The particle xia is denoted in verbs. Without rules - nowhere

Plan-notebook for the Russian language, grade 4

Topic: Spelling of verbs with the suffix -sya, -sya

The purpose of the lesson:

  1. Expand students' knowledge of verbs.
  2. Identify the features of the reflexive form of verbs.
  3. Get acquainted with the spelling of verbs with the suffix – sya, - sya.
  4. Continue the development of schoolchildren's spelling hearing, memory, observation and practical skills, logical skills and attention.
  5. Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.
  6. Continue to foster a sense of teamwork.
  7. Equipment: support diagrams “Ending”, “Suffix”, “Suffix -sya”. “Suffix -s.”

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

Creating an emotional mood. (Audio recording of the play “March” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.)

Teacher: Hello, guys! I started my lesson with a fragment of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “March” from the “Seasons” cycle. Today we have an unusual lesson.

  1. Updating basic knowledge.
  1. Setting a goal.

Teacher: Today in class we will continue working on the verb. Let's remember what we already know about it, and also learn something new about this part of speech. Why is knowledge about the verb necessary?

Children: The verb takes second place after the noun, it is the most “living” part of speech, it shows the movement of time in our lives. We study the verb in order to be literate, educated people, so that our speech is rich.

  1. Repetition.

Calligraphy (5 minutes).

Continue writing to the end of the line, observing the pattern: sya sya sya sya sya

Teacher: Read the sentence. Tell me, what time of year are we talking about?

The ice on the rivers begins to crack and break.

Children: Early spring, since ... (speak out)

Teacher: Look how the great Russian artists Levitan and Romadin showed early spring in their paintings “March” (shows a reproduction of the painting “March”).

Teacher: Prove that it is spring. Which reproduction suits us best for the lesson? Why?

Teacher: Copy the sentence, break it down into parts of the sentence and parts of speech. What did you notice?

Children: Homogeneous predicates expressed by a verb.

a) Vocabulary work.

Teacher: Form from these words cognate verbs in the indefinite form:

B.. seda-talk



Z..bota-take care

b) Game “Blitzopos”.

Setting the goal of the game.

Teacher: Now we’ll check how well you understand the signs of verbs and how well you can give examples.

What is a verb?

Children: A verb is a part of speech that denotes the action of an object, answers the questions what to do? What to do? For example…

Teacher: What constant features does a verb have?

Children: Type: perfect or imperfect. For example…

Conjugation I or II is a change in verbs by person and number.

Teacher: Name the inconstant features of a verb.

Children: Number, time, person, gender.

Teacher: Which part of a sentence is usually a verb?

Children: Predicate.

Teacher: What do you know about infinitive verbs?

Children. For verbs of indefinite form, it is impossible to determine the number and tense; it answers the question “what to do?”

Teacher: Look again at the verbs in “A Minute of Penmanship.” What can you say about these verbs? (Helper question: ask a question about these verbs)

Children: These are verbs of an indefinite form, as they answer the question “What to do?” and have a suffix.

Teacher: What else can infinitive verbs end in?

Children: Na-ti, -ch, for example: go, flow.

  1. Checking individual work.

Teacher: The guys who worked with dictionary words had a task: to form verbs in the indefinite form. Let's check the task and see how they did it. Name the resulting verbs and prove that they are in the indefinite form.

Children: Answer the question “what to do?”, have a suffix.

Find and highlight the suffix -т in the verbs from the sentence.

Look, which word turned out to be extra in individual work? What interesting things did you notice?

Children: Take care.

Teacher: Who can tell what verbs we will consider today?

Children: Today in the lesson we will look at verbs ending in – sya, - sya.

The topic of the lesson opens on the board: “Verbs with ... -sya, -sya.”

Teacher: Guys, look at the topic of the lesson. What word was not revealed? What question do you have?

Children: What is - sya? Suffix? Ending?

Solution to the problem.

Setting a goal.

Teacher: Let's continue our study of the verb as a part of speech. Compare the verbs written on the board.

To warm, to warm, to surprise, to be surprised, to please, to rejoice.

Teacher: What two groups can words be divided into? How are they similar? What is the difference?

Read the words of the first group again. What can you say about them?

Children: All verbs are infinitive.

Teacher: How did you determine?

Children: Regarding the question and the suffix - t.

Teacher: Read the words of the second group. Look what's changed.

Children: It appeared.

Teacher: What do you think the morpheme is in the verb?

Children: Suffix. Ending.

Teacher: What makes you interesting? Listen to a short story from the history of education.

Student's story. Previously, -sya was an independent word-pronoun and was written separately. Designated “himself”, “himself”. Check whether this meaning is retained in the verbs: to warm yourself - to warm yourself. If you add –sya to the verb, it will change the meaning: the action returns to itself, directed at the person himself, at the object.

Teacher: Let's try ourselves in the role of scientists and find out what -sya is: an ending or a suffix?

Working with support diagrams.

Teacher: What is the conclusion?

Children: We proved that sya is a suffix.

The word “suffix” is revealed in the title of the lesson topic.

Teacher: Why are we closer to the definition that –sya is a suffix?

Children: Because in modern Russian the pronoun sya no longer exists.

Teacher: Read the rule in the textbook. Think about whether our definition coincides with the definition of the textbook author.

Children read the rule.

Teacher: Do you think our definition coincided with the definition of the author of the textbook?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: The suffixes -sya and sya are called reflexive suffixes.

Musical pause

  1. Primary consolidation. Statement of a problematic question.

Teacher: Let's continue our research.

Carrying out an exercise from the textbook, the purpose of which is to classify verbs with the suffixes – sya and –sya into groups.

Teacher: What interesting things did you notice? (Helper question: what comes before the consonant?)

Students analyze notes and draw conclusions

Conclusion: if a consonant sound is heard before the suffix, then it is written -sya, and if there is a vowel, then -sya. Evaluate your work.

  1. Differentiated independent work.
  2. Teacher: Well done! And to complete the next task you must decide what you will do. If:
  1. If you are confident in yourself and your knowledge, then compose and write down a short text on the topic “Spring”, using verbs of the second group, reproductions and impressions of a piece of music.
  2. If you doubt yourself, complete the task suggested in the textbook.

Result: Checking the completion of tasks in groups.

  1. Homework.

The teacher asks you to look at your homework.

Students read the assignment; if difficulties or ambiguities arise, consult the teacher.

Teacher: Read the task. Is everything clear?

  1. Lesson summary.

What discovery did we make today?

Children: We got acquainted with verbs with the suffix – sya, - sya.

We found out in which cases it is written -sya, and in which –sya. We learned that such verbs are called reflexive verbs.

Teacher: How would you rate your work today? Pay attention to the assessment of your work during the lesson.

Student answers.

Teacher: Let's continue to be surprised by the whims of nature, rejoice at the arrival of spring, and warm each other with our smiles.


The particle -sya, going back to the reflexive pronoun self. In modern Russian, -sya acts as a postflexive, or inflectional (standing after the ending), suffix (postfix) in verb forms (in the infinitive - after the suffix) and is either a form-building affix as an element of the collateral meaning (to wash, to bite), or word-forming affix, often in combination with a prefix or suffix (cry, look closely, be proud).

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Verbs with the particle -sya, -s are called reflexive. They are formed from transitive verbs: scold - swear, hug - hug, dial - dial, and from intransitive verbs: blacken - blacken, blush - blush.
The particle -sya is added to verbs that have a consonant at the end: wash - wash, warm - warm. The particle -с is added to verbs after vowels: I wash, I warm myself.
Transitive verbs to which the particle -sya is attached become intransitive. For example: read a book - the book is read by us.
Some verbs with the particle -sya do not have parallel forms without this particle. For example: laugh, be proud, hope, fight, bow, trudge (walk slowly), rush (run fast), fight, complain, sleep, etc.
In addition to the meaning of intransitivity, reflexive verbs with particles -sya, -sya can have the following additional meanings:
  1. actually reflexive, when verbs denote an action performed by the subject himself and directed towards himself. For example: a boy washes (that is, washes himself), a sister puts on her shoes (that is, puts on her shoes);
  2. reciprocal, when verbs denote an action performed by two or more persons. For example: Friends often meet and enjoy these meetings (that is, they meet each other and experience mutual joy);
  3. general reflexive, if the verbs denote an action, as if closed in the actor. Such verbs usually denote internal experiences, changes in state, position, movement. For example: Columns of demonstrators moved continuously. The father was surprised by the unexpected return of his son;
  4. passive, used in a passive manner, in which a person or object does not act itself, but is subject to the action of someone or something. For example: An estimate is prepared by an accountant (Wed: An accountant prepares an estimate).
Exercise 248. Find the reflexive verbs in the sentences below. Indicate the method of their formation (-sya or -sya) and meaning.
  1. My Orlik seemed to have gone mad (Closed). 2. We got off our horses and started training Orlik in combat (Close). 3. We will see you in the end no matter what (Sim.). 4. Boris Nikitich Arshintsev enjoyed universal love in the division (Close). 5. On the bare top, figures of enemy soldiers began to scurry around (Closed).
  1. The book is read with interest by everyone. 7. I started getting dressed quickly. 8. However, an elephant can take water from a puddle (V. Sol.). 9. The brutal mountain winter has already begun (Close). 10. The car moved forward heavily (Close).

The verbs of the Russian language contain some morphological inconstant and constant features. One of them includes reflexive and non-reflexive types of verbs. Non-reflexive verbs, as well as reflexive ones, carry the presence or absence of special reflexive word-forming postfixes - -сь and -ся. Let's try to figure out what it is and how such verbs are used.

Reflexivity of verbs

The reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category that will indicate the direction or non-direction of a certain state defined by this verb, or an action on some subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms, which differ in the presence or absence of postfixes -s and -sya (reflexive).

What constitutes reflexivity in verbs can be seen in the following examples: The boy washed himself and got ready. The man got into a conversation with a friend (these are examples of reflexive verbs).

The puppy played with the ball and ran off to the playground. It was raining in the evening (this is a non-reflexive form of the verb). This is how you need to distinguish them.

A couple of useful words

Let us briefly remind you once again that understanding how to define a non-reflexive verb is not particularly difficult. It can be transitive and intransitive, it can mean a certain action that is aimed at a subject (assembling a puzzle, reading a book), a state, a certain position in space, a multidirectional action, and the like (dreaming, sitting, thinking). Irreflexive verbs do not include the postfix -сь and -ся.

Shades of meaning

Reflexive verbs are capable of expressing an action that will be directed at a specific subject (at someone doing something, at a speaker, at a looker, and so on).

It seems possible to discuss reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian endlessly. Here are examples of reflexive verbs with completely different shades of meaning:

To be happy, upset, sad (denotes the mental or physical state of a certain subject);

The dress wrinkles, the dog bites, the nettle branch burns (shows a permanent quality or property of the subject);

Dress, eat, put on shoes, bathe (the action of the verbs is directed exclusively at oneself);

I want, I wish, it gets dark (impersonal action is shown here);

Hugging, quarreling, seeing each other (a reciprocal action performed by several people in their relationship to each other);

Clean up, line up, get some money (an action of an indirect reciprocal nature, which is performed by the subject solely in his own interests).

Unforgettable suffixes for reflexive verbs

Let's figure out what a reflexive and non-reflexive verb means.

Verbs in the reflexive form have suffixes:

Xia - maybe, both after consonants (take, surround, and the like), and after endings (teach - learn, dries - dries, and the like));

S will come after vowels (lowered, drawn, unseen, and so on).

In the process of forming reflexive verbs, not only suffixes are of great importance, but also prefixes (read - read a lot, drink - get drunk). In addition, among the verbs of this type there are non-derivatives. They are the ones that under no circumstances are used without the suffixes -sya and -sya (to laugh, to fight, to please).

Since pronouns in the accusative case and nouns are never used after reflexive verbs, they are all classified as intransitive.

No suffixes

Non-reflexive verbs in Russian do not have the suffixes -sya and -sya. They can be either intransitive (create, breathe, play) or transitive (speak, draw).

An important point: many reflexive verbs can be formed from non-reflexive ones, for example, cook - prepare.

Based on the above, you need to understand that in order to determine what a reflexive and non-reflexive verb means and exactly what type it belongs to, you need to find a suffix that helped in education. If the suffixes -sya (-sya) are present in words, then these are reflexive verbs. If they are not present, then non-reflexive verbs.

Situations marked in verbs

So, we already know that reflexive verbs have the suffixes -sya and -sya. They can be both non-derivative (for example, laugh) and formed from transitive and intransitive verbs (to wash - to wash).

Some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them talk about the same situation, for example: something is black in the distance and something is black in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, you can understand what a non-reflexive verb means and what it looks like “in life” by noting that the verbs reflexive and non-reflexive mean completely different moments.

A good example is the following: washing - a situation in which there are two participants (a mother washes her daughter) and washing - a situation in which there is only one participant (the girl is washing); Petya hit Vanya. Petya and Vanya hit a large stone (in both cases we are talking about two boys, but the situations in which they are direct participants are completely different).

Here we can say that the components of meaning themselves, which are introduced into the word by the postfixes -sya and -sya, are word-forming.

What can you find in grammars?

And the following information is noted there (we are talking about several meanings):

The meaning is mid-reflexive - to have fun, get angry, get scared, rejoice;

The meaning is active-non-objective - bite, butt, swear (use ;

The meaning is reciprocal - quarrel, make up, meet, hug, kiss;

The meaning is proper-reflexive - to dress, put on shoes, meet, powder;

The meaning is passive-reflexive - to be remembered, to be remembered;

The meaning is indirectly returnable - to gather, stock up, pack, pack;

The meaning is passive-qualitative - to be introduced, to be remembered.

A reflexive verb can be formed by using -sya as a help, which will be combined with other morphemes (wink, run up).

It is with the voice that reflexivity will be associated (that is, in the case in which the voice is defined at the morpheme level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs will be combined into a voice, which is called reflexive-medial).

The intransitive sign is an affix. Combinations such as I’m afraid of dad, I obey my older brother, which can be found in the Russian language, are few and non-normative.

Without rules - nowhere

Let's return to what a non-reflexive verb is. The rule says that without a postfix -sya. But in return ones this postfix is ​​present. It has long been the case that the appearance of reflexive verbs was associated with the pronoun -sya. True, initially it was attached exclusively to transitive verbs (for example, bathe + xia (that is, oneself) = bathe).

The variety of verbs in the Russian language is divided into different groups.

Non-reflexive verbs from which reflexive verbs are formed - build + sya; meet + xia; write - can't write, sleep - can't sleep.

Non-reflexive verbs - have dinner, answer.

Reflexive verbs - laugh, fight, resist.

From the information provided we can conclude: the postfix -sya in Russian can perform different functions:

Prepare reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs in lexical meaning (forgive - say goodbye);

Form the reflexive form of verbs (whiten).

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some verbs in -sya have a synonymous reflexive combination (to cover oneself - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into reflexive and non-reflexive has developed in the Russian language completely regardless of their division into transitive and intransitive, voicing and non-vocal. It does not coincide with either one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sia represents the intransitivity of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide voice correlation.

In conclusion

Let's talk a little more about verbs and summarize the productive conversation.

Verbs are words that define the meaning of a process, that is, capable of expressing the signs they designate as a certain action (say, read, write), state (sit, jump) or becoming (aging).

In addition to syntactic conjugation forms, verbs have non-syntactic reflexive and non-reflexive forms and aspect forms. By the way non-syntactic formal meanings are expressed with their help, verbs can be divided into grammatical categories, which are in some relation to each other.

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive depends on how much the grammatically intransitive meaning of the process is expressed or, conversely, not expressed in them.

Reflexive verbs are verbs that contain grammatically expressed intransitivity. In other words, they perfectly show that the process they express can be addressed to a direct object, which is represented by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition. An example would be the words - get angry, meet, wash, knock, get dressed.

Irreflexive verbs have some difference: they do not have any indication of the intransitiveness of the process. That is why they can be transitive: dressing (daughter), making people angry (parents), welcoming (guests), and intransitive: banging, knocking.


  1. Introduce children to the suffixes –sya, –sya.
  2. Consolidating knowledge about the verb.
  3. Develop children's speech, thinking and memory.
  4. Develop cultural skills.

Lesson structure:

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Vocabulary work.
  3. Familiarization with new material.
  4. Setting homework
  5. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

U: Hello!

Open your notebooks, write down the number and cool work.

II. Vocabulary work.

(On the board on cards, anagrams of 3 words are posted: petapit, zoringo, ponikzaved).

U: Guys, look at the board. Solve the anagrams and we will find out what words are hidden.

A: appetite, horizon, reserve.

(The teacher turns over the cards with anagrams, the normal forms of the word are written on the other side).

T: Name the spelling patterns in each word.

T: In your notebook, on the red line, write down, separated by commas, the words - appetite, horizon, reserve. The first word is capitalized, the rest are lowercase. Put emphasis in words and highlight spellings.

III. Familiarization with new material.

T: Open your textbooks on p. 76, exercise 342. Read it.

A: In the morning mother washes, dresses, combs, puts on shoes little Seryozha and takes him to the nursery. In the morning mother washes, dresses, combs his hair, puts on shoes and takes little Seryozha to the nursery.

In the morning I I wash, dress, comb my hair, put on shoes little Seryozha and take him to the nursery. In the morning I wash, dress, comb my hair, put on my shoes and I take my little brother to the nursery.

In the morning you wash, dress, comb your hair, put on your shoes and take your little brother to the nursery.

T: Compare the highlighted verbs. What is the difference?

A: Verbs have different faces and different endings. Some have endings, while others end in -sya, -sya.

U: What do you think -sya and -sya are? What does this part of the word indicate?

(If the children cannot answer, the teacher hangs two illustrations on the board, where on one the mother dresses, and on the other, the child dresses himself).

T: Look at the illustrations. Who is the action aimed at? In the first illustration?

A: The mother dresses the child - the action is directed at the child.

(U. hangs up the card dresses under the first illustration)

U: And in the second illustration?

A: The child dresses himself - the action is directed towards himself.

(U. hangs up the card getting dressed under the second picture)

U: So, what does –sya mean?

A: That the action is directed towards oneself.

U: What do you think is -sya? Which part of the word is it: root, suffix or ending?

(U. on the board above the card, with the word dresses, puts the suffix above -sya)

U: It's a suffix. What's unusual about it? Where is it placed?

A: It comes at the end of a word.

U: Previously, the suffix –sya was an independent word - a pronoun and was written separately. He designated “himself”, “himself”. Verbs with the suffix -sya denote an action that returns to oneself, directed at the person himself, at an object.

What would you call verbs with the suffix -sya?

T: Let's read the information on p. 77

A: Among the verbs there are verbs that denote an action that does not move on to another object, but, as it were, “returns” to the actor himself. “Return” action is indicated by the suffix –sya and –sya.

So what are the names of the verbs with –sya and –s?

A: Reflexive verbs.

U: Yes, guys, these are reflexive verbs.

(U. hangs a card on the board)

T: On your desks there are cards with the words: washed, combed, washed, I put on my shoes, put them on, they stopped me. Write these words in a column.

O: (writing down)

T: Form reflexive verb forms from these words. Write them down in a column, a line apart from them. Highlight the suffixes –sya and –sya.

A: (they do)

U: Determine the tense, person, number and gender of reflexive verbs, if determined.

A: (they do)

U: Let's check.

T: Make up sentences with one of the reflexive verbs, name them.

(U. listens to examples. The best sentence is written down with comments, pronouncing all spellings. If there is no good example, U. offers his own proposal: We stopped to rest in a small clearing)

Physical exercise.

One, two, three, four, Winnie the bear got out of bed.
He stretched, smiled and went for a walk.
We will also go for a walk with him.
Along the path (2 p.), we jump on the right leg.
Along the path (2 p.), we jump on the left leg.
Let's run along the path and reach the lawn.
On the lawn (2 p.), we will jump like bunnies.
Stop! Sit down! And they sat down quietly at their desks.

T: Now let’s move on to exercise 344. Read the task.

A: Compare the forms of verbs with the suffixes –sya and –sya: when it is written –sya, when –sya.

Ride, ride, ride, ride - ride, ride, ride.

Dressing up, dressing up, dressing up, dressing up - dressing up, dressing up, dressing up.

Study, study, study, study - study, study, study.

U: Look carefully at the verbs, can you guess when it is written -sya, when -sya?

(If the children cannot understand, U. invites them to put time, number, gender, person in the words).

U: So why is the suffix -sya written in some words, and -sya in others?

A: Because everything depends on the tense, person, gender and number.

U: What form is the verb in if it has the suffix -sya?

(U. attaches the suffix -sya card to the board, under it he will attach information about the form of the word).

A: In the forms of the present tense, 1l, plural; present time, 2 and 3 years, units. and many more h.;

Future time 2 and 3 l, units. and many more h.; initial form; Last Time m.r.

U: What form should a verb be in if it has the suffix -s?

A: In the form of the present tense, 1l, singular; future time 1l, unit; Last time, female date of birth; Last Time plural

T: Look at the second task of this exercise. Complete it.

A: Compose uncommon sentences in which the predicate is expressed by verbs sank, rose, spun, contracted. Write down the sentences.

W: What did you do?

A: The sun went down, the heart sank, the drill spun, the sea rose.

T: Look at the verbs. What's the suffix here? Why?

A: The suffix –с, because. the verb is in the past tense, s.r., singular.

(U. adds another card to the board)

T: Look at the second task on your card. Suggestions are offered to you. You must insert reflexive verbs according to meaning. Highlight the suffixes in them.

The sun (hidden) behind the mountains, it began to get dark. The sea (splashed) quietly. Only on the shore were birds hovering in their nests. Their quiet cries were heard all along the shore.


IV. Setting homework

T: Open your diaries, write down your homework (written on the board, exercise 345, p. 78). You need to copy the exercise. Fill in the missing letters. Explain the choice of suffix in place of the missing letters.

U: Close the diaries, put them on the edge of the table.

V. Summing up the lesson.

U: What verbs are called reflexive?

U: Which verbs have the suffix -с?

U: Which verbs have the suffix -sya?

U: Well done! Lesson is over, thanks everyone!