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Tansy (meadow mar. Tansy, Pyzhanyu)- a river in the Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov regions of Russia, a right tributary Vyatki(Kama, Volga basin).

A very beautiful river in the south of the Kirov region.

The end of the autumn sunset - Tansy
Sergey Karpeev

Emerald-red sunset boundary.
The river mirror lies barely trembling.

The butt of the cloud is reddening in the sky and in the water.
And the darkness is getting thicker in the spruce beard.

The golden dawn will burn off with resinous heat.
Behind the nearby pass there is darkness of night.

Here the fog lay like a samovar in the floodplain.
The hare's den is silent with the fallen leaves.

The pine tree lifts its branches like a rolling tent.
Sparks - gems fly over the fire.

Chu, the acorn leaves a spreading oak tree,
And it hits the mown meadow loudly.

Like a candle carefully carried from the all-night vigil,
The star surfaced above the slumbers, crystal-hot.


Length 305 km, basin area 14,660 km². Average water flow 90 m³/sec. It freezes in mid-November and opens in the 2nd half of April. Food mainly comes from snow.

The largest tributaries are the Yuma (left); Yaran, Shuda, Nemda (right).

Pizhma originates in the swamps north of the village of Pizhma in the Nizhny Novgorod region near the border with the Kirov region.

It flows east along flat terrain, the channel is extremely winding, the current is weak. It receives numerous tributaries both from the left and from the right.

On the right bank of Pizhma several kilometers before its confluence with Vyatka The city of Sovetsk is located.

Pedestrian bridge on the Pizhma River - Sovetsk

Originates from the village. Smirny, Nizhny Novgorod region and flows into Vyatka near the city of Sovetsk.

The fall of the river from its source to its mouth is 85 meters.

The banks of Pizhma before the confluence of the river. The Yarani are predominantly low, easily eroded, since the river here flows through aquiglacial deposits of sandy-loamy composition.

In the upper reaches of the river valley. Tansy is covered with bushes and forest.

There are fewer forests in the lower reaches. The width of the river during low water is from 20 to 180 m, the depth on reaches is up to 8 cm, on riffles from 0.25 to 0.5 m.

The current speed on the rifts during low-water periods is up to 1 m/s, on the reaches it is much less.

The main left tributaries of the river. Tansy: Suzyum, Yuma, Side; right: Oshma, Yaran, Izh and Nemda.

Most major influx Tansy - r. No way. For most of its route it flows through the limestone-dolomite strata of the Vyatsky Uval. Nemda and its tributaries - Surya and Gremyachaya - are distinguished by a significant flow rate and are a bit reminiscent of mountain rivers.

Tansy was navigable for the last 100 kilometers of the current, but now the river has become very shallow.

Tributaries (km from mouth)

9 km: Nemda river (pr)

44 km: Pizhanka river (lv)

50 km: river without name (pr)

64 km: Kushmara River (lv)

67 km: Izh River (pr)

76 km: Zmeevka river (pr)

85 km: Shuvan River (Shuang) (lv)

91 km: Yaran River (pr)

116 km: Tuzha River (pr)

132 km: Arzhamaksha river (lv)

134 km: Tula River (lv)

145 km: Idomorka River (pr)

147 km: Bokovaya river (lv)

154 km: Shudumka River (pr)

168 km: Kamenka river (lv)

173 km: river Ir (lv)

178 km: Oshma River (pr)

184 km: Yuma River (lv)

195 km: Unzha River (pr)

201 km: river Suzyum (lv)

210 km: Puetka river (lv)

213 km: Eureka River (pr)

231 km: Lukshanka River (lv)

238 km: Altsa River (lv)

243 km: Maly Vakhtan River (lv)

256 km: Shaiga river (lv)

260 km: Pinal River (lv)

262 km: Lipacha River (lv)

268 km: Kurnuzh river (lv)

276 km: Lugovka River (pr)

282 km: Ikra River (pr)

Piers (from the mouth):






Yaransky tract


Pizhma River according to the state water register

Code water body 10010300412111100036375

Type of water body River

Name Tansy

Location 400 km along the right bank R. Vyatka

Basin District Kama Basin District (10)

Kama river basin (1)

Vyatka river sub-basin (3)

Vyatka water management area from the town of Kotelnich to the village. Arkul (4)

Watercourse length 305 km

Drainage area 15,000 km²

Code for hydrological knowledge 111103637

Volume number according to GI 11

Issue according to GI 1

The object is included in the list of waterways of the Russian Federation

auto bridge - mouth (Vyatka river): 132 km

Pizhma River

Types of fish: Pike / Chub / Roach / Perch /

Type of fishing:

fly fishing, rowing boat / motor boat / spearfishing / from shore.



The amazingly beautiful and winding Pizhma River (translated from the Mari language means “viscous, silty”) originates in the swamps near the village. Smirnovo, Tonshaevsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, not far from the border with the Kirov region. It flows near the village of the same name. The border between Kotelnichsky, Tuzhinsky, Arbazhsky and Pizhansky districts runs along Pizhma.

We have repeatedly paid attention to the color of the water in Pizhma. The water has a yellow-brown peaty hue, its transparency is 80 cm. The river bottom is sandy, muddy in places. The banks are flat, in some places slightly washed away by the current.

The left bank part of the Pizhma basin, especially in the upper reaches, is more forested and swampy compared to the right. The dense southern taiga forests give its coastal landscapes charm and mystery.

Tansy is especially beautiful in spring, when bird cherry blossoms along its banks. Birches also grow near the water. Now its floodplain is overgrown with rose hips, the flowering thickets of which add charm to the beauty of this river. In June, the coastal meadows are covered with bright yellow carpets of swimsuits.

There are a lot of beavers on Pizhma, gnawed trees are visible everywhere, which is why the remarkable personification of the river with the “beaver kingdom” was born. And in the forests, capercaillie leks are still preserved - one of the wonders of the spring forest.


There are many species of freshwater fish in the river: bream, tench, pike, perch, ide, chub, roach, podust, rudd, etc. Various types of ducks nest in the river basin - mallards, teals, pochards, and there are fish-eating predators - osprey, sea eagle. Lives in coastal bittern thickets.

Such originality natural conditions, as well as the fact that rare species of animals and plants live in the river basin, prompted the creation of the Pizhemsky hydrological reserve on its territory in 1991 regional significance. The reserve is located in 5 districts of the region - Kotelnichsky, Tuzhinsky, Pizhansky, Arbazhsky and Sovetsky, the total area of ​​the reserve is 30539.1 hectares. The length of the reserve along the bed of the Nemda River is 42 km, along the bed of the Pizhma River - 202 km.

The Pizhemsky State Nature Reserve has been operating as an environmental institution since 2002. The natural reserve is of particular value for maintaining the integrity of the protection and restoration of aquatic biogeocenoses, preserving natural state unique natural objects of the region.


The Nemdy pool is the main decoration of the Pizhemsky state nature reserve. It is on Nemda that they are located natural objects, thanks to which local historians call these places Vyatka Switzerland and precious necklace Nemdy. The rock massif "Stone" on the right bank of the Nemda has long become a favorite place for tourists, climbers, and rock climbers. The limestone cliffs begin with the columnar rock “Chasovoy”, from which up the river they stretch along the bank for more than a kilometer. There are grottoes, niches, cornices here. Not far away is the Kirov-600 cave, discovered and explored in 1974 - the year of the anniversary of the regional center. Its depth is 26 m, length is about 150 m.


Andrey ANDREEV "Vyatka region"

Tansy. This river for Vyatka fishermen is probably the same as Mecca for a Muslim. I’ve heard so many stories about the fabulous bite on Pizhma, but come on, for so many years I’ve never managed to get out onto this river with a fishing rod. Although I passed through Pizhma more than once, while on a business trip in both the Sovetsky and Kotelnichsky districts. And finally the dream came true - a couple of weeks ago my friends and I finally got out to Pizhma.

The path is not short - first almost one and a half hundred kilometers to Sovetsk, then 12 kilometers along a dirt road, the last part of the path was covered in some kind of swamp. Thanks to the car winch - several times the car was buried to the point of “I don’t want to”. And then we got to the place.
Despite the darkness - it was already eleven o'clock in the evening - it is clear that the places here are the most fishy. After sitting around the fishing fire for a while and having dinner, we go to bed. But even the night does not bring coolness, mosquitoes - darkness, thanks to the Fumitox coil - in fifteen minutes you can safely sleep either in a tent or under open air. I choose the second option - so as not to oversleep.
...And yet I overslept. It’s already half past four, it’s light, I’m already supposed to be on the river for an hour! I quickly grab a fishing rod, a jar of maggots, and pearl barley steamed from the evening and go down to the water, to the spot I noticed.

It is located between two bushes, the entire wiring section is 4-5 meters. I measure the depth - one and a half meters, just right for guiding from the shore. The current is slow, so I decide not to put up a feeder, I make balls from coastal clay with pearl barley and throw them to the bush.
With hands trembling with impatience, I plant a bunch of maggots and make the first cast. The float slowly floated through the dark water and in the middle of the area quietly began to go under the water. Looks like there's a catch. Slowly, so as not to completely catch the hook on the snag, I lift the rod and at the last moment, purely instinctively, I manage to make a hook - a large fish is walking on the hook! The tip of the rod is arched, the line cuts the water. If only it could withstand a leash designed for two hundred kilos... Alas, the fishing line breaks, and - silence. I’m almost crying - how was I to know that such a “stupid” would bite...

I tie on a new leash and in my haste I don’t notice that I have a spare one on it, not best example, hook.
Casting, retrieving, biting, hooking, gathering. Casting, retrieving, biting, hooking, gathering. Casting, retrieving, getting off... After the fifth getting off, I start to get nervous. After the eighth, you are smart enough to look at the hook. That’s right, instead of the “sticky” “Kamatsu” there is a simple, Soviet-era “five”. Because of her, I lost eight, judging by their weight, two hundred to three hundred gram white bream. Or roaches? I don’t know; not a single fish has been caught yet, let alone brought to the surface. And, although the “crocodile” that pecked the first time was no longer there, thanks to my stupidity I had already lost a couple of kilograms of fish.
And something tells me that the “big guy” has already left me. This is true. The first wiring with a new hook - yes! Alas, a hundred-gram bream. New wiring - the roach is a little larger in size. Behind him is the same track. Further - like from a machine gun. The result of two hours of fishing is in front of you. Well, okay. There was enough fish soup - and a good one at that. And we'll go for the big stuff next time.




After passing the church gates and the cemetery fence, you need to go down to the Pizhma River, where there is a good coastal path downstream. Before starting the descent, it makes sense to stop at the observation deck of Monastyrskaya Mountain. It is raised high above the surrounding area, allowing you to see both Vyatka and Tansy at the same time. They are separated by the low floodplain of Bobylsky Island, which stretches downstream of both rivers for almost six kilometers. The width of this watershed does not exceed one and a half kilometers. On the left bank of the Vyatka you can see the houses of the village of Lesotekhnikum and the dumps of the Suvodsky quarry. And on the right bank of Pizhma, to the left of Bobylsky Island, along the slope of a high hill, the residential areas of Zhernovogorye are scattered. In the past, this village, now an urban area, was known as a center for stone mining and processing. The depths of Millstone Mountain to this day contain deposits of durable, dense sandstone and soft, easily processed opoka-like limestone, often called opoka, or sawstone. Millstones for mills, grinding wheels and whetstones for sharpening tools were made from durable sandstone. There was great demand for them at that time. Opoka-like limestone, which was exported far beyond the boundaries of the Vyatka province, was no less popular. He went for all kinds of carved decorations for rich mansions and public buildings. Examples of its use can be found in almost all cities of the region where pre-revolutionary houses have been preserved. There are many of them in regional center, Slobodsky, Nolinsk, Urzhum and here in Sovetsk. Stone lions made by local stone carvers still decorate the streets in Kirov and Slobodskoye, Kazan and a number of others major cities Russia.

Tombstones and carved tombstones and monuments were made from saw stone. Examples of stone-cutting art can be seen at the local cemetery, next to the Monastyrskaya Hill observation deck. A unique collection of “stone-cutting tricks” is located here. Only historians and local historians know the very ancient inscriptions in the cemetery, carved on the gravestones at the beginning XVII century from opoka-like limestone. In the past, in the settlement of Kukarka (as the city of Sovetsk was previously called), entire dynasties of stone cutters lived, passing on the secrets of their craft from generation to generation. Opaque-like limestone was mined using the mining method. The length of underground workings by the beginning of the 20th century reached several kilometers! At present, the extraction and processing of this excellent raw material is not carried out, and the stone-cutting industry has been completely lost. It's a pity! Zhernovogorsk stone could become a wonderful material for decorating the interiors and exteriors of modern buildings.

Anikin log

A hundred or two meters from Monastyrskaya Mountain, the coastal path leads to the outcrops of Anikin Log. This is the name of a short and outwardly unremarkable ravine, declared a natural monument.

Why is this small ravine given such importance? It turns out that it was here, back in the last century, among the sandstones and limestones, that an ancient fauna was found, which established the presence in our region of rocks dating in age to the Kazan stage of the Permian system - that very Kazan century, when the sea flooded almost the entire territory of the region. That is why it is necessary to preserve this outcrop as a reference for similar rocks in our area. It is also interesting from the point of view of the history of the study of nature Vyatka region. In other words, Anikin Log, with its limestones and sandstones, has historical and scientific significance. Mining of stone is prohibited here, and in this regard, the outcrop is not in danger.

Pizhemskoye settlement

Platy limestones and sandstones of Anikina Log. Here you can also see the place where, on a narrow, high cape formed, on the one hand, by a steep river bank, and on the other, by a steep slope of a ravine, there was a human settlement in ancient times. This archaeological site— Pizhemskoye settlement, related to 7th century. Remains of a high earthen rampart and a ditch dug in front of it, covering the settlement from the floor side. Behind the rampart, a little higher up the slope, begins the only street of the semi-abandoned village of Gorodishche. People come here only in the summer, using the preserved houses as summer cottages and their garden plots as vegetable gardens. On the bank of Pizhma, downstream from the mouth of the ravine, there is a spring with drinking water. Along the edge of the forest and on the slopes of the ravine in the summer there are a lot of strawberries and wild strawberries. Berries and mushrooms can be found in the copses if you move a little further south from the river.

After spending the night, you can walk along the shore of Pizhma along a towpath covered with crushed stone scree formed when the coastal slope is destroyed. This narrow, periodically flooded strip, sandwiched between the water and the slope of a high bedrock bank, was used in the past by barge haulers, who “towed” barges with cargo, lifting them upstream. In those days, the towpath was monitored, debris was cleared and bushes were cut down. Most often, horses were used as draft force. After 200-300 meters there is the mouth of the Pizhma, where it merges with the Vyatka. The way forward— the shore of Vyatka. On the towpath there are thickets of bushes and rubble of blocks of limestone and sandstone. Because of this, the movement speed is low. You constantly have to watch your step to avoid slipping on a wet stone. The towpath is passable only when the water level is low.



The city of Sovetsk is located in the southwest of the Kirov region, on the banks of the Pizhma and Vyatka rivers. Until 1918 - settlement Kukarka (settlement - a large village with a non-serf population). The fact that it was probably founded by the Mari is evidenced by its name.

Kukarka in Mari means “ big ladle"(kugu - big, crust - ladle). This name was given, apparently, due to the abundance of rivers.

The first proposal to explain the formation of the Kukarka settlement as a Russian settlement was put forward by N. Zolotnitsky in his book “January 1, 1866 in Kukarka and short essay Kukarki settlement." According to Zolotnitsky, Kukarka was taken from the Mari at the end of the 12th century by Russian settlers on Vyatka land.

The assumption is doubtful, because only three and a half centuries after the 12th century, the territory where Kukarka is located was included in the Russian state (in 1552, after the fall of Kazan, the Meadow Mari joined Russia). A. V. Emmauskiy (“Historical sketch of the Vyatka region of the 17th-18th centuries.” Kirov book publishing house, 1951, p. 67) and N. P. Kalistratov (“Historical sketch of the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” TSB, vol. 26, p. 276) the foundation of Kukarka dates back to the second half of the 16th century.

The borders of the Kazan Khanate in the north ran along the Pizhma and Vyatka rivers. Meadow Mari took part in the raids of the Kazan Tatars on the neighboring Vyatka lands. So, in 1542, the Tatar army made a robbery expedition through the Vyatka lands to Ustyug, capturing many Russian cities and volosts. The Tatars were defeated on Malom by the combined forces of the Vyatka cities, “only the meadow Cheremis forest left for the Pizhma River.”



A few words about the name of the Pizhma river. In the northeast of the European part of the USSR there are four rivers called Pizhma. These are tributaries of the Pechora, Mezen, Vyatki and Vetlugi. Researchers of the northeastern part of Europe - I.N. Smirnov (author of the essay "Cheremisy"), A.K. Matveev (Ural State University) and others, having studied the toponymy of a number of regions, came to the conclusion that in ancient times a a stream of people whose language has not been preserved. They gave more or less large rivers their names, including Pizhma, although the local Mari translate the name Pizhma into Russian as viscous (the noun pizhman from the verb pizhash - to knit).

Some of the rivers between the Vyatka and Vetluga rivers have names with endings -ma, -ga, -ksha, etc., for example, Pizhma, Moloma - tributaries of the Vyatka; Yuma, Oshma - tributaries of the Pizhma; Kaksha is a tributary of the Vetluga; Nuksha - a tributary of the Oshma; Shileksha is a tributary of the Vai; Vetluga, Kokshaga - tributaries of the Volga; Yuronga, Yakshanga, Shanga are tributaries of the Vetluga. Many rivers in the middle reaches of the Volga and its tributary Oka end in -ma: Veletma, Vezloma, Vatoma, Seima, Klyazma, etc. There are also rivers Moksha, Aksha, Panduga and Urga.

Some researchers of the Middle Volga region, such as L.M. Kapterev (author of the book “ Nizhny Novgorod Volga region V X-XVI centuries"), they believe that among the ancient tribes who lived along the middle reaches of the Volga and in the Oka basin, ma meant river. As for the small rivers of our region, they bear Mari names.

The routes of colonization of the ancestors of modern Mari, who came from the Right Bank of the Volga, were not only the Vetluga River. "Check-in the country is coming along rivers in separate groups. Just like the Slavs southern Russia were named after the rivers on which they settled, the Cheremis are divided into groups, designated by the name of a river. Those who settled on Vetluga - vitlya-mare, along Pizhma - pizhman-mare, along Rutka - red-mare, along Kundysh - kundysh-mare...”

Consequently, the Mari moved along other tributaries of the Volga - Rutka, Kokshaga, and its tributary Kundysh, not to mention Pizhma, subjecting the Udmurts, Komi-Zyrians and Chuds who lived in the interfluve of the Vyatka and Vetluga to assimilation. Perhaps, this is the only way to explain the names of not only the rivers of our region, but also lands, tracts, and, perhaps, settlements.

Regarding the settlement of the Mari Vyatka River, then researchers of the Mari region note: “The settlement of the Vyatka region by Cheremis proceeded simultaneously and from different directions. The Yaransky district, one must think, is inhabited by the Cheremis, who penetrated from Unzha and Vetluga to the middle reaches of the river. Vyatka and descended along this river to the present-day Kotelnichesky and Yaransky districts.”

Pizhemskoye settlement.

Tansy was one of the ways of migration of peoples from the East to the West. The settlement is located at its confluence with the Vyatka. It is located on a high cape on the right bank of the Vyatka, at the confluence with it of the Pizhma, a river that originates in the vicinity of the village of Shcherbazh, Shakhunsky district. The settlement is bounded on one side by a steep cliff to Vyatka, on the other by a steep ravine, and on the floor side by an earthen rampart 4.5 meters high and a ditch 1.5 meters deep.

The choice of location for the settlement included its defense capability, and good review the Vyatka and Pizhma rivers, which, at one time, were the only trade and military routes. It was repeatedly excavated: in 1866 - by Alabin, in 1888 - by A.A. Spipyn, in 1906 - by A.S. Lebedev and in 1928 - by the Institute of Anthropology of the Moscow State University, the expedition was led by B.S. Zhukov.

But even before the first excavations, the site of the settlement was dug up by local peasants who were looking for treasures here and extracting the bones of animals, of which there were a lot here, which is why such settlements are called bone-bearing. These bones, by the dozen, were handed over to Kukarka (now Sovetsk), which is six miles from the settlement, for processing. The number of finds at the site, according to A. A. Spipyn’s calculations, not counting animal bones and fragments of ceramics (shards), is over a thousand, and according to others, up to two thousand.

The abundance of animal bones, shards, tools and household items indicate a long stay of people here, and there was no neutral layer on it, i.e. there was no break in habitation until approximately the 10th-11th centuries. ad.

Pizhma - Lesnikovo village

Tools and household items are of great interest. Over the long period of the settlement's existence, they were made mainly from animal bones. For example, excavations have revealed large quantities of bone arrowheads, as well as spears, harpoons, knives, forts, fishing rods, awls, knitting needles, kodochigs, spindle whorls, etc. Also found were items made of flint: arrowheads, scrapers, whetstones, sharpeners, etc. Among the bone items, tips of war hammers were found, consisting of hollow tubular bones of large animals, beveled and pointed at one end, attached to wooden handles. Similar war hammers were discovered in Povetluzhie on the Odoevsky fortress and identified by O.N. Bader as hoes. It should be added that spelled grains, cereal grains, and hemp seeds were found at the site. It can be concluded that the population of the settlement had primitive agriculture. The presence of spindle whorls and hemp indicate weaving.

Metallurgy was also developed at bone-bearing settlements. At the Pizhem settlement, the stone masonry of the hearth, consisting of small burnt stones, was uncovered. The depth of the hearth pit reached one meter. A piece of iron, slag, a clay pot, a small iron ring, metal ring. A bone whorl, fibers of coarse fabric, and cereal grains were also found here.

Belonging of the settlement to any people who lived in Vyatka basin, has not been established, but since the Mari appeared on Vyatka around X-XI centuries AD.., then it could belong to early stage its existence to the Votyaks, Chuds or Komi-Zyryans. “By all indications, the bone-bearing fortifications date back to a very distant time and stand closer to Bronze Age than by the time of the predominance of iron tools,” notes A.A. Spitsyn.


ROUTE No. M147.

Tansy and Vyatka: from Art. Pizhma to Lebyazhye pier, 363 km (Pizhma river, 287 km: platform 712 km - Shuika village, 33 km - Sherstki station, 30 km - Yuma river, 25 km - canal, 27 km - Bokovaya river, 17 km - Tuzhinsky Bridge, 19 km - Yaran River, 40 km - Izh River, 23 km - Borok Village, 33 km - Sovetsk City, 31 km - Malygino Village (mouth), 9 km - Vyatka River, 76 km: Pizhma river - Stary, 39 km - Lebyazhye, 37 km).


Pizhma-Vyatskaya is the right tributary of the Vyatka. It originates in Nizhny Novgorod. region Its middle and lower reaches are in the southwest of the Kirov region.

It flows into the Vyatka near the city of Sovetsk, the regional center of the Kirov region.

The length of the river is 305 km. Flows to the E, SE and E.

The river receives numerous tributaries: Suzyum, Yuma, Ir, Bokovaya, Shuan (l); Unzha (Nuksha), Oshma, Tuzha, Yaran, Izh, Nemda(P). Before the Tuzhimsky Bridge, Pizhma is a flat, narrow river. It winds a lot and there are forest debris. The banks are low. The lower reaches of the river are densely populated.

It is better to start the route at the square. 712 km. From Art. Tansy to pl. 712 km by railway 6 km. To the station There are no settlements, the river meanders a lot, there are a lot of rubble. The banks are steep, wooded, the current speed in some places reaches 5 - 6 km/h, the width of the river at the beginning of the route is 5 - 10 m. From the beginning of the route to a pine forest on the left high bank with a good parking lot is about 5 hours. progress.


The abandoned village of Shuiki is 30 km away, there is a bridge behind the village.

Another 20 km to the Berezovsky cordon. At the cordon and below there may be rubble that requires clearing. From the old mill to the station. Stormbreaker 5 km. The remains of the foundation, metal posts and rods make it difficult to pass, although it is possible on the right bank. In front of Burepolom there is a floating bridge that requires portage. The riverbed near the village is cluttered, the passage is preferable near the right bank. To the station Sherstki 5 km, convenient stop behind the railway. bridge (1 km to the station).

Until the left tributary of the Yuma, Tansy flows in a narrow channel, with dense mixed forest along the banks. After 7-8 km Bely Bor.

From the inconspicuous mouth of the river. Suzyum (l) to the Medvedka cordon (4 houses) about 2 hours. progress.

Below Art. There is no debris on the river, and in one trip you can reach the mouth of the Yuma, where there is a good place for a bivouac.

Before the right tributary of the Yushma, the border of the Gorky and Kirov regions passes along the Pizhma, then the river flows to the SE and E through the Kirov region. to Vyatka.

After the mouth of the Yushma, the Pizhma comes out onto a vast meadow floodplain and forms smooth bends in the open banks; There are sandbanks in the riverbed. IN big water there's not much here good places for parking, the banks are low, there are many channels, branches, open reaches appear, the river widens to 30 - 40 m. An hour's walk from the mouth of the Yushma, 100 m from the left bank, there is a pine forest. Here you can climb along the canal and stream to a good bivouac.

We pass the village of Izinovka (l). Beyond the barely visible mouth of the Bokovaya (l) tributary, the banks are again covered with forests; from here begins one of the most beautiful stretches of the river with many oxbow lakes in the valley. Below the mouth of Bokovaya, the river forms an almost circular oxbow lake, the entrance and exit of which are in one place; from Bokovaya to pine forest 5 km. About 8 - 9 km remains to the Tuzhinsky Bridge.

Beyond the village of Verkhnyaya Poksta, the sandy beaches disappear, the bottom becomes clayey, low meadow banks alternate with those overgrown with floodplain forest. Tansy receives below the large right tributaries Yaran and Izh.

From the village of Borok (p) sandy beaches reappear. 9 km from the mouth, Pizhma receives the largest tributary of the Nemda on the right and approaches the city of Sovetsk, the regional center of the Kirov region.

Below, Pizhma flows along the high steep slopes of the right bank. From the river you can see the high cape of the ancient Pizhma settlement (VIII - III centuries BC), from where a panorama of the beyond-river distances of Pizhma and Vyatka opens.


For 60 km, Vyatka crosses the Vyatskie Uvaly here. This reach is the most picturesque in Vyatka. There are navigation signs on the river. The route ends at the Lebyazhye pier.

Transport: 712 km to the platform or station. Tansy on the railway line Uren - Kirov (from the platform 712 km to the river 400 m); from the Lebyazhye pier - the motor ship "Raketa" to the town of Kotelnich; Art. Sherstki railway lines Uren - Kirov; Tuzhinsky Bridge - bus to Kotelnich, 70 km; Sovetsk - bus to Kirov or Yoshkar-Ola; from the Stara pier - the motor ship "Raketa" to the town of Kotelnich.


M148. Suzyum, Pizhma:

from Art. Semenovsky to Sovetsk, 254 km (Syuzum river, 66 km: Semenovsky station * - mouth of the Rubka river, 37 km - Spasskoye village, 9 km - Sherstki station, 14 km - mouth, 6 km; river. Pizhma, 188 km: Syuzum river - mouth of the Yuma river, 21 km - mouth of the Bokovaya river, 44 km - mouth of the Yaran river, 59 km - Sovetsk, 64 km).

Suzyum is the left tributary of the Pizhma. Flows to the southwest of the Kirov region, the general direction is to the southeast. The length of the river is 84 km. The main tributary is Rubka (p).

Transport: st. Semenovsky railway Kotelnich-Galich line; Art. Sherstki railway line Kotelnich - Gorky.

M149. Yuma, Tansy:

from Art. Yuma, to Sovetsk, 248 km (Yuma river, 71 km: Yuma station * - Ezhikha station, 33 km - Katni village, 25 km - mouth, 13 km; Pizhma river, 177 km: Yuma - mouth of the Yaran River, 113 km - Sovetsk, 64 km).

Yuma is the left tributary of the Tansy. Flows to the southwest of the Kirov region. It begins east of the village of Barutkiny and flows to the south and southeast. The length of the river is 93 km. The main tributary is Atsvezh (l).

Transport: st. Yuma Railway line Kotelnich - Galich, station. Jezhikha railway line Kotelnich - Gorky.

M150. Yaran, Pizhma, Vyatka :

from the village Shkalanka to the Medvedok pier, 313 km (Yaran river, 102 km: Shkalanka village - Yaransk, 35 km - Naumovo village, 25 km - Nemdezh river, 28 km - mouth, 14 km; Pizhma river: r Yaran - Shalygino village, 96 km; Vyatka river, 115 km: Shalygino village - Lebyazhye village, 78 km - Medvedok, 37 km).

Yaran is the right tributary of the Pizhma. It originates in the southwestern outskirts of the Kirov region. and flows to the north-east, flowing into Pizhma below the village of Kotktysh. The length of the river is 151 km. Most of the tributaries are left bank: Urtmga, Shoshma, Nemdezh. The right tributary Lum flows into the Yaran in its upper reaches.

Transport: to the village. Shkalanka - bus from Yoshkar-Ola, 55 km, from the Medvedok pier - motor ship "Raketa" to Kotelnich; Yaransk - bus from Yoshkar-Ola, 85 km, from Kotelnich, 130 km, or from the station. Shakhunya f. village Kirov - Kotelnich, 112 km.

M151. Izh, Pizhma and Vyatka :

from the village Nikulyata to the village. Lebyazhye, 226 km (Izh river, 77 km: Nikulyata village * - bridge on the road Voya - Kozakovo, 18 km - Sretensk village, 13 km - Bol. Yasnur village, 17 km - Pavlovo village, 20 km - mouth, 9 km; Pizhma river, 73 km: Izh river - Sovetsk, 64 km - mouth, 9 km; Vyatka river: Pizhma river - Lebyazhye village, 76 km).

Izh is the right tributary of the Pizhma. Flows through the Kirov region. It begins near the southern border with the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, east of the village. Nikulata. Flows to the NE, N and NW. The length of the river is 86 km. The main tributaries are Pizhanka and Shuda (l).

Rafting from the village of Nikulyata is possible only at the peak of the flood, after the opening of the river in mid-April. Rafting below is also possible only in spring. The river is shallow, with frequent shoals and riffles. The riverbed is predominantly sandy, the banks are high, overgrown with bushes or bare. There are no forests along the banks.

Transport: bus to Yaransk, from Yoshkar-Ola, 85 km, or Shakhunya, 112 km; With. Nikulyata - bus from Yaransk, 42 ​​km; Poigishevo village - bus to Sovetsk,

M152. Nemda, Tansy, Vyatka :

From Toktai-Belyak village to Arkul pier, 296 km (Nemda river, 162 km: Toktai-Belyak village - Novy Toryal village, 28 km - Chebykovo village, 15 km - Verkh. Russa village, 45 km - Kamen village, 45 km - mouth, 29 km; Pizhma river: Nemda river - mouth of the Pizhma river, 9 km; Vyatka river, 125 km: Pizhma river (Shalygino village) - Medvedok, 113 km - pier Arkul, 12 km).

SUNSET ON THE RIVER Pizhma (Pizhma River)




photo from Denis Burdin, V. Varaksin.

Tansy, river in the Gorky and Kirov regions of the RSFSR, the right tributary of the river. Vyatka. Length 305 km, basin area 14,660 km 2 . It flows through the plain in a winding channel, receiving numerous tributaries. The food is mainly snow. Average water flow is about 90 m 3 /sec. It freezes in mid-November and opens in the 2nd half of April. Splavnaya. Navigable 144 km from the mouth.

  • encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Pyzhma...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - right tributary of the river. Vyatka. It originates in Vetluzhsky district. Current length 180 in. The banks are low, but steep and for the most part wooders. Irrigates uu. Kotelnichsky and Yaransky and flows into the river. Vyatka near the village. Crows...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - R. Arkhangelsk province, Mezen district; its source lies in the southern part of the Timan ridge, from where it flows generally to the west before its confluence with the river. Mezen. The total length of the current is about 200...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Pyzhma...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - R. Arkhangelsk province, Pechora district, its source also lies at the Timan Ridge, flows from Lake Yam, from where it goes to the NE; the total length of the current is about 200 centuries; flows into Pechora at the same mouth as Tsylma...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Belaya Kholunitsa, a river in the Kirov region of the RSFSR, the left tributary of the river. Vyatka. Length 160 km, basin area 2800 km2. It originates in the western Verkhnekamsk Upland and flows along an undulating plain...
  • - Vyatka, a river in the Kirov region of the RSFSR and the Tatar ASSR, the right tributary of the Kama. Length 1314 km, basin area 129 thousand km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Kerzhenets, a river in the Gorky region of the RSFSR, a left tributary of the Volga. Length 290 km, basin area 6140 km2. It flows mainly in a wide valley along the Volga-Vetluzhskaya lowland. The channel is winding, at the mouth it divides into branches...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Miass, a river in the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions of the RSFSR, source - in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, right tributary of the river. Iset. Length 658 km, basin area 21,800 km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Nemda, a river in the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Kirov region of the RSFSR, the right tributary of the river. Tansy. Length 162 km, basin area 3780 km2. It flows within the Vyatsky Uval. The food is predominantly snow...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Pizhma, an urban-type settlement in the Tonshaevsky district of the Gorky region of the RSFSR. Railway station on the line Gorky - Kotelnich. Lespromkhoz. Altsevsk peat enterprise...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Pizhma, a river in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the left tributary of the river. Pechory. Length 389 km, basin area. 5470 km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Fedorovka, a river in the Kirov region of the RSFSR, the right tributary of the river. Cobra. Length 139 km, basin area 2310 km2. It originates from the Northern Uvaly hill. The food is predominantly snow...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Pizhma (river in the Gorky and Kirov regions)" in books



4.12.11. THE MECHA RIVER ON THE KULIKOVO FIELD AND THE MOSCOW RIVER, OR THE MOCHA RIVER - A TRIBUTAR OF THE MOSCOW RIVER According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River p.76, “where many Tatars drowned.” And Mamai himself escaped with

From the book Reconstruction general history[text only] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.12.12. THE NEPRYADVA RIVER ON THE KULIKOVY FIELD AND THE NAPRUDNAYA RIVER IN MOSCOW ON THE KULISHKY FIELD. AND ALSO THE MOSCOW RIVER NEGLINKA The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River, p.76. This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all the chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. River

The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River (PSRL, vol. 37, p. 76 ), "where many Tatars drowned." And Mamai himself escaped with

From the book New chronology and concept ancient history Rus', England and Rome author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Nepryadva River on the Kulikovo field and the Naprudnaya River in Moscow on the Kulishki field. And also the Moscow Neglinka River. The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River (PSRL, vol. 37, p. 76). This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all the chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. River

2.13. The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River is a tributary of the Moscow River

From the author's book

2.13. The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River is a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River, “where many Tatars drowned.” Assam Mamai escaped with a few

From the author's book

2.14. The Nepryadva River on the Kulikovo field and the Naprudnaya River in Moscow on the Kulishki field, as well as the Moscow Neglinka River. The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River. This famous river is mentioned many times in all chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. Nepryadva River, by

Belaya Kholunitsa (river in the Kirov region)

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(BE) of the author TSB

Vyatka (river in the Kirov region)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VYA) by the author TSB

Miass (river in the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MI) by the author TSB

Kerzhenets (river in Gorky region)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KE) by the author TSB

Nemda (river in the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Kirov region)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NOT) by the author TSB

Fedorovka (river in the Kirov region)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (FE) by the author TSB

Fedorovka (river in the Kirov region) Fedorovka, river in the Kirov region of the RSFSR, right tributary of the river. Cobra (Vyatka basin). Length 139 km, basin area 2310 km2. It originates from the Northern Uvaly hill. The food is predominantly snowy. High water from April to June. Average

Pizhma (urban-type settlement in Gorky region)


Pizhma (river in Gorky and Kirov regions)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PI) by the author TSB

Pizhma (river in the Komi ASSR)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PI) by the author TSB

    Pizhma, a river in the Gorky and Kirov regions of the RSFSR, the right tributary of the river. Vyatka. Length 305 km, basin area 14,660 km2. It flows through the plain in a winding channel, receiving numerous tributaries. The food is mainly snow. Average water consumption... ...

    Pizhma, a river in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a left tributary of the river. Pechory. Length 389 km, basin area. 5470 km2. It flows from Yamozero, located on the Timan Ridge, and before the confluence of the largest right tributary - the river. The light one is called Pechora P. Food... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    This page was previously deleted or renamed (what does this mean?) 23:13, January 4, 2013 Obersachse (discussion | contribution) deleted the page Pizhma, river (Pecherskaya) (P3: redirect with an error in the name) ... Wikipedia

    This page was previously deleted or renamed (what does this mean?) 23:13, January 4, 2013 Obersachse (discussion | contribution) deleted the page Pizhma, river (Vyatsko-Kostroma) (P3: redirect with an error in the name) ... Wikipedia

    Tansy Flows through the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov regions Source Nizhny Novgorod Region Mouth of Vyatka Length 305 km ... Wikipedia

    Pizhma Flows through the territory of the Komi Republic Source Yamozero Mouth Pechora Length 389 km ... Wikipedia

    Right tributary of the river Vyatka. It originates in Vetluzhsky district. Current length 180 in. The banks are low, but steep and mostly wooded. Irrigates uu. Kotelnichsky and Yaransky and flows into the river. Vyatka near the village. Crows. Wood rafting. Marina in the village Kukarke, with... ...

    R. Arkhangelsk province, Mezen district; its source lies in the southern part of the Timan ridge, from where it flows generally to the west before its confluence with the river. Mezen. The total length of the current is about 200 centuries; matters as a connecting route between western and eastern... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

From July 23 to August 6 - exactly two weeks, a group of four people: from the old team, as usual, Yuri and I (Alexey) and two new team members - Alexander and Nikolay, this time walked along the Pizhma River along the so-called “lower route” " Now, I can already say that I swam almost the whole of Pizhma, albeit in two years, but out of the 208 km of the river flowing in the Kirov region, we swam exactly 195 km. I fell in love with Tansy very much, it became like family to me, so for the past three years I have been rafting along this interesting, beautiful and at the same time very unusual river. This is a river that winds very strongly; along one section of the bank you can walk straight through it in 10 minutes, and when floating on the water, maybe in an hour, because... the river can turn as much as 180 degrees. At the bends of the river, you often come across beautiful bays flowing through the forest - interesting for fishing snags with fallen trees, there were even sections of the river where it bifurcates into two completely identical ones, and you think about swimming left or right (it’s a pity that there is no sign: you’ll swim right - there are seas of fish, if you swim to the left there are even more fish, so you choose.

For a more visual description of the river itself and the places where we passed, I presented a fragment of the map where the entire route is visible. Numbers 1-2 mark the upper route, approximately 78 km long from the village of Sherstki to the Tuzhinsky Bridge, 2-3 is the lower route, 117 km long from the Tuzhinsky Bridge to the village of Rodygino, near the mouth of the Nemda. Both routes are designed for 2 weeks, you can, of course, reduce the number of days, but then the pleasure and enjoyment of fishing will be lost, you will need to row more than fish. Along the first route, the river is more flat and not wide, it winds a lot, the banks are wooded, there are a lot of forest debris. Along the second route, the river forms smooth bends in the open banks, alternating with overgrown floodplain forests. Pizhma also winds strongly, you come across many oxbow lakes, the current is weak, and unlike the upper route you come across many villages.

How do the routes differ from each other? I’ll say right away that I liked the first route more. But, first things first... The advantage of the lower route over the upper one is only that we drive right up to the river by car, and with so many things, when we need to take the upper route by train - quickly load it, join the chain, and also quickly unload it , and then carry all this belongings several times, about 500 meters to the river. But it’s worth it... But when you get into the boat and it carries you along the river (it turned out like Petrovich’s conclusion to all the answers on the forum), you forget about all the troubles. And one more small plus of the last route is that you can buy more food along the way, because... There are a lot of villages along the way, and maybe this is even a minus...

Having inflated the boats, we loaded all our things into them: a tent, sleeping bags, a smokehouse, clothes, food, “fuel” and a bunch of other little things needed in nature. Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing - these are gears, without them all the meaning of our journey is lost. And we went to the much-awaited ( whole year) rafting on the Pizhma River. Right now I’m writing, and something stirred in my soul, some sentimentality immediately washed over me, some feelings that I cannot convey. I understand that I want to go there again, I can’t do it anymore...

Immediately the first casts of the Blue Fox spinner No. 3 bring a perch. The perches are biting well.

Soon, while retrieving the same “bluefox” (as we affectionately called them), I began to fight off the annoying spiders, the spoon stopped, having dealt with the nasty insect, I want to bring the spoon to the boat... But the spoon went to the side, my back bent, I bring it out - pike. I pulled 1.7kg. Then another pike. I think it's a good start. If things continue like this, where will we put the fish?

We spent the first night in the parking lot with the kayakers. I counted eight boats and 15 people themselves. They have been rafting along the Pizhma, according to them, for about 20 years. All night long, songs were heard on the shore, and it was fun. We set off in the morning, the kayakers still stayed overnight. We came for fishing, and not just to relax, so we quietly swam. As I said above, there are a lot of forest debris on Pizhma, fallen trees all around, snags - a haven for a predator. So, there really are a lot of such places there, because now our path lay through the forest Tansy.

I started trying to fish with different spinners. There was no end to perch on Mepps Aglia TW yellow color(since the weather was sunny, I used duller lures) with a red wab on the hook. This is one of my favorite spinners, very versatile, because... it can be disassembled and you can install on this lure either a wabik, an octopus, or a tandem, whatever you like.

Here is another one of my favorite spoons, Myran Tuna Lax 25 (30) gr. Helped me out everywhere where I needed to move the lure deeper. The main thing is that it needs to be used skillfully, and it will not leave you without fish. To properly move such a heavy spinner, you need a fast retrieve, otherwise it doesn't work, but when the fish are not very active, a fast retrieve is useless. Therefore, it is better to use this lure in the current, where the current does not allow it to get lost, and the spinner can be carried out more slowly. These are the kind of perches that have already been caught on Tuna Lax. The color of the perch (black back) shows that this perch lives at depth. Nice perch.

The second parking lot was very close to the first one. It was just very hot, and some other circumstances forced us to stop. But I don’t think anyone regretted it. Only the kayakers were very surprised in the morning when they saw us sailing past - “Was it even worth moving from the spot?” And for dinner we had freshly caught smoked fish.

The next day proceeded as usual. A small pike weighing about 1 kg and also the ubiquitous perch bit. I caught it again with Mepps Aglia TW No. 3, but this time it was white, because... the weather is not sunny.

As soon as the river leaves the forest, the snagged banks are replaced by willow bushes and fluffy, lush green sedge.

Then the banks with beautiful greenery give way to steep banks with many different holes. When you zoom in on the lens, you can already see the nests of swifts and their chicks sitting there one, two and even three. Isn't it interesting?

On a collapsible Mepps, I installed a yellow octopus on the hook, and, one might say, rushing past a tree lying in the water due to the increase in current speed, I cast along the shore, because. Nikolai was already dragging a pike perpendicular to the shore. Immediately as the spoon was falling, I got a bite - two characteristic perch jerks were replaced by strong heaviness and pressure to the depth. I carefully bring it to the boat, spin the spinning rod in an arc and under the boat, I see a wide, driven pike body flashing in the water, somewhere at a depth of half a meter. “A good pike landed,” I think. I take it out, I take it out, once - perch. I don't understand anything. This perch weighing 250 grams couldn’t bend my spinning rod like that, but I clearly saw it had to be a pike. Just taking a closer look at the perch, I notice fresh wounds in the tail part, definitely from pike teeth. The photo shows a reddish streak and a frayed anal fin. “We should have pulled them both out at once,” shouts Alexander, who saw all this happening and whose pike also fell off right before I fished it out. Yes, there is a lot of it here, but the current here is fast, and it carries us further and further, because... We usually don’t stay in one place, there will still be many opportunities to catch pike, so we swim on.

The fish are caught, what else is needed, though pike are about a kilogram and a little more, a good measured perch. After all, it’s the month of July, it’s hot, for this weather it’s a good catch, especially since we’re constantly on the move, a pike came off, oh well, I’ll catch it later.

You’ve probably been wanting to ask for a long time: “Where do you put the fish? You can’t eat that much.” The photography was done with a hidden camera to capture this important moment. The fish was gutted, the gills were removed and salted in a plastic bucket, which we kept in the shade under a raincoat, which turns out to keep cool very well. Thus, the fish lay in salt for a day or two, depending on the size, so that it was well salted; such a bucket would take about a pack of salt. Gradually replacing the salted fish with fresh fish, we transferred it to a bag for preliminary drying, where all the juice drained, the fish was ventilated, then it was transferred to another bag, where it was finally dried. This is such a simple technology.

Tansy is rich in various species of animals and snakes. We came across muskrats, although we didn’t see any beavers, but there were a lot of beaver lodges. Snakes were found everywhere, often swimming across the river. Once Nikolai wanted to catch up with the “snake”, but the “snake” did not swim away as usual, but turned around and towards the boat... Yes, it’s not really a snake at all, but a viper, “we need to get away”...

When you catch a good fish, you really want someone to be nearby and film the whole process. There was no one nearby, and I had a camera, so I had to hold the spinning rod with one hand, and with the other I tried to turn on the camera, set it up and take a photo, and the pike wouldn’t get off... And when you pull out the pike, it’s not possible to hold it with one hand, she doesn't like to be photographed.

Desperate resistance from the pike, but I was able to overcome it, only the axis of the Mepps spinner No. 4 was bent. I haven’t gotten a single pike off the sharp Mepps hooks yet, except maybe small bass – the hook turned out to be too big for them.

Alexander was always worried that everyone was catching perch, but it was very rare for him, because he caught mostly with spoons. Explaining to him that it is better to catch them with a spinner. Things went well, Alexander was so pleased! We even have a phrase: “What’s biting?” - “No, just perches.”

In general, the bite that day was very good: pike up to 2 kg, sea bass, roaches. Caught on spinners and spinners small sizes. This is just one morning. I told our team that with such a bite, we should release the fish already, we have already caught a lot, why is there so much of it, I don’t really eat dried fish, but you have enough already. Release squinting up to 500 grams, almost all perches, except commercial ones, of course, if the fish are not severely damaged. Reluctantly, they agreed with me.
Swimming past one local fisherman who was carrying perch, I pulled out a small pike of 500 grams in front of him and offered it to him, because I was letting them go anyway. He says that he doesn’t need it, saying that he’s not here for fish, but for fun. Well, I do the same, and I release the pike, let it continue to grow. So we are not alone...

The next day also turned out to be quite good, and as the second week of our trip showed, this day was the last. Because then the bite stopped altogether, either the weather began to change, or some other reasons unknown to us... Then the men grumbled at me that they were releasing so many fish, but now nothing is biting at all - don’t worry, I don’t need your salted fish at all, take it all.

This is the change in weather. A storm was coming, rose strong wind. It’s good that we stayed in this parking lot for the second night, so the bad weather didn’t take us by surprise. We were then standing on the Barskaya pit. Yuri promised us here big hole and a lot of fish, but he himself was here last time about five years ago, there was almost nothing left of the hole, and only in this large bay was grass pike caught.

In the morning we finally left this “Cursed” pit. In previous days, as practice has shown, pike pecked well near steep clay banks on spinners in shape close to a “spoon” or “atom”, i.e. not narrow ones, but those that are wider. They lowered the spoon to the bottom and began a slow, even retrieve; they could even lead with a step like a jig; only after the fall, the retrieve was accelerated; the pike took it mainly in the falling phase. So, I threw the oscillator, waited for it to reach the bottom and accelerated a few times - a hook. I put the spinning rod on the boat, paddle it with oars, pick up the spinning rod again, reel it in, tug it, yes, there’s a serious hook. But I didn’t understand that it seemed to be a fishing line somewhere away from the original place... I pulled again, something stirred there in the depths, a huge weight, I couldn’t tear away from the bottom what was there, at the other end of the fishing line. No sudden jerks, just strong pressure deep and the line goes to the side. What kind of fish is there? After some time, I bring it closer to the boat, trying to make this miracle appear from the water, the spinning rod bends into an arc and under the boat, as if there was not a fish there, but a brick hanging and just playing in the current... Yes, what is this..., All the same, I was able to make it appear that it was wide, like some kind of underwear, but some kind of very incomprehensible. After this, the fish lost strength, and it became more submissive. I stopped using the landing net, so I didn’t even lay it out, I think I still won’t be able to pull out the laundry without it. I shout to Nikolai, who was nearby, help me, I need a landing net. With its help we get... bream.
Wow, the spoon caught it under the upper fin, then I understand why it was so hard to drag it, because the weight in the fish was 1,300 kg, and I was dragging it by the fin and sideways, so the fish could provide more resistance than, if they dragged her by the mouth. One could also guess that it was bream; when the fish took a breath of air, it became more submissive, but for some reason I doubted whether I was catching it with a spoon...

The weather began to recover; by the evening of July 30, the clouds began to disperse, and the sun was peeking through in some places. We were approaching Chumaneevo, behind this village there should be the promised hole again, here we wanted to stop for the night. They found a hole, I immediately pulled out a small pike on a Mepps spinner with a bright orange five-centimeter ocutopus. But the place to spend the night was already occupied by some young people, and we sailed further simply by oars, because... It was already getting dark. We got to the Obukhovskaya pit (that’s what Yuri called it, because from it you can already see the village of Obukhovo, but it’s a long swim along the river to get there).

We stayed at the Obukhovskaya Yama for two nights, the places here are really good. I photographed white water lilies here, of which, in principle, there are a lot of yellow ones along with yellow ones. I’d seen a lot before, but I kept thinking – then I’ll take a photo somehow – it’s beautiful, but since fishing during the day, you’re only free in the evening, and in the evening they’re gone... it turns out they’re just closed at night, I don’t really care about that knew...

Tansy in this place turned 90 degrees, forming a vast beautiful bay, which smoothly turned into a hole with a depth, if I’m not mistaken, up to 5 meters (for Tansy this is a good hole). The predator still didn’t bite, no matter what we did, only Nikolai, at the very entrance to the pit, pulled out a 1 kg pike and that’s it. I began to catch small breams and roaches on the side fishing rod until I ran out of worms. By the way, the locals are very good at catching ides almost everywhere, even though they are very large ones for steamed peas. There are a lot of ides in these places. Once at one of the pits we met underwater hunters, judging by their conversations, this type of fishing is often practiced here.

When we came across more or less some kind of fish, such as perch, we immediately became more cheerful. Occasionally, well, very rarely, no, no, a perch or a “string” will bite. Alexander told me later that he saw a large battery among those young people near Chumanevo. “Why didn’t you say it right away”... They should have drowned him, they don’t just carry batteries with them. Then on the river we began to come across dead kilogram burbots and ruffe, floating upside down with their bellies. And the bleak behaved very unusually, it was as if Submarine with a periscope, she cut the surface of the water from side to side and could not dive under the water. I don’t know exactly why all this happened, but it seems to me that it was the influence of electric current. To be honest, some kind of chaos was happening on Pizhma near populated areas...
In the area of ​​the village of Khudyaki, after Poksta, the following happened. I’m swimming, I see a tractor on the shore, a UAZ, a crowd of men (ten people), two of them are swimming across the river and shouting at me to swim faster, otherwise I’ll go on foot. It turns out that a net is stretched very tightly across the entire river, it rises about half a meter above the water, the men deliberately lowered it and are waiting for me to swim through. What do they do next: a tractor about a kilometer upstream drags a huge drag across the entire river to this net, so it stands even higher than the water so that the fish cannot jump out. So with this nonsense they simply rake everything in their path and rake it clean. So where do the fish come from here...

After the village of Obukhovo there is a wide deep reach, the places are beautiful and there is fish here, every now and then powerful splashes of some kind of fish were heard on the river. A small pike was caught, swallowing the wobbler almost completely. The large pike was shy; sometimes you throw a spoon towards the snags, but instead of rushing at it, it jumps through the water further behind the snags. Or he walks, follows the lure, and right next to the boat he calmly turns around and leaves. The moment she grabs the spoon right next to the boat, splashes her with water from the blow of her huge tail, while I’m still figuring out what it was, she adds it again, and without giving me time to come to my senses, she leaves, and I sit, flow around, digesting what happened, it was very big pike...

Further from the lack of bites, we began to have fun with bleak, which here is not at all shy and quite large sizes. They threw horseflies into the water, first the small ones attacked, then, out of nowhere, a large individual appeared from the depths, and the horsefly disappeared.

Bohrok. There was always a bite here; we have never left here without fish. I got a bite, a strike right next to the boat, I heard a strike from Yura, from Nikolai... Yes, what is it? Not a bite all day, but now there’s been a bite and an unfortunate disappearance. Only Alexander was able to pull out the small “lace”. Soon I finally get the “string” on the Tuna Lax (this lure is too big for him), at this time the rangers swim past me on a motorboat, slowing down, I defiantly let go, they look at me meaningfully, add gas and swim away further. I don’t understand how I attracted their attention... Immediately I still took a kilogram of pike for a splash on the same spoon.

Just look at these “three musketeers”. Three boats were hitched together and what do you think they were doing, fishing? But no. They drink beer and relax, the river carries them with the flow, there is no need to row, there is no breeze, it’s sunny, warm, even if it’s evening, and even if the fish don’t bite, but... they feel GO-RO-SHO, take their mind off various problems, no worries . Probably someone has already imagined themselves in their place. I see, I see, and you wanted to float carefree along the river.

As I said above, Pizhma has a lot of oxbow lakes near its shores. Here is one of them, literally three or four kilometers from Boroka. It was not possible to really check what kind of fish there was in this lake, but a small roach pecked at the worm, smacking sounds were heard in the water lilies, it seems that crucian carp and tench are still present here.

The closer we got to Sovetsk, the more the river became wide and flat. Whatever Tansy was, no matter where it flowed, it was still beautiful in its own way, and even now there are such unusual places, hilly banks.

We'll all be home tomorrow. This is the last night near Lesnikovo. In two weeks we sailed through four regions where the Pizhma River flows: Tuzhinsky, Arbazhsky, Pizhansky and Sovetsky. I liked the river in the Tuzhinsky and Pizhansky districts, in the Arbazhsky and Sovetsky districts not so much, this is due to the fact that in these areas there are a large number of villages, this in turn influenced the fish bite, the presence of poachers, nets, and the river itself carried more here flat character, which from a fishing point of view is not so interesting...

I would like to finish my report with the following. I caught this pike on July 30, I really wanted to bring home fresh fish, but there was no bite, there was nothing to count on. She again took Mepps Aglia TW No. 4 with a green ocutopus, which disappeared somewhere when playing. Weighing about two and a half, it was the only more or less large pike caught during the entire trip. I put her on a kukan, maybe it’s cruel, but for a whole week I carried her on a kukan. Only on the last day, literally a couple of kilometers from our final destination, the pike, as if sensing something, made a desperate jerk, and the rope on the kukan weakened. I couldn’t believe that a pike could escape from a kukan. The kukan did not unfasten, the pike simply broke its jaw. This way the pike will no longer survive; it probably decided that it was better to die in freedom than in a frying pan. But, of course, my mood dropped, I stopped fishing, and just rowed. In two weeks of fishing, I brought almost nothing home.
But that’s not the main thing! Two weeks of a wonderful trip around Pizhma, friendly team, picturesque nature, river, fresh air– that’s the only reason it’s worth going this route. It may seem like a very long time to some, but I will say that these two weeks just flew by. Still, everything seen and felt cannot be conveyed in a report. You have to go through this yourself, and then it will become clear what was missing in this everyday life.

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Rafting on the Pizhma River

This time we rafted from September 5 to 18, again along the upper route from the village of Sherstki to the Tuzhinsky Bridge along the Pizhma River. There were also four of us rafting, but in a slightly changed composition: Yuri (as before, the eldest in our team), Vasily, Igor, and, well, me.

Morning of the first day - preparation for departure along the river.

Nature in the upper reaches of Pizhma.

According to tradition, when fishing, it is customary to kiss the first fish when you catch it. The first to catch it was a small little bee, well, very small, and he grabbed the spoon greedily - he’s such a young thing! (Mepps Aglia Mouche No. 2 yellow).

And then let him go, it’s not a sin to let him go, let him grow up.

For lovers of water extreme sports, there are shallow rifts with snags.

On the first day, Yuri broke both oar strokes - they turned out to be weak.

At the beginning of the trip there is nothing special to brag about. Perch up to 200 g, small pike up to 1 kg.

Then we caught a lot of perch from 200 to 300 grams - standard perch. Now we have agreed not to take perch smaller than the length of a palm; small ones squint on their own. They didn’t want to salt the fish a lot, as in last time, so we decided to eat fish, especially large ones.

Here is a frying pan made from perch caviar (very tasty!!!)

Here is the first big pike.

"Let me go…"

The place where this pike was caught turned out to be a natural monument (the place is not far from the confluence of the Yuma River with Pizhma). Here, for the first time, three people came across - Gorky residents. They walked empty, but with compasses. To the question “What about mushrooms, what about berries?” - they answered “By the berries, by the berries...”

This is what the place where this beauty was caught looks like from the side of the natural monument.

Its weight was about 3 kg with a length of 74 cm to the middle of the caudal fin (the weight is not visible in the photo - it shines). Caught on my favorite spinner Myran Tuna Lax 30g with a white petal. This pike dragged me quite a bit on the boat, then forward - I followed it, then back - under the boat.

We prepared fillet from it.

And they fried it in a frying pan and ate it with mushrooms. The head, fins and caviar were boiled in the ear (you'll just lick your fingers).

Later we came across these Gorky residents again - they turned out to be local poachers. Here in the bay, in the forest, there is a metal “house” where they store the motor and boat. They walked from Sherstki to their camp 25 km. We saw how they set up nets in the evening, and at night, I still didn’t understand what they were doing, but they swam at night with a large powerful lantern (maybe they were using a lantern). Up to this point, I came across nets, but only abandoned ones, I pulled a few ashore, I came across a lot (well, a lot) of poles from the girders, they were probably installed in the spring, because... some have sprouted.

Pike were more often found weighing more than 1 kg, standard size from 1.2 to 2 kg. I bit the ide at 830g.

I caught him too, interesting. In this place we caught several pikes and swam further, I heard a strong splash behind me. I think there is still a pike left that is hunting for fish, I decided to return. I throw my lure - nothing, a splash five meters from me - I throw it again, grab it, and pull out a small pike at 800 grams. I think to myself: “What was that?” and swam after everyone to keep up. There’s another splash behind me, I think, “So who is it?” Cast - and there it is, but it’s an ide! Honestly, I didn't expect it.

Two kilogram in the process of fishing.

A decent amount of perch began to bite. Nice humpback!

Its weight is 840g. Caught on Mepps Comet Black Fury No. 3 with red dots and red feathers (Bissona's favorite, if I'm not mistaken)

Tansy is interesting - fallen trees, snags.

And it’s beautiful, the water is clean and transparent, visibility in the water is about 1m.

More fallen trees and snags.

The shore near the village of Izipovka. I was in such a hurry to get here (this is the fourth time I’ve been here, there are two deep holes for good fishing), but I was very disappointed... All promising places were covered with heaps of nets, it was just terrible. Having left a bunch of spinners in these nets (there were a lot of simply abandoned nets, where the top cord, as it seemed to me, was from something like a car belt on a radiator fan), I gave up on everything, I was tired of cutting out spinners from this trash. There were men from Kotelnich standing there with nets, saying that nothing was going in the net, so why bother putting them, we caught more with a spinning rod than they did.

Ide for 1kg 130g. Caught on Mepps Aglia TW No. 3 yellow, on the tee of which I hooked a small (covering only the tee) orange octopus. By the way, it generally bit very well, both pike and perch, i.e. better than spinners without an octopus attachment. Ide had to be salted, and his caviar was put in the ear, there was a full handful of caviar. And what a delicious soup!

This time I checked again how the perches bite; if you want them to bite more often, you need to tie red threads on the tee and that’s it. Standing near one snag, I pulled out about fifteen decent perches. The pike, as I wrote in the first rafting, also grabbed such spoons, quite greedily. Once, it just so happened that the gill of a perch remained on the hook of the spinner, having thrown it into the place where the pike was supposed to stop, there was a strong blow, I hooked it, I have seen more than once how pikes make candles, but this one jumped high out of the water like a dolphin and flew horizontally above the water, about half a meter, it fell into the water with a roar, there was so much shark greed in it, and its weight was only a little over a kilo.

On our route, not far from the village of Malye Kugalki, we came across an old-timer - an old man who was catching a small sorog with nets. He told us that many years ago they used to float timber along Pizhma, and now it’s clear why we came across a lot of submerged logs. He also said that Gorky residents come to Pizhma and hit fish with electric shocks, they are not afraid of anything at all, so for the first two days we did not come across any large fish.

Having sailed a little away from the grandfather, we see some man in simple camouflage taking off a net, in response to our question “What net are you putting up?” replies “No, I’m cleaning up”, “Was there any fish?” - “No, it wasn’t”, “So why are you betting then?” - “I’m actually a fishery inspector!”, “Oh-pa!” And already he begins to interrogate us: “Do you know that this is a nature reserve?” - “Yes”, “Don’t you play around with networks?” - “How is it possible, we are with spinning rods, there are already enough fish!” Then he gave us a political conversation: “When you see the nets, you can cut them, you can’t get them out, so this will be theft of property, people with nets cannot be called poachers - they are violators, and the court will determine who they are.” Well, we “told him” about Izipovka, that everything was in nets and about the Gorky residents. Having seized the net, he wrote out a protocol and put it on a stick to which the net was tied, and asked us if he could drive a motorboat upstream, got into the UAZ and drove off.

The more villages we came across, the worse the peck, the peck, but it was somehow difficult, with difficulty, and probably also because of the weather, it seemed that the pressure was jumping. We came across one such intelligent collective farmer on a wooden boat, himself in a white ironed shirt, a vest, a hat with a brim on his head - he was catching pike with live bait, on his boat with a thick fishing rod in the hole with oars a little forward, a little back, and he was rolling his live bait. back and forth, once it makes a hook - a pretty decent pike. He tells us: “Yesterday it was better - I caught seven pikes, today there’s only one.” This is how the locals catch it.

In the photo: perch at 560g, chub at 440g.

Igor with his trophy pike 2.3kg. For Igor, this is actually the first serious experience of fishing with a spinning rod. And he only caught it with a yellow Balzer spinner No. 2 with my red threads.

Pike underwater. I'll tell you how polarized glasses helped me. Standing on one of the holes next to a snag (the snags behind my back), I threw a white Manns Predator 3 vibrating tail, passed it with a step, and not far from the boat I felt a light brush, “well, maybe I hit some branches in the water,” I thought. I throw it a second time, at about the same place the same thing happens again, and... the white side of the fish becomes shallow. Wow, this is a pike, it attacks for the second time and cannot take it. I throw it a third time - while I was unhooking it, I found myself opposite a snag about fifteen meters from the place where the pike attacked my vibrating tail, and I threw it straight onto the snags - that’s where the instant catch happened. Poor Predator, she destroyed him in one go, swallowing almost the entire leash (15 cm). Inserting the yawn into her mouth, she waved her head, I just had time to notice how my yawn whistled into the water. I shout to Yura that I need a yawner, put it in and... The same thing is repeated, but the yawner falls into the boat. Yura to me: “You’ll drown me!” But I still took out a vibrating tail, the pike came out about 1.5 kg. I told Yura how it all happened, to which he replied that, of course, I would not have understood that the pike was attacking and would have swam further. Then they laughed at me that I was catching more fish because I was wearing glasses, which showed all the fish, and I threw the lures directly onto the fish’s head.

This is the end of the journey. It's sad, nature beckons, but next year I think we will come back here again. In September the fish bit larger than in last year in August. No matter how much we wanted to salt a lot of fish, we still ended up with a big bag. In September it is easier to preserve fish; we ate large pikes in two days - they did not spoil, the weather was cooler. And we were lucky with the weather, we only got wet one day, the rest of the time it was raining, we were already in the parking lot, or at night. One night frost fell, even on the boats there was ice. No luck with mosquitoes, no one expected that in September there could be so many mosquitoes - small, but so angry, they bit as soon as they landed on your head and hands. The only thing that was reassuring was that we noticed that the mosquitoes flew out from 5 to 7-30 pm, then they disappeared somewhere.
The river became very shallow; along our route, the average depth was, if I’m not lying, 1 m, in the holes – up to a maximum of 3 meters. So we simply sailed long distances because of the shallows.
And yet the soul asked to go home, to the family... Two weeks of unforgettable impressions!!!