What is the difference between method and method? How does a method differ from a technique?

Translated from Greek, the term “method” literally means “way.” It is used to describe interconnected and connected unified system views, techniques, methods and operations that are purposefully used in research activities or in the practical implementation of the learning process. The choice of method directly depends on the worldview of the person who will use it, on the goals and objectives of the activity.

Virtually any area human activity characterized by its own methods. Methods are often talked about literary creativity, methods of collecting and processing information, maintaining entrepreneurial activity. In this case, we are most often talking about the most general principles and approaches that form the basis for cognition of one of the aspects of reality and actions with its objects.

There are several independent classifications of methods. They can be divided into general and private. Sometimes there are special methods for specific scientific disciplines, For example, comparative method in linguistics or method system descriptions in psychology. But there are also the most general methods that are widely used in all sciences, as well as in education. These include direct observation, experiment and modeling.

The difference between technique and method

The technique, when compared with the method, is more specific and substantive in nature. At its core, it represents a well-prepared and adapted specific task algorithm of actions within methodological approach. This one is more or less clear given sequence operations is based on the accepted method, on its basic principles. In terms of its content, the concept of “methodology” is closest to the term “technology”.

A distinctive feature of the methodology is the detailing of the techniques and their approximation to the task facing the researcher or teacher. If, for example, in sociological research It was decided to use the interviewing method, then the methodology for calculating the results and their interpretation may be different. It will depend on accepted concept research, characteristics of the sample, level of equipment of the researcher, and so on.

In other words, the technique directly embodies the method. It is believed that a good scientist or teacher working within a certain method has a whole repertoire of techniques, which allows him to be flexible in his approaches and adapt to changing operating conditions.

There is no single established technique for naming entities in programming languages ​​and each language differs slightly from others in historical reasons has its own set of names and conventions.

Since programming came from mathematics, the initial roots need to be looked for there. And there were functions and procedures. The function generates some result based on its arguments. sin,cos- vivid examples. A function without arguments is a degenerate function and is usually a constant. In mathematics, functions are usually pure - that is, they do not have side effects. That is, calling a function with the same arguments gives the same result.

There are parallel procedures. A procedure is a sequence of actions leading to a specific result (yes, regular program- this can also be a procedure, although...). In Pascal and Fortran, it is customary that a procedure does not return a result. But I believe that this is purely an agreement, because otherwise it would be necessary to do as in C/C++ and enter an empty type (void).

Why aren't members called "methods" in C++?

Many languages ​​of the 60-70s did not have OOP in the sense that is known now. C++ was originally just a “front” (that is, a superstructure) over regular C. There was a long period when it was no longer Xi, but also not yet C++. Compiler C++ there wasn’t, but there was a translator in C. Apparently, that’s why the class function/class variable was fixed there. Stroustrup is now proposing N4174, and if accepted, the line between regular functions and class functions will blur even further.

In other languages ​​- Java and family, were designed when OOP was already a little formed. They decided to abandon the usual functions and, apparently, in order not to cause confusion, they called everything methods. Yes, then they had to return the functions back, but in order not to break anything, they called them static methods.

Actually, what is the difference between the terms "method" and "function"

The correct answer is historical. How to correctly name entities in different languages, you need to check their documentation.

Everything is complicated here. For example, Eckel does this apparently because he also writes a lot of books about Java wrote. Also, do not forget that we read many books in translation, and they “correct” them because it is clearer for the translator.

So is it possible to call functions of a C++ class methods?

This is exactly the same as using obscenities/obscene language in high society. Or try to communicate with the gopniks in the language of Turgenev and the poems of Pushkin/Blok.

P.S. method is a word with many meanings and can easily be heard from C++ programmers say “this is a method for receiving data from the server, implemented in the form of 5 functions and two classes.”

General concept

Methodology- this is, as a rule, some kind of ready-made “recipe”, algorithm, procedure for carrying out any targeted actions. Close to the concept of technology. Methodology differs from the method in the specification of techniques and tasks. For example, mathematical processing of experimental data can be explained as a method (mathematical processing), and a specific choice of criteria, mathematical characteristics - as methodology.

The concept of "methodology" in various industries


The teaching method for the subject includes:

  • learning objectives
    • educational purposes
    • developmental goals
    • educational goals
    • practical purposes
  • teaching principles
  • training content
  • teaching methods
    • general teaching methods
    • private teaching methods

Experimental Science

Theoretical science

This section needs updating.

Requirements for the method

The necessary requirements for the technique, as for a specific “recipe” or procedure, are the following:

  • realism;
  • reproducibility;
  • intelligibility;
  • compliance with the goals and objectives of the planned action, validity;
  • effectiveness.

see also



  • Kodzhaspirova G.M. and Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Dictionary of pedagogy. – M.: ICC “MarT”; Rostov n/d: Publishing house. center "MarT", 2005.
  • Senkina G.E., Emelchenkov E.P., Kiseleva O.M. Methods mathematical modeling in teaching: monograph / Smol. state univ. - Smolensk, 2007.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Methodology” is in other dictionaries:

    methodology- An established way of carrying out an activity. Notes 1. In many cases, procedures are documented [eg, quality system procedures]. 2. When any technique is documented, it is better to use the term “written... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (Greek methodike). 1) the same as methodology. 2) part of pedagogy that sets out the rules of teaching various subjects. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. METHODOLOGY Greek. methodike. Same as methodology... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Methodology- – established way of carrying out activities. Notes: 1. In many cases, procedures are documented, [eg, quality system procedures]. 2. When any technique is documented, it is better to use the term “written... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    METHODS, methods, women. A system of rules, a statement of methods for teaching something or doing some kind of work. Methods of arithmetic. Methodology scientific research. Firefighting methodology. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Concretizing the method, bringing it to instructions, an algorithm, a clear description of the way of existence. Most often used in phrases are calculation methods, evaluation methods, compilation and development methods. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., ... ... Economic dictionary

    METHODOLOGY, fixed set of techniques practical activities leading to a predetermined result. Methodology plays a role in scientific knowledge important role V empirical research(observation and experiment). Unlike the method... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Methodology- (Methodology, guideline) – 1. Document recommending use certain ways actions (in accounting, reporting, economic decisions) mathematical problems and so on), not requiring management review or approval... ... Economic and mathematical dictionary

    A set of methods, techniques, tested and studied to perform a specific job. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    METHODOLOGY, and, women. 1. The science of teaching methods. 2. A set of teaching methods, practical implementation what n. M. experiments. | adj. methodical, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 godegetics (1) methodology (3) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    - (from the Greek methodike set of methods) English. those thodics; German Methodik. 1. A set of methods and techniques for the expedient implementation of k.l. activities. 2. In sociology, a system of operations, procedures, techniques for establishing social. facts, their... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Methodology for determining actual losses of thermal energy through thermal insulation of pipelines. Methodology for determining actual losses of thermal energy through thermal insulation of pipelines of water heating networks of centralized heat supply systems. The methodology establishes the order...

Methodology– the doctrine of the principles of research, forms and methods scientific knowledge. Methodology determines the general orientation of research, the features of the approach to the object of study, and the method of organizing scientific knowledge.

There are three interconnected hierarchical levels of methodology: philosophical, general scientific and private methodology. Philosophical methodology- most high level. The principles formulated in the history of FF are of decisive importance for it: the law of unity and struggle of opposites, the law of the transition of quantity into quality, the law of the negation of negation, the categories of general, particular and separate, quality and quantity; the principle of the universal connection of phenomena, the principles of contradiction, causality. This also includes the logic of scientific knowledge, which requires compliance with the laws of logic in relation to the phenomenon being studied. General methodological methods of research- analysis and synthesis of the phenomena being studied. Methodological principles of knowledge develop along with science.

Philosophical methodology establishes the forms of scientific knowledge, based on the disclosure of the interconnections of sciences. Depending on the principles underlying the division, there are various classifications sciences, of which the most common is their division into physico-mathematical, technical, natural and humanitarian.

General scientific methodology is a generalization of methods and principles for studying phenomena various sciences. General scientific methods of research - observation, experiment, modeling, which are different character depending on the specifics of the science.

Observation includes the selection of facts, the establishment of their characteristics, the description of the observed phenomenon in verbal or symbolic form (graphs, tables, etc.) Linguistic observation concerns selection linguistic phenomena, oral discharge or writing a certain fact, correlating it with the phenomenon being studied, determining its properties and characteristics: identifying groups of vocabulary, grammatical properties words, etc. Required here good knowledge language by the researcher, his presence of the so-called etymological sense.

Experiment - This is an experiment carried out under precisely taken into account conditions. In linguistics, experiments are carried out both with the use of instruments and apparatus (experimental phonetics, neurolinguistics) and without them (psycholinguistic tests, questionnaires, etc.).

Modeling – a way of understanding reality, in which objects or processes are studied by constructing and studying their models. A model is understood as any image (image, drawing, diagram, graph, etc.) or device used as a “substitute” for an object or phenomenon. The model is built on the basis of a hypothesis about the structure of the original and is its functional analogue. The concept of a model entered linguistics in the 60s. in connection with the penetration of ideas and methods of cybernetics into it.

Interpretation general scientific method cognition, which consists in revealing the meaning of the results obtained and incorporating them into the system existing knowledge. Without this, their meaning and value remain unhidden. In the 60-70s. a direction developed - interpretive linguistics, which examined meaning and meaning linguistic units depending on the person's interpretive activity.

Particular methodology - methods of specific sciences: linguistic, mathematical, etc., related to philosophical and general scientific methodology and can be borrowed by other sciences. Linguistic methods Research is characterized by weak formalization of evidence and rare use of instrumental experiments. A linguist conducts analysis by applying existing knowledge about an object to specific material (text) from which a particular sample is made, and the theory is based on sample models. Free interpretation of a variety of factual material according to the rules formal logic and scientific intuition are characteristic features linguistic methods.

Term method has no clear interpretation. V.I. Kodukhov suggests distinguishing between 4 concepts expressed by this term:

· Method-aspect as a way of understanding reality;

· Method-technique as a set of research rules;

· Method-technique as a procedure for applying a method-technique;

· Method is a way of describing how external shape techniques and methods of description.

Most often, a method is understood as a generalized set of theoretical principles and research techniques associated with a specific theory. The method always isolates that aspect of the object of study that is recognized as the main one in this theory: historical aspect language - in comparative historical linguistics, psychological - in psycholinguistics, etc. Any major stage in the development of linguistics was accompanied by a change in the research method, the desire to create a new general method. Thus, each method has its own scope of application, examines its own aspects, properties and qualities of the object.

Research methodology is the procedure for applying a particular method, which depends on the aspect of the research, technique and methods of description, the personality of the researcher and other factors. Thus, in the quantitative study of language units, depending on the goals of the study, different methods can be used: approximate calculations, calculations using mathematical apparatus, complete or partial selection of linguistic units, etc. The methodology covers all stages of the study: observation and collection of material, selection of units of analysis and establishment of their properties, method of description, method of analysis, nature of interpretation of the phenomenon being studied. The difference in schools within one linguistic movement most often lies not in research methods, but in various techniques analysis and description of the material, the degree of their expression, formalization and significance in the theory and practice of research. For example, they are characterized various schools structuralism: Prague structuralism, Danish glossematics, American descriptivism.

Thus, method, methodology and technique are closely related and complement each other. The choice in each specific case of the methodological principle, the scope of application of the method and methodology depends on the researcher, the goals and objectives of the study.

In educational and scientific pedagogical literature the concepts of “technology” and “method” are in such a close relationship that they are often considered either as synonyms, or as subordinate phenomena, or as components of the whole (technology in a method, methods in technology). To clearly distinguish between these categories, it is necessary to consider what the method is as a pedagogical concept.

Method(from the Greek methodos - path of research, theory, teaching) is a way to achieve a goal, solve a problem; a set of techniques and operations for the practical or theoretical development (cognition) of reality. The very meaning of this word indicates that it can be used quite widely in social pedagogy.

Depending on the scope of application, there are separate groups methods: methods of education; teaching methods; methods of pedagogical rehabilitation; methods of pedagogical correction, etc. Each group has developed its own methods, depending on what they are aimed at and how they solve the problem.

In relation to social educational technology methods can serve as its integral part, collectively providing a solution to the problem. To determine which method is necessary in a certain socio-pedagogical situation to solve a functional problem, it is necessary to use a classification of methods.

There are many approaches to classifying methods. Each classification is built on a specific basis. Let us present one of the approaches that can be used when considering socio-educational technologies, during their development and adjustment.

However, before presenting the classification of methods, you should understand what place they occupy and what role they play in the solution. functional tasks in general, as well as in this or that technology in particular.

So, method in social pedagogy- this is a way (method) of solving a specific problem of a person or group. Moreover, it is known that the solution to a person’s problem(s) is achievable only through the realization of the potential of the person himself. In other words, the source of solutions to a person’s problems is himself. Methods are aimed at including a person in certain actions to solve your problems: directed development; mastery (assimilation); correction (correction) of what has been learned; improving any capabilities; restoration of knowledge, skills, skills and their improvement, etc.

In order to apply the method needed in this particular case, it is necessary first of all to determine to whom the social impact should be directed. pedagogical impact what should be achieved and how to achieve it. Three levels of classification can be distinguished, determining the place and role of methods.

The subjective level determines the subjectivity of the application of the method. The subject of the action is:

specialist(s). The methods they use are external methods actions, influences, interactions;

the individual himself (the group through self-government). This - internal methods (independent actions, independent work person above you). The names of such methods begin with “self”;

specialist (specialists) and person (group) on whom pedagogical influence is carried out. Speech in in this case It is about the methods that determine the joint actions of the specialist and the person himself (the group itself). These are the methods joint activities, joint participation in the process of solving any problems, methods of action of one side and adequate actions of the other, etc.

Options for the relationship between external, internal and joint action may vary depending on the situation, the age of the client and other factors.

Functional level determines the purpose of the method. Functional methods are divided into basic (main, leading) and supporting. The main functional method is a method that includes an object (person, group) in certain actions, activities that ensure the implementation of the predicted goal - methods of implementation actions, activities (practical methods). Providing functional methods- these are those that help improve the efficiency and quality of implementation of the method of action. These include: methods of influencing human consciousness and feelings; methods of organizing activities; methods of stimulating (restraining) actions, as well as methods of self-persuasion, self-organization, self-encouragement, self-coercion, etc.

Subject level determines the way the method is implemented. Each method provides a certain way of its implementation - its own objectivity, which shows the actual way of implementing the functionality of the method. These include: groups of action methods (practical methods) - exercise methods, training methods, game methods ( gaming methods), teaching methods, etc.; groups of methods of influence - methods of persuasion, information methods; groups of methods for organizing activities - management methods, methods for monitoring activities, methods for creating situational environments that determine a certain nature of activity, etc.; groups of methods of stimulation (restraint) - methods of encouragement, methods of competition, methods of coercion, methods of control, methods of creating situations that stimulate (restrain) activity in actions, deeds, etc. Some methods can take place in various functional groups, for example, gaming methods, methods for creating situational environments, etc. Methods are an integral part of any socio-pedagogical technology. The name of some technologies is sometimes determined by the leading method (group of methods) used in it. Private technologies may reflect one of the leading methods, which often determines the name of this technology.

Methodology. The concept of “methodology” is closely related to the concept of method. A methodology is usually understood as the study of methods for solving a specific problem, as well as a set of methods that ensure the solution of a specific problem. And in pedagogical literature and practice, the concepts of method and methodology are so intertwined that it is very difficult to separate them.

The most characteristic features that distinguish the content of the methodology include:

A) technique implementation of a certain method, a specific embodiment of a method. In this understanding, sometimes a technique is considered as a synonym for the technique of implementing a method. This approach to identifying methods is reflected in didactics, and in the theory and practice of education;

b) a developed method of activity, on the basis of which the achievement of a specific pedagogical purpose- methodology for implementing a certain pedagogical technology. In this case, the methodology means methodological development, revealing the sequence and features of the implementation of a set of methods and means aimed at achieving specific purpose. For example, a technique for forming a habit, a technique for teaching writing, a technique for developing speech, a technique for organizing student practice, etc.;

especially pedagogical activity in the process of teaching academic discipline, including recommendations for studying individual sections, topics, various types training sessions - private technique teaching.

Means. This is what the use of (what) leads to the achievement of the chosen goal. Tools are the tools of the method. Often in pedagogical literature there is a confusion of these concepts, when it is difficult to separate method from means and vice versa. The medium may be the determining factor of the method. The proposed version of the concepts of method and means allows us to more clearly delimit them and show their relationship.

A medium can also act as a factor of technology - when it determines the main source of its functioning, for example, play, study, tourism, etc.

The proposed approach allows us to distinguish: the means of the pedagogical (social-pedagogical) process and the means of pedagogical (social-pedagogical) activity.

Facilities pedagogical process- these are those tools that act as an integral part of the specialist’s activities in the process of introducing pedagogical technology. These include: study work, rules of behavior established in an educational institution, cultural and leisure activities, physical education and recreation, physical education and sports activities, tourism social work, mode (for penal colonies) etc.

Means of pedagogical activity- this is what a specialist uses, in particular social teacher, in his professional activity to influence a person or a group in the process of socio-pedagogical work with them. Most often this is the toolkit of the method. Through instrumental means, the achievement of a pedagogical (social-pedagogical) goal is ensured. Such means include: word, action, example, book, technical means etc.

Thus, the means are an integral part of any method, technology, they define them, and through them the possibility of practical implementation is ensured, the achievement of the predicted goal in socio-pedagogical work with the client.

Reception. IN pedagogical theory The concept of “reception” is also widely used in practice. The range of its use is so wide that it is often interpreted arbitrarily, which is greatly facilitated by the lack of an unambiguous definition of this concept in pedagogy.

The term “technique” should be understood as a separate unique action, movement, way of doing something. In pedagogy (including social pedagogy) it is a way of using any means in the process of pedagogical activity.

Its essence can be considered as the totality and (or) originality of the use and manifestation of personal, verbal: intonation, facial capabilities, behavior, actions and other manifestations of a specialist in the process of purposeful pedagogical activity, in particular the implementation of socio-pedagogical technology, method, means.

No. 3. Classification of socio-pedagogical technologies

Classification (from Latin classis - rank, class + facio - I do) is a system of subordinate concepts (classes, objects) of any field of knowledge or human activity, used as a means of establishing connections between these concepts or classes of objects. The role of classification in cognition is extremely great. It allows you to systematize the objects under study on certain grounds, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of each of them.

Many socio-pedagogical technologies are known, but their classification has not yet been developed. At the same time, it is necessary for many reasons, since classification:

allows you to organize social and pedagogical technologies according to certain criteria, which simplifies their selection and practical use;

shows which ones, for which object category and for what conditions practical application There are social and pedagogical technologies, and some are not, or their choice is limited;

contributes to the creation of a bank of social and pedagogical technologies, taking into account their specific features.

The formation of such a data bank is extremely important. It combines and systematizes established and practice-tested socio-pedagogical technologies, which enables a specialist to quickly select the most optimal technology option for practical application and, if necessary, make certain adjustments to it, and suggest any new technology solutions to one or another socio-pedagogical problem. To the researcher such a technology bank will help to identify those aspects of the development and improvement of social and pedagogical technologies that require study and scientific justification . The bank of technologies is also useful for a novice specialist, as it will allow him to use a method of activity that has already been proven by experience in typical situations.

To develop a classification of socio-pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to determine its foundations and criteria.

Reasons classifications are those qualitative characteristics that make it possible to systematize technologies in relation to solving the main problems of an object, taking into account the goals of the technologies and the features of their practical application.

N The most significant grounds for the classification of socio-pedagogical technologies are:

type of socio-pedagogical technology;

purpose of socio-pedagogical technology;

subject of application;

object of application;

place of application;

method of implementation.

In accordance with the identified grounds, it is necessary to determine the criteria by which it is possible to systematize and classify socio-pedagogical technologies.

Criterion (from the Greek kriterion - a means of judgment) - a sign on the basis of which something is assessed, determined or classified; measure of evaluation. Several criteria can be identified based on one basis. They allow in to a greater extent individualize technologies.

Let us consider the most general criteria for each selected basis that will allow us to develop general classification social and pedagogical technologies.

Technology type. Criterion for this basis is aimed at identifying the type of socio-pedagogical technology, which is determined by its nature. That's why the nature of the technology is the main criterion on this basis, allowing us to highlight general and private technologies.

Are common technologies are focused on the general cycle of socio-pedagogical work with the client to identify his socio-pedagogical problem and resolve it.

Private technologies are aimed at solving a specific particular goal or task.

Purpose of technology. The criterion on this basis allows us to distinguish social-pedagogical technologies depending on the main goal of the social teacher’s activity (the main purpose of the technology) in a given situation in relation to a specific object. Such a criterion is the intended purpose of socio-pedagogical technology. In accordance with this criterion, technologies can have:

directional target purpose - technologies of development, education; pedagogical correction; pedagogical rehabilitation; corrections (re-education); outreach activities; career guidance work; leisure activities, etc.;

comprehensive purpose - technologies that involve achieving several goals simultaneously.

Subject of application. There are several criteria for this basis. They make it possible to distinguish socio-pedagogical technology depending on the individual capabilities of the specialist. In other words, according to these criteria, a social teacher can choose the most suitable technology for him in a given situation, in the process of implementation of which he will be able to achieve the greatest effectiveness. The criteria for this basis include:

level of professionalism- beginner, experienced, highly qualified specialist;

specialization social teacher - in the area of ​​activity, in working with a certain age group and etc.

Object of application. There are also several criteria on this basis. They allow us to distinguish socio-pedagogical technology depending on object characteristics activities. Such criteria can be the following characteristics of the object:

social- pupil, student, military man, family, parent, etc.;

age- child, teenager, young man, etc.; personal (that characteristic in an object that determines the need for social and pedagogical work with it) - character social deviance, psychological or emotional condition, personality dynamism, compensation opportunities, etc.;

quantitative - individual, group, collective; other criteria.

Each social and pedagogical institution, as it accumulates experience in working with various categories of objects and technology options, forms its own bank taking into account the most important criteria, put forward by the needs of practice.

Place of application. The criterion on this basis allows us to classify socio-educational technologies depending on the conditions in which their use is most appropriate and optimal. Conditions of use as a criterion for classifying technologies make it possible to single out the following as a place of application: educational institution; specialized center; place of residence, etc.

Implementation method. The criterion on this basis is aimed at highlighting socio-pedagogical technologies depending on the method of achieving the goal (the main methods used, means of practical application). As a rule, this is one (leading, basic) or several (certain set of) methods used in technology. That is, the criterion on this basis is the main way to achieve the goal - the leading method (game, activity, psychodrama, consultation, etc.); a set of basic methods; original methods (education in the team of A.S. Makarenko; correction of vagrancy by P. G. Velsky; self-development technology by M. Montessori; free labor technology by S. Frenet, etc.).

The stated grounds and classification criteria make it possible to identify the main socio-pedagogical technologies, which are divided into two types - general technologies and private technologies.

Social and pedagogical technologies general type(general socio-pedagogical technologies). These are technologies that include full cycle social and pedagogical work with a client, group. In practice, the terms “methodology”, “program”, “scenario”, etc. are often used instead of the expression “social-pedagogical technology”.

Social and pedagogical technologies of a private type (private social and pedagogical technologies)

identification and diagnosis of individual characteristics

the client, but also forecasting the prospects of his individual, individual correctional, correctional-compensatory development, education. The basis of prognostic activity is the identification of the client’s individual capabilities in self-development and the potential of this development.

By purpose Diagnostic and prognostic technologies can also be different. They are determined by both the object and And purposes of diagnostic and prognostic analysis. For example: a school social educator is interested in the reasons for a student’s learning difficulties and what are the possibilities for overcoming them; a mother brings her child to a family social service center (or a medical-psychological-social center) for a diagnostic and prognostic consultation in order to find out how to overcome the difficulties of relationships with him, to outline ways to correct his upbringing, etc. In each case, it is possible its own technology of work, on which the results obtained depend.

Private socio-pedagogical technologies(private socio-pedagogical technologies). These technologies stand out from structural components general technology or from private types of functional activities of social teachers. Therefore, they can also be called functional socio-pedagogical technologies. Such technologies include: diagnostic, diagnostic-prognostic, prognostic technologies, as well as the selection of optimal technology, direct preparation for the practical implementation of the target technology, target implementation, expert evaluation technologies.

Each of the functional socio-pedagogical technologies is subject to classification on the same grounds and criteria that are used for general technologies. Let's consider individual species private technologies.

Diagnostic socio-pedagogical technologies. Such technologies are designed to perform a specific function - making a diagnosis. They are used to assess the phenomenon, the level of socio-pedagogical neglect of the object, the degree of deviation, the socio-pedagogical features of its development, etc.

Purpose. Such technologies are divided depending on the diagnostic tasks (what it is aimed at). Even general diagnostics provides a certain minimum of activity that allows a sufficiently complete assessment of the phenomenon under study. What is being diagnosed very often determines how it should be done (the most appropriate way) and where (in what conditions) it is best to carry it out. Depending on the target orientation There are also diagnostic technologies.

Subject of application. To implement any diagnostic technology, special training is required.

Object of application. Diagnostic techniques are usually focused on a specific area of ​​practical application.

Place of sale. Diagnostic technologies are usually used in special centers, consultation points.

Any diagnostic technology provides certain methods of implementation. They may be more or less effective and depend on a number of factors ( technical equipment preparedness of a specialist, preparedness of a laboratory for diagnostics, etc.). Depending on the diagnostic object, a bank of technologies is formed, differentiated by methods and means of implementation. These may be sociological or psychological techniques using special forms, equipment, observation methods, inclusion in certain types activities, etc.

Diagnostic and prognostic socio-pedagogical technologies. Such technologies are most often used in specialized social and pedagogical institutions in initial stage working with the client. Their main purpose is not only to identify and diagnose the client’s individual characteristics, but also to predict the prospects for his individual, individual correctional, correctional-compensatory development, and education. The basis of prognostic activity is the identification of the client’s individual capabilities in self-development and the potential of this development.

By purpose Diagnostic and prognostic technologies can also be different. They are determined by both the object and the goals of the diagnostic and prognostic analysis. For example: a school social educator is interested in the reasons for a student’s learning difficulties and what are the possibilities for overcoming them; a mother brings her child to a family social service center (or a medical-psychological-social center) for a diagnostic and prognostic consultation in order to find out how to overcome the difficulties of relationships with him, to outline ways to correct his upbringing, etc. In each case, it is possible its own technology of work, on which the results obtained depend.

Implementation methods Diagnostic and prognostic technology is determined by the basic methods that ensure diagnosis and prognosis and their relationship. Often the prognostic activity of a social teacher is determined by his personal experience and pedagogical intuition.

A specific method of implementing diagnostic and prognostic technology is focused on specialization and professional competence subject and its individual characteristics object, and place of application.

The prognostic part of socio-pedagogical technology can be isolated and considered as an independent technology.

Selecting the optimal technology(target technology of social and pedagogical activities). This is a certain practical activity (methodology), which is aimed at choosing the most optimal technology for a particular case of socio-pedagogical activity to implement the client’s problem (problems), fulfilling the socio-pedagogical order of actions. Such a choice requires taking into account the essence of the social order, needs (socio-pedagogical problems, individual predisposition of the object), preparedness of the specialist (specialists), technological and material capabilities, conditions of the implementation environment. As a rule, each social and pedagogical institution develops its own technology of activity; Each specialist (social educator) develops his own methodology for working with a client (object).

The methodology for choosing the optimal technology is determined by the uniqueness of the target technology, professional competence subject And individual characteristics object, and place of its implementation. Characteristic feature selection method is also for whom the target technology is being prepared- for specialists of the institution or for yourself.

Direct preparation for practical implementation of the target technology(technology and methodology of direct preparation for socio-pedagogical work with a client). This technology includes a set of measures aimed at ensuring required quality implementation of the chosen method of activity with a specific object. At its core, direct preparation, in addition to solving a set of material, technical, organizational and methodological measures, provides for its clarification taking into account the performers (subjects), the object of social and pedagogical work and the place of implementation of the target technology.

The technology of direct training for specialists of a socio-pedagogical institution is largely of a standard nature. The institution accumulates options for preparing for one or another target technology in terms of content, volume, sequence and methodology for its implementation. Such work technologies are more difficult to individualize both by subject and object of implementation activity. For example, a school social teacher often prepares it for himself. He determines what and how to implement it. A social educator at a center for working with families (medical-psychological-social center) usually prepares this technology for practitioners, as well as for parents. As for parents, such preparation often becomes part of the implementation technology to prepare them for practical work with baby. In particular, it includes changing the parent’s understanding of his role in social and pedagogical work with the child, teaching new technique work, building confidence in the ability to build differently educational work And whole line other aspects.

The technology for preparing target activities for oneself is largely determined by the style of pedagogical activity of the specialist himself, which, in turn, is largely determined by his personality, motivation, experience, attitude to the activity and many other factors.

In each specific case, all direct training is determined by the existing experience of the social pedagogical institution or the style of activity of the social teacher.

Practical implementation target technology(technology of practical activities). This type includes technologies that have a practical (transformative, correctional-transformative, rehabilitation) nature. A specialist - a social teacher (group of specialists), using targeted technologies, contributes to the achievement of the predicted goals of social and pedagogical work with a person or group.

According to its purpose technologies of practical activity, as mentioned above, are extremely diverse. Each of them is focused on a specific training and experience of the subjects of implementation, on specific object work and place of implementation (conditions for optimal implementation) of the technology.

By method The implementation of target technologies is also varied, depending on the methods used, tools and techniques involved in them.

By their essence, target technologies are basic, basic. They are intended to ensure the achievement of social and pedagogical goals. The effectiveness of all socio-pedagogical activities of the specialist (specialists) largely depends on the effectiveness of their practical application. All other functional socio-pedagogical technologies are primarily of a service nature.

Expert-evaluative social and pedagogical technologies. These technologies are aimed at ensuring assessment and examination of the results of the implementation of functional technologies or general technology by a specialist (specialists) in social and pedagogical work with a client or group. They allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the stages and the entire technology of activity being implemented. On its basis, a conclusion is drawn and a decision is made on the need to correct the technology and its direction, as well as an assessment of all socio-pedagogical work performed.

Expert evaluation technologies make it possible to determine the level and quality of a specialist’s social and pedagogical activity. They can also be carried out to determine the prospects for social and pedagogical work with the client. Each such technology (methodology) has its own appointment, focused on a specific an object taking into account his age, gender and other characteristics, as well as Wednesday, in which it is carried out. The technique requires special training specialist - social educator.

The considered classification of socio-pedagogical technologies can be refined and supplemented taking into account new criteria and the needs of real practice.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1.What is classification? Describe the most significant grounds and criteria for the classification of socio-pedagogical technologies.

Give general characteristics classification of socio-pedagogical technologies.

Give a description of general socio-pedagogical technologies.

Give a description of functional (private) socio-pedagogical technologies.

Reveal the features of diagnostic and prognostic socio-pedagogical technology.

Describe the target technologies and the features of their choice.

Reveal the features of direct preparation for the implementation of the target socio-pedagogical technology.

Reveal the features of expert-evaluative social-pedagogical technology.


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