German rural women's association - union of German girls. The image of the ideal woman of the III Reich

While a person is in a familiar environment, he behaves normally. But as soon as a difficult, and even more dangerous, situation arises, the most incredible changes can happen to him. In an extreme situation, psychological stress increases many times over, behavior changes, critical thinking decreases, movement coordination is impaired, perception and attention decrease, emotional reactions change, and much more.

In an extreme situation, in other words, in a situation of real threat, one of three forms of response is possible:

a) a sharp decrease in organization (disorganization) of behavior;

b) sharp inhibition of active actions;

c) increasing the efficiency of actions.

Disorganization of behavior can manifest itself in the unexpected loss of acquired skills that seemed to be brought to automaticity.

Increasing the effectiveness of actions in the event of an extreme situation is expressed in the mobilization of all the resources of the human psyche to overcome it. This is increased self-control, clarity of perception and assessment of what is happening, and the performance of actions and actions that are adequate to the situation. This form of response is the most desirable, but is it always possible for everyone?

In order to make the right decision in an extreme situation, it is necessary, if possible, to understand the situation you find yourself in.

Firstly,in a situation of threat of use of force, first of all it is necessary to determine how real it is, whether it is possible to avoid the attack undesirable consequences . Assess the location of the threat. If this is your office or living space, then you should take into account that the person threatening you has a much worse understanding of the situation than you: you know where this or that thing is located. But your loved ones may be in the living space, and the threat may, under certain circumstances, turn against them. However, this may be a room in which the owner is the threatening one, and here the initiative is largely on his side.

Another situation is the street. It’s one thing to have a street where there are people, but another thing to have no one around and the possibility of anyone appearing is highly doubtful.

Secondly,the time when the threat of force arises.(day or night) At night, any threat is perceived differently than during the day. The idea that violence occurs mainly at night may work here. And in general, darkness itself can keep many people under increased tension.

Third,the number of people accompanying the threat. It’s one thing if he is alone, completely different if there are several people with him. The nature of the relationship between them can orient you to who is in charge, whether this is the first time they have committed such an act or whether they are acting as a well-coordinated mechanism.

Fourthly,physical characteristics and equipment of the threat. The nature of your clothing, to a certain extent, may indicate whether the person threatening you was preparing for a meeting with you, and whether it corresponds to his intentions. In loose-fitting clothes, you can easily hide instruments of violence that a person can later use.

When analyzing the situation when they are trying to blackmail you, you should pay special attention to the following points.

Firstly,whether the event that the blackmailer is using actually took place. If what they are trying to threaten you with did not happen, then it is not always worthwhile to immediately notify the blackmailer about it. But sometimes a situation may arise when the event itself took place, but it looked completely different from what is stated in the threat. In this situation, it is necessary to quickly assess whether you can prove what this event actually looked like.

Secondly,how real is the possibility of compromising you if you refuse to comply with the blackmailer’s demands. What might be the consequences for you, and how will they try to achieve this?

Third, Do you have time to neutralize possible negative consequences, is it possible to delay their onset at least a little.

Fourthly, whether the threat affects your loved ones or concerns only you. After all, these are different situations when they blackmail you with harmful consequences for yourself now, or when the threat concerns your loved ones, but in the future.

Fifthly, whether the blackmail is carried out by telephone, in writing or in personal contact with the blackmailer.

Persons from whom the threat of attack or blackmail comes can be classified into three large groups:

1) mentally normal people who are in a state where there are no deviations in behavior;

2) mentally normal people who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

3) people with pathological mental disorders. If there is a threat of physical attack or it is already being carried out, then first of all it is necessary to orient yourself in the partner’s physical data: height, weight, physique, characteristic signs indicating that he has undergone some kind of special training.

Pay attention to how the person stands. (boxer stance, karateka stance, etc.) A boxer, as a rule, takes an open, but still boxing stance, involuntarily clenches his fists, and often taps the fist of his leading hand into the open palm of the other, as if playing with himself (here you can get visual information about whether he is left-handed or right-handed) . Often in boxers one can observe characteristic changes in the structure of the nose - as a result of repeated injury to the bridge of the nose.

A wrestler usually stands with his shoulders slightly lowered, his arms along his body, they can be half-bent, his fingers seem to be ready to grab something, his legs are shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The stance can be perceived as threatening, the movements are smoother than that of a boxer.

A person practicing karate can involuntarily take one of the stances of this type of confrontation, the legs and arms occupy a characteristic position, the fingers are not always clenched into fists, and about if they are compressed, they are much tighter than boxers make them.

As a rule, all these people have a good physique, developed muscles, move well, look at their partner, recording the slightest changes in his behavior.

By the way, commit external signs threatening, attacking, blackmailing is extremely important, since it is possible that you will have to enter into relations with law enforcement agencies, and then any little thing you notice may come in handy.

If time and conditions allow, it is advisable to pay attention to height, body features, hair color and hairstyle features, eye color, shape of the forehead, nose, lips, chin, ears. Pay attention to what the enemy is wearing, but most importantly, the special signs that distinguish this person.

Special signs include not only moles, scars, tattoos, any physical defects, but also manners of speaking, gestures, voice characteristics, pronunciation, vocabulary and much more, which in the aggregate are characteristic only of this person.

If the person threatening communicated on telephone, pay attention to the nature of the call - local or out of town, how the subscriber introduced himself, immediately spoke about the essence of the matter, without asking who he was talking to, or first clarified who he was talking to.

The characteristics of his speech are fast or slow, intelligibility, the presence of stuttering and accent, clarity and other features of pronunciation. Voice - volume, timbre, hoarse, soft, drunk. Manner of speaking - calm, confident, connected, incoherent, leisurely, hurried, decent", obscene, embittered, emotional, colorless.

The presence of noise accompanying the conversation - another voice that tells the subscriber what to say, silence or loud noise, the sound of transport (train, subway, car, plane), the noise of machines, office cars, phone calls, music, street noise.

When coming into direct contact with a threat, you should also pay attention to the degree of his aggressiveness. Is it aimed specifically on you, which may indicate personal motives, or is it aggressiveness of a general nature, that is, it is directed at you simply as an object over whom violence is entrusted. Try to assess how real the likelihood of violence is or whether they are trying to “scare” you.

It is important to determine the emotional state of the enemy - the nature and speed of his actions, the degree of aggressiveness, the ability to conduct a dialogue with him and avoid consequences harmful to you depend on this.

We will describe some emotional states and show how, by external signs, one can determine which emotion (or which ones) experiences threatening.

Fear- sometimes you may encounter a situation where the person threatening or attacking is afraid. With fear, as a rule, a sharp contraction of muscles occurs, due to which the person experiencing fear becomes stiff in his movements. They are somewhat uncoordinated; the trembling of the hands, especially the tips of the fingers, legs, etc., can be quite clearly recorded. The eyebrows are almost straight, slightly raised, their inner corners are shifted towards each other, and horizontal wrinkles cover the forehead. Eyes sufficiently disclosed The pupils are wide, often dilated, the lower eyelid is tense, and the upper eyelid is slightly raised. The mouth is open, the lips are tense and slightly stretched. The gaze is perceived as moving.

More active sweating occurs, although the temperature indoors or outdoors is comfortable. Sweat can be observed in the following areas: forehead, above and below the lower lip, neck, armpits, palms, back. The man actively wipes away sweat, his face turns pale.

Anger can often be observed with aggressive behavior. It is this emotion that is an indicator of the degree of aggressiveness of the partner. His pose takes on a harvesting character, the man looks as if he is preparing to throw. The muscles are tense, but there is no tremor characteristic of fear. The face is frowned, the gaze may be fixed on the source of anger and express a threat. The nostrils flare, the wings of the nostrils flutter, the lips are pulled back, sometimes so much that they expose clenched teeth. The face turns pale, but often turns red. Sometimes you can notice how convulsions run across the face of a person experiencing anger.

Speech with a hint of threat through clenched teeth. There may be very rude words, revolutions and obscene language. It is characteristic that in strong anger, even people of non-Russian nationality often use Russian obscene language.

It should be especially noted that when angry a person feels a surge of strength and becomes much more energetic and impulsive. In this state he feels the need for physical action, and the stronger the anger, the greater this need. Self-control is reduced.

Contempt- unlike anger, this emotion rarely causes impulsive behavior, but it is possible that this is precisely why a person demonstrating contempt is in some way more dangerous than an angry one.

Outwardly, it looks something like this: the head is raised up, and even if the person showing contempt is shorter than you, it seems that he is looking from above. You can observe a detached posture and a smug facial expression.

Disgust - a negative emotion that can stimulate aggression. A person experiencing disgust looks as if something disgusting has entered their mouth or as if they have smelled an extremely unpleasant odor. The nose wrinkles, the upper lip is pulled up, sometimes it seems that such a person’s eyes are crossed. As with contempt, a pose of detachment, but without expressed superiority.

Disgust combined with anger can cause very aggressive behavior, since anger motivates an attack, and disgust motivates the need to get rid of something unpleasant.

We will not dwell on the description of such emotions as joy, surprise, grief, shame, since they are not so typical for situations of aggression and attack. But if a person causing pain shows external signs of joy, then this is at least a sign of sadism.

The man is "out of his mind"

Often the threat of attack, the attack itself, or blackmail is carried out by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs lead the psyche of the attacker or threat to a state of increased excitability and sharply reduce the level of self-control. That is why sometimes it is important to determine what kind of “doping” and how much the enemy took and what can be expected from him.

The signs of alcohol intoxication are so well known that there is no need to describe them in detail. But it is important to know: the most dangerous are the mild and moderate stages of intoxication, which often cause an increase in aggressiveness. Some take alcohol for “bravery,” thereby overcoming the feeling of fear, the signs of which can nevertheless be recorded.

When intoxicated, the critical perception of what is happening decreases; such a person has difficulty perceiving or does not perceive any argumentation at all. Movements become more active and can quickly become aggressive. As a rule, a physical attack in such situations is preceded by swearing, swearing, and threats.

A person in a state of drug intoxication looks almost like anyone else. normal person, and someone who has never seen people in such a state may not notice this.

Drug intoxication is usually characterized by increased activity in movements: fast, excessive live speech, not quite adequate response to questions, a kind of “glint” in the eyes, sometimes causeless laughter, and a general state of euphoria. In some people in this state, sensitivity to pain decreases, there may be virtually no awareness of responsibility for their actions, and there is no sense of empathy for others. All this is typical for mild drug intoxication, which has an exciting effect.

In a chronic drug addict, you can see traces of injections and bags under the eyes. It should be borne in mind that the reaction to the drug can be quite short-lived, and the end of its effect in an extreme environment for the drug addict can cause withdrawal, which will result in a sharp deterioration in his condition, he can become depressed, angry, even more agitated and aggressive.

He may have an irresistible desire to remove the obstacle to the next dose of the drug as quickly as possible. For some drug addicts, this period of activation lasts a short time, after which a period of severe depression may occur, up to epileptic seizures, when the person becomes practically helpless.

Aggression can come from a person suffering from a mental disorder. Quite conventionally, such people are divided into four groups: patients suffering from paranoid type schizophrenia; patients suffering from manic-depressive psychosis; patients with antisocial behavior; persons with inadequate reactions.

If the person threatening to attack belongs to the first group, then it should be taken into account that such people have practically lost all contact with reality, they often have auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as a manic syndrome, manifested in delusions of grandeur or persecution. With delusions of grandeur, a person considers himself endowed with special qualities, as a result of which he is much “higher” than others. With persecution mania, a person is sure that he is being persecuted for his “special mission”, “special gift”, etc.

A manic person may consider you a “great sinner” from whom he must rid the world. These are people with a fairly developed intellect; it is difficult to deceive them or mislead them. In certain situations they can be quite aggressive.

Persons belonging to the second group are usually in a state of such deep depression that they lose all contact with the real world. They often consider themselves unworthy to live, but they are ready to take others with them to another world, since they sincerely believe that they will provide a service by saving them from the horrors of earthly existence.

The patient's speech is extremely slow, to answer the most simple questions it takes from 15 to 30, and sometimes more, seconds. The movements may resemble a movie in slow motion. He may experience spontaneous “improvements” in his condition, when he suddenly says quite calmly: “Okay, now I know what to do.” Do not rejoice ahead of time; it is better when his condition improves gradually.

The following two groups do not belong to the mentally ill, since they do not lose touch with reality, but they can also be classified as people with mental disorders.

A classic manipulator or swindler is characterized by a complete absence of guilt and remorse. Morals and ethics in the universal understanding are alien to him, which makes it unlikely that he will be able to relate to those whom he threatens or influences. physical impact, as to people. He often strives for physical pleasure, loves to manipulate other people, knows how to “present” himself, and at first can form an opinion of himself as a pleasant person. He is highly impulsive and can seek immediate satisfaction of his demands.

And finally, there are people who, without losing touch with reality, think immaturely, although they may be aware of the consequences of their actions and deeds. Shows an inadequate reaction to stress, feels like a failure in life, a person who is always unlucky. An incident with you is an opportunity to prove something important to someone, and a physical confrontation may be considered one of the thrills by them. He often makes statements like: “I will prove it to them. what am I capable of?

Choosing behavioral tactics

It is impossible to dwell on all aspects of diagnosing extreme situations. Much will depend on the ability to maintain composure, since only under this condition is it possible to adequately assess what is happening and make an appropriate decision. There are a lot of different express relaxation techniques that make it possible to manage your condition.

If an extreme situation arises, look at something blue, or even better, imagine a blue background with very deep saturation. In Ancient India, it was not without reason that this color was considered the color of peace, rest, and relaxation.

If you feel that fear is holding you back and preventing you from acting in accordance with the situation, say to yourself, but very firmly and confidently: “Not two!” This will help you get back to normal. In the same situation, you can loudly ask yourself: “Vasya, are you here?” and confidently answer: “Yes, I’m here!”

The main thing is the choice of behavior tactics depending on the assessment of the situation. You can choose the tactics of a person who is not afraid of physical attack; in this case, it is necessary first of all to demonstrate to the enemy your calmness.

If, for example, the enemy is angry, then your calmness can somewhat reduce his intensity. If the enemy shows contempt, then the best countermeasure is to maintain a high sense of self-esteem. If the fear of the threatening person is noticeable, show not only calmness, but also strength, self-confidence, and possibly aggressive intentions.

But in any case, start talking to the enemy. First of all, you need to find out: the current situation is the enemy’s initiative or he is carrying out someone’s order. Ask him questions about why he is going to attack you, what exactly you did wrong to him, whether he made a mistake by confusing you with someone else, etc. If the person threatening is pursuing some of his own personal interests, try to find out what they are.

For example, the threat of an attack on the street. Here you will most likely encounter a robber, although it could also be a drunk who felt that he was not respected. If there is only one attacker, then aggressive behavior towards him can lead to positive result in resolving an emergency situation. The main thing is that he understands that you are not afraid of him and are ready to protect yourself.

This has a sobering effect on many, with the possible exception of the drunk or one of the types with a mental disorder. A positive result is also possible if, realizing the physical superiority of the enemy, you begin to actively and loudly call for help - there is no need to be shy, a cry can paralyze the attacker’s activity for a moment, and it is possible that it will lead to a refusal attacks.

If the attack is “ordered”, then you should try to use the same little tricks, but in this situation they cannot always give a positive result. Try to talk to the one who threatens. First of all, try to establish what threatens you: is this an attempt to scare or we're talking about about something more serious.

You should always try to maintain composure, reduce Negative influence fear on own actions. Maybe you can deceive the attacker by convincing him that you are not the one he needs. This can work if the attacker only showed you briefly and long before the attack. By the way, if someone approaches you on the street Unknown person and clarify! what is your name, don’t rush to answer the question - it would be nice to know why he asks this.

So, you have made sure that the attacker knows that you are you, that he is acting on someone’s orders, and that very undesirable consequences are about to occur. What's next? Try to find out if the attacker has a weapon and what kind of weapon it is.

If he reaches into his pocket, this may be his chance, since for a moment one of his hands is already blocked. If you do not know self-defense techniques or did not have time to react in time, then perhaps you should not take active actions for some time, but should wait for the situation to develop, but keeping it under control.

Try to persuade the attacker to stop hurting you. But this can hardly be achieved by tearfully begging, and even on your knees. This behavior will give a positive result if the attacker just needs to humiliate you and nothing more. The conversation can be conducted on the principle of persuasion: “What will it give you personally if you hurt me?”

For some, these types of questions can be perplexing. Others claim they were paid for it. If so, try to find out who paid and how much; It is possible that by offering a slightly larger amount you can get out of the situation.

When communicating with an attacker, try to look him in the eyes and not turn your back to him. Try to leave an escape route if possible. If he has a gun pointed at you, try to encourage him to put it down for at least a little while.

When there are several attackers, this is worse, since the possibilities of confrontation are sharply reduced, and it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to conduct a conversation with several aggressive opponents. That is why, as soon as possible, it is necessary to determine who is the leader in the group of attackers and concentrate your communication on him.

Everything that was said in relation to a lone attack is also valid for a conversation with a leader, but we should not forget that he will focus not so much on you, but on “his own”. If one on one he could behave differently, then in a group it is more difficult for him to do this, and sometimes even impossible.

It is necessary to enter into a dialogue, at least in order to determine whether all members of the group are in the same mood. Can play here big role any replica of any member of the group, even a gesture, movement, nod. If you notice sympathy from one of the group members, try to start a dialogue with him, or involve him in a dialogue with the leader, or use his remark in an argument addressed to the leader.

Try to speak to your attacker in his language and tone. If he uses obscene language, then often understanding can be achieved only by switching to the language he loves so much. Some people, especially those with a low level of intelligence, are simply annoyed by being addressed politely in conflict situations.

Sometimes diverting the attacker's attention to a foreign object can help. You suddenly begin to peer somewhere behind the threatening person or wave your hand invitingly. Most often, an involuntary reaction immediately follows - turning your head in the direction in which you are looking. Here is a moment that can help.

Impossible to give detailed description all variants of “street scenes”, and that is why we repeat once again: success will largely depend on your self-control, flexibility and ability to communicate effectively in an extreme situation.

The famous traveler and survival specialist Jacek Palkiewicz (Italy) formulated the safety methodology as follows:

    anticipate danger;

    avoid it if possible;

    act if necessary.

Psychological predisposition to criminal situations

The information carrier is not only the home, car, office, but also the clothing and equipment of a businessman. Fashionable, bright clothes attract the attention of not only girls and young women, but also criminals. Judging by a person’s clothing, posture, and behavior, one can determine his status in society, material security, character, etc. Very often, people who attract attention become victims of violence.

It is known that any violence causes serious psychological trauma, which can turn the rest of your life into a complete nightmare. It's like constantly carrying a psychological time bomb inside of you. For this reason, many entrepreneurs who have been terrorized by racketeers leave the “market stage” and begin to engage in safer activities.

There is a whole science to study the victim phenomenon - victimology.

She distinguishes two types of predisposition to all kinds of criminal troubles. Psychologists distinguish among people the hysterical type - a person who needs to attract attention (this is especially true for women). His signs: provocative clothing, talking too loudly or laughing in public place(transport), intent and glance at others, etc.

German psychologist Vera Birkenbiel in her book “How to Succeed in Life” notes: firstly, there is “body language” (facial expression, sound of voice, gestures); secondly, there is an additional phenomenon - a person is what he thinks about himself. There is no need to talk about your inner state; those around you will feel it anyway.

People always feel how we feel about them. At the subconscious level, we act as a transmitter that tells others what our mood is: happy or sad, whether we feel like a winner or whether our self-esteem is below zero.

The ability to ensure the secrecy of such information about oneself is an art that few people master.

Group predisposition is usually associated with a person’s profession. The more he attracts the attention of others, the higher the risk.

In our troubled society, the safest professions are still teachers and doctors. Even among the most inveterate criminals it is considered unworthy to touch those who teach and heal.

More often than others, cashiers, collectors, police officers, security services of companies (enterprises), watchmen and some other workers who, due to their official duty, are forced, due to their official duty, to come into conflict with those who encroach on other people’s property, become victims of crime due to their professional activities and social role. life and health of citizens, violates public order and community standards.

Criminal victimology studies the causes and conditions for committing crimes from the perspective of the victim’s behavior, her role in the unlawful act, as well as developing scientifically based practical recommendations for identifying potential victims and selecting appropriate security measures for them.

This scientific discipline does not study all crimes, but only those in which illegal actions are caused by the personal qualities or behavior of the victim himself.

An analysis of today’s “developments” in criminal victimology allows us to conclude that most often the victims are young people, old people and, of course, mentally disabled people. Along with this, among victims of crimes, one can distinguish a certain category of persons with characteristics in the individual psychological structure of the personality. These include people who are greedy, with a heightened sense of envy, who have experienced severe emotional upheavals, and who lack self-confidence.

People who lead a frivolous lifestyle, are prone to adventurism, abuse alcohol, and are careless about the safety of their own property are also endowed with an increased ability to become a victim under certain conditions. This also includes persons who do not observe basic precautions in specific life situations. This can be caused by a variety of reasons: carelessness, arrogance, delusion and, of course, the influence of alcohol.

Currently available victimological research materials lead to the conclusion that the majority of victims of thieves are careless, frivolous, carefree and excessively gullible. People who have suffered from physical injuries are characterized by short temper, quarrelsomeness, selfishness, lack of self-control and a sense of superiority over others.

Among the negative personality traits of rape victims, the most prominent are an underestimate of moral values, a lack of basic caution in everyday life, making acquaintances and establishing relationships with unfamiliar men, the inability to correctly navigate the current situation, and moral uncleanliness.

Criminals, as a rule, know the psychology of their potential victims very well, using their “weaknesses” for their own purposes. The marriage swindler chooses his victim among women who do not hide their passionate desire to get married; card sharper - among people greedy for profit; The blackmailer is looking for those who have something to hide from others.

An entrepreneur should not count on happiness when meeting a criminal. Even small fry, as they say, in business - “shuttles” - can be seen a mile away. That is why it is so important to know how information security is achieved and information protection is organized.

Very often (especially in last years) in difficult and sometimes the most unexpected situations, an entrepreneur has to rely primarily on himself.

It is known that people have incredible abilities, but they do not use them in Everyday life, because he is not able to control them according to at will. However, sometimes, in extreme situations, these forces unexpectedly manifest themselves. And then a miracle happens, which they cannot explain.

Fear with a sense of self-preservation in extreme situations “allows” the human body to fully use its “reserve”, but the majority resort to this “emergency reserve” very rarely. Although, once using my hidden possibilities, a person spends the rest of his life wondering how he did it.

This happens most often in the face of terrible danger, when the threat to life is enormous, and death seems inevitable. At this moment, the body works miracles.

There are plenty of examples of this. So, in the city of Lawrenceville, Georgia, a woman managed to lift a powerful Chevrolet Impala that fell on her son. The car fell off the jack and crushed her son Tony while he was repairing it. The mother lifted the car in a second and held it until her son was pulled out.

Adrenaline allows a person to do more than just lift cars. In 2006, in Quebec, a woman had the opportunity to fight a large bear. He approached the place where her son and several other boys were playing hockey. The woman grabbed the bear and struggled until help came running to her. In an unequal fight, the woman received only a few small wounds, while the predator was simply knocked out. At the same time, the neighbor shot at him as many as five times, and only then the bear died.

So, what kind of forces appear at the moment when it turns off? logical thinking, since people perform such miracles without thinking whether they can or not, and some don’t even remember what happened?

Where do these supernatural powers come from? Is it possible that the alter ego of a superman awakens in people? Or maybe people really have superpowers given to them by nature?

Some believe that a person does not use the capabilities of his muscles in full force However, the moment he encounters a threat, he “breaks” these restrictions. Something similar happens when a person is subjected to electric shock. After all, it is known that when struck by an electric current, a person is in a state of unrealistic a short time run a fairly long distance. But the process taking place is not at all similar to the effect of electric shock. Actually, electric charge, acting externally, causes the muscles to contract, and due to this they become elastic. But if there is no source of excitation, the muscles “live” in their normal state, and therefore people do not have super strength - they cannot run long distances in the blink of an eye or lift heavy machines into the air.

Science is able to explain such attacks of “hysterical” force, manifested only in under stress. The fact is that given power rises “without warning,” but to reproduce such a situation in laboratory conditions not only unethical and dangerous, but also impossible.

When a person encounters trouble or experiences fear, changes immediately begin in his body. For example, when a parent sees that his child is in danger, this source of stress immediately irritates the hypothalamus - the part in the brain that is responsible for emotionality. When a “message” about danger is received in the hypothalamus, a signal is transmitted to the adrenal glands that activates the sympathetic system. Adrenaline and norepinephrine are released from the adrenal glands, which help the body to “pull together” in extreme situations. These hormones increase your heart rate, increasing your breathing rate and dilating your pupils, causing your muscles to contract. They seem to “prepare” a person for the upcoming danger, making him stronger. It seems that a valve with additional energy is opening.

At this moment, adrenaline is released, regulating vascular tone. More blood and oxygen enter the muscles, helping to improve functional muscle efficiency. Skeletal muscles, which are attached to bones, begin to contract. Because of this, a person becomes noticeably stronger and more resilient.

But why can’t a person always have supernatural power? The answer is clear - it could kill him.

A long-term state of excitement, according to scientists, can lead to very negative consequences. Thus, the Austrian Hans Selye, a pathologist, for a long time studied the human body's response to stress. He identified several reactions in the body, which he called adaptation syndrome. The scientist called the first stage the alarm reaction, i.e. the body's reaction to unexpected stress when, facing danger, human body prepares to fight to the end, to victory, or, conversely, to escape. He called the second reaction the stage of resistance. At this time, a person is fully prepared for danger. At this stage, his pupils are dilated, his heartbeat and breathing are rapid, and at the same time his muscles are contracting. It is at this stage that people can rush like the wind, lift incredibly massive objects, etc.

There is, of course, the opportunity to improve the functional abilities of muscles as a result of special training. If you lift the barbell many times every day, your muscles actually become more elastic over time. But if muscle contraction constantly occurs as a result of the release of adrenaline, then sad consequences cannot be avoided. This nature of surges in functional muscle capacity leads to tissue rupture.

In almost all cases, including the woman lifting a car and the woman fighting a polar bear, the resulting stressors do not last long. Literally in a few minutes human body Having recovered from the shock, he returns to normal life. The parasympathetic system comes into play, the effect of which is absolutely opposite to the sympathetic one. As a result of the work of the parasympathetic nervous system, the heartbeat slows down, breathing and pulse are restored, muscles relax, and many functions, for example, digestion, begin to function again. The hypothalamus, which is responsible for launching the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, supports this optimal condition, which scientists call homeostasis.

At the same time, being long time in a tense state, the body enters the third stage in Selye’s general adaptation system – the stage of fatigue. On at this stage human the immune system gradually weakens. As a result, the human body can no longer resist many infectious diseases. And if this condition lasts for a long time, the person becomes easily ill and may have a heart attack.

Therefore, it is obvious that if a person were always in a state of excitement, he would simply exhaust all his strength.

Arthur Clarke also said that the only way to define the boundaries of the possible is to go beyond these very boundaries. But, unfortunately, such situations are always accompanied by great danger and risk to life.

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Many people find themselves in extreme situations. This could be an earthquake, flood, fire, terrorism and much more.

IN stressful situations a person may become confused or become a fighting person during an extreme event. As a result, after experiencing horror and fear, the psyche suffers. A person needs the help of qualified specialists.

What are extreme situations

Sometimes adverse events occur to a person that affect the psyche. These are often called extreme situations. Simply put, this is a change in the usual living conditions.

When it happens critical situation, a person develops fear that needs to be fought. After all, while he is present, people are not subject to themselves. More often strong fear covers when a person understands that certain situation life threatening. Therefore, after the experience, a person is not able to cope with himself, with his psyche. Such people need the help of a specialist.

After a terrible episode, emotions of excitement overwhelm. There is an opinion that the release of adrenaline from the body is a good thing. However, psychologists have a different point of view. After all, if something unexpected happens, for example, a fire, a person goes into shock. After good outcome heart attack, heart attack and other adverse outcomes are possible. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations. The psychology of extreme situations is a problem that is very difficult to get rid of.


Extreme situations can be unexpected and predictable. For example, natural disasters cannot be expected. These situations appear suddenly. Therefore, from surprise, a person may become confused and not have time to take action. necessary measures. Extreme situations are divided into the following types.

1. By scale of distribution. This refers to the size of the territory and the consequences.

  • Local situations are only in the workplace and do not extend beyond it. There may be a maximum of 10-11 injured people, no more.
  • Object situations. This is a danger in the territory, but it can be eliminated on your own.
  • Local situations. Only suffers certain city(suburb or village). An extreme situation does not go beyond the locality and is eliminated with its own means, resources and forces.
  • Regional. The dangerous situation is spreading to several nearby areas. Participate in liquidation federal services. In a regional extreme situation, there should be no more than 500 people affected.

2. According to the pace of development.

  • Unexpected and sudden (accidents, floods, earthquakes, etc.).
  • Swift. This is a very fast spread. These include fires, gaseous emissions toxic substances etc.
  • Average. Are thrown away radioactive substances or volcanoes erupt.
  • Slow. These could be droughts, epidemics, etc.

Any extreme situation poses a threat to human life.

Every disaster leaves its mark on the psyche of people. Therefore, you need to be very careful and know how to react in a certain situation.

Behavior rules

Not everyone thinks about how to behave at a certain moment. Behavior in extreme situations is very important. After all, a lot depends on it, including human life.

First of all, you need to be very calm and cool-headed. Count quickly to three and regain your breathing. Try on this moment forget about fear and pain. Realistically assess your capabilities, strengths and the situation as a whole. Confusion, panic and indecision will only harm you under such circumstances.

Every person should always be prepared for unexpected danger. Then you can deal with it easier. You must know how to properly administer first aid. With good preparation, there is always the opportunity to save your life or those around you. Behavior in extreme situations must be controlled.


First of all, you must make sure that your home is safe and sound. Will you be able to stay in the house if there are hurricanes or earthquakes? Check wiring regularly. You must know for sure that in the event of a fire you will be able to get out of the trap unharmed.

Every family should have medicines for all occasions. We must not forget about bandages, iodine, and burn remedy. They are not needed every day, but sometimes they are simply necessary. Survival in extreme situations is very important factor for every person.

If you have a car, it should always be ready to go. Try to store fuel for such cases.

Don't forget about spare clothes, which should be kept close to your home. Perhaps in a garage or basement. It may be old, but it will keep you warm in the cold.

If every person thinks about their safety in advance, then it will be much easier to survive in any situation. extreme conditions.


What should a person do in extreme situations? Not everyone will be able to answer this question. One hundred to note. that extreme situations with people happen every day, so it is necessary to respond to this question know in advance.

If a person finds a suspicious device in a public place, then it cannot be picked up, but must be reported to the police. Even anonymously. Don’t be afraid to report, because if it’s not you who gets hurt, someone else will.

In any situation, you should not give in to panic. Exactly this dangerous feeling. Try to pull yourself together, calm down and act according to the situation.

There is always a way out, the main thing is to use it correctly. As a rule, there are others around whom you can turn to for help. Actions in extreme situations must be lightning fast. After all, life depends on it. If you understand that you are not able to cope, shout as long as you can so that you are heard. It is clear that not everyone will help, but at least one person will respond to your misfortune.

Memo to citizens

Every citizen needs help in extreme situations. For this purpose, there is a reminder that does not allow you to forget how to act in case of unforeseen incidents.

If you realize that something has happened to the electricity, for example, the meter is cracking or a light bulb is blinking incorrectly, then immediately turn off the power to the apartment. After all, unwanted emergency situations may occur. At the same time, it is advisable to turn off the gas and water. After this, do not hesitate to call a repairman or emergency service.

It often happens that people do not attach importance to certain little things. Because of this, fires, explosions, etc. occur. Therefore, your documents should be in one place and preferably closer to the exit. In case of danger, you must take them with you. This is the first thing that should come to a person's mind.

Money and necessary things should also be not too far from the exit. In stressful and extreme situations, there is not always time to run around the apartment and pack your bags. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about what dangerous cases can happen at any time. You should always remember the rules in extreme situations that can help.

Extreme natural situations

It’s not only in an apartment that danger can overtake a person. There is also plenty of extreme sports in nature. Therefore, a person must be prepared for anything.

For example, you may end up in places that are not very comfortable weather - severe frost and snow. The best decision- survive the cold. You can build a small cave.

Know that snow is an excellent heat insulator. Therefore, thanks to the snow cave you can wait out the cold.

Never go without water in hot weather. It is very dangerous. After all, when you want to drink, and there is no water nearby, you will be ready to do anything if only they give you a sip of a soft drink. Without water, as we know, a person cannot live long.

In natural extreme situations, you can save yourself. However, you should always remember to take precautions. Emergencies can strike a person at any time.


A person can get used to any living conditions. Even in modern world Not everyone can make full use of water, electricity and gas. Therefore, you can also adapt to extreme situations.

Before you get used to dangerous or unusual conditions, you need to prepare yourself mentally. To do this, read about the unknown area where you are going to go. Try to master the necessary skills.

It is very important to prepare yourself psychologically. If you doubt it, maybe it’s not time to take risks yet? Extreme life situation shouldn't break you. Just be positive.

To make it easier for you to adapt to extreme situations, take care of food, water and warm clothing. Without the basic necessities it is much harder to survive.


People who find themselves in extreme situations need help. Each of them has a mental disorder. The consequences vary for people. Some try to forget themselves and find solace in alcohol, others become drug addicts, and still others choose to commit suicide. They all need the help of qualified specialists who will lead a person out of this state.

Psychologists will help you relieve stress, fear and return to normal life. These people cannot be condemned, because none of them is to blame for what happened. Getting rid of memories is not easy at all. If you witness such a situation, then do not turn away from such people, but try to help them return to past life where they felt calm and comfortable.

Every day, many people need to communicate with doctors such as psychologists or neurologists. After stress, a person ceases to exist and begins to live one day at a time. To make it easier to get through difficult days, psychologists advise:

  • Do not panic;
  • Remain calm in any situation;
  • Practice self-hypnosis more often;
  • Get plenty of rest;
  • Spend as much time as possible with friends and relatives;
  • Don't be alone.

When you see something scary in front of you, try to avoid tears and panic, and look for a way out of the current situation.

If a person who has experienced severe stress, turn to a specialist, it will be easier for him to overcome the current problem. The psychology of extreme situations is very serious, so you need to pay attention to it first.


Each person reacts differently to stressful situations. Some will do everything possible to escape, others will begin to panic. It all depends on the individual person. Everyone's psyche is different. Therefore, one cannot blame those people who give up. After all, they are not to blame for their weakness. There are some extreme situations factors. These are exactly what every person should remember.

In stressful situations, a person’s body becomes exhausted, which is where many other diseases appear. In order to avoid undesirable consequences in the future, it is necessary to seek help from specialists who will help restore nervous system and return to your previous problem-free life.

Human behavior in different extreme situations can be different:

People experience fear, danger and confusion

Experience the sensations deadlock, feel discomfort

They behave recklessly, apathetically, do not look for a way out of the current situation,

Others, on the contrary, are in a hurry to make a rash decision.

In an extreme situation, you need to concentrate, calm down, begin to analyze, evaluate and, if possible, control the situation. In these conditions, it is necessary to communicate constructively and positively with others, use relaxation techniques, and have an understanding of survival and safety.

In extreme conditions, a person must focus on studying the situation, on the specific situation in which he finds himself. You need to know that danger can come from anywhere, so it is difficult to predict. At unexpected turn events, the main thing is not to get confused, to adequately perceive the event. Practice shows that in emergency situations a person temporarily experiences a state of confusion, when he does not perceive what he sees and hear, and his perception of the environment around him decreases.

However, a person quickly gets used to it and begins to perceive what is happening adequately. Later, a state of fatigue and overwork sets in. In these conditions, the level of anxiety should not be allowed to become unbearable, because this leads to breakdowns aggressive behavior against others and even against himself. Persistent state tension is dangerous for human health, because quickly depletes his psycho-physiological capabilities and leads to errors in behavior.

An experienced person who has experienced or previously worked in crisis conditions feels better protected and experiences less stress. However, this phenomenon can not only be positive, but also carries with it Negative consequences, because constant threat provokes nervous tension body.

It is very important to correctly navigate real and imaginary threats and learn to overcome fear.

In extreme conditions, a person develops a complex of reactions that mobilizes all psychophysiological potential. It is he who helps to find support, master oneself and cope with the situation, and sometimes even accomplish what seems higher human strength. Help always inspires trust and respect for a person. This might come in handy. One of the main tasks is to avoid injury. But if such a nuisance does happen to you, do not panic and do not rush to say goodbye to life.

Realize that the worst is behind you. You are alive and must survive. Keep in mind that statistically large quantity those who died from wounds are people who went into panic. They die from fear, from shock, and not from the consequences of injury. Predicting the development of the situation in disaster zones is a dubious task. Anything can happen. Do not indulge in adventures involving penetration into the affected area. Don't play with death.

In case of accidents, disasters, natural disasters and other emergency situations mass casualties people can arise suddenly and simultaneously. A huge number of wounded and injured will need first aid medical care. There simply are not enough professionals - nurses and doctors for each victim, and they cannot always arrive in the area of ​​disaster as quickly as the situation requires. That is why immediate assistance can only be provided by those who are close to the victim in the form of mutual aid, or by the victim himself, if he is capable, in the order of self-help.

Explosions during terrorist acts, fires, earthquakes, floods, landslides, transport accidents - all of them usually lead to numerous casualties. The role of timely and skillfully provided medical care is undeniable. Its main and main principle- warning and mitigation dangerous consequences. First medical aid is provided at the site of the injury, and its type is determined by the nature of the damage, the condition of the victim and the specific situation in the area emergency.

The problem of the state, behavior and activities of people in extreme situations

The problem of the condition, behavior and activities of people in extreme situations with a vital threat has in recent years been of serious concern to scientists and practitioners around the world. However, until now, the focus of researchers has been primarily on studying the consequences similar situations- medical-psychological, economic, socio-political, etc. It should probably be recognized that, despite a significant amount of sufficiently substantiated data on the impact of various extreme factors and the characteristics of the organization of rescue and anti-terrorism operations, a number of aspects of the problem, in particular, the dynamics The conditions and behavior of victims and hostages are still among the least studied. At the same time, it is the specificity of the reactions of victims, as well as their dynamics over time, that largely determine the strategy and tactics of anti-terrorist operations, rescue, medical and medical-psychological measures, both directly during an emergency and subsequently.

Results of a study of people exposed to extreme factors during military, anti-terrorist operations and disasters

In the abstract we will consider the generalized results of studying the state, mental and behavioral reactions, as well as the activities of people exposed to extreme factors. These data were obtained by M.M. Reshetnikov in the process of research conducted during and after military operations accompanied by significant losses in Afghanistan (1986), an earthquake in Armenia (1988), the disaster of two passenger trains as a result of a gas explosion near Ufa (1989), the rescue of the crew of the Komsomolets submarine (1989), as well as examination of military personnel and rescuers located on rehabilitation after anti-terrorist operations and analytical study of materials from other similar situations.

Due to the specific conditions and taking into account ethical principles, the examination involved mainly victims, military personnel and rescuers who either did not need emergency medical care or belonged to the category of victims with mild and moderate severity of injuries. Because of this, most of the data obtained were characterized by a certain fragmentation, and holistic ideas were formed by comparing disparate observations.

The data obtained made it possible to distinguish 6 successive stages in the dynamics of the condition of victims (without severe injuries):

1. “Vital reactions” - lasting from a few seconds to 5 - 15 minutes, when behavior is almost completely subordinated to the imperative of conservation own life, with a characteristic narrowing of consciousness, reduction of moral norms and restrictions, disturbances in the perception of time intervals and the strength of external and internal stimuli(including the phenomena of psychogenic hypo- and analgesia even in injuries accompanied by bone fractures, wounds and burns of 1-2 degrees up to 40% of the body surface). This period is characterized by the implementation of predominantly instinctive forms of behavior, which subsequently transform into a short-term (nevertheless with very wide variability) state of numbness. The duration and severity of vital reactions largely depends on the suddenness of the impact of an extreme factor. For example, in case of sudden powerful tremors, as during the earthquake in Armenia, or a train crash near Ufa at night, when most passengers were sleeping, there were cases when, realizing the instinct of self-preservation, people jumped out of the windows of swaying houses or burning cars, for some seconds “forgetting” about their loved ones . But, if they did not receive significant damage, within a few seconds social regulation was restored, and they again threw themselves into collapsing buildings or flaming carriages. If it was not possible to save loved ones, this determined the course of all subsequent stages, the specifics of the condition and the prognosis of psychopathology for a very long period. Subsequent attempts to rationally dissuade people from the fact that instinctive forms of behavior cannot be resisted or resisted turned out to be ineffective. Appealing to the latest tragic events, it should be recognized that, in part, a similar situation was observed after the sudden explosion of a mine and the start of the mass execution of hostages.

2. “The stage of acute psycho-emotional shock with phenomena of overmobilization.” This stage, as a rule, developed following a short-term state of numbness, lasted from 3 to 5 hours and was characterized by general mental stress, extreme mobilization of psychophysiological reserves, heightened perception and increased speed. thought processes, manifestations of reckless courage (especially when saving loved ones) while simultaneously reducing critical assessment situation, but maintaining the ability to perform purposeful activities. IN emotional state During this period, a feeling of despair prevailed, accompanied by sensations of dizziness and headache, as well as palpitations, dry mouth, thirst and difficulty breathing. Behavior during this period is subordinated almost exclusively to the imperative of saving loved ones with the subsequent implementation of ideas about morality, professional and official duty. Despite the presence of rational components, it is during this period that panic reactions are most likely to manifest and infect others with them, which can significantly complicate rescue operations. Up to 30% of those examined, with a subjective assessment of the deterioration of their condition, simultaneously noted an increase physical strength and performance by 1.5–2 or more times. The end of this stage can be either prolonged, with the gradual appearance of a feeling of exhaustion, or it can occur suddenly, instantly, when the active people found themselves in a state close to stupor or fainting, regardless of the situation.

3. “Stage of psychophysiological demobilization” - its duration is up to three days. In the vast majority of cases, the onset of this stage was associated with an understanding of the scale of the tragedy (“stress of awareness”) and contacts with those who received severe injuries and the bodies of the dead, as well as the arrival of rescue and medical teams. The most characteristic features of this period were a sharp deterioration in health and psycho-emotional state with a predominant feeling of confusion (up to a state of a kind of prostration), individual panic reactions (often of an irrational nature, but realized without any energy potential), a decrease in moral normative behavior, refusal of any activity and motivation for it. At the same time, pronounced depressive tendencies and disturbances in the function of attention and memory were observed (as a rule, those examined cannot at all clearly remember what they were doing at that time, but, naturally, these gaps are then “filled”). The leading complaints during this period were nausea, “heaviness” in the head, feelings of discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite, severe weakness, slowness and difficulty breathing, tremors of the limbs.

4. The subsequent dynamics of the condition and well-being of the victims is largely determined by the specifics of the impact of extreme factors, the injuries received and the moral and psychological situation after tragic events. Following the “psychophysiological demobilization” (with relatively high individual variability in terms), the development of the 4th stage, the “resolution stage” (from 3 to 12 days), was observed with sufficient consistency. During this period, according to subjective assessment, mood and well-being gradually stabilized. However, according to the results of objective data and participant observation, the vast majority of those examined retained a reduced emotional background, limited contact with others, hypomimia (mask-like appearance), decreased intonation coloring of speech, slowness of movements, sleep and appetite disturbances, as well as various psychosomatic reactions (mainly from the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and hormonal sphere). By the end of this period, the majority of victims had a desire to “speak out,” which was implemented selectively, aimed primarily at persons who were not eyewitnesses of the tragic events, and was accompanied by some agitation. This phenomenon, part of the system of natural mechanisms psychological protection(“rejection of memories by verbalizing them”), in some cases brought significant relief to the victims. At the same time, dreams that were absent in previous periods were restored, including those with disturbing and nightmarish content, which in various ways transformed the impressions of tragic events.

Against the background of subjective signs of some improvement in the condition, a further decrease in psychophysiological reserves (by the type of hyperactivation) was objectively noted, the phenomena of overwork progressively increased, and indicators of physical and mental performance decreased significantly.

5. The “restoration stage” of the psychophysiological state (5th) began mainly at the end of the second week after exposure to the extreme factor and was initially most clearly manifested in behavioral reactions: activated interpersonal communication, the emotional coloring of speech and facial reactions began to normalize, jokes appeared for the first time, causing an emotional response in others, and dreams were restored in the majority of those examined. In the state of the physiological sphere, no positive dynamics were detected at this stage either. Clinical forms psychopathology, with the exception of transient and situational reactions, was not observed in the “acute” period (up to two weeks) after exposure to extreme factors. The main forms of transient psychopathology (according to the leading symptom) in victims, as a rule, are: asthenic and depressive states - 56%; psychogenic stupor - 23%; general psychomotor agitation - 11%; pronounced negativism with symptoms of autism - 4%; delusional-hallucinatory reactions (mainly during the drowsy period) - 3%; inadequacy, euphoria - 3%.

6. At a later date (after a month), 12% - 22% of victims showed persistent sleep disturbances, unmotivated fears, recurring nightmares, obsessions, delusional-hallucinatory states and some others, and signs of astheno-neurotic reactions in combination with psychosomatic disorders the activities of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems were determined in 75% of victims (“stage of delayed reactions”). At the same time, internal and external conflict potential increased, requiring special approaches.

Appealing to the events in Beslan, it should be recognized that the severity and dynamics of the condition of the victims may be significantly different. When a person loses his parents, the world becomes empty, but, nevertheless, sad as it is, this corresponds to everyday ideas and the natural course of events. When children die, all the colors of the world fade, for many years and decades, and sometimes forever.

A few words about the modification of society. The intensification of basic anxiety and the deterioration of the psychophysiological state of people, even those located thousands of kilometers from the tragedy, is a well-known fact, which is based on the inevitable psycho-emotional inclusion of the subject in any observation. It would be worth especially emphasizing that it is “observation” (or “visual sequence”, the broadcast of which, it seems, should be “dosed” against the backdrop of full meaningful coverage of events). The inevitable psycho-emotional inclusion forms the phenomenon of “complicity” and subsequent identifications. The main form of identification in a cultural community is identification with victims and survivors, which suggests the need for broad social therapy. However, in some cases, defensive-unconscious “identification with the aggressor” is possible (especially among young people), which can lead to an increase in delinquency and crime.

After such tragic situations, as a rule, the unity of the nation increases and at the same time people feel the need for some bright changes, so that everything in life becomes more honest, noble, sincere, better than it was before, which imposes special obligations on representatives of all government bodies.