Definite and indefinite verbs in Russian. Find verbs in the text in the indefinite form

The infinitive is the initial meaning of the verb. The peculiarity of the infinitive is that it denotes only a pure action, not tied to the person who performs it, does not indicate whether one or more persons perform the action, and also does not give the concept of the time the action was performed. That is, the infinitive does not have a definite past, present or future tense.

This part of speech is also called the “indefinite form of the verb” because it does not characterize any details of the action being performed, revealing only its original meaning. Latin word infintus, from which this term is derived, can be translated as "uncertain".

Indefinite verb form: rules and examples

The infinitive can only answer questions:

  • "What to do?";
  • "What to do?".

It is impossible, for example, to ask "Doing what?""What is he doing?",“What are we doing?”"What are they doing?""What you are doing?",“What did you do?”"What will you do?", since the infinitive is the infinitive form of the verb. The time and person remain unclear, and no reference is given to the details of what happened.

Infinitive suffixes

The infinitive ends with word-forming suffixes:

  • -t - give birth, grow up, die;
  • -whose, - to protect, burn, whip;
  • -ti - carry, grow, row.

It can also be supplemented with a postfix -sya (-sya), by which we can judge which indefinite form of the verb is non-reflexive and which is reflexive:

-sya (-sya) - to toil, to pray, to beware.

Signs of the infinitive

The infinitive is a form of the verb that always remains the same. It cannot be conjugated or represented in another tense or person. Infinitives can only have constant verbal features that are present in any verbs, regardless of their form. Such characteristics include transitivity/intransitivity, recurrence/irrevocability, and perfection/imperfection.

Transitive and intransitive infinitives

The transitivity of a verb is determined in accordance with the presence of an additional word of an indefinite form of the verb, denoting an object or phenomenon to which the action is partially transferred. Intransitive verbs consist of one single word that directly denotes an action. The transitive infinitive may include:

  • nouns or pronouns put in the accusative case without a preposition: give an injection, thread;
  • nouns placed in the genitive case, without a preposition, which express a share of something, or participation: wait for trouble, pour water;
  • nouns or pronouns placed in the genitive case, if the verb has a negative expression: not be able to, not notice them.

Thus, these words are part of the verb, filling it with meaning, and without them the essence of the action is lost. Part of the action, in turn, transfers to an object or circumstance, giving it a specific meaning.

Reflexive and irreversible infinitives

The infinitive form of a verb can also be reflexive or non-reflexive. Irreflexive verbs express an action performed by someone or something in relation to someone or something. Reflexives express an action directed by someone or something towards itself, or mean another closed interaction or state of an object and have a postfix at the end -sya (sya). On -xia The reflexive indefinite form of the verb usually ends. The rule states that reflexive verbs cannot be transitive.

Examples of irreversible infinitives: put on, lower, peek. Examples of reflexive infinitives: to dress, to lower oneself, to sneak.

As we see from the above examples, some reflexive verbs can be obtained from non-reflexive ones by simply adding a postfix -xia(as in the case of a pair " lower-lower"). This only changes the direction of action, but the general meaning remains. In rare cases, according to the rules and norms for the use of verbs, it is impossible to use a verb in both of its word forms - perfect and imperfect, as, for example, the reflexive indefinite form of the verb is unacceptable for “put on” (example " put on - get dressed"). “Put on” denotes an action performed in relation to some object or person, while “dress” can be addressed exclusively to the object itself performing the action (it can be used in other word forms, but provided that this reflexive meaning is preserved) . Despite the fact that such a limited in use indefinite form of the verb is not often found, the rule remains the rule. Also, from some imperfect forms of verbs, we will not be able to create a perfect one, based on their key meaning, which we can see in the example of the verb “peep” - you cannot peek for yourself. By the same principle, in the Russian language there is no imperfect form of the verb “to sneak” - you cannot " sneak" anything.

Perfective and imperfective infinitives

Infinitives can also be perfective or imperfective. The indefinite form of the imperfective verb expresses actions that continue over time and do not have a specific connection - these are, as it were, eternal actions, and without additional instructions in the context it does not give us an idea of ​​​​the completion or incompleteness of the action. A question would be appropriate here "What to do?". Examples:

Perfective infinitives indicate that the action has already been completed, or will certainly be committed, that the result has already happened, or will still happen (of course, in cases of negation or question, it can have a relatively vague connotation). A question would be appropriate here "What to do?". Examples:

  • After reading the note, it was to be burned.
  • Thank me that you didn't have to burn that note.
  • Were you instructed to burn the note?

Only a small number of dual infinitives are found in the Russian language. The indefinite form of the verb, which refers to both the perfective and the imperfect, can be used either way, depending on the environment, without changing its word form. That is, she also answers the question "What to do?", and to the question "What to do?". Examples:

  • An order was received to execute all traitors from now on. - "What to do?";
  • An order was received to execute the traitor. - "What to do?";
  • In the village they are used to getting girls married quickly. - "What to do?";
  • By autumn, Marfa managed to marry all her girls. - "What to do?";
  • It's hard to tell your heart. - "What to do?"
  • How to tell your heart not to love? - "What to do?"
  • Exploring caves is very interesting, but at the same time dangerous. - "What to do?"
  • Tomorrow we will have to explore these caves. - "What to do?"
  • You can attack them from any direction, while I will defeat them head-on. - "What to do?"
  • You will have to attack them from the right, and I will come in from the flank. - "What to do?"

Conjugation of verbs

The conjugation of verbs reflects their change in accordance with person and number. Although infinitives themselves cannot have person, number or gender, and, therefore, cannot be conjugated, they nevertheless serve as a word-formation basis for other verbs, therefore they are classified into one of two verb groups according to the type of conjugation - either I , or to II. Indefinite verb endings belonging to the first group: -e, -yu(except exception verbs). The forms of these verbs have endings -u and -yu, -eat and -eat, -et and -et, -eat and -eat, -eat and -ete. Indefinite verb endings belonging to the second group: -And and on -I(except exception verbs). When conjugated, the forms of these verbs have endings -u and -yu, -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at and -yat.

Function of the infinitive in a sentence

Verbs, as usual, perform the function of a predicate in a sentence. Together with subjects, they form the grammatical basis of sentences. However, the infinitive, due to its peculiarities of use, can perform completely different functions in a sentence. Therefore, the role of any of the members of the sentence in this case can be played by the indefinite form of the verb. An example of using infinitives as different parts of a sentence:

Morphological analysis of the infinitive in a sentence

To carry out a morphological analysis of a verb in a sentence, you need to determine its part of speech, general grammatical meaning, ask it questions, determine the word form, indicate constant and inconstant morphological features, as well as its function in the sentence. Since the infinitive form of the verb does not change, the morphological analysis of the infinitive is carried out without indicating the inconstant verbal features.

Adj., used. compare often Morphology: indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, more indefinite; uncertain; adv. vague 1. Vague is something you do not understand or understand poorly because it is not entirely clear or precise... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined,... ... Forms of words

UNDETERMINED, oh, oh; Nen, nna. 1. Not exactly established. In an uncertain direction. 2. Not quite distinct; imprecise, unclear. N. color. N. answer. Vague promises (evasive). Indefinite mood or indefinite form... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

uncertain- indefinite, brief. f. uncertain, uncertain, uncertain, uncertain... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

uncertain- uncertain; briefly form yonen, yonna, adj. (not precisely established; indistinct, unclear, vague) and uncertain (linguistic, mathematical) ... Russian spelling dictionary

Undefined, yonen, yonna, yonno, yonny; compare art. her … Russian word stress

uncertain- *indefinite, but only strictly linguistic, mathematics. terms... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

uncertain- indefinable, uncountable - Topics oil and gas industry Synonyms indefinable, uncountable EN undeterminable ... Technical Translator's Guide

uncertain- oh, oh; flax and flax, flax, flax. see also uncertain 1) Not precisely established. Indefinite term. No quantity. Move a new distance. A person of uncertain occupation. Walking in an uncertain direction... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Mathematical analysis for economists. Workshop. Tutorial. Grif MO RF, Demina T.I.. The textbook contains theoretical and practical material on the following sections of mathematical analysis: sets, complex numbers, number sequences, functions of one...
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Lesson topic: “Indefinite form of verbs.”

It is called indefinite because it cannot be used to determine either time, number, person, or gender of the verb.

Listen to the poem, find the verbs.

It’s so good, friends, to walk

Along the trail with a backpack.

It’s wonderful to jump across the field

On horseback.

It's also nice to take the express -

Will flash in the window there is a meadow and a forest.

Slide not bad on the waves

On a sea ship.

But it's better to rush in the skies

On a steel liner. (I. Kholin)

Walk, jump (what to do?),

sit down (what to do?),

slide (what to do), rush (what to do?).

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender are determined for it.

Verb will flash(what will he do?) is used in the form of the future tense, singular, 3rd person. You will learn to determine the faces of verbs in 4th grade.

Find out Pushkin’s fairy tales, from which excerpts were taken, and find verbs in them that are in the indefinite form. How can you tell them apart?

Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do?

The mirror had the following properties:

It can speak well...

“You, queen, are the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter."

And the queen laughs

And shrug your shoulders

And wink your eyes,

And click your fingers...

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

Verbs in the indefinite form:

what to do?






Tsar Dadon wanted in his old age

Take a break from military affairs

And give yourself some peace.

The neighbors are disturbing here

Steel the old king,

Doing terrible harm to him.

So that the ends of your possessions

Protect from attacks

He should have contained

Numerous army.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."

what to do?



what to do?



If you want, remember.

Verbs that answer the question what to do? are imperfective verbs. Verbs that answer the question what to do? are perfective verbs.

Verbs that answer the questions what to do? and what to do?, are considered in different words, even if they are the same root. They differ from each other in some parts of the base and therefore differ in meaning.

What to do?




What to do?

for laughing


before talking

laugh - laugh out loud

The words are distinguished by the prefix za- (the prefix za- means “to begin an action”).

shake(root press -) - shake(root zha-)

The verb to shake names an action that is performed often (repeatedly), the verb to shake names an action that is performed once (one time).

talk - finish

The words are distinguished by the prefix do - (the prefix do- has the meaning “to complete the action”).

In order not to switch from one verb to another, you need to follow the prefix in the question.

1. Put a question to the form of the verb and find out whether the question contains the prefix C - or not.

2. Ask an indefinite question with or without the prefix C-.

3. Name the indefinite form of the desired verb.

The indefinite form of the verb most often ends in -т or -ти(go, go out, find, carry, crawl). Scientists have not yet agreed on what to call this part of the word. Some consider it an ending, while others consider it a suffix.

Sometimes the indefinite form of the verb ends in -ch, but these letters are part of the root:

guard - guard(root guard-, guard-), I'll lie down - lie down(root lie-, lie-).

In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь. It is also written after the letter h (-ch) - this is a spelling for the rule: ь in the indefinite form of the verb.

Let's determine the tense of verbs and find the indefinite form.

leaked- what did you do?, last century, what to do?, leak(root flow-flow)

I cut my hair- what am I doing?, now, what to do?, cut(root shear-cut)

I'll save save(root shore - take care)

I'll carry you away- what will I do?, bud.v., what to do?, captivate(root attract-attract)

The vowel letters in the indefinite form of verbs before -т are most often suffixes. They can be different: -a, -e, -i, -i, -o.

If they are unstressed, then there is always an orthogram in their place. These suffix letters cannot be determined by rule, they can only be learned from the dictionary and remembered.

Suffix -a: hear, swim, jump, listen

Suffix -e: see, offend, depend

Suffix -i: build, iron, cook, glue, put, construct

Suffix -ya: bark, melt, winnow, sow

Let's find the verb in the indefinite form.

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass,

In the noise of the oak forests,

You just need to listen.(V. Semernin)

What is he doing?, sings, sighs, lives- verbs in the present tense.

What to do?, listen - verb in an infinitive form.

Verbs often contain a special suffix -sya or -sya. It is special because it is located after -ТН. To distinguish it from other suffixes, scientists gave it their own name - postfix (“attached after”).

Form infinitive verbs using these suffixes and prefixes.

Prefixes VZ-, PO-, PRI-, OT-.

Roots -DREAM-, -COUGH-, -DANCE-.

Suffixes -IVA-, -NU-, -YVA-, -A-, -I-, -SYA.

Vz doze - prefix vz-, suffix -nu-,

doze - prefix po-, suffix -a,

po cough - prefix po-, suffix -ya-,

for cough - prefix from-, suffix -я-,

to dance - prefix po-, suffix -a-,

when dancing - prefix pri-, suffix -yva-,

from dancing - prefix from-, suffix -yva-.

Who eats what?

A fly can only suck up liquid food with its proboscis. Some butterflies have incisor-like teeth at the end of their proboscis, which they can use to chew through the skins of fruits and drink their juice! Eight flexible tentacles with suction cups help the octopus to grab and hold any prey very tightly. With its long neck, the giraffe is able to reach tree shoots. A snail living in a shell can cut and grind food with its tongue. The spider can produce sticky silk for its web to catch insects. There are webs with lids, then the prey cannot escape from it.

Can (what to do?) suck in,

can (what to do?) chew and drink,

help (what to do?) to grab and hold,

able (what to do?) to get,

capable of (what to do?) cut and grind,

can (what to do?) produce,

should (what to do?) get caught,

what to do? don't slip away.

During holidays.

It’s good early in the summer….and…to the lake. It’s the sun, clear water,...mushrooms, berries in the forest,...birds singing. Interesting...the behavior of insects,...playing football with friends. Useful ... in the garden and vegetable garden, ... for senior housekeepers.

During holidays.

It’s good in the summer to get up early (what to do?) and (what to do?) go to the lake. It’s nice (what to do?) sunbathe in the sun, (what to do?) swim in clear water, (what to do?) pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, (what to do?) listen to birdsong. It’s interesting (what to do?) to observe the behavior of insects, (what to do?) to play football with friends. It is useful (what to do?) to work in the garden and vegetable garden, (what to do?) to help elders with housework.

How to cook pancakes.

You (take) half a liter of kefir, (add) a little salt, sugar and soda, (beat) one egg and (pour) into this mass, (add) flour and (mix) everything. We can (bake).

Let's put the verbs in the indefinite form.

let's take - what will we do?, what to do?, take

let's add - what will we do?, what will we do?, add

let's beat - what will we do?, what to do?, beat

pour out - what will we do?, what to do?, pour out

add - what do we do?, what do we do?, add

mix - what do we do?, what do we do?, mix

baking - what are we doing?, what to do?, baking

How to cook pancakes.

You need to take half a liter of kefir, add a little salt, sugar and soda, beat one egg and pour it into this mass, add flour and mix everything. You can bake.

(What to do?) Dress or put on? These two words are often confused.

The verbs dress and put on are similar, but they have different meanings.

You can dress someone, but you can only put something on yourself.

Therefore it is correct to say this:

put on (something)






dress (someone)






In the lesson, you learned that verbs in the indefinite form answer the question what to do? or what to do? This is the initial form of the verb. Its peculiarity is that neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender are determined for it.

The indefinite form of the verb most often ends in -т or -ти, sometimes in -ч. In the infinitive form of verbs, if it does not end in -ti, it is always written ь.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().
  • Read the poem. What part of speech is “main” in it? Indicate in what form the words of this part of speech are used? Emphasize the sign of this form.

Don't stop me from dreaming!

I wish I could get a bag of sweets,

Unwrap, chew, suck,

Slurp, smack, gobble up,

For a long, long time not to swallow,

Enjoy, savor.

  • Put questions to these verbs. Form an indefinite form from them and emphasize the sign of the initial form.

Carrying, running, whistling, carrying, cutting, looking for, drawing.

  • Write out the verbs in the indefinite form from the poem in two columns.

What to do? What to do?

There is no need to pester your mother...

No need to beg your sister...

No need to call

No need to wait

It would seem, what a simple thing! But this linguistic phenomenon also has its own characteristics and even “pitfalls,” which will be discussed later in this article.

Brief description of the infinitive in Russian

An infinitive verb is what we see written in a dictionary entry. It has no mood, person, number, time, that is, it is not changed depending on who performs the action, since there is simply no such subject. However, such a verb still has some characteristics - aspect (perfect or imperfect) and conjugation (first or second). In addition, it is characterized by recurrence or irrevocability, as well as transitivity or intransitivity.

How to understand that a verb is in the infinitive

To determine that a given form of a word denoting an action is actually an infinitive, you need to ask questions about the infinitive form of the verb. These include: " what to do?" (for example, "read" or "talk") or " what to do?” (for example, “give as a gift” or “drink”). If the verb answers them, then it is in the initial form.

In addition, there are always suffixes: -t-, -ti-, -who-, -est- and -sti-. It is worth noting that some linguists argue that these are the endings of indefinite verbs, since this morpheme is subject to change. However, the controversy still does not subside.

What is the indefinite form of the verb used for?

The Russian language is quite rich in various possibilities for using the infinitive. The indefinite form of a verb can be the subject, predicate, attribute, object in a sentence, and also be an integral part of the verbal predicate, express the imperative mood or the future tense. Next, we will take a closer look at each of the listed cases using examples.

Specific syntactic roles of the verb in the initial form

So, a verb in an indefinite form is a subject if it is characterized in any way. For example:

  • Drawing was the meaning of his life.
  • Being a mother is the meaning of Svetlana’s life.

In these sentences " paint" And " to be (mother)"are subject because they are separate, independent actions.

In addition, a sentence can contain two infinitives, one of which characterizes the other:

  • To live is to love.

Then here " live" is the subject, and " be in love" - predicate. In this case, the member of the sentence is easily determined: the subject comes before the predicate. Also instead of " Means" there may be a dash or the words “ this", "is"and the like.

An infinitive can be a modifier if it stands in this form, for example:

  • He went to bed with a firm decision to read a book tomorrow.

It turns out that the verb “read” here answers the question “in what way?” With what decision did he go to bed? Read (a book tomorrow). That is, an indefinite verb is a definition if it refers to a noun that means necessity, decision, desire, expression of will, and the like.

The infinitive form of a verb can also be an object if, for example, it is used in the following phrase:

  • Dad asked Lena to pick up her pencil.

That is, the verb “asked” has a full lexical meaning here. Both verbs refer to different people (" asked" - to dad, and " raise" - to Lena).

The infinitive is an integral part of the verbal predicate if it is used with a verb that denotes the beginning, continuation or completion of an action, that is, it has an auxiliary meaning. For example:

  • The puppy quickly began to fall asleep.
  • The teacher continued teaching the lesson.

"Began" And " continued" are precisely such verbs, therefore " fall asleep" And " lead" will be parts of the predicate.

The infinitive expresses the imperative mood if used in a commanding tone. For example, a squad leader may order: “ Be silent!", and the captain of the ship shouted: " All hands on deck!»

The initial form of the verb expresses the future tense in sentences like this:

  • Yes, Ivan should not be a pilot!

That is, it should contain some shade of annoyance or regret.

Common spelling mistakes

Most of the time, the indefinite verb is an easy thing to spell, but sometimes people still get confused. This happens when the verb is reflexive. The soft sign before the suffix is ​​simply forgotten - Xia-, so it turns out that the verb is in the third person and singular. And sometimes this makes it very difficult to understand when reading.

In order to avoid mistakes and write suffixes (or endings of indefinite verbs) correctly, you need to mentally ask them questions each time: “h what to do?" or "h what to do?“If the verb clearly answers them, you need to put a soft sign. For example, in the last word in the sentence " Petya is going to get some sleep today." a soft sign is given, since Peter going what to do? Get some sleep.

Thus, the indefinite verb is a rather interesting and important part of the language that can be used in different cases, the main thing is to master them well.


You can determine the infinitive by the question. Find a verb and ask a question about it. If this is a verb in an indefinite form, then it will answer the question “what to do?”, “what to do?”. For example, grow, bake, flood, breed, lie down.
There is always a soft sign at the end of such verbs.

It is difficult to distinguish the infinitive from the personal form if the word is written in transcription. The recording of the finals of these forms is the same: [uchitka] (studying) - [uchitka] (studying). In this case, pay attention to the vowel before [-tsa] or the context where you can ask a question. If this work is not feasible, then both forms are appropriate.

The indefinite form of the verb is included in the compound nominal predicate. In this case, the sentence contains two heterogeneous verbs. To determine which one is an infinitive, you need to identify the grammatical basis. The predicate will consist of two verbs. The one that contains the lexical meaning is the infinitive, which requires a soft sign. So, in the sentence “Students will be able to study extra,” the predicate “will be able to study.” And the indefinite form is “to work out.”

The infinitive form of a verb can act as a secondary member of a sentence. It can be determined in such cases by following the logic of reasoning. Ask an indirect case question from the predicate to the infinitive. If this is possible, then in this case it is an addition. For example, in the sentence “The coach told us to do some warm-up,” the word “to do” will be an object (ordered what?). In this case, reason like this: the action indicated in the verb “commanded” is performed, and others will perform it. This means that this is not a predicate, because it is simple.

Circumstances expressed in the indefinite form of the verb most often answer the questions “for what purpose?”, “for what reason?”. In the sentence “I came to the gym to train,” we ask the infinitive the question “I came for what purpose?”
To the definition, ask a question from . In the sentence “I am fluent in the ability to play the guitar,” the infinitive is: the ability (what?) to play.

Video on the topic


Only in one-part sentences with the main member of the predicate there are no words from which a question is asked to the verb.

Helpful advice

Ask questions from one word to another. If the minor member is expressed by a verb, then it is only an indefinite form. Be sure to write a soft sign.


  • verbs in indefinite form

A verb is a part of speech with constant and inconstant features. The person of a verb is its non-constant feature, and only verbs in the present and future tenses have it. Not everyone can immediately identify it. To do this, we will provide a short instruction on how to determine the person of a verb.


Secondly, you need to highlight the ending of the verb, for example, the ending “-yat” for the verb “look”.

Next you need to look at the ending and pronoun. If the pronoun “I” or “we” is suitable for the verb, then you have a first-person verb, and it points to. If the pronoun “you” or “you” is suitable for the verb, then it is a second-person verb, and it points to the speaker’s interlocutor. If the verb is combined with one of these: he, she, it, they, then it is a person verb. Our example has the ending “-yat” and the pronoun “they”, which means a third-person verb.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. The exception to this rule is impersonal. It is impossible to select a pronoun for such verbs; it is also impossible to attach an action to any object, person, animal, etc. These verbs show what they do naturally, without anyone’s help. For example, this is the verb “it’s getting dark.”
Some verbs may not have forms in all persons; these verbs are insufficient. An example is the verb “to win”; this verb cannot be used in the 1st person singular; in this case they say “I will win” and not “I will run”.

Video on the topic

Schoolchildren begin studying verbs, including their indefinite form, in the elementary grades. If the material is poorly understood, errors in the spelling of “tsya” and “tsya” are possible. Therefore, the teacher needs to draw their attention to the identifying signs of a.


You should know that the uncertain form verb often called an infinitive. The verb in this form does not change either in numbers or in persons. It is impossible to determine both its inclination and aspect.

You can, of course, form an indefinite form of a verb using auxiliary questions “what to do?”, “what to do?”. But this method may not always be useful to you. Thus, it is difficult for schoolchildren to put impersonal verbs in the infinitive, which in the future can become a consequence of spelling errors.

Children also confuse verbs in the third person form with the infinitive, which means they will not be able to determine whether to write: “tsya” or “tsya.” For example, for the verb in the syntactic construction “seems successful”, children find it difficult to pose auxiliary questions “what to do?”, “what to do?”. This way they won't be able to check the spelling.

It is easier to find the indefinite form of a verb or form it by paying attention to some details. So, you should know that the infinitive ends in “t” or “ti”. For example, in “bring” the ending will be “ti”, and in the word “to have time” - “t”.

The ending “ti” is indefinite if it is preceded by a vowel sound, and “t” is after a consonant. So, in the infinitive “to bloom” there is a consonant sound “s” before the ending “ti”, and in the word “to see” there is a vowel “e”.


  • the verb will not happen in the indefinite form

The noun is a separate part of speech in the Russian language. It is characterized by the forms of number and case, classifying the categories of gender, as well as animate and inanimate, depending on the objects designated.


Imagine several versions of the same thing: “house”, “home”, “home”. How to determine its initial form(or dictionary form)? The initial form of a noun is the nominative form. This case denotes the concept expressed by the word. Most often, names in this case serve as the subject of a sentence, less often - as a predicate. Nominative for questions: “who?”, “what?” Like what?" - “house”, “who?” - "bird". Ask questions like these to determine form noun.

Remember from the school curriculum that in the initial form, in most cases it is in the singular. Therefore, to define the vocabulary form of this part of speech, put it in the singular: “many houses” - “one house”.

Please note that some nouns only have form plural, and it is impossible to modify them, leading to the singular. These include, for example, the names of time periods, paired objects, masses of matter: “day”, “glasses”, “pants”, “everyday”, “pasta”, “vacation”, “ink”, “scissors”. The initial form of similar ones is the nominative plural form.

Pay attention to the need for homonyms (words that are the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) from each other. For example: “There is a clock hanging on the wall” (here “clock” will have an initial form only in the plural). Or: “At these hours the sky is usually bright” (the initial form of the noun “hours” will be “hour”).

Verbs to ask questions: “what is he doing?”, “What will he do?”, “What will he do?”, “What did he do?”, “What did he do?” " etc. That is, the infinitive, by definition, has a minimum number of morphological features.

Examples. The verb “go” answers the question “what to do?” Accordingly, it is a verb in an indefinite (initial) form, or an infinitive. However, the verbs “goes”, “will go”, “go” answer the questions “what is he doing?”, “what will he do?”, “?”. These verbs already have morphological features - persons, numbers and tenses - and are not infinitives.

Another example. The verb “write” answers the question “what to do?” and is an infinitive. From this initial form verbs are formed in the past and future tenses, first, second and third persons, singular and plural: “wrote”, “wrote”, “”, “”, “will write”.

In other words, a verb in the infinitive is always a zero (indefinite) form, from which it is always possible to form different forms of the same word in different persons and numbers. This process is called conjugation.

What signs of a verb can be determined by the initial form

If the infinitive is the initial, zero, indefinite form of the verb, is it possible to determine from it any features of this part of speech, or morphological features? Yes, you can define constant signs of a verb.

Firstly, by the indefinite form you can determine the types of the verb - perfect or. The imperfective verb in the initial form answers the question “what to do?” and denotes an unfinished action. For example, “walk”, “”, “sing”, “”, etc. The perfective verb in the infinitive answers the question “what to do?” and denotes a completed, completed action. For example, “take a walk”, “read”, “sing”, “compose”, “fly”, etc.

Secondly, you can determine by the infinitive. There are two conjugations – the first and the second. The first conjugation includes all verbs that in the infinitive end in –et, -at, -ut, -ot, -t, -yt, and several exception verbs end in –it. The second conjugation includes most of the verbs in –it, as well as some exception verbs in –at, -yat and –et.