Why are we drawn to each other? Energy connection between a man and a woman

In the Universe, in order to maintain spiritual and material energy balance, energy exchange constantly and continuously occurs. This circulation of energy takes place within the framework of the law on conservation of energy.
Communication is essentially an energy exchange. The energy generated by a person is given to the outside. But, in accordance with the laws of conservation of energy, a person must receive energy from the outside. Hence the need to communicate.

People communicate for personal gain. During interaction between people, an energy exchange occurs - one gives, the other receives and vice versa. If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange occurs between them. At the same time, both enjoy communication.

Even if two people experiencing mutual attraction do not speak, feigning indifference, their energy fields are still drawn to each other. As they say, “I’m drawn to him.”

During communication between two people, channels are formed between their auras through which energy flows flow in both directions. The streams can be any color and take any shape (they can be seen with extrasensory perception abilities).

Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication:
Muladhara(base chakra) - relatives.
Svadhisthana(gender chakra) - lovers, married couple, fun friends, relatives.
Manipura(umbilical chakra) - relatives, employees, subordinates, superiors, sports friends and those with whom you enter into competition.
Anahata(heart chakra) - objects of emotional interaction, these are the people we love. For the harmonious development of relations between a man and a woman, it is necessary to have a channel along the sex chakra (svadhisthana).
Vishuddha(throat chakra) - like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
Ajna(frontal chakra) - imitation and adoration of an idol, sect leader, etc. Hypnotic channels, suggestion of thoughts. Telepathic connection with another person.
Sahasrara(crown chakra) - connection only with egregors (collectives, religious communities, sects, football fan clubs, political ideology, etc.)

The more passionate the partners are about each other, the stronger and more active the channels are formed.

During the formation of close, trusting relationships, all chakras are gradually connected by channels. It is in this way that strong relationships arise that are not subject to distance or time. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, and no matter how many years have passed since their last meeting. It also happens that, meeting an old acquaintance after many years, a person feels as if they parted just yesterday.

Channels can persist for a very long time - years, decades and move from incarnation to incarnation. That is, channels connect not only bodies, but also souls.

Healthy relationships form bright, clear, pulsating channels. In such relationships there is trust, intimacy, sincerity and there is enough room for personal freedom. Here there is an equivalent exchange of energy, without distortions.

If the relationship is unhealthy, that is, one partner depends on the other, then the channels are heavy, stagnant, and dim. Such relationships deprive people of freedom and often boil down to mutual irritation and bitterness.

If one partner wants to completely control the other, the channels can wrap around the aura on all sides.

When relationships gradually die, the channels become thinner and weaker. Over time, energy stops flowing through these channels, communication stops, people become strangers.

If people separate, but the channels are still preserved, then they continue to reach out to each other. It also happens when one partner cuts off communication channels and closes himself off from further interaction, while the other partner is still attached to him and tries in every possible way to break through the energy defense in order to restore the relationship.

In the process of forcibly breaking the channels, the separation is very painful. It takes many months or years to recover from this. Here, much depends on how ready a person is to accept the free will of another and free himself from dependence developed over a long time.

Most channels built in everyday communication disappear without a trace over time. In the case of close relationships, channels remain for a very long time; even after separation, some channels remain. Particularly strong channels arise during sexual and family relationships.

In this fragment you will see an indicative experiment that proves the presence of energy channels between people who have been in a relationship for a long time:

Each time you have sexual intercourse with a new partner, new channels are formed along the sex chakra, connecting people for many years, or even throughout their entire subsequent lives. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the sexual partners managed to learn each other’s names - in the case of sexual contact, a channel is formed and lasts for a very long time. And if there is a channel, then there is a circulation of energy along it. And what quality of energy comes is difficult to say, it depends on the characteristics of the other person’s field. To sleep or not to sleep, and if to sleep, then with whom, is, of course, up to you to decide. It's good when this happens consciously.

It is believed that the strongest channels are the parent ones. But there may be options here too.

In people who live nearby for a long time, energy fields (auras) adapt to each other and work in unison. Intimate relationships require field synchronization. We often notice that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other even in appearance.

If the characteristics of the auras of two individuals are very different, then it will be difficult for them to communicate. When energy flows that are alien to it invade the field, a reaction of repulsion, fear, and disgust appears. “It makes me sick.”

When a person does not want to communicate with someone, he closes his energy field, and all energy flows emanating from the other person are reflected. In this case, the other person gets the impression that he is not being heard, as if he is talking to a wall.

During an illness, the patient’s energy field weakens, and he unconsciously replenishes the missing energy at the expense of those who are nearby. This happens automatically. Healthy people feed the sick. This is part of family life: first I will help you, then you will help me. If the illness is prolonged and severe, all family members may feel its devastating impact. Over time, they will feel tired and reluctant to care for the patient. At such moments, it is very important to be able to replenish your own energy reserves. You cannot devote all your time only to caring for the patient; you need to be distracted. Hobbies, sports, creativity, communication with friends, and entertainment can come to the rescue.

Negative emotions (anger, envy, jealousy, etc.) directed towards another person pierce his aura with a dark energy flow. In this case, there is a leakage of energy in favor of the aggressor. A person whose aura is polluted by imperfect thinking, dislike or despondency is unable to receive energy from external space, and he replenishes his energy hunger at the expense of other people. This is the so-called energy vampirism.

A vampire can be active. In this case, he takes energy from another person through the active release of negativity in his direction. These are, as a rule, brawlers, conflict-ridden people, constantly grumbling and embittered. If, in response to such a person’s malicious attack, you responded emotionally - you became upset, angry - then your energy flowed towards him. It turns out that the main defense is calmness and ignoring.

Extremely negative interactions can cause such severe destruction of the field that a person will have to recover for a long time. Some aura healing processes occur automatically. In this case they say: “time heals.” But some wounds leave behind lifelong scars that can be carried into future lives. People in this case tend to avoid pain and protect their wounds with energetic and psychological blocks.

It remains to be said that channels can connect not only two people, channels can connect a person with an animal, plant or any inanimate object. For example, many people are familiar with the feeling of longing for a place or home where important events took place. A person can become attached to his car, a child to his toy.

In the event of dependence on an object to which strong but unhealthy energy channels extend, such channels are usually called. Bindings block a person’s free will and disrupt the energy balance. We will talk about bindings in the next article.

September 5th, 2013 , 02:39 am

Systematic vector psychology about attraction

Sometimes, you travel on the subway or bus and observe an interesting picture: a neatly and beautifully dressed woman enters and no one pays attention to her. Another woman will come in, dressed more modestly and completely inconspicuously, and all the men’s heads will turn to look at her. Why is this happening? Why do people pay attention to each other? Where do people get attracted to each other? System-vector psychology provides answers to these questions.

What plays the main role when choosing a partner?

If you study the information provided system-vector psychology, it becomes clear that we are attracted to each other not by appearance, but by smells. At first it may seem that this is not the case and people pay attention to those who dress brightly. This opinion has developed because people who dress brighter than others, as a rule, have the brightest smell. On the mental level we express emotions, and on the physical, bodily level - smells. That is why dogs sense when a person is afraid, to the smell of fear, unknown to our consciousness, and the animal reacts.

How do we pay attention to each other? The answer is given by system-vector psychology.

How do we still notice a person? It turns out that everything happens through our nose, and not our eyes at all, and these are not pleasant smells, for example, emanating from Jadore from Dior, which are so noticed by people, especially with a visual vector, but pheromones, which through the zero nerve go straight into the unconscious, into the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for attraction to each other. This is the vomeronasal organ, which is responsible for both attraction and ranking.

System-vector psychology: why we are attracted to each other

It's not the brightest girls that attract men. Men notice those who smell “attractive.” The brightest scent belongs to the most emotional of all women - the skin-visual beauty. The more she shows and brings her emotions out, the brighter she smells and the more noticeable she is to those around her. The brightest of all is the one who completely brought out her fear in the form of love and compassion. She became the leader's mate.

System-vector psychology shows how visual-cutaneous girls differ from others, in particular in their demonstrativeness. It is thanks to the program they developed that we have a culture, a sense of empathy and compassion for our neighbors. They are the ones who, as a rule, demonstrate themselves in front of cameras and look at us from television screens and magazine covers. They are better than others at identifying stylish clothes and fashion, and are better than others at distinguishing colors and smells.

System-vector psychology: the reason for dating is always a woman

Acquaintance always happens because of a woman. Everyone, except the skin-visual one, releases their scent to one specific type of man - and he suddenly feels attracted to her. He suddenly desires her, distinguishes her from all other women and wants to get to know her, and not anyone else. In other cases, men simply do not notice them.

(c) Systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Margins around the form

What does mutual attraction depend on? Why does love happen at first sight? For what reason are we drawn to some people like a magnet, while other people, no less attractive and likable, do not evoke any feelings in us? Psychologist, follower of the Jungian school, Peter Ignatiev, answers all these questions.

- How, from your point of view, can explain an irresistible attraction to another person?

Our subconscious is to a much greater extent responsible for our likes and dislikes than our conscious mind. When we are strongly attracted to someone, and we cannot explain our feelings from a logical point of view, it means that in this situation we are guided by subconscious impulses. It should be noted that our subconscious controls our behavior, our thoughts, and especially our feelings much more strongly than is commonly thought. Psychiatrist-analyst Carl Jung wrote about the enormous role of the subconscious in human life. This is why it is so difficult for us to resist and control our own feelings.

And what is our subconscious guided by, choosing from all the people who surround us, one with whom we fall in love?

In order to answer this question, you need to know what the main tasks of the subconscious are. The number one task of the subconscious is to protect our personality from stress and destruction. Task number two of the subconscious is to push a person to improve his own personality and reveal all its facets, because the more perfect a person’s character, the easier it is for him to adapt and adapt to the environment. Therefore, we are subconsciously drawn, first of all, to those people who complement us in some way, that is, they have character qualities that we do not have, but which would be very useful to us. This explains the fact that many people who suffer from their own timidity and shyness are drawn to self-confident and strong individuals. But, at the same time, we, as a rule, like people who are at least a little like us - if two people have absolutely nothing in common, then they are unlikely to have not only love, but even minimal interest in each other . Therefore, those who believe that attraction arises between two opposites are not entirely right. Most often, a strong attraction arises between people who maximally complement each other in character qualities and push each other to self-improvement, as well as to get rid of complexes and internal conflicts.

“All my men with whom I fell in love were fond of one kind of sport or another,” says Yulia, a primary school teacher, 48 years old. - My first boyfriend, with whom I fell in love when I was already studying at a pedagogical institute, was an avid football player, but did not particularly shine with intelligence. I had nothing to talk to him about, but because I admired his football victories, our relationship dragged on for three years, until I was convinced that this was definitely not my man. Then I had several more affairs with fellow athletes. My husband, with whom we have been happily living together for 23 years, is a judo coach. You know, I wasn’t the only one who noticed this passion for athletes, my relatives and friends eventually drew attention to it. And only through introspection did I understand what was going on. But the thing turned out to be that even at school, my favorite subject was physical education, and I dreamed of becoming an athlete. But my parents categorically told me that (as they believed) a future wife and mother had no place in big-time sports, and my dream was nipped in the bud. It turns out that all my life I was looking for in my beloved men what I had lost in myself.”

- Does our consciousness really not influence our choice of a partner?

Of course it does. The conscious decisions we make are called rational decisions. True, rationalism manifests itself to varying degrees in each person: there are people who tend to always follow the lead of their feelings and emotions, and there are people who are able to step over even a very strong feeling for the sake of material gain or for the sake of principles and beliefs. But, since our subconscious is a rather strong component of our “I”, unsatisfied subconscious desires sooner or later take their toll. For example, this is a common situation. A young woman dreams of breaking out of poverty so as not to need anything, and therefore deliberately enters into a marriage of convenience, naively believing that she will “endure it, fall in love.” But, as life experience shows, such marriages are extremely rarely happy. Sooner or later, despite complete financial security, a woman living with an unloved husband begins to feel unhappy and eventually takes a lover.

What if the man whom the woman married for convenience turns out to be a good person? After all, they say that arranged marriages are sometimes extremely successful.

The fact is that arranged marriages are different. I mean that if, when choosing a partner for marriage, you take into account such important points as the similarity of your characters, emotional compatibility and common interests, then such a calculation may well be justified. If all you care about is how rich and successful your partner is, then nine out of ten that the problems that will inevitably arise in your marriage will outweigh the material benefits.

When planning to get married, whether for love or convenience, you cannot ignore the advice of intuition, because intuition is the voice of our subconscious. And if your intuition screams at you that the person with whom you want to unite your destiny is not suitable for you, then it is better to listen to its voice!

Just do not confuse the subconscious and intuition with such irrational concepts as telepathy or clairvoyance. In fact, everything is much simpler: our subconscious, in the process of communicating with a person, captures even the most insignificant nuances of his behavior - facial expressions, glances, gestures, voice intonations - and based on this makes unmistakable conclusions about this person. While we consciously perceive and analyze not all the important information that comes to us from the people around us.

Why do many people tend to step on the same rake, that is, choose different types of partners throughout their lives? With what it can be connected?

With stereotypes that are embedded in the subconscious of each of us. These stereotypes depend on upbringing, as well as on the experiences a person has in childhood and early adolescence. Gradually, under the influence of acquired experience, a person develops ideas about representatives of the opposite sex and relationships with them, and also forms an image of an ideal partner. This image largely depends on a person’s self-esteem. Thus, people with low self-esteem tend to choose strong and powerful partners to whom they obey and look up to. Whereas people with a narcissistic personality and high self-esteem subconsciously choose weaker partners who can be controlled and pushed around. In a word, every person is looking for a relationship in which he feels most comfortable psychologically, and which does not contradict his subconscious beliefs and stereotypes.

Sometimes, when people perfectly complement each other, they become fixated on each other and stop noticing the world around them. Do you think this is good or bad?

This usually happens in cases where both partners are introverts. If one of the partners is an introvert and the other is an extrovert, then such a situation, as a rule, does not arise. But if such a situation did occur, then this is not very good. In addition to love relationships, a person must devote time to family and friendships. Just think about the stress a person can experience if he breaks up with a romantic partner, if he doesn’t even have a close friend to whom he could complain about his grief!

Why is it sometimes difficult for us to part with a person whose relationship brings us mental suffering?

To understand why we cannot leave a person who does not treat us the way we would like, we must first figure out why we were so attracted to him. As I said before, we tend to subconsciously gravitate toward people who are similar to us in some way. Moreover, we may not even realize this similarity. According to Jung's teachings, every person has a part of his personality called the “shadow”, which he is not aware of in himself. Our “shadow” is those character qualities that are present in us, but we do not want to admit it to ourselves, so as not to destroy the positive image of our own “I”. By the way, these are not necessarily bad qualities, but we, due to our upbringing and principles, may consider them bad. And when we discover these same qualities in another person, we fall in love with him, start a relationship with him, and when he begins to show these qualities towards us, we do not abandon him, but try to forgive and justify, thus justifying ourselves. For example, a young girl was raised by strict and demanding parents, who instilled in her that she needed to be hard-working and not pursue life’s pleasures and entertainment. And although deep down the girl would like to sometimes spend time in bars and nightclubs, her strict upbringing does not allow her to do this. And so she meets a guy - a fun-loving guy who never leaves nightclubs - and falls madly in love with him, and then marries him. It is likely that the girl will live with this guy all her life and will suffer from his regular late arrivals home and from his eternal gatherings with friends. But she will not leave him and will try to justify him, subconsciously feeling a kindred spirit in him. But this is the worst case scenario. And in the best case scenario, the girl, under the influence of the guy, will gradually liberate herself, get rid of her complexes and learn to enjoy life. And the guy, in turn, thanks to the girl’s influence, will come to his senses and become more serious.

- That is, there is no predictable ending for the relationship, and everything depends on the partners themselves?

Of course. Even if the beginning of a relationship is not very good, a happy ending should never be ruled out. But keep in mind: a happy ending is possible only under one condition - if the partners realize their shortcomings and try to change for the better. I know many cases when, for the sake of a loved one, people radically changed their behavior and lifestyle and even abandoned many years of bad habits. In general, the higher a person’s willingness to work on himself and change, the greater his chances for a happy personal life. As far as I have noticed over many years of my psychological practice, the worst family relationships are among people who consider themselves ideal. Having too much self-esteem is just as bad as having too little self-esteem. Only when a person engages in self-knowledge, clearly sees his strengths and weaknesses, but does not lose self-love and self-respect, can he truly love, accept and make his partner happy. Margins around the form

It would seem that there is an absolute parallelism in destinies
And not a single slightest point of contact...
But one day they find that very crossroads
And a general outline of these lives is born...
Perhaps different roads lead to a dead end,
Where they met, merging into one...
Unpredictability - how brave you are!
And among the transience of time, the crowd
Dim city lights and worldly bustle,
Two people find each other by chance
By the sound of steps and the quiet rustle of the heart...

I’ll ask myself and won’t answer -
What do I really want from life?
I'll just sit down one evening,
I'll pour a glass of wine and light a candle.
And looking at the flickering flame,
Let me dream a little,
And maybe I’ll play someone’s role,
Or maybe I’ll start reading poetry.
I'll invite someone to visit me,
We'll drink wine and dance
So that about your problems and worries
Don't remember until the morning...

You're next to me... and it's so painful

My heart sank with tenderness,
So hot, so real
Wrapped in your warmth.
You're nearby...and I'm sneaking
I catch your gaze carefully,
And so excited and sweet
The eyes are shining towards me!

You're nearby... and it's like they're melting

Hours of painful separation,
How I always miss
The desired caress of your hands!

You're nearby... and only again
I'll press you closer to your shoulder,
There isn't even a word
Tell me how much I want to come to you!

You are nearby...from feelings of excess
We sit together in silence,
With eyes, a gentle smile,
We speak silently with our hearts...
You're nearby...

I feel warm with you, like in childhood.

No pompous greetings

You are with me - a bouquet of flowers in your hands.
Well, me, in an evening dress,
I'll drown forever in your arms.
I've been waiting for you for so many years.

My imaginary man
Our anniversary is coming soon:
The day that I told you a fortune.
You will come to me in the evening;
There will be roses, there will be candles,
It will be March with the sadness of September.

You are big and very kind.
We'll both be happy.
You are beautiful in actions and words.
The rains and blizzards are behind...
But her friends laugh after her:
Don't tell your fortune on mirrors!

My imaginary man
Our anniversary is coming soon:
The day that I told you a fortune.
You will come to me in the evening;
There will be roses, there will be candles,
March will be with the sadness of September.

Thousands of days and sleepless nights,

Pain in the depths and a smile on the outside.
Phrases like the light of a million candles:
- I need you so much...
- And I need you so much...
Simple words warm you with warmth,
The voice breaks, as if he has a cold.
We forget everything, having barely heard:

- I need you so much...
- And I need you so much...
The need for a Friend is like a shield for a Friend.
Snow in January and October puddles
We won't notice as long as it sounds:
- I need you so much...
- And I need you so much...

Heaviness on the Heart, empty Head,
We are covered in ice as if in a cold.
Wounds are inflicted by words without a knife:
- I don’t need you...
- And I don’t need you...

The main value is Forgiveness and Understanding,
Even when we are overwhelmed by resentment.
With words we can hug each other:
- I need you so much...
- And I need you so much...
We will keep the gift of Fate in our Souls,
Like a necklace of thousands of pearls,
Two Hearts will suddenly become hot One:
- How I need you!
- And I need you so much!

When Sadness embraces you and covers your feet with Loneliness,
When no one will calm you down, No one will say: “I will return...”
When a hot tear falls, it burns the soul in the palms,
When it hurts so much that no one, the Enemy wishes this,

You just know that somewhere in the distance, Among the rain, night unrest,
There is a candle burning in one window, It is always burning, without any doubt.
There they just wait, they will understand and, after keeping silent, they will warm the weak hope,
Love will dispel sorrows and pour a cup of black coffee...

The touch of your hands and lips,
To hear the heartbeat
And the pulsation of living flesh.

I want to be yours, just for the night.
A night that will never happen again
To overcome myself,
To be in bed with you like a lioness.

If you want, I will become snow
And from your caresses I will melt,
Or do you want, I don’t even know
I will become what you dream of.

I want to be remembered
Hands, lips and the smell of skin,
To tell you that you can't do it anymore,
Exhausted from this night.

All I need is a night with you
To keep the memory later,
That I was happy that night,
Plunging into you headlong.

I just need a night with you!

A little more⠠ three more days⠠ and you'll be back

And the sky will burst into flames with millions of lightning!..
Sleepless nights of lace will wash away everything,
When you touch your eyelashes with your breath

Once again happiness will swirl like a butterfly
And, freezing, it suddenly becomes quiet⠠ where paradise is
And I, afraid to scare you away, will whisper: “how I need you!...
Just don’t go anywhere else.”

And the world will be small for us with caresses and tenderness!..
And the skies will dissolve under the silk of stars
Just a little more three days and we’ll be together again
And the tears will become white rose petals.

Don't leave me alone, don't leave me. Without you, I strive for everything on a slippery edge.
Without you I walk on the edge of a knife, With a paralyzed soul, all trembling.
Don’t leave me, without you it’s dark during the day, and at night it’s creepy: the falling stars are knocking on the window.
And thoughts... thoughts... - well, where should I hide? Without you, I burn like a sinner on fire.
Don't leave me, please don't leave! Where are you, dear, I’m going there, everywhere is heaven for me,
And without you - nothing, cold ash, And the forces of evil will simply cope with me.
All temptations will come at me like war, - How can I resist when, dear, you are not with me?
What if the enemy pushes human souls onto a slippery edge? Don't leave me alone, don't leave me!
Oh, stand like a thorny thorn on the way, And hold me back - even if I bleed! - don't miss it!
When I’m nearby, don’t be harsh with me. Let’s happily share the shelter between three!
Let's build a hut in the forest and run away!.. And let the cheerful smoke flow from the fire...

Don't leave, stay with me, don't leave!..
If not, I’ll suddenly land on one of the flocks of birds...

We met according to heaven's plan,
Having closed the turn of the outlined circle,
Where are the feelings of the unknown suspended?
She threw us into each other's arms.
I realized: I can’t live in separation.
And did we really live before we met?
They didn’t know how to believe and love,
But they taught each other this.
Beating hearts - replacing words...
Doesn't know what caution is
Love born in the fire of fate,
Burnt our minds ungodly...

Along the blade of separation barefoot. But why does the soul bleed so much?

Especially on a moonless winter night, Are your hopes and dreams secret?
Wounded to holes by insults, Suspended by unbelief on the rack.
Almost dead, but we could still find a life-giving elixir.
And try to somehow heal without putting forward new conditions.
Love is always healed by love, But the blade of separation cannot be dulled.
Sometimes the pain is born before its due date,

And there is not a drop of strength to fight it.
I recently woke up lonely
Although you never left me.
Didn't leave, only left Without Communication
Oh God, it's like I've lost my strength
How it burns inside! And the emptiness presses.
Cremation of love beyond comprehension
Especially when the dream is alive.
I can handle. That's not what I was worried about.
But it’s strange: it’s morning, but it’s dark in the eyes.
And the sting born of bitterness
All feelings turn into decay and dust.
There is no point in remembering your vices now.
I don’t cherish bad memories.
One day you'll wake up alone
And I won’t help anymore... I won’t help...

I warm the bed for you...
And you warm your heart with clothes...
In the closet where the sweaters are -
No notes of hope are heard...
You wrap your soul in a frock coat,
Frozen faith - in Alaska...
And in the hot captivity of my hands
Unnecessary caresses languish...
I'm used to rare news,
I am looking for an interpretation of old dreams...
I swear I forgot, friends...
But I warm my bed with anticipation...
And it's a pity that you don't know
What a loving heart can do:
Look at my light -
And you can immediately warm up...

And you will smile with relief, A tear will roll down from happiness...
One day... you will hug me, And it won’t be in a dream!
You will take away a tear from your lips with your lips, by pressing tenderly to me...

One day... a fairy tale will come true, Your hand will feel the warmth,
A living, trembling caress will become real and close...
One day... a quiet warm evening will break through the eternal circle of separation,
And it will come true, there will be a meeting of beloved eyes, desired hands!

One day... waking up in the morning, I will feel like yours,
And happiness, smiling tenderly, will freeze silently at the door.


I'm not afraid of anything in the world
no drafts, no harmful flu,
no rapid pulse, no wheezing,
no pursed lips, no fear.
I'm not afraid of damn prophetic dreams
and prophetic words,
nailing like a curse,
I'm not afraid of the last hug
and the memory of unshakable shackles.
I'm not afraid of the speed of the years,
I'm not afraid of what's inevitable
But I'm Afraid to Love You So Tenderly
When you are not near me...

There are days when the soul is torn, yearning, rushing about,

And as if on the edge of a cliff, You stand in confusion, not breathing.

When the whole world is unrecognizable, And overshadowed with gray paint,
And pain, without end and edge, Filled with a mixture of gray hair

When from the hands that give kindness, there is only emptiness in despair,
From the lips that were singing only yesterday, only silence - muteness...
Then find among the minors, Among the host of musical themes,
Adagio from Albinoni, And plunge into magical captivity...

The height of beautiful sounds will change this colorless world,
Paint with a multicolor brush, Pain and emptiness will disappear...
Adagio from Albinoni – Magic sounds height...

Z. Litvinova, L. April, S. Pugach, V. Popov, E. Yukhnovich, Ivan-Durak, G. Shmonov, M. Yesenina. E. Dolinnaya,

According to tantric teachings, when a man meets a woman, an exchange of energy begins between them.

It is natural for a man to be charged with energy from above (ideological), and for a woman - from below (energy of power). To bring an idea to life, a man needs to be “charged” with feminine power. And a woman, since she is a “bank” of energy, is not able to spend it for action, but only gives it away, because she receives the type of energy she needs only in the process of interaction with a man.

There is always an exchange of energies between the stronger and weaker sex. As soon as a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him, giving him her maternal love. Then he meets his first, second love, a pretty employee at work - in all representatives of the fair sex, a man strives to find that same source of energy, filled with strength from which he can successfully realize himself in life.

Then, when a love relationship begins between a man and a woman, the woman gives herself (not only physically, but also taking care of her loved one, morally and intellectually), and the man, receiving feminine power, is able to create and take active actions in life.

Everything is clear with this, but this is only the initial stage, during which energy does not flow yet, because the exchange itself does not occur. Having been filled with the necessary feminine power that allows him to embody his ideas, a man should return energy to the woman (in the form of gifts, financial care, physical assistance), in such an amount as to inspire his lady to further return.

And this interaction is constant.

Energy connection between a man and a woman

When people feel sympathy for each other, they actively exchange their energies and this process gives them mutual pleasure. When contact occurs between the biofields of two individuals, channels are formed through which energy circulates from one side to the other.

These streams can vary in color and shape (they can be seen by people with extrasensory abilities).

Partners are connected through these energy channels through one or another, based on the type of their communication:

  • by – family relations;
  • by – relationships like lovers, married couples or friends for easy pastime;
  • by - family ties, relationships between colleagues at work, bosses, friends in sports hobbies - those people with whom you are forced to compete;
  • By - this type of connection will tell about relationships in which objects interact with each other emotionally - these are the people towards whom we feel love. But for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious, it is important that they have a well-developed channel of sexual energy;
  • by – relationships between like-minded people, work colleagues;
  • by - often communication through this channel speaks of copying one’s idols, leaders of sects and various organizations. The hypnotic channel is well developed; other people's thoughts and ideas are suggested. People are connected to each other by telepathic communication
  • according to – the connection is present only at the level of egregors (collective, family, religious and others).

And the more both partners show their interest in each other, the more extensive the energy channel is formed between them. And with the establishment of strong relationships, it is observed.

This is how love relationships are formed, over which neither time nor distance will have power. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, even if a lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

In a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, clean, bright, pulsating channels are formed. Then the partners trust each other, they are sincere, but at the same time maintain their personal living space. In this case, we can talk about equivalent energy metabolism, without disturbances.

And if the relationship is unhealthy, for example, one of the partners becomes dependent on the other, then the channels become dim and heavy. In such a relationship there is no freedom; lovers often show irritation, aggression and anger towards each other over time.

When one of the partners wants to take complete control of the other, the aura is observed to wrap around from all sides.

With the death of a relationship, the same thing happens with the channels - they become thinner, weaker. After a long period of time, the movement of energy through the channels stops and people become as if they were strangers, as if nothing had connected them before.

And if a separation occurs, but the energy channels are preserved, then people continue to be drawn to each other. This scenario may also happen when one of the former lovers breaks the energetic connection and closes off from subsequent influences, and the second continues to restore the relationship, breaking through his layer of energetic protection.

Energy connection between people during sexual contact

If there was a close relationship between people, the channels do not collapse for a long time after separation. This is especially pronounced during sexual contacts.

When we enter into sexual relations with a new partner, a new channel is formed along the sexual chakra. Such channels remain active for a very long time (for years, and sometimes they remain active even throughout life).

In this case, it does not play a significant role whether the sexual partners managed to get to know each other sufficiently or whether their connection was fleeting (at a party, at a graduation, etc.), the energy channel along the sexual chakra will still be formed and will be active for a very long time.

And if there is a channel, energy continues to circulate through it. And whether it will be positive or negative, you can only find out about this if you know both partners well.

An interesting feature is that people living together typically adjust their energy shells relative to each other. For harmonious intimate relationships, synchronization of biofields is necessary. That is why, often lovers, when they live together, over time acquire similarities with each other (often even physical).

When a person does not want to contact anyone, he closes the circuit of his own, as a result of which all energy flows emanating from those around him are reflected. Then other people feel like they are not being heard.

Features of male and female energy in a couple

As mentioned above, in the case of mutual feelings between lovers, a single energy field arises, which will be maintained in the future if the conditions of the partnership are met. A couple will become stronger if both partners fill their union with their energy, supporting both themselves and their beloved.

A very important point is that each of the partners must act based on their nature: the man - like a man, and the woman - like a woman.

For example, when a woman develops masculine energy in herself, manifesting herself in the physical world like a man, then if she lives alone, perhaps this will not affect her well-being. But, being in a couple’s environment, her man will be forced to develop a feminine demeanor (the same rule applies to men).

In general, in a couple, the man is responsible for the world of material wealth, and the woman is responsible for sensual manifestations and the atmosphere of the relationship as a whole. Therefore, a man gives energy through the material chakra, and a woman receives it, and she, in turn, gives energy through the heart chakra.

This was how nature intended it to be and actions against it will negatively affect the condition of the partners individually and the couple as a whole.