Recreational area of ​​the city. Institutions, enterprises, structures

Recreational zones are areas of mass recreation for people. Their main purpose is to restore a person’s physical and moral strength. Based on the level of attendance and distance from residential buildings, three types of recreational zones are distinguished: 1) a nearby recreational zone, accessible to visitors every day or once a week); 2) average recreational zone (frequency of attendance of this zone - from once a week to once every 2-3 months); 3) distant recreational zone (visited by a city dweller, as a rule, no more than once a year).[...]

Recreational areas are intended to organize places for recreation for the population and include parks, gardens, urban forests, forest parks, beaches, and other facilities. Recreational zones may include specially protected natural areas and natural objects.[...]

Recreational areas are protected by legislative acts, according to which any economic activity in them, except those aimed directly at providing recreation, is prohibited. Construction here is limited to the creation of new sanitary-resort complexes, but with strict adherence to architectural load standards.[...]

Recreational zones are considered to be part of the natural environment space intended for organized mass recreation and tourism. Such zones may include socio-cultural and natural objects occupying areas of urban territory, suburban, green, forested areas, national natural parks, botanical, dendrological, zoological gardens, landscape, recreational reserves, tourist routes, houses and recreation centers.[ ...]

The linden forest in the recreational area differs significantly in the degree of structure from the undisturbed area. Despite the same number of altitudinal levels with a maximum tree stand height of 18 m, the vertical diversity of the community as a whole is less pronounced. The forest stand and undergrowth are not divided into sublayers; they are characterized by an uneven distribution of undergrowth and a very sparse grass stand. The total projective cover of vegetation at all altitude levels is almost two times less than in the undisturbed area. The horizontal heterogeneity index in this community is higher due to the significant mosaic of undergrowth, undergrowth and grass.[...]

Within the boundaries of the recreational zone of the national park there may be areas intended for sport and amateur hunting and fishing. According to the Regulations on National Natural Parks of the Russian Federation (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 10, 1993 No. 769 and is valid to the extent that does not contradict the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”), hunting in the territories of national parks is carried out by them independently or by providing hunting lands for rent to other hunting users.[...]

Forest park zones, city parks and other areas of territory designated and specially adapted for people's recreation are called recreational zones (territories, plots, etc.).[...]

Thus, a recreational zone is a complex concept. It consists of parts that are part of natural, natural and cultural territories and objects used for recreation and tourism. Therefore, the requirements for the protection and rational use of the natural environment of recreation areas are implemented through environmental and legal norms regulating the protection of the corresponding specially protected areas and objects.[...]

In the territories of recreational zones, the construction and expansion of existing industrial, utility and warehouse facilities that are not directly related to the operation of health and recreational facilities are not allowed.[...]

A type of recreational zones are green zones around cities and industrial towns. In green zones, economic activities that negatively affect the performance of their environmental, sanitary, hygienic and recreational functions are prohibited.[...]

In Russia, such zones include the areas of the Northern Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, the Kola Peninsula, recreational zones of the Black and Azov Seas, the industrial zone of the Urals, oil-field areas of Western Siberia, etc. [...]

In Russia, such zones include the regions of the Northern Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, the Kola Peninsula, recreational zones of the coasts of the Black and Azov Seas, the industrial zone of the Urals, etc. For example, in the regions of the Northern Caspian Sea, old problems arise: degradation of pastures, low soil fertility , fresh water shortage, intense wind erosion - new ones have been added. First of all, this is flooding, progressive salinization and swamping of lands caused by surge phenomena in the expanded water area of ​​the Caspian Sea. Flooding and flooding of lands has already caused the loss of 320 thousand hectares of agricultural land (Romanenko, 1996).[...]

Currently, recreational zones of Union significance occupy 14.5 thousand km 2, i.e. 0.06% of the entire territory of the country. By 2000 in the USSR, the need for recreational areas will increase to 245 thousand km2 (I.P. Gerasimov et al., 1975).[...]

A sanitary protection zone separates the territory of an industrial site from residential buildings, landscape and recreational zones, recreation areas, and resorts with mandatory marking of boundaries with special information signs.[...]

For particularly valuable areas (resort and recreational areas, specially protected areas), maximum permissible impact indicators should ensure the absence of any negative changes in the ecosystems of these areas.[...]

Residential buildings must be located in a residential area in accordance with the functional zoning of the territory of the settlement. It is allowed to place residential buildings in green, resort and recreational areas.[...]

Desalination plants are also used in recreational areas. A good example is the recreation center in the village of Novy Svet, Crimean region. This place, as you know, is completely devoid of natural sources of fresh water.[...]

As already indicated when answering question 111, environmental emergency zones include territories where, as a result of the influence of negative anthropogenic factors, sustainable negative changes in the natural environment occur, threatening the health of the population, the state of natural ecosystems, and the gene pools of plants and animals. In Russia, such zones include the regions of the Northern Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, the Kola Peninsula, recreational zones of the Black and Azov Seas, the industrial zone of the Urals, oil-field areas of Western Siberia, etc.[...]

The main task of forestry in recreational areas, in addition to carrying out purely silvicultural activities (creating landscape crops, carrying out landscape and sanitary felling, reconstructing plantings, etc.), is the construction of access roads, laying walking trails and tourist routes, arrangement of recreation areas, sports grounds , parking for cars, etc. By establishing maximum load standards, it is necessary to regulate the attendance of the population, explain the rules of behavior in the forest, and introduce liability for their violation.[...]

The shortage of free land in industrial, port and recreational areas of Russia and other developed countries of the world is forcing us to increasingly solve the problem of creating artificial territories for industrial, transport and housing construction. The geography of alluvial agricultural land is expanding. Following the Netherlands, which reclaimed a significant area of ​​water from the North Sea for flood-free fields, other countries began to carry out similar events.[...]

An unfavorable ecological situation has developed in the recreational areas of the Black and Azov Seas. Here, there is domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution of the sea coast, a sharp decrease in water availability, increasing air pollution by road and water transport, which leads to a decrease and loss of natural and recreational qualities of the landscape, degradation of the ecosystems of the Black and Azov Seas.[...]

When landscaping city gardens, parks, public gardens and other recreational areas, wide scope opens up for the use of landscape architecture and phytodesign techniques. The main function of green spaces in recreational areas is decorative and aesthetic; they are designed to have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, when selecting trees, it is necessary to use the natural diversity of trees and shrubs in combination with lawns. You should also use decorative species that have acclimatized in the conditions of Kursk, such as silver linden, Siberian fir, white spruce, Virginia juniper, etc. [...]

In some cases, environmental goals are served by the development of recreational potential. On the coasts of the warm seas of the former USSR, about 9.4 million people (25% of the total number of holidaymakers in the country) annually vacation and receive treatment.[...]

In areas of extensive development, along with residential areas, open spaces, recreational areas, etc. are included directly adjacent to them[...]

Territories of limited development include environmental protection zones (forest parks, nature reserves, etc.). Accordingly, the allocation of territories in the process of urbanization occurs in the following sequence: protected landscapes - recreational zones - zones of preferential development of agriculture and forestry - territories of preferential development of urbanization with insignificant impact on the natural environment - areas of production with extreme environmental characteristics. [...]

Legal regime of medical and recreational areas, resorts and recreational areas.[...]

In cases where the construction of wells is carried out in protected areas, in protected and recreational areas, it is necessary to develop a special project, a positive conclusion on it from the state environmental assessment and permission from government authorities, agreed upon with the specially authorized body of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.[... ]

When placing waste within the boundaries of cities, settlements, reservoirs, recreational areas and water protection areas, a coefficient of 5 is applied, less than 3 km from the boundaries of the above objects - a coefficient of 3.[...]

We have huge untapped opportunities for the development of new vast recreational areas - in the Far East, Baikal, Altai, to the west of Odessa (if the ecological situation on the Black Sea is improved), along the coasts of Azov (if the sea is put in order), in the Kizlyar region the Caspian Gulf, in many places in Central Asia and the Caucasus (outside its coasts). In return for investment, significant dividends will be received - recreation is in short supply throughout the world. So far too little is being done. In the field of social ecology, humanity is facing a sharp turn, including in the field of demographic problems that are closely related to ecology.[...]

The specific natural conditions of the North limit the planning possibilities of recreation areas. The need to select places that are most favorable in terms of microclimatic and engineering-geological conditions predetermines the island nature of the formation of recreation areas. Due to the unfavorable wind conditions of near-water areas, the recreational zone is, if possible, removed from the coast of large lakes by 0.5-1 km, and from the sea by 20-50 km. The most favorable areas for organizing summer holidays are on the banks of small rivers or shallow lakes, on the slopes of mountains with a southern orientation, where the soils are better warmed up and drained.[...]

By the way, it is interesting to note that these two large production facilities are located in the residential and recreational zone of Tuapse, where, in addition to residential and administrative premises, there is a winery, a motor vehicle service, etc.[...]

The ideas of N.F. Reimers were implemented in the original development “Criteria for assessing the environmental situation of territories to identify zones of environmental emergency and zones of environmental disaster” (Ministry of Natural Resources, 1992). It outlines ways to assess changes in both the human environment and the natural environment. In the first case, the state of health of the population, the air and soil of the residential area, drinking water, its sources, recreational areas, radiation pollution are assessed; in the second - air, all types of water, soil, geological environment, flora and fauna, biochemical state of the territory.[...]

It is prohibited to bury waste in the territories of urban and other settlements, forest parks, resorts, health-improving, recreational zones, as well as water protection zones, in drainage areas, underground water bodies that are used for drinking and domestic water supply. It is prohibited to bury waste in places where mineral deposits occur and mining operations are carried out in cases where there is a threat of contamination of the places where mineral resources occur and the safety of mining operations is carried out. [...]

The task of ecological production is not limited only to neutralizing the negative consequences of human activity; it is necessary to create recreational zones and artificial ecosystems, restore animal and plant populations, maintain favorable climatic conditions, etc.[...]

It is prohibited to place hazardous waste in areas near cities and other populated areas, in forest parks, resorts, health resorts, recreational areas and other places where a danger to public health and the state of the environment may be created.[...]

Taking into account the natural and climatic features, as well as the increased social value of individual territories (reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, resort and recreational areas), more stringent MPC standards are established for them. [...]

Landscape architecture involves the implementation of construction in cities, taking into account the landscape features of the area, the design of gardens, parks, and recreational areas on the development territory.[...]

Local government bodies, sanitary-epidemiological and environmental authorities should pay increased attention to compliance with environmental standards in nearby recreational areas, which are located on the territory of the city and are therefore convenient for visiting. But it is here, especially in the summer season, that the degree of soil contamination with household waste is high, which is most often due to the lack of service services, as well as the low culture of vacationers.[...]

TRAMPLING is the process of soil compaction, shaking as a result of vibration and mechanical damage to vegetation by animals or people. V. is associated with overgrazing, as well as with mass tourism and poor planning of recreational areas.[...]

With an increase in population as a result of both permanent and seasonal influx, the consumption of natural resources increases, the potential reserves of which have certain limits. Such resources for Crimea include recreational areas, agricultural lands, water resources (mainly in the form of groundwater), reserves of mineral salts in Lake Sivash, fish resources (spawning areas of sturgeon).[...]

To prevent the harmful effects of structures and communications of transport, communications, engineering equipment on the living environment, compliance with the required distances from such objects to the territories of residential, public, business and recreational areas and other state requirements is ensured. town planning standards and rules.[...]

The penetration of landscape science concepts into urban planning is due to increased attention to problems of environmental protection, which is reflected in design practice in the functional zoning of the territory, taking into account the selective properties of landscapes, in the organization of recreational zones, etc. [...]

In the epiphytic algal flora of the city, 30 species taxa were identified, of which representatives of the Chlorophyta department dominated (18). The department Cyanophyta is represented by 5 species, Xanthophyta - 3, Bacillariophyta - 4. Spectrum of life forms Ch14H4B4P3CF2X2Cr The maximum species diversity and size of growths were found in the recreational zone of the city, the minimum - in the industrial zone. A study of the seasonal dynamics of epiphytic algae showed that their maximum development was observed in the spring. Thus, in some parks in the last ten days of March, the percentage of trees with algal growths reached 63. At the same time, two types of algae dominated: Trebouxia arboricola and Desmococcus vulgaris. Quantitative accounting showed that during this period the number of Trebouxia arboricola was 750 cells per 1 cm2, Desmococcus vulgaris - 74.6 thousand cells per 1 cm2 of bark.[...]

As a result, starting points for the decision-making process were developed. This was the best guarantee to stimulate sustainable development of the Port of Rotterdam and solve bottlenecks for the port, the city and the delta. For example, within the framework of the recommendations, the creation of a protected and recreational zone with an area of ​​750 hectares is combined with the construction of an industrial site. Both projects are considered as one development of the territory, which will cover construction and operating costs associated with the protected area.[...]

However, in other countries there is a similar situation. So, for the USA, this type of city may be quite common. Residential development occupies 30-32% of the total area, street spaces - 18-20%, industrial enterprises -5%, transport devices - 4%, commercial facilities - 4%, recreational areas -5% and various types of unused land - up to 30%. The proportion of land for different uses varies within individual parts of the city. Thus, within the city of Milwaukee (USA), in one of the microdistricts of the residential part of the city, residential buildings occupy 65% ​​of the area, industrial enterprises - 5% and parks - 30%, while in the microdistrict of the industrial part of the city, enterprises own 50% of the area, residential buildings - 45% and parks - only 5%.[...]

Initially, the RNM project was developed to solve the shortage of space in the port, but the application of an integral approach to strategic EO led to the identification of “bottlenecks” in the port, which should be considered in conjunction with the problems of the city (problems of an economic nature) and the delta (shortage of protected and recreational zones). Consequently, the expansion of the solution area led to an expansion of the list of problems addressed. Work on the formation of the concept of “habitat quality” was carried out in the framework of close cooperation (consultations) with various stakeholders, which ensured appropriate “consolidation” in the political process.[...]

In desert areas, conditions for organizing public recreation areas are extremely limited. This predetermines the need to create an artificial natural environment for the purposes of mass recreation within the city and populated areas. Places of inter-settlement mass recreation can be represented by local zones and recreation centers. At the same time, the creation of an artificial recreational landscape is an integral part and a prerequisite for the use of any territory in the deserts for recreational purposes. This may include; creation of artificial recreational reservoirs and watercourses, construction of beaches, landscaping, landscaping (strengthening soils and banks, etc.). Relatively favorable conditions for the organization of recreational zones develop in cities located near fresh water bodies and in hydromelioration areas (Kzyl-Orda, Dzhambul, Kapchagai, Balkhash, Guryev, Dzhezkazgan, Keptau, Turkestan, Aralsk, etc.) (Fig. 67). However, complex forest reclamation and soil reclamation are also required here. Here, instead of a green zone, it is only possible to create wind-protective forest strips, and places of mass recreation for the population are formed on the territory of the city.[...]

The installation of a screen of clean sandy soil over a layer of contaminated sediments, partially remaining in the riverbed after cleaning, does not exclude the release of impurities from contaminated sediments into river water, but only slightly changes the course of the diffusion process in time. The construction of such a screen is advisable only when creating recreational areas.[...]

Using the structural “numbers” of the famous Greek architect S.A. Doxiadis (Reimers, 1985), taking into account the ratio of natural and anthropogenically modified landscapes, the ideal structure of categories and types of land in developed territories should look like the following: agricultural land, including settlements - 22.5%; industry, transport - 2.5%, forestry 18%; state reserves, nature reserves, national parks, regulated recreational areas - 57%. This structure is very different from that prevailing in the Moscow region, where agricultural lands occupy 46.7%, cities and towns - 4.8%, industry and transport - 8.3%, forestry - 39.4%, state reserves - 0.8%. First of all, the region needs to significantly reduce the area of ​​agricultural, industrial and transport land and increase the area of ​​specially protected areas. Only such a balanced land use structure will significantly improve the ecological condition of the Moscow region.[...]

When organizing regional environmental monitoring, it is necessary to identify certain areas (areas) of atmosphere control that can be classified as priorities. In particular, these types of areas include: cities with a large number of inhabitants (from several hundred thousand to several million people), subject to increased air pollution, in which there are large sources of emissions of harmful substances. In terms of control, priority is given to cities and towns that meet the status of resort-type settlements, as well as recreational areas and nature reserve areas.

A healthy lifestyle is a very popular trend in modern society. A large metropolis creates many stressful situations that have a negative impact on people. As a result, city residents' vitality and productivity decrease.

General characteristics of the Russian health complex

Recreational areas are specialized places that create the most comfortable conditions for relaxation and treatment. Mandatory conditions are the availability of appropriate infrastructure and natural and climatic indications. As a rule, industrial production in these areas is kept to a minimum. Everyone must meet a certain level of cleanliness requirements. In addition, it is important to have qualified personnel capable of providing all types of necessary services. As a business area, recreational areas require large financial investments, especially in places with a poorly developed market structure, but it is quite promising in the foreseeable future, since the moral and psychological burden on a person is increasing, and the need for high-quality and relatively inexpensive recreation is only increasing. That is why business is actively involved in the development of new recreation areas.

Zone "Europe"

The territory of Russia is huge, its natural and climatic conditions are varied. Geographically, our country can be divided into several popular tourism and recreation areas. Recreational zones of the Russian Federation can be conditionally divided into 4 large groups: the Caucasus region, Northern and Southern Siberia. At the same time, from these areas it is also possible to identify the most and least promising ones based on a number of characteristics. The north of the European part needs large material and financial investments; its capacity is clearly insufficient for proper recreation; in addition, there is a shortage of natural resources in this region, and their quality is quite low. The Caucasus region is naturally advantageous; there is a relatively developed recreation and treatment industry here. Undoubtedly, a huge part of the infrastructure is outdated, dating back to the Soviet era, but the natural sources, climate, and complex tourism make this region the most attractive for private investment and business.

Zone "Asia"

Recreational zones of the second group also differ greatly in economic, tourist, natural and material-technical indicators. In terms of economic success, the South of Siberia seems most preferable. This can include the subzone of the Far East with the richest natural resources. Here, as in the European part, there are significant disproportions of benefits and needs. The Siberian South is very diverse in natural and climatic terms: taiga, forest-steppe. The low population density of these territories has a dual significance: on the one hand, this made it possible to preserve nature almost untouched by humans. On the other hand, the analysis reveals a clear shortage of specialists; the number of vacationers is clearly inferior to the European part of our country. The recreational zones of the north of the Siberian region are practically undeveloped; they require an integrated approach, but at this stage they hardly attract the attention of entrepreneurs, since they require capital-intensive and labor-intensive funds for inclusion in popular recreation areas.

Tourist and recreational zones in Russia, with the proper level of activities, can become highly profitable enterprises, which will reduce government subsidies for their maintenance.

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All over the world, it is practiced to create special areas where residents of a particular locality, as well as its guests, spend their leisure hours. These areas include recreational areas. Absolutely all segments of the population relax here, from the youngest citizens to those of retirement age.

What is a recreational zone

A tourist and recreational zone (TRZ) is a special type of economic zone where the state and residents create favorable conditions for the development of tourism and mass recreation of the population.

Among the main goals of organizing such zones are the following:

  • promoting the development of tourism activities in a specific region;
  • increasing the competitiveness of the tourism business;
  • development of health resorts;
  • increasing the level of prevention and treatment of various diseases.

In tourist and recreational areas, deposits of mineral waters and various natural resources with medicinal properties, which also include healing mud, often begin to be developed.

What are the advantages of organizing such zones? Globally, this contributes to the fact that investments are beginning to be attracted to the country and a new competitive product is appearing. What is also important is that ordinary holidays and travel are moving to a higher level.

In addition, the creation of recreational zones increases the population of a certain area, since new specialists in different fields are attracted here.

Characteristics of recreational areas

Let us consider in detail how recreational zones differ from other special economic zones. First of all, it is worth noting that at the time of creation of the described zones, land plots of residents or legal entities may be located on their territory. Also, the territory may cover several areas at once, belonging to different municipalities.

Another feature of this area is that there may be various objects here, including housing, infrastructure, and any private buildings. Sometimes land plots included in the zone are classified as specially protected by law.

Recreational zones of the Russian Federation

According to the resolutions of the Russian Government in February 2007, it was decided to designate seven territories on the territory of the country, which were assigned the status of tourist and recreational areas.

These recreational areas are located in the following regions:

  • Stavropol region.
  • Krasnodar region.
  • Altai Republic.
  • The Republic of Buryatia.
  • Altai region.
  • Irkutsk region.
  • Kaliningrad region.

Later, special economic zones were created on Russky Island, as well as on the territory of the Chechen Republic. The latter then became part of a tourism cluster located in several districts: the North Caucasus, the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. All these recreational zones in Russia contribute to the development of both domestic tourism in the state and the arrival of foreign guests.

Which TRZs are most popular?

One of the most unique recreational areas is rightfully considered a national park called the Curonian Spit. It is located in the Kaliningrad region and is a sandy peninsula. This area is completely different from other recreational areas in its landscape, beautiful scenery, animal and plant diversity. Therefore, crowds of tourists come here to relax and admire not only the beauty of the area. It is also interesting to see the cultural and historical heritage in the form of fishermen’s settlements and architectural monuments.

No less popular is the special economic zone “Caucasian Mineral Waters”, in the Stavropol Territory. Particular emphasis here is placed on innovative balneotherapy technologies and the use of innovations in the spa industry. In particular, it is planned to use the mineral water of the Batalinsky spring as productively as possible for treatment and rehabilitation. And the healing mud, which is taken from the Tambukan storage facility, is suitable for fangotherapy. Another novelty for preventive purposes will be phytoaeroionization.

The Altai Mountains tourist and recreational zone also attracts travelers due to its untouched nature. This territory is considered as a multidisciplinary zone where such types of activities as educational, recreational, medical, sports and recreational are successfully implemented.

Interests of business and state

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are especially interested in working in special economic zones. The reason for this is the provision of a wide range of services, including various types of entertainment, trade, catering, etc. With the right approach, tourism business, sports, recreation, etc., are developing well here.

In addition, tax benefits that are provided to residents of recreational zones are attractive for businessmen. Thus, it is possible to pay taxes at a reduced tax rate. The right to set a special coefficient to the basic depreciation rate is also granted - this applies only to own funds.

According to financier estimates, each tourist and recreational zone brings serious income to the state budget. Due to them, the contribution to GDP from tourism increases. If the entire mechanism is fully adjusted and worked out, then it is planned to create additional recreational areas after some time.

What is prohibited on the territory of the TRZ

Despite the fact that there are various types of recreational zones on the territory of the Russian Federation, the law does not allow the following in any of them:

  • Develop mineral deposits and extract them. The only exceptions are deposits of mineral waters and healing mud.
  • Process minerals and scrap non-ferrous and ferrous metals (only industrial spills of mineral water are allowed).
  • Release goods and process them if they are excisable products.

According to Russian legislation, the government of the state has every right to supplement the above list of prohibited actions in the territories of special economic zones.

Recreational area- a specially designated area in a suburban area, in a city, intended for recreation, with the aim of restoring strength and health. Urban recreational areas are: gardens, parks; suburban: forest parks, recreation areas.

The created recreational environment should provide physical, bioclimatic, psychological, and aesthetic comfort to the population during recreation.

Comfortable conditions for vacationers are provided by:

· the presence of landscaped areas of sufficient area, equipped for various types and forms of recreational activities;

· the presence and convenient placement of service facilities in recreation areas (food outlets, trade, equipment rental, parking lots, etc.) - within walking distance within 5 minutes (250-300 m) from places of concentration of vacationers;

· organizing convenient transport links between suburban landscape and recreational areas and places of permanent residence of the population.

The size of the territories of mass short-term recreation zones should be taken at the rate of 500 to 1000 square meters. m per visitor.

One of the indicators reflecting the qualitative characteristics of the recreational environment is psychological comfort, which depends on the amount of noise and visual contacts between vacationers. Psychological comfort is ensured, as evidenced by research from the Central Research Institute of Urban Planning, if the number of vacationers does not exceed 8 people. within a radius of 25 m - for parks, 60 m - for forest parks and 100 m - for recreational forests.

Landscape comfort (from the English comfort - household amenities, livability) is a set of medical-biological, technical and socio-psychological properties of PTC that satisfy certain requirements or needs of human life.

Thus, sea coast resorts are cultivated areas where engineering infrastructure has been created to provide people with recreation: beaches, residential complexes, hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes, rescue services. The coast is also equipped with service infrastructure: berths for pleasure boats, separate areas for sailing, windsurfing, etc. All this infrastructure is designed to maximize the use of the healing properties of the climate and sea water. Vast recreational landscapes of sea coasts are scattered around the world: Australia, California, the Mediterranean coast, the Alps, the Caucasus, Indonesia, the Bay of Biscay, the Canary Islands, the Hawaiian Islands and many others.

Ski centers are complex combinations of engineering structures and snow-covered mountain slopes suitable for skiing. Mountain slopes are equipped with special trails marked on the ground. In addition, there is an engineering network serving recreationists: chairlifts, residential complexes, storage facilities, parking lots, communication and consumer service points, access roads, rescue services. Ski centers operate in the USA (Rocky Mountains, Salt Lake City), the Alps (Europe), Scandinavia, Japan (Sapporo), the Caucasus (Russia, Georgia) and a number of others.

Forested suburban areas. They are intended for short-term recreation for city residents. The main property of these forests is the presence of favorable forest areas of various species: broad-leaved, small-leaved, coniferous and mixed. Often a large percentage of tree plantations are man-made. Forested areas are equipped with pedestrian and bicycle paths, trade and service points, children's playgrounds, etc. Man-made elements should occupy a minimum area in forest park areas and be optimally located.

National parks. National parks are complex, natural and economic multifunctional territories intended for the protection of landscapes and biodiversity, as well as for recreation and tourism purposes.

The territory of the national park has a protected area, natural monuments intended for scientific research, special routes for tourist services and engineering infrastructure: information boards, equipped paths, observation platforms, scientific observation points, administrative buildings, etc.

National parks occupy vast areas. In some cases, traditional types of environmental management are permitted on the territory of national parks in accordance with the land use structure.

Control questions: 1. What is a recreational area? 2. What ensures the comfort of human conditions in a recreational area? 3. What should be the size of the territories of mass short-term recreation zones? 4. What are ski centers like? 5. What ski centers do you know? 6. What are national parks?
