pedestrians and drivers in various practical situations. Generalizing children's knowledge of traffic rules. V. I. Miryasova (poems about transport). Game situation “Who is the most competent pedestrian” problem situations “We are crossing the street.” Communication situation “We are on the street.” “Journey through the village” Role-playing game on the site (situations). Simulation games with layout. "Behavior rules". Outdoor game “Pedestrians and Drivers”. Speech by the propaganda team “Green Light” Game situations on the transport site “How I know the rules of the road” Entertainment “Travel to the country of signography”

Promising thematic planning for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries for children of the senior group “We know the rules of the movement, like the multiplication table” Job description: Promising

Thematic plan for teaching traffic rules “Know and follow traffic rules.” in the preparatory group for school September Topic Goal Form of work To consolidate knowledge and skills in using

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 94" Long-term work plan for the formation of the foundations of road safety Second junior group Prepared by: Educator Kudinova S.A.

Structural unit of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school 6 g.o. Otradny Samara Region Kindergarten 14 Full name of the Head of the structural unit:

A project on traffic rules in the senior group on the topic “Everyone should know the rules of the road.” Prepared by: Ekaterina Viktorovna Loginova, teacher of MBDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten 84” Project type: long-term

Plan for the citywide campaign “Muscovites from birth for road safety” in DO 4 of GBOU Secondary School 354 named after. D.M. Karbysheva in the 2015-2016 academic year Time: Third Tuesday of every month September

Action plan on the topic: “Introducing preschool children to the basics of safe behavior on the road.” for the 2012-2013 academic year September Topic: “We are not afraid on the street.” 1. Speech development: Story by

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 2 in Azov WORK PLAN for the prevention of child road traffic injuries and teaching children safe behavior skills

Goal: developing practical skills for safe behavior on the roads among all participants in the pedagogical process. Objectives: Continue the work of the teaching staff on accident prevention; Continue

September PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR WORKING WITH CHILDREN 3-4 YEARS OLD (JUNIOR GROUP) month Non- Tasks on traffic rules Lesson content (goal) Joint activity Types of activities sharing the teacher and children I Consolidate knowledge

Compiled by: Educator E.V. Petrova MBDOU - d/s 4 Linkova I.V. Work plan of the traffic light circle in the middle group of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten 4 in Agryz

TEACHING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN TRAFFIC RULES PERSPECTIVE PLANNING Preparatory group Forms of work with parents Motor activity September Content of knowledge Drawing. Topic: Purpose:

First junior group Program content: Form primary ideas about cars, streets, roads. Introduce some types of vehicles. Literature: 1. Stepankova E.Ya., Filenko M.F.

MBDOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten 16 "Rodnichok" Thematic week "Everyone should know the rules of the road" Goal: consolidating children's knowledge of traffic rules, developing attention

Children 3-7 years old on the implementation of educational area 2 “Safety” November Purchase of methodological literature November 3 on traffic rules Consultation “Rules of conduct for 4 pedestrians on the road in winter” December

Long-term planning for familiarization with traffic rules. Month Senior group Preparatory group September 1. Conversation: “What are traffic rules for?” Purpose: familiarization

State Budgetary Educational Institution “School 2053” EDUCATIONAL GAME project for preschool children “CITY FOR SMALL PEDESTRIANS” Author - physical education instructor Vorobyova

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution "Kindergarten 9 in Livny of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of children's development."

Long-term plan for traffic rules in the senior group. Teachers: Lesnikova S.Yu. Sozina T.V. 2014-2015. Tasks. Educational areas. Cognition: 1. Introduce children to road signs (warning, prohibiting,

2 GCD according to traffic rules: “The street is full of surprises” 3 Outdoor games: “Traffic light” “Caution red!” “Stop the car!” “Red, yellow, green” “Street and pedestrians” “Train” “Sparrows and a car” “Children and the road”

Presentation Tatyana Viktorovna Kochur, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution, kindergarten 30, Petrogradsky district, St. Petersburg The baby got to his feet, he is already a pedestrian. The child got on the bike; he is already a driver. I went on the bus

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type 318" Samara city APPROVED by the head of the MBDOU V.N. Stepykina Work plan for the prevention of road traffic

Circle work on traffic rules “Road ABC” in the middle group September Topic: “Our friend the traffic light” - Consolidate knowledge about the traffic light and the purpose of its colors - Continue work on familiarization

Report on the prevention of DDTT in GBDOU kindergarten 23 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg In our kindergarten, a subject-spatial developmental environment has been created for the formation of children’s knowledge of traffic rules, and

Objectives: 1. Continue the work of the teaching staff in preventing accidents and familiarizing children with the rules of the road. 2. Continue to develop children’s basic skills of independent and safe

APPROVED: Head of MDOU “D/s 9” I.B. Ryabtseva 2016 Long-term thematic plan for the work of the Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 9 of the general educational type" "Kapelka" according to

Month Planning work on the prevention of DDTT for the 2015-2016 school year Long-term planning of work to teach children the rules Forms of traffic work in the younger group September Conversation “Traffic Light”

Plan of work with children of senior preschool age 5-7 years Month Theme of the event September “Know and follow the rules of the street October November December January “The road is not a place for games” “Talking signs” “ABC

P/n Events Examination of the paintings “On the City Streets” (at different times). Dates Work with younger children once a quarter Responsible Application “Traffic light”, pedestrian crossing “Zebra”, cars

Long-term plan for traffic rules in the junior group for the 2014-2015 school year. year. September Getting to know the street. Passenger transport. Freight transport. The purpose of educational activities carried out during security

Thematic week to familiarize preschoolers with the rules of the road (second junior group) Day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Topic of the week First half of the day Second half of the day “Traffic light”

Adopted: at a meeting of the pedagogical council of MBDOU kindergarten 25 “Troitsky” protocol dated August 31, 2016 1 Approved by: head of MBDOU kindergarten 25 “Troitsky” G.A. Shatokhina PREVENTION WORK PLAN

APPROVED by the Head of MBDOU kindergarten 89 “Thumbelina”, Bryansk T.P. Arkhipovskaya Plan for the prevention of DDTT in MBDOU kindergarten 89 “Thumbelina” in Bryansk / 2016-2017 school year. year. DDTT Prevention Plan

Observation with children “Our Street” average Outdoor game “Traffic Signals” average Conversation with children “Getting to know the street”. medium Conversation with children “Rules for pedestrians” Printed board games on traffic rules

7 Round table “Use of gaming technologies in teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the road” March, traffic police officers, teachers 8 Review of traffic rules corners in groups 9 Preparation and conduct

APPROVED by Head of MBRD/s 3 “Sun”, Morozova V.I. “J$Q>” 2016 Action plan for the prevention of road traffic injuries for the 2016-2017 academic year. M onth Contents TASKS

Work plan of the creative group of MBDOU teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year Topic: “ROAD ABC.” GOAL: TEACHING CHILDREN OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE TRAFFIC RULES Composition of the creative group:

AGREED Head of the OIGBDD Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Saratov police officer A.V. Novikov APPROVED Head of the MDOU "Kindergarten of compensatory type 137" A.F. Bykov Order dated August 31, 2017 64 Work plan “Prevention

Long-term work plan for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries with children 3-7 years old 2016/2017 Creation of a subject-developing environment Book corner with a selection of children's books about traffic rules. Events

“ROAD ABC” The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to an ABC book. With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads, the City gives us a lesson all the time. Here it is, the alphabet Along the pavement. Signs posted: Above

Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 65 “Kalinka”, Volzhsky, Volgograd Region” (MDOU d/s 65) Long-term plan for working with children to study traffic rules

Long-term plan for “safety” in the preparatory group. 1.2 months tasks Types of activities Work with parents September “transport” - Expand ideas about transport. -Continue to teach classification

I approve the Head of MADOU "TsRR - kindergarten 47" M.V. Verkholantseva WORK PLAN for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries MADOU "TsRR - kindergarten 47" for the 2014-2015 academic year Perm, 2014

Adopted by the pedagogical council of the joint venture "Kindergarten Planet of Childhood" GBOU Secondary School 7 of the city of Pokhvistnevo Minutes from Approved by the Director of GBOU Secondary School 7 of the city of Pokhvistnevo D.A. Kozlov 2016 Long-term work plan

On March 21, the kindergarten celebrated Literate Pedestrian Day. The purpose of it: to remember the rules of the road with children, to create the preconditions for competent behavior of children on the road, to expand their understanding

Preparatory group for school Topic: Child on the streets of the city (on a transport site) Objectives: to consolidate children’s ability to navigate the road, using traffic rules for pedestrians and drivers

“I approve” Head of MBDOU 275 Oveyan L.V. WORK PLAN FOR PREVENTION OF CHILDREN'S ROAD TRANSPORT INJURIES MBDOU 275 for the 2016-2017 academic year Activities SEPTEMBER Responsible Questioning of teachers.

I approve the Head of MBDOU kindergarten 70 “Rodnichok” in Bryansk S.N. Circular Order of 2016 Work plan for the prevention of child injuries and the basics of road safety MBDOU kindergarten 70

Long-term work plan on the topic “CHILDREN ON THE CITY STREETS” Objectives Contents Specially organized activities BLOCKS Joint activities Independent activities Work with parents 1st junior


Head teacher

T.V. Dmitrakova


Event plan

on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

and teaching children traffic rules

for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Target: creating optimal conditions for the implementation of a holistic system for developing a culture of safe behavior for students on the streets and roads.


    To develop in students sustainable skills in observing and implementing traffic rules.

    Apply modern forms and methods of teaching and raising children, innovative technologies aimed at preventing accidents on the streets and in courtyards.

    To develop in children and adolescents a sense of responsibility for their actions and actions.

    Disseminate best practices among school teachers in teaching students safe behavior on the road.

    Maintain a strong interest among parents (legal representatives) of students in the safety and health of children as road users.

    Strengthen interaction between the school and the traffic police in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Implementation methods:

    Lessons on traffic rules.

    Classes as part of extracurricular activities.

    Thematic class hours on traffic rules.

    General school extracurricular activities.

    Conversations, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions of drawings and posters on traffic rules.

    Meetings with traffic police officers, joint holding of events.

    Discussion of traffic rules and road accidents at meetings and meetings of project groups of school teachers.

    Participation of teachers and students in regional and all-Russian events to promote traffic rules and prevent road accidents.

    Exhibition of books in the school library on compliance with traffic rules.

    Publishing cool wall newspapers on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

    Conducting individual and group conversations with children who violate or are prone to violating traffic rules.

    Registration and investigation of traffic violations committed by school students.

    Conducting training on compliance with traffic rules and accident prevention.

    Coverage of the school’s work on DDTT prevention in the media and on the school’s website.

    Creation of the YID detachment.

Areas of work:

Working with students:

    Conversations during class hours.

    Participation in extracurricular activities.

    Assistance in preparation for district and regional events on traffic rules.

    Conducting practical classes.

Working with the teaching staff:

    Speeches at teachers' meetings with information on the state of children's road traffic injuries in the region.

    Joint planning of work on traffic rules and accident prevention.

    Speeches by traffic police officers at seminars on teaching children and teenagers the rules of the road.

Working with parents (legal representatives):

    Speeches on traffic rules at parent meetings.

    Individual consultations for parents.

Expected results:

    Increasing the culture of safe behavior on the roads among school students.

    Reducing child road traffic injuries.

    Close cooperation with structures that ensure personal security.

    Students have the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to the field of road safety.

Expected result

Reducing the number of accidents involving children, involving students in promoting traffic rules. Knowledge and skills developed in students regarding traffic rules. A well-mannered culture of behavior, a conscious attitude towards one’s life and health.

Organization of work with teachers


The content of the work



Seminars, meetings, round tables:

    How to tell children about traffic rules. Learn by playing. Using statistical data on road accidents involving schoolchildren. Required documentation on traffic rules.

    Using TSO and visual aids when studying traffic rules. Homemade visual aids. Forms and methods of teaching traffic rules. Integrated lessons.

Monitoring knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the roadway and in transport (diagnostics of activities, improvement of forms, methods of training and education.

Updated throughout the year

Teacher-organizer, senior leader.

Report on the organization of work to promote traffic rules and prevent child road traffic injuries for the 1st half of the year.


Rep. according to traffic rules

Individual consultations.

As needed

Rep. according to traffic rules

Methodological exhibition of new literature for the class teacher on the prevention of crime and road accidents.

During a year


Attending classes and extracurricular activities on the topic “Road Safety”.

During a year

Rep. according to traffic rules


Results of the work to promote traffic rules and prevent child road traffic injuries for the year.


Rep. according to traffic rules

Monitoring the work of class teachers on the issue of traffic rules.

During a year

Rep. according to traffic rules


Development of a methodological manual for the prevention of DDTT.

During a year

Class teachers

Design of visual campaigning on traffic rules.

During a year

Class teachers, teachers, students.

Organization of work with students


The content of the work



1. Participation in the All-Russian campaign “Attention, children!”

2.Safety Month:

    safety classes, training on traffic rules;

    game at stations “Know the safety rules without hesitation!”;

    traffic rules quiz;

    "Safe Wheel";

    design of thematic stands on traffic rules on the 1st floor;

    safety corners in classrooms;

    meetings with a traffic police inspector;

3.Production of booklets on traffic rules for primary school students.

Drawing up diagrams of safe routes for children to travel to and from school, taking measures to fence off areas that are dangerous for children to move.


Teacher-organizer, senior leader.

Rep. according to traffic rules

Meetings with traffic police officers





Rep. according to traffic rules

Conducting safety minutes.


Class teachers


Traffic quiz game. Reception of first-graders into the ranks of pedestrians.


Tsetsura T.V.

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “Children - movement - road”.



    Conducting five-minute exercises and outdoor games on traffic rules in elementary school.

    Safety Week.

    Instruction on traffic rules before the autumn holidays.


Class teachers

    Conversations on traffic rules in elementary school

    Organizing competitions for the best drawing, story, poem on traffic rules, letters to the driver

    “Flicker” we remind you about winter road traps and give flickers (reflective elements)


Preventive work with students who have violated traffic rules.

According to the facts of the incident

Organizing teacher, class teachers

Watching videos.

1 time per quarter

Teacher - organizer

Issue of "Lightning" on the facts of an accident with school students, with an analysis of the causes of the incident.

Within a year in fact


Class hours “Traffic rules do not have holidays” (traffic rules during the winter holidays)


Class teachers

1. Drawing up traffic rules for elementary school students

2. Multimedia game “Car, road, pedestrian”


Class teachers


Rep. according to traffic rules

1. Competition for the best fairy tale about the three-eyed traffic light.

2. Competition for the best sketch of the “Excellent Pedestrian” pennant.

3. Competition for the best poster on road safety.

4. Quiz “Funny Car”.


Class teachers


Rep. according to traffic rules

Cool watches:

- “At school crossroads”;

- "Traffic light";

- “For you, young cyclists”;

- “About the one who risked his life on the pavement”;

- “ABC of a young pedestrian”;

- “Laws of streets and roads”;

- “When going on vacation, remember...”


Class teachers


Children Protection Day:

    Meetings with traffic police inspectors;

    Traffic rules quiz;


Class teachers



Rep. according to traffic rules

1. Asphalt drawing competition “Red, Yellow, Green”.

2. Practical lessons on safe behavior on the streets on the basis of a motor city.

3. Summing up the decade of road safety.

4. Competitions for young cyclists.

5. Certification of students who have bicycles.

6. Quiz game "Wand".


Class teachers



Rep. according to traffic rules

Classroom hours about road safety during the summer holidays.

Conversations in elementary school about the rules of safe behavior in the summer.

Health and safety day with the invitation of traffic police, traffic police inspector.

Regional and city competitions for young cyclists “Safe Wheel” among students 1-5.


Class teachers



Rep. according to traffic rules

Organization of work with parents


The content of the work



Including traffic rules issues on the agenda of parent meetings.

Information “Child and the Road”, statistics on child road traffic injuries.

During a year

Round table with a representative of the traffic police on the topic of DDTT.

During a year

Teacher-organizer, senior leader.

Release of a newsletter for parents “Children – your attention and care.”

During a year

Organizing teacher, class leaders

Development and production of colorful diagrams of safe traffic routes for primary classes.

September October

Class teachers



Rep. according to traffic rules

Round table:

"The role of the family in the prevention of DDTT."

During a year

Class teachers

Working with parents of students who violate traffic rules.

According to the facts of the incident

Administration teacher-organizer, class teachers

Annual plan for teaching children traffic rules

2015 – 2016 academic year


Alekseeva Evgenia Vasilievna

Work plan

for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Target: Creating conditions that optimally ensure the process of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road and developing in them the skills of conscious safe behavior on the streets and in transport.


1. Children mastering practical skills of behavior in various traffic situations through the system

educational classes and events;

2. Organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution;

3. Promotion of activities among parents of preschool children on traffic rules and safe behavior on the road;

4. Increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of teaching preschoolers traffic rules;

5. Development of a set of measures with the traffic police of the city of Tutaev to develop children's skills for safe behavior on the road.

Objectives of the priority area - cognitive development:

1. Develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads;

2. Lead children to basic understanding of assessing traffic situations, orienting themselves in the immediate spatial environment;

3. Introduce various types of transport, traffic control on city streets, and traffic rules.


Methodological work and interaction with teachers

Work with children

Working with parents



1. Determine the content of work to familiarize children with traffic rules in each group.

2. Inspection and updating of traffic rules centers in groups.

1. Diagnostics of the level of knowledge of children on traffic rules in each group.

2. GCD walk:

"Getting to know the street"

Preparation of folders for traffic safety reports.

Traffic plan


Selection and systematization of games on the topic: “Road rules.”

1. Excursion: “Introducing children to the walking route.”

2. Entertainment "Red, yellow, green."

3. A selection of children's fiction

On the topic of DD safety.

Consultation for parents "How to teach your child to watch the road."

Traffic Safety Data Sheet on the preschool educational institution website


Update stands with information support in groups

1. Entertainment "Pedestrian School".

2. Game program of the traffic police of Tutaev.

3. Leisure "The ABCs of traffic safety."

4. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations.

Preparation of folders for traffic safety reports (booklet, leaflet).

Consultation for parents

"How to cross the street with children."

Video library for traffic rules lessons.


Making games on the topic: “Road rules.”

1. Conducting GCD in groups.

2. Watching the cartoon ABC of Safety with Smeshariki: “Traffic Light”

3. Artistic creativity (applique): “Traffic light”. (Average age).

Consultation “On the importance of teaching preschool children traffic rules - Road rules - children should know

Attributes for conducting road safety classes.


“Mini-survey” on the exchange of teachers’ experience in teaching children traffic rules.

1. Entertainment: "Journey to the land of road signs"

2. Watching cartoons ABC of Safety with Smeshariki: “Fasten your seat belts!”. Artistic creativity: team work on applique

3.Excursion: “Introducing children to the walking route.”

Memo for parents on the topic: “Safe traffic laws.”

Entertainment script, attributes and benefits.


Selection and systematization of games on the topic: “Road rules.”

1.NOD: “My reliable friend is a road sign.”

2. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations.

Consultation: “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street.”

Visual and demonstration material for teaching children traffic rules.


Design of road safety corners for parents.

1. Walk to a public transport stop.

3. Speech by representatives of the traffic police.


“Being a pedestrian is a science.”

Write a story about incidents on a slippery road.

The teaching room and groups have been replenished with methodological, children's literature and visual aids on road safety.


Testing teachers on traffic rules

1. GCD game: “We are traveling on a bus.”

2. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations.

3. Watching cartoons Lessons from Aunt Owl: “Different roads”, “Crossroads”. 4.Diagnostics of children’s level of knowledge of traffic rules.

Competition: “Creating a crossword puzzle based on traffic rules.” Making crafts.

Generalization of experience on traffic rules with teachers.

Summing up the work on organizing traffic safety training for children in preschool educational institutions.

1. Leisure: “On the street - not in the room, guys, remember that.”

2. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations

3. Watching cartoons Lessons from Aunt Owl: “History of traffic rules.”

4. Questionnaire (to determine the level of knowledge of preschool children on the basics of road safety).

Consultation for parents: "Parents' example is one of the factors in successfully developing children's road safety skills."

1. Card index of games, a series of didactic material on road safety.

2. GCD notes

Educational plan By computer science in the past educational year, was allotted... - - - Report By results 2015 -2016 educational of the year By MBOU Secondary School No. 40 Leninsky...

  • ... Azmakhanova Nelya Grigorievna Main results 2015 -2016 educational of the year


    IN 2015 -2016 educational year There were 11 groups in the kindergarten: 3 groups children early age and 8 groups children preschool... work By in this area February Consultations “What should a teacher know about rules road movement" September...

  • ... while studying educational subjects and conducting elective classes in institutions of general secondary education in 2015 /2016 educational year» I

    Instructional and methodological letter

    The teacher writes the topic of the lesson: Education rules safety (OSB). Related entries... in 2015 /2016 educational year The following events are planned: special comprehensive event By security road movement"Attention - children!» ...

  • Analysis of the work of the education department and educational institutions of the district in 2015 -2016 educational year


    ... 2015 -2016 educational year. Development of distance education children-disabled people. During of the year ... By individual plans. Profile percentage training By 10th grade is at 2016 year 84 %. By results 2015 -2016 educational of the year... rules road movement; ...

  • Planning the work of a kindergarten to familiarize children with traffic rules

    The main goal in teaching and raising children for every teacher– the formation of an independent, creative type of thinking, providing the child with the opportunity to correctly assess the road situation and not become the cause or, moreover, the victim of a road accident.
    It is advisable to have in kindergarten:
    a kindergarten work plan for the year to familiarize children with traffic rules;
    plan for working with parents;
    work plan with the school;
    work plan with the traffic police;
    a long-term work plan to familiarize children with traffic rules in all age groups;
    a thematic plan of work to familiarize children with traffic rules in all age groups;
    As a result of the introduction of long-term planning into work practice, the following positive aspects can be noted:
    planning allows the teacher to significantly reduce the time for classes, freeing him up for games, walks, and recreational activities;
    The quality of work of educators improves, as a result of which the success of children’s development and their assimilation of the volume of knowledge that is provided for by the draft preschool education standard increases.

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the preparatory group

    1. Conversation with children about the history of transport
    2. Reading the poem "ABC of the City" by Ya. Pishchumov
    3. Lesson on the topic: "Transport"
    4. Role-playing game "Car Park"
    5. Didactic games “Read the diagram”, “Good - bad”, “Magic intersection”, “Incredible journey”, “Drivers and pedestrians”
    6. Looking at pictures about types of transport. Drawing types of transport
    7. Walk. Pedestrian traffic monitoring
    8. Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Bad History”
    9. Looking at pictures depicting public transport stops
    10. Reading the story “Cars on our street” M. Ilyin, E. Segal
    11. Drawing: "Safe places to cross the street"
    1. History of traffic rules
    2. Lesson on the topic: “Rules for pedestrians and passengers”
    3. Reading the story by L. N. Ovcharenko “He who has no tongue but speaks”
    4. Didactic games “Nimble Pedestrian”, “Listen to the Traffic Controller”, “Find and Name”
    5. Walk. Consolidation of knowledge, skills, compliance with the rules of behavior on the street.
    6. Reading the poem “Wonderful Island” by A. Dmokhovsky
    7. Construction of "Bridges"
    8. Conversation about the rules of behavior in public transport
    9. Games with street layout. "Place the signs correctly"
    1. Conversation about prohibition signs
    2. Reading the poem “Why do we need a traffic light” by O. Tarutin
    3. Lesson on the topic: "Study of prohibition signs"
    4. Thematic walk "Rules for pedestrians"
    5. Examination of drawings with signs “No movement”, “Danger”, “Turn”
    left is prohibited", "U-turn is prohibited", "Stopping is prohibited", "Entry is prohibited"
    6. Didactic games “Traffic light”, “Name the prohibition signs”, “Collect a road sign”
    7. Making riddles about prohibition signs
    8. Drawing prohibition signs
    9. Collective solution of crossword puzzles.
    10. Reading the story “The Street Where Everyone is in a Hurry” by I. Seryakov
    11. Entertainment according to traffic rules
    12. Role-playing game "Garage"
    1. Conversation about prescriptive signs
    2. Drawing famous road signs from memory.
    3. Reading the poem “Idle traffic light” by S. Mikhalkov
    4. Lesson on the topic: "Study of prescriptive signs"
    5. Making Christmas tree decorations with road signs.
    6. Didactic games “Find and tell”, “Collect a sign”, “What does it mean”, “Find a road sign”
    7. Conversation "Rules for crossing streets and roads"
    8. Reading the story “The car that was taught to draw” by I. Seryakov
    9. Design "Street"
    1. Conversation about information signs
    2. Making mandatory signs from cardboard (paper)
    3. Reading the story “Traffic Light” by B. Zhitkov
    4. Lesson on the topic: "Study of information and directional signs"
    5. Didactic games “Pedestrians and drivers”, “I’m walking across the road”, “Skillful pedestrian”
    6. Walk. Studying road signs in real conditions
    7. Making riddles about road signs
    8. Conversation "Rules for pedestrians and passengers"
    9. Reading the poem “The ABCs of Traffic Safety” by O. Bedarev
    10. Construction of "Buses"
    1. Conversation about service signs, drawing “Service signs”
    2. Solving crossword puzzles.
    3. Reading the poem “Ice” by I. Leshkevich
    4. Lesson on the topic: "Service marks"
    5. Examination of drawings and pictures depicting the road
    6. Watching cars while walking
    7. Reading the story “Sledge” by O. Bedarev
    8. Design "City Street"
    9. Role-playing game “Sailors”
    1. Making mock-ups of vehicles using templates.
    2. Reading the story “By the Car” by I. Pavlov
    3. Lesson on the topic: Reading the story “Car” by N. Nosov
    4. Drawing special types of transport
    5. Didactic games “Put the road signs correctly”, “Running traffic light”
    6. Playing with the layout. Simulation of traffic conditions with the help of a teacher. 7. Examination of illustrations in the album "History of Railway Transport"
    8. Memorizing the poem “Forbidden - Permitted” by V. Semurin
    9. Reading the poem by S. Baruzdin “The Tale of the Tram”
    10. Games with a city street layout
    1. Conversation about information and directional signs
    2. Examination of drawings of information and directional signs
    2. Reading the poem “One Rhyme” by S. Mikhalkov
    3. Lesson on the topic: "Road ABC"
    4. Making riddles about information signs
    5. Drawing information and directional signs
    6. Walk “Show and name a famous road sign”
    7. Game “Whose team can name the most road signs”, “Movement in a spiral”
    8. Reading the story “Scientific Friend” by I. Seryakov
    9. Entertainment according to traffic rules
    1. Making riddles about service signs
    2. Reading the poem “If…” O. Bedarev
    3. Conversation on the topic: “Our friends are road signs”
    4. Didactic games “Signs on the roads”, “Houses”, “What is superfluous”, “What would it mean”
    5. Talk about service signs and draw service signs
    6. Examination of service signs: “Medical aid station”, “Traffic police post”, “Hospital”, “Food station”, “Drinking water”, “Resting place”
    7. Reading the poem "Scooter" by N. Konchalovsky
    8. Observation of pedestrians crossing the road while walking

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the senior group

    1. Talk about warning signs
    2. Reading from the fairy tale by N. Izvekova “How funny little men learned the road alphabet”
    3. Walk. Traffic monitoring
    4. Examination of the signs “Slippery road”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, etc., “Gravel discharge”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”
    5. Monitoring the driver's work
    6. Reading: Mikhalkov S. “Walking carefully”
    7. Didactic games "Find the differences", "Walk around the city"
    8. Outdoor game "Stop"
    9. Reading the fairy tale by Izvekova N. “How funny little men learned the road alphabet”
    10. Talk about dangerous road conditions
    11. Playing out situations on a city street model
    12. Construction of passenger cars from Lego constructors
    13. Lesson "Road, transport, pedestrian"
    1. Quiz "Who knows the rules of the road better"
    2. Outdoor game “Who can drive the car down the track faster?”
    3. Talk about warning signs
    4. Story games "Motorists", "Garage"
    5. Games with street layout. Arrangement of road signs
    6. Didactic game "What's wrong?"
    7. Drawing warning signs.
    8. Reading: Dmokhovsky A. “Wonderful Island”
    9. Making attributes for the game "Garage"
    10. Making road signs from cardboard for playing with a street layout.
    11. Examination and drawing of traffic signs, “Slippery road, “Gravel release”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, etc.
    12. Lesson "Signs warning the driver about danger on the road"
    13. Game "Who knows the rules of the road better?"
    14. Walk. Strengthening the skills to comply with the rules of behavior on the street
    1. Examination of paintings depicting trucks and cars
    2. Didactic games "City Street", "What's Extra"
    3. Construction of various types of cars from Lego constructors, role-playing
    4. Comparison of a truck and a passenger car.
    5. Familiarity with prohibition signs
    6. Lesson "Behavior of children on roads and streets"
    7. Games with street layout. "Place the signs correctly"
    8. Reading: S. Volkov “About traffic rules”
    9. Reading and solving riddles about special vehicles.
    10. Playing with the street layout
    11. Story game "Garage"
    1. Physical education "Visiting the Traffic Light"
    2. Outdoor game "Three colors"
    3. Reading: Mikhalkov S. Cyclist
    4. Didactic game "Good - bad"
    5. Conversation about the rules of safe cycling.
    6. Games with street layout. Discuss places that are safe for cycling
    7. Drawing road signs regulating the movement of a cyclist.
    8. Guessing riddles about the bicycle.
    9. Conversation on the rules of safe cycling.
    10. Reading passages of poems and riddles about a bicycle.
    11. Lesson “Bicycle and how to use it”
    1. Production of signs regulating the movement of cyclists for games
    2. Outdoor games "The fastest", "Skillful pedestrian", "Winter road"
    3. Didactic games “Find out the road sign”, “Rush hour”
    4. Lesson "Urban transport"
    5. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the street.
    6. Drawing a bicycle path and a sign indicating it.
    8. Making signs from cardboard that regulate the movement of a cyclist.

    9. Examining drawings of a road with several lanes
    1. Conversation about the work of a traffic controller.
    2. Reading and discussion of Dorokhov’s story “The Influential Wand.”
    3. Meeting with a traffic inspector.
    4. Conversation and display of traffic controller signals.
    5. Didactic games “Answer quickly”, “Traffic controllers”
    6. Production of traffic controller attributes.
    7. Reading: Pishumov Ya. “Guard”
    8. Outdoor games “Stop”, “Don’t make a mistake”
    9. Memorizing the poem by S. Mikhalkov “Postovoy”
    10. Lesson "Multi-lane traffic"
    11. Guessing riddles about the traffic controller
    1. Reading: M. Ilyin, E. Segal “Stories about cars”
    2. Drawing different brands and types of cars
    3. Conversation about special-purpose vehicles
    4. Didactic games “Where are the cars rushing”, “Traffic light”
    5. Games with a road layout.
    6. Collective application "City Street"
    7. Story game "Dispatcher"
    8. Drawing the attributes of the traffic controller.
    9. Conversation and display of traffic controller signals.
    10. Lesson "Traffic Controller"
    1. Didactic games "Find the differences", "Crossroads"
    2. Reading: S. Mikhalkov “Loafer traffic light”
    3. Game-competition “Who can assemble a car faster?”
    4. Production of information and directional signs for games with a layout.
    5. Construction: building a model ship from Lego
    6. Examination of illustrations depicting a suburban section of the road.
    7. Conversation about the rules of conduct for pedestrians outside the city.
    8. Familiarity with information and directional signs.
    9. Reading and discussion of O. Bedarev’s poem “If…”
    10. Conversation about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on a suburban section of the road.
    11. Drawing signs: “End of a settlement”, “Beginning of a settlement”
    12. Lesson "Signs regulating pedestrian movement at an intersection"
    1. Game “Get the baby across the road” – on a street model
    2. Solving problem situations
    3. Conversation about rules of behavior on the road
    4. Reading the story by A. Dorokhov “Underground passage”
    5. Making directional signs for model games
    6. Didactic game “Place the right sign”
    7. Layout games
    8. Drawing road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Overground pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”
    9. Walk to the Crossroads
    10. Making a street appliqué, talking while working.
    1. Game "Where are the cars rushing?"
    2. Conversation about types of road signs
    3. Drawing trucks and cars with sticks on the sand
    4. Game "Trip out of town"
    5. Games on a site with road markings.
    6. Reading and discussion of Ya. Pishumov’s poem “This is my street”
    7. Introducing the board game "Road Rules"
    8. Story game "Garage"
    9. Making a police cap, shoulder straps, baton and other attributes of a traffic controller
    10. Outdoor games "Burners", "Street Rules"
    1. Games on a site with road markings
    2. Outdoor game "Ball in the basket"
    3. Story games "Distance voyage", "Planes"
    4. Building a city from sand and marking streets
    5. Didactic games “Answer quickly”, “We are pedestrians”
    6. Entertainment “Jolly Crossroads”
    1. Didactic game “Evaluate the action”
    2. Outdoor game "Day - Night"
    3. Story game "We're going to visit"
    4. Rules of behavior in public transport
    5. Games on a site with road markings
    6. Reading V. Berestov “This is me running”
    7. Conversation about the rules of cycling
    8. Street layout games
    9. Discussion of problematic situations

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the middle group

    1. Memorizing the poem by Severny A. “Three wonderful colors”
    2. Outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"
    3. Application "Boat", "Colored cars"
    4. Didactic games “Who called?”, “Fold the picture”
    5. Story game "Car Park"
    6. Conversation about water transport
    7. Didactic game "Find the same picture"
    8. Games with a road layout. Rules for driving cars on the roadway
    9. Lesson "Urban public transport"
    10. Conversation about the meaning of red, green, yellow colors for pedestrians
    11. Reading passages from poems about the meaning of color in traffic
    1. Didactic games “Let’s help Lesovich remember the traffic lights”, “Where are the cars going?”, “Find the missing parts”, “What’s extra?”
    2. Reading and conversation based on Dorokhov’s story “Green, Yellow, Red”
    3. Outdoor games “Sparrows and a car”, “The fastest”, “Tram”
    4. Application "Traffic light"
    5. Lesson "Public transport"
    6. Examination of pictures and traffic light layout
    7. Making a traffic light model from plasticine
    1. Games with a street layout using special cars. appointments
    2. Didactic games “What’s wrong?”, “What’s superfluous?”
    3. Outdoor games "Traffic light and speed", "Hit the target"
    4. Guessing riddles about transport
    5. Story game "Construction"
    6. Examination of illustrations depicting urban transport, conversation
    7. Looking at pictures of urban public transport, conversation
    8. Walk to the bus stop. The importance of stopping for pedestrians and drivers
    9. Looking at a drawing of a taxi
    10. Coloring. stencils for cars, public transport
    11. Lesson "Boarding public transport, exiting public transport"
    1. The teacher’s story about the rules of behavior on the railway
    2. Didactic games “Paired pictures”, “Evaluate the action”
    3. Examination of Chernyakov V.’s painting “Machinist”
    4. Reading: Dorokhov A. “Barrier”
    5. Story game "Train Travel"
    6. Looking at illustrations of trains and railroads
    7. Lesson "Culture of behavior in public transport"
    8. Conversation about the rules of conduct at a public transport stop
    9. Reading excerpts of poems and riddles about railway transport
    10. A story about the rules of behavior on the railway
    11. Modeling. Let's make a railway track
    1. Examination and drawing of signs accompanying the railway
    2. Didactic games “What comes first - what comes next”, “Which traffic light is correct”
    3. Reading: Galperstein "Tram and His Friends"
    4. Examination of signs accompanying the railway, drawing them
    5. Outdoor game "Hard Road"
    6. Playing with a model railroad
    7. Reading excerpts from the stories of I. I. Kobitina “For preschoolers about technology”
    8. Lesson "Railway transport"
    9. Application “We are going by train”
    10. Outdoor games “Don’t miss”, “Hit the target”
    11. Reading: T. Alexandrova “Three-colored”
    12. Story game "Car Park"
    13. Examination of Musyakin L.’s painting “Chauffeur”
    1. Looking at illustrations and talking about horse-drawn transport
    2. Outdoor game "Sled racing"
    3. Modeling: animals used for draft power
    4. Didactic games “What’s missing?”, “What’s buzzing”, “Find the mistake”
    5. Story game "Dispatcher"
    6. Outdoor games “Ride - don’t fall”, “Horses”
    7. Game on the “Sledding Competition” section
    8. Coloring drawings of animals used in horse-drawn transport
    9. Lesson "Signs accompanying the railway"
    1. Reading an excerpt from the story by E. Charushin “How a horse rode animals”
    2. Ready from colored paper using horse applique templates.
    3. Learning the song by T. Lomova “Horse Dawn”
    4. Didactic games “Traffic Light”, “Paired Pictures”, “Good-Bad”, “What’s Wrong?”
    5. Games with layout: street crossing places.
    6. Outdoor game "Racing in pairs"
    7. Reading excerpts from Charushin’s story “How the horse rode the animals”
    8. Lesson "Horse-drawn transport"
    9. Story game "On the ship"
    10. Reading: Volsky A. “Remember, young pedestrian!”
    1. Excursion to the crossroads
    2. Reading: Borovaya E. “Forgot to draw” Discussion of the story
    3. Outdoor games “Stop”, “Tram”, “Evaluate the action”
    4. Drawing squares, intersections, traffic lights
    5. Working with plasticine. Modeling of various types of transport
    6. Street layout games
    7. Reading: Marshak S. “He did not suffer in the attack”
    8. Making riddles about transport
    9. Lesson "At crossroads and squares"
    10. Drawing a street with one-way and two-way traffic
    11. Examination of illustrations depicting a street with intersections. Conversation.
    12. Didactic game “Where are the cars rushing?
    1. Looking at pictures of a street with an intersection. Conversation based on the picture
    2. Guessing traffic light riddles
    3. Reading poems about traffic lights
    4. Didactic games “Traffic light game”, “Find the differences”, “What’s extra?”
    5. Reading poems and riddles about bicycles
    6. Drawing: “City Street”
    7. Conversation about the rules of behavior in public transport
    8. Games with a road layout. Strengthen your knowledge of two-way traffic on the road.
    9. Story game "We're going to visit"
    10. Monitoring the movement of cars near the kindergarten
    1. Conversation about different types of road crossings
    2. Solving problem situations on the street layout
    3. Outdoor game "Colored Cars"
    4. Conversation about the rules for crossing one-way and two-way streets
    5. Playing with a street layout. Crossroads
    6. Consolidating knowledge about modes of transport
    7. Production of attributes necessary for the guard
    8. Drawing "Cars to the rescue"
    9. Memorizing Marshak’s poem “Ball”
    10. Game "Who knows the rules of the road better?"
    11. Lesson "Rules of behavior on streets and roads. Crossing streets and roads"
    1. Comparison of bus and trolleybus
    2. Playing with the street layout
    3. Didactic game “Get the baby across the road”
    4. Drawing with crayons on the asphalt of various types of transport
    5. SI "Ride the Bus"
    6. Placement of signs indicating a pedestrian crossing
    7. Outdoor games “Mirror”, “We are drivers”
    8. Drawing road signs in the sand with sticks
    1. Walk and observe the traffic lights
    2. Outdoor game "Colored Cars"
    3. Playing on a court with markings
    4. Didactic game "What's wrong?"
    5. Games with street layout.
    6. Solving problem situations
    7. Story game "Ship Trip"

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the younger group

    1. Sports activity. Game "Who will throw the ball further"
    2. Gluing figures of various shapes and colors onto a sheet of paper (applique)
    3. Walk around the garden.
    4. Outdoor games “Running rope”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Traffic light!”
    4. Didactic games “Find your color”, “Where is the mouse hiding?”, “Name it correctly”
    5. Looking at pictures about types of transport.
    6. Acting out (children playing with cars)
    7. Application "Beads"
    8. Drawing "Road for cars"
    9. Reading: M. Plyatskovsky “Traffic Light”
    10. Design: tracks of different lengths
    11. Modeling "Airplane"
    1. Didactic games “Which is smaller?”, “Paired pictures”
    2. Modeling "Airplane"
    3. Outdoor games "Traffic light", "Sparrows and a car", "Colored cars"
    4. Consideration of the traffic light layout
    5. Learning: A. Barto “Truck”
    6. The teacher’s story about the traffic light
    7. Lesson "Types of transport and their differences"
    1. Didactic games “Name it correctly”, “What’s extra?”
    2. Outdoor games “To your flags”, “Ball in the basket”, “Red - green”, “Train”, “Sparrows and a car”
    3. Design: collars
    4. Application "Traffic light"
    5. Games with colored sticks
    6. Looking at illustrations depicting transport
    7. Design: fences of different heights
    8. Monitoring the driver's work
    9. Reading "Masha the Pedestrian" by B. Neuss
    10. Examination of drawings of a truck and a passenger car
    11. Conversations based on pictures
    12. Games with models of a truck and a car
    13. Walk. Observations and comparisons of a truck and a passenger car
    14. Lesson "Trucks and cars"
    1. Introduction to the main parts of the car
    2. Didactic game “Where is the mouse hiding?”
    3. Games with mosaics. Fixing colors
    4. Outdoor games "Planes", "Sparrows and a car"
    5. Design: bridge for pedestrians
    6. Comparison of cars and trucks
    7. Construction: house
    8. Coloring car silhouettes
    9. Learning: A. Barto “Airplane”
    10. Design: ladder
    11. Looking at pictures and drawings depicting a trolleybus
    12. Drawing Christmas tree decorations of various shapes and colors
    13. Reading riddles about a car, truck, tram, trolleybus
    14. Games with building materials. Road construction
    15. Walk. Monitoring the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk
    1. Comparison of tram and trolleybus
    2. Didactic game “Name it correctly”
    3. Outdoor games “Train”, “Run to me!”, “Planes”, “To your flags”, “Stop”
    4. Coloring airplane silhouettes
    5. Design: Train
    6. Games with mosaics
    7. Looking at illustrations about transport
    8. Introduction to trams and trolleybuses
    9. Conversation about the purpose of a car, a truck, a tram, a trolleybus
    10. Examination of the bus layout
    11. Reading a poem about modes of transport
    12. Reading the poem “Chauffeur” by B. Zakhoder (p. 161. Reader for preschool children)
    13. Lesson "Tram and trolleybus"
    1. Examination of illustrations about passenger transport
    2. Didactic game "Paired pictures"
    3. Story game "Journey"
    4. Outdoor games “Ball in the basket”, “Find your color”, “Birds and car”
    5. Design: machine
    6. Comparison of car and tram
    7. On the site - construction of figures of various heights
    8. Game on the kindergarten site - construction of figures of various heights from snow.
    9. Drawing objects, figures of various shapes, coloring them yellow, green, red
    10. Working with mosaics. Arrangement of colors in a certain sequence: red on top, yellow below, green down
    11. Lesson "Bus"
    1. Examination of the painting “We are traveling by bus”
    2. Didactic game “Find what I name”
    3. Story game "Visiting trip"
    4. Outdoor games “Colored cars”, “To your flags”, “Find your color”, “Run to me”
    5. Drawing a picture of a bus
    7. Conversation about the bus, its comparison with other types of urban transport
    8. Goal walk. Getting to know the nearest street
    9. Lesson. Looking at and talking about pictures of the street
    10. Drawing paths of various lengths and widths
    11. Lesson "Streets of our city"
    1. Making riddles about transport
    2. Outdoor games “Fastest”, “Ball Traps”, “Catch the Ball”
    3. Games with a constructor - a road for cars
    4. Reading poems about traffic lights
    5. Fix the name of the main parts of the street.
    6. Application "Traffic light"
    7. Didactic games “Where is the mouse hiding?”, “Where is the car going”
    8. An activity using colored balls. Game: "Colored balls"
    9. Working with the designer. Construction of a road for a tram (rails, sleepers)
    10. Conversation about the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk
    1. Looking at illustrations in books about transport
    2. Outdoor games "Running traffic light", "Ball in the basket"
    3. Street layout games
    4. Didactic games “Name it, don’t make a mistake”, “Paired pictures”, Cars”
    5. Drawing with crayons on the asphalt of cars
    6. Coloring silhouettes of various types of transport
    7. Street layout games using cars
    8. Game activity. Rolling balls to flags
    9. Working with plasticine. Modeling of different types of transport
    10. Street layout games
    11. Walk to the street located near the kindergarten
    12. Construction of streets from sand
    1. Didactic games “Name it correctly”, “Where are the cars rushing?”, “Traffic light”
    2. Outdoor games “Ball in the basket”, “Run to me”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Sparrows and the car”
    3. Guessing riddles about transport
    4. Story game "Bus Ride"
    5. Construction of a road from sand
    6. Construction of a street from sand (clay)
    7. Drawing circles of red, yellow, green colors of various sizes
    1. Games with mosaics "Do the same"
    2. Outdoor games “1, 2, 3 – run to the tree (sandbox)!”, “Train”
    3. Construction of a street from sand, playing
    4. Didactic game "What's missing?"
    5. Reading familiar poems about traffic lights, transport
    6. Construction of cars from the designer, playing
    7. Coloring car silhouettes
    1. Construction of a sand city, playing
    2. Outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"