Rating of self-education techniques. Basic self-education techniques

Self-education is the process of a person’s assimilation of the experience of previous generations through internal mental factors ensuring development. Education, if it is not violence, is impossible without self-education. They should be considered as two sides of the same process. By carrying out self-education, a person can educate himself, which naturally cannot but affect creative activity person. The pursuit of excellence through the thorns of laziness leads to high creative results.

The upbringing and self-education of a person largely comes down to the gradual formation of a readiness to respond to something properly, in other words, to the formation of attitudes that are useful for a person and for society. Already in early childhood parents consciously and unconsciously form patterns of behavior, attitudes: “Don’t cry - you’re a man”, “Don’t get dirty - you’re a girl”, etc., i.e. the child receives standards of “good and bad.” And by the age when we begin to become aware of ourselves, we find in our psyche a mass of entrenched feelings, opinions, views, attitudes that influence the assimilation new information, and on the attitude towards the environment. These often unconscious attitudes act on a person with enormous force, forcing him to perceive and react to the world in the spirit of attitudes learned from childhood.

Self-education is a human activity aimed at changing one’s personality in accordance with consciously set goals, established ideals and beliefs. Self-education involves a certain level development of personality, its self-awareness, the ability to analyze it with a conscious comparison of one’s actions with the actions of other people. A person’s attitude towards his potential capabilities, correct self-esteem, and the ability to see his shortcomings characterize a person’s maturity and are prerequisites for organizing self-education.

Self-education methods include:

1) self-knowledge;

2) self-control;

3) self-stimulation.

Self-knowledge includes: self-observation, self-analysis, self-assessment, self-comparison.

Self-control relies on: self-persuasion, self-control, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-reinforcement, self-confession, self-coercion.

Self-stimulation involves: self-affirmation, self-encouragement, self-encouragement, self-punishment, self-restraint.

The process of self-education includes several interrelated stages.

1. The first stage is decision making. It all starts with making a firm decision about the need for personal self-improvement. Without this important element, it is impossible to carry out targeted self-education. Then follows the study (clarification) of the possibilities of self-education and an assessment of the prospects for working on oneself. An important element The first stage is the choice or formation of an ideal (model) to which one can strive in the process of self-education. Based on an already formed vision of the possibilities of self-education, one’s own worldview and under the influence of the environment, a person himself chooses an ideal or example to follow. Sometimes a person creates a certain abstract image (model) that he would like to imitate or what he would like to become. The ideal can be quite clearly represented in the face specific person, or be present in his consciousness in the form certain manifestations(appearance, communication, competence, etc.).

2. The second stage is self-knowledge. A person, in accordance with the chosen ideal (role model) or his ideas about the possibilities of self-education, strives to know himself. In the process of self-knowledge, the level of development of a particular quality or personality trait is identified and self-assessed. The degree and accuracy of their diagnosis depends on the person himself, his desire to really know himself, his strengths and weaknesses, or to satisfy his private interest. As part of this stage, the formulation and clarification of value guidelines person.

3. The third stage is choosing funds, drawing up a plan.

A person makes a responsible choice of ways, methods and means of self-education. Some remedies most closely match personal characteristics person, specific educational or professional activity. This stage also includes the formation of the necessary self-attitudes that can help a person achieve certain goals of self-education. These include, for example, personal rules and principles that determine a person’s behavior and actions in different situations. Based on the chosen paths, methods and means of self-education, as well as formulated personal rules planning of work on oneself is carried out. A person draws up a program or plan that reflects what needs to be worked on, what methods and means to use, approximate dates achieving what was planned.

4. The fourth stage is the implementation of plans. Namely, active practical work, aimed at achieving previously formulated value guidelines.

The effectiveness of self-education is revealed in the process of subsequent personal self-assessment.

Basic self-education techniques

Expert Mikhail Ivanovich Stankin

It is very difficult to manage and curb feelings, but this can also be learned. Self-regulation allows you to treat other people with restraint and tolerate their shortcomings, developing the ability not to get irritated in the most critical situations.

In the development of moral culture, courage, in the formation of erudition and in the ability to lead people, self-education techniques play a significant role: self-esteem, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-approval, self-correction, self-regulation, self-stimulation and others.


Self-education begins with self-esteem. A person must know exactly what qualities should be cultivated in himself. Self-esteem is formed by comparing yourself with other people and by comparing the level of your aspirations with the results of your activities. Adequate self-esteem allows you to correctly formulate the goals of self-education. It is formulated in cases where the subject reveals an opinion about himself and his actions from people with whom he comes into contact in the family, in educational institution, on a rest; critically compares himself with others. If the result of these contacts is low self-esteem, the person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every task. He loses self-confidence. It becomes more difficult for him to work, more difficult to contact colleagues, to establish contacts with people.

When working with such subordinates, it is useful to remember the advice of V. Goethe. He said that by communicating with our neighbors as they deserve, we only make them worse. Communicating with them as if they better than that what they really are, we make them become better. Therefore, it is advisable to advance many people with praise.

Low self-esteem of the leader himself directly affects his attitude towards his subordinates. A leader with low self-esteem is often unfair to subordinates whom he considers luckier and smarter than himself. As a rule, he is suspicious and has a negative attitude towards those who, as it seems to him, do not love or respect him. He strives for an autocratic management style and the establishment of strict discipline. He believes that every subordinate is trying to deceive him, to laugh at him behind his back, and from here comes suspicion and disbelief in the honesty of his colleagues.

Inflated self-esteem alienates the manager from his subordinates and interferes with the establishment of normal business contacts.

A somewhat inflated self-esteem, if it does not lead to selfishness and arrogance, is not terrible. It definitely contributes to achieving success in any type of activity.

When developing an objective self-assessment, it is necessary to take into account the environment in which this work is carried out. In the experiment, students gave themselves a grade for each of the qualities specified by the experimenter. An elegant, impeccably dressed, clean-shaven man walked into the room with an expensive briefcase in his hands. Assessing your appearance subjects decreased. But when a citizen entered the room carelessly, sloppily dressed, wearing unclean shoes and unironed trousers, self-esteem for these indicators became significantly higher.


This is a short, abrupt order made to oneself: “Talk calmly!”, “Do not succumb to provocation!”, “Be silent, be silent!” helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, and comply with ethical requirements.

Among the responsibilities of a manager there are some that are unpleasant to perform. They are of little interest, they force you not to be distracted, to keep yourself in check, and to restrain your emotions. But moral requirements and professional duty force the leader to unswervingly fulfill these duties. Self-order can be an assistant here. It is important that he be reasonable and at the same time force him to overcome reluctance, force him to do what he needs, and not what he wants.

Self-order is used when a person has already convinced himself that he needs to behave in a certain way. He clearly sees his shortcomings, but cannot bring himself to carry out the planned plan of action. At this moment, the need arises in the form of an order to decisively demand from oneself required action. The next time it will be easier to perform such an action, and in the future it will become a habit. If self-order does not help, you need to repeat it several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Thus, the German king Henry IV, a coward from childhood, when going into battle ordered: “Forward, cowardly body! Go ahead, you cowardly bastard! With these words, he walked ahead of his troops and inspired them with his example.


It helps to behave without going beyond the rules of cultural behavior accepted in a given society, to control oneself in the most difficult situations. It can be applied in the process of self-education of any personality traits. For several weeks and sometimes months, in order to change behavior in the required direction, a pre-prepared phrase is said many times a day: “Under no circumstances will I raise my voice!”, “I will listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, no matter how difficult it is.” I don’t care!”, “No comments from others will piss me off!” This repetition of memorized formulas is done until confidence becomes unshakable, leaving not a shadow of doubt about the ability to cope with oneself, to behave in accordance with self-suggestion.

So, for example, repeating many times: “I don’t feel pain,” you can get rid of pain. And vice versa, you can instill in yourself a feeling of pain, without even uttering any formulas.

Unpleasant emotions accompanying pain disappear when you switch your attention. G. Heine stopped feeling the excruciating pain that haunted him when he wrote poetry. Research helped the philosopher I. Kant, the physicist B. Pascal, and the writer N. Ostrovsky to get rid of pain. People have long noticed that thoughts about pain increase it many times over. L. Seneca also wrote: “Pain is easy to endure if you do not increase it with thoughts about it; if, on the contrary, you encourage yourself, saying: it’s nothing, or, at least, it’s not a problem, you need to be able to endure, it will soon pass, then the pain becomes light insofar as the person convinces himself of this.” Self-hypnosis or passion for some activity creates a focus of excitation in the brain, which, becoming dominant, inhibits other areas of the brain, including those that cause the sensation of pain.

Academician Kassirsky told the students: - When you give aspirin, it is medicine. And when I give medicine, it is the most powerful healing agent, because this medicine plus my authority. This principle is the basis for the use of placebos, which an authoritative physician calls new strong medicine.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective in cases when it is carried out before bedtime and immediately after waking up in the morning, while lying in bed. Any effort volitional actions not needed here. All formulas are pronounced calmly, without tension. Mentally pronounced words cause a self-hypnosis effect, which leads to corresponding changes in the body. Mental suggestions should be simple and short. The words are spoken at a slow pace, in time with the breathing.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective when the state of the cerebral cortex is somewhat inhibited. That is why it is easier to carry out in a half-asleep state or during artificial relaxation (relaxation). It is good to do it before bed or immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. It is especially effective in the process autogenic training. The effectiveness of self-suggestion increases when a leader beginning self-education learns about cases of its successful use. Here, for example, about this.

Getting ready to swim across Atlantic Ocean on an inflatable boat, German doctor For several weeks, Hannes Lindemann told himself many times a day: “I can handle it! I will stay alive! As he said later, he developed feelings of “boundless confidence,” “cosmic security,” which left no room for doubt about success or the possibility of misfortune. And when the boat capsized during the voyage, Hannes, getting out of cold water, continued to inspire himself: “I can handle it!” - and eventually achieved success.

Back in the 20s. A unique school of suggestion was created by the French healer Emile Coue. He believed that the main cause of any disease was human imagination. Therefore, for recovery, I recommended repeating formulas aimed at improving health daily. Coue argued that everyone who inspires himself: “I will achieve!” will definitely achieve. This and other formulas he proposed promoted the patient’s active participation in the psychotherapeutic process, although, of course, they could not completely replace medications.


It is difficult to overestimate the ability to control one’s actions and actions, to carry out self-governing behavior. Self-correction makes it possible to correct the intensity of passions, teaches you to control yourself, and quickly calm down in difficult situations. History is unusually rich in examples of self-correction that help to an outstanding person strictly fulfill the planned life program.

All his life, L. N. Tolstoy persistently and persistently corrected his behavior. In his diary, he notes his shortcomings: “Unfoundedness (by this I mean: indecisiveness, inconstancy and inconsistency); unpleasant, difficult character, irritability, excessive narcissism, vanity; habit of idleness" and outlines ways to correct his shortcomings: All his life he persistently adjusted his needs and states of mind M. Gandhi. “A man,” he wrote, “is a man because he is capable of self-restraint, and remains a man only insofar as he exercises it in practice.”

The most difficult thing, in his opinion, is to control the movement of one’s own thoughts.

Self-correction allows you to transform chaos negative thoughts and feelings that destroy life potential into a harmonious structure. If such a transformation occurs consciously, it leads to more effective use vital energy personality.


This technique involves learning the ability to monitor external manifestations emotional states. The point is that by changing external expression, emotions, you can regulate your inner mental condition. For example, chaotic hand movements in conversation that do not support speech, trembling fingers cause indecisiveness and self-doubt; ingratiating intonations deepen anxiety. And vice versa, by training yourself not to wave your arms in a conversation, not to hunch over, not to frown, but to stand in front of your interlocutors with your shoulders turned, your stomach pulled up, demonstrating beautiful posture, and to smile in moments of confusion and bewilderment; look confidently and strictly at conflict situation, the leader gains self-confidence and does not get lost at the moment severe anxiety, when emergency.

It is very difficult to manage and curb feelings, but this can also be learned. Self-regulation serves the ability to treat other people with restraint, tolerantly perceive their shortcomings, weaknesses, and mistakes. Constant self-control develops the ability not to get irritated in the most critical situations.

If, however, control over feelings has failed, a breakdown has occurred, the situation is emergency and you need to calm down, pull yourself together, the best remedy calm down - movement. It is very good to silently and thoughtfully walk around the office, taking, say, two steps inhale and exhale five steps, counting the steps in your mind. Movement, breathing, and counting steps in the mind quickly distract the leader from the situation and calm him down.

In self-regulation big role reflection plays. First you need to intensify your self-awareness. This allows you to detect the incompatibility of your principles, thoughts, actions and relatively easily outline ways to consolidate new elements of behavior. It must be borne in mind that the higher a person’s intelligence, the more accurate his self-awareness, the more effective self-regulation functions.


For a number of managers, primarily suspicious and proud people, methods of self-encouragement and self-punishment can provide great assistance in self-education. In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying: “Good job!”, “Well done!”, “It turned out great!”, “And continue like this!” And in case of failure, mentally reprimand yourself: “Bad!”, “Very bad!”, “Shame!” Obviously, in case major successes and significant failures, the impact is magnified.

It is desirable that reactions of self-reward and self-punishment regulate our behavior constantly. Although it is obviously necessary to resort to them depending on the situation. Unfortunately, very often a person does not receive positive assessment their behavior from the outside. And deprivation of basic attention without self-reinforcement intensive work- one of the reasons for increased nervousness and depression.

Obviously, you can reward and punish yourself not only verbally. Naturally, depriving yourself of pleasure will be an effective means of self-punishment.

It is very important to convince yourself own capabilities influence your body, change your views, strengthen your nervous energy, make yourself healthy and strong. But such work gives results only if the demands on oneself increase gradually.


To prepare this work, materials from the site were used http://

Expert Mikhail Ivanovich Stankin

It is very difficult to manage and curb feelings, but this can also be learned. Self-regulation allows you to treat other people with restraint and tolerate their shortcomings, developing the ability not to get irritated in the most critical situations.

Self-education techniques play a significant role in the development of moral culture, courage, the formation of erudition and the ability to lead people: self-esteem, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-approval, self-correction, self-regulation, self-stimulation and others.


Self-education begins with self-esteem. A person must know exactly what qualities should be cultivated in himself. Self-esteem is formed by comparing yourself with other people and by comparing the level of your aspirations with the results of your activities. Adequate self-esteem allows you to correctly formulate the goals of self-education. It is formulated in cases where the subject reveals an opinion about himself and his actions from people with whom he comes into contact in the family, at an educational institution, or on vacation; critically compares himself with others. If the result of these contacts is low self-esteem, the person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every task. He loses self-confidence. It becomes more difficult for him to work, more difficult to contact colleagues, to establish contacts with people.

When working with such subordinates, it is worth remembering the advice of V. Goethe. He said that by communicating with our neighbors as they deserve, we only make them worse. By communicating with them as if they are better than what they really are, we force them to become better. Therefore, it is advisable to advance many people with praise.

Low self-esteem of the leader himself directly affects his attitude towards his subordinates. A leader with low self-esteem is often unfair to subordinates whom he considers luckier and smarter than himself. As a rule, he is suspicious and has a negative attitude towards those who, as it seems to him, do not love or respect him. He strives for an autocratic management style and the establishment of strict discipline. He believes that every subordinate is trying to deceive him, to laugh at him behind his back, and from here comes suspicion and disbelief in the honesty of his colleagues.

Inflated self-esteem alienates the manager from his subordinates and interferes with the establishment of normal business contacts.

A somewhat inflated self-esteem, if it does not lead to selfishness and arrogance, is not terrible. It definitely contributes to achieving success in any type of activity.

When developing an objective self-assessment, it is necessary to take into account the environment in which this work is carried out. In the experiment, students gave themselves a grade for each of the qualities specified by the experimenter. An elegant, impeccably dressed, clean-shaven man walked into the room with an expensive briefcase in his hands. The subjects' assessment of their appearance decreased. But when a citizen entered the room carelessly, sloppily dressed, wearing unclean shoes and unironed trousers, self-esteem for these indicators became significantly higher.


This is a short, abrupt order made to oneself: “Talk calmly!”, “Do not succumb to provocation!”, “Be silent, be silent!” helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, and comply with ethical requirements.

Among the responsibilities of a manager there are some that are unpleasant to perform. They are of little interest, they force you not to be distracted, to keep yourself in check, and to restrain your emotions. But moral requirements and professional duty force the leader to unswervingly fulfill these duties. Self-order can be an assistant here. It is important that he be reasonable and at the same time force him to overcome reluctance, force him to do what he needs, and not what he wants.

Self-order is used when a person has already convinced himself that he needs to behave in a certain way. He clearly sees his shortcomings, but cannot bring himself to carry out the intended plan of action. At this moment, the need arises to decisively demand the necessary action from oneself in the form of an order. Next time it will be easier to perform such an action, and in the future it will become a habit. If self-order does not help, you need to repeat it several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Thus, the German king Henry IV, a coward from childhood, when going into battle ordered: “Forward, cowardly body! Go ahead, you cowardly bastard! With these words, he walked ahead of his troops and inspired them with his example.


It helps to behave within the framework of the rules of cultural behavior accepted in a given society, to control oneself in the most difficult situations. It can be applied in the process of self-education of any personality traits. For several weeks and sometimes months, in order to change behavior in the required direction, a pre-prepared phrase is said many times a day: “Under no circumstances will I raise my voice!”, “I will listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, no matter how difficult it is.” I don’t care!”, “No comments from others will piss me off!” This repetition of memorized formulas is done until confidence becomes unshakable, leaving not a shadow of doubt about the ability to cope with oneself, to behave in accordance with self-suggestion.

So, for example, repeating many times: “I don’t feel pain,” you can get rid of pain. And vice versa, you can instill in yourself a feeling of pain, without even uttering any formulas.

Unpleasant emotions accompanying pain disappear when you switch your attention. G. Heine stopped feeling the excruciating pain that haunted him when he wrote poetry. Research work helped the philosopher I. Kant, the physicist B. Pascal, and the writer N. Ostrovsky to get rid of pain. People have long noticed that thoughts about pain increase it many times over. L. Seneca also wrote: “Pain is easy to endure if you do not increase it with thoughts about it; if, on the contrary, you encourage yourself, saying: it’s nothing, or, at least, it’s not a problem, you need to be able to endure, it will soon pass, then the pain becomes light insofar as the person convinces himself of this.” Self-hypnosis or passion for some activity creates a focus of excitation in the brain, which, becoming dominant, inhibits other areas of the brain, including those that cause the sensation of pain.

Academician Kassirsky told the students: - When you give aspirin, it is medicine. And when I give medicine, it is the most powerful healing agent, because this medicine plus my authority. This principle is the basis for the use of placebos, which an authoritative physician calls a powerful new drug.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective in cases when it is carried out before bedtime and immediately after waking up in the morning, while lying in bed. No effort or volitional action is needed here. All formulas are pronounced calmly, without tension. Mentally pronounced words cause a self-hypnosis effect, which leads to corresponding changes in the body. Mental suggestions should be simple and brief. The words are spoken at a slow pace, in time with the breathing.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective when the state of the cerebral cortex is somewhat inhibited. That is why it is easier to carry out in a half-asleep state or during artificial relaxation (relaxation). It is good to do it before bed or immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. It is especially effective in the process of autogenic training. The effectiveness of self-suggestion increases when a leader beginning self-education learns about cases of its successful use. Here, for example, about this.

Preparing to cross the Atlantic Ocean on an inflatable boat, German doctor Hannes Lindemann told himself for several weeks many times a day: “I can do it! I will stay alive! As he said later, he developed feelings of “boundless confidence,” “cosmic security,” which left no room for doubt about success or the possibility of misfortune. And when the boat capsized during the voyage, Hannes, getting out of the cold water, continued to inspire himself: “I can handle it!” - and eventually achieved success.

Back in the 20s. A unique school of suggestion was created by the French healer Emile Coue. He believed that the main cause of any disease was human imagination. Therefore, for recovery, I recommended repeating formulas aimed at improving health daily. Coue argued that everyone who inspires himself: “I will achieve!” will definitely achieve. This and other formulas he proposed promoted the patient’s active participation in the psychotherapeutic process, although, of course, they could not completely replace medications.


It is difficult to overestimate the ability to control one’s actions and actions, to carry out self-governing behavior. Self-correction makes it possible to correct the intensity of passions, teaches you to control yourself, and quickly calm down in difficult situations. History is unusually rich in examples of self-correction that help an outstanding person clearly carry out his planned life program.

All his life, L. N. Tolstoy persistently and persistently corrected his behavior. In his diary, he notes his shortcomings: “Unfoundedness (by this I mean: indecisiveness, inconstancy and inconsistency); unpleasant, difficult character, irritability, excessive narcissism, vanity; habit of idleness” and outlines ways to correct his shortcomings: Throughout his life, M. Gandhi persistently corrected his needs and mental states. “A man,” he wrote, “is a man because he is capable of self-restraint, and remains a man only insofar as he exercises it in practice.”

The most difficult thing, in his opinion, is to control the movement of one’s own thoughts.

Self-correction allows you to transform the chaos of negative thoughts and feelings that destroy life potential into a harmonious structure. If such a transformation occurs consciously, it leads to a more effective use of the individual's vital energy.


This technique involves learning the ability to monitor external manifestations of emotional states. The fact is that by changing external expression and emotions, you can regulate your internal mental state. For example, chaotic hand movements in conversation that do not support speech, trembling fingers cause indecisiveness and self-doubt; ingratiating intonations deepen anxiety. And vice versa, by training yourself not to wave your arms in a conversation, not to hunch over, not to frown, but to stand in front of your interlocutors with your shoulders turned, your stomach pulled up, demonstrating beautiful posture, and to smile in moments of confusion and bewilderment; to look confidently and strictly in a conflict situation, the leader gains self-confidence and does not get lost in a moment of severe anxiety or in the event of an emergency.

It is very difficult to manage and curb feelings, but this can also be learned. Self-regulation serves the ability to treat other people with restraint, tolerantly perceive their shortcomings, weaknesses, and mistakes. Constant self-control develops the ability not to get irritated in the most critical situations.

If, however, control over feelings has failed, a breakdown has occurred, the situation is emergency and you need to calm down, pull yourself together, the best way to calm down is movement. It is very good to silently and thoughtfully walk around the office, taking, say, two steps inhale and exhale five steps, counting the steps in your mind. Movement, breathing, and counting steps in the mind quickly distract the leader from the situation and calm him down.

Reflection plays an important role in self-regulation. First you need to intensify your self-awareness. This allows you to detect the incompatibility of your principles, thoughts, actions and relatively easily outline ways to consolidate new elements of behavior. It must be borne in mind that the higher a person’s intelligence, the more accurate his self-awareness, the more effective self-regulation functions.


For a number of managers, primarily suspicious and proud people, methods of self-encouragement and self-punishment can provide great assistance in self-education. In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying: “Good job!”, “Well done!”, “It turned out great!”, “And continue like this!” And in case of failure, mentally reprimand yourself: “Bad!”, “Very bad!”, “Shame!” Obviously, with major successes and significant failures, the impact is magnified.

It is desirable that reactions of self-reward and self-punishment regulate our behavior constantly. Although it is obviously necessary to resort to them depending on the situation. Unfortunately, very often a person does not receive a positive assessment of his behavior from the outside. And deprivation of basic attention without the self-reinforcement of intensive work is one of the reasons for increased nervousness and depression.

Obviously, you can reward and punish yourself not only verbally. Naturally, depriving yourself of pleasure will be an effective means of self-punishment.

It is very important to convince yourself of your own capabilities to influence your body, change your views, strengthen your nervous energy, make yourself healthy and strong. But such work gives results only if the demands on oneself increase gradually.


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site http://www.elitarium.ru/

... ; Involvement in participation in various events of the educational institution; ü Relationship between the coach and parents, with the educational institution, police inspector, social educator at the place of residence; ü Systematic study of adolescents and identification of circumstances that negatively affect them. Thus, classes physical culture and sports is an obligatory component of work on...

Which have a direct connection with the stages of management of personality development and the stages of a teacher’s work (Kalyashkova Z.I., Bilbukh Yu.Z., Kochetov O.I.): primary; operational, current, corrective; long-term, generalizing, final. For help class teachers O psychological characteristics adolescence. This period is a time of physiological crisis. Hence intolerance, stubbornness,...

How can you learn to be truly happy? To do this, you need to study and educate yourself. In education, self-education has begun to occupy an increasing place, and in matters of education - moral improvement personality. This all presupposes the systematic education of the individual. The work is focused on identifying optimal techniques and methods of work for self-education, with the organization of exercises, activities to develop necessary features character, personality traits.



Municipal state-owned health resort educational institution sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment “Tommot sanatorium boarding school” Municipal Municipality “Aldan district”

Personality self-education.

Senior teacher of MKOU ST-TSHI

Volikova Elena Grigorievna

Tommot, 2014

When a person has a need to overcome certain shortcomings in his character or behavior,it is important to set a clear goal and justify the need to achieve it; sometimes it is even useful to set deadlines.

"Work on yourself,- writes A.I. Kochetov, -requires from a person precise and clear goals, a solid organization of his entire life, constant volitional effort and the ability to use methods of self-education... Self-education begins from the moment when a person has firmly determined what he will do (goal) and what he wants to become in order to achieve goals (ideal, image of oneself in the future). At the same time, he must know what he is like at the moment."

The goal of self-education comes from the motives that encourage one to work on oneself and the desires and aspirations of a person. Without a goal, no business can be started, including self-education.

But of course you have to have enough healthy sense to set yourself tasks within your capabilities. Otherwise, unrealistic, unrealistic hopes can lead to reverse effect, to self-doubt.

Each of us can make a list of traits that should be strengthened, and a list of traits that should be weakened or eradicated.

The eradication of shortcomings, as well as the development of the desired qualities of character and abilities, can be the goal of self-education.

All this, naturally, requires careful thought, a search for arguments to prove the importance of the proposed goal, weighing all the pros and cons until it is finally set and mentally formulated. It is useful to speak this goal out loud or to yourself for several days until it becomes firmly established in your consciousness.

Research recent years show that self-education is most successful if:

  • schoolchildren strive to improve their personality;
  • realize the ways and means of self-education;
  • The activities of schoolchildren in self-education in a team are clearly organized.

Pedagogical science has revealed the most important ways of moral self-education.It starts with introspection anddesire to improve one's personality.

At the same time, you need to draw up a detailed program of self-education and determine what exactly needs to be achieved. It is, of course, better to start with more simple programs, for example: get rid of the use swear words; do not commit rash acts; overcome the bad habit of interrupting your interlocutor in conversation; always keep your word, etc.

As you gain experience in self-education, programs should naturally become more complex, improved and longer-lasting. L.N. once very clearly defined a program for working on himself. Tolstoy:“The most important thing for me in life is correction from three main vices: Lack of character, Irritability and Laziness.”

Engaged in self-education, K.D. Ushinsky developed specialrules that acted as a program for his self-development:

The calm is perfect, at least externally.

Directness in words and actions.

Deliberate action.


Do not speak a single word about yourself unnecessarily.

Don't spend time unconsciously; do what you want, not what will happen.

Spend only on what is necessary or pleasant, and not spend out of passion.

Every evening, conscientiously give an account of your actions.

Never brag about what was, what is, or what will be.

Do not show this magazine to anyone.

The programs and rules of self-education developed by the individual have great importance. According to the terminology of academician P.K. Anokhin, they perform the function of an “action acceptor” (from the Latin acceptor - accepting), or comparison and control mechanismfor the implementation of this programand rules and thereby stimulate a person’s efforts in working on himself. The more detailed and clear the self-education program and rules of behavior are developed, the more effective the work on oneself will be.

When planning a self-education program, it is also necessary to determine its methods.. The most important of them are the following: a) self-persuasion, b) self-commitment, c) self-criticism, d) mental transfer of oneself into the position of another person (empathy, from the Greek empatea - empathy), e) self-coercion (self-command), g) self-punishment, etc. What is the essence of each of these methods?

Self-persuasion method. Its essence lies in the fact that the student, having identified his shortcomings, for example, the inability to keep his word, convinces himself of the need to overcome this shortcoming, while one cannot limit himself only to mental self-conviction. It becomes much more effective when the student convinces himself out loud, i.e. say several times: “It’s not good to give your word and not keep it,” “You must always try to keep your word,” etc.

Professor S. Ya. Doletsky wrote about the important role of speaking out the intended program of self-development. “I believe,” he emphasized, “that at the heart of the process of self-education is the need for self-esteem. We must clearly evaluate own qualities, actions, habits, make, as doctors say, a diagnosis. You need to make a list of everything that you consider good and bad about yourself, and look at it more often. And you definitely need to talk about your shortcomings. Yes, yes, exactly talk! Let's be honest: after all, we often condemn ourselves for some action, but we condemn it mentally. And mentally, quite quickly and easily, we find an excuse for him and forgive ourselves. A confession spoken out loud is more difficult to forgive oneself.”

Self-hypnosis method. Its essence lies in the fact that a person himself strives to influence his own psyche and feelings; he himself, as a rule, aloud suggests to himself how he will behave or what actions he will not do. For example, a student who has decided to stop using foul language inspires himself by saying out loud: “I will never use bad words", "I do not allow foul language", "Bad words dishonor the one who uses them", etc. Such self-hypnosis must be carried out until this shortcoming is overcome. The impact of self-hypnosis is determined by the fact that, having become entrenched in the consciousness and the student’s feelings, it determines his behavior.

Self-commitment. This method is essentially close to the method of self-persuasion. Its essence is that a student, having set himself the goal of overcoming one or another shortcoming or developing some positive quality, for example, carefully completing homework in mathematics and languages, takes upon himself the obligation not to show haste, to think carefully about the order of completion given by the teacher exercises to avoid mistakes and corrections. This self-commitment must be spoken out repeatedly in order for it to become ingrained in the mind. In this case, it will encourage the student to achieve the intended goal and contribute to the formation of a corresponding habit.

Self-criticism method. Its essence is that a student who has identified one or another shortcoming in himself and has set himself the goal of eliminating it, subjects himself to self-criticism in order to mobilize his volitional efforts to overcome it as quickly as possible. For example, a schoolboy, who has noticed his carelessness in relation to textbooks and notebooks, as well as his appearance, begins to reproach himself for this: “How careless I am! They laugh at me in class. Carelessness is a sign of lack of culture,” etc. d. Naturally, such self-criticism must be practiced until the set goal is achieved.

Empathy method , or mentally transferring oneself to the position of another person, empathizing with his feelings. This method is very good when we're talking about about self-education of responsiveness to people, desire for mutual assistance. Its essence is reflected in the name itself. It lies in the fact that in the process of self-education, a student develops positive qualities and overcomes negative ones, putting himself in the position of another person, empathizing with his feelings, and thus encourages himself to self-improvement. When, for example, a student sees with what hostility people perceive callousness, callousness, and rudeness, and empathizes with their feelings, he thinks about how to overcome these shortcomings in himself.

Self-coercion or self-command. This is very effective method self-education. It is used in cases where the student has determined certain rules of behavior, for example, getting up in the morning at exactly 7 o’clock, but does not show sufficient willpower to comply with this rule. Self-compulsion, or self-order, comes in handy here. Having woken up at the specified time, the student must force himself to get out of bed, saying out loud or to himself the following words: “Get up immediately! Stop lying there. It’s already 7 o’clock.” This method should be used in many other cases when the student feels a lack of volitional effort.

Self-punishment method. As its name suggests, it is used when, in the process of self-education, a person makes certain deviations from the rules of behavior he himself has outlined. Having discovered such deviations, it is necessary to use certain sanctions against oneself and apply one or another punishment.

The form of control is self-reporting and self-testing. Self-reporting can be done initially to your friends, the class, and then to yourself.

Self-command is important in moral self-education. Students with

They perceive this means of self-education with interest and willingly use it. They

They can order themselves to get out of bed when they want to lie down some more, go take a shower,

Stop playing and go study. However, it often happens that schoolchildren, one day

having used a self-order, they quickly abandon it. The teacher needs

Periodically check how students use self-order to improve

Your personality.

Along with self-order in moral self-education, it is also widely used.

self-commitment. It is accepted out of inner conviction and can become important

motive of self-education.

In formation moral ideals students important role belongs to the teacher.

With all his work, he teaches to analyze the behavior of people around him, to distinguish true morality from false, ostentatious ones.

Moral self-education stimulates moral development personality.

One of the means of working on oneself,is making plansand programs that make it possible to specifically plan the organization of the self-education process. Independent planning of work on oneself is a difficult process that requires certain skills, therefore targeted pedagogical guidance is necessary.

Stages of work on the problem.

Purposeful work in this regard has made it possible to highlight next steps in the process of self-education management:

Stage I – encouraging students to strive to become better, to develop

positive personality traits, get rid of negative ones


Stage II – assisting students in assessing themselves, in analyzing their

life, knowing one's own positive qualities and disadvantages (with

provided that students have a desire to improve).

Stage III – assistance in developing a self-education program (if

provided that a goal is set and the student knows what needs to be brought up in

yourself and what to get rid of).

Stage IV – Arming students with methods and examples of self-education with

organizing exercises and activities to develop the necessary traits

character, personality traits.

Stage V – self-control.

The structure of the self-education process and its components:

  • critical analysis, assessment of one's shortcomings and formulation specific purpose self-education;
  • development of a self-education program;
  • defining its methods;
  • auto-training, i.e. direct work individuals above themselves;
  • self-control

Self-education and self-education have always helped individuals create themselves. But is it so easy to create your own “I”?

How to work on yourself?A.I. Kochetov in his works offers students a specific plan for working on themselves. (Annex 1)


Working on oneself is the highest thing a person is capable of. Of course it is hard work, but also what happiness and pride that you were able to create yourself and your life.


Bardin S.M. Learn to control yourself. M-, 1976.

Grishin D.M., Koldunoe L.I. Guiding self-education of schoolchildren. M., 1975.

Kovalev A.G. The personality educates itself. M., 1983.

Kolominsky Ya.L. Educate yourself. M-, 1981.

Kochetov L.I. Pedagogical basics self-education. M, 1974.

Rubinshtein S.L. Basics general psychology/ S.L. Rubinstein /. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. – 720 p.

Appendix 1. Plan for working on yourself

1st stage

Determine the social purpose and meaning of your life. My moral ideal.

2nd stage

Know yourself. What I am.

3rd stage

Determine a program-plan for self-education.

What should I become?

4th stage

Create your lifestyle

5th stage

Train yourself to develop necessary qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities.

6th stage

Evaluate the results of working on yourself, set new goals for self-education.

1.Motto of life.

1.My advantages.

1. Requirements for me from parents and teachers.


1. Daily routine.

2. Careful attitude towards time.

3. Occupational and rest hygiene.

4.Rules of life.

Training, exercises.


2. Assignment to yourself (for a day, a week, a month).



5. Self-control



1.Self-analysis and self-assessment of working on oneself.

2.Self-reward or self-punishment.

3.Self-improvement of the self-education program.

2.The ultimate goal of my aspirations and activities.

2. My shortcomings.

2. Demands from my comrades and team.

3. What I love and hate in people.

3.My interests and hobbies.

3. Requirements for yourself from the position of ideal and objective self-esteem

4.The purpose of my life.

4.Spiritual values ​​of a person.

5.Attitude towards learning.


Self-education program.

6.Attitude to work.

7.Attitude towards people.

It is very difficult to manage and curb feelings, but this can also be learned. Self-regulation allows you to treat other people with restraint and tolerate their shortcomings, developing the ability not to get irritated in the most critical situations.

Self-education techniques play a significant role in the development of moral culture, courage, the formation of erudition and the ability to lead people: self-esteem, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-approval, self-correction, self-regulation, self-stimulation and others.


Self-education begins with self-esteem. A person must know exactly what qualities should be cultivated in himself. Self-esteem is formed by comparing yourself with other people and by comparing the level of your aspirations with the results of your activities. Adequate self-esteem allows you to correctly formulate the goals of self-education. It is formulated in cases where the subject reveals an opinion about himself and his actions from people with whom he comes into contact in the family, at an educational institution, or on vacation; critically compares himself with others. If the result of these contacts is low self-esteem, the person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every task. He loses self-confidence. It becomes more difficult for him to work, more difficult to contact colleagues, to establish contacts with people.

When working with such subordinates, it is worth remembering the advice of V. Goethe. He said that by communicating with our neighbors as they deserve, we only make them worse. By communicating with them as if they are better than what they really are, we force them to become better. Therefore, it is advisable to advance many people with praise.

Low self-esteem the leader himself directly influences his attitude towards his subordinates. A leader with low self-esteem is often unfair to subordinates whom he considers luckier and smarter than himself. As a rule, he is suspicious and has a negative attitude towards those who, as it seems to him, do not love or respect him. He strives for an autocratic management style and the establishment of strict discipline. He believes that every subordinate is trying to deceive him, to laugh at him behind his back, and from here comes suspicion and disbelief in the honesty of his colleagues.

Heightened self-esteem alienates the manager from his subordinates and interferes with the establishment of normal business contacts.
A somewhat inflated self-esteem, if it does not lead to selfishness and arrogance, is not terrible. It definitely contributes to achieving success in any type of activity.

When developing an objective self-assessment, it is necessary to take into account the environment in which this work is carried out. In the experiment, students gave themselves a grade for each of the qualities specified by the experimenter. An elegant, impeccably dressed, clean-shaven man walked into the room with an expensive briefcase in his hands. The subjects' assessment of their appearance decreased. But when a citizen entered the room carelessly, sloppily dressed, wearing unclean shoes and unironed trousers, self-esteem for these indicators became significantly higher.


This is a short, abrupt order made to oneself: “Talk calmly!”, “Do not succumb to provocation!”, “Be silent, be silent!” helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, and comply with ethical requirements.

Among the responsibilities of a manager there are some that are unpleasant to perform. They are of little interest, they force you not to be distracted, to keep yourself in check, and to restrain your emotions. But moral requirements and professional duty force the leader to unswervingly fulfill these duties. Self-order can be an assistant here. It is important that he be reasonable and at the same time force him to overcome reluctance, force him to do what he needs, and not what he wants.

Self-order is used when a person has already convinced himself that he needs to behave in a certain way. He clearly sees his shortcomings, but cannot bring himself to carry out the intended plan of action. At this moment, the need arises to decisively demand the necessary action from oneself in the form of an order. Next time it will be easier to perform such an action, and in the future it will become a habit. If self-order does not help, you need to repeat it several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Thus, the German king Henry IV, a coward from childhood, when going into battle ordered: “Forward, cowardly body! Go ahead, you cowardly bastard! With these words, he walked ahead of his troops and inspired them with his example.


It helps to behave within the framework of the rules of cultural behavior accepted in a given society, to control oneself in the most difficult situations. It can be applied in the process of self-education of any personality traits. For several weeks and sometimes months, in order to change behavior in the required direction, a pre-prepared phrase is said many times a day: “Under no circumstances will I raise my voice!”, “I will listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, no matter how difficult it is.” I don’t care!”, “No comments from others will piss me off!” This repetition of memorized formulas is done until confidence becomes unshakable, leaving not a shadow of doubt about the ability to cope with oneself, to behave in accordance with self-suggestion.

So, for example, repeating many times: “I don’t feel pain,” you can get rid of pain. And vice versa, you can instill in yourself a feeling of pain, without even uttering any formulas.

Unpleasant emotions accompanying pain disappear when you switch your attention. G. Heine stopped feeling the excruciating pain that haunted him when he wrote poetry. Research work helped the philosopher I. Kant, the physicist B. Pascal, and the writer N. Ostrovsky to get rid of pain. People have long noticed that thoughts about pain increase it many times over. L. Seneca also wrote: “Pain is easy to endure if you do not increase it with thoughts about it; if, on the contrary, you encourage yourself, saying: it’s nothing, or, at least, it’s not a problem, you need to be able to endure, it will soon pass, then the pain becomes light insofar as the person convinces himself of this.” Self-hypnosis or passion for some activity creates a focus of excitation in the brain, which, becoming dominant, inhibits other areas of the brain, including those that cause the sensation of pain.

Academician Kassirsky told the students: - When you give aspirin, it is medicine. And when I give medicine, it is the most powerful healing agent, because this medicine plus my authority. This principle is the basis for the use of placebos, which an authoritative physician calls a powerful new drug.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective in cases when it is carried out before bedtime and immediately after waking up in the morning, while lying in bed. No effort or volitional action is needed here. All formulas are pronounced calmly, without tension. Mentally pronounced words cause a self-hypnosis effect, which leads to corresponding changes in the body. Mental suggestions should be simple and brief. The words are spoken at a slow pace, in time with the breathing.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective when the state of the cerebral cortex is somewhat inhibited. That is why it is easier to carry out in a half-asleep state or during artificial relaxation (relaxation). It is good to do it before bed or immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. It is especially effective in the process of autogenic training. The effectiveness of self-suggestion increases when a leader beginning self-education learns about cases of its successful use. Here, for example, about this.

Preparing to cross the Atlantic Ocean on an inflatable boat, German doctor Hannes Lindemann told himself for several weeks many times a day: “I can do it! I will stay alive! As he said later, he developed feelings of “boundless confidence,” “cosmic security,” which left no room for doubt about success or the possibility of misfortune. And when the boat capsized during the voyage, Hannes, getting out of the cold water, continued to inspire himself: “I can handle it!” - and eventually achieved success.

Back in the 20s. A unique school of suggestion was created by the French healer Emile Coue. He believed that the main cause of any disease was human imagination. Therefore, for recovery, I recommended repeating formulas aimed at improving health daily. Coue argued that everyone who inspires himself: “I will achieve!” will definitely achieve. This and other formulas he proposed promoted the patient’s active participation in the psychotherapeutic process, although, of course, they could not completely replace medications.


It is difficult to overestimate the ability to control one’s actions and actions, to carry out self-governing behavior. Self-correction makes it possible to correct the intensity of passions, teaches you to control yourself, and quickly calm down in difficult situations. History is unusually rich in examples of self-correction that help an outstanding person clearly carry out his planned life program.

All his life, L. N. Tolstoy persistently and persistently corrected his behavior. In his diary, he notes his shortcomings: “Unfoundedness (by this I mean: indecisiveness, inconstancy and inconsistency); unpleasant, difficult character, irritability, excessive narcissism, vanity; habit of idleness” and outlines ways to correct his shortcomings: Throughout his life, M. Gandhi persistently corrected his needs and mental states. “A man,” he wrote, “is a man because he is capable of self-restraint, and remains a man only insofar as he exercises it in practice.”

The most difficult thing, in his opinion, is to control the movement of one’s own thoughts.

Self-correction allows you to transform the chaos of negative thoughts and feelings that destroy life potential into a harmonious structure. If such a transformation occurs consciously, it leads to a more effective use of the individual's vital energy.


This technique involves learning the ability to monitor external manifestations of emotional states. The fact is that by changing external expression and emotions, you can regulate your internal mental state. For example, chaotic hand movements in conversation that do not support speech, trembling fingers cause indecisiveness and self-doubt; ingratiating intonations deepen anxiety. And vice versa, by training yourself not to wave your arms in a conversation, not to hunch over, not to frown, but to stand in front of your interlocutors with your shoulders turned, your stomach pulled up, demonstrating beautiful posture, and to smile in moments of confusion and bewilderment; to look confidently and strictly in a conflict situation, the leader gains self-confidence and does not get lost in a moment of severe anxiety or in the event of an emergency.

It is very difficult to manage and curb feelings, but this can also be learned. Self-regulation serves the ability to treat other people with restraint, tolerantly perceive their shortcomings, weaknesses, and mistakes. Constant self-control develops the ability not to get irritated in the most critical situations.

If, however, control over feelings has failed, a breakdown has occurred, the situation is emergency and you need to calm down, pull yourself together, the best way to calm down is movement. It is very good to silently and thoughtfully walk around the office, taking, say, two steps inhale and exhale five steps, counting the steps in your mind. Movement, breathing, and counting steps in the mind quickly distract the leader from the situation and calm him down.

Plays an important role in self-regulation reflection. First you need to intensify your self-awareness. This allows you to detect the incompatibility of your principles, thoughts, actions and relatively easily outline ways to consolidate new elements of behavior. It must be borne in mind that the higher a person’s intelligence, the more accurate his self-awareness, the more effective self-regulation functions.


For a number of managers, primarily suspicious and proud people, methods of self-encouragement and self-punishment can provide great assistance in self-education. In case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying: “Good job!”, “Well done!”, “It turned out great!”, “And continue like this!” And in case of failure, mentally reprimand yourself: “Bad!”, “Very bad!”, “Shame!” Obviously, with major successes and significant failures, the impact is magnified.

It is desirable that reactions of self-reward and self-punishment regulate our behavior constantly. Although it is obviously necessary to resort to them depending on the situation. Unfortunately, very often a person does not receive a positive assessment of his behavior from the outside. And deprivation of basic attention without the self-reinforcement of intensive work is one of the reasons for increased nervousness and depression.

Obviously, you can reward and punish yourself not only verbally. Naturally, depriving yourself of pleasure will be an effective means of self-punishment.

It is very important to convince yourself of your own capabilities to influence your body, change your views, strengthen your nervous energy, make yourself healthy and strong. But such work gives results only if the demands on oneself increase gradually.