Dividing union or examples. Sample analysis of a complex sentence

Complex sentences- These are sentences consisting of several simple ones.

The main means of connecting simple sentences into complex ones are intonation, conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) and allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication, complex sentences are divided into allied And non-union. Union proposals are divided into compound And complex.

Compound Sentences (SSPs) are complex sentences in which simple sentences are linked to each other by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

Types of compound sentences by nature of the conjunction and meaning

SSP type Unions Examples
1. connecting unions(connective relations). AND; Yes(in meaning And); no no; yes and; Same; Also; not only but.

They opened the door and air from the yard steamed into the kitchen.(Paustovsky).
Her face is pale, her slightly parted lips have also turned pale.(Turgenev).
Not only was there no fish, but the rod didn’t even have a fishing line(Sadovsky).
He didn’t like jokes, and even her in front of him left alone(Turgenev).

2. Compound sentences with adversarial conjunctions(adverse relationships). A; But; Yes(in meaning But); however(in meaning But); but; but; and then; not that; or else; particle(in the meaning of the union A); particle only(in the meaning of the union But).

Ivan Petrovich left, but I stayed(Leskov).
Beliefs are instilled by theory, behavior is shaped by example.(Herzen).
I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry(Tendryakov).
It rained in the morning, but now the clear sky was shining above us(Paustovsky).
You today gotta talk with his father, otherwise he will worry about your departure(Pisemsky).
The boats immediately disappear into the darkness, only splashes of oars and the voices of fishermen can be heard for a long time(Dubov).

3. Compound sentences with dividing unions(separation relations). Or; or; not that..., not that; then..., then; either... or...

Either eat the fish or run aground(proverb).
Either he was jealous of Natalya, or he regretted her(Turgenev).
Either the silence and loneliness had an effect on him, or he just suddenly looked with different eyes at the environment that had become familiar(Simonov).


1) Coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a complex sentence, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for punctuation marks. Therefore, when analyzing, be sure to highlight the grammatical basics in order to determine the type of sentence (simple with homogeneous members or complex sentence).

Wed: A man walked from a smoky ice hole and carried a large sturgeon(Peskov) - a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates; I'll give you money for the trip, and you can call a helicopter(Peskov) is a complex sentence.

2) Coordinating conjunctions usually take place at the beginning of the second clause (the second simple sentence).

In some places the Danube serves as a border, but it serves and is expensive people to each other(Peskov).

The exception is unions, too, also, particles-unions, only. They necessarily occupy or can occupy a place in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I cried, my mother also cried(Aksakov); His comrades treated him with hostility, but the soldiers truly loved him.(Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing, such complex sentences are often confused with non-union complex sentences.

3) The double conjunction not only..., but also expresses gradational relations and is classified as a connecting conjunction in school textbooks. Very often, when parsing, only the second part is taken into account ( but also) and are mistakenly classified as adversative conjunctions. To avoid making mistakes, try replacing this double conjunction with the conjunction and.

Wed: Language should not only be understandable or simple, but also language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language must be understandable or simple, and language must be good.

4) Compound sentences are very diverse in meaning. Quite often they are close in meaning to complex sentences.

Wed: If you leave, it will become dark(Shefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry(Tendryakov). - Although I didn't eat anything, I didn't feel hungry.

However, during analysis, it is not this specific meaning that is taken into account, but the meaning determined by the type of coordinating conjunction (conjunctive, adversative, disjunctive).

Notes In some textbooks and manuals, complex sentences include complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions that is, namely, For example: The board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he authorized himself to do this(Kuprin); Bird flights developed as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives birds opportunity to avoid unfavorable winter conditions(Peskov). Other researchers classify them as complex sentences or separate them into an independent type of complex sentences. Some researchers classify sentences with particles only as non-union sentences.

In the Russian language, it is customary to divide sentences into simple ones, which include one grammatical basis, and complex ones, which include several subjects and predicates that are not homogeneous members. In grade 9, the program involves studying various types of complex sentences. These include complex sentences (examples of which will be given below), as well as complex and non-union sentences. At the beginning of the course, we study in detail what BSC is in Russian (Complex Sentence).

BSC classification

As the name of the term suggests, a compound sentence is a complex sentence with a coordinating connection, which can be expressed using coordinating conjunctions or certain particles. Unlike phrases where a subordinating relationship is used and one part of the sentence is dependent (that is, cannot be used separately from the main one), in SSP both parts are equal. Below is a table with examples of compound and complex sentences from works.

The coordinating connection in a sentence can take on the following meanings:

  1. Connective relations are used in cases where it is necessary to show the sequence of two actions or to emphasize their simultaneity: The clock showed midnight And There was finally silence in the house. Communication is formed through alliances And, Yes,Also, Same and some particles: no no.
  2. Relationships between parts of a sentence can be divisive when it is necessary to indicate a change of events, their alternation or comparison: Not that he imagined not that and in fact, something bright flashed in the sky. In this case the conjunction is used or, as well as various repeating particles: either... or,not that... not that and others.
  3. Comparative relations are used to draw attention to the identity of the two parts of the BSC using namely or that is: I'm very afraid of heights namely The roofs of multi-story buildings and endlessly long flights of stairs scare me.
  4. Explanatory relations include various kinds of specification, clarification, expressed in words A, But,which means, and etc.: Everything was fine in the country house, But The roof leaked a little.
  5. Gradational relationships are those relationships in the BSC that involve further development: If not It will be possible to finish the construction by the end of the week, then at least you will already have done half the work. Conjunctions are used for communication not only that... also, not only but, not to say that... but and others.

In addition, comparative relations are sometimes divided into 3 more small categories, which include comparative relations themselves (this includes phrases with conjunctions oh yeah), adversatives (to express inconsistency using ah, but) and concessional (using only).

Types of coordinating conjunctions

To connect grammatical bases, auxiliary parts of speech are used - conjunctions and, in some cases, particles. Unions in the SSP usually divided into three categories:

  • connecting: and, yes and, too;
  • separating: either, not that... not that, or;
  • adversative: however, but, but, but.

In addition, complex conjunctions differ in their composition. Most of them consist of one or two words ( yes, also, but, or, but) and is used only in one part of the SSP:

We wouldn't make it until sunset Yes comrades came to the rescue.

However, double conjunctions are also distinguished, which are used in both parts of the phrase ( not only... but also, either... or, or... or):

Or Tomorrow there will be a thunderstorm with heavy rain, or It will be hot all day.

Conjunctions in the SSP are usually found at the beginning of the second part of the sentence (or at the beginning of both parts, if we are talking about a double conjunction). Exceptions are too, also and particle same, which can be located in the middle of a phrase:

January turned out to be unusually warm, February Same I was in no hurry to please the guys with snow.

The location of the conjunction in the phrase and the type to which it belongs must be known in order to correctly place punctuation marks (if necessary).

Basic rules of punctuation

As with all other types of complex sentences, most often in the SSP it is necessary to separate one part from the other by using a comma before the coordinating conjunction or particle.

We could have arrived today, but unexpected circumstances prevented our plans.

Either Pavel did not receive her message, or there were problems on the line again.

However, it is important to remember that coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a complex sentence, but also homogeneous members. In such cases, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical basics and understand whether the subjects and predicates are homogeneous, as in the following simple sentence:

Bees or wasps often fly into your apartment in the summer and can sting someone.

In addition, punctuation in BSC is not limited to commas. Some phrases use punctuation marks that are more typical of a non-union connection.

Semicolon and dash

In some cases, other punctuation marks should be used instead of a comma. If the sentence is very common (it contains participial or adverbial phrases, introductory words, a large number of homogeneous members) and there are already commas inside, you should separate one part of the phrase from the other using a semicolon:

The guys went to the pond, despite the beginning of rain, visited their neighbor, and walked along an abandoned forest path; but only in the evening they were allowed to go home.

In situations where one part of the BSC is sharply opposed to another or when the second part is a consequence of the first, a dash must be placed between them:

A blow and he fell.

In addition, punctuation errors in phrases with coordinating connections arise not only when determining the correct punctuation mark. Sometimes there are complex sentences that lack both commas and dashes.

When punctuation marks are not used

Keep in mind that there are some cases where a comma is not required. For example, if two simple sentences in a complex sentence are connected by single conjunctions And, Yes, or, or and have some common element, then no punctuation is needed between them. The common element may be:

  1. Common minor member (usually an object or adverbial): His parents have cows and pears growing on their farm.
  2. General subordinate clause (in the event that subordination is used in a sentence along with an essay): While my brother was walking, my mother went to the store and my sister started baking a pie.
  3. The general part of the sentence connected by a non-union connection (only when both parts of the SSP reveal the content of the phrase in more detail): The girl was overcome by despair: the last tram had left and the last bus had left.
  4. General introduction: As you know, our planet has the shape of a ball and the Moon revolves around it.

In addition to the indicated cases, a comma is not placed before connecting and disjunctive conjunctions if they are united by intonation:

How much time is left before the exams and when should you start preparing for them?- interrogative intonation.

Let the old year end and the new one begin!- an incentive offer.

How charmingly an experienced musician plays and how amazingly fine-tuned his ear is!- both parts are united by an exclamation.

Punctuation is not required in denominative sentences (without a predicate), if the conjunction is not double:

Amazing beauty and a completely inexplicable sight.

However, this rule does not apply to titles of books, films, etc.:

Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!

A comma is not needed in vaguely personal sentences, but only when the same performer of the action is implied:

Lunch was brought to the patients and then the dirty dishes were taken away.

It is not easy to remember all the listed rules and special cases. The easiest way to master the information received is to complete several tasks to consolidate the skill.

Examples of exercises

Task 1. Create diagrams for complex sentences from fiction (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin). Explain punctuation marks.

They wandered around the island for a long time without any success, but finally the pungent smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin put them on the trail.

First you need to determine the subjects and predicates: they wandered And brought the smell. Thus, there are 2 grammatical stems in the sentence, and they are connected by the conjunction But.

To draw up a BSC diagram, each part is indicated by square brackets, between which a coordinating conjunction is indicated: […], But […].

Punctuation marks are explained as follows: comma before the conjunction But separates 2 parts of the BSC; finally isolated on both sides, since this is an introductory word.

The generals looked at these peasant efforts, and their hearts played merrily.

It is necessary to highlight the grammatical basics: the generals were watching And hearts played. The connection between the parts of the sentence is ensured using a connecting conjunction And. The SSP scheme looks like: […], And […].

A single comma separates two simple parts of a complex sentence.

I wanted to give them a scolding, but they were frozen, clinging to him.

The first sentence in a complex sentence is incomplete: the subject is omitted, the predicate is omitted - wanted to give. The second sentence is ordinary, two-part; its grammatical basis is they are numb. Communication is made using an adversative conjunction But. The diagram looks like this: […], But […].

A comma before a conjunction divides a complex sentence into two parts; the second comma indicates the participial phrase.

The man now collected wild hemp, soaked it in water, beat it, crushed it - and by evening the rope was ready.

In the first part, homogeneous predicates are observed - picked, soaked, beat, crushed, related to the subject man. The second part is not complicated at all: the rope was ready. The diagram looks like: […] - And […].

Commas are added because there are several homogeneous members. The dash is necessary because the second part of the phrase is a result of the first.

Task 2. Determine which of the sentences are complex.

(1) The sixth-graders left the school building in a friendly crowd and, looking at the carefree sunny sky, walked to the bus stop. (2) There was already a roomy bus there that was supposed to take them to Vyborg. (3) The guys were already completely ready for the trip, but the teacher had not arrived yet. (4) Either her trolleybus was delayed, or her naughty daughter did not want to let her go to another city for the whole day.

(5) An elderly driver got off the bus and looked thoughtfully at the slightly confused schoolchildren. (6) Not only the guys were looking forward to the excursion, but he himself dreamed of finally escaping from the cramped, stuffy city.

To find the BSC, you need to determine which phrases contain 2 or more grammatical stems. Sentences 2, 3, 4 and 6 fit this condition. Phrases numbered 1 and 5 are simple with homogeneous predicates.

SSP and SPP (complex sentences) differ in communication methods: SSP uses coordinating conjunctions, while SSP uses subordinating conjunctions and allied words. Let us determine by what means the connection between simple parts is carried out. With the exception of sentence 2, where a conjunctive word was used which, all other phrases are connected using double ( either... or, not only... but also) and single coordinating conjunctions ( But). Therefore, phrases 3, 4 and 6 belong to the BSC.

Task 3. Perform parsing:

The summer holidays began, and we, of course, went on vacation in the countryside.

Syntactic parsing is carried out in stages. In some cases, some steps are omitted (for example, determining the type of union); below is the most complete version of the analysis:

  • Characterize it by the purpose of the statement and emotional coloring: narrative (does not contain a call to action or a question) and non-exclamatory.
  • Determine the number of grammatical stems: holidays have started And we went on vacation. Therefore, the sentence is complex.
  • The connection between the basics is ensured using a coordinating conjunction And. This means that the sentence is complex.
  • Perform a separate analysis of the first simple sentence. Since it has both a subject and a predicate, it is two-part. The presence of a minor member (definitions summer) indicates prevalence. The proposal is not complicated in any way. The subject is expressed by a noun, the predicate by a verb, and the definition by an adjective.
  • The second part is also two-part. It is spread by circumstance out of town. An introductory word acts as a complication Certainly. The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, the compound predicate by two verbs, one of which is in the infinitive form, and the adverbial by a noun.
  • The diagram looks like: […], and […].

The syntactic analysis of any other sentence in which there is a coordinating connection is performed in a similar way.

Complex sentences- These are sentences consisting of several simple ones.

The main means of connecting simple sentences into complex ones are intonation, conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) and allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication, complex sentences are divided into allied And non-union. Union proposals are divided into compound And complex.

Compound Sentences (SSPs) are complex sentences in which simple sentences are linked to each other by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

Types of compound sentences by nature of the conjunction and meaning

SSP type Unions Examples
1. connecting unions(connective relations). AND; Yes(in meaning And); no no; yes and; Same; Also; not only but.

They opened the door and air from the yard steamed into the kitchen.(Paustovsky).
Her face is pale, her slightly parted lips have also turned pale.(Turgenev).
Not only was there no fish, but the rod didn’t even have a fishing line(Sadovsky).
He didn’t like jokes, and even her in front of him left alone(Turgenev).

2. Compound sentences with adversarial conjunctions(adverse relationships). A; But; Yes(in meaning But); however(in meaning But); but; but; and then; not that; or else; particle(in the meaning of the union A); particle only(in the meaning of the union But).

Ivan Petrovich left, but I stayed(Leskov).
Beliefs are instilled by theory, behavior is shaped by example.(Herzen).
I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry(Tendryakov).
It rained in the morning, but now the clear sky was shining above us(Paustovsky).
You today gotta talk with his father, otherwise he will worry about your departure(Pisemsky).
The boats immediately disappear into the darkness, only splashes of oars and the voices of fishermen can be heard for a long time(Dubov).

3. Compound sentences with dividing unions(separation relations). Or; or; not that..., not that; then..., then; either... or...

Either eat the fish or run aground(proverb).
Either he was jealous of Natalya, or he regretted her(Turgenev).
Either the silence and loneliness had an effect on him, or he just suddenly looked with different eyes at the environment that had become familiar(Simonov).


1) Coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a complex sentence, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for punctuation marks. Therefore, when analyzing, be sure to highlight the grammatical basics in order to determine the type of sentence (simple with homogeneous members or complex sentence).

Wed: A man walked from a smoky ice hole and carried a large sturgeon(Peskov) - a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates; I'll give you money for the trip, and you can call a helicopter(Peskov) is a complex sentence.

2) Coordinating conjunctions usually take place at the beginning of the second clause (the second simple sentence).

In some places the Danube serves as a border, but it serves and is expensive people to each other(Peskov).

The exception is unions, too, also, particles-unions, only. They necessarily occupy or can occupy a place in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I cried, my mother also cried(Aksakov); His comrades treated him with hostility, but the soldiers truly loved him.(Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing, such complex sentences are often confused with non-union complex sentences.

3) The double conjunction not only..., but also expresses gradational relations and is classified as a connecting conjunction in school textbooks. Very often, when parsing, only the second part is taken into account ( but also) and are mistakenly classified as adversative conjunctions. To avoid making mistakes, try replacing this double conjunction with the conjunction and.

Wed: Language should not only be understandable or simple, but also language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language must be understandable or simple, and language must be good.

4) Compound sentences are very diverse in meaning. Quite often they are close in meaning to complex sentences.

Wed: If you leave, it will become dark(Shefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry(Tendryakov). - Although I didn't eat anything, I didn't feel hungry.

However, during analysis, it is not this specific meaning that is taken into account, but the meaning determined by the type of coordinating conjunction (conjunctive, adversative, disjunctive).

Notes In some textbooks and manuals, complex sentences include complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions that is, namely, For example: The board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he authorized himself to do this(Kuprin); Bird flights developed as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives birds opportunity to avoid unfavorable winter conditions(Peskov). Other researchers classify them as complex sentences or separate them into an independent type of complex sentences. Some researchers classify sentences with particles only as non-union sentences.

Compound sentence - this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning.

Coordinating conjunctions that connect simple sentences are found between simple sentences and are not included in any of them.

By conjunctions and by meaning compound sentences are divided into six groups.

1. Complex sentences With connecting unions: and, yes(= i), nor- neither. They talk about a) the simultaneity of events and phenomena, or b) their succession, or c) the conditionality of one event by another. For example: a) Neither [ viburnum does not grow between them], nor [ grass Not turns green] (I. Turgenev)- No no ; AND [ the wind was rushing fast through the weeds], and [sheaves sparks flew through the fogs]... (A. Blok)- And, and; [Only oriole gi shouting], Yes[cuckoos vying with each other count down someone has unlived years] (M. Sholokhov)- , Yes ;

b) [Two or three fell large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed]. (I. Goncharov) - [], And ; [Door across the street in a brightly lit store slammed], and [from it showed Xia citizen]. (M. Bulgakov)- , And .

V) [Life is given once], and [ I want to live her cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully] (A. Chekhov)(the second sentence expresses the result, consequence, conclusion from the content of the first) - , and ; [Tell you give her two words], and [ she is saved] (A. Chekhov)(in the first sentence the condition of the action (state) in the second is indicated) - , and ; [It was getting hot], and I hurried home] (M. Lermontov)(in the first sentence the reason for the action in the second is indicated) -, and; [Free seats did not have], and [im had to stand] (V. Rasputin)- , And .

2. Complex sentences with separators unions: or (or), either, whether- or then- this, not that- neither this nor that- either. They indicate alternation phenomena, on possibility (choice) one phenomena of two or several. For example: [The dog will bark brownie], il [ the breeze will rustle in sheets of darkening will fly by] (N. Yazykov [], il , il ; That [ Sun dim glitters], That [ cloud black hanging(N. Nekrasov)

This, that; Not that [ it was getting light], not that [ it was getting dark] (Yu. German)- Not that, not that (in sentences with conjunctions either- either or not- not that mutual exclusion is complicated by the meaning of conjecture or an indication of the difficulty in choosing the exact designation of the situation).

3. Complex sentences With adversative unions: ah, but, yes(= but), however, on the other hand, only. In them, one phenomenon is contrasted with another or differs in some way from it. For example: [Ranks people are given], A [people can be deceived] (A. Griboyedov)- , A ; [Beliefs are instilled theory], [ behavior same is being formed example] (A. Herzen)(union same combines two meanings: an adversative conjunction and an intensifying particle; therefore, it does not stand between simple sentences, but after the first word of the second sentence, highlighting this word) - , [same ]; [They, Certainly, don't know me], yes \I them I know] (F. Dostoevsky)- , Yes ; [Fedya never didn't cry], but [ found it's wild at times stubbornness] (I. Turgenev)- , but ; [She didn't move], Just a bit eyebrows moved] (V. Rasputin)- , only ; [Was it's already spring month March], however [at night the trees were cracking from the cold, like in December] (A. Chekhov)- , however . (The adversative conjunction “however” always appears at the beginning of a simple sentence; it can be replaced by the conjunction “but”; a comma is not placed after it. The introductory word “however”, which is homonymous to the conjunction, does not appear at the beginning (i.e., in the middle or at the end) sentences and are separated by commas in writing. Compare: We were all waiting for him, however (but) he did not come.- We were all waiting for him, but he didn’t come.)

4. Complex sentences With gradational-comparative conjunctions: not only... but also, not that... but (but), if not... then, not that... but (a), not so much... as. In such sentences there is a comparison or opposition of phenomena according to degree
significance: what is communicated in the second sentence is presented as in one way or another more significant, effective or convincing compared to what is said in the first (what is said in the second sentence has a greater degree of significance for the speaker). For example: [ Cmnot really cruel, but [he's too de yat splendid character] (L. Tolstoy)- not just that, but; Not only [ Sonya without paint couldn't stand it this look], but also [old Countess and Natasha blushed, noticing this look] (L. Tolstoy)- Not only but .

5. Complex sentences With connecting unions: and, too, also, moreover, moreover. The second sentence in them has the character of an additional or incidental remark, often unexpected, as if it had just come to mind. [He felt in front of her as a child], and [ she thought him for the child] (F. Dostoevsky)- , yes and ; [Poor Nadenka has nowhere else to go hear those words], and [no one pronounce them] (Ah, Chekhov)- , yes and ; [Face her it was pale], [slightly open lips Same turned pale] (I. Turgenev)- ., [too] (conjunctions Same And Also in meaning they are close to the union And, but they do not stand between simple sentences, but inside the second one).

6. Complex sentences with explanatory notes unions: that is, namely, They indicate the identity, equivalence of situations, while the second sentence explains and concretizes the thought expressed in the first. For example: [Also here lived in his native Lozishchi and to a certain Osip Lozinsky], that is [ lived, to tell the truth, it doesn’t matter] (V. Korolenko)- , that is ; [Men's room the servants were brought we have to a minimum], namely: [for the whole house no more than two lackeys were supposed to be sufficient] (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)- , namely .

Syntactic analysis of complex sentences

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2 Characterize the sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine the number of simple sentences in a complex sentence and find their boundaries, highlight the grammatical foundations of each simple sentence included in a complex sentence.

4.Indicate what kind of coordinating conjunction connects simple sentences into complex ones, and determine the semantic relationships between them.

5 Create a graphic diagram of a complex sentence.

6. Explain punctuation marks.

Sample analysis of a complex sentence

[You are many years late], but [still I glad) (A. Akhmatova).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of two simple sentences connected by the coordinating adversative conjunction “but”, a relation of opposition (with a hint of concession); simple sentences within a compound sentence are separated in writing by a comma.

That \ fell as if fog], then [suddenly allowed oblique, large rain] (L. Tolstoy).

This, that.

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of two simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating disjunctive conjunction “this - that”, an alternation relationship; simple sentences within a compound sentence are separated in writing by a comma.

[Women flash by in tents], and [ mongrels yapping sha-lye], and [samovars roses scarlet are burning in taverns and houses] (O. Mandelstam).

And, and.

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of three simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating conjunction “and”, simultaneous phenomena are listed; simple sentences within a compound sentence are separated in writing by commas.