Type of country by geographical location France. France

France is the most big country Western Europe. From north to south and from west to
east France stretches for almost 1000 km after Russia it is the largest
European country. In terms of area (551 thousand sq. km, including Corsica), it is more than
twice the size of both the UK and Germany. The capital of France is the city
Paris. France includes the island of Corsica and several other smaller
islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Gulf.
France includes: overseas departments - Guadeloupe, Martinique,
Guiana, Reunion, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon; overseas territories - Novaya Islands
Caledonia, French Polynesia and others. French overseas territories
spread over four continents, washed by four oceans. Any
an overseas territory may secede from France after
the majority of the population will express this wish.
France has possessions in America, Africa and Oceania. Their total area is 127 thousand.
sq. km, and the population is about 1.5 million people.
France occupies the extreme western part European mainland. It can be called
an Atlantic and Mediterranean country, a Rhineland and Pyrenean country. On
in the northeast the country borders with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in the east
– with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, in the southeast – with Monaco, in the south – with
Spain and Andorra. The country's maritime borders are longer than
land. The sea border stretches for 3120 km, divided into three stripes:
the Mediterranean coastline, the Atlantic coastline with the Bay of Biscay and
shores of the English Channel in the North Sea. In the north, France is separated from England
the narrow straits of the English Channel and Pas de Calais, in the west it is washed by waters
The Bay of Biscay is the Atlantic Ocean, and in the south – the Mediterranean Sea. Many
sections of the coast, especially in Brittany and Provence, are heavily indented and have
There are many bays convenient for mooring ships. /cm. rice. 2/
Most of- almost a quarter land border runs along the ridge
The Pyrenees on the border with Spain, in the southeast the border with Italy and Switzerland
goes through the Alps and Jura. As a result, the French themselves call their country “Hexagone” -
"hexagon". This name, on the one hand, creates the impression of it as
about a single whole, and on the other hand, it implies extraordinary diversity.
The river serves as the French-West German border for a considerable length.
Rhine, only in the north the lowlands of France imperceptibly merge with
lowlands of Belgium.
Convenience of sea and land connections, position at the crossroads of international
ways have long strengthened the economic position of France, contributed to
development of its economy, growth of trade and cultural relations with other

The bowels of the earth are poor in minerals - oil and gas, copper and chromium, nickel and
France is forced to import lead from abroad. High level of development
energy, but there is little of its own fuel, and it has to import more than 1/2
energy resources. The country produces only 1 million tons of oil. The main one
some have to be imported, and mainly from the countries of the Middle East.
Large reserves of bauxite in the south of the country and cheap hydroelectric power served
incentive for the development of the aluminum industry. Bauxite mining France
ranks second among European countries. The most important mines are located
near Marseille - near Brignoles. Industrial and household industries are growing rapidly
usage natural gas, and the country doesn’t have enough of its own gas, and
France buys it from the Netherlands and Algeria.
Due to competition from oil, gas and imports of quality coal and coke from the US and
Germany's own coal production in France is declining. Main mining areas
coal - Northern region and Lorraine; Coal is also mined in the eastern
parts of the Massif Central. France ranks first in iron ore production
place in capitalist Europe, 5th in the world.
France is one of the most economically developed countries and
ranks fourth in the list of the richest countries in the world.

If you are lucky and you lived in Paris in your youth, then no matter where you are later, it will remain with you until the end of your days, because Paris is a holiday that is always with you.
Ernest Hemingway

France is a piquant, sophisticated and romantic country of lovers, a country that never ceases to attract and delight us. Anyone who has visited this country at least once, came into contact with its culture, felt the breath of time and history, plunged into French carelessness and “savoir vivre”, will return here again and again, discovering something new for themselves each time.

France- a country where you can enjoy amazing natural landscapes, the fruits of the historical past and rich cultural heritage, the best wines and cuisine in numerous restaurants, bars and cafes.

Geographical location of France

France (French Republic, Republique Française) is located in the western part of Europe, belongs to Western European states and ranks first among Western European countries. total area country 551,500 km 2 (land area - 545,630 km 2). France owns the island Corsica V Mediterranean Sea.

The country's territory is almost a regular hexagon. Even ancient historians and geographers noted the unusually convenient geographical position France. Strabo wrote that “Providence itself raised mountains, brought seas closer, laid river beds to create here the most prosperous place on earth.”

From UK France separated by a narrow strait Pas de Calais. France in the south it borders with Spain (border length 623 km) and Andorra (60 km), in the southeast with Monaco(4.4 km), in the northeast with Belgium (620 km) and Luxembourg(73 km), in the east with Switzerland (573 km) and Italy (488 km), with Germany (451 km) - in the east and northeast.

Western and northern regions France- plains ( Parisian pool etc.) and low mountains; in the center and east there are medium-high mountains ( Massif Central, Vosges, Yura). In the South-West - Pyrenees, in the southeast - Alps(highest point France And Western Europe- mountain Mont Blanc, 4807 m).


Climate France temperate maritime, transitional to continental in the east, subtropical in the Mediterranean. Summer is quite hot (in July-August from +20°С to +25°С), winter is mild (in January from 0 to +3°С) and quite damp, although It is snowing rarely. Best time to visit Paris- May and September-October, Riviera- September. Mountain areas have their own microclimate, characteristic of high-altitude areas.

On Corsica long and hot summer - from May to October +21-27°C. Winters are quite cold (from +6 to 14°C in the valleys and up to -6°C in the mountains), on mountain slopes snow remains until June. The influence of winds is very great, each of which has its own name - “libecchio”, “mistral” (northern and western), “sirocco” (southwestern), “Levante” (eastern), “Grecale” (northeastern) and “tramontane” (northern) and has its own influence on the weather. Best months to go on vacation Corsica- May-June and September-October.

Population of France

France inhabited mainly by the French. However, due to the powerful flow of migration, the ethnic composition of the country has changed significantly. The country is home to many Portuguese, Italians, Spaniards, Moroccans, Turks, Algerians, and people from other African countries. The vast majority of the population (more than 80%) professes Catholicism. Official language– French, spoken by most of the population. The population of many countries uses French Africa, Haiti, French Guiana. English is also used (widely only in Paris), if you speak English in the suburbs or in the outback, you may not be understood.

Features of France

Main tourism centers: - this is the capital of the country - Paris, with its numerous museums and monuments; valley Loire, where magnificent medieval castles and palaces have been preserved ( Blois, Cheverny, Chambord, Chaumont-sur-Loire, Amboise, Chenonceau, Lange, Azay-le-Rideau, Villandry, Usse, Valence, Chinon And Angers); Cote d'Azur with its world famous resorts ( Cannes, Nice and etc.); Alpine and Pyrenean mountain and ski resorts; island Corsica with him warm sea and almost untouched landscapes; the Basque country with its distinctive culture and Atlantic resorts ( Biarritz and etc.); regions Normandy, Brittany, Burgundy, Languedoc, Provence and a picturesque valley Rhone. Balneological resorts based on healing mineral waters, which are especially numerous in the southern and central parts countries.

Paris- the capital of France, starting from the 10th century. ad. Together with the suburbs ( Versailles, Saint Denis, Ivry etc.) forms “Greater Paris”. There is hardly a person in the world who would not like to visit Louvre And Versailles; climb on Eiffel Tower, wander through the halls of the station d'Orsay and center Pompidou. Nothing beats the French capital! A special spirit reigns here, here you are surrounded by history itself, associations with novels you once read Dumas, With Latin Quarter, described Hemingway and other writers. Paris- this is a “holiday that is always with you”!

The main attractions of Paris stretch towards the city center, towards Seine. Not far from the island Cité, which is often called the “heart of Paris”, is located Louvre- one of the greatest museums in the world. If you go from the Louvre to Champs Elysees then in the garden Tuileries You can see the small buildings of the Museum of Impressionism and the Orangerie. Major museums located on the left bank Seine- this is the Gare d'Orsay Museum of Impressionism, Museum medieval art Cluny, Museum Rodin and Atelier Bourdelle. The architecture of Paris is diverse in centuries and styles. Main architectural ensembles: Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris , Eiffel tower, Champs Elysees, Triumphal Arch , Sorbonne, Louvre.

For many decades now France- the most popular tourist attraction. Every year there are as many tourists in the country as there are French people. According to the French themselves, there are the most exquisite wines, the best cuisine in the world, beautiful architecture - Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel Tower, royal castles, Versailles and Disneyland, great history, Louvre and Musee d'Orsay, the famous Cannes Festival and splendor high society... France is a trendsetter, the birthplace of champagne and cognac; the best perfumes and the most delicious cheeses in the world are made here.

National cuisine of France

French national cuisine is distinguished by its diversity, which is due to the wide range of products used and different ways their preparations. It should be borne in mind that different regions of France have their own favorite dishes that have original technology. So, in southern regions The country's food is distinguished by its spiciness and the use of wine and spices, especially garlic and onions, for its preparation. Residents Alsace residents consume more pork and cabbage coastal areas- seafood, etc. These differences can also be seen in the consumption of one or another type of fat used for cooking. For example, in the northern and central regions butter is used more, in the south - olive oil.

Despite regional differences, French national cuisine has characteristics. This is, first of all, the widespread use of vegetables and root crops. Potatoes, various varieties of onions (including shallots, which give food a specific taste), green beans, spinach, cabbage of various varieties, tomatoes, eggplants, celery, parsley, salads are used for preparing appetizers, first and second courses, and also as side dishes . Vitamin-rich vegetables such as asparagus, artichokes, leeks, and lettuce are especially popular. A prominent place is given to vegetable salads - both fresh and canned. Main meat courses are usually served with green salad and cabbage salad.

Compared to other countries Western Europe French cooking uses less milk and dairy products. The exception is cheeses. They are used to prepare various dishes, including first courses. Cheese must be served before dessert. Cheese with bread and wine is the usual breakfast of a French worker. France produces dozens of types of cheese. Among them are such well-known ones as Roquefort, Gruyere, Camembert, etc.

Another feature French cuisine- a wide variety of sauces. There are over three thousand of them. Sauces are widely used in the preparation of meat dishes, salads, and various cold appetizers; they have a lot of variety in their food.

For French national cuisine It is also typical to use wine, cognac and liqueur in the preparation of many dishes. In this case, the wine, as a rule, undergoes significant digestion, as a result of which the wine alcohol evaporates, and the remaining composition gives the food a specific taste and pleasant aroma. Only natural red and white dry and semi-dry wines are used. In order to reduce acidity, very acidic wines are boiled before drinking.

French customs

The French are proud of their democratic traditions, so they are sensitive to what they see as emphasis on social and racial inequality. A Frenchman's contempt can be aroused by hinting at skin color or by calling the waiter a "garçon." The French traditionally treat Russians kindly.

The usual tip size is 5-10% (at your discretion, of course). It is customary to tip waiters, maids, hotel porters, and taxi drivers. Sometimes a restaurant bill says “service compris,” which means “tips are included in the price.”

Transport system of France

France has an extensive network railways and the fastest in Europe system high speed trains TGV. The fare depends on the distance, train class, travel time and passenger age. When entering the platform, you need to validate your train tickets; there are also ticket inspectors on the trains themselves. Urban transport in France is the metro (in Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse And Rouen), buses and in some cities trams. The Paris metro consists of 16 lines and operates from 5:30 to 00:30. Tickets for travel can be purchased at all stations, as well as at some tobacco kiosks. Buses usually run from 06:30 to 00:30 in major cities and until 20:30 in the provinces. Tickets can be purchased at tobacco kiosks, special ticket sales points, as well as on the bus itself. Taxis can usually be found at special stands or ordered by phone. It is almost impossible to catch a taxi on the street. Outside the front window of each taxi there is a counter with a flag: raised - the taxi is free, lowered - busy. There are two payment tariffs: tariff weekdays and the rate for weekends, holidays and nights. Taxi boarding and luggage are additionally paid. To rent a car you need to have a license international standard, passport and credit card. The driver must be at least 21 years old and have at least a year of driving experience. Offices of rental companies are located in hotels, airports, train stations and city centers.

Time in France

The entire territory of the country is in a single time zone - GMT+1. France is practicing the transition to " summer time", so the time difference with Moscow is minus 3 hours, and from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October - minus 2 hours.

French customs regulations

The number of imported and exported means of payment is not limited. Cash and securities for an amount over 7.5 thousand euros (or other currency equivalent) are subject to declaration. Foreign currency converted into euros can only be re-translated into foreign currency up to the equivalent of 800 euros.

In addition to personal items, you can import up to 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages duty free, drinks with an alcohol content of less than 22° - up to 2 liters, 2 liters of wine, 200 pcs. cigarettes, 500 g of coffee (or 200 g of coffee extracts), up to 50 g of perfume (eau de toilette - up to 250 g), tea - 100 g (or 40 g of tea extracts), as well as food (fish - up to 2 kg, caviar - 250 g, animal products - up to 1 kg) and other goods (for persons over 15 years old) in the amount of 15 euros (for children - 10 euros).

Attention! Labeling expiration dates on food products is mandatory.

The import and export of drugs, objects of historical value, weapons and ammunition, as well as animals and plants listed as endangered species is prohibited. When importing medicines for personal use, no permit is required, but you must have a prescription issued by a doctor or lawyer.

Plants, animals and plant products must be presented to quarantine officials. Animals must have a certificate of vaccinations, as well as a medical certificate for French, issued no earlier than five days before departure.

Export discount in France

You will be able to take advantage of the French VAT exemption - “TVA”, provided that, 1) the value of your purchases in the same store is 300 € (in some stores starting from 250 €); 2) upon purchase, you will fill out a “bordereau” - an inventory for export; 3) you will leave European Community within 3 months. On the day of departure you must present the bordereau received at the store to customs service(together with purchased goods - for possible inspection). You will receive your refund upon return to your country by check by mail or transfer to a credit card, or at the airport at a specially authorized bank, or at a special “Tax Free for Tourists” kiosk. This system does not apply to food products, alcoholic drinks and tobacco

Telephone codes, internet, electricity in France

France - 33, city codes: Paris - 1, Bordeaux - 56, Cannes - 93, Strasbourg - 88, Marseille - 91, Lyon - 78, Nice - 93. You can call from payphones operating on telephone cards which are sold in post offices or at tobacco kiosks. There are discounts on calls: from 22.30 to 08.00 on weekdays and from 14.00 on weekends.
Police - tel: 17
Ambulance - tel.: 15, in Paris - 48-87-27-50
Fire brigade – 18
Information desk in Russian: 01-40-07-01-65

International roaming is provided by all major mobile operators.

The Internet is available everywhere - at airports, train stations, hotels, shopping centers, regular cafes and Internet cafes.

Mains voltage 220 V, 50 Hz, European type sockets.

Sights of France

Embassy and Consulate of Russia in France

Address: Paris, Boulevard Lannes, metro station "Avenue Foch", tel.: 01-45-04-05-50.

Photo galleries

  • Ski town Club Med Arcs Altitude (now the Club mmv Altitude hotel)
  • Club Med Cargese town, Corsica
  • Club Med Opio en Provence, France
  • Ski town Club Med Valmorel (France)
  • Hotel Plaza Athénée Paris
  • Ski town Club Med Chamonix Mont-Blanc
  • Club Med Valmorel
  • Town renovation Club Med Opio en Provence
  • Club Med Grand Massif Samoens Morillon
  • Club Med Les Arcs Panorama

France is a country in Central and Western Europe, surpassing all other states in this area in its territorial scale.

Geographical position

Geographically, France is approximately equal to one of largest state United States of America - California, and even surpasses it.

The borders of France in the west extend all the way to the Atlantic Ocean; in the east, France faces the territories of Germany and partly Switzerland; in the north the country shares its borders with Belgium and Luxembourg; in the southwest and southeast France touches Spain and Italy, respectively.

Also in the north-west, France is separated from the territory of Great Britain by a natural water barrier - the Strait English Channel.

Thus, in total, not to mention former colonies, France legally borders 6 European states, not counting Great Britain, located on the western side of the English Channel.

The territory of France is divided into main - "Metropolis" and subordinate clause - "overseas colonies". Overseas territories were historically assigned to France as a result of its colonialist policy of conquest, which reached its apogee in the 18th century.

Main territory French state consists of 22 administrative regions and 96 departments.

The following regions are distinguished: Pas de Calais, Picardy, Lorraine, Alsace, Franche-Comté, Ile-de-France, Normandy, Loire, Loire Valley, Brittany, Champagne, Burgundy, Poitou-Charente, Limousin, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Center - Pyrenees, Languedoc, Provence, Corsica, Cote d'Azur, Savoy.

Natural complexes of France

If speak about natural complexes France, we can highlight their great diversity. Plains cover largest territory country, approximately 70% of all France.

There are mountain ranges - the Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central, Vosges, Ardennes and Jura Mountains. The French Alps are famous for the fact that it is in their mountain ranges that the highest point of Western Europe is located - the peak Mont Blanc, having an altitude of 4808 m above sea level.

Security of France water resources is sufficient. Basically, most of the large French rivers, such as the Loire, Rhone, Seine, Garon, originate high in the mountains and then descend to the plains. The most large river- This Loire, which has a length of 1012 km and originates from mountain range Massif Central and ends, flowing into Atlantic Ocean.

Flora and fauna

Forests cover about 30% of the territory of all France. The predominant tree species are birches, oaks and conifers (mainly pine). There are also many scattered wetland complexes throughout the country.

Forests and wetlands are the main habitat for fauna such as the Iberian ibex, stork, Corsican deer, wolf, brown bear, swamp otter, chamois, beaver, vulture.

Climatic conditions

The climate of France can be defined as temperate. Winter time The day is mostly warm with temperatures not dropping beyond -8 -10 degrees Celsius, although lower temperatures are possible in mountainous areas.

Great influence on climate western territories France has the Atlantic Ocean. High humidity, strong gusty winds, heavy rainfall - these are the features of this part of France.


France has a huge concentration of cultural values, almost every city, and sometimes small villages, are real museums of history and culture. In addition to countless cultural monuments and ancient civilizations, the country has excellent natural conditions - snow-white slopes of the Alpine mountains, beautiful beaches of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, medieval castles, extensive vineyards and charming old distilleries, as well as many places associated with the life and work of various historical figures. This country has enormous opportunities for the development of almost all types of tourism.

France is the most visited country in the world. France is rightfully considered one of the generally recognized centers of world tourism. This is no coincidence, because it is in this oldest state in Europe that many cultural and historical monuments, successfully blending into the unique natural landscape.

The cultural center of the country, of course, is the noisy and chaotic Paris - the capital of France since the 10th century. n. e., literally flooded with millions of tourists from all over the world.

That is why the study of the main factors and conditions of France is very important for the development of traditional and new types of tourism in the country.

The purpose of this work is to study the main factors and conditions for the development of tourism in France. Based on the purpose of the work, the following tasks were identified:

Study the geographical location of France;

Learn the basics historical stages country development;

Consider France's population and language;

Study the country's infrastructure;

Explore natural and historical and cultural country resources;

Explore the most popular types of tourism in the country.

The object of study is the main factors and conditions in France that determine the development of tourism in the country.

Subject of study - tourist complex France.

When writing course work These materials were used: reference books, guides, teaching aids, Internet data.

Geography of France

Geographical position

France occupies a very convenient geographical location. Having a shape regular hexagon, the country is sheltered from external elements on all sides. Strabo wrote that “Providence itself raised mountains, brought seas closer, laid out riverbeds in order to create here the most prosperous place on earth.”

France is famous for several mountain ranges. The most popular and highest are the Alps, which stretch from north to south for 370 km. Mont Blanc (4807 m) is the highest point in Europe.

The Jura Mountains, which are located next to the Alps, are famous for the densest forests.

The Pyrenees is a unique natural border between France and Germany. The mountains stretch for 430 km from west to east, their height is up to 3000 m.

Most high point The high mountain range in the center of the country is Mount Puy de Sancy (1886 m). Many rivers in France begin their journey here.

France also has mountains that divide the country into climatic zones- Cevennes. To the west of this massif humid climate, and in the east it is dry.

The forested Vosges Mountains (approx. 1400 m) separate Alsace from Lorraine.

In the north-west of France lie the Ardennes Mountains (no higher than 700 m), the name of which comes from the Celtic word for oak.

The northern part of France is almost at sea level, but the center of the country is above sea level. France is dominated by flat terrain.

Almost all rivers in France begin in the Massif Central and flow into the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea.

The most famous river France - the Seine (775 km, from the Latin "tranquility") - flows through the plains of the country. The river has a widely branched system with large right tributaries Marne and Oise and left tributary Yonne. The Seine is not only the most beautiful river in the country, it provides traffic between Paris and Rouen.

The sources of the Garonne River (650 km) are located in the Spanish Pyrenees. The river flows through Toulouse and Bordeaux and flows into the ocean. The main tributaries are the Tarn, Lot and Dordogne.

The deepest river in France is the Rhone River (812 km, the nickname of the river is “the angry bull”). This river originates from the Rhone Glacier in the Swiss Alps. Major tributaries rivers - Sonna, Durance and Isère.

The river with the beautiful name Laura (1020 km) is the most long river France. It begins in the Massif Central. The Laura is navigable, but only in the lower reaches. The most abundant months for it are December and January. The banks of the Laura are valuable for their white limestone, with the help of which temples and palaces were built.

France is almost 20% covered with forests, where the majority of trees are oak, beech, pine and ash. In the south of the country in Provence you can find cork oak and Aleppo pine (Lebanese cedar). The south of France is full of evergreen trees. And even oak trees do not shed their leaves in the off-season.

The climate of France is very mild, as it is predominantly maritime. The country is warm all year round and the air is humid. The eastern part of the country is continental in places. The southeast is characterized by a subtropical climate with hot summers and warm winters. In mountainous regions there is an altitudinal climatic zone, especially pronounced in the Alps and Pyrenees.

The state is located in Western Europe. In the northeast it borders with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in the east - with Germany and Switzerland, in the southeast - with Monaco and Italy, in the southwest - with Spain and Andorra.

The sea shores, stretching for 3120 km, are washed by the Northern and Mediterranean seas, the Pas de Calais straits, the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay.

Area - 551 thousand square meters. km. Population - 61.9 million people (2008), including 93% French. The official language is French. Believers are predominantly Catholics.

Paris is the cultural capital of France. Every stone here literally breathes medieval history Europe, the capital of France houses the country's main museums.

France includes: the overseas departments of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, Reunion, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon; overseas territories of the island New Caledonia, French Polynesia, etc. The capital is Paris. The head of state is the president. (Annex 1)

France is a republic. The country has the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, adopted in 1958, with subsequent amendments. The head of state is the president. Legislature- parliament consisting of two chambers: National Assembly and the Senate. Executive branch carried out by the President and the Council of Ministers. Administratively, the territory of France is divided into 96 departments, including a special territorial-administrative unit - Corsica, 22 regions and communes. The names of the 37 historical provinces into which France was divided before the Great French Revolution are also widely used.

The head of state is the president, elected for 5 years. Before the constitutional reform of 2000, initiated by President Jacques Chirac, he was elected for 7 years. The government is headed by the prime minister.

IN currently France is a presidential-parliamentary republic. The state is headed by a president, elected for a 7-year term by universal suffrage. The bicameral parliament consists of the National Assembly and the Senate.

The geographical position of France has almost always played into its hands in history. Thanks to its position, the country actively developed and became one of the most powerful powers in the world. But there was a time when it was extremely difficult to retain the conquered territories. Probably the most difficult period in the history of the war for their territories there was Hundred Years' War. France and England could not divide the land between themselves for more than a century. As a result, France still won this war.

Features of the geographical location

No one will argue that the geographical location is very favorable. Firstly, the country is located in the center of Western Europe. Secondly, the country is at equal distance from the equator and poles. Even in ancient times, the geographical position made the country a crossroads trade routes. And even in the modern mobile world, the country is trying not to lose this status.

Borders of France

Once upon a time, in order to conquer a convenient geographical position, the state fought with England. Today it shares common borders with Great Britain and tries to be friends. The border runs along the English Channel and Pas de Calais. This is the only sea border. Although, they say that the British and the French still do not like each other. But so much time has passed! France also has borders with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Monaco and Andorra. Most boundaries are natural, that is, created by nature. For example, the Alps separate the country from Switzerland and Italy, and the Pyrenees from Spain.

Unique reliefs of France

Northern and western regions located on plains and low mountains. The geographical location simply obliges us to have mountains (after all, this is where the world-famous ski resorts). Medium-high mountains are located in the east of the country and in its center. But in the west are the majestic Pyrenees, which are echoed in the southeast by the Alps. Mont Blanc is the highest point in the country, and at the same time in all of Europe.

The largest rivers

The largest and most important rivers are the Seine and Rhone, Loire and Garonne. Also in the east, part of the Rhine flow is important for the life of the country. The Seine begins in the mountains and flows into the English Channel. The Laura has its origins in the Massif Central and carries waters to the Atlantic Ocean. By the way, it is considered the most picturesque river in the country.

Loire Valley in France

The geographical location of this country makes it not only strong and prosperous economically and socially. It is also the reason why every year we admire natural beauties millions of tourists come. Based on materials from the site GuideOnFrance.ru - guide to France

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