What is “success” and “success.” The relationship between professional success and abilities

The structure of abilities is a set of characteristics that determine a person’s propensity to perform a particular type of activity.

What are abilities

Abilities are properties that a person possesses that allow him to engage in a particular type of activity. Their development is determined by the presence of congenital inclinations.

It is worth noting that the structure of abilities cannot be equated with human abilities, skills, and a set of knowledge. Here we're talking about about internal psychological processes, which determine the speed and stability of the acquisition of certain characteristics.

Many psychologists believe that abilities can be associated with the character traits from which they were developed. This is the highest level at which a set of knowledge and skills is structured and given specific shape.

Ability Stats

For successful implementation, one or another must be inherent various kinds capabilities. Their structure is determined by various factors, including innate inclinations, professional sphere, education and others. Experts identify the following characteristics that describe abilities:

  • these are individual characteristics that distinguish people from each other;
  • the degree of development of abilities determines success in a particular area;
  • are not identical to knowledge and skills, but only determine their quality and ease of acquisition;
  • abilities are not hereditary;
  • do not arise independently if the person is not engaged in a certain type of activity;
  • in the absence of development, abilities gradually disappear.

What are the abilities?

The structure of abilities is largely determined by the specific area of ​​activity in which they are most clearly manifested. In this regard, the following typology is distinguished:

  • mental - the ability to quickly and efficiently resolve issues that arise before an individual;
  • musical abilities determine the presence of hearing, voice, good sensitivity to tempo, rhythm and melody, as well as quick comprehension of the basics of playing certain instruments;
  • literary - this is the ability to fully, expressively and beautifully express one’s thoughts in writing;
  • technical abilities imply good combinatorial thinking, as well as a deep understanding of the operation of certain mechanisms;
  • physical - imply a strong physique and developed muscles, as well as good endurance and other parameters;
  • learning abilities imply the ability to perceive and understand large amounts of information with the possibility of their further practical application;
  • artistic skills are the ability to perceive and convey proportions and colors, as well as create original shapes, etc.

It is worth noting that this is far from full list abilities that a person may have.

Classification of abilities

The classification structure of abilities can be described as follows:

  • According to origin:
    • have natural abilities biological structure and are caused by the development of congenital inclinations;
    • social abilities - those that were acquired in the process of upbringing and training.
  • According to the direction:
    • general abilities are necessary due to the fact that they have a wide scope of application;
    • special abilities are mandatory in the case of performing a specific type of activity.
  • In accordance with development conditions:
    • potential abilities manifest themselves over time after exposure to certain conditions;
    • actual abilities are those that take place in this moment time.
  • According to the level of development:
    • giftedness;
    • talent;
    • genius.

Basic signs of abilities

The category of abilities is of quite great interest. The structure of the concept includes three main features:

  • individual characteristics psychological nature that serve distinctive feature, distinguishing an individual from other people;
  • the presence of abilities determines success in performing an activity of a certain kind (in some cases, in order to perform actions at the proper level, the presence, or, on the contrary, the absence, of certain characteristics is required);
  • These are not direct skills and abilities, but individual characteristics that determine their acquisition.

Structure, ability levels

In psychology there are two main ones:

  • reproductive (consists in the extent to which a person perceives incoming information, and also characterizes the volumes that can be reproduced);
  • creative (implies the ability to create new, original images).

Degrees of development of abilities

The structure of ability development consists of the following main degrees:

  • inclinations are the innate characteristics of a person that determine his propensity for a particular type of activity;
  • giftedness is the highest level of development of inclinations, which determines the feeling of ease in performing certain tasks;
  • talent is an individual talent that is expressed in the tendency to create something new, original;
  • genius is the most highest degree development of previous categories, which determines the ease of completing tasks of any kind;
  • wisdom is the ability that allows you to soberly comprehend the events happening around you, as well as draw appropriate conclusions.

Typology of people, depending on abilities

The structure of abilities largely determines the qualities of an individual, as well as his inclination to perform activities of a certain kind. Thus, it is customary to distinguish people of artistic and thinking types.

If we talk about the first, then its representatives react very sharply to what is happening around them, which is accompanied by a surge of emotions and impressions. This often leads to the creation of something new. As for the thinking type, such people are more practical and less prone to external influences. They construct their reasoning logically and are also prone to constructing clear logical chains.

It is worth noting that belonging to artistic type does not mean at all that a person definitely has a structure of abilities that allows him to acquire certain skills, as well as easily perform such work. In addition, people of the artistic type do not lack mental resources at all, but they are not dominant.

The division of personalities into artistic and mental types is due to the fact that different people are more developed different hemispheres. So, if the left predominates, then a person thinks symbolically, and if the right - figuratively.

Basic provisions of the theory of abilities

Modern psychological science identifies several provisions on which the theory of abilities is based:

  • Abilities can exist only in relation to a certain type of activity. The structure and development of abilities can be identified and studied only in relation to a specific area, and not in general.
  • Capabilities are considered to be a dynamic concept. They can develop in the process of continuous or regular performance of any activity, and can also fade away if the active stage has ended.
  • The structure of a person’s abilities largely depends on the age or life period in which he is located. So, in certain time favorable conditions may arise to achieve maximum results. After this, the abilities may gradually disappear.
  • Psychologists still cannot give a clear definition of the differences between abilities and giftedness. If we talk in general outline, then the first concept is related to a specific type of activity. As for giftedness, it can be both specific and general.
  • Any activity requires a set of certain characteristics. The structure of abilities ensures the success of its implementation.

Correlation of abilities and needs

Psychologists argue that a relationship of limitation and compensation arises between needs and abilities. In this regard, the following main provisions can be highlighted:

  • the simultaneous redundancy of abilities and needs limits the possibilities of activity;
  • if abilities or needs are deficient, they can compensate for each other;
  • if abilities are not enough, then other needs become relevant over time;
  • excess needs require the acquisition of new abilities.


Abilities represent specific properties of a person, which determine his propensity to perform one or another type of activity. They are not innate. This category includes inclinations, the presence of which greatly facilitates the process of developing abilities. Also this concept should not be confused with giftedness or talent.

Psychologists identify several features that characterize the structure of a person’s abilities. They distinguish people from each other, and also determine their achievement of success in a particular field of activity. It is a mistake to believe that abilities are hereditary; this can only be said about inclinations. In addition, they cannot arise independently if a person is not engaged in a certain kind of activity. If there is no development, then the abilities gradually weaken and disappear (but this does not mean that they cannot be restored).

Depending on the field of activity, abilities are of several types. Thus, mental ones allow you to quickly respond to changes in the situation, taking meaningful and rational decisions. If speak about musical abilities, then this is the presence of hearing and voice, perception of tempo-rhythm, as well as easy mastery of playing the musical instruments. Literary ones are manifested in the ability to beautifully formulate one’s thoughts, and technical ones - in an understanding of the functional features of certain mechanisms. Speaking about physical abilities, it is worth noting endurance, as well as developed muscles. Educational ones make it possible to perceive and reproduce large amounts of information, and artistic ones - to convey colors and proportions. This is a basic, but far from complete list of human abilities.

Capabilities - These are individual psychological properties of a person that determine the success of performing certain types of activities and the suitability (readiness) of a person for a particular type of activity. Abilities are the functional integration of such personality properties that are most necessary for mastering a certain type of activity and for its successful implementation. Abilities are a measure of the compliance of personality traits with requirements specific activity. Abilities are revealed in the process of mastering an activity, in how quickly and thoroughly, easily and firmly a person masters the methods of its organization and implementation. Abilities determine a person’s ability to learn, acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. However, abilities cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills, and abilities. Abilities are manifested in the dynamics of their acquisition. Indicators of abilities can be considered: a) rate of progress in mastering the activity; b) the breadth of transfer of emerging mental qualities; c) the ratio of neuropsychic costs and final result activities. A prerequisite for abilities that facilitates their development is inclinations.

Makings of– innate possibilities for the development of morphological, anatomical-physiological and psychological properties of the individual.

The deposits include:

1. Typological properties of the NS;

2. Level of development and correlation of signaling systems;

3. Natural properties analyzers;

4. Variants of the structure of the cerebral cortex.

The inclinations are multi-valued, they can develop in various directions. Inclinations are only prerequisites for the development of abilities.

Abilities are divided into are common, necessary for any type of activity, and special, ensuring the success of certain types of activities. In the structure of some people's abilities general qualities can be exceptionally clearly expressed, one hundred makes it possible to talk about the presence of versatile abilities common in relation to wide range various types activities. General abilities (general personality traits) are quite specific psychological manifestations. Depending on their severity, all people can be divided into three types:

1. artistic;

2. thinking;

3. average.

This typology is associated with the doctrine according to which the highest nervous activity human being is characterized by the presence of two signaling systems: the first signaling system(figurative, emotional); and the second signaling system (verbal). The artistic type is characterized by brightness of images and emotions. For the thinking type - the predominance of abstractions, logical constructions, for the middle type - an equal combination of images and logic.. A person’s attitude towards one or another type suggests that it is easier for him to master a very specific activity: for the artistic type - to become a musician, for the thinking type - to become a mathematician. But this does not mean a fatal doom to engage in a certain activity, it is only a predisposition to it.

Structure ability is a set of mental qualities that are necessary for the successful performance of an activity. The abilities of different people for the same activity may vary different structure due to the individual uniqueness of mental qualities and their combinations.

Abilities Compensationpossible through: a) acquiring the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for this activity; b) formation of a typical style of this activity; c) development of other qualities.

Universal Creative skills- these are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his creative activity. various kinds. The basis of human creative abilities are the processes of thinking and imagination. Therefore, the main directions for the development of creative abilities in preschool age are:

1. Development of productive creative imagination, which is characterized by such qualities as the richness of the produced images and focus.

2. Development of thinking qualities that form creativity; such qualities are associativity, dialecticity and systematic thinking.

Preschool age has the richest opportunities for the development of creative abilities. Unfortunately, these opportunities are irreversibly lost over time, so it is necessary to use them as effectively as possible in preschool childhood.

Successful development creative abilities are possible only when certain conditions are created that are conducive to their formation. These conditions are:

1. Early physical and intellectual development children.

2. Creating an environment that advances the child’s development.

3. Independent solution child tasks that require maximum effort, when the child reaches the “ceiling” of his capabilities.

4. Giving the child freedom in choosing activities, alternating tasks, duration of activities, etc.

5. Smart, friendly help (not advice) from adults.

6. Comfortable psychological situation, encouragement by adults of the child’s desire for creativity.

But creation favorable conditions not enough to raise a child with highly developed creative abilities. Targeted development work is needed creative potential children. Unfortunately, the traditional system in our country preschool education contains almost no measures aimed at the consistent systematic development of children's creative abilities. Therefore, they (abilities) develop mainly spontaneously and, as a result, do not achieve high level development. This was confirmed by the results of diagnosing the creative abilities of four-five-year-old preschoolers at the Bukvarenok educational center of the Children's Children's Centre, Tolyatti. The diagnostics of creative imagination gave the lowest results. Although preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of this component of creative abilities. To correct the current situation, the following measures can be proposed aimed at effectively developing the creative abilities of preschoolers:

1. Introduction to the preschool education program of special classes aimed at developing the creative imagination and thinking of children.

2. On special classes give children creative tasks in drawing, music, speech development.

3. Adult management of children's subject and role-playing game in order to develop children's imagination.

4. The use of special games that develop children's creative abilities.

5. Working with parents.

Capabilities- these are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activity, communication and ease of mastering them.

They cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has, but they ensure their rapid acquisition, fixation and effective practical application.

Abilities can be classified as follows:

  1. Natural (or natural). They are basically biologically determined, associated with innate inclinations, and are formed on their basis in the presence of elementary life experience through learning mechanisms - such as conditioned reflex connections.
  2. Specific human. They have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in the social environment.

The latter, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Are common: they determine a person’s success in a wide variety of activities and communication ( mental capacity, developed memory and speech, accuracy and subtlety of hand movements, etc.). Special: they are associated with the individual’s success in certain types activities and communication where necessary special kind inclinations - mathematical, technical, literary and linguistic, artistic, sports and other abilities.
  2. Theoretical: determine a person’s propensity for abstract-logical thinking, and practical ones - underlie the propensity for concrete practical actions. Their combination is typical only for multi-talented people.
  3. Educational: influence success pedagogical impact, a person’s assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, and the formation of personality traits. Creative: associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions. The highest degree of creative manifestations of an individual is called genius, and the highest degree of an individual’s abilities in certain activities(communication) - talent.
  4. Abilities for communication, interaction with people and subject-related abilities, associated with the interaction of people with nature, technology, symbolic information, artistic images, etc.

A person who is disposed towards many and different types of activity and communication has a general talent, i.e. unity general abilities, determining the range of his intellectual capabilities, the level and originality of activity and communication.

Thus, abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, manifested in his activities and being a condition for the success of its implementation. The speed, depth, ease and strength of the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities depend on them, but the abilities themselves cannot be reduced to knowledge and skills. Research has established that they develop in the process of individual life and are actively shaped by their environment and upbringing.

A deep analysis of the problem of abilities was given by B. M. Teplov. According to the concept he develops, congenital can be anatomical, physiological and functional features of a person, creating certain prerequisites for the development of abilities, called inclinations.

  • Makings of- these are some genetically determined (congenital) anatomical and physiological features nervous system, constituting the individual-natural basis (prerequisite) for the formation and development of abilities.
  • Capabilities- not static, but dynamic formations; their formation and development occur in the process in a certain way organized activities and communication. The development of abilities occurs in stages.

The makings are multi-valued; they are only prerequisites for the development of abilities that are not predetermined by them. The makings themselves are not aimed at anything. They influence but not decisively, on the formation of such, conditioning different ways their formation. Abilities develop in the process of activity and education. Inclinations only influence the level of achievement and speed of development.

Each ability has its own structure, which distinguishes between leading and auxiliary properties. For example, the leading properties of literary abilities are the characteristics of creative imagination and thinking, vivid, visual images of memory, a sense of language, and the development of aesthetic feelings. Similar properties mathematical abilities- ability to generalize, flexibility thought processes. For pedagogical abilities The leading ones are pedagogical tact, observation, love for children, and the need to transfer knowledge.

The following levels of abilities are distinguished: reproductive, which provides high skill assimilate ready knowledge, mastering established patterns of activity and communication, and creative, contributing to the creation of new, original ones. But it should be borne in mind that the reproductive level includes elements of the creative, and vice versa.

The same person may have different abilities, but one of them turns out to be more significant than the others. At the same time, different people exhibit the same abilities, although they are unequal in level of development. Since the beginning of the 20th century. Repeated attempts have been made to measure them ( foreign psychologists G. Eysenck, J. Cattell, C. Spearman, A. Binet, etc.). Tests were used for this. However, a more accurate way of determining is to identify the dynamics of success in the process of activity. The success of performing any action is determined not by any individual abilities in themselves, but only by a combination of them, unique to each person. Success can be achieved in various ways. So, underdevelopment individual ability is compensated by others, on which it also depends successful completion the same activity.

Components of Teaching Abilities- constructive, organizational, communicative. The first are manifested in the desire and ability to develop the student’s personality, select and compositionally build educational material in relation to the age and individual characteristics of children. Organizational skills affect the ability to include students in various types of activities and skillfully influence the child’s personality. Communication skills are associated with the ability to establish correct relationships with children, feel the mood of the entire team, and understand each student.

Research into various types of special abilities is carried out mainly when they are involved in vocational guidance and selection.

It was proposed to divide the entire variety of professions into five main types depending on the object to which they are aimed (E. A. Klimov):

  • P - nature (plants, animals);
  • G- equipment (machines, materials);
  • H- people, groups of people;
  • Z- symbolic information (books, languages, codes, models);
  • X - artistic images(art).

When solving problems of professional guidance, it is advisable to determine first of all the inclinations young man to the listed types of professions.

The teacher not only transfers certain knowledge and skills to the student, but also forms and develops his abilities, helps him navigate the world of professions in order to choose the most suitable one according to the individual inclinations and abilities of this person.

The development of a person’s general abilities presupposes the development of his cognitive processes, memory, perception, thinking, imagination.

An important point is complexity - the simultaneous improvement of several complementary abilities.

Individual characteristics of a person determine a unique style of activity (E. A. Klimov). It is characterized by:

  1. a sustainable system of techniques and methods of activity;
  2. the conditionality of this system by certain individual qualities;
  3. because this system- remedy effective adaptation to objective requirements;
  4. the fact that the features of the style of activity are determined by the typological properties of the human nervous system.

Research shows that in everyday consciousness there is a differentiation of the concepts of “success” and “success”. The concept of “success” rather captures objective achievements in specific activities and in life in general, while the concept of “success” reflects the subjective experience and conditions for achieving success. At the same time, the conditions for achieving success for most subjects are personal rather than external resources.

The image of the ideal successful person . Psychological research makes it possible to identify established stereotypes in society about success and a successful person, prototypes successful personality existing in culture.

According to research by N.V. Leyfried, conducted on a sample of different ages, the ideal successful person in the minds of other people has such characteristics as: determination, sociability, intelligence, material security, responsibility.

When describing an ideal successful person, the emphasis is primarily on personal characteristics and ways to achieve success than on specific performance results and other manifestations of success.

The image of a truly successful person. The study of ideas about a real successful person revealed that a successful person is characterized by: material security, family, career, achievement of goals, prestigious work, high social status, status of the head of the enterprise, your own business.

The main criteria for assessing a successful personality in a real situation are often external, social significant achievements . This fact Leifried explains that external indicators are objectively more accessible to the individual, which significantly shortens the process social cognition, interpretation of reality and reference specific person To certain group.

Prototypes of a successful personality. IN public consciousness different prototypes of a successful personality are presented. N.V. Leifried identifies two most common prototypes of a successful personality, opposite in their characteristics:

  • the first is described exclusively external, socially recognized indicators of success that reflect people's most common values modern society;
  • the characteristic features of the second are exclusively personal characteristics , which, apparently, reflects the peculiarities of the ideas of people who flexibly take into account modern requirements and the realities of Russian society.

Typology of ideas about success depending on the type of responsibility

Leifried conducts interesting comparison ideas about success depending on the personal type of responsibility. The developed typology can be useful for diagnostics and subsequent consulting of business representatives.

Based on a comparison of indicators of responsibility (locus of control, cognitive, emotional and behavioral-effective components), he identifies following types:

  1. optimally responsible;
  2. performing;
  3. situational;
  4. egoistic;
  5. functional.

1. Optimally responsible personality type connects success and the conditions for its achievement with internal personal resources- the ability to take responsibility, realize one’s abilities and capabilities in the process of achieving goals, despite the presence of difficulties.

People of the optimal type name internal, personal characteristics, such as self-realization, satisfaction, and independence, as criteria for success. However, their definitions of success are not generally accepted and do not contain stereotypical statements. They reflect the desire to realize one’s abilities and capabilities, to be active and independent, and to feel satisfied with one’s life. Comparative analysis age characteristics ideas about the success of people of this type showed that With age, the role of personal criteria increases in comparison with external: social, status and material criteria. Achieving success, according to representatives of the optimal type, depends, first of all, on the individual himself, the presence necessary knowledge, skills and personal resources, from the ability to realistically assess own capabilities in the process of achieving goals, and if there are difficulties, find means to overcome. They think that it is responsibility is the main factor influencing success. This is due to the fact that responsibility presupposes the ability of an individual to correlate the necessary and desirable from the point of view of his own individual characteristics and thereby achieve success in activity and life. The external criterion for assessing a successful personality is professionalism as an indicator of high professional achievements, which presupposes high-quality performance of activities.

The specificity of the views of subjects of this type of responsibility is expressed in the predominance of personal characteristics in the prototypes, and, despite externally oriented factors (for example, “social status” and “work and family”), each of them contains a personal criterion of success. A successful personality in the ordinary consciousness of people of this type is a person who achieves results in different areas . The main characteristics of ideas about a successful person are awareness, radicalism (dynamics of ideas), harmony, rationalism, individuality.

2. Performing type people connect ideas about success and a successful personality with dominance of external, socially recognized criteria. The conditions for achieving success are: external factors(luck, favorable confluence circumstances), and personal resources that ensure success in the absence of interest and voluntariness in activities (diligence, patience).

The most common definitions of the concept of “success” among subjects of the executive responsibility type are (64.2%), dream come true(49.1%) and (40.6%). The largest percentage of subjects, without showing independence, give the generally accepted definition of success, determined by the traditions existing in society and cultural characteristics countries.

Individuals of the performing type are characterized by a definition of success as diligence (48.1%), which reflects the specifics of responsibility of this type: on the one hand, thanks to diligence, the quality and timeliness of work is ensured (which can be assessed as success), on the other hand, diligence in the absence independence and refusal to act in the presence of difficulties and obstacles will not lead an individual to success.

When describing a successful person, people of the performing type most often indicate only external signs achieved success(the exception is determination), which can be grouped into three groups:

  • the first is related to professional achievements- prestigious job, career growth, professionalism;
  • the second combines status characteristics - high social status, the head of an enterprise and, as a result, respect from other people and material security;
  • the third is the socially significant values ​​of modern society - family, children and education.

If individuals of the optimal type integrate and modify social information existing in culture and separate groups in accordance with beliefs and personal characteristics, performer-type faces reflect passive attitude towards social reality, reluctance to take a meaningful approach to the formation of ideas and the use of external, social and status indicators in determining the criteria for an individual’s success. It is noteworthy that this trend manifests itself regardless of the age of representatives of the performing type.

Women of this type more often note such descriptors as family and children, responsiveness, caring, kindness, sociability, willingness to help others, attention to other people and attractiveness. For men, the main characteristics of a successful personality are a prestigious job, their own company, business, career achievements, material security, high social status, and a leadership position.

Responsibility as a criterion of personal maturity in individuals of the executive type does not relate to stable personality traits, which is reflected in the idea of ​​success and a successful person. Representations rather characterize traditional for a given society view of success and not taken into account modern tendencies and changes. The content of ideas of responsibility indicates an attitude to rely on ready-made judgments accepted in the group (society as a whole).

3. For representatives of the situational type success is achieving your goals (78,3%), favorable coincidence (76,7%), public acceptance(70%). They often give a generally accepted definition of success, which is not original and unique. Understanding success as luck (a favorable combination of circumstances) is associated with the predominance external locus control in subjects of this group. With age, the ideas about a successful person among subjects of the situational type do not change in content. This fact can be explained by the features of this type: responsibility is not sustainable property personality, but acts only as responsible attitude to a certain type of responsible situations and tasks. Ideas about the success of men and women reflect gender stereotypes existing in society. Men more often give such definitions of success as material security, career growth, and having a prestigious job. Definitions of success as well-being in the family and happiness are typically “feminine”.

Representatives of the situational type do not differentiate the concepts of “success” and “success”. In general, both in defining success and success, they are focused on external, socially recognized criteria. Of the most important conditions achievements of success for persons of the situational type can be distinguished: a favorable combination of circumstances, support from loved ones, determination, help from other people. The main characteristics of a successful personality include material security, high social status, having a family, career growth, and a leadership position. These characteristics are objective, clearly defined, which makes it possible to accurately classify a person into a group of successful or unsuccessful people; this demonstrates the characteristic tendency of people of this type to avoid failure.

4. Persons of the egoistic type in ideas about success and success dependent on an area or situation that is significant for a particular person life activity. Partial acceptance of responsibility determines the indication of both external and internal, personal resources as conditions for achieving success. The main indicators of success for subjects of the egoistic type are well-being in everything, achieving goals, satisfaction yourself and your life. For people of this type, satisfaction, even in the absence of initial interest and quality of work performed, is an important characteristic; this, in our opinion, explains the definition of success as well-being and satisfaction.

Specific to subjects in early adulthood is the definition of success as achieving set goals. In this case, objective achievements in specific activities and life activities and a subjective assessment of success are recorded. Middle-adult subjects more often define success as well-being in everything, satisfaction with life, the ability to solve emerging problems, high social status, having a prestigious job, and good luck. Importance increases with age subjective assessment of success(well-being, satisfaction), quantities external signs success(status, prestigious job). The contradictory nature of the responsibility of people of this type is reflected in the content of the ideas about success of middle-aged subjects: 22% define success as the ability to solve problems, emphasizing the role of the individual in its achievement, and 16% - as luck.

The definition of “success” contains references to the subjective experience of success; objective indicators of achievements and its subjective assessment; conditions for achieving success; to consider success as a personality quality. In the minds of people of the egoistic type, ideas about success vague, not specific, dependent on an aspect of life that is significant for a particular person. As a condition for achieving success, people of the egoistic type equally They call external and internal personal resources, which is due, on the one hand, to their independence, a clear presentation of the results of their activities and the ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties, and on the other hand, to partial acceptance of responsibility.

In the most common ideas about a successful person, subjects of the egoistic type of responsibility are dominated by external, socially recognized characteristics: material security, family, career growth. With age, one becomes aware of the role of personal contribution in achieving success. Women of this type equally associate success with family and work, while men to a greater extent focused on social positions, the ability to win them and personal conditions achieving success. In general, we can say that the contradictory nature of responsibility, the dependence of subjects of the egoistic type on the group and a specific situation determines the content of ideas about success and a successful individual.

5. Functional type of responsibility characterized by the fact that the content of ideas about success, success, and the conditions for its achievement in individuals of this type is dominated by external social criteria, demonstrating a lack of independence, awareness during their formation, a desire to act strictly according to the model, in accordance with the instructions.

As a result of studying the subjects’ ideas about success functional type the following pattern was revealed: out of 12 definitions of success, the last descriptor in the hierarchy was named by 32.2% of the subjects, therefore, on the one hand, we can talk about a clear idea, on the other hand, there is a desire to act strictly according to the model, without showing creativity and noting stereotypical characteristics success. The high frequency group included following definitions success: respect from people around you, well-being in the family, achieving your goal, career growth, material security, high social status. A comparative analysis of the gender characteristics of ideas about success has shown that the typical female understanding of success is well-being in the family, while the male understanding is career growth, material security, and the presence of a prestigious job.

According to functional type subjects, achieving success is primarily associated with opportunities and abilities subject - persistence as an ability long time carry out activities and achieve success in it and sociability as the ability to establish contacts and ultimately have social support to achieve success. Also, the conditions for achieving success are beauty and higher education as external resources independent of the individual. When describing a successful person, subjects of the functional type of responsibility name both external and internal personal characteristics, which corresponds to the phenomenological description of this type: dependence on the group, appeal to socio-psychological support, orientation to instructions, models, ready-made solutions.

It should be noted that psychological research help to see the most typical ideas about personality business people, the correlation of success and the reasons behind their success. This may be a cognitive basis individual counseling, image work and personal growth, in the social self-determination of business entities.

Natalya Lvovna Ivanova, doctor psychological sciences, Professor of the Department of Organizational Psychology, State University Higher School of Economics.