Infertility at the energy level. Family relationships from life to life and the karma of infertility

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR FAMILY KARMA For me, KARMA comes from the Russian word “pocket”. It's as if you came to New Life in “new clothes”, and you already have something in your Pocket, some kind of cargo. And it happens that walking with this burden is not so easy.. After all, until the subconscious (and, as you know, its main function is survival!) frees your Pockets from this burden, a Person still does not truly Live, not getting what he wants in Life, or getting something completely different from what he wants.. You ask - how does the manifestation of Karma happen in Life? Yes, very simply - in the form of diseases, chronic diseases, various kinds troubles that happen to you and around you.. This is when you cannot achieve balance in Life, find your Path, meet your “soul mate,” give birth to a child, etc. Moreover, if we take diseases of the Karmic plan, then their manifestation , as a rule, does not have clearly defined cause-and-effect relationships, i.e. they come suddenly, as if out of nowhere. If everything is translated to computer language, then KARMA is a “virus” that damages your biocomputer, as a result of which constant failures occur in the system, it cannot work on full power and breaks down periodically. IN religious teachings often the concept of KARMA is inextricably linked with the concept of “sin” - Man’s violation of the laws of Nature and the Universe. Please note that sin is not just when a Man, for example, became angry a couple of times during one Life, but when he manifested himself so inharmoniously for a long enough time, he gained a certain critical mass anger, as if he had already crossed a certain line. That’s when the sin “Anger” is recorded in your subconscious. After all, sin is a violation of the laws of the Universe, when you, as it were, separate yourself from others, leave the state of Unity and Love. And this record becomes Karmic if it is not worked out in the incarnation in which it was made!! By the way, records of sins (as well as other programs - " generational curses", external induced programs, etc.) can be "seen" by a person working with the Subtle Plan and who can "read" this record from your subconscious. Often for this you only need a photograph (image) of a person. In general, for me, karmic sin is How is that computer program, which is in “Startup” (that is, it is active even before you opened your eyes and woke up) and which greatly influences your life. As a rule, YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING CONSCIOUSLY WITH THIS “PROGRAM”, because... it lies deeper than your understanding. At the same time, your Karmic program always works in such a way that you are not able to see it - you can only see negative results its activities..(According to most religions, the sins of the fathers are in many ways the cause of Our illnesses and failures in Life. Christians believe that for the iniquity of the Ancestors, Descendants suffer up to the fourth generation. According to the faith of the Hindus and ancient Slavs, up to the seventh. That is, everyone “serves “punishment not only for one’s own deeds, but also for the actions of parents, grandparents and great-grandfathers, and even more distant relatives. It is safe to say that as a punishment for the sins of our fathers, diseases fall upon Us: for example, oncology, as a rule, people suffer People in whose Family there were heavy alcoholics. However, the matter is not always limited to simply dangerous diseases. Have you ever wondered why many smart, beautiful, economical and generally wonderful girls in all respects stay in girls? Most likely, their Family were women, who either themselves suffered from unhappy love all their lives, or were the object mental anguish some admirer, or for the sake of a whim they were engaged in Fortune telling for the purpose of a Love Spell. As a result, the so-called Family Knot was formed, which is very difficult to untie. One more a shining example The birth knot is a common problem of childlessness today. If our Ancestors were religious enough and did not terminate the pregnancy. Even living in poverty, believing that “God gave a bunny, he will also give a lawn,” then after religion was declared “the opium of the people” and abortion was legalized, many women got rid of 7-8, or even more children. And the murder of a child in the womb at any time is a crime, the punishment for which will be borne not only by the failed mother, but by her entire Family to the seventh generation! In order to Life failures and illnesses have left us, we must first determine whose Mistakes we are paying for this moment, for your own or for your great-grandfathers? Unfortunately, this is not easy. After all, in Our current Incarnation We are working off not only the sins of Our Ancestors, not only paying for Our current mistakes, but also being responsible for all those unrighteous acts that We committed in previous Lives. However, you can understand something on your own by taking a closer look at the problems and realizing that what is happening in Our Life is not accidental. If, for example, We have never deceived anyone, but someone constantly deceives you, then most likely you are working off the Karma of your Ancestors. But if you had an abortion, and now you cannot get pregnant or carry a child to term, you should not blame your great-aunt - you created this problem for yourself. Every action is equal to reaction, this is We from the course high school we remember. In the first case, we wash Karma immediate relatives, in the second - we pray to our Gods and ask forgiveness from the unborn baby for our sin! There are several ways to clear Karma. This includes prayer, self-improvement, repeated casting with wax, and even burning the frame of ancestors.. There is also special exercises: every day for a month you need to imagine your Ancestors for an hour, starting with the very first representatives of the Clan (even if you don’t know who They were), and yourself healthy, rich and lucky.. Let’s say your great-grandmother lost her first child during childbirth, her husband, after the successful birth of his daughter, died in Civil War , fighting on the side of the whites. And she, having survived the horrors of the Stalinist regime, died of stomach cancer in a hospice in a foreign country. It is important to convince yourself that she was happy. Difficult? Yes, it's difficult. But - it’s possible, especially if before that you also washed away in your mind the energy of your great-great-great-great-grandmother, about whom you know absolutely nothing. Your imagination will help you. The main thing is to give up meat and alcohol during the exercise, have the will to win and practice every day for at least half an hour, without missing a day. The place and time of the exercise is not so important. Of course, We are serving punishment for the sins of our ancestors and for our own misdeeds. But we have the power to change Life, close Karmic Debts and be happy. FAMILY KARMA IS CLEARED BY SINCERE REPENTANCE.. And this is the only Thing in Healing that I cannot do for you! What is sincere repentance? Every Person understands this subconsciously. In my opinion, this is the STATE OF LOVE INTO WHICH YOU ENTER when you RECOGNIZE YOUR UNITY WITH THE WORLD and ask forgiveness from the Creator (God, the Universe, the Absolute, your Gods..) for your inharmonious manifestation and violation of the Laws of the Universe. But it often happens that People cannot do this on their own. Why? There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, We have gone so far into the Head that it is not so easy for Us to return to the Heart and sincerely repent. In addition, Our Ego interferes, which holds Us tightly and does not let us go. Secondly, my Practice shows that the main part of Karmic sins lies in PAST INcarnations, etc. A person does not remember them, then he cannot remove them accordingly (although, let me remind you, their record is constantly stored in His Subconscious and, if necessary, it can be easily counted).. And finally, it is not enough to simply remove Karmic sin (erase the “Program” ), it is also necessary to cleanse the Aura and restore the Aura, as well as restore the work of the Chakras, Channels, etc., because Such Programs introduce significant discord into many Human systems and not only on the subtle plane. Only BY CHANGING YOUR VIBRATION (by erasing the “Karmic record of sin”), YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY! By the way, I also include issues of the inability to get pregnant (infertility) there. In addition, now the Time has come when more and more High Souls begin to appear on Earth, which even theoretically cannot enter the body at conception, because... have a different (higher!) level of vibration. By the way, this explains the presence of so-called “hereditary diseases”, when, along the same line, grandmother, mother and daughter have the same disease. In fact, if the mother of a child has, for example, the Karmic record “Fornication”, then at conception a Soul enters that has the same or similar Karmic record, because The vibrations must match in frequency (according to the “like to like” principle). Like this! Hence the conclusion (note to future Parents!) - in the Light, Pure and High vibrations Parents are born the same Children! So every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. But the consequences of Karmic sins are truly enormous.. Understand one thing - EVERYTHING IS FAIR IN THIS LIFE and if people around you deceive, lie, inflict “Damage” on you, etc., then this means that these Vibrations are also in you Aure! AND THE OUTSIDE WORLD, LIKE A MIRROR, SIMPLY REFLECTS YOUR INNER CONTENT TO YOU! In addition, having Karmic sins, a Person, as a rule, has a very low level Energy. The fact is that Karma is like “frozen Energy”, which is in Subtle Bodies and doesn't "work". People who are “frozen” in this way up to 80% come to see me. Life Energy! Can you imagine! You live and use only 1/5 of yours natural potential ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE KARMIC RECORDS (DISEASES, PROGRAMS)! SO, HOW TO MARK YOUR KIND: And if you feel that you are internally ready, that your time has really come, then everything will work out for you: You need to make a LIST of your relatives, members of your direct gender, taking into account everyone from the first to the seventh generation. Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts are not included in this list. You need to write down the following names: You are the first generation, Your father and mother are the second generation, Your grandparents are the third generation, Your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are the fourth generation, and so on.. Write down those whose names you know. The name is unknown - just mark the box on the family tree (it’s convenient to mark the men and women of the Family different colors, for example, red and blue). Next, We need a candle, any kind, no matter what, wax, helium, paraffin, its color is also not important, the main thing is not black. The candle should be an hour candle, that is, burn for 1 hour. According to the Family Tree - a list of all your Ancestors, begin to read prayers (mantras or any words that are appropriate to your understanding, most importantly coming with all sincerity from the heart), repeating everything three times in a row for each member of the Family that you included in the list. And the most difficult thing concerns those whom you do not know in your Family tree or you know very little: All Worlds have Spirits and Energies, that’s why we work with the Energy of Fire and the Spirit of Fire. We light a candle, ask the Element of Fire, the Spirit of Fire to open Energy channel to the bright Higher Powers, then we ask the bright Higher Powers to open channels from you to all People, Spirits, Souls, Higher Selves, to whom you brought insults, evil, negativity, in Past Lives, in this Life, and it doesn’t matter whether these People are alive now or not . Ask for forgiveness, also through the Heart Chakra (Anahata) send Your Love to Everyone, the Light Higher Powers and to whom you have caused harm. While the candle is burning, that’s how long you should ask for forgiveness; when there are 5-10 minutes left, then you yourself should forgive everyone. At the end, thank the Element of Fire, the Spirit of Fire, the Light Higher Forces and everyone from whom you asked for forgiveness and forgave them yourself, ask the Light Higher Forces to close all Channels. The cinder must be taken under a tree or thrown into the water, all this is done with gifts, you must leave the gifts near the tree, or if you throw the cinder into the water, then throw coins with gratitude to the Spirit of the area or the Spirit of water. WHAT CAN EXPECT FOR YOU AFTER CLEANING: Anything can await you. Loss of a job, loss of finances, loss of a loved one, etc. All this must be treated with understanding, because... for your actions and the actions of the Family they will take something that seems valuable to you, but after the loss you will gain something new and truly needed. As they say, in order to gain something valuable, you need to lose what you don’t need, and this is what you don’t need and they will take it from you. But since we live in material world and People see their values ​​in the material, material and will take it, if a Man values ​​the Spiritual more than the material, then they will take it with the Spiritual. The main thing is to treat this with understanding, without regret, then they will give more than they lost. Just don’t think that if you lose 1,000 rubles, you will immediately receive 10,000 rubles, they’ll just let you earn them. Whoever begins to regret will not gain anything, and may lose even more. In this way, we are taught to live correctly and value what we should value most. But if you have been living according to your conscience for a long time, your values ​​are set correctly, then they will not take anything, but will only give even more. Who cleans His and Ancestral Karma, but then again it brings negativity, so the demand will be great, since they will be punished twice, that is, what was removed will be returned and more will be added from above. But don't be afraid! He who is afraid does not receive anything, but only gains, even if you stumbled and realized the Error, then this will be Knowledge and Wisdom for you that you should not step on the same rake twice. And lastly, To Dark People working with Dark Practitioners to the detriment, not a single cleansing of Karma will help, only awareness and movement towards the Light will clear the Karma, so think Lighter, love the Light, go to the Light, bring the Light, do not forget to pray to your Gods and always remember about Karma .. and you will all have happiness and joy.

Are you infertile? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of infertility.

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors- hypothermia, infections - act secondary, as a trigger..."

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” he writes: “An illness is a language, the speech of a subject... To understand an illness, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of infertility.
Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.

Dr. N. Volkova in his book “Popular Psychogynecology” he writes:
There is no doubt about the fact that in almost all cases, infertile women have obvious or hidden hormonal disorders. These disorders are closely related to psychological factors - feelings of guilt, inferiority complex or conflict situation in family. Tangible results in treatment cannot be achieved without psychological counseling, during which the main problems are identified: denial of one’s femininity, envy, fear. Sometimes these reasons are deeply rooted in early childhood the woman herself or even in the perinatal (peripartum) period.
Often patients are not aware of their problems, but our work experience gives reason to believe that it is not infertility that causes neurosis, but neurosis is the reason for the lack of pregnancy in most cases.

Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”,” he writes about possible metaphysical reasons infertility:
Infertility (not to be confused with IMPOTENCE) is the inability of the body to produce offspring, that is, to produce or release gametes (sperm or eggs), as well as ensure their union for fertilization.
Emotional blocking:
I know of many cases where people who were diagnosed with infertility by doctors had children, and those who had no abnormalities were found to have children. long years tried unsuccessfully to have a child. For some people, infertility is a necessary experience in this life. Perhaps they want to have a child only because “that’s the way it is,” or because their parents can’t wait to babysit their grandchildren. Some women want to have a baby just to feel like women, otherwise they find it difficult to accept their femininity. For these women, infertility is a necessary experience as they learn to love themselves and feel happy without having a child. Sometimes a person wants to have a child, but is afraid of the problems associated with this, and this fear overpowers the desire. Infertility, therefore, may be a manifestation of fear repressed into the subconscious, and in this case one should not give up the desire to have a child. Infertility also occurs in those who blame themselves for being unproductive and do not receive positive results in some field of activity.
Mental block:
In order to find out whether your infertility is a necessary experience for you in this incarnation or a consequence of unconscious fear, ask yourself the questions to determine mental blockage given at the end of this book. If you are a woman, you may have been impressed by some story about a difficult birth. What did your parents tell you about having children, procreation, etc.? Maybe you are afraid that the child will push someone away from you or that pregnancy will spoil your figure?
Realize that fear associated with some words or events from your past cannot exist forever. You have to make a decision, either in favor of the desire to have a child, or in favor of fear. Whatever you decide, give yourself the right to do it. This is your life and you can do whatever you want with it. But you must be prepared to bear the consequences of your decisions. In addition, I recommend that you ask those who know you well whether you really have reason to believe that you are unproductive. Most likely, other people think much better about you than you do.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of infertility: Sterility in a woman indicates that for some unconscious reason pregnancy is rejected or you want to give birth to a child just to keep your partner, so your own motivation is insincere. For a man, the inability to have children indicates a fear of a real deep connection, of the responsibility that comes with having children.
- In both cases, it is important that you are honest with yourself and admit to yourself your true desires without judging them. And then take a step that corresponds to your inner essence.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Illness” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of infertility: Women's diseases arise when a woman does not accept something about herself (appearance, some behavior). She does not want or cannot feel herself a real woman, loved and desired. Such women suppress their femininity in every possible way and abandon the very principle of femininity.
In some women, the disease is caused by the belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.
Feminist movement started in late XIX centuries, continues today. It brought women many gains, but also gave rise to a lot of “women’s problems.” After all, it is very important to prove yourself as a woman in this world, but at the same time accept masculine energy. Masculine and feminine are two poles, two halves of a whole. No wonder they are attracted to each other. God, creating our world, divided it into masculine and feminine principles, into masculine energy - yang and feminine energy- yin. As soon as the balance between these energies is disturbed in life, this immediately affects the condition of the genital organs.
Diseases of the genital organs in women are also the result of denial and avoidance of men or the result of unsatisfactory relationships with the opposite sex. If a woman does not know how to give and receive physical and spiritual pleasure when intimate with a man, then she definitely has some kind of problem with the genitals.
The condition of the pelvic organs also reflects the quantity and quality of sexual energy.
One of important functions subconscious - to ensure the appearance of healthy and viable offspring in this world. If a woman is infertile, it means that in her subconscious there is behavior that destroys the soul of the unborn child. The mother's enormous subconscious aggression will be amplified many times over in the child's subconscious. That is, such a child will simply not be viable. In the subconscious of an infertile woman there is a program for the destruction of children.
In all religions, a woman was associated with the earthly, with the body, with fertility. A man is with the spiritual, with the spirit, with fertilization. In Christianity there is a commandment: “Let the wife fear her husband.” Why should a woman be afraid of a man? Because in this way she will not be able to experience aggression towards him. There is a saying: “Fear means respect.” Fear will be a barrier to launch negative feelings and emotions. That is, a woman should respect a man, but if she has no respect, then at least let her be afraid. A woman who has contempt for a man in her subconscious is barren, since such a woman despises the spirit. A man who despises a woman denies earthly things and has sick body. And often becomes impotent.
Thus, strong subconscious aggression directed towards men leads to infertility. This can be not only contempt, but also claims against men, resentment, jealousy, hatred.
Recently a woman came to an appointment with a tumor/patch. The cause of the tumor is strong subconscious aggression towards men.
“For me it’s better that they don’t exist at all,” she told me.
She also had no children. There were two abortions and two ectopic pregnancies that ended in tubal ligation.
Sometimes unclean thoughts become an obstacle to pregnancy.
One of my friends told me a story.
- My friend has a crisis in her relationship with a man. And she decided to tie him to her by giving birth to a child. “I’ll get pregnant from him,” she said, “and then he won’t leave me. A sense of duty will not allow it." “Svetka,” I tell her, “what a fool you are. Yes, no man can be kept as a child. You will only ruin the life of yourself and your child. It's better to break up with him or improve your relationship. Then everything will be fine."
But she didn’t listen to me and decided to do it her own way. So she could not get pregnant from him. I received treatment for a long time and went to resorts. Now I understand the reason. A few years later they separated. And six months later she met another man. They got married and a year later they had a girl.
Fear and resistance to the life process, uncertainty about the future can also be a cause of infertility. After all, children are our future. There is simply no need to gain parenting experience. This is facilitated by a certain situation in the family, the attitude of parents towards each other and towards their children.
As long as there is no readiness in the subconscious for the birth of a child, there will be problems with fertilization. And no matter how theoretically you would like to have a child, and no matter how passionate speeches are said about this.
There is only one way out - explore your inner beliefs. Surely you will find there a fear of childbirth because of the associated responsibility, some restrictions and stresses.
And sometimes an important obstacle is the fear of becoming ugly, unattractive, and ruining the figure and shape of the breasts.
I remember one program about a famous fashion model. For a long time she couldn't get pregnant. And when, many years later, she succeeded, she asked her husband:
- Do you still love me? After all, I became so fat and ugly.
The unattractiveness of women after childbirth is a myth. If a woman is ready for pregnancy both physically and spiritually, then pregnancy is the flowering of the female body. Those women who are accustomed to taking care of their bodies before childbirth restore their beautiful physical fitness and after them. Caring for a child and raising a new person make a woman even more beautiful and reveal the facets of her being.
As soon as a woman re-evaluates her values, she will be able to get pregnant and have healthy offspring.
M. Erickson, an American psychiatrist, describes such a case from practice.
One of my sisters tried desperately to get pregnant for 13 years. Since she saw me only as a brother, she did not take me seriously as a doctor, which, by the way, often happens among relatives. Therefore, she took in newborn babies who, for some reason, were left without parents, and nursed them until an adoptive parent was found. She worked on this matter for ten years and finally turned to me for advice.
My answer was very simple: “You have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. But something doesn't work for you. But once you adopt a child yourself and feel that he is all yours, meaning physical intimacy, kinship, special feeling accessories - I just don’t know how else to express this - how in three months you will become pregnant.” In March, my sister adopted a child, and in June she became pregnant. She then gave birth to several more children

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of infertility:
For the normal functioning of female hormones, the expectant mother needs character qualities that would guarantee the safety of the child in early life. childhood these are: warmth, tenderness, caring, compassion, sensitivity, the desire to tolerate the shortcomings of your child. A woman is, first of all, a mother - her body is designed to give birth to children. And accordingly, there are character qualities that, if behaved incorrectly, deprive her of the opportunity to be a mother.
What are these qualities:
Coldness towards others:
It is difficult for a woman with such a character to be a mother, because the child needs warmth, the mother needs to feel the needs of the child. Coldness towards people, and especially towards children, causes a decrease in the production of female hormones.
When a woman has this quality, she doesn't care about anything. The child is lying, crying, well, God bless him, let him cry and calm down. Indifference causes an imbalance in a woman’s hormonal functions.
Apathy, aimlessness, disappointment in life
When a person does not have a goal in life, he experiences apathy and disappointment. If you are disappointed in life, what can you give your child? The same. Nature tends to protect children from such mothers. Therefore, with the development of these character traits, a decrease in the tone of the uterus occurs, and the tone of the fallopian tubes is disrupted.
Cruelty in education naturally leads to the development of hatred in children. cruel women It's hard to become a mother. Cruelty causes an increase in the production of male hormones.
Reluctance to be a mother:
Female hormones maintain beauty and youth in the female body, so beauty increases at the age most favorable for having children. When a woman does not want to be a mother, hormonal functions decrease, which causes premature aging of the body.
Disappointment in life:
Occurs due to an incorrectly chosen main goal in life. The Vedas say that the meaning human life This is to understand your spiritual nature, increase the satisfaction of spiritual needs and try not to cultivate your material needs. What are the material goals: to get married, to graduate from a university and get some qualifications, to give birth and raise children, to save more money, build good house, buy a car and a garage, buy nice apartment and furnish it. Of course, all these tasks appear naturally at some stage in our lives. However, if I set mine main goal In life there are such material needs, then when they are fulfilled, the joy of success is usually short-lived. Naturally, you’ll want to put the next one next material goal, and again all forces will be directed towards her. If fate fails to make another material desire come true, then suffering ensues, sometimes unbearable, and it seems that life has been lived in vain. For example: I decided to go to college, set this as the main goal of my life and entered. Literally in a week, it seems that this is how it should be, and I set a goal - to graduate from college. Having finished it, I have a series of the following material desires, and all of them seem to me to be the most important in life. But according to the law of karma, at some point there will be a serious failure - either with work, or with money, or with employees, or with an apartment, or with a husband, etc. - there will definitely be some big problems. Few people in this world are able to avoid all material problems, but the false ego tells the mind that I am such a person. So: if a breakdown occurs, then since the mind loses connection with the goal in life, it all ends in disappointment, and subsequently the body suffers various functions, including hormonal ones. With a series of such failures and severe disappointment, amenorrhea develops. The body of a woman disillusioned with life begins to gradually fade. Let's say a girl wanted to find an ideal husband and set this as her main goal. Because ideal people no, everyone has some shortcomings, then she is automatically doomed to disappointment and this may affect the ability to have children.
However, if a person strives for spiritual progress, he starts working on his bad traits character, sets himself a very high goal and strives for it. The highest goal is to realize your spiritual nature and behave like a soul: to love God and all living beings and overcome selfishness to serve them selflessly. In this case, he regards all failures as problems not of an external plan, but of an internal one, he understands that all failures are his own fault, and since the main goal does not suffer when difficulties arise, he continues to move forward with optimism. With this formulation of the question, all obstacles are overcome much easier, since the power of happiness that comes to the mind from a sublime goal gives enormous enthusiasm in overcoming all difficulties.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov
(“Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”), possible metaphysical causes of infertility are:
Fear of life, lethargy and lack of initiative. It is based on rejection of oneself, one’s appearance, behavior, and rejection of one’s own femininity. Dislike for oneself and inability to find contacts with people, resentment and fear.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates the main negative attitudes(leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of infertility:
The likely cause of infertility is fear and resistance towards the process of life or lack of need to go through the experience of parenthood.
Harmonizing thoughts: I trust the process of life. I'm always in right place, do the right things and in right time. I love, accept and approve of myself as a whole.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the occurrence and healing of infertility:
Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need to gain parental experience
Harmonizing thoughts: I believe in life. By doing the right thing at the right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.

Anatoly Nekrasov in his book “1000 and One Ways to Be Yourself” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of infertility:
Infertility is a serious sign of the presence of large and deep problems in a person, in the family and in the clan. My practice has shown that if the causes are eliminated, a child can be born even when medicine says birth is impossible. Conversely, all physiological indicators are normal, but there may not be children if deeper causes are not eliminated.
Infertility should be perceived as life lesson, which must be lived and solved certain problems. Most often, this is a lesson in femininity, that is, a woman needs to reach a different level of awareness of herself, her role and reveal her love for men.
Very desire have a child without creating required Space Love can also be an obstacle to having children. Violation of the value system can lead to infertility. Fears associated with childbirth and raising children, as well as disagreements between men and women on this issue, can also serve as an obstacle.
Actually, this subtle question and requires specific consideration. And before intensive medical treatment, it is necessary to remove more subtle causes - then medical intervention may not be required, and if it is required, it will be effective.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his books “Spiritual Light”, “Psychological Causes of Diseases”, “I Forgive Myself” he writes:
Childlessness – Stress in the relationship with the mother.

The fear of getting pregnant and the fear of remaining childless attracts exactly what you are afraid of - pregnancy or childlessness. If you are afraid of getting pregnant, then the function of the ovary is impaired due to fear; the egg does not separate on time and is released exactly when you do not want it. Who's to blame? After all, your body knows that you are afraid of getting pregnant. Prove to him yours true desire by freeing yourself from fear.

Loving at least one thing in your partner positive quality, a person opens up to him and gives himself, and also accepts what his partner gives him. As a result, a child is conceived. If a person intends to love, setting forth conditions in advance (that is, if the partner becomes what they want him to be), then it is quite possible that there will never be a child. It is especially difficult to meet the conditions of people with high self-esteem. That's why childlessness is a problem educated people. It is not necessary to have doctorate. It is enough to be more educated than your parents, your parents’ parents, or people in your close circle. It is enough if a person knows how to do something that his relatives cannot do at all.

A child raised as an exemplary child can be so exemplary that he causes absolutely no trouble to his parents. But a great sadness settles in the child’s soul. Her name is childlessness. Why? Because you can't conceive a child alone. That’s why people who are exemplary in everything are increasingly finding themselves childless. Their desire to cope with everything alone results in the fact that they do not excite their partner sexually or do not become aroused themselves, although they experience love. And since like attracts like, and both spouses are truly exemplary, this quality of theirs is summed up in superexemplaryness, which would lead to the birth of a child with congenital homosexuality. If a child does not need such a lesson, then he is not born to such parents, even if in all other respects they meet his needs. By his non-appearance, he admonishes his parents to moderate their exemplary behavior. If the parents correct their mistake, then the child is born.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love rushes towards something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values... But this is not the goal, but only means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, how Feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, becomes on the right way! There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.

The search and research into metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of infertility continues. This material is constantly being updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!

Why can't a woman have children? Some people try to get pregnant year after year, but to no avail. But the desire to become a mother remains just as strong...
To defeat a disease, you need to accurately understand its cause.

I will describe 4 types of infertility in women:

– karmic,
– psychological,
– energy
– physiological

I will also give real examples from my practice.

Karmic infertility

The roots of this problem may extend from the family or past life. Most common karmic reasons infertility – subconscious resentment and hatred of men. For example, in relation to your father. This happens if he committed violence when the woman was still a child.

The cruel attitude of parents will certainly leave its mark on the fragile child’s psyche. An ordinary spanking and, even more so, sophisticated parental sadism can have an effect. For example, when a mother first fattens a girl and then shames her with extra pounds.

A woman can develop a negative attitude towards men as an experience from past lives. You already know that there is a Law according to which nothing comes from anywhere and nothing goes to nowhere. This also applies to the human Soul. Accumulating your positive and negative experience, The soul comes again to Earth. Subconsciously, a woman with negative “baggage” is afraid to start a family and avoids men. It happens that a girl distorts her image to the point of changing her orientation.

One of the most common causes of infertility is abortion.. And it doesn’t matter whether they were committed in this life or in previous incarnations.

Abortion is a serious sin! For abandoning a child, responsibility and the destiny of being a mother, a person receives serious karmic punishments. Moreover, it is not only women who bear responsibility. Karma extends to the men who contribute to this.

Abandonment of a born child in a past life or in this one is also one of the reasons for infertility.
If a woman left her child in the care of other people, it means she abandoned him. Even if it seems to her that it will be better for him this way, this is not an excuse. This is often how secondary infertility occurs.

A woman who abandons a child will be held accountable for her actions and will be held accountable for full program. She didn't appreciate the gift Higher Powers, did not live up to their trust and therefore will not receive any more children until she atones for her sin.

A bad mother in the past can often be deprived of the right to be a mother in the future. What does bad mean? This is the mother who showed physical or mental violence against children, and also committed any actions that crippled the psyche and fate of the child. Such actions never remain without corresponding karmic consequences, punishments and prohibitions in the future.

Psychological infertility

In the practice of a healer, there is such a phenomenon as psychological infertility. This is when a woman experiences subconscious or conscious self-hatred.

Psychological causes of infertility are self-rejection feminine when a girl does not allow herself to become a mother.

Accumulating negative emotions in the form of hatred, resentment and anger, a woman programs herself for self-destruction. The lineage of such a person cannot continue. Indeed, in essence, what carries within itself the denial of life is doomed to self-destruction.

Other psychological reason female infertility – the presence of all kinds of fears and phobias. Fears are energy blocks. Their palette is diverse:

fear of responsibility,

- fear of the birth of a baby,

– fear of childbirth,

- fear of not being able to cope,

– fear of losing figure,

– fear for your career

Whatever they are - all together and each in particular - these phobias block the flow of energy to reproductive organs. They may even be destroyed. Subsequently guarantees serious illnesses and functional failures in reproductive system person.

But every fear always has a reason. And as soon as you find and remove it, you will be able to get pregnant, because along with the fear, the energy blocks will also go away.

Energy infertility

One of the most common reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant is energetic infertility. In this case, the woman is targeted negative impacts such as damage and curses.

Damage to infertility– a serious destructive program. It may lead to the destruction of this human race as a species, wipe it off the face of the earth.

Curses created purposefully or unintentionally destroy the victim’s field and make the woman incapable of having a child.

When the second chakra is blocked Almost the same thing happens. Disturbances in energy centers and, as a result, the impossibility of a natural pregnancy in a woman.

Medical methods of treating infertility are usually powerless here. But the impact on energy level can help get rid of the disease forever.

Physiological infertility

What causes of infertility cannot be eliminated? Physiological 100% infertility is the case when a woman has serious disorders in the reproductive organ system: tubes, ovaries or uterus. If any link of this system is missing or damaged, pregnancy is in principle impossible.

But if the necessary organs are in place, and the long-awaited fertilization still does not occur, then you can fight for the woman. She has every chance of a natural pregnancy.

Pay attention to the following diseases:

– cysts on the ovaries;

– fibroids;

– obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

If they do not heal over time, then you need to look deeper. So the root cause is something else. And if it is identified and eliminated, the disease will go away.

A few cases from my practice

Olga, 27 years old

One day a young woman, Olga, came to see me. She said that she could not get pregnant after an early abortion and all kinds of inflammation. She complained that due to medical prescriptions, procedures and medications she was only losing the remnants of her precious health.

She was a small, thin girl with a sallow complexion. But during our work, she began to blossom right before our eyes. After just 15 sessions of infertility treatment, Olga became safely pregnant. Soon the girl gave birth to a healthy baby.

Veronica, 31 years old:

Confident Veronica thought only about how to build a career. To prevent an unexpected pregnancy from disrupting her plans, she took birth control pills. As it turned out, without a break for several years. The woman's body was poisoned.

As a result - bad blood, cysts on both ovaries, obstruction in the tubes. The doctors did not give any guarantees.

I gave her 19 sessions.

And finally, the long-awaited result - a healthy natural pregnancy!

Inna, 35 years old:

In a conversation, Inna told me that she is now married for the second time. She did everything she could in hopes of getting pregnant - all to no avail.

The examination and tests were normal.

A classic situation when the husband’s mother spoiled her daughter-in-law for infertility.

The result of such work should have been divorce and severe suffering for the young woman. But after five sessions, Inna became pregnant.

Dear women! Don't despair if pregnancy doesn't occur. This doesn't mean all is lost.

In my practice there were a huge number of similar cases and everything ended well!

The main thing is to believe, hope, want a child with all your heart and take appropriate measures for this.

If doctors say that everything is fine with you, but you cannot get pregnant, sign up for a consultation. I will help you understand the causes of infertility, and also provide appropriate assistance.

When a woman cannot get pregnant due to any physiological abnormalities or diseases, in this case, it is also advisable to find out exactly the spiritual causes of the problem - why the organs suffer, why this or that disease is given, and what needs to be done about it? Based on many real cases we can say that when proper operation over yourself, it is often possible to do without medications and surgery altogether. But if the disease is identified and the diagnosis is made, the disease must be treated. “The fortress must be taken from all sides,” therefore, ideally, it is necessary to find out the root cause, working on oneself, and undergo treatment as required official medicine.

We list the main violations for which, according to Spiritual Laws, a woman can be punished with infertility:

1. Subconscious or conscious self-hatred, non-acceptance of the feminine principle in oneself, accumulation large quantity negative emotions (resentment, anger, hatred, etc.) and self-destruction. Corresponding negative emotions always hit the female reproductive organs first.

2. Resentment and hatred towards men, usually subconscious. For example, against your father, if he committed violence when the woman was a child. Also, negative attitude a woman’s soul could bring it to men from past lives. This is her negative experience, an unresolved lesson that needs to be dealt with in this life - find the right answers, remove hatred and resentment, etc. This often happens.

3. One of the common causes of infertility may be abortions committed in the past - either in this life or in previous incarnations. Abortion is a serious sin; for abandoning a child, abandoning responsibility and the purpose of being a mother, a person receives no small karmic punishment. One of the penalties for abortion is infertility.

4. Another reason for infertility may be the abandonment of an already born child, again, in a past life or in this one, it does not matter. “If you gave up, didn’t appreciate the gift of the Higher Powers, didn’t justify Their trust - that means you won’t receive more until you atone for your sin.” This also includes the renunciation of motherhood as such, as a renunciation of one of one’s purposes. Refusal of one's purpose and failure to fulfill it is always punished very strictly.

5. A “bad mother” in the past can often be deprived of the right to be a mother in the future. Physical or mental abuse of children, as well as any actions that crippled the psyche and fate of a child in the past, never remain without corresponding karmic consequences, punishments and prohibitions. These are all things for which you need to repent and ask for forgiveness from God and the soul to whom you are guilty.

6. The deification of children and family can also become an obstacle to having them. Remember - a person eventually loses everything he prays for! You can only pray to God, and everything that a person begins to love more than God is, sooner or later, taken away from him. The idealization and deification of children leads to incredible attachments and, as a consequence, to the formation of fears, aggression and despotism. And when children begin to show their own will- the parent’s desire to suppress it turns on and then they begin to forcibly ruin the child’s life at their own discretion. If a child still strives to live his own way, without listening to his mother, the mother easily turns into a tyrant, and her love transforms into hatred. It all ends, as a rule, in failure.

7. The penultimate thing I would like to say is fears! Fear of children, fear of responsibility, fear of giving birth, fear of pain, fear of changing and becoming unattractive, other fears. Fear blocks the flow of energy to the reproductive organs and can even destroy them (lead to diseases or functional failures). But every fear necessarily has a reason, so to speak, the day of its birth when it appeared. And as soon as you find and remove the cause of fear, you will be able to get pregnant, because along with fear, energy blocks, negative influences and functional failures in the functioning of organs will go away.

8. It also happens that the cause of infertility may be birth problems or negative karma of the family. Generic problems usually include hereditary diseases. Read more about this in the article - Hereditary diseases- their reasons and effective solutions! Also, generic problems that can cause infertility in both women and men include grievances against parents and other negative emotions within the generic relationship (hatred, anger, etc.). It often happens that infertility goes away only when a woman was able to establish relationships with her parents, forgive them, and reveal gratitude in her heart. But you need to keep in mind that the family’s karma is not limited to grievances against parents alone.