Visiting the sun eater Zinaida Baranova. Vision and inner voice

Eastern teachings reveal many possibilities human body, many of which seem incredible. One of them includes the effect of “prano-eating” (sun-eating, breatharianism), in which a person does not feel the need for water and food, but exists at the expense of prana, as well as air and sunlight. Science is skeptical about these claims, however this experience documented in the century before last. The most famous prana-eater today is the Indian yogi Pralad Jani, who has gone without food or drink for more than 70 years, starting at the age of eight. Among the people who have been practicing this experience for quite a long time is our compatriot Zinaida Baranova.

Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova was born in 1937 and most she lived her life like all her contemporaries. She received a diploma as a process engineer for the meat and dairy industry, worked as an engineer in oil and fat production at a Sverdlovsk plant, got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son, and taught chemistry at Polytechnic Institute Krasnodar, was preparing to defend her dissertation. Zinaida was a convinced materialist, was a member of the party and was even the secretary of the faculty party organization. However, in 1980, fate dealt the woman several heavy blows: first her parents died, then her 18-year-old son died in a car accident. The misfortunes that befell Zinaida Grigorievna led to severe depression and a sharp breakdown in her health: the functioning of the heart and blood vessels worsened, then pathological changes began in others internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. Doctors recognized her as a disabled person of the second group and could practically do nothing to help her. However, Zinaida Baranova, who still needed to get her daughter, at that time a school graduate, back on her feet, managed to overcome her ailments by turning to unconventional methods healing and spiritual practices. She wet herself cold water, studied “Baby” by Porfiry Ivanov, cleansed the body according to Malakhov. Zinaida Grigorievna also re-read and comprehended the “Gospel”, “Agni Yoga” and other literature many times. In 1990, she moved to the village of Kutais in the Krasnodar Territory and began to live in rural areas in the foothills of the Caucasus, she grew flowers and vegetables. Zinaida tried to merge with nature, all year round I walked barefoot and was a vegetarian. Studying the Bhagavad Gita led Baranova to the idea that God is energy, and, according to her, she opened a channel of communication with higher powers, which manifested itself in the form of her inner voice. In 1997 inner voice advised Zinaida Grigorievna to switch to eating water and vegetable infusion. In addition to infusions, she drank tea with honey and soy milk. In forty days, the woman’s weight decreased by 10 kg, reaching 70 kg, and an itchy rash appeared on the skin, which Zinaida herself explained by cleansing the body of harmful substances and treated with herbal baths. At the same time, she was cheerful and energetic, made a trip to Lake Baikal, visited her daughter in Blagoveshchensk, visited Moscow and Novosibirsk, and carried a heavy backpack with her everywhere. After switching to a vegetarian diet, Zinaida Baranova began to gain weight again and by the beginning of 2000 she already weighed 90 kg. Before Easter, she decided, according to the teachings of Porfiry Ivanov, to perform complete fasting during Lent, and heard her inner voice, which said that she could already do without solid food. From that day, March 26, 2000, Zinaida Baranova stopped eating, and after 24 days she felt that she could do without water. The restructuring of the body continued for a month and a half, during which the woman experienced weakness and had difficulty moving. However, over time, she became healthy and vigorous, did not experience any craving for food, while the intestines and urinary system retained their functions, although they worked very rarely. Zinaida stopped cultivating the garden, leaving only a small bed of greenery for visiting guests. There is no refrigerator in her house and gas stove, she does not visit the village grocery store.

Zinaida Grigorievna believes that the energy for the functioning of her body comes directly through the chakras, and water is absorbed from the air through the lungs and skin. Baranova remained silent about her diet, which she prefers to call “autotrophy,” for two years. In 2003, at the insistence of family and friends, she underwent examination at the department Faculty of Medicine them. Lumumba. According to Professor Chizhov, who conducted thermopuncture diagnostics of Zinaida Grigorievna, biological age The 67-year-old woman was 30 years old, her cardiovascular system and spine were in in perfect order. At the same time, there was an imbalance in the lungs, liver, digestive system. Similar results were obtained during the examination of Baranova in Kyiv and Sofia. Zinaida Baranova is cheerful, energetic, friendly, does not experience hunger or appetite, although she periodically gets fat. She travels all over the world, conducts seminars, and continues her education. In 2010, Baranova received a diploma social psychologist V Krasnodar University, then studied at the Vedic Academy in Kyiv. Zinaida Grigorievna masters English language, takes guitar lessons from her good voice. At the same time, Baranova does not listen to the radio or watch TV, she does not even use mobile phone. Zinaida goes to bed early, but always wakes up in the middle of the night - it is at this time that she communicates with her inner voice and By higher powers. She claims that poetry was transmitted to her from the subtle plane famous poets, including Mayakovsky and Vysotsky, which were published by her back in 2001. After communication, the woman sleeps until 4-6 am, and begins the day with prayer. It should be noted that any speech or video about Baranova is accompanied by many critical reviews and doubts about its veracity. Zinaida Grigorievna does not pay attention to her opponents, she simply continues to live as she sees fit.

AT HER 67 years old, Zinaida Grigorievna looks blooming, full of energy human. “Do I look like a dying person?” - she asks. In fact, it’s hard to believe that this woman... has been living without food and water for more than three years. So, in any case, she and some of her friends say. Is this possible?

Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova formerly worked as a process engineer in the oil and fat industry in Sverdlovsk, then moved to Krasnodar. She was born in her prime Soviet period, was a convinced materialist, was a member of the CPSU and held the position of secretary of the primary party organization in one of the research institutes.

She got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son. It so happened that in 1980 her eighteen-year-old son died. After this event, Zinaida Grigorievna was in severe depression for a long time, general state it worsened: deep disorders of the cardiovascular system, pathological changes in the osteoarticular apparatus and in some other organs arose. She received the second group of disability for a whole bunch of diseases. Zinaida Grigorievna tried to recover; when I realized my complete failure drug treatment, decided to improve my health on my own, radically changing my life.
In 1990, she began looking for unconventional healing methods and immediately put them into practice. She cleansed the body according to Malakhov and Semenova, brought to life “Baby” by Porfiry Ivanov (walking barefoot all year round, cold douches, abstaining from food, etc.). In 1993, Zinaida Grigorievna gave up meat and fish.

Over time, almost all bodily ailments disappeared.

In parallel with health-improving activities, she carried out spiritual work on herself: she read and comprehended the Gospel at least seven times, trying to understand the concept of “God”, read “Agni Yoga”, “Fundamentals of World Understanding” New Age» Klizovsky and other spiritual literature.

Later, she moved from the city to the countryside, in the foothills of the Caucasus. There she was engaged in growing plants, caring for flowers, and closely communicating with Nature. Zinaida Grigorievna performed all types of work on her personal plot with great love to Mother Nature, literally merging with her soul and body. She ate only plant foods. All this, to a certain extent, gave her body a boost. Then she began to help people, conveying to them the proven health practice. Thus began the stage of her ministry.
In 1997, she was asked from Above - by an inner voice - to switch to a water-broth diet. For forty days, Zinaida Grigorievna took tea with honey, soy milk, and vegetable broths. During the first two weeks, the weight decreased synchronously by half a kilogram per day (seven kilograms in two weeks). Subsequently, the weight stabilized and remained around 70 kilograms. There was no loss of strength, but on the skin in some places (in particular, on the buttocks and mammary glands), as a result of the cleansing processes, unbearably itchy crusty formations appeared. Herbal baths helped relieve the itching. Being in the water-broth diet, Zinaida Baranova traveled around the country: to Lake Baikal, to Blagoveshchensk, to Novosibirsk, then to Moscow - all this with full tourist equipment.

Forty days later, she returned to a vegetarian diet, and her weight began to grow rapidly - by the spring of 2000 it was almost 90 kilograms.

At the same time - in March 2000 - she received a recommendation from Above to try to exist without food. She happily began to fast.

Two weeks after the start of fasting, she received a recommendation to refrain from drinking liquids. From that moment on, difficulties began that had to be overcome by force of will. A deep cleansing process continued in Zinaida Grigorievna’s body. Physically it was very difficult. Convulsions, internal “fluttering,” and vibrations occurred. Movement in space occurred mainly horizontally; it was almost impossible to climb stairs. At times it became scary. After about a month, the condition returned to normal.

“Since then, my body has been without food and liquid. This is not “dry” fasting - this is my way of life. My body is fed, but from other sources,” says Zinaida Baranova, “Is this fasting? This is not overcoming the feeling of hunger when I want to eat, but I don’t eat. I enjoy cooking for guests without feeling the urge to taste the food.”

Now her weight is stable - 73 kg.

She notes that she does not have a loss of strength, she great mood, she is able to carry a backpack with a volume of 65 liters in full gear, in a word, everything is like ordinary person. True, when intensive transformation processes are underway, it must remain in physical rest for 2-3 days, since something is happening in the muscles, joints and bones, and any load is contraindicated for them.

At the request of her friends, Zinaida Grigorievna decided to undergo a medical examination to find out the doctors’ point of view on what was happening in her body. She turned to the department of the medical faculty of Peoples' Friendship University to Dr. medical sciences, Professor A.Ya. Chizhov, who conducted a study using thermal acupuncture diagnostics.

The results of the study were assessed as follows:

“The energy activity and energy reserves of the body are satisfactory. The balance of the energy state of the channels is satisfactory. There are no problems with the spine yet. The first three channels with the most disturbed energy. These are: lungs, pericardium and pancreas. The “lungs” channel has the maximum imbalance.

The following functions are impaired: removing water and gas from the body (lungs); heart protection (pericardium); digestion and harmonious distribution nutrients in the body (spleen and pancreas); cleansing the body (liver).

State: external environment in a state of illness. The body, in most cases, cannot resist external unfavorable factors. State internal environment normal."

Professor A.Ya. Chizhov drew up a conclusion based on the results of Z.G.’s examination. Baranova, in which he indicated: “... on the day of the survey, satisfactory energy reserves and energy balance were noted. Arterial pressure 112/74 mm. rt. column, pulse 54 beats per minute, rhythmic, satisfactory filling and tension. The skin is of normal moisture, pale pink in color. A distinct blush on the cheeks. Skin turgor is not changed.”

The following was also noted there: given that Z.G. Baranova has been going without food since March 26, 2000 and without water since April 18, 2000; her body is in satisfactory condition as of April 28, 2001, and perhaps the identified disorders are a reflection of adaptive changes in the body. It further states that at the time of the examination, Zinaida Grigorievna had a normal background general activity, normal emotional activity, conservatism and innovation are balanced, harmony emotional state satisfactory.

In January 2001, in Sofia, Bulgarian specialist Ivan A. Todorov conducted an examination of Zinaida Baranova at the microfunctional level. The results showed that Zinaida Grigorievna has high vibration activity of the cardiovascular system, blood, central and vegetative nervous system, immune system, neuroendocrine and lymphatic system, osteoarticular system and spine, muscles, all sense organs, the reproductive system as a whole, all chakras and, especially, subtle body. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the vibrational activity of the digestive system as a whole, the stomach, pancreas, gall and bladder, as well as the ovaries - with high vibrational activity of the uterus (this means that if conception is impossible physical body sexual intercourse retains the possibility of bearing a fetus conceived in some other, for example, “immaculate” way. This amazing fact may indicate that in the near future there may be a manifestation in humanity of some other (transitional) method of reproduction of physical bodies. It is possible that the biblical method of conception will be realized - from the “Holy Spirit”).

In addition, some time ago, using the method of R.Voll and Zinaida Baranova, the biological age was determined to be 30 years. And from the point of view of the condition of other organs, which for a woman are very great importance, later in Kyiv they determined her age as 20-22 years. Zinaida Grigorievna recently stopped menopause and began a normal menstrual cycle.

The excretory system works regularly. Urine is excreted daily in an amount 3 times less than that of an ordinary person. The color of the urine is dark orange. Intestinal discharge of mucous consistency is very rare.

Despite the fact that Zinaida Baranova is a pensioner, she has absolutely no free time - she has a terribly busy schedule. She talks about it this way: “If you are in the service of the Lord and people, then this is Full time job, without weekends and holidays. I'm driving along different cities, I perform a lot, I meet with different people. I'm almost never alone when I'm awake. You have to work a lot with literature. I recently started learning English because I plan to travel to English-speaking countries in the near future.”

One of the employees of our School - Zinaida Baranova- gives an interview to Doctor of Sciences, academician and ufologist Gennady Belimov on the topic of his pranic nutrition...


"Experiment of Higher Powers, or...13 years without food and water"!


Invitation. Trip to Kutais.

Recent news from Krasnodar from Z.G. Baranova made me happy, setting me up for a quick trip to these parts. Once you are invited, there is no point in delaying.

Let me remind you that Zinaida Grigorievna is carrying out an unprecedented experiment of life without food and water, and it is in this act that the power is manifested Divine powers, which most of us, to be honest, don’t really believe in.

“Now I live permanently in the foothills of the Caucasus, I moved closer to nature,” the letter read. Along the way, a line was scratched: “Don’t believe the rumors about me. The environment sometimes manifests itself in such daring “word creation” that one is amazed...”

Therefore, the rejection of a situation where one can live without food remains among the masses. However, over the years, it began to seem to me that if not food, then Baranova could well consume water. Nobody put any restrictions on her, and there is nothing reprehensible if liquid is present in her diet. This was probably how some of my deepest doubts manifested themselves.

The village of Kutais not far from the town of Goryachiy Klyuch pleased with the pastoral pristine landscape and the comfort of rural farmsteads. The surrounding hills, all covered with curly copses, like the surface of a restless sea, were piled up in ramparts stretching south, all the way to the horizon, where they rose up into the sky like blue mountains. The spicy aroma of flowering acacias spread throughout the area, resounding with the cheerful chirping of birds and the buzzing of bees.

“A place of paradise...” - I thought, not without envy. “Ask Gorny Lane right behind the temple,” I remembered the guiding line from Baranova’s letter. And there is no alley! There is a path among trees and lush herbs, but there is no such thing as a road, entrances to houses, as we are accustomed to understanding an alley. But it’s also difficult to get lost: a house with the right number on the facade was soon discovered.

We met as if we had seen each other quite recently. Zinaida Grigorievna still looks the same - smiling, with kind eyes, fair hair, no age-related changes I didn’t notice, except that I had gained a little weight.

“Yes, alas, I’m a little over eighty,” he smiles, “I’ve gained four kilograms.” But no diet will help me, I’m already on a diet. Apparently, energy nutrition gives such an effect, and the body has enough calories in excess. I wouldn't mind being slimmer myself...

I didn’t beat around the bush and immediately asked directly about what had been occupying me all the way: was she eating now and, in particular, was she drinking water.

It turned out that everything remains the same: she has not taken food or liquids since 2000!

March 26, 2010 was anniversary date: It’s been ten years since the experiment on me began, and no one even remembered it! – Zinaida Grigorievna laughed. – However, this date is important, probably only for me, and not for society. To many, this generally seems like a hoax, although someday, I think, autotrophic nutrition will be recognized as an achievable reality. I do not rule out that humanity is already on the way to this.

“They say that there are about 30 thousand people in the world who feed on cosmic energy,” I supported the topic.

– Recently, a story was shown on TV with an 82-year-old yogi from India: Pralad Jani says that he has not taken food or water for about 70 years, and a two-week examination at a military hospital in Ahmedabad confirmed his veracity. True, doctors never understood why intoxication of the body does not occur, which ordinary people leads to death within a few days.

We walked around Baranova's garden and toured the premises of the house. Everything is neat and tidy, but, let’s say, her twelve acres of garden are pristinely overgrown with grass, although the fruit trees have partly faded and partly are in bloom. There are many flower beds around the house.

“In the nineties, I had a good garden here - with potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, all kinds of greens,” says Zinaida Grigorievna, “but now I only planted onions and garlic for visiting guests.” I don't need any supplies.

There really was no refrigerator in the house, or even a cellar for potatoes and pickles - an attribute required for villagers. The village of Kutais is gasified, but the owner did not provide gas to her place - there was no reason. The oven operates only in winter period when you have to heat with wood. Water is provided for washing, washing and for guests. Everything in her house suggests that food is finished here. No inventory, no costs. In the village, too, few people know about it, because in the store, usual place meetings of villagers, Baranova appears extremely rarely. Unless perhaps before the arrival of one of her relatives. But the fact that the processes of cooking and consuming food are completely eliminated from her everyday life is generally difficult to wrap her head around. My God, what a saving of time and effort!

I came from Baranova’s and observed my wife with different eyes - the kitchen is like an open-hearth for her: something is constantly boiling, crackling, frying... And every time you think about what to invent for variety. And what a cost savings! After all, most of the income is spent on food... True, I know where Baranova’s saved money goes.

For example, she has just returned from Ukraine, from Ternopil, where in May days she completed a three-year course of study at the Orthodox Academy of Slavic Vedic Culture. This is her third higher education. She received her second degree as a social psychologist five years ago in Kubansky state university, the first was a process engineer in the meat and dairy industry. Both latest education- for a fee. Plus she took guitar lessons (she has an excellent voice), plus traveling around the country, purchasing books, publishing her own... In short, she finds where to invest...

“Excuse me, but what’s your age?” I couldn’t resist.

I'll be 75 in November! – Zinaida Grigorievna reported proudly.

– You were probably the youngest student?

- But of course! – she laughed. But you know, my biological age is actually estimated at 26 years old. Every six months I check my aura, undergo other functional tests at the Krasnodar Auroscopy Center - and now, I’m getting younger, imagine! She could get married and probably give birth, but... - she hesitated - it’s difficult to find a person close in spirit. In addition, he must at least be a vegetarian; I do not accept any meat-eating: these are too low vibrations... And it seems that something like this is happening in the world - everything more people begin to refuse to eat meat and fish. I know many such examples, because many people tell me about this and ask for advice...

By the way, Zinaida Grigorievna has no relationship with medicine. Just as in the 90s, having given up all medications, she destroyed her plump medical book with many ailments, so she didn’t start a new one at all - there’s no need. Medicine is also absolutely indifferent to her, because she does not understand the processes occurring in her body. It’s better not to mention the experiment of the Higher Powers with doctors...

And what was clear to me was that she was constantly cheerful, friendly, humming, not a trace of fatigue or bad mood... And so it was for all three days that I stayed with her. Such positive attitude Most likely, the fact that she has neither a TV nor a radio in her house also contributes. How depressing, you see, all kinds of programs with disasters, catastrophes, crimes, injustice, blood, explosions here and there get on your nerves...

Well, everyone can continue the list of negativity that the media bring down on us every day and hourly. You grab your head from the crazy world...

The goal is to help the world of people!

And at the same time, Zinaida Grigorievna is by no means devoid of worries about the future of humanity, moreover, she is ready to participate in actions to improve the quality and meaning of people’s lives. This is precisely why the ancient Vedic culture of the Russians attracted her - it gives lost knowledge of the harmony of man and nature, forms in people a worldview of love and justice, and awakens a lot of good things in us.

“It is my duty to bring this knowledge to people,” she says. – Vedic culture teaches a lot. Just the fact that I acquired the skills of dialogue with the soul is very significant thing. Errors are eliminated, wrong actions are eliminated.... Is it bad? After all, a person knows a lot about himself, but does not believe and does not hear the clues. I am very glad that I got in touch with my roots...”

- Today there are so many various teachings and the technician, so maybe the Vedas are a fashionable fad? – I doubt it.

- Oh no! – Zinaida Grigorievna lights up. “I felt the correctness of the teaching with all my gut. Here are authentic and deep knowledge It is not without reason that their own and foreign kings fought mercilessly against Vedic wisdom, hiding its essence from people for centuries. I have studied many teachings. For example, the Krishna system. However, I became convinced: Hare Krishnas have a too narrowed level of consciousness, they are fixated on their mantra and vegetarian diet - and believe that this is enough.

The followers of Porfiry Ivanov also do not want to hear anything other than Parshek’s “Children”... This is how sects inevitably form.

Ancient Vedic knowledge – this is something else, this is deep. This is knowledge about oneself and Nature, with which one must live in unity. The Russians had too much gullibility and goodwill. This has led to the fact that the tougher nations have them pinned down, as they say. Note that they are afraid of Russia. They are afraid because strangers know the mystical significance of Russia more than we ourselves.

Alas, we do not know our strength. It is in our spirit, and they are trying to break it, belittle it, cloud it with alcohol, drugs... Why did the Americans come to Afghanistan? Yes, only in order to wage an opium war to destroy the Russians! You know - opium production in Afghanistan has increased tenfold! This is the plan of Allen Dulles, director of the CIA in the 50s, in action. Remember?

“...Having sowed chaos, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. ...Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the most base human feelings. ...We will quietly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unprincipled behavior. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed... Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - ... we will cleverly and quietly cultivate all this, all this will flourish terry color. ...We will always place our main emphasis on young people; we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities, cosmopolitans out of them...”

Tell me, what part of this “Dulles Doctrine” has not been implemented? Yes, almost everything has already been implemented!

Many people come to visit her. Fuel up on peacefulness, ask for advice, try to change your attitude towards life... No, no one is yet able to give up eating like she did, but switching to a vegetarian diet is healthy and necessary. We talked and argued a lot about this. And, of course, in some ways Baranova is right: the way we are poisoned today with concentrates, genetically modified products, all kinds of additives, when instead of meat they shove the devil into something... - no health is enough. That’s why we mostly die early and are guaranteed to die.

This time she had a young family from Krasnodar visiting her - she was tired Big city, crazy prices, unnatural rhythm of life, anxiety about everything and everyone. We were looking for a plot for own home. Both are ready to move. “If you don’t drink, you have a head on your shoulders, you won’t go to waste,” Andrei is confident in himself, having graduated with honors from Mordovian Technical University, an excellent computer scientist. By the way, a small point: in my presence, his wife Olga got a tick stuck in her neck, but in Baranova’s house there was no oil to lubricate the insect - so it will come out of the skin on its own. We made do with Vaseline.

Communication with Higher Powers.

Baranova’s routine is as follows: she goes to bed at about 21 o’clock, wakes up at 1-2 o’clock in the morning, and, as she says, the "night universities"– communication with God the Guardian, with other High Beings. Thinks about pressing issues, often writes down thoughts. Communication is telepathic, he receives answers, sometimes even in poetry.

By the way, she showed me a book of poems called “Creative Trio,” published back in 2001, which contains 120 poems by Vysotsky and Mayakovsky, transmitted to her from subtle planes. The poems are not uninteresting, I myself have not studied poetry before and do not write.

Then he falls asleep again until 4-6 am. In the morning, obligatory prayer is an appeal to the Gods.

-What prayer? Can you dictate? - I perk up. - Maybe I will do the same?

- Okay, write it down - it will benefit both you and nature... When I wake up, I usually say:

“Hello, sunshine, hello, angels - spirits of Nature! All-essential thanks to you for the blessings that you bring to the elements of fire, air, water, earth. Thanks to you from all beings for the blessings that you bring to Mother Earth and everything that exists on it. May the world be well! May it be good for the whole Universe and good for the universe. Let there be light!

I repeat this three times.

– So, your mood improves right in the morning?

- Oh, it’s always good for me! – Baranova smiles. – The main thing that I felt when this experiment with me began was that we must live in harmony with nature. And the city is pretty much destroying it, so I made my choice, and from now on I will live here. I can admit that on the whole I have achieved this harmony.

Next day unusual woman It turns out differently. Depending on whether she has guests. During the day he can take a nap for an hour. There are a lot of books in the house, and Baranova reads a lot, and I also suddenly discovered a TV. But there is no antenna, and it is intended for watching DVD films and lectures: the program of courses on Vedic culture is recorded mainly on disks.

Communication with Baranova was varied, we discussed the most various questions being. Suffice it to say that the voice recorder recordings took 9 hours.

She told in detail how she communicated with Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh when she developed in herself humility ; has information about his previous incarnations in different eras, knows that it is no coincidence that the experiment on pranic nutrition was started with her - similar ascetic feats have already happened in past lives. I even wrote down the phrase about “pranic nutrition” telepathically back in 1996, not yet knowing its meaning.

In Zinaida Grigorievna’s brain, clearly according to the divine plan, the centers responsible for food and appetite were turned off. It seems that she was specially prepared for such an experiment on the physical body, and so far it has been a brilliant success. And we keep thinking: is there a Creator God or not... Well, here we are shining example! It’s a pity that scientists don’t talk about this: it’s too tough materialistic science such wonderful things...

– What does the word and practice of humility mean? – I became interested.

- Oh, this most important condition person! – she lit up. – This is when you see, understand and... remain silent. But you are silent not out of arrogance, but realizing: a person must himself come to the necessary conclusions. You cannot force anything against his will.

My teachers, Radonezh and Sarov, taught me quite harshly how to develop this quality of character, even to the point of serious physical trials and hardships. But do not confuse humility with enlightenment - you should educate, but you should not impose it against your will.

– Why did the choice fall on you, an ordinary woman, an institute teacher, in life very modest man? – I began to move on to the main questions that worried me. – Was it really the death of your son that triggered the spring of your opportunities?

– My son died in 1980, and my rebirth as a person began in the mid-90s, and I don’t know for sure whether one is connected with the other. There is probably a connection...” the smile disappeared from my interlocutor’s face. “But now I understand why the choice fell on me.”

For some time now, I suddenly began to receive signs - sometimes they give Buddha figurines, then his image, then I read books about him with special ecstasy. And suddenly it turns out - however, to be honest, it came to me in the form of a revelation: as if I were Buddha's brother Ananda.

It was two and a half thousand years ago. When Buddha was poisoned and died in agony, his brother took a vow: he sat under a tree without food or water. I don’t know how long Ananda sat like that, but apparently my austerities began then.

Then he was incarnated as a monk under Sergius of Radonezh, and as a novice under Seraphim of Sarov...

A special article is life in the body of Ksenia of Petersburg, Zinaida continued.

“Really?..” I was amazed. “That’s why I was always struck by her strangeness: she never ate in public, distributing pieces of bread to beggars and dogs, and spent the night, they say, in an open field, even in winter.” How could this be?

- Well, it's not so difficult to understand. Yogis sit in the mountains in the snow and don’t freeze. This is a special energy state. Energy, like a cocoon, envelops the body, and a person is quite comfortable in it. I want to tell you about something else...” Zinaida Grigorievna was silent for a minute. – About how I felt a kinship with Ksenia...

In general, a neighbor gave me a magazine with a long article about the St. Petersburg blessed one. It was the first time I read about this, and for some reason I accepted her fate and suffering with all my heart. I performed akathists for her on Sundays - at home, not in church, and then I found out that in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery there was a chapel with her relics.

And suddenly I went there! I collected some scrap gold jewelry and some silver and set off. And late autumn, cold, slushy... She walked in front of the tomb as if in a dream, the tears were simply choking... Zinaida Grigorievna began to cry and could not continue the story for a long time. It was the first time I saw this cheerful woman in tears.

– When my turn came, I bent over the shrine and literally dissolved in some incomprehensible state... – (cries again). “I don’t remember how I came out, what happened.” She sat on the bench until she came to her senses. Everything valuable that I brought was donated to the maintenance of the chapel.

– You didn’t ask Ksenia for anything?

- No. It didn't even occur to me. I didn’t know why I rushed there, drove so far... But when I stood next to her, bowed to the ashes... you know, I was convinced. I was convinced internally: this was my destiny. But how tragic!..

It seems that Ksenia was my main experience of asceticism and a different state of the body before incarnating as the Russian woman Zinaida Baranova... – ... whom many people also don’t understand and would be happy to declare crazy, but there’s just no reason, I complain bitterly .

Night universities and body transmutation.

Of course, I did not ignore Baranova’s statement about her communication with God the Guardian.

- Who is he? – I asked.

– I don’t know everything about him for sure, but God the Guardian has known me for a long time; at least, I have felt his presence and help since the mid-90s. This deity is huge, I didn’t see him, I saw with my inner vision only his legs to the knees and his hand, but I was in his palm, like a little kitten... And I felt good in his palm... I am his ward, he is for I am answerable to the Gods. Why? Because, as it turned out, this is Ranta, the supreme Being.

Thirty thousand years ago, Ranta underwent the process of transmutation of the physical body, and since I also have the task of transmuting the body, He became my guardian. He is not one of the Slavic gods, but comparable to them.

Not long ago I read the book " White paper Welts” and I think: “Wow, judgments like those of my Guardian God!” And suddenly the thought in my head is not mine: “And this is me!” This came up in my late night discussions. He often answers my questions and even helps.

– Can you give an example of help?

“Oh, there are a lot of them...” my interlocutor thought. – Well, let’s say it’s very difficult to borrow money these days: people have stopped trusting each other. Even relatives. And when I started rebuilding the house where I now live, both friends and acquaintances gave me money without interest. And I have already paid off with almost everyone. Isn't it help?

It seems that now Zinaida Grigorievna is being led to healing. In this, the Russian Zhiva method became her assistant - a special section of treatment using natural forces.

“One day a man calls me on the phone,” she recalls. – He can’t come, he’s disabled, atrophy of the heart wall is a very difficult diagnosis. And he is only 44 years old!.. They began to figure it out. I said that I would deal with it if, according to Vedic traditions, a person takes responsibility for his recovery.

It was necessary to find the cause of the disease. It turned out that this was cruelty. But he assures: “No, I’m kind! I help my loved ones, I’m not greedy...” And, as it turns out, I spent half my life hunting, constantly killing animals and birds. But in nature there is a law of balance - As much animal blood is shed, so much human blood will be shed.

It is not for nothing that wars do not subside on earth and there are many bloody crimes. Even just by ordering a tenderloin or eating sausage, he is already ordering the killing of animals. That is, a potential customer of the murder of people, injuries, death in wars and terrorist attacks.

The Vedas teach that you must give up eating meat! And this young man no longer eats meat, he sold his gun and his hunting equipment, and I am now working with him on photography. We create a positive thought form that he is healthy, and this affirmation begins to take effect.

The main thing is that we have eliminated the cause of the disease, his hardness of heart, and his health is already noticeably improving.

Baranova accepts herbal treatment, but does not accept chemical medicine. “We treat one thing, we cripple another,” she is sure, already as a professional chemist. Add to this the obvious element of pharmacologists profiting from people’s health, and the dead end of drug medicine will be obvious. For the most part, people do not become healthier by consuming pills and complex drugs. TO full life“folk” means of prevention are: dousing with cold water, hardening, walking barefoot, working outdoors and other procedures.

– Acting according to Zhiva’s rules, I got rid of glasses! – Baranova celebrates her next achievement. “But all I have to do is eliminate the disbelief in myself...

But there's one more thing important condition- try don't get angry .

- Is this possible? – I was surprised. – There is so much injustice around, so much bad things are happening... – So what? Did you get angry and it disappeared? I assure you, there is no point in being angry. On the contrary, it only fuels negative energy, and the pendulum of evil is swinging more and more. Look, others will get a crack on the forehead...

Through anger and resentment you help dark forces, give them yours vital energy. I know from myself - myself positive force there turns out to be love in the soul for everything that is good on Earth. I have lived for many years only with this feeling and feel great, this is my way of life.

They say that even if one candle burns in the darkness, that’s already good. And when two, three, ten, thousand light up?.. People begin to understand that It's not anger, it's love that decides everything ...

Today, as Zinaida Grigorievna assures, her physical body is undergoing a transformation, vibrations are rising, and she is already in some way transitional creature, between the 3rd and 4th dimensions. By the way, Baranova sometimes produces urine, but it is small and rare; there are also discharges of solid fractions - very rarely.

– But your organs have not atrophied, what do you think?

- I think no. However, we only know about physiological functions internal organs, but we don’t even suspect about esoteric ones.

Let's say the Teachers gave me the following phrase about the intestines: “It cleanses the space...”

The stomach also has some function; even the appendix is ​​necessary and functional in the subtle world.

In my night universities I was once told: “You are now a synthetic being, a new one – an energofite.”

That is, it is like an energy plant that absorbs all the necessary microelements necessary for the life of the body from environment and space. That's probably true. But I'm no longer afraid of looking strange. Absolutely!

– How do you rate modern science? – I couldn’t help but ask.

“I recognize its limitations.”

– Can this be created artificially?

- Yes maybe. Certain forces, and it is possible that from the outside, since the limitations of science are global in nature, are preventing people from gaining insight. Why should people give true knowledge? So that they stop being slaves? Someone very powerful does not want to lose blind robots from whom life-giving energies are being siphoned...

About the Transition and the "end" of the world...

Surprisingly, Baranova really believes in the Transition. He believes that it will definitely take place and refers to information from the Higher Powers on this matter. But he doesn’t understand it the way other “clairvoyants” write about it.

“I’m looking forward to 2012 quite calmly,” she says. - I know that everything will be fine. For all! There will be no end of the world in terms of the destruction of all living things. There will be an end to the old, half-animal way of life, but is that bad? Therefore, there should be no fear of the Transition. If now people leave, die or perish in disasters, it means that the souls have exhausted the possibilities of awakening the consciousness of the owner.

Increased mortality means that the chances of these individuals have been exhausted.

– What if nothing happens in 2012?

- So it will happen in the 13th, 14th! The process has begun and it is irresistible.

Baranova’s immediate tasks, as far as I understand, are to achieve such a transformation of the body (increase in frequency) that it would be possible to travel around the world in the form of a package of a physical matrix. Not astrally - she has a bad attitude towards astral travel because of the dangers of the Subtle World - but physically. The way Elena Roerich could do it, sometimes being in eight places at the same time.

Baranova’s dream is to find herself in places where her presence will be necessary.

“Not energetically,” she clarifies, “but physically...”

She promised to come to my house as soon as she could do this. Well, I'll wait for a return visit...

In general, all the impressions from meeting such a unique person You can’t even retell it briefly.

It's going on before our eyes interesting life and an extraordinary, amazing experiment of the Higher Powers.

We are taught to think that we are not alone in the Universe and, of course, many interesting things still lie ahead of us.

The material was provided by Doctor of Sciences, Academician, ufologist G. Belimov.

IN THE PHOTO: Zinaida Baranova with the world famous pranaeater from Australia Jasmukhin.

Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova was born in 1937 and lived most of her life like all her contemporaries. She received a diploma as a process engineer for the meat and dairy industry, worked as an engineer in oil and fat production at a Sverdlovsk plant, got married, gave birth to a daughter and a son, taught chemistry at the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute, and was preparing to defend her dissertation. Zinaida was a convinced materialist, was a member of the party and was even the secretary of the faculty party organization. However, in 1980, fate dealt the woman several heavy blows: first her parents died, then her 18-year-old son died in a car accident. The misfortunes that befell Zinaida Grigorievna led to severe depression and a sharp breakdown in her health: the functioning of the heart and blood vessels worsened, then pathological changes began in other internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. Doctors recognized her as a disabled person of the second group and could practically do nothing to help her. However, Zinaida Baranova, who still needed to get her daughter, then a school graduate, back on her feet, managed to overcome her ailments by turning to unconventional methods of treatment and spiritual practices. She doused herself with cold water, studied “Baby” by Porfiry Ivanov, and cleansed her body according to Malakhov. Zinaida Grigorievna also re-read and comprehended the “Gospel”, “Agni Yoga” and other literature many times. In 1990, she moved to the village of Kutais in the Krasnodar Territory and began to live in the countryside in the foothills of the Caucasus, growing flowers and vegetables. Zinaida tried to merge with nature, walked barefoot all year round, and adhered to vegetarianism. Studying the Bhagavad Gita led Baranova to the idea that God is energy, and, according to her, she opened a channel of communication with higher powers, which manifested itself in the form of her inner voice. In 1997, an inner voice prompted Zinaida Grigorievna to switch to eating water and vegetable infusion. In addition to infusions, she drank tea with honey and soy milk. In forty days, the woman’s weight decreased by 10 kg, reaching 70 kg, and an itchy rash appeared on the skin, which Zinaida herself explained by cleansing the body of harmful substances and treated with herbal baths. At the same time, she was cheerful and energetic, made a trip to Lake Baikal, visited her daughter in Blagoveshchensk, visited Moscow and Novosibirsk, and carried a heavy backpack with her everywhere. After switching to a vegetarian diet, Zinaida Baranova began to gain weight again and by the beginning of 2000 she already weighed 90 kg. Before Easter, she decided, according to the teachings of Porfiry Ivanov, to perform complete fasting during Lent, and heard her inner voice, which said that she could already do without solid food. From that day, March 26, 2000, Zinaida Baranova stopped eating, and after 24 days she felt that she could do without water. The restructuring of the body continued for a month and a half, during which the woman experienced weakness and had difficulty moving. However, over time, she became healthy and vigorous, did not experience any craving for food, while the intestines and urinary system retained their functions, although they worked very rarely. Zinaida stopped cultivating the garden, leaving only a small bed of greenery for visiting guests. There is no refrigerator or gas stove in her house, and she does not visit the village grocery store.

Zinaida Grigorievna believes that the energy for the functioning of her body comes directly through the chakras, and water is absorbed from the air through the lungs and skin. Baranova remained silent about her diet, which she prefers to call “autotrophy,” for two years. In 2003, at the insistence of family and friends, she underwent examination at the department of the Faculty of Medicine. Lumumba. According to Professor Chizhov, who carried out thermopuncture diagnostics of Zinaida Grigorievna, the biological age of the 67-year-old woman was 30 years old, her cardiovascular system and spine were in perfect order. At the same time, there was an imbalance in the lungs, liver, and digestive system. Similar results were obtained during the examination of Baranova in Kyiv and Sofia. Zinaida Baranova is cheerful, energetic, friendly, does not experience hunger or appetite, although she periodically gets fat. She travels all over the world, conducts seminars, and continues her education. In 2010, Baranova received a diploma in social psychology from Krasnodar University, then studied at the Vedic Academy in Kyiv. Zinaida Grigorievna is learning English, taking guitar lessons, and has a good voice. At the same time, Baranova does not listen to the radio or watch TV, she does not even use a mobile phone. Zinaida goes to bed early, but always wakes up in the middle of the night - it is at this time that she communicates with her inner voice and Higher powers. She claims that from a subtle level she was given poems by famous poets, including Mayakovsky and Vysotsky, which she published back in 2001. After communication, the woman sleeps until 4-6 am, and begins the day with prayer. It should be noted that any speech or video about Baranova is accompanied by many critical reviews and doubts about her veracity. Zinaida Grigorievna does not pay attention to her opponents, she simply continues to live as she sees fit.

Eighteen kilometers from the city in Krasnodar region Goryachiy Klyuch, a small village located in the foothills North Caucasus called Kutais. It was there that the local branch of the Armavir Russian went Geographical Society(RGO) to meet a unique person, a phenomenon who doesn’t drink anything and doesn’t eat enough for a long time. Having abandoned civilization, she lives in detachment, almost like a hermit.

We have known Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova for a long time, but I had great difficulty believing that she had not eaten or drunk anything for more than seventeen years. You can’t tell by looking at her - she’s simply bursting with health and glowing with happiness. We all know well that a hungry person is often irritable, dry in communication and, in general, ready to eat anyone who in any way offends him.

But it is the love and warmth radiated by Zinaida Grigorievna that surprises most of all. She always looks like she just had lunch. To find out more about her, I easily asked to visit her for an overnight stay.

— Zinaida Grigorievna, but still, how exactly did it all start and how did it happen that you don’t eat anything and you don’t feel like eating?

People, for the most part, do not know that there is a balance between the shed human blood and the blood of our little brothers. By buying meat in any form - sausage, etc. - a person pays for murder and becomes responsible for the evil that is now happening in the world.

- Yes, you inspire! How long are you going to live?

“I’ll live as long as I want!” And to be honest, we will all live as long as we are given. I have always wanted to study psychology, it is very necessary to help others - after all, we constantly communicate with each other! Now I’m retired, I’m more free, I often communicate with people, I’m often invited to various meetings, conversations, lectures. And I began to understand myself better by studying psychology.

It all started with the fact that I was very sick, tragic death my eighteen-year-old son, my health was seriously undermined, I had a disability group and no means helped. This was in 1980. Then healing began to develop, but I didn’t go to any healers, but simply began to look at health literature, including Gennady Petrovich Malakhov’s book “Help Yourself,” and based on the author’s recommendations, I cleansed the body: intestines, liver, lymph nodes , joints, became a vegetarian. The most important thing is that I started reading spiritual literature. Then I worked a lot at the dacha, mowing, digging, weeding, and building - all alone, without helpers. One day, when I was going to the dacha, a man with books got on the bus and I bought the Bhagavad Gita from him. This book made everything clear, I understood how God is present everywhere. He is in us, and we are in Him, and He is around us. Thanks to Bhagavad-Gita I realized permanent presence God and His Divine energies, I began to trust the Almighty in everything, no matter what happens.

Every second I felt care, attentive control of God and the Higher powers, a constant connection with the Higher powers. When you follow God's commandments, you begin to perceive mental images senior teachers that lead you to Him. They told me that I could do this, so that I would not be afraid of anything and would boldly follow their recommendations. My body began to heal, I began to feel that changes were taking place in it. I constantly felt cared for from above and therefore boldly trusted what was guiding me from within.

At first I switched to the following diet: nettles, dandelions, currant leaves, juices, and all this in very small quantities. I felt very good. When the energy centers were restructured, an understanding came from within that I could now try to live without food. I obeyed and stopped eating.

- And you didn’t want to at all?

- No. I felt good.

- And you were surprised?

- No, I was very happy. It was before Easter and I was glad to cleanse myself, I thought: “Thank God, I’m not eating.”

— Then you still drank water?

— Yes, at that time I was still drinking, but after 23 days, on April 18, 2000, they made it clear to me that I could now do without water.

— Have any medical examinations been carried out on the body?

— I haven’t been going to doctors for quite a long time, but I was examined using the Voll method - acupuncture diagnostics, as well as the Kirlian method. The general energy of the body as a whole and individual organs is above standard indicators.

The film crew of the Rossiya TV channel at the center where I was examined using the acupuncture method was told that so far they had never met anyone healthier than Zinaida Grigorievna - excellent health in almost all respects.

- How do you feel?

- Amazing!

- Why do you always smile?

- I feel good and I smile.

- I know you cook for your grandchildren and daughter, but don’t feel like eating?

- No, not at all. I ask my daughter how it turned out.

— Have you been to India?

— Yes, in 2002 I went to the Gaura Purnima Festival, and there I received initiation and a spiritual name - Jayantika Devi Dasi. Of course, the experience is unforgettable. I immediately felt that I was home - a state of comfort. Deep down in my soul I know that in my previous incarnation, in past life, I lived in India. During a trip to India, to Mayapur, on spiritual festival I experienced strong revelations, new realizations.

— What does your spiritual name Jayantika mean?

- Glorifying God.

- Yes, indeed, everyone would be as active as you are at your age. By temperament you are more like a girl. Zinaida Grigorievna, have your internal sensations, compared to how you were before, do you experience the world differently?

— Yes, I have become very sensitive to the world around me, to the energy of the Earth and all humanity. I am very sensitive to the actions of a person and his internal state. I feel the surges negative emotions and actions in the atmosphere. I really want to help people become better people.

— What are you striving for? You have cherished dreams?

— I strive to achieve as much as possible. My task and goal is to live for the benefit of the world, to improve myself, and, having acquired the gifts of self-improvement, to gain the opportunity to give even more to people, the planet, and the entire universe.

—What do you ask God for when you pray?

“I pray for the evolution of humanity, for people to realize spirituality as their component, to accept spiritual life with their hearts.

— Zinaida Grigorievna, are you ever going to start eating?

“You don’t understand - I eat, only differently, and I’m sure that soon there will be more such people on Earth.” Food in the usual sense is just affection, but there is something tastier, this is communication with God!

Member of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS) of the city of Armavir,
Frolov Sergey