Spelling s and examples after prefixes. Which prefixes are always written the same way? Writing the letter “and” after foreign language prefixes

Spelling of prefixes - one of the most difficult sections of spelling modern Russian language.

It contains a huge number of prefixes with a variety of meanings. Some denote proximity (for example, “school”), some indicate movement in space (for example, “climb”).

You can also use prefixes to turn an imperfective verb into a perfective verb. For example, from the imperfective verb “play” you can make several verbs that denote an action that has already been completed: “play”, “play out”, “win”.

Some prefixes can end in both a voiceless and a voiced consonant (for example, “break apart” and “tell”), but the prefix “s” does not have a voiced counterpart “z”. When doing spelling exercises, students are often faced with the problem of choosing, not knowing which letter to write after the prefix: “s” or “i”. For example, there is the verb “play”. But why does the letter “s” appear in the root of the word “play”? Where did she come from?

The letter "and" after consonant prefixes

The vowels “ы” and “и” after prefixes are one of the most common "stumbling blocks" for younger and sometimes even older schoolchildren. The letter “and” is always placed after those prefixes that end in a letter denoting a consonant sound. Here are the most typical examples: “truly”, “get interested”, “play”. However, schoolchildren very rarely have difficulties with the letter “and” after prefixes, because such words are usually pronounced the same way as they are written. For example, in the word “get interested” the sound “y” is not audible, but the sound “i” is clearly heard. Here are example sentences with these words:

  • “The girl started playing the violin, and everyone cried with emotion”;
  • “The boy came to a friend’s house and invited him to play together”;
  • “Grandma decided to look for glasses under the sofa”;
  • “The teacher became interested in Seryozha’s drawing.”

The letter "ы" after vowel prefixes

The letter "s" is always written after those prefixes, which end in a letter indicating a consonant sound. Here are the most typical examples: “play along on the piano”, “look for a loss”. However, there is one exception - the Old Church Slavonic word “to levy”, which means “to take”. In modern Russian there are no prefixes “vz”, but there is a prefix “voz” (for example, “to cultivate”) and “vos” (for example, “to rise”, “uprising”, “to rise”).

Here are example sentences with these words:

  • “The Moskvich car was drawn in the lottery;
  • “The weather is bad today, snow is falling from the sky!”;
  • “I wanted to find a profitable job in the city”;
  • "The Mongol-Tatars exacted tribute from the Russian princes."

When using this rule, you should remember that the prefixes “between” and “over” do not fit under it, for example: “inter-game break”, “inter-institute competition”, “super interesting book”. In the case of the word “inter-institutional,” it would not be amiss to remember another textbook rule, which says: “Combinations of “zhi” and “shi” are written only with the letter “i”!

Why is it important to spell prefixes correctly?

Prefix spelling rules a separate section in the school curriculum of the disciplines “Russian as a native language” (in the Russian Federation) and “Russian as a foreign language” (in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States) is devoted. Exercises on the letters “s” and “i” after prefixes enrich the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren, help children master the basic principles of word formation using prefixes, and also develop memory and contribute to the rapid assimilation of theoretical rules in practice.

A person who speaks Russian well should pay attention to the correct spelling of prefixes. Correct use and writing in accordance with established norms and standards of the Russian language indicates a good level of education. Competent written language is often crucial when entering college and getting a job. A person who writes with errors is unlikely to be accepted or elected to a leadership position.

In order to learn how to write correctly, you first need practice. The following types of practical exercises seem to be the most effective:

  • Insert the missing letters in words, guided by the learned rule;
  • Give your own examples of a specific rule;
  • Fill in the missing prefixes or choose one prefix from several options for each word;
  • Trace how the meaning of the same word changes depending on different prefixes.

Spelling of prefixes is studied in the high school course: from elementary (second to fourth) to high school (tenth to eleventh). Naturally, the level of difficulty of the exercises gradually increases as the students grow. The spelling of the letters “ы” and “и” after the prefix is ​​first introduced into the curriculum in grades 3–4. These rules are then repeated annually, but the number of words used in practice exercises increases.

For that to write prefixes correctly, you need not only to know the rules, but also to be able to apply them in practice. Constantly performing practical exercises to consolidate the learned rules contributes to the development of spelling skills for prefixes and bringing them to automatism. Also, children and adults learn to write prefixes correctly while reading Russian classical literature: both poetry and prose.

In order to accurately write the vowels Y and I after prefixes, you need to remember that after Russian prefixes ending in a consonant, the roots are written not I, but Y in accordance with pronunciation. For example: SUMMARY, PREVIOUS.

This rule does not apply:

    for words with foreign prefixes DEZ-, SUB-, CONTER-, TRANS-, POST-, PAN-, SUPER-, etc. (SUPERGAME, POSTIMPRESSIONISM);

    for words with Russian prefixes INTER- and SVERH- (INTERSTITUTE, SUPERINTERESTING);

    for complex abbreviated words (SPORTS EQUIPMENT);

    as well as the exception word TAKE, in which after the prefix ВЗ- the sound [and] is pronounced.


1. For two months he played the role of a madman perfectly. (N.V. Gogol)

2. Well, are you done?! Eh, I'm tired of this life! (N.V. Gogol)

3. Black has a certain counterplay on the queenside.

4. These anonymous letters irritated me most of all. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

5. But as soon as I leave for a couple of days, something super_ interesting happens here.

6. He, however, was not unaware that I had something... (F. M. Dostoevsky)

7. That jacket that you are taking off, look, it’s not even wrinkled. (N.V. Gogol)

8. Therefore, these letters seemed to me not entirely uninteresting. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

9. They somehow changed the frame and decorations in a very strange way... (L.N. Tolstoy)

10. And now this hope, no longer hope, but confidence in a miracle filled him to the very top of his head, and he was already wondering how he could live before in such hopeless, hopeless darkness... (A. and B. Strugatsky)

11. All troubles and misfortunes have changed the nature of man, making him lacking initiative. (L.N. Tolstoy)

12. You need to experience life at least once in its artificial beauty. (L.N. Tolstoy)

13. Energy workers are prohibited from charging fines for excessive consumption of electricity.

14. However, at all costs, he decided to find out the last small feature and shade in them, to comprehend their secret... (N.V. Gogol)

15. The local postmaster is doing absolutely nothing: everything is in great disrepair, parcels are delayed... if you please, find out for yourself on purpose. (N.V. Gogol)

16. From this, the collegiate assessor could see that the private bailiff was not ignorant of the sayings of the ancient sages... (N.V. Gogol)

17. It is necessary to organize the publication of an international electronic newspaper.

18. If you have already received such a, so to speak, fantastic desire, then for my part I convey them to you without interest and take over the deed of sale. (N.V. Gogol)

19. In fact, nothing super interesting was found inside.

20. They discovered that he lived in some strange company, got involved with some scum of the St. Petersburg population... (N.V. Gogol)

21. Kharkov plant "Sport_inventar" was founded in 1948.

22. Aragva, embracing another constant river, noisily bursting out of a black gorge full of darkness, stretches out like a silver thread and sparkles like a snake with its scales. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

23. I was the necessary person of the fifth act; involuntarily I played the pathetic role of an executioner or a traitor... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

24. Collection of materials of the Fourth Inter-Institutional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists.

25. It’s time to sum up how I live and how I am armed. (M. Svetlov)

26. The Trans-Ordan Emirate was created by England in the spring of 1921.

27. He entered the “Gray Joy”, drank a glass of Arkanar sourness, patted the hostess on the cheek, turned over, deftly moving his sword, the table of a regular informant, who was staring at him with empty eyes, then walked to the far corner and pushed away a shabby bearded man with an inkwell. on the neck. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

28. During the war years, the Pedagogical Institute suffered the most of all Tomsk universities, undergoing six moves from place to place.

The exercise was prepared by A. Kopeina and B. A. Panov (school No. 1199, Moscow “League of Schools”).

There are many prefixes in the Russian language.
Some are always written the same way; making mistakes in their writing is especially offensive.
Some prefixes are written strictly according to the rule: understand how to act, and you won’t make a mistake.
And there are those that require constant attention, such as consoles pre- And at-.
Learn how to write Russian prefixes.

Which prefixes are always written the same way?

1. Consoles V-, about-, from-, above-, under-, y-, O-, You-, on the-, behind-, before-, By-, re-: to come in - contribute - run in- stand up

No problem! Always write them the same way!

Many prefixes are always written the same way, for example: run in, stand up. Do you hear different sounds at the beginning of these words? The sounds [v] and [f] are different pronunciations of the same prefix v-. Why can pronunciation be different? It depends on the subsequent sound. The law of deafening the voiced before the deaf works. So, we can pronounce these prefixes differently, depending on the phonetic position in the word, but we always write them the same way.


A list of examples will help you remember these prefixes:

Inscription, signature and subterfuge,
ending, screwdriver,
exit, entry and attack,
both income and food,
and also a visit, a hike
and an underground passage.

2. Prefix s-: change

There is only a prefix With-.

Misspellings of this little prefix are so common that a special rule had to be created. The fact is that many people confuse the prefix s- with prefixes ending in letters With or h. They will be discussed below.

Write the prefix s- always the same way: both before vowels and before any consonants: surrender, make, wash away.

Before paired voiced consonants, the prefix s- is pronounced like [z]: to do, to hand over.

Which prefixes are spelled differently?

1. Prefixes ending with letters h And With: helpless - homeless

Attention to the border between prefix and root!

Prefixes: once-// race-, from-//is-, without-// bes-, through-// vos-, up-// all-, bottom-// down-, through-// through- , through-// through- if the root of the word

  • begins with a vowel or voiced consonant, write with the letter h: homeless,
  • if the root begins with a voiceless consonant, - with the letter With: helpless.

2. Consoles pra-//pro: great-grandson - truant

Think about the meaning:

If values ​​are expressed:

  • “prescription, history, antiquity, remoteness of times, phenomena, relationships, persons”, write pra-: proto-Slavic, great-grandfather,
  • any others - write the prefix pro-: stand (long), view (quickly, briefly), prescribe (prescribe treatment), etc.

3. Consoles times- (dis-)//ro´ z- (po´ s): paint - registration

Attention to emphasis:

On consoles times-, races-//roses-, growth-

  • write without accent A: story,
  • under stress - O: ro´ tales.

4. Consoles pre-//pri-: cute, block - come, tie, cover up, roadside

Think about the meaning:

Write pre- if values ​​are passed:

  • "Very" - dear, old,
  • “over” is an obstacle.

Write with-, if values ​​are passed:

  • “approaching” - to come, to come,
  • “attachment” - sew, tie,
  • “a little bit” - cover, open slightly,
  • "near, close" - coastal, roadside


Many words are not included in the listed groups: get used to, be present, listen and others. Try to remember their spelling.

Do not confuse:

In a series of words pre And at are part of the root: reason, hello, order, transform, despise, obstacle and others. Try to remember such spellings.

I-Y after consonant prefixes: play-play

Do you see the consonant prefix? Then after it, write y instead!

After the consoles,

  • ending in a consonant, in place And write s: practical joke, uninitiative.
    Exception: collect taxes, payment, fine
  • inter- and super-write: inter-institutional, super-interesting.
    Why? Because there is an important prohibition for the Russian language: you cannot write s after f, w, and k, g, x,
  • write after the “foreigner” prefixes And: super game, post-impressionism.
    Why? Because the basic rule does not apply to borrowed foreign language prefixes: dis-, counter-, trans-, post-, sub-, super-, pan-.

The rule for writing and/s after consonant prefixes concerns different cases of spelling words with an initial letter "And" or "s" fundamentally. The rule says that their choice is determined by whether the Russian or foreign prefix precedes the root of the word.

Spelling of the letter "ы" after Russian consonant prefixes

Rule for writing letters "And" or "s" regulates the choice of the initial letter of the root after consonant prefixes. If the morphemic composition of a word contains a Russian prefix ending in a consonant, in addition to letters "and" And "X", after it the letter is written in the root "s".

Examples of writing the letter "s" after prefixes

  • infarction - pre-infarction;
  • individual - supra-individual;
  • proactive - without initiative;
  • skillful - artless;
  • July - pre-July;
  • to ironize - to s-ironize;
  • ideological - without ideological;
  • history - pre-history;
  • search - sub-search;
  • result - to summarize.
  • The words are written similarly:

    become commonplace, search, inventoryless economy, needleless, inflated pride, nameless finger, childhood (to be friends), sparkless welding, calcification, artless story, hopelessness, previous paragraph, find opportunities, play along with a friend, look for a criminal, unprincipled content, well-known writer, played in a draw, know each other since childhood.


    These two words are written according to their pronunciation.

    The letter “and” after the prefixes inter- and super-

    In Russian spelling after letters “zh”, “w”, “x”, “h”, “sch” the letter is not written "s", so after the prefixes inter- And above- the root retains the initial " And ", for example:

  • game - between and game break,
  • institute - between and institute match,
  • publishing - inter-publisher agreement;
  • refined - beyond and refined manners,
  • individual - above and beyond individual approach,
  • intelligent - beyond and intelligent,
  • interesting - super and interesting story,
  • proactive - an overly and proactive person.
  • Writing the letter "i" in compound words

    In complex words with the first part two-, three-, four- after the letter "X" only a letter is written " And ", for example:

    Compound words contain an abbreviated first word, while the second retains the initial letter " And " at the root, for example:

  • sports and equipment (sports equipment),
  • before and executive committee (chairman of the executive committee),
  • agricultural and implements (agricultural implements),
  • special and instrument (special tool).
  • Writing the letter “and” after foreign language prefixes

    If the morphemic composition contains foreign language prefixes

    then the initial letter is retained in the root of words " And ".

    • dis and information, dis and non-sectional, dis and integral;
    • counter and gra, counter and tog, counter and sk;
    • post and impressionism, post and infarction;
    • pan and slamic, pan and rhonic;
    • super and groovy, super and cute, super and interesting;
    • trans and ransky, trans and Indian;
    • sub and inspector.

    Additional material:

    Living Russian Certificate

    Vowels I, Y after the prefix

    Let's start with a table of meanings of speech sounds AND And Y:

    a reusable, repeated, or reproducible, or indefinitely lasting action.

    unmanifested potential, without movement, as a given, as just presence.

    Now we have to find something intelligible in spelling rules with many exceptions.

    After all Russian prefixes ending in a consonant, except inter- and extra, written -Y-.

    withoutY mint
    beforeY infarction
    fromY play
    fromY roll
    underY live together
    rosesY sk

    Note: beforeY heart attack, but fastAND infarction, fastAND stroke

    Note, as a practical observation, that in all examples with Y the meaning of givenness, presence, consequence is stated ( previous, draw, find).

    Root vowel AND changes in these examples to Y:

    Eid ushchy - before Yd ushchy, Games a – roses Play yush, Lawsuit at – rose Ysk.

    In meaning, “movement, continuation, action” ( AND) changes after prefixes ( about-, times-, without-, over-, pre-, with-, from-, etc..) to “uncertain potential, state, statics.”

    But if you are not accustomed to observing and tracking such meaningful things, it may seem that it is more difficult than quickly memorizing ready-made forms (but this is how people gradually forget how to think and begin to behave like a robot).

    And in an exception to the rule ( fast AND infarction) – just a way out of the given, just a continuation further, which is symbolized in our meaning through sound AND.

    Although the spelling rule " post-infarction"refers to foreign language prefixes, after which it is recommended to write AND.

    In principle, you only need to learn a small number of spellings after prefixes with Y. In all other cases, after the prefixes it is written AND.

    After foreign prefixes ending in a consonant (hyper, des, inter, counter, post, sub, super, trans, panetc.), is written-AND-.

    hyperAND inflation
    desAND infection
    fastAND infarction
    panAND Islamism
    counterAND gra
    subAND inspector

    that is, with this rule they want to show that foreign language prefixes do not affect the root?

    And accordingly, in all these words the sound AND manifests itself according to its own meaning!

    The same goes for Russian prefixes:

    After Russian prefixes betweenand beyondis written-AND-.

    aboveAND interesting
    betweenAND editorial
    betweenAND institute

    And there are also such cases with AND:

    After prefixes ending in a vowel, at the root with the initial AND-, written -I-.


    those. the root remains unchanged (in accordance with pronunciation).

    After the first parts of complex and compound words (two, three, ped, honey, sport, watered, state, Finn, thoseetc.) is written-AND-.

    pedAND institute
    sportAND inventory
    wateredAND information
    stateAND wealth
    finAND inspector
    thoseAND inventory
    myselfAND zdat

    Whole words can act as the first parts of complex and complexly abbreviated words (sport) and parts of words (polit).

    Such rules can be left for yourself as TRANSITIONAL from forms to meanings - sounds, syllables, words, sentences...

    When one day you start working with Living Language and Living Speech completely and exclusively based on meanings, you will no longer look at prefixes, roots, etc., but will perceive and react only to meanings (while correctly choosing the right forms)!

    Source: Living Russian Certificate. Part 1. The semantic principle of Russian spelling. Popular scientific educational manual. – RHYTHM. Ekaterinburg. 2009

    Vowels ы and и after prefixes

    Handbook of spelling and style. - M.: Set. D. E. Rosenthal. 1997.

    See what “Vowels ы and и after prefixes” are in other dictionaries:

    Vowels ы and и after prefixes- After prefixes ending in a consonant, y is written instead of and in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: play - play along, play, play; seek – find, find, find; ideological - unideological; induction – non-induction; ... A guide to spelling and style

    § 007. VOWELS ы and И AFTER PRESETS- § 7. When combining a prefix ending in a consonant with a root or with another prefix that begins with and, it is written according to the pronunciation, according to the general rule y, for example: search, previous, take, seize (but: collect, where … …Russian spelling rules

    SPELLING- @Spelling of vowels in the root I. Spelling of vowels in the root § 1. Verifiable unstressed vowels § 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels § 3 ... Reference book on spelling and stylistics

    Compound words without a connecting vowel- 1. It is necessary to distinguish between compound words with connecting vowels and compound words without a connecting vowel. Wed: psychotherapy (psycho + therapy) – psychasthenia (psych + asthenia). 2. In some complex words, the first part is ... ... A reference book on spelling and style

    Spelling- Spelling (from the Greek orthos correct and gramma letter) a spelling that corresponds to the rules of spelling, requiring the application of these rules, spelling rules. Main sections of spelling: writing morphemes in various ... ... Wikipedia

    Y- This term has other meanings, see Y (meanings). Cyrillic letter Y Cyrillic A B C ... Wikipedia

    Y (Cyrillic)- The request “Y” is redirected here; see also other meanings. Cyrillic letter Y Cyrillic ... Wikipedia

    Letter Y- The request "Y" is redirected here. See also other meanings. Cyrillic letter Y Cyrillic A B C ... Wikipedia


    The letters Y and I after vowel and consonant prefixes

    Spelling of prefixes - one of the most difficult sections of spelling modern Russian language.

    It contains a huge number of prefixes with a variety of meanings. Some denote proximity (for example, “school”), some indicate movement in space (for example, “climb”).

    You can also use prefixes to turn an imperfective verb into a perfective verb. For example, from the imperfective verb “play” you can make several verbs that denote an action that has already been completed: “play”, “play out”, “win”.

    Some prefixes can end in both a voiceless and a voiced consonant (for example, “break apart” and “tell”), but the prefix “s” does not have a voiced counterpart “z”. When doing spelling exercises, students are often faced with the problem of choosing, not knowing which letter to write after the prefix: “s” or “i”. For example, there is the verb “play”. But why does the letter “s” appear in the root of the word “play”? Where did she come from?

    The letter "and" after consonant prefixes

    The vowels “ы” and “и” after prefixes are one of the most common "stumbling blocks" for younger and sometimes even older schoolchildren. The letter “and” is always placed after those prefixes that end in a letter denoting a consonant sound. Here are the most typical examples: “truly”, “get interested”, “play”. However, schoolchildren very rarely have difficulties with the letter “and” after prefixes, because such words are usually pronounced the same way as they are written. For example, in the word “get interested” the sound “y” is not audible, but the sound “i” is clearly heard. Here are example sentences with these words:

    • “The girl started playing the violin, and everyone cried with emotion”;
    • “The boy came to a friend’s house and invited him to play together”;
    • “Grandma decided to look for glasses under the sofa”;
    • “The teacher became interested in Seryozha’s drawing.”
    • The letter "ы" after vowel prefixes

      The letter "s" is always written after those prefixes, which end in a letter indicating a consonant sound. Here are the most typical examples: “play along on the piano”, “look for a loss”. However, there is one exception - the Old Church Slavonic word “to levy”, which means “to take”. In modern Russian there are no prefixes “vz”, but there is a prefix “voz” (for example, “to cultivate”) and “vos” (for example, “to rise”, “uprising”, “to rise”).

      Here are example sentences with these words:

    • “The Moskvich car was drawn in the lottery;
    • “The weather is bad today, snow is falling from the sky!”;
    • “I wanted to find a profitable job in the city”;
    • "The Mongol-Tatars exacted tribute from the Russian princes."
    • When using this rule, you should remember that the prefixes “between” and “over” do not fit under it, for example: “inter-game break”, “inter-institute competition”, “super interesting book”. In the case of the word “inter-institutional,” it would not be amiss to remember another textbook rule, which says: “Combinations of “zhi” and “shi” are written only with the letter “i”!

      Why is it important to spell prefixes correctly?

      Prefix spelling rules a separate section in the school curriculum of the disciplines “Russian as a native language” (in the Russian Federation) and “Russian as a foreign language” (in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States) is devoted. Exercises on the letters “s” and “i” after prefixes enrich the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren, help children master the basic principles of word formation using prefixes, and also develop memory and contribute to the rapid assimilation of theoretical rules in practice.

      A person who speaks Russian well should pay attention to the correct spelling of prefixes. Correct use and writing in accordance with established norms and standards of the Russian language indicates a good level of education. Competent written language is often crucial when entering college and getting a job. A person who writes with errors is unlikely to be accepted or elected to a leadership position.

      In order to learn how to write correctly, you first need practice. The following types of practical exercises seem to be the most effective:

    • Insert the missing letters in words, guided by the learned rule;
    • Give your own examples of a specific rule;
    • Fill in the missing prefixes or choose one prefix from several options for each word;
    • Trace how the meaning of the same word changes depending on different prefixes.
    • Spelling of prefixes is studied in the high school course: from elementary (second to fourth) to high school (tenth to eleventh). Naturally, the level of difficulty of the exercises gradually increases as the students grow. The spelling of the letters “ы” and “и” after the prefix is ​​first introduced into the curriculum in grades 3–4. These rules are then repeated annually, but the number of words used in practice exercises increases.

      For that to write prefixes correctly, you need not only to know the rules, but also to be able to apply them in practice. Constantly performing practical exercises to consolidate the learned rules contributes to the development of spelling skills for prefixes and bringing them to automatism. Also, children and adults learn to write prefixes correctly while reading Russian classical literature: both poetry and prose.


      Notes on the topic Letters s and after prefixes

      Answers and explanations

    • nadenkalagutin1
    • average
    • Module title: “The letters Y and I after prefixes.”

      2. Integrating didactic goal: to become familiar with the rules of spelling the letters Y and I after prefixes.

      3. Target action plan for students:

      give an idea of ​​the spelling of the letters Y and I after prefixes; develop spelling literacy; improve the ability to see spelling in words according to the rule being studied; cultivate a culture of mental work.

      4. Information bank: a) incoming control.

      Find the line in which the letter A is written in place of the gap in all words?

      a) k. dream, zag. r, z. ryka;

      b) prik. dream, zag. mature, h. rya;

      c) k. sanie, vyg. rki, z. roar;

      d) k. satelnaya, zag. growl, h. roar.

      Alternative question. What alternating roots did you study in the last lesson? Tell me the rules. (In the root -kos- -kas- the letter A is written in an unstressed position if the root is followed by the suffix -a-, and the letter -o- if there is no such suffix.

      At the root with alternating -gor- - -gar- the letter O is written in an unstressed position. Exception: burnouts.

      In the root -zor- -zar- the vowel that is heard is written under stress, and without stress - a.

      Exceptions: dawn, dawn.).

      Find the “fourth extra” in each line.

      a) k..soi, k. sanie, k. sleep, adj. dreaming;

      b) prig. bark, bark r, g. ra, zag. mature;

      c) k..sa, k..satik, k...sulya, k...satelstvo.

      Answer. 1) oblique, touch, touch, touch; 2) burn, tan, mountain, tanned; 3) scythe, killer whale, roe deer, tangency.

      Alternative question: Level A assignment.

      1. Z. revo, k. satelnaya.A. O and O 2. Zag. growl, h. roar.B. A and A 3. Prik. dream, h. rnitsa.V. A and O 4. K. sit, ug. rny.G. O and A 5. Oz. bark, prik. dream.

      Answer. 1B, 2A, 3G, 4B, 5B.

      Alternative question: Level B assignment.

      b) learning new material (adapted for all levels).

      Letters Y and I after prefixes

      After consonant prefixes, the letter Y is written if words with the same root without these prefixes begin with the sound [and].

      unknown (known); summarize (result)

      After the prefixes over- and inter- the letter I is written.

      super-refined (after super-), inter-institutional (after inter-)

      c) consolidation of previously studied material.

      Goal: to consolidate the rule about spelling Y and I after prefixes.

      Methodological commentary for students: Explain the spelling of these words.

      Unprincipled, unartificial, inter-institutional, notorious, background, super-interesting, previous, super-exquisite, inter-publishing, pre-July.

      Answer. After consonant prefixes, the letter Y is written if words with the same root without these prefixes begin with the sound [i]: unprincipled, artless, notorious, prehistory, previous, pre-Yuly.

      After the prefixes super- and inter-, the letter I is written: inter-institutional, super-interesting, super-refined, inter-publishing.

      Goal: to improve the skill of spelling the letters Y and I after prefixes.

      Methodological comment for students: Follow the provided link and complete the exercise.

      Answer. Y: play, artless, look for, pre-June, play along. And: inter-institutional, uninteresting, super-ideological, super-interesting, win.

      Methodological comment for students: Find “4 extra” in each line. Explain your choice.

      1) without. active, prev. history, over. interesting, under. roll;

      2) from. say, inter. institute, not without. interesting, prev. blowing;

      3) over. refined, inter. designer, un..similarity, over. active;

      4) summarize, sub..play, without. artificial, under say

      • Hotline of the Orient Express Bank The hotline of the Orient Express Bank is a reference and information service with elements of independent remote service. Contact center operators will be able to provide regular and potential clients with any […]
      • Child support in 2017 This article is outdated! Read about all the major changes in alimony legislation from January 1, 2018 in the following material on our website: → Alimony in 2018 - changes and latest news ← In 2017, the fundamental issues of collection […]
      • Which companies provide loans secured by PTS: choosing the best option Ten years ago, less than 20% of the population of our country applied for loans, the majority expressed open distrust in this method of loans, and today more than 50% of Russians have at least once resorted to the services credit […] Ways to optimize taxes are 4.1. Methods of tax optimization Methods of tax optimization are varied in nature. Among the most popular tax optimization methods, experts usually highlight: the relationship replacement method; relationship separation method; tax payment deferment method; method […]
      • Protection of consumer rights As a rule, controversial situations are caused by: the purchase of goods of inadequate quality, the provision of services, the performance of work or, conversely, their non-performance (in whole or in part) or there are significant deficiencies. This also applies to the timing of eliminating identified deficiencies, [...]
      • What, according to the law, is an insult to the feelings of believers? Changes in Russian legislation that tighten liability for insulting the feelings of believers leave many questions. What exactly is an insult, believers of which religions enjoy special protection - a clear answer to these questions […]