Letters "e" - "e". Letters e - e. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation online. Lopatin's complete academic reference book

Letter E written: 1. at the beginning of words foreign language origin (evolution), 2. in the middle and at the end of foreign words after vowels A, O, U (maestro, figurine, Hemingway) and 3. in Russian words of a colloquial nature ( eva, such, such). Prim.: E preserved during word formation ( medical expert). Excl..: word project and its derivatives are written through E.

Letter E written: 1. in foreign words after hard consonants both in the middle and at the end of a word ( adequate). Excl..: mayor, peer, sir, plein air, ude, udege and derivatives from them, as well as some proper names: Bacon, Bella, Ulan-Ude are written through E. 2. in foreign words after a vowel And (audience), 3. in foreign languages proper names, surnames and geographical names ( Wagner, Tuapse) and 4. in particles de, del, den, der etc., as well as in words sen, ter, included in foreign-language names and surnames ( Baudouin de Courtenay, Guy de Maupassant, Lope de Vega, Del Monaco, Gerbrano van der Eckout, Hugo van der Goes, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Simon, Ter-Ghevondyan). Prim.: Expression tête-à-tête(French) written through E.

Exercise 11. Explain writing uh V the following words:

Hygiene, Everest, anesthesia, aloe, variety show, Stendhal, riding breeches, neckline, dandy, cabaret, cafe, design, egoism, muffler, cab, cottage, polio, phaeton, coupe, Elbrus, curé, erudition, model, hydroelectric power station, design, parterre, power lines, Luther, patient, requiem, duena, pince-nez, equator, Verdi, ethnography, pleated, Wells, purse, minuet, Bizet, enthusiasm, sharp, puree, synthesis, Ecuador, duel, stack, epigram, stand, tennis, awning, tour, philatelist, phoneme, brown-haired, highway, dielectric, Exupery, anti-aesthetic, re-examination, polyethylene, polyester, sanitary and epidemiological station, Novoexport, ROE, Puerto Rico.

Exercise 12. Insert the missing letters.

Audi_tion, di_ta, cafe_, client, m_n_ger, nons_ns, general_economic, piru_t, suz_ren, fon_ma, rough_shaky, grot_sk, detect_ctor, dush_s, pro_ktorovit, ma_stro, l_di, r_ketir, ed_lv_ys, ingr_di_nt, pro_kzamenat, , t_mbr, sh_zlong, kabar_, rand_wu.

Spelling and - s after prefixes

After all Russian prefixes ending in a consonant (except inter- and super-), instead of a letter AND is written Y (play - joke, famous - notorious). Excl..: charge (AND written according to pronunciation), but take away, lift up, take away.

After consoles inter- And above- vowel AND does not change, because after F, K, H, X in Russian words Y not written ( inter-institutional, ultra-refined- cf.: four-needle, three-pulse etc.).

After foreign language prefixes ending in a consonant, dez-, counter-, pan-, post-, sub-, super-, tris- vowel AND saved ( disinformation, counterplay).

Transition Rule AND V Y after consonant prefixes does not apply to compound words ( state inspection).

Exercise 13. Insert the missing letters.

under_play, post_infarction, previous, ob_dress, cult_inventory, summarize, from_again, sub_inspector, pre_June, without_inventory, pan_ran, post_impressionism, not without_unnecessarily, super_intendent, since_long, from_childhood, pre_impressionism, pre_infarction.

Exercise 14. Correct the mistakes you made.

Idealess, counter-risk, trans-Indian, sports game, disinfection, collect, inter-game, lack of initiative, sum up, calcified, withdraw, charge, sparkle, disinformation, hopeless.

Spelling n and nn

I. In the roots non-derivative adjectives is written N (YOUNG, BLUE. SPICY, RUSH etc.).

In adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in - N using the suffix - N-, is written NN (virgin soil - virgin soil)

AN, -YAN, -IN is written N (sand - sandy, silver - silver, duck - duck).Excl..: glass, tin, wood.

In adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes - ENN, -ENN, -ONN is written NN (art – artificial, division – divisional). Excl..: windy, But: windless, windward and other forms of this word with prefixes are written with NN. Prim.: From the word windy it is necessary to distinguish the word wind- one that is driven by the wind ( windmill, wind turbine).

IN short adjectives the same amount is written N, how many in full ( windy day - windy behavior, solemn appearance - solemn faces).

II. Both adjectives and participles can be formed from verbs.

From verbs ending in -OVAT, -EVAT, both adjectives and participles with NN are formed ( pamper - pampered, polish - polished). Excl.: forged, chewed (-ova-/-eva- is part of the root ) , But savvy, chewed ( participles ) .

From verbs Not perfect form adjectives are formed with N. As a rule, they do not have prefixes and dependent words ( dye - dyed, knit - knitted, fry - fried).

Participles are formed from perfective verbs. They usually have prefixes, dependent words. IN full participles written in full participles written NN, in brief – N. (paint - painted - painted, throw - thrown - thrown, fry in oil - fried in oil - fried in oil).

Prim.: Adjectives should be distinguished oil(i.e. made from oil or powered by oil: butter cake, cream, pump) And buttery(those. greased with oil, with added oil: butter pancake, butter week, porridge, little head), as well as the mentioned adjective buttery and participles like oiled (oily pancake).

Prim.: Console NOT- per quantity N does not affect.

Prim: In paired spellings like painted-repainted one letter is written N.

Prim.: In compound words quantity N does not depend on the second root ( fresh frozen - fresh frozen)

III. The same amount is written in adverbs Nenthusiastic tone – speak enthusiastically, windy day – it’s windy today).

Prim.: Adverbs must be distinguished from short adjectives and participles.

The lecturer spoke(How?) absently (i.e. inattentively; adverb).

Army<было> (what is done?) absentmindedly across the field by the enemy(i.e. the enemy scattered the army across the field; communion).

The entire Vorontsov family<было> (what?) absently : something was always forgotten or lost(i.e. was absent-minded, forgetful; adjective).

IV. In nouns with suffixes -OST, -NICK, -NIC the same amount is written N, how many are in the word from which they are formed ( confuse - confused - confusion, confusion; educated - well-mannered, pupil, pupil).

Things to remember:

WITH N the words are written: dowry (noun), imprisoned father, imprisoned mother, named brother, named sister, smart, wounded, worker, dumpling, oil worker, martyr, Maslenitsa.

WITH NN words are written: unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard of, given, sacred, slow, done, dowry, nephew, protege, teetotaler, ordinary, youth, counted, desired, humane, cutesy, sincere, genuine, promised, minted,

Exercise 15. Explain the spelling of N and NN in the following cases:

A) Seasonal, leather, antique, outlandish, sheepskin, nightingale trill, windy weather, living room, spoiled girl, a swan song, strange, low-lying, shot sparrow.

B) Boiled crayfish, knitted sweater, notebooks not checked, bride's dowry, offended child, rule learned, pork cartilage, resolved issue, wounded fighter, mad dog, boy spoiled by his father.

C) The entire Marmeladov family is tormented by poverty. The prisoners were deliberately silent. The guests arrived unexpectedly. Gastaev sincerely believed that he was right. Mikitin's daughter is smart, but spoiled. The case was abandoned at the very beginning. In the house, Marfusha was deprived of all rights. Laev's eyes looked oily.

D) Contemporary, swindler, wanderer, traitor, birthday boy, Maslenitsa, priest, frivolity, martyr, responsibility, virgin land, student, gingerbread, woodpile, oil worker, spices, price tag, security guard, dumpling, drowned man, artisan.

Exercise 16. Insert the missing letters.

Eggplant caviar, windless day, nameless soldier, driven animal, letter of thanks, delicious treats, long-unswept floor, defective goods, windy, landscaped gardens, invested capital, stolen silver, hotel, diamond cut by a master, applications considered, elected, true hard worker , cranberry drink, purchased smoked nuts, planted larch, raspberry planted by mother, ice-frozen fish, delicious ice cream, stone-paved road, no-one's-worn coat, generally accepted theory, cursed tribe, conscious act, desperate hero, bandaged hand, cut furnace cable, s sister apples, oil sketch, captive thrown into prison, cordoned-off area, linen sundress, worn shoes, messenger, loss of powder, upset woman in labor, fresh frozen food, sister-in-law, silver fence, owner, short-cropped hair, icy well, dry pots baked in the oven , black silver, trimmed grass, feuilleton character, sleek hands, swaggering owner, cast iron vat, emergency call.

Exercise 17. Correct the mistakes you made.

A desired gift, a cutesy young man, a windmill, an unprecedented miracle, an unexpected mistake, a mouse fuss, a machine room, a dowry, a smart kid, a sworn brother, a hemp seed, a planted mother, a platinum cabinet, a windy morning, a tower crane, sun-baked sandstone, a clay cup , windless day, leafy alley, debatable problem, abandoned hemp plant, cranberry juice, stone monument, painful sensation, leather sofa, cock's insolence, old clock, tannery, poor relative, station worker, silver cigarette case, young warriors, rosy apples, ringing linnet.

Made and sent by Anatoly Kaidalov.


The letter ё has long existed in the Russian alphabet, but in fact it was rarely used in print and in writing. It was used mainly only in dictionaries, spelling reference books, textbooks for non-Russians and in children's literature.
Behind last years the use of the letter ё became widespread in central newspapers, magazines and books published by central publishing houses. In addition, by order People's Commissar Education of the RSFSR on December 24, 1942 introduced the mandatory use of the letter e in school practice.
All this necessitated the publication of a real dictionary-reference book. It is intended mainly for press workers and school teachers.
The instructions in the reference book are largely consistent with “ Explanatory dictionary Russian language" ed. D. N. Ushakova.


§ 1. The letter e is used under stress: selShch, but villages; spring, but spring, endured, but endured; Ruff, but ruff, etc.
Note 1. The letter е is also written with a weakened emphasis in the first part compound word: aircraft-building, payable, three-wheeled, etc.
Note 2. In a few words with foreign language basics the letter e also occurs without an accent: Goethean (from Goethe), Königsberg (from Königsberg), etc.
§ 2. The letter ё is written after vowels and at the beginning of words to indicate a combination of sounds yo: fir-tree, hedgehog, capacious, moe, her, ration.
Note. At the beginning of a few borrowed words, it is customary to write yo instead of ё: yog, iota, iodine, iodine, iodine, York.
§ 3. When the letter е must be used to denote a combination of sounds yo after a consonant, the letter ъ is written before it after a prefix that ends in a consonant; in other cases - ь: rise, shooting, but pouring, gun, underwear.
Note. In a few words borrowed from other languages, after the letter ь it is customary to write not ё, but o: French. battalion, broth, quadrillion, ital. Signor, Spanish senor, senora.
§ 4. The letter e is written after soft non-sibilant consonants (for hissing ones, see § 5) to indicate the softness of the previous consonant and the sound o after a soft consonant: villages, springs, honey, ice, let's go, take, etc.
Note. Despite the fact that the roots represented in the words shook, harnessed, can be pronounced tres, preg, they are always written I, not ё.
§ 5. After the hissing words zh, ch, sh, shch under stress, when o is pronounced, they write either o or e, regardless of the softness or hardness of the hissing word: ray, knife, ladle, cloak, but flows, burns, dried, indignant.

The spelling of е or о after sibilants is regulated by special rules:

I. In the roots of words.
1) The letter е is written in those roots (as well as in derived stems with difficult-to-identify suffixes), in which, when changing and forming words, е alternates with e: gutter (gutter), zherdochka (pole), millstone (millstone), hard (harshish) ), walked (walked), silk (silks), whisper (whisper), wool (wool), bangs (brow), cheln (shuttle), chebot (chebotar), black (blacken), callous (stale), devil (devils) ), dash (line), even, as well as test, report, account, calculation, etc. (odd, deduction), dandy (panache), alkali (alkali), brush (bristles), click (click), cheeks (cheekA), twine (becheva), vecherka (colloquial - evening newspaper), deshevka (chezheizna), pechenka (liver), study (educational), sam-shelst (sixth), koshelka (purse), etc.
2) In the absence of the indicated alternation, it is customary to write the letter o. There are few cases with about: glutton, glutton, glutton, pulp, ass, seam, rustle, clink, choke, prim, ramrod, blinders, saddler, gooseberry, already (in the meaning then - folk).
As an exception, o is written in the nouns ожбг, arson, in contrast to the past tense of the verbs burn, set fire, and also in the word izzhOga.
Note 1. In borrowed foreign words under stress after sibilants, the letter o is written according to pronunciation: kryushOn, mazhOr, river Chorokh, Chosh Bay, CHOser (surname), Dzhon, dzhonka, etc. Borrowed words with the suffix -er are written through e: obstetrician, conductor, traveler, retoucher, etc.
Note 2. In borrowed words, the letter o after zh and sh can be without stress - juggler, zholner, chauvinism, chocolate, highway, Scotland, driver; it is also written in words derived from these stems: juggle, chocolate, highway, etc.

II. In endings and suffixes.
A. The letter e is written:
1) In personal endings of verbs of the 1st conjugations - eat, -yot, -yom, -yet: you lie, you lie, you lie, you lie; bake, bake, bake, bake.
2) In the verbal suffix -yovyva- and words derived from stems with the same suffix: demarcate, migrate,
also migration, demarcation.
3) In suffixes passive participles past tense and adjectives formed from verbs, as well as in words derived from stems with these suffixes: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detached, detachment; softened, softened; simplified, simplified, simplified; counted, dried, crushed.
B. The letter o is written:
1) At the endings of nouns and adjectives, as well as at the end of adverbs: shoulder, shoulder, knife, rein, sling; stranger, stranger; big, big; fresh, hot, general; Naked.
2) In suffixes of nouns and adjectives:
a) in the suffixes of nouns -ok, -on (with a fluent vowel): kishbk (gut), nobn (sheath);
-ok: horn, cockerel, pupil, borschk, and therefore: rozhbchek, meshbchek, me-shbchnik, pot;
-onok, -onk (in nouns male): bear cub, bear cub; little mouse-, little pebble-, barrel-shaped, barrel-shaped, barrel-shaped;
-onk (in feminine nouns): book, shirt, hand; money;
b) in the suffix of adjectives -s: ezhbey, penny, canvas, brocade; hence the canvas.

§ 6. Under stress after soft consonants and hissing consonants, not only ё, but also е can be written, according to pronunciation; the difference in pronunciation may be associated with the distinction between the meaning of words and their forms: perfect (excellent or complete) and perfect (made - from the verb to commit); universe (world) and universe (placed for residence - feminine word from the verb to inhabit), also: palate and palate, everything - singular. h. average R. and that's it - pl. h.
§ 7. Words that are identical in spelling, but different in meaning, may differ from each other in the place of stress, and therefore in the spelling e or e: istbchenny, istbchen - pr. from the verb to erode, meaning by sharpening to make an object thinner (a bruised knife) or to make holes in it (a worm-eaten apple); but worn out, worn out - pr. from the verb to pour out, meaning to pour out, etc.
§ 8. In some cases, variants of pronunciation of the same word are possible; sometimes these variants are characteristic of different styles speech, for example, in speech with a touch of obsolescence: uttered, uttered, uttered, but in a newer pronunciation: uttered, uttered, uttered, etc.


The dictionary includes: 1) words and their forms in which ё is written; 2) those words and forms with the letter e, the spelling of which may be doubtful (e or ё); 3) words and their forms in which o is written after sibilants.
Words of the last two categories are included in the dictionary because, as experience has shown, they are often mistakenly written е instead of о or е.
Nouns are given in the form of only names, case: 1) if the letter е is preserved in all cases (for example, actor); 2) if the syllable sev in indirect cases disappears (for example, flax).
Next to the name form. pad. the noun is also placed in other cases: 1) if instead of the syllable sev in indirect cases a syllable with e appears (for example: robbery, robbery, division, division); 2) if not in all, but only in certain cases, the syllable with е is retained (for example, linen, linen).
The noun is given in the form oblique case, and in square brackets the main form is placed if ё is written only in this form of the indirect case, for example: badey [badj], bell ringer ]zvonyr].
Nouns with o after hissing under stress are also given.
Adjectives are given in the form of names. pad. units h. male r., for example, stranger. This means that you need to write to someone else, someone else’s, etc.
Sewing verbs are given in an indefinite form, for example, underline. Therefore, you need to write: I emphasize, you emphasize, you emphasized, etc.
Verbs with sev endings are given in the 3rd person singular form. numbers, and in brackets it is indicated indefinite form, for example, takes [take]. Those using the dictionary should remember: if in the personal ending of the 3rd person there is a unit. h. there is е, then it will also be written in the 2nd person singular. hours and hours
1st and 2nd person plural. part of this verb; for example, the form takes at the same time indicates that you need to write take, take. take it.
Verbs without e in initial form and those who acquire it as a man. R. past tense are given in this latter form. If ё is also preserved in other forms of the past tense, only the endings of the feminine forms are given. and average R.; if in other forms there is no e, after the masculine form. R. The female form is given in full. R. and the ending of the middle r. form: otter, -la, -lo [to wipe off]; but lay down, lay down, -lO [lie down].
Since the addition of the particle -sya when forming reflexive verbs does not change the stress in the verb (and therefore the spelling of the letter e), then reflexive verbs are given together with non-refundable ones; they show up particle or -s, placed in parentheses with the appropriate form irreflexive verb, for example: will call [call]; comb your hair; entered (s), entered (s), -lo (s) [enter (s)].
Passive past participles in -enny are given in full and short forms; V full form names are indicated. pad. units h. male r., and in short - all three forms: male, female. and average r., for example - listed; brought in, -hay, -hay; pl. h. short form is not indicated, since its stress coincides with the feminine form. R.; for example, if in women's R. entered, then in plural. hours included.
If necessary, the origin of the word and its meaning are indicated.
Adverbs on o, formed from the stems of passive participles on -enny (for example, indignantly from indignant, distressed from distressed), are not indicated separately.
Proper names and geographical names are not listed in the dictionary.
Words with unsteady stress are given in two versions (for example, skewed and skewed). If any of the two options is associated with clearly expressed features of a stylistic nature, then the corresponding marks are given (colloquial, obsolete, etc.), for example: izrek and (obsolete) izrek.


The letter e is written at the beginning of the root to convey the vowel e (without a preceding j):

At the beginning of the following native Russian pronominal words and interjections: this (this, this, these), this, this, this, this, this; eva, evon, ege, ege-ge, hey, ek, eh, ehma, eh-he.

At the beginning of words of foreign origin (including proper names), for example: eureka, export, emergency, hellenic, epic, era, ethics, echo, etna, eric(with the letter e conveying a stressed vowel); eucalyptus, egoism, equator, exam, economy, electricity, element, elite, emotion, energy, epigraph, epidemic, escort, aesthetics, etymology, ether, Everest, Oedipus, Aeschylus(here the letter e conveys an unstressed vowel).

In letter names el, em, en, er, es, ef, as well as at the beginning of abbreviations written by the names of letters, and words formed from the names of letters and from letter abbreviations, for example: Socialist-Revolutionary, nth, ensky, emka.

After prefixes or components complex and compound words (both after vowels and consonants). Examples:

a) after vowels: anti-electron, anti-SR, de-escalation, unethical, re-examination, step by step, therefore, re-export; dielectric, movie screen, television screen, megaerg, microelement, polyester, mezzanine, five-story;

b) after consonants: electrodeless, sub-screen, pre-examination, one-of-a-kind, save, super-economical, sub-equatorial, super-elite; two-story, three-element, political economy, sanitary and epidemiological station, Mosenergo, Ministry of Economy.

Note 2. In some proper names after And letter is written uh, eg: Marietta, Gliere.

2. After the letters a, o, y, yu, e is written. List of basic words: duel, duet, maestro, minuet, pirouette, poet, poetry, poem, silhouette, figurine(here the letter e conveys a stressed vowel); aloe, aerodrome (and other words with the initial aero-), firewall, canoe, coefficient, lues, maestoso, muezzin, phaeton, fouette(here the letter e conveys an unstressed vowel). The same in proper names, for example: Puerto Rico, Wales, Hemingway, Maugham, Laertes, Aelita.

Exceptions: in words project, design, projection, projector and other similar roots, trajectory, introjection, and also in words starting with -er (e.g. buer, gaer, fraer, interviewer) is written with the letter e.

Note to paragraphs. 1 and 2. Regardless of the preceding letter, they are written with uh words with a second part -hedron: hexahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron, rhombohedron, trihedron, polyhedron.

3. After consonants; in this case, the separators ь and ъ are written before the letter e (see § 27 - 28), for example: necklace, premiere, chansonnier, croupier, play, courier, entertainer, tub(dat. p.), in the article, Molière; enter, drive up, leave, disconnect, eat, supernatural, pan-European, injection, courier.

1. Letter uh is written only in the following Russian words: uh That, uh such, uh So, uh cue, uh To, uh th, uh X, uh hmm, uh va, uh ge.

2. In borrowed words, the use of letters uh determined by the following rules:

a) At the beginning of words uh And e written according to pronunciation, for example: uh xo, uh llyn, uh teak, uh vcalyptus, E ladda, e ger, e say, e retic, E Europe

b) Inside a word after a vowel And is written e , For example: gigs e on, di e that, di e h, pi e tet, requi e m. After other vowels it is mainly written uh , For example: ma uh strictly, By uh T, statue uh weave But in some cases it is written e , For example: ge e Nna, about e CT, about e ction, re e page, tra e whoria, fe e Riya(If in doubt, consult a dictionary).

c) Inside and at the end of a word after consonants it is written e except words m uh R, P uh R, With uh R and derivatives from them ( m uh Riya, P uh rstvo), as well as some proper names, for example: B uh con, B uh la, T uh n, Ulan-Ud uh . Therefore, you need to write the letter e in words: hell e quat, d e ndi, scarf e , pennies e , With e T(tennis game) With e yf, T e mp, T e nnis, T e radio etc.

d) Letter uh saved after And and after a consonant if the word began with a letter uh and a prefix or the first part of a compound word is added to it, for example: di uh electrician, poly uh etc.(polyhedron), cf.: Octa uh etc.(octahedron), With uh save, two uh elemental.

Letter E.

3. Letter e is written in the following cases:

a) when it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word, for example: found out e m, Unlike find out e m; Sun e Unlike Sun é ; V e draw Unlike V e draw; commit e ny(participle) in contrast to commit énny(adjective);

b) when to indicate correct pronunciation words, for example: river Ol e kma(Not Olekma!); sch e lie(Not alkali!);

c) in special texts (dictionaries, primers, some textbooks, etc.).

Note. In foreign words at the beginning of words and after vowels instead of a letter e is written yo, For example: yo d , ra yo n, ma yo R.

Letter uh written at the beginning of the root to convey a vowel uh(without antecedent j):

1. At the beginning of the following native Russian pronominal words and interjections: this (this, this, these), this, this, this, this, this; eva, evon, ege, ege ge, hey, ek, eh, ehma, ehe he .

2. At the beginning of words of foreign origin (including proper names), for example: eureka, export, emergency, hellenic, epic, era, ethics, echo, etna, eric(with letter uh eucalyptus, egoism, equator, exam, economy, electricity, element, elite, emotion, energy, epigraph, epidemic, escort, aesthetics, etymology, ether, Everest, Oedipus, Aeschylus(here the letter uh

3. After prefixes or components of complex and compound words (both after vowels and consonants). Examples:

A) after vowels: anti-electron, anti-SR, de-escalation, unethical, re-examination, step by step, therefore, re-export; dielectric, movie screen, television screen, megaerg, microelement, polyester, mezzanine, five-story;

b) after consonants : electrodeless, sub-screen, pre-exam, one-of-a-kind, save, super-economical, sub-equatorial, super-elite; two-story, three-element, political economy, sanitary and epidemiological station, Mosenergo, Ministry of Economy.

Not at the beginning of the root after vowels (in words of foreign origin) are written as a letter uh , so e . Their choice depends on the preceding vowel.

1. After the letters e And And is written e. List of basic words: Gehenna, register, extravaganza; hygiene, hyena, sharp, diet, realtor, siesta, spaniel, fiesta and words to −ent: applicant, client, ingredient, coefficient, patient etc. (with the letter e , conveying a stressed vowel); fan, leer, player, Jesuit, hierarchy, hieroglyph, myelitis, pyelitis, piety, requiem, trier(here the letter e conveys an unstressed vowel).

2. After the letters a, oh, y, yu is written e. List of basic words: duel, duet, maestro, minuet, pirouette, poet, poetry, poem, silhouette, figurine(here the letter uh conveys a stressed vowel); aloe, airfield (and other words with initial part aero), firewall, canoe, coefficient, lues, maestoso, muezzin, phaeton, fouette(here the letter uh conveys an unstressed vowel). The same in proper names, for example: Puerto Rico, Wales, Hemingway, Maugham, Laertes, Aelita.

Not at the beginning of the root after the consonants uh written to convey a voweluhand at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant in the following cases.

1. In few common nouns of foreign language origin. List of basic words: mayor, master‘teacher, master’, plein air, peer, racket, rap, sir; the same in words derived from them, for example: mayor's office, peerage, racketeer. The range of other words (mostly highly specialized) is determined by a spelling dictionary.

2. In many proper names of foreign origin, for example: Bacon, David, Deng Xiaoping, Davis, Rayleigh, Rambo, Salinger, Sam, Sasson, Thatcher, Teffi(personal names and surnames), Maryland, Taipei, Ulan Ude, Yellow River(geographical names). Letter uh is preserved in any words derived from such proper names, as well as when they transform into common nouns, for example: Ulan Udensky, Rayleigh (physical unit), sasson(a haircut).

In other cases, the letter is written not at the beginning of the root after the consonants e .

Moreover, in all native Russian words the letter e indicates the softness of the preceding consonant, for example: white, wind, word, leg, matter, in the water, underground, trace, laudatory, exchange, wall, census, endure, cut, grow old, spring, reading, paths .

However, in words of foreign origin spelled with the letter e , the preceding consonant can be pronounced firmly. So, after letters conveying a soft consonant, the letter e P found in words asbestos, version, ghetto, despot, zebra, comet, lady, pioneer, subscriber, aspect, watercolor, sector, patent, defect and in a number of others. After letters conveying a hard consonant, e written in words baby, dandy, delta, model, eczema, cousin, slang, businessman, inertia, phonetics, cappella, rugby, rating, dispensary, setter, cottage, parterre, stand, pace and many others, as well as in indeclinable common nouns consistently written with the final letter e, eg: meringue, chimpanzee, macrame, summary, pince-nez, tour, coupe, corrugated, puree, dash, cabaret, fricassee, highway, essay, variety show, décolleté, karate, cafe, and in words with a foreign suffix −essa(type poetess, flight attendant, baroness); in a number of proper names, for example: Carmen, Nehru, Roerich, Brehm, Dantes, Taylor, Delphi, Saint Gotthard .