What are the types of connections between words in a phrase. What word is the main one in the phrase read a lot? §2

Subject:“The connection of words in a sentence.”


  • develop the ability to establish connections between words in a sentence and questions;
  • develop the ability to compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;
  • develop the ability to conduct educational dialogue.

Equipment: illustration “Spring”; algorithm for establishing connections between words in a sentence; cards: with a proposal for working in pairs, with multi-level tasks.


I. Updating knowledge

– What time of year is it now? (Spring)
– Name the signs of spring. (The snow is melting, the sun is warming up, the days have become longer.)
- Make up sentences about spring. An illustration will help you. (Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly. The buds are swelling on the trees...)
- But Masha and Misha from grade 2b made the following sentences:

Misha: In spring, grass appears young.
Masha: In spring, young grass appears.

– Whose proposal do you like better?
- Why? (In Misha’s sentence there is no connection between the words; the sentence is constructed incorrectly.)
– What do you need to remember when making proposals? (That the words in a sentence must be related in meaning.)
– How is the connection between words established? (Using questions.)

II. Goal setting

- So, what is the topic of today's lesson? (Connection of words in a sentence.)
The teacher opens the topic of the lesson written on the board.
– What should we learn in class? (Establish connections between words in a sentence based on questions.)
– Why do we need these skills? (To build sentences correctly.)

III. New material

- Let's write down Masha's sentence and underline the main parts of the sentence.

– How are the main parts of the sentence related to each other? (With questions.)
- Now let's see how the subject and predicate are related to other words?
– What word do you think the word young is connected with? (Grass)
-Pose a question. (What kind of grass? Young)
– In a sentence, this connection is usually shown with arrows. From which word we ask the question from that word and draw an arrow.
– What word is associated with the word spring? (Appears)
- Why do you think so? (The question was asked: when does it appear? In the spring.)

– Now let’s create an algorithm that will help us establish connections between words in a sentence.
– What will we do in step 1? 2 steps? etc.

  • Do we find the subject and predicate in a sentence?
  • We find words that are related to the subject and show the connection.
  • We find words that are related to the predicate and show the connection.

The following entry appears on the board (each step on a separate card):

- Now, using these steps, let's analyze the proposal.

One student works at the board, the rest in notebooks.

IV. Exercises in establishing connections between words.

1. Work in pairs.

Next task do in pairs. Connect the words in a sentence.

One pair works at the board, the rest in notebooks.

The bright sun is shining in the sky.

– Look at how the task was completed on the board and compare it with yours. Do you agree with the guys?
– Was it easy for you to complete the task?

2. Independent work. Multi-level tasks.

– Now you will complete the task yourself, but first evaluate yourself. How do you think you will cope with the task.

Children rate themselves on a scale of success.

– Select any task from those offered.

Level 1. Copy the sentence and establish the connection between the words using the algorithm.

The first snowdrops appeared in the clearing.

Level 2. Compose a sentence from words and establish connections between words using an algorithm.

blossomed, forest, lily of the valley, fragrant

3. level. Make up a sentence on the topic “Spring” and establish connections between words using the algorithm.

Test: level 1 – 2 self-test, the completed task is written on the board. Level 3 – children read out their sentences and analyze them.

– Now evaluate how you completed the task.
– Whose assessment matched?
– Who had lower results?
– What caused you difficulties?
- So in the next lesson we will continue to work on this topic.

V. Summary

– What did we learn today in rock? (We learned to establish connections between words in a sentence.)
– How are the words connected in a sentence? (In meaning and with the help of questions.)

VI. VI. Homework

– Compose a short story on the topic: “Spring”, analyze any two sentences and show the connection of words in the sentence.

Word check:

Finding the answer

Total found: 31

Question No. 296676

Hello! I didn’t receive your answer to my question... and my Russian language teachers don’t know a clear answer. Therefore, I appeal to you once again. Please tell me, in Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary, the adjective “green” lists several meanings, namely: 1. COLORS of grass and foliage. (green tea, green peas); 2. About complexion: pale, earthy tone (colloquial); 3. Pertaining to vegetation; consisting of, made from greenery (green cabbage soup); 4. About the fruits: unripe (green apples); 5. transfer Inexperienced by youth (young-green). Is it correct that in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs the adjective “green” is indicated in its direct meaning and means either the color or what it is made of, if in these paragraphs there is no variable marking? In the explanatory dictionary, in the Information for using the dictionary, it is written: “If derivative words do not have their own marks in the nest, they are equivalent in nature to the main one.” Do we understand correctly that if there is no special mark in dictionaries (in in this case translated), then the meaning of the word is direct? I really hope for your answer. Thank you.

You provide information about derived words (not about the meanings of words!). As a rule, the litter is "peren." is put in cases where the semantic connection between the basic and derived meanings is not obvious (for example, this connection is not obvious between values ​​1 and 5 of the example you gave). With this understanding of the term “figurative meaning” (the absence of a semantically close, close connection between the basic and derivative meanings), your reasoning is correct. However, another reading is possible: direct meaning- basic, non-derivative; figurative meanings- everything in which there is (literally!) metonymic or metaphorical transfer (that is, all derived meanings).

Question No. 295628

Hello! Please tell me if there is a connection between the words boyar and young lady.

Russian help desk response

Yes, these are etymologically related words. Master, lady, young lady arose from boyar, noblewoman, hawthorn - probably first in circulation. There are other cases of abbreviation of words that are often used in circulation, cf. sir from sir.

Question No. 287821

Hello! Could you please explain the etymological connection between the word "orange" and the word "tomato". Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

The connection is indirect: both words have an “apple” root (pomme, apple).

Question No. 287521

Hello, are the words “delicious” and “hit” the same root?

Russian help desk response

thanks for interest Ask! Words amazing And hit are not the same root, although some associative connection between them can indeed be found.

Adjective amazing formed from the verb delight: delightfulthis is the one that admires . Verb delight borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language and goes back to the word hytiti“grab, kidnap” (cf. modern related words kidnap, cunning).

Noun hit borrowed by the Russian language at the end of the twentieth century. from English, where hitThis is a blow, a hit, a successful attempt, the highlight of the season. In Russian they call a hit musical composition(usually pop) that has the greatest popularity over a period of time. Noun hit replaced the earlier German borrowing in use hit.

I wonder what the word hit V modern dictionaries ceased to be characterized as characteristic only O colloquial speech, but even in the Explanatory Dictionary foreign words» L.P. Krysina 2008it was accompanied by litter decomposition

Question No. 285879

In lyrics/op. RETURN HOME what type of communication and why?

Russian help desk response

The type of connection here is adjunction (an unchangeable dependent word is attached to the main word; the connection between the main and dependent words is carried out only by meaning).

Question No. 285440

Tell me what a Concept is, preferably in simple language, and how it differs from the Word (meaning). Books and dictionaries are full of definitions - mental essence, quantum, idea, semantic meaning sign (what is this in Russian), etc. – little is clear. A in simple language? Unless, if you think about it: meaning, concept, meaning are not similar terms. For example, there is the word Oak - its meanings: tree (straight), (portable) - strong person, stubborn person, etc. Why is there another concept here (and what concept does the word Oak have). As I understand it, the concept is related to culture, the concept can be scientific. How is the concept different from or related to the Word?

Russian help desk response

Concept– a now fashionable term, it refers to both the meaning of a word, significant for a certain culture, mentality, and the connection between the sound and meaning of the word, which has developed in the individual consciousness of everyone individual person. The prevalence and at the same time obscureness of this term also causes an ironic attitude towards it. For example, this is what the famous prose writer and critic, Moscow State University professor V.I. Novikov writes about this word in the recently published Dictionary buzzwords"(M.: Dictionaries of the XXI century, 2016):

“The Latin word conceptus means “notion.” This is the simple Russian equivalent for "concept".

However, not everyone strives for simplicity. "She's just people need it more, but the complex is more understandable to them,” Pasternak said.

Professional humanists will not say a word in simplicity; they prefer to make complex linguistic cocktails. Here clear example: somewhere there was an article on the topic "Concept vodka in Russian culture." It was about the word itself vodka and his life in language, about the corresponding literary motif, about the image of the “green serpent” in art. “Concept” in this usage is either a word, or a concept, or an image, or a motive.

Chameleon-like is some kind of term that does not have its own stable coloring.”

Question No. 280969
Good afternoon. I would like to clarify why we write the word strange with NN? - in the root and N in the suffix? The same root word - "country"? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

You're almost right. Word strange was formed in Old Slavonic language using the suffix - n- from the word a country in the meaning of “foreign country, people”. That is, initially strange meant “foreign, strange”, then - “unusual, incomprehensible, strange.” In modern Russian language, the semantic and, accordingly, structural connection between the word a country, which now means "state" or "locality, territory", and strange lost. In a word strange the root stands out - strange-. However, spelling retains traces of the origin of the word.

Question No. 280865
Good afternoon. Please tell me whether a comma is needed in the following phrase: “Hint of something(,) beyond the scope of censorship.”

Russian help desk response

Determinative phrase coming after indefinite pronoun(in this case - something), is usually not isolated, since it forms one whole with the preceding pronoun. But if semantic connection between the pronoun and the definition that follows it is less close and when reading there is a pause after the pronoun, then isolation is possible. Final decision- for the author of the text.

Question No. 277758
Is there a word-formation connection between the words wire and conductor (with current)?

Russian help desk response

Both words go back to the verb conduct.

Question No. 273175
And learn Russian - it never hurts and the process has no end

Should I put a comma before the "I" in this sentence?

Russian help desk response

Logical connection between parts of the sentence is not entirely clear, so we cannot give advice on punctuation.

Question No. 262815
Dear “Gramota”, I repeat my question. Please answer (it’s very interesting and important for work).
Why are there no quotation marks in the combinations luxury class, swing style, profession welder, but in the combinations the color “metallic”, the stamp “top secret”, the diagnosis “pneumonia”, the specialty “mathematics” there are quotation marks?
Why in the combination “director Petrov” the application is director, and in the combination “swing style” the application is swing? And in the combination “my son Borka” the application is my son or Borka? The rule is contradictory. It says: if the application is placed before the word being defined, then a comma is not placed, but if it is nevertheless placed, then the word being defined and the application are swapped - that’s all. In “my son Borka” the application is my son, and in “my son, Borka” the application is Borka. This rule explains the comma that is already there, but does not explain when to put it.
What determines the clarifying intonation (and the placement of a comma) in applications expressed by a proper name?
He looks like my son Borka.
He looks like my son, Borka. Here, according to Rosenthal, the criterion is uniqueness or plurality. What other criteria are there? Full academic reference book the punctuation hints that when single application The comma is influenced by the prevalence of the combination being defined, but there are no examples or clarifications.

Russian help desk response

Thanks for the questions!

You point to one of the most difficult and controversial places in Russian spelling. First about the quotes. The fundamental difference between combinations profession "welder" And specialty "mathematics" no, it is advisable to write such combinations uniformly. (However, there is still one difference: you can create a grammatically correct consistent combination welder profession and it is impossible to create a consistent combination major in mathematics; This is already a difficulty in the area of ​​grammar, and not in the area of ​​text design, although the latter stems from the first).

And how uniformly - let's proceed from the emerging practice of writing. If the application is a variable, inflected word, then in the case of case mismatch, quotation marks appear, which act precisely as a graphic sign of mismatch. Therefore, in practice, combinations such as specialty "mathematics", profession "welder" etc. Combinations style + luxury, retro, pop, empire, baroque and others are combinations with immutable applications; in order to further indicate this immutability, quotation marks are not needed.

These are polar cases. The examples you named are intermediate between the two poles, which is why there is a discrepancy in design in them.

Now about commas. The root of the problem is what is considered the main and what is a dependent word in a phrase, because a phrase implies a subordinate relationship between its parts, between the words included in it. Thus, the problem again leaves the purely punctuation framework and moves into the sphere of grammar, that is, the structure of the text, its structure, logical relationships between words. And these logical relationships are built by the author of the text, the author of the thought, the message. And therefore, the final decision - when choosing one of the possible (we emphasize: possible, i.e. logically consistent) options - lies with the author of the text.

Question No. 262767
Dear Readers!
In the Dictionary ("word check") the word "non-stop" took with it the dictionary entry "NONCHE". I understood, but some word lover would go crazy trying to find a connection between these words. Like that geography teacher (at Paustovsky’s, I think) :-)

Russian help desk response

Thanks, we'll fix it.

Question No. 261402
Hello! Is the preposition “between” appropriate and which one is better to use:
The purpose of the study is a more accurate and differentiated determination of the relationship between height and length of a person’s foot

Russian help desk response

Correctly: dependence of something on something; relationship between something and something.

Question No. 260210
Is there any connection between the words "linen" and "moon". The point is that in Arabic these are cognate words: "qamraya" and "qamar". Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Etymological dictionaries the existence of such a connection is not confirmed.

Question No. 252644
What is this - INCEST

Russian help desk response

Incest – sexual intercourse between immediate family(between parents and children, brothers and sisters); incest.

There are three types of connections between words in a phrase

Coordination- a type of connection in which the dependent word agrees with the main word in gender, number, case. The main word is always a noun; a subordinate clause can be: an adjective, a participle or a pronoun. Examples: beautiful hat, about an interesting story under the same name.

Control- view subordinating connection, where the dependent word is with the main word in the form of the indirect case. Examples: hatred of the enemy, turn your head,

Adjacency- a type of connection in which the dependence of a word is expressed lexically, by word order and intonation, without using function words or morphological change. Formed by adverbs, infinitives and gerunds, as well as possessive pronouns 3rd person, simple comparative form of an adjective or adverb. Examples: sing beautifully, lie quietly, very tired, walked slowly, older boy.

2 . And your breathing will become smoother,

And the suffering will retreat somewhere,

They just bend over to your bed

People in white coats.

A) justify the commas in the quatrains.

Answer: the first comma is SSP, here the two main members are preceded by a comma,

And the second comma is SPP with subordinate clauses,


Our whole life, our thoughts, sensations, feelings are connected with the cerebral cortex, which forms the gray matter of the brain. It is the most complex and most perfect organ.

In the cerebral cortex, scientists count 14-20 billion nerve cells - neurons. They are connected by numerous processes to each other and to various parts of the body.

The cerebral cortex is equipped with a very dense network of blood vessels. And this is understandable. After all, for the normal activity of nerve cells it is necessary nutrients and oxygen. They are delivered by blood. Cortical cells are very sensitive to lack of oxygen.

When a person stops breathing and heartbeat, after 4-5 minutes the brain cells are the first to die.

If there is a blockage of any of the cerebral vessels, the functioning of the neurons of that part of the cortex that received oxygen and nutrients through this particular vessel may be disrupted.

Blockage- to plug, to plug tightly a hole in something

1.Types of simple sentences.

Simple sentence is a syntactic unit formed by one syntactic connection between the subject and the predicate or one main member

Two-part sentence is a simple sentence with a subject and predicate as necessary components: They laughed. He was smart. The cloud is black, heavy in outline.
One-part sentence e is a simple sentence that has only one main clause (with or without dependent words). There are one-part sentences:

Incomplete sentence is a sentence in which one or more members (main or secondary) are missing, as indicated by the context or situation: The truth remains the truth, and rumor remains rumor. We started talking as if we had known each other for centuries. You probably know about our work? And about me? I'll wear this blue one. A sentence is considered simple if it contains one predicative unit, if more, it is complex. If a sentence contains both a subject and a predicate, then it is called two-part, otherwise - one-part.

One-part sentences are divided into following types:

Definitely personal proposal- a simple one-part sentence without a subject with a predicate verb, which with its personal endings indicates that the action named by it is performed by a certain, 1st or 2nd, person: I am going home. Get dressed!Vaguely personal proposal - a simple one-part sentence without a subject when the action is performed by an unidentified person: I was called to the director.Generalized personal proposal - a simple one-part sentence without a subject with a predicate verb, where the subject of the action can be anyone: You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.Impersonal offer - a simple one-part sentence with a predicate naming such an action or state, which is presented without the participation of the grammatical subject of the action: It was getting dark. It was already light. I'm thirsty. It was as if he suddenly shuddered. Under the thick foliage there was the smell of grass and forest . Name: Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy

2. Talk about your daily routine, using homogeneous predicates. I get up at seven o'clock in the morning. Until 7:30 I wash my face, do physical exercises, and have breakfast. 7:30 – I get dressed and go to the university. The lesson starts at 8 o'clock. 14:00 - I have lunch. I return home at 17:30, sometimes 18:30. If the day coincides with duty, then I start cooking at 18:00. And at 19:00 I have dinner. After that I prepare my homework until 23:00. 23:00 I go to bed


A person breathes with his lungs. The airways lead to them - the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi. The need for breathing arises because the cells of our body cannot exist without oxygen.

The lungs - right and left - occupy the largest part chest cavity. In shape they resemble two halves of a truncated cone. They are protected like a shell by the chest: from the back - by the spine, from the front - by the sternum, from the sides - by the ribs. Each lung is surrounded by a pleural sac, and there is no air in the pleura. Only liquid accumulates here, acting as a lubricant; it facilitates the sliding of the lungs during breathing movements. If air enters the pleural cavity (for example, when injured chest), the lung is compressed and switched off from the act of breathing.

The bronchi, which connect the lungs to the trachea, are flexible tubes consisting of stretchable connective tissue and cartilaginous half-rings. Branching in the lungs, they form the bronchial tree. The area where the main bronchus penetrates into the depths of the lung tissue is called the hilum of the lung. Here pass the blood vessels of the pulmonary circulation connecting the lungs to the heart, as well as the lymphatic pathways and branches of the nerves. The height of the lungs in men is on average 27-30 centimeters, in women - 21-23 centimeters. The right lung is larger in volume than the left. It is divided into 3 lobes, while the left lung has two lobes. Each lung includes 10 bronchopulmonary segments. Although the segments are not separated by septa, they have a certain independence: each has its own segmental bronchus, its own artery, and its own nerves.

The segmental bronchus, continuing to branch in the lung tissue, gives rise to lobular bronchi. There are about 1000 lobules in both lungs. Branching into lobules, the bronchi become increasingly thinner. The smallest air tube is called a bronchiole. The alveolar ducts open into it, topped big amount alveoli containing air. The surface of the alveoli is covered with a dense network of blood capillaries. The boundary between blood and air in the lungs are only two cell membranes. The thickness of both membranes is 2-3 microns. This is where gas exchange occurs: the blood is freed from carbon dioxide, taking oxygen from the air.

The color of the lungs in children is pale pink, but in adults it changes, becoming slate blue with stripes and spots. This is explained by the accumulation of small dust particles of soot in the lung tissue.

1. Subject. Ways of expressing the subject. The subject is the main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers the question of the nominative case ( Who? What?). Pay attention to the meaning (a) and form of expression (b) of the subject: a) the subject is what is said in the sentence (subject of speech); b) the main form of expression of the subject – Nominative case(question Who? What?)

Ways to Express Subject A) Subject – one word:

Noun- Eldest son(Who?) left for the capital.

Pronoun -He(Who?) left for the capital.

Adjective -Senior(Who?) left for the capital.

Participle -Raised(Who?) sword by sword will perish.

Numeral- Two(Who?) left for the capital.

Infinitive - Be in love(What?) - This is wonderful.
Live(What?) - serve the homeland.

Adverb -The fateful day after tomorrow has arrived(What?).

Pretext- "IN"(What?) is a pretext.

Union- "A"(What?) - adversarial union.

Particle -Not"(What?) with verbs is written separately.

Interjection - “Aw” came from all sides(What?).

Indirect form name, conjugated form of the verb, sentence in the meaning of a noun - "Brother"(What?) - form dative case noun.

2. -Good afternoon, doctor!

Good afternoon, have a seat, what are you complaining about?

This is the second day I have had a sore throat and fever.

Take and place a thermometer, open your mouth for now and say “a-a-a”

Undoubtedly you have a sore throat! Perhaps you also have a temperature. I'll give you a recipe, you should stick to it, I think you'll get better in a week!

Thank you doctor, goodbye!


3. Smell.

Thanks to the olfactory organ, we perceive the subtle aromas of food, flowers, forests, and air.

If you look at the olfactory hair through an electron microscope, magnifying several tens or hundreds of thousands of times, it turns out that it is very complex. But the entire length under the shell is strictly in a certain order stretches nine pairs of tiny tubes, consisting, in turn, of even thinner contractile filaments.

Electrophysiologists know that when molecules enter the nasal cavity odorous substances, olfactory receptors begin to produce biocurrents that enter the brain, transmitting information about the nature and intensity of the smell to the higher olfactory centers.

The nature and intensity of the sensation of smell depend not only on the odorous substances, but also on the state of the olfactory organ. The acuity of smell does not remain unchanged throughout a person’s life. Long-term training develops the ability to recognize not only strong odors.

The sensitivity of the olfactory organ also depends on the general physical condition person. Hunger increases the acuity of smell, and prolonged malnutrition and exhaustion reduce it.

1. Verbs of perfect and not perfect form.Modes of education species pairs.

Perfect verbs indicate completeness of action,

its result, the end of an action or its beginning. In an indefinite form

they answer the question what to do?.

For example: run, buy, ring, build, sing. Past

time: what did you do? what did you do? What did you do? what did it do?

ran up, saw, found, rose.

Future simple tense: what will they do? what will I do? what will he do? etc.

They’ll go out, I’ll buy it, it’ll float, we’ll do the math.

Please note that perfective verbs only have

two forms of time: past and future simple. Present tense


Verbs imperfect form indicate long-term or repeated

actions without indicating their completion.

In a vague form they answer the question what to do?.

For example: sing, seethe, run, dream, reread, jump.

Past tense: what did you do? what did you do? what did you do? what did it do?

ran, jumped, searched, came.

Present tense: what are they doing? what are we doing? what does it do? etc.

sunbathing, building, getting fit, buying.

Future difficult time: What will they do? what will I do? etc.

they will jump, they will laugh, they will listen, they will dance.

Imperfective verbs have all three forms of tense: past,

the present and future are complex.

The following methods of forming species pairs are distinguished:


justify - justify.finish - finish o//a.grow - grow st//sch

2. prefix:
draw → draw.bake → bake.build → build.

3. prefix-suffix:

drop - drop. hang - hang s//w

4. suppletive:

take - take.put - put.ovit - catch.speak - say

5. by changing the stress location:

pour - pour. cut - cut

6. by alternating (//) sounds and/or by changing thematic suffixes:

meet - meet h//t

forgive - forgive

accumulate - accumulate pl//p

let in - let in k//t

Speciation, i.e. the formation of verbs of one type from verbs of another type, can occur using two main methods - perfectification and imperfectification.
Perfectification is the formation of perfective verbs from imperfective verbs.
This is done in two ways:
1. using the prefixes s-, do-, re-, na-:
to know → to know, to know, to know

to do → to do, to finish, to redo, to do

2. using suffixes:
push - push

prick - prick

Imperfection is the formation of imperfective verbs from perfective verbs.
It is carried out using the suffixes -iva-, -yva-, -va-, -a-.

Willow-: swing - swing

Yva-: to flog - to rip off

Va-: sing - sing

pour over - pour over

A-: decide - decide

get in - get in

2. Predicates: must be followed, must be cleaned, must be crawled, must be protected, must be done, must be remembered

Oral care keeps teeth intact and safe.

Every person needs to take care of the condition of their teeth. The first stage of oral care is brushing your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. They need to brush their teeth twice a day = in the morning after breakfast and before bed. You should only use your own toothbrush. Teeth must be protected from early age. It is worth having an oral examination every 6 months. It must be remembered that oral care is very important.


IN abdominal cavity Near duodenum The two largest glands of the digestive tract are located - the liver and pancreas.

The liver, whose weight in an adult reaches 1500 grams, occupies the space under the diaphragm in the right hypochondrium.

The shape of the liver resembles a loaf. It distinguishes between upper and lower surfaces. The liver is abundantly supplied with blood. Two streams of blood are sent into it. The hepatic artery brings blood to nourish the tissue of the organ. The portal vein delivers to the liver substances that are necessary for the synthesis of glycogen, proteins, lipids, urea, vitamins and hormones in it.

The liver is almost completely enveloped by the peritoneum, which passes into the stomach, forming the lesser omentum.

The liver, built from glandular epithelial cells, functions as a gland that produces bile. Bile is collected and concentrated in the gallbladder, and from it enters the intestines when a large amount of it is immediately required to digest fats.

By producing bile, the liver plays important role in the digestive processes. Performs liver and protective function, neutralizing toxic substances, which are formed in the body.

The liver is called the main chemical laboratory of the body. Almost all substances absorbed from the digestive tract into the blood enter the liver through the portal vein, where they are used to build complex, necessary for the body substances or break down. The venous blood flowing from the liver is cleared of unnecessary impurities and is rich in nutrients drawn from the liver depot.

1. Predicate. Types of predicate The predicate is the main member of a two-part sentence, denoting an action or a sign of what is expressed by the subject.

The predicate has lexical meaning(names what is reported about the reality named in the subject) and grammatical meaning (characterizes the statement from the point of view of reality or unreality and the correlation of the statement with the moment of speech, which is expressed by the mood forms of the verb, and in indicative mood- and time).

There are three main types of predicates: simple verb, compound verb and compound nominal.

Simple verb predicate

A simple verbal predicate is a predicate expressed by one verb in any mood:

Wind sways grass

Sun disappeared behind the cloud.

I I'll go in the forest.

He I would go in town.

You to me write letter immediately!

In the shadows for a long time was heard whisper.

Compound predicates. A compound predicate can be verbal or nominal. It always consists of two parts: a connective and a verbal or nominal part.

Compound verb predicate. A compound verb predicate consists of a copular part and indeterminate form verb. Answers questions: What does it do? what to do? what did you do? The ligamentous part can be:

phase verb (start, continue, become, quit);

modal word(wants, ready, forced, maybe unable).

He wants to enroll in the Institute.
I'm long could not with them meet.
You must study.
I was unable to think about it.

Compound nominal predicate. Composite nominal predicate called a predicate, which consists of a nominal part and a linking verb. The most commonly used is the linking verb be, are less commonly used, but other linking verbs are also possible. The copula in a sentence can be omitted. When parsing, the predicate is indicated by two horizontal lines. The nominal part compound predicate expressed in different ways:

adjective: weather was good;

noun: book - faithful Friend;

comparative degree adjective: he has character harder become;

short form passive participle: grass beveled;

short adjective: evening quiet;

adverb: error was obvious;

numeral: twice two - four;

pronoun: this notebook my;

phraseological combination: He sat in a puddle;

idiom: he was the talk of the town.

2. Those who can barely breathe from fat are not healthy.

Obesity is taking over the world. Currently, about 1.6 billion people on Earth suffer from excess weight. This comes from poor nutrition. Today, not only adults but also children suffer from obesity.

Structure and functions of the skin.

Participating in thermoregulation, the skin plays big role in metabolism and energy. Representing the outer cover of the body, it has a protective function. Through numerous skin receptors, the body communicates with the external environment.

The skin consists of two layers, the outer one, called the cuticle, and the inner one, the skin itself.

The cuticle is formed by stratified epithelium and is divided into a superficial layer and a deep one.

The surface layer consists of dead keratinized cells. The cells of the deep layer have an elongated shape and large kernels. Pigment (coloring matter) is deposited in their protoplasm.

The cuticle protects the body from bacterial penetration. The skin itself is elastic and consists of cells and a large number of connective tissue fibers. It protrudes into the cuticles with numerous projections - papillae, which are equipped with a large number of blood vessels. The nerves end in the papilla and the receptors lie.

Under the skin is subcutaneous fatty tissue. It consists of bundles of connective tissue fibers.

Bun- a set of something diverging from one point

Epithelium- human tissue covering the surface of the body

keratinized- turned into horny (hard) scales

Elasticity- elasticity and flexibility.

1. Types of proposals by composition (one-part, two-part). A two-part sentence has two grammatical compositions - the composition of the subject and the composition of the predicate. For example, in the sentence Troekurov's usual occupations consisted of traveling around his vast estates(P.) two compositions: Troekurov's regular activities- composition of the subject, were traveling around his extensive possessions- composition of the predicate. A two-part sentence may be grammatically incomplete, i.e. not have both compositions available, but this does not deprive it of the specificity of a two-part proposal, since the missing composition is implied. For example: - And the lady came here? - I asked. “I came,” Vanka answered.(P.). In a sentence came the subject is missing, but it is easily restored from the context.

A one-part sentence has one grammatical structure, i.e. one main member with or without explanatory words. Main member one-part sentence how its organizing center coincides in form with either the predicate or the subject. In a sentence I somehow felt sad in the monotonous steppe(Ring) one grammatical structure, its main member is got sad- does not involve the use of a subject, since the subject of the state is expressed by a controlled pronoun to me. Offers Donetsk road. A sad station, lonely and white in the steppe, quiet, with walls hot from the heat, without a single shadow and, it seems, without people(Ch.) one-piece. They have one main member that matches the shape of the subject. The absence of a predicate creates the specificity of these sentences.

2 . Fainting is caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. The task is to give advice on providing first aid for fainting.

Fainting is a state of short-term temporary loss of consciousness. Before fainting, the patient feels nausea, lack of air, the head is surrounded by darkening of the eyes. The patient must be laid down with his head bowed low. Unfasten tight clothing, ensure air flow into the room fresh air. To bring the patient to consciousness, give him a sniff of cotton wool soaked in ammonia, cologne, rub his temples with these products, and spray his face with cold water. In a state of fainting, acupressure is quite effective.


There are three types of muscles in the human body. They differ from each other in their structure and the nature of contractions and relaxations that accompany any movement.

Largest mass make up skeletal muscles. They are attached to bones and allow them to move. There are about four hundred skeletal muscles in our body, and each of them performs specific function. The total weight of skeletal muscles is equal to 35-40 percent of our body weight.

Skeletal muscles consist of separated fibers, on which transverse stripes are visible under a microscope - light and dark. That is why skeletal muscles are also called striated.

By force of will, a person can keep one or another skeletal muscle in a contracted or relaxed state.

The second type of muscle includes only one muscle – the heart. It contracts differently than skeletal muscles. All the fibers of the heart are closely intertwined and therefore contract simultaneously.

The third type of muscle is smooth muscle. They are found in internal organs: blood vessels, bronchi, stomach, intestines, iris. Smooth muscles help work internal organs. They are reduced regardless of our desire.

Muscles provide all the variety of movements that constantly occur in the body. In addition, their contractions accompany all mental processes.

1.SPP with an explanatory clause. Subordinate clauses answer case questions and are joined to the main part by conjunctions ( that, as if, as if, as if, so that, whether, not - whether, whether - or, whether - or etc.) and allied words ( what, who, how, which, why, where, where, where, why and etc.):

I want, so that a feather was compared to a bayonet(V. Mayakovsky) - means of communication - union so that.

I don't know, I want whether I'll go with them- means of communication - union whether, which, like coordinating conjunctions same, also, also, is not at the beginning of the part.

They said that it seems he became addicted to collecting smoking pipes. (A. N. Tolstoy) - means of communication - compound union that it seems.

I asked if he was coming whether he is with me, or should I go alone- means of communication - double union whether - or.

How could God alone say what was it like Manilov's character(N.V. Gogol) - means of communication - union word Which, part of the predicate.

It's sad to see When the young man loses his best hopes and dreams... (M. Yu. Lermontov) - means of communication - union When.

Explanatory clauses refer to one word in the main part - a verb, short adjective, adverb, verbal noun with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, perception:

I rejoiced / expressed surprise / Was glad that he came.

Fine that he came.

The main part may contain an index word That in different case forms: I was happy that that he came. In this sentence the word that can be omitted, so the clause refers to an adjective glad.

However, in some SPPs with explanatory clauses, the demonstrative word in the main part is an obligatory component of the sentence structure; eg: It all started since then that father has returned. Such subordinate clauses refer specifically to index word, which can only be a word That. This feature brings such sentences closer to pronominal attributive ones; the use of a conjunction rather than union word allows us to classify them as explanatory.

An explanatory clause is usually located after the word in the main part to which it refers, but occasionally, mainly in colloquial speech, it can be located before main part:

What he won’t come, it was clear to me right away.

The explanatory clause takes a position corresponding to the complement or subject; in complex 2 it corresponds to the additional and subject clauses.


A) In what situations do you use these expressions?

B) Play out the situations.

Answer: dialogue

B: Sorry. Can I log in?

B: Yes, come in.

B: Hello, doctor!

Q: Hello, sit down!

B: Tell me what you’re complaining about!

Q: You know, I have for a long time The cough doesn't go away!

B: Did you take any pills?

B: Yes, I did.

Q: Please tell me which ones exactly?

B: Streptocide, angisept

Q: Stand up and take off your outerwear!

Turn around!

Breathe! DO NOT breathe!

Everyone get dressed now!

I assume that you have bronchial asthma. I'll open up a sick leave for you. And now you must get tested. Now I’ll send you to a doctor, he will explain everything to you!

B: Excuse me, could you please tell me where exactly?

B: Okay, come with me, I’ll show you.

B: Thank you very much! Goodbye doctor!

Q: Goodbye!

3. Compose the STS with the phrase “salt exchange.” Salt exchange. A lot of mineral salts enter the human body with food and water. Only one table salt- about 15 grams per day. Besides, various salts are formed in the body itself in the process of complex chemical reactions exchange. U healthy person all these salts circulate in dissolved form in the blood and intercellular fluid. Along with this, dissolved salts are contained in the cells themselves various organs and tissues. When mineral metabolism is disrupted, salts become insoluble and fall out in the form of sediment (sand). It can be found in bile and urine. In addition, undissolved salts are deposited in joints, cartilage, and muscles, causing so-called gouty diseases. One of the causes of metabolic disorders is a monotonous diet. In addition, you should not overuse pickles and smoked meats. Fluid restriction has a harmful effect on salt metabolism. If the mineral metabolism of salts is impaired, zucchini, watermelon, cucumbers, and pumpkin are useful. They enhance the removal of fluid from the body, and with it salts. Gout chronic illness joints, tissues due to deposition of uric acid salts Circulate– commit Roundabout Circulation

Attention - flu.

Influenza is an acute infectious disease that occurs as a result of a specific virus entering the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

There are four known types of influenza virus that differ from each other in antigenic structure (A, B, C, D) and do not provide cross-immunity. Most widespread in last years received a variant of the A2 virus. The influenza virus enters the human body through the upper respiratory tract. It infects columnar epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and lung tissue, in which it multiplies. From here, the virus and its decay products enter the blood. The source of infection is the patient throughout the entire period of illness. Most people become infected with influenza through respiratory droplets. But the virus can also be transmitted through objects.

One of characteristic features influenza are periodically recurring, sharp outbreaks of disease that quickly spread throughout large areas– pandemics.

The sick person must be isolated from the first hours of the disease. The patient should be given separate dishes, a towel, and other items. The room should be ventilated more often, and dishes should be rendered harmless by boiling or immersing them in a 0.5% bleach solution.

In dormitories and children's institutions, it is necessary to organize earlier identification and isolation of patients.

Great importance In the fight against influenza, especially during an epidemic, sanitary and educational work is essential. Knowing about the ways of spreading this disease and about precautions can make it easier to fight this common disease.

Students medical institutes must take an active part in the fight against influenza.

Antigen– a substance foreign to the body that can cause the appearance of antibodies in the blood and tissues

Immunity– the body’s immunity to infectious diseases or certain poisons

Specific– characteristic exclusively of something (characteristic)

Structure –structure

Columnar epithelium– cells lining the mucous membranes in the human body

15.SPP with connecting, adversative and dividing unions. Complex sentences with connecting, adversative and disjunctive conjunctions. Compounds and sentences are divided into three groups:I. Compound sentences with connecting conjunctions and, yes (meaning and), neither - nor, too, also.
They list phenomena that occur simultaneously, or phenomena that follow one after another, for example:

The transparent forest alone turns black, and the spruce turns green through the frost, and the river glitters under the ice.

Lightning flashed, and after that a sharp clap of thunder was heard.

The tree frogs groaned tenderly and sadly, and fish splashed in the pond.

Neither she will touch anyone, nor will anyone touch her.

The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sounds of his voice also amazed me. II. Compound sentences with adversatives unions a, but, yes (in the meaning but), however, on the other hand, the same. In them, one phenomenon is contrasted with another or a difference is established between phenomena, for example: The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest. The old man was clearly indignant, and Gregory frowned. The horses are not weak, but the road is not smooth. We swim for a long time. The eye is waiting for a light, but every turn of the hand deceives our hopes. The life of birds began to freeze, but the life of large four-legged animals began to wake up. All the windows in the house were closed, but the door was wide open. III. Compound sentences with disjunctive conjunctions or (or), either, this - that, not that - not that. They indicate the alternation of phenomena, the possibility of one phenomenon out of two or several, for example: First the sun was shining, then it was raining. Suddenly a thin silver stripe sparkled on the water. It was either a large fish rushing in from the sea, or an alarmed flock of wild geese rising. Either thunder roared, or a gun was fired behind the forest.

2. Where the sun rarely sets, the doctor often comes there.Sunlight is a person’s healer, a friend of his health. No wonder the proverb says: “Where the sun rarely shines, there the doctor often comes.” Influenced solar energy are activated critical processes in the body, vitality is maintained. The rays of the sun are the rays of life, health, strength. And this wise observation of the people contains a very important truth, confirmed by medical science. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun, a number of things happen in human skin complex processes: breakdown of complex protein compounds, formation of the coloring pigment - melanin, conversion of ergosterol into vitamin D and a number of other reactions. The thermal effect is exerted mainly by infrared and visible rays. IN middle lane Russia's solar spectrum is the richest ultraviolet rays during the spring and summer months. The sun's rays have a bactericidal effect, i.e. kill microbes, including the causative agents of many infectious diseases. However, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause lethargy, apathy, skin burns, and deterioration in the functioning of the heart and other organs. Scientific research prove that excessive tanning contributes to poor vision, loss of skin elasticity, weakening immune system. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the leading cause of skin cancer.

If you faint.

Fainting is caused by spasm of cerebral vessels.

Before the doctor arrives, place the patient on a bed or sofa without a pillow. This ensures a rush of blood to the brain. Free your neck and chest from restrictive clothing, unbutton the buttons, and loosen the belt. In the summer, open the windows in the room, in the winter - the window. Spray the patient's face and chest with water from time to time and wipe with a towel. It is useful to rub cologne on the patient’s arms, legs, back, and chest. Inhaling ammonia is very effective. Pour 20 drops of valerian tincture, dilute it with water, and give it to the patient to drink. The patient should lie still. Sudden movements must be avoided. Forbid those around you to talk loudly or make noise.

Spasm– convulsive muscle contraction


Blood has many amazing properties. It delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body cells. During the course of a day, five liters of blood constantly circulating in the body of an adult carry about 600 liters of oxygen. It removes metabolic products, regulates body temperature, and protects the body from pathogenic microbes.

Blood consists of plasma in which three types of cells float: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. Plasma makes up 60 percent of blood.

Performing strenuous work and constantly moving, the blood experiences pressure with each contraction of the heart and friction against the walls of blood vessels. Naturally, blood cells wear out and are destroyed quite quickly.

However, at the same time, blood restoration occurs. Both processes are so well balanced that the composition of the blood does not change.

Platelets do not live long. Their lifespan in the bloodstream is 5-6 days. Leukocytes circulate in the blood for 2-3 weeks. Blood plasma is renewed by approximately half every two weeks.

Red blood cells “work” for 100-130 days.

Undoubtedly. Do you know that people, animals, plants, inanimate objects carry a certain energy? Our thoughts are material and possess powerful force. They attract into life what we create in our minds. Therefore, what happens to us in life and our thoughts are directly related to each other. That's why it's important to think only about the good. Always remember that your thoughts come true. Think about how attractive you are.

What you say is also very important, as words have great power. Like thoughts, they can become reality at fantastic speed. Try to ensure that your words carry only positive (good) emotions. Positive statements are called affirmations. These are real magic words. After all, what you say shapes your life! It seems that the Universe listens carefully to your words and thoughts and turns them into reality. So you are a real wizard. After all, you can turn everything bad into good. I offer you a list of affirmations that will support you and give you inspiration and strength. Repeat them every day as often as possible. Start your day with these wonderful words and say them before going to bed. And believe in what you say. It is very important.

* I admire myself.

* I decided to love and please myself.

* I am responsible for my life.

*I am expanding my capabilities.

* My life is beautiful.

* There is a lot of love in my life.

* I deserve love and respect.

* I love my body.

* I admire my beautiful body.

* My body loves to be healthy.

* There is love in my heart.

* There is life force in my blood.

* All my organs are working perfectly.

* I move easily.

* I bless the food I eat.

* I know how to take care of myself.

* I am well.

* I feel my strength and use it.

* I enjoy everything I have.

* I love and value myself.

* I fill my life with love.

* I perceive life as a valuable gift.