City festival of spiritual bonds of the fatherland. “Spiritual Bonds of the Fatherland” at the Faculty of “Entrepreneurship and IT”

A good topic for an essay, especially for the younger generation. Young people and their parents, and older, experienced acquaintances and friends and relatives are always in an unspoken confrontation. Young people want to move forward, try, develop, experience emotions and embark on adventures. Whether they are ready to make mistakes in all this is a big question. Do they think about the likelihood of mistakes, how they will survive or correct them? Perhaps the most responsible - yes, but for the most part young people are confident that they are right and do not think about possible mistakes.

This kind of recklessness is what alarms their parents and loved ones, who come to them with what? With experience. Most often with your own. To which the young people are sure that “it won’t happen to me.” But this is the law of life, and alas, such invaluable and important experience is the result of actions and mistakes. It's impossible otherwise. As wise people say, “He who does nothing makes no mistakes.” Pretend to be a stone and you won't be wrong. What about life? Well, life will pass you by, that’s the lot of stones.

Of course, there are quite a few works on this topic in the literature. This is "Fathers and Sons" and The Heart of a Dog." I remembered not such a great work but A.P. Chekhov. "Ionych". To be honest, it intrigued me at school for the simple reason that the main character in the work turned out to be my... namesake. It was somehow exciting to read my last name in the book. And the attitude towards the main character was as if he was not a stranger, like he was a distant relative to me. Well, that was my teenage perception.

What is the essence of the story and how the themes “Experience and mistakes” can be included here. Yes, the most direct one. If you remember the story, what is it about? A young doctor finds himself in a small town. This, of course, is not the limit of his dreams, but the doctor himself is young, he has that very youthful enthusiasm, some living and real emotions. He meets a local family, whose daughter becomes dear to him. A series of events follows through the entire story: after a year, after 2, after a few more years we see our hero and the sad changes that happen to him.

Perhaps, afraid to make a mistake once, to seem funny, or not to give in to his feelings, the hero makes the main mistake of his life. Afraid of doing something wrong, thinking about what others will say, he gradually loses in himself what is so valuable in youth - the desire for movement and development. In a certain sense, we can say that Ionych is developing, but this is rather not growth upward, but growth in breadth, and sometimes in the most literal sense of the word. Over time, the young doctor becomes not a particularly pleasant person in appearance - overweight, fat, overweight... without any special joys in life.

Well, of course, you can blame Ekaterina for not immediately recognizing in Startsev a man who turned out to be dear to her not immediately, but later. And this is already some other mistake, already hers. She chased the pie in the sky, dropping the tit from her hands. It turns out that a series of mistakes shapes the lives of both characters. And that’s what’s strange. Startsev prefers not to do anything (he draws conclusions, so to speak, from the experience of others), and he is mistaken. Catherine decides to leave and is also mistaken. Life is like a series of mistakes that form experiences that guide a person further. The problem is that if the conclusion based on the error is made incorrectly, then the formed experience will continue to lead the person down the wrong path.

And finally, I would like to remember one more line on the topic of Experience and mistakes - “If youth knew, if old age could.” One is inseparable from the other, but we must remember that it is important to separate fatal mistakes from those that we can rethink and correct.

What is the significance of mistakes in a person's life? Do they always lead only to negative consequences? Does it make sense to be afraid to do them on your way? V. Bim-Bad discusses these questions in his text.

What makes the professor think about the problem of the role of mistakes in a person’s life is the fact that, according to the results of psychological research, “a group makes a more decisive choice than the choice of any group member interviewed individually.” The author sees the reason for this phenomenon in the fear of “responsibility for the decision,” which is identified with the fear of making a mistake (sentence 24).

The author's position is contained in sentences 25-27. Bim-Bad believes that a truly smart, thoughtful person will not sit idly by for fear of doing or saying something wrong. On the contrary, he will act and express his own opinion, and if he makes a mistake in something, he will not give up, but will learn a useful life lesson from the current situation. Therefore, the professor encourages us to “not be afraid to choose, think and try, do and observe the results.” I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that you need to be brave and confident in yourself in order to live (not exist) with dignity.

Everyone can make a mistake, and therefore there is no point in being afraid to make one. I will try to prove my opinions with two examples.

A.S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” can serve as the first argument. Having been under the strict control of his parents all his life, Pyotr Grinev did not know much about life and, having received freedom, fell into a trap. The hero met an adult man, drank with him and agreed to play billiards for money. The consequences were unpleasant: the young man got drunk to the point of losing his balance, lost a large sum and let down his teacher Savelich. The hero reproached himself for a long time for what he had done, but this incident became a lesson for him for the rest of his life and in the future Peter did not find himself in similar situations.

The second argument can be the story of the great inventor Thomas Edison. Having suffered over a thousand failures, which showed the scientist how not to invent a light bulb, he still managed to create something that forever changed the life of all mankind. To bring his idea to life, Thomas spent a huge amount of time, effort, money and, of course, nerves, and for several years before the great discovery, the scientist had to listen to ridicule from others, but, despite everything, Edison did not give up and did not lose faith in himself, which helped the scientist, in the end, achieve his goal.

As you can see, no one is immune from mistakes - neither people who have received a good upbringing and education, nor brilliant scientists. So there is no point in being afraid to commit them. As G. Lichtenberg said: “Great people also make mistakes, and some of them so often that you are almost tempted to consider them insignificant people.”

Thematic direction


Universal introduction

According to D. Ushakov’s dictionary, an error is an incorrectness in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts, an error. And in the same dictionary we read: “Experience is the totality of practically acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.” As we see, there is a very close connection between these concepts. Indeed, our life is a series of different actions, decisions, it is an everyday choice, as a result of which we are not immune from mistakes. But by doing them, analyzing the reasons for failures, we gain valuable life experience.

Possible entry

  • A person tries to achieve certain goals throughout his life, although he often makes mistakes and blunders. People cope with difficulties in different ways: some become depressed, others try to start over, and many set new goals for themselves, given the sad experience in achieving previous ones. In my opinion, this is the meaning of human life.
  • Life is an eternal search for oneself, a constant struggle for one’s purpose. And if “wounds” and “abrasions” appear in the struggle to achieve a goal, then this is not a reason for despondency, because these are our own mistakes, to which we have the right and, overcoming which, we gain invaluable life experience.

Proverbs that can be used in the introduction

"You learn from mistakes"

“Everything that is done is for the better”

“Only those who do nothing make no mistakes”

“If you knew where to fall, there would definitely be straws

I would lay it down"

Possible theses

  • Bitter experience. Irreparable mistakes. The price of mistakes.

(Sometimes a person commits actions that lead to tragic consequences. And, although he eventually understands that he made a mistake, nothing can be corrected. Often the cost of a mistake is someone’s life)


Let's go back to the story A. Mass "Trap". It describes the action of a girl named Valentina...

Let's remember the story "Holidays" Ray Bradbury , whose heroes wished to be left alone in the world. What came of this?...

And in the story K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram” it talks about a girl Nastya, who is too busy with business and hardly remembers her mother, who is living out her life in the village.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Teleshov “White Heron” (fairy tale)

Possible theses

2. Mistakes, without which it is impossible to move along the path of life. By making mistakes, a person gains experience.

(Is it possible to live life without making mistakes? I think not. A person walking along the path of life is not immune from a wrong step. And sometimes, precisely thanks to mistakes, he gains valuable life experience and learns a lot)


  • Let's go back to the story V. A. Oseeva “Why?” . It talks about a little boy who...
  • Sometimes it takes a long time to realize your mistake, and it's good if it happens before it's too late to correct it. To the heroine of the story B. Ekimova “Speak, Mom, Speak” It took years to realize how important her daughter's attention was to her mother.

Possible arguments

3. Experience that prevents errors.

( Life is the best teacher. Sometimes difficult situations arise when a person must make the right decision. By making the right choice, we gain invaluable experience, which helps us avoid mistakes in the future)


In the story B. Ekimova “Night of Healing” the author tells the story of a teenager Grisha, who comes to visit his grandmother on vacation...

The author seems to want to tell us: it is necessary to listen to the voice of the heart, to act in accordance with good feelings. This is precisely the life experience that guides us along the right path and helps us avoid many mistakes.


In the story A. Mass "Difficult exam" it talks about a girl named Anya Gorchakova, who managed to withstand a difficult test...

It was this incident that taught the heroine to control herself and her feelings. The first experience of overcoming difficulties helped the girl achieve her goal - she later became a famous actress.


By making this or that choice, we learn a lot. However, not only our own experience is valuable to us; other people play an important role in our lives, whose actions influence our worldview. Yes, in the story V. Rasputin “French Lessons” talking about the teacher...

It seems that such life experience will help the boy grow up as a sensitive person and protect him from indifference.

Possible theses

4. Human experience. Historical experience. War.

(People who know their history also know about the great tragedy of the war. The bitter experience of the harsh war years teaches us not to forget how much grief and suffering war can bring. We must remember this so that the tragedy does not repeat itself again and again)


The tragedy of the war is also shown in the story M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”...

Andrei Sokolov, recalling the recent past, says: “I had a family, my own home, all this was put together over the years, and everything collapsed in one moment, I was left alone.” This is how war interferes in a person’s life, destroys his home, his destiny.


  • The basis of the story B. Vasilyeva “And the dawns here are quiet” an episode is set, insignificant in the enormous scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told in such a way that all its horrors appear before the eyes in their ugly, terrible discrepancy with the essence of man. It is emphasized both by the fact that the work is titled “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” and by the fact that its heroes are girls forced to participate in the war.


  • L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” (episode of the death of Petya Rostov)
  • B. Vasiliev “Not on the lists”

Possible theses

5. Human experience. Attitude to nature.

(What does the experience of mankind, our entire history, teach us? One of the most important lessons is the lesson of caring for the Earth, for nature.)


N. N. Nosov “Doll”;

V.P. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”;

V.G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”;

Ray Bradbury "GREEN MORNING"

Homework (due Monday) – optional

  • How do you understand Heinrich Heine’s statement: “Morality is the mind of the heart”?
  • What helps you make a choice between honor and dishonor in difficult times?
  • What effect do the victories and defeats of his country have on a person?
  • Is life possible without mistakes?
  • Parents and children: friendship or enmity.

Prepared by a teacher from the MBOU "Roshchinskaya Secondary School" of the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region

Fedorova Tamara Ivanovna

Site materials used

1. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

The main character of the novel, Ilya Oblomov, starting his career, makes a mistake in his service and sends an important dispatch to Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan. After which he suddenly falls ill, the medical certificate issued by the doctor states: “Thickening of the heart with dilatation of the left ventricle,” caused by daily “going to work.” This mistake led to subsequent eternal lying on the sofa, from which even all of Stolz’s attempts cannot save him. So a mistake in the service became fatal for Oblomov.

2. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

Grigory Melekhov, being a young, strong Cossack, chooses the most beautiful young Cossack girl in the area, Aksinya, for lovemaking. This is a common thing for a Cossack village. But the problem lies in the amazing origin of the entire Melekhov family, in its genesis. And Aksinya, who had never known love, for the first time understood the charm of this feeling. In the village, the Cossacks were embarrassed to look into Aksinya’s shameless eyes. But his father’s order to marry Natalya becomes fatal for Grigory. All his life he will rush between two women, and in the end he will destroy both.

3. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The main character of the novel, D-503, is a cog in the mechanism of the United State. He lives in a world where there is no love (it is replaced with “pink coupons”). The encounter with I-330 amazes the hero's imagination. He falls in love. By law, he must report to the guardians about the crime into which his girlfriend is involved. But he hesitates and wastes time. The mistake becomes fatal for I-330.

4. V.F. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”

Volodya Tenkov finds himself at the most terrible time during the years of the great turning point in the very center of the battle. On the one hand, these are well-fed representatives of the party leadership, where there are pies, borscht and delicious kvass. On the other hand, there are people thrown to the margins of life. The former “kulaks” today are “shkiletniki” and “elephants”, arousing the boy’s pity. Trying to help them becomes a mistake. An old sick dog saves a sick child.

5. V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

The main character of the story, Sotnikov, experienced a shock in his life. He, disobeying his father’s prohibition, took his personalized pistol, which suddenly fired. It was hard for the boy to admit this to his father, but he did it not of his own free will, but at the request of his mother. When the boy told his father about his crime, he forgave him, but asked if he himself decided to do it? The child was not ready to answer this question and cowardly said: “Yes.” The poison of lies always burned Sotnikov’s soul, reminding him of his childhood mistake. This offense became decisive in Sotnikov’s life.

Now, in anticipation of the December test, many teachers are assigning essays on a weekly basis. Of course, students use supporting materials from the Internet to improve their work and diversify their arguments. However, an abundance of absolutely identical essays has literally flooded the World Wide Web, so teachers are increasingly noticing copied works, although their sources are different. To avoid losing points, use a fresh selection of non-standard arguments on the topic “Experience and Errors,” which experts prepared for you today, November 28.

  1. First argument: from Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" was a mediocre poet and looked at the world through the prism of Soviet propaganda. The young man was too naive about life, trusting every false word. His simple-minded and open character became an easy target for Berlioz, who instilled in his student wretched ideas that groveled before power. The unfortunate poet would have vegetated in ignorance if the mystical experiences associated with the appearance of Woland and meeting the Master had not changed his nature. He realized that he was writing “bad poetry” and was mistaken in admiring the system of state coercion that locked him in a madhouse. The experience of being in this terrible place stayed with Ivan for the rest of his life. He tried on the martyrdom of a creator in a totalitarian state, having been in unjust imprisonment. Seeing what happened to the Master, how his life was distorted by persecution, Bezdomny realized that the title of a poet must be earned through suffering, just like the title of a person. At the end of the novel, we see a completely different Ivan - quiet, thoughtful and consciously decided to change his life for the better. Only experience could perform such a miracle.
  2. Second argument. The famous writer Oscar Wilde illustrates the saving power of experience in his fairy tale. As in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, external beauty is contrasted with internal beauty. The boy star (a copy of Gray) is delightfully handsome: “his peers listened to him because he was handsome.” However, worship blinded and embittered the boy, “for he grew up selfish, proud and cruel.” Mystical forces punished him, turning the handsome man into a snake-like monster. The boy understood the lesson and decided to improve. Beauty returned only after atonement for sins and complete cleansing of the soul. It was the real loss that stimulated a person to work on himself. Having survived a terrible experience, the hero realizes that he was wrong, that true beauty lies in spiritual nobility, and not in the correctness of features. But what would have happened if the boy had remained a handsome self-lover without experiencing a personal tragedy? He would turn into Dorian Gray, who lost his shame and conscience instead of his beautiful appearance. This means that experience is necessary for a miraculous effect.
  3. Third argument. “Experience is the worst teacher; he offers a test before the lesson” Werner Low. In Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky” the hero experiences the most terrible feeling - despair, for which he himself is to blame. Vladimir does not have time to kidnap his beloved before the wedding, so they are forever separated by Masha’s sacred oath. Dubrovsky arrives too late: the girl is doomed to live with someone she doesn’t love. The young man blames himself for the fatal delay, but he can no longer do anything, just as he is unable to return his father and inheritance. The test was too difficult for Vladimir, he could not solve it. What did such a cruel experience teach him? Rob? Yes, he was robbed by Troekurov’s henchmen, but is this really a reason to steal himself? The teacher taught him only bad things, or rather, forced him to become a robber. Dubrovsky had no alternative. Alexander Pushkin gave an example when experience is not a teacher, but an executioner. After everything he has experienced, the unfortunate person will not be able to return to normal life.
  1. Fourth argument. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” princes Igor and Vsevolod went against the Polovtsians without warning their brother Svyatoslav of Kyiv, who had a stronger army and could have helped them. Before this campaign, Igor had fought against treacherous nomads more than once, but military experience told him nothing. It only made him overconfident. Noticing a bad omen along the way (an eclipse of the sun), the prince did not pay attention to it. This happened because easy victories created in him the illusion of invincibility. The Polovtsy took him, Vsevolod and the squad by surprise, knowing well the Russian tradition of vigorously celebrating success. It is obvious that experience can mislead a person about the real state of affairs. He has always been lucky, he will say, and will take risks, but next time it will happen differently, and the risk will turn out to be a fatal mistake. Unfortunately, such fake experience can be very expensive. The princes, for example, doomed their loyal squad to death.
  2. Interesting? Save it on your wall!