What does a person feel about solar activity? Research work “The influence of solar activity on human health and psycho-emotional state

How we rejoice as children on sunny summer days, the warmth of the sun's rays on our skin. And how we don’t understand these strange adults who say something about “solar magnetic storms”, “increased solar activity”, the danger of sunstroke, the requirement to wear a cap and generally get into the shade from direct sunlight. Time passes, we learn more and more about the world around us, and the sun, little by little, ceases to be just a bright speck in the blue sky, rising at a time when we are sleeping so sweetly, and running off beyond the horizon at the very moment when the game is in full swing . Today we will talk about the effect of solar activity on human health.

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Photo gallery: The influence of solar activity on human health

The Sun appears to us in a completely different guise: not a speck, but a huge (with a diameter of 1.5 million kilometers) gas ball, like a giant gas reactor at a distance of more than 150 million kilometers from us, inside which endless thermonuclear reactions occur. Under the influence of all these reactions, everything inside the sun boils, seethes, and generates a flow of a variety of particles, magnetic fields, radiation - everything that scientists called the “solar wind”. The speed of this wind is always different - sometimes in 3-4 days, and sometimes in a day, it reaches us, bringing with it both visible light and infrared and ultraviolet radiation, and influencing in a certain way our health and general well-being.

Sunlight (the part of long-wave radiation visible to us) not only helps us see objects and navigate in space, but is also felt by our skin in the form of a thermal effect. If we do not protect our skin in time, we will get a sunburn. And under the influence of infrared radiation, our blood vessels expand, skin respiration intensifies, blood flows through the veins faster and the process of formation and absorption of all kinds of biologically active substances is accelerated. Therefore, infrared irradiation is often used in the treatment of various diseases.

But the most biologically active part of the solar spectrum is ultraviolet radiation. Experts divide this radiation into three classes: rays A, B and C. The most dangerous for us are the third ones, the so-called UVC rays (ultraviolet C rays), but the ozone layer of our planet does not allow them to fully develop. But under the influence of UVA and UVB (the first and second classes of ultraviolet rays), our skin produces the vitamin D we need, and it is simply impossible to get the amount of it needed for our body without the help of UVR - we can get very little of it from food . After all, our body needs 20-30 micrograms of this vitamin per day, and the richest in this regard, chicken egg yolks and fish oil contain only 3-8 micrograms of vitamin D, in a glass of milk there is 0.5 micrograms, and in other products and even less. And without vitamin D, not only will the level of calcium in the blood decrease and it will begin to be “washed out” from bone tissue, but the functioning of the adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, cholesterol metabolism will be disrupted, and the overall level of protection of our immune system will be reduced.

Also, under the influence of sunlight, our body begins to produce endophins, which have such a positive effect on us (is it really possible to be sad and despondent on a sunny day, especially when we are on vacation and basking on the beach?). And with a lack of this magical natural solar radiation, we begin to feel worse, our mental and physical health and endurance decrease, resistance to all kinds of diseases decreases, recovery slows down and the risk of damage to the musculoskeletal system increases.

But everything is good in moderation, and therefore in the modern world we have a much greater chance of getting too much solar radiation than not getting enough, and this leads to the exact opposite effect. And as a result, in pursuit of an even and beautiful tan over a long period of time and without proper protective equipment, you can end up in a risk group and get both a malignant neoplasm on the skin and an exacerbation of endocrine or worsening cardiovascular diseases.

But since the “solar wind” consists not only of radiation, we should not forget about another component of it - the flow of magnetic particles, the so-called “magnetic storm”. And if the effect of UVR is largely mitigated by the ozone layer and the atmosphere of the planet, then we do not have such protection from magnetic fluxes. Moreover, the streams ejected by the Sun are very diverse, so we do not have the opportunity to unambiguously classify all magnetic storms. They differ both in their strength and in the development of individual processes. But what they really have in common is their effect on the human body. Since the 20s of the last century, they began to record and accumulate data on the effects of magnetic and solar storms on health. And it was noticed that immediately after a solar flare, the condition of patients deteriorates sharply (when sunlight reaches the surface of the Earth and begins to cause processes that affect the vital functions of the body). First of all, cardiovascular diseases were identified as associated in their exacerbation with geomagnetic storms: in patients, blood pressure increased, the frequency of myocardial infarction increased, and heart rhythm was disturbed.

In addition, during a magnetic storm, the threat of premature birth in pregnant women increases, the number of accidents and injuries increases, intelligence deteriorates and the general reaction of people slows down.

The sun is the source of life on our planet. But at the same time, it is not as harmless as we would like it to be. And although its light, heat and energy are the basis of life for plants, animals, and humans, we should still remember about its “downside” and take care of our protection from the effects of magnetic storms and solar wind. Now you know everything about the influence of solar activity on human health.

Nowadays, humanity dreams of spaceships in order to conquer space. However, few people think that our planet is just such a ship. On it we rush at great speed across the expanses of the endless Universe. But we are not rushing alone. In the same company with us are 8 more planets of the solar system and, of course, the Sun.

We are all accustomed to consider him a friend who gives life to all life on Earth. However, this is not the case. Friendship is friendship, but if the blue planet had not been protected by a multi-layered gas shell, then life on it would have died long ago. At the same time, the insidious star is constantly trying to break the resistance of the Earth and at times quite noticeably shakes the hull of our spaceship.

This is the so-called influence of solar activity on the world around us. It is expressed in the form of magnetic storms, which are provoked by a yellow dwarf. This hypothesis was first put forward by the prominent Russian biophysicist Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky (1897-1964).

He turned to the ancient Slavic, Germanic, Arabic, Armenian chronicles and established that The sun was directly related to epidemics of plague, cholera, smallpox and other diseases, from which people in those days did not know protection.

The scientist compiled a chronology of plague outbreaks from 430 to 1899. I built a graph based on this data and saw a clear pattern. Epidemics occurred with a rhythm exactly corresponding to solar activity. The dependence was so obvious that it became clear that the yellow dwarf brings not only life but also death to humanity.

Many years have passed since then, and scientists have accumulated a lot of facts about solar-terrestrial connections. For example, it was found that peaks in myocardial infarction occur in the days before and after magnetic storms. They begin 3 days before the storm, subside during it and become active again another day after it ends. This suggests that it is not the influence of solar activity itself that poses a danger to humans, but the period of its sharp fluctuations.

Doctors consider blood to be the mirror of the body. A person’s viability is judged by its condition. Any changes indicate the onset of the disease. While studying the effect of space on the blood, Japanese scientist Maki Takata found that solar flares change the number of leukocytes in the blood. And they perform protective functions in the body.

After analyzing a huge number of blood tests in different countries, the Japanese scientist discovered that since the end of the 19th century, the content of white blood cells in people has been decreasing all the time.

At the end of the 19th century, 10-14 thousand leukocytes per 1 cubic meter was considered the norm. mm of blood. In the 20s of the 20th century, 8-12 thousand leukocytes per 1 cubic meter began to be considered the norm. mm. In the 40s, this figure dropped to 6-7 thousand. And in the 60s, 3-4 thousand leukocytes became the norm. Even appendicitis at that time proceeded without pronounced leukocytosis.

The reason for this was a direct connection with the yellow star. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, its activity was minimal. It increased gradually, and reached its maximum in the 60s. Then the activity curve went down, and the number of leukocytes began to increase.

French scientists have proven that Magnetic storms disrupt regulation of the blood clotting mechanism. This leads to thrombosis and severe bleeding. During the years of the “stormy” Sun, the number of nervous diseases increases. Attacks of appendicitis are more acute. In healthy people, performance decreases. Schoolchildren's performance is falling. Accidents on the roads are increasing. Statistics show that road accidents increase on the 2nd day after a strong solar flare. This is explained by the fact that magnetic storms change the biorhythms of the cerebral cortex. Accordingly, the reaction slows down 4 times.

The disturbances of the yellow star also affect nature. It has been established that huge swarms of desert locusts appear with the activation of the Sun. Outbreaks affect fish reproduction. An increase in the number of salmon, cod, and herring is observed every 11 years. 11-year rhythms of tree rings have been identified in some tree species. Also, with an 11-year periodicity, the water temperature of the World Ocean falls and rises. And this affects the development of algae and plankton.

The luminary even influences the reproduction of sables. During peak years, more of these animals are caught. Sun spots also affect the color and quality of the fur of sable pelts.

The influence of solar activity is inextricably linked with grain yields. For example, maximum sunspots were observed in 1958 and 1968. At the same time, world wheat production increased 1.5 times. But here, most likely, the spots affect the weather, and it affects the grain yield.

Today it is clear to everyone that the disturbances of the yellow star affect the geomagnetic field of the blue planet. But it begins to affect all living things, interfering with the work of cells. After all, it is the earth’s field that sets the modes of their operation. The permeability of cell membranes is under the direct control of these invisible forces.

Proof of this can be found in ordinary human saliva. Its protective properties were tested during the minimum and maximum years of the solar cycle. When the light is “calm,” saliva, even highly diluted, perfectly performs its protective functions and destroys harmful microbes. And when the Sun is “indignant,” the saliva seems to be replaced. It stops killing germs, and they feel quite comfortable.

It should be noted that the influence of solar activity is an external manifestation of the processes that occur in the inner layers of a yellow star. That is, it influences the blue planet through its depths. But humanity still knows very little about these processes.

It seems to us that the source of life on Earth - solar radiation - is constant and unchanging. The continuous development of life on our planet over the last billion years seems to confirm this. But the physics of the Sun, which has achieved great success over the past decade, has proven that the radiation of the Sun experiences oscillations that have their own periods, rhythms and cycles. Spots, torches, and prominences appear on the Sun. Their number increases over 4-5 years to the highest limit in the year of solar activity.

This is the time of maximum solar activity. During these years, the Sun emits an additional amount of electrically charged particles - corpuscles, which rush through interplanetary space at a speed of more than 1000 km/sec and burst into the Earth's atmosphere. Particularly powerful streams of corpuscles come from chromospheric flares - a special type of explosion of solar matter. During these exceptionally strong flares, the Sun emits what are called cosmic rays. These rays consist of fragments of atomic nuclei and come to us from the depths of the Universe. During years of solar activity, ultraviolet, X-ray and radio emission from the Sun increases.

Periods of solar activity have a huge impact on weather changes and the intensification of natural disasters, which is well known from history. Indirectly, peaks of solar activity, as well as solar flares, can affect social processes, causing famine, wars and revolutions. At the same time, the assertion that there is a direct connection between peaks of activity and revolutions is not based on any scientifically proven theory. However, in any case, it is clear that the forecast of solar activity in connection with the weather is the most important task of climatology. Increased solar activity negatively affects people's health and physical condition and disrupts biological rhythms.

The sun's radiation carries with it large reserves of energy. All types of this energy, entering the atmosphere, are mainly absorbed by its upper layers, where, as scientists say, “disturbances” occur. The Earth's magnetic field lines direct abundant flows of corpuscles to the polar latitudes. In this regard, magnetic storms and auroras occur there. Corpuscular rays begin to penetrate even into the atmosphere of temperate and southern latitudes. Then auroras flare up in places as far away from the polar countries as Moscow, Kharkov, Sochi, Tashkent. Such phenomena have been observed many times and will be observed more than once in the future.

Sometimes magnetic storms reach such strength that they interrupt telephone and radio communications, disrupt the operation of power lines, and cause power outages.

Ultraviolet rays from the sun are almost entirely absorbed by high layers of the atmosphere

This is of great importance for the Earth: after all, in large quantities, ultraviolet rays are destructive for all living things.

Solar activity, affecting the high layers of the atmosphere, significantly affects the general circulation of air masses. Consequently, it affects the weather and climate of the entire Earth. Apparently, the influence of disturbances arising in the upper layers of the air ocean is transmitted to its lower layers - the troposphere. During the flights of artificial Earth satellites and meteorological rockets, expansions and densification of the high layers of the atmosphere were discovered: air ebbs and flows similar to oceanic rhythms. However, the mechanism of the relationship between the index of high and low layers of the atmosphere has not yet been fully revealed. It is indisputable that during the years of maximum solar activity, atmospheric circulation cycles intensify, and collisions of warm and cold currents of air masses occur more often.

On Earth, there are areas of hot weather (the equator and part of the tropics) and giant refrigerators - the Arctic and especially the Antarctic. Between these regions of the Earth there is always a difference in temperature and atmospheric pressure, which sets huge masses of air in motion. There is a constant struggle between warm and cold currents, trying to equalize the difference arising from changes in temperature and pressure. Sometimes warm air “takes over” and penetrates far north to Greenland and even to the pole. In other cases, masses of Arctic air break south to the Black and Mediterranean Seas, reaching Central Asia and Egypt. The boundary of competing air masses represents the most turbulent regions of our planet's atmosphere.

When the difference in temperature of moving air masses increases, powerful cyclones and anticyclones appear at the border, generating frequent thunderstorms, hurricanes, and downpours.

Modern climate anomalies like the summer of 2010 in the European part of Russia, and numerous floods in Asia are not something extraordinary. They should not be considered harbingers of the imminent end of the world, or evidence of global climate change. Let's give an example from history.

In 1956, stormy weather swept across the northern and southern hemispheres. In many areas of the Earth, this caused natural disasters and sudden changes in weather. In India, river floods have occurred several times. Water flooded thousands of villages and washed away crops. About 1 million people were affected by the floods. The forecasts didn't work. Even countries such as Iran and Afghanistan, where there are usually droughts during these months, suffered from downpours, thunderstorms and floods in the summer of that year. Particularly high solar activity, with a peak in radiation in the period 1957-1959, caused an even greater increase in the number of meteorological disasters - hurricanes, thunderstorms, and rainstorms.

There were sharp contrasts in weather everywhere. For example, in the European part of the USSR in 1957 it turned out to be unusually warm: in January the average temperature was -5°. In February in Moscow, the average temperature reached -1°, with the norm being -9°. At the same time, there were severe frosts in Western Siberia and the republics of Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, the temperature dropped to -40°. Almaty and other cities of Central Asia were literally covered with snow. In the southern hemisphere - in Australia and Uruguay - during the same months there was unprecedented heat with dry winds. The atmosphere raged until 1959, when solar activity began to decline.

The influence of solar flares and the level of solar activity on the state of flora and fauna affects indirectly: through the cycles of general circulation of the atmosphere. For example, the width of the layers of a cut tree, which is used to determine the age of the plant, depends mainly on the annual amount of precipitation. In dry years these layers are very thin. The amount of annual precipitation changes periodically, which can be seen on the growth rings of old trees.

Sections made on the trunks of bog oaks (they are found in river beds) made it possible to learn the history of climate several thousand years before our time. The existence of certain periods, or cycles, of solar activity is confirmed by studies of materials that rivers carry from land and deposit on the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans. Analysis of the state of bottom sediment samples makes it possible to trace the course of solar activity over hundreds of thousands of years. The relationships between solar activity and natural processes on Earth are very complex and are not united into a general theory.

Scientists have found that fluctuations in solar activity occur within the range from 9 to 14 years

Solar activity affects the level of the Caspian Sea, the salinity of the Baltic waters and the ice cover of the northern seas. The cycle of increased solar activity is characterized by a low level of the Caspian Sea: an increase in air temperature causes increased evaporation of water and a decrease in the flow of the Volga, the main feeding artery of the Caspian Sea. For the same reason, the salinity of the Baltic Sea has increased and the ice cover of the northern seas has decreased. In principle, scientists can predict the future regime of the northern seas for the next few decades.

Nowadays, arguments are often heard that the Arctic Ocean will soon be free of ice and will be suitable for navigation. One should sincerely sympathize with the “knowledge” of the “experts” who make such statements. Yes, perhaps he will be partially free for a year or two. And then it will freeze again. And what did you tell us that we didn’t know? The dependence of the ice cover of the northern seas on cycles and periods of increased solar activity was reliably established more than 50 years ago and confirmed by decades of observations. Therefore, we can say with high confidence that the ice will grow in the same way as it melted as the solar activity cycle progresses.

Just about the complex - Solar activity and its impact on nature and climate in the reference book

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This work is called “The influence of solar activity on some processes associated with human life.”

The above topic was chosen for the following reasons:

the influence of solar activity on our health and vital functions undoubtedly arouses the interest of almost any average person

This problem is of great importance for radio communications, navigation, space flight safety, weather forecasting, etc.

The Sun has always intervened and is interfering in our lives, and the more we know about the breadth of this “intervention,” the more likely we will be able to be prepared for it.

Object area of ​​study: physics

Subject of study: solar Activity

At the beginning of the study, we formulated the following hypothesis:

“Solar activity is a complex of interconnected processes occurring in the depths of the Sun, not only causing a response from the Earth to its activity, but also affecting human life, behavior and physical well-being.”

In accordance with this hypothesis, the goal of the study was set: to conduct observations and analyze data that would allow us to draw a conclusion about the influence of solar activity on some processes of human life.

To do this, you need to decide the following tasks:

study the theory of the issue;

analyze the connection between increased solar activity (increased number of sunspots and the presence of solar flares) with geomagnetic disturbances leading to negative reactions of the human body.

carry out practical observations and measurements,

draw your own conclusions.

In the process of work, theoretical and practical methods were used. The author familiarized himself with the relevant literature, made his own observations, and analyzed existing data on this issue.

Main part.

Chapter 1. Theory of the issue being studied.

The Sun is the closest star to us and a fairly typical star. This is a whole laboratory. The influence of the Sun on the Earth is multifaceted and ambiguous. The study of the Sun is a special branch of astrophysics with its own base, methods, and difficulties. Astronomers, doctors, meteorologists, signalmen, navigators and other specialists whose activities are in one way or another connected with the activity of the Sun show constant interest in the Sun.

Let us briefly define what “solar activity” is:

"Solar Activity- a complex of phenomena and processes associated with the formation and decay of strong magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere."

There is no single universal indicator for solar activity; we can indicate values ​​that allow us to get closer to solving this problem to some extent. Let us dwell on those types of solar activity (SA) that we studied during our work, tracking them for five months in real time.


It is most convenient to monitor solar activity using sunspots; they are the most studied. These are areas on the surface of the Sun that are darker than the surrounding photosphere, since in them a strong magnetic field suppresses plasma convection and reduces its temperature by about 2000 degrees. The spot is like a cooled hole bound by a magnetic field in the solar photosphere. These are areas from which very strong magnetic fields emerge into the photosphere. The number of sunspots (and the associated Wolf number) is one of the main indicators of solar magnetic activity. This parameter confirms that the Sun exhibits its activity with some predictability and has a cycle with a duration of about 11 years (more precisely 11.7).

Spots on the Sun, which have been continuously recorded for more than a hundred years... Currently, work on the creation and dissemination of Wolf numbers is being carried out by the Royal Observatory of Belgium.

On the website https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/ru/solnechnaya-aktivnost/grupppy-solnechnyh-pyaten you can track sunspots in real time, as well as find a data archive.

2. Flare activity


Peak intensity (W/m 2 )

less than 10 −7

from 1.0×10 −7 to 10 −6

from 1.0×10 −6 to 10 −5

from 1.0×10 −5 to 10 −4

more than 10 −4

The greatest influence on earthly life is exerted by solar flashes. Moreover, it is interesting that these brightest manifestations of solar activity do not occur in the year of the maximum number of sunspots, but during an increase or decrease in solar activity. This allows us to conclude that the solar cycle has two peaks.

A solar flare is the most powerful manifestation of solar activity. it is an explosion caused by the sudden compression of solar plasma, which occurs under the pressure of a magnetic field and leads to the formation of a long plasma rope of tens and even hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The amount of explosion energy is from 10²³ J. The source of energy of flares differs from the source of energy of the entire Sun. Flashes are electromagnetic in nature. The energy emitted by a flare in the short-wave region of the spectrum is carried by ultraviolet and x-rays. Radiation from solar flares has a particularly strong impact on the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere and ionosphere. As a result, a whole complex of geophysical phenomena occurs on Earth.

Flares weaker than class M are of no interest; they practically do not affect the Earth. Class M flares can already cause radio communications disruptions at the poles. The most dangerous are class X outbreaks.

Information about flares can also be obtained on the website www.spaceweatherlive.com and their class and number can be tracked in real time.

3. Geomagnetic disturbances

The state of the Earth's magnetic field is characterized by indices A and K. They show the magnitude of magnetic and ionospheric disturbances. The K index shows the magnitude of geomagnetic activity. Every day, every 3 hours, starting from 00:00 UTC, the maximum deviations of the index value relative to the values ​​for a quiet day at the selected observatory are determined, and the largest value is selected. Based on these data, the value of the K index is calculated. It cannot be averaged to obtain a long-term historical picture of the state of the Earth's magnetic field. To solve this problem, there is an index A, which represents the daily average. It is calculated quite simply - each measurement of the K index, made, as mentioned above, with a 3-hour interval, is converted into an equivalent index according to the table (below).

We can say that this is the Earth's response to the activity of the Sun.

The values ​​of the A index may differ at different observatories, since disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field can be local in nature. To avoid discrepancies, the A indices obtained at different observatories are averaged and the resulting global index Ap is obtained. In the same way, the value of the Kp index is obtained - the average value of all K indices obtained at various observatories around the globe. Its values ​​between 0 and 1 characterize a quiet geomagnetic environment, and this may indicate the presence of good transmission conditions in the short-wave ranges, provided that the intensity of the solar radiation flux is sufficiently high. Values ​​between 2 and 4 indicate a moderate or even active geomagnetic environment, which is likely to negatively affect radio wave conditions.

The solar signal reaches our planet with a delay of 3-5 days.

In practice, the K index is taken into account to determine the transmission of radio waves.

0-1 Calm geomagnetic conditions and good conditions for the passage of HF

2-4 Moderate disturbance, some difficulties for passing the HF

5 -7 Serious interference

8-9 the passage of waves is impossible

Information can be found on the above sites and track data changes in real time daily at www.spaceweatherlive.com

4. Radiation intensity at wavelength 10.7 cm

One of the quantities characterizing solar activity is the intensity of radio emission from the Sun at a wavelength of 10.7 cm, which also has approximately the same periodicity as the Wolf numbers. Numerous studies have shown that variations in this and many other indicators correlate with Wolf numbers with acceptable accuracy. The radio intensity at 10.7 cm is also used for more accurate quantitative estimates. We tracked the information on the website www.spaceweatherlive.com

Cyclicity of solar activity

Solar activity has periodicity. Maximums and minimums alternate with an average period of 11 years. This constitutes the so-called 11-year solar cycle, which is now seen as half of a more important 22-year cycle during which the solar magnetic field undergoes a double reversal - the north and south poles switch places and then return to their original positions.

During periods of maximum solar activity, when hurricanes tens of thousands of kilometers long rage on the Sun, its corona has a “disheveled” appearance (left). The curved rays of the crown stick out in all directions. During periods of minimum solar activity, the corona extends along the solar equator (right). Currently, the level of solar activity is quite low. If solar activity does increase, it will only be from 2021 to 2022.

The influence of solar activity on life on Earth.

A.L. Chizhevsky was the first to study this influence in June 1915. By that time it became clear that, for example, “magnetic storms continuously disrupted the movement of telegrams.” The scientist noticed that increased solar activity coincides with bloodshed on Earth - immediately after the appearance of large sunspots on many fronts of the First World War, hostilities intensified. He was the first to draw attention to the connection between increased solar activity and earthly disasters. Now the influence of solar activity on Earth is being studied very actively. New sciences have emerged - heliobiology, solar-terrestrial physics - which explore the relationship between life on Earth, weather, climate and manifestations of solar activity. The problem of the influence of solar activity on the weather is currently of ever-growing interest. It is already known how solar plasma emissions affect the life of plants and animals, the well-being of people on Earth, the functioning of measuring instruments, GPS and the health of astronauts in orbit. There is even a hypothesis about the connection between changes in the level of Lake Baikal and changes in the frequency of a number of infectious diseases with the length of the solar cycle. It is also known about the influence of solar activity on the human psyche: thus, during periods of maximum this activity, the number of cases of suicide, as well as manic-depressive psychosis, increases, and the transition to the manic stage occurs precisely in eras of high geomagnetic disturbance. Psychiatric statistics also include eleven-year periods. Many researchers argue that during the period of solar activity, social relations of people undergo some changes and are deformed, while the preconditions are created for further social transformations - the abolition of serfdom, reforms, a change in the socio-economic system, changing the lives of millions of people.

Let us give as an example an excerpt from the book by N.I. Konyukhova, O.N. Arkhipova, E.N. Konyukhova "Psychoeconomics" on the relationship between solar activity (Wolf number - the number of spots on the Sun) with the number of peasant uprisings before the abolition of serfdom:

“Solar radiation increased from year to year. In 1855, the Wolf number was only 4.32. There were practically no peasant unrest. In 1862, the Wolf number was 59.1, in 1863 - 44. The unrest subsided.

There is especially no doubt, looking at these figures, that the amount of unrest among Russian peasants before the abolition of serfdom is directly dependent on solar activity. All Russian revolutions (1905, 1917, 1991) coincided with the peak of solar activity, the highest in decades.

Peaks of solar activity are peaks of social protests and revolutions. The social roles that had been accepted in society before (stable social dynamic stereotypes) were swept away. Society was ready to accept new roles and begin to live

The peaks of solar activity, between which revolutions occur, are also distinguished by events that make it possible to assert the dependence of a person’s ability to change his dynamic stereotypes and social roles on solar activity.”

Getting acquainted with the theory of the issue, we saw in different sources a large number of curves depending on the number of epidemics, crop yields, etc., on certain parameters of solar activity. We decided to try to confirm the data obtained as a result of many years of research on the connection between the processes occurring on the Sun and the activities of human individuals, constructing a curve reflecting the statistics of road accidents for a certain period of time and comparing it with changes in the behavior of the Sun during this period. It is also interesting to check whether there is a connection between our luminary and our well-being. In other words, do we all get a little crazy when our luminary "works miracles"?

Chapter 2. Experimental part 2.1 Description of the experiment

During the experiment, the subject was asked to keep an observation diary in which to measure blood pressure every day for 5 months and record the values ​​of systolic and diastolic pressure in the body. The data was then analyzed to establish a relationship between pressure changes and certain indicators of solar activity. In addition, we assumed that changes in the behavior of the Sun, affecting the behavior of each individual person, may be associated, for example, with the number of accidents on Russian roads. Of course, the blood pressure data of one subject is not enough for a full analysis; in addition, other factors may influence the pressure value, so we can only draw indirect conclusions. The number of road accidents is a somewhat more objective quantity. To analyze solar activity, it was decided to take the following data: the number of sunspots, flare activity, the value of the Ap index, radio emission from the Sun at a wavelength of 10.7 cm.

2.2 Progress of the experiment

Having studied the relevant literature and consulted Internet sources to track the necessary data, we selected data from the website www.SpaceWeatherLife.com for analysis.

Here you can see daily monitoring of solar activity for all indicators. All results were carefully written out (see Appendix 1) and presented in the form of graphs (see Appendix 2) of the dependence of these parameters on time.

The next step is processing the results obtained from the subject - blood pressure measurement data. Construction of the corresponding graph and its analysis (see Appendix 3). Next, we took for study the daily statistics of road accidents in Russia, reflected on the website www.stat-gibdd.ru and presented the obtained data in the form of a graph.

Unfortunately, we were unable to implement another idea - to obtain information on the number of ambulance calls for this period and data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the state of crime during this period of time (we were refused when contacting the relevant authorities).

After completing this part of the work, all that remains is to correlate the graphs and draw conclusions. The appendix to the work contains graphs of all quantities, made on graph paper to improve the accuracy of increasing the time step.

2.3 Results obtained

Comparing the graphs of flare activity, number of spots, radio emission with a wavelength of 10.7 cm and indices, we pay attention to the obvious similarity of the curves. The surges in all parameters are clearly noticeable at the beginning of September, for example, when flares of class above C were observed.

The Ap-index curve lags behind the other three, which is understandable, since the solar signal reaches our planet with a delay of 3-5 days. This suggests that solar activity is a complex of processes interconnected with each other.

Comparing the solar data curves with a graph of changes in the subject's pressure over time (see Appendix 4), we did not see such a clear connection as we would like to see to confirm our hypothesis. The result is quite understandable. These data are too individual and, even despite the correlations on individual curves (using the Excel application, non-functional dependencies, we observe the similarity of the pressure and radiation curves with a wavelength of 10.7 cm), they still cannot be taken as scientific evidence .

Comparing the traffic accident curve with the “solar activity curves” (see Appendix 4), one can note quite a lot of coincidences in the peaks and minimums of the traffic accident curves and the Ap index. But there are also a certain number of deviations. This is explained, in our opinion, by a number of subjective and objective factors: days of the week, seasonality of accidents, which is explained by the condition of the roads during icy conditions, for example. We also observe a clear surge during the New Year holidays, not associated with solar activity.


We are convinced that solar activity is a whole complex of interconnected phenomena that cause the Earth to respond to changes occurring in the depths of the Sun.

The hypothesis about the influence of solar activity on the behavior of human individuals has found only partial confirmation. The result obtained, of course, cannot serve as direct evidence of this connection; we can only make indirect assumptions.


The sun is getting brighter and hotter. Over the past 90 years, the activity of its magnetic field has more than doubled, with the greatest increase occurring in the last 30 years. Scientists can now predict solar flares, which makes it possible to prepare in advance for possible failures in radio and electrical networks.

According to many futurologists, the approaching solar cycle should become largely decisive in the relationship between the inhabitants of the Earth and space. It is by the middle of the 21st century that the level of environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources will approach a critical level. It is unlikely that humanity will be able to cope with the accumulated problems only at the expense of planetary resources, and then without industrial space exploration, global economic collapse will become inevitable. And for such space exploration, you need to know what you can expect from the Sun.

Practical applications:

development of a teaching aid for astronomy lessons “Study of solar activity” (see Appendix 5).


Yu.I.Vitinsky "Solar activity" Moscow, Science 1983

"Earth and Universe", September-October 1993

N.I. Konyukhov, O.N. Arkhipova, E.N. Konyukhova "Psychoeconomics", DelhiPlus, e-book

Materials from scientific sites:

ttp://femto.com.ua/articles/part_2/3747.html (Encyclopedia of Physics and Technology)

www.stat-gibdd.ru (Statistics of accidents on the roads of the Russian Federation according to the traffic police)

www.tesis.lebedev.ru (Laboratory of Solar X-ray Radiation of the Lebedev Physical Institute)

www.spaceweatherlive.com (Real-time solar flare and auroral activity)

Annex 1


Subject's blood pressure diary

Number of accidents per day

Solar activity indicators



Number of spots

Ap index

Flare class

Radiation at a wavelength of 10.7 cm

Appendix 2

Number of spots


Flare class

0 - Class A0

1 - Class A

2 - Class B

3 - Class C

4 - Class M

5 - Class X

Radiation at a wavelength of 10.7 cm

Appendix 3

Blood pressure (upper and lower)

Road accident statistics

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Laboratory work

Study of solar activity

Goal of the work: study of solar activity.

Materials and equipment:

photographs of the Sun, Internet resources;


ruler, pencil.


Solar activity is characterized by various factors. First of all, this is the number of sunspots - areas with a strong magnetic field and lower temperature. The strong magnetic field of the sunspot suppresses convective currents that bring energy from the interior of the Sun, and therefore the gas in the center of the sunspot cools down, the temperature of the sunspot is 4000 K -5000 K. But the full flow of energy is maintained, so a bright halo with a higher temperature than 6000 K. Solar activity is also characterized by solar flares, prominences, and coronal holes.

Exercise 1. Write down the following solar activity indicators for the period 1 to 30 September 2017:

a) flare activity;

b) number of spots;

c) radiation at a wavelength of 10.7 cm.

Task 2. Plot a graph of them versus time

Task 3. Mark the days of greatest solar activity on the graph. Compare with the values ​​of geomagnetic activity on earth and draw a conclusion

Task 4. Determine the size of the largest sunspot shown in the figure. Compare the size of the spot with the size of the Earth

Let d And d n is the diameter of the solar disk and sunspot in the photograph, respectively, then

Dn = (D/d)*d n

Where D- diameter of the Sun, D n is the actual diameter of the sunspot. Having made the calculations, we get: d= 50 mm and d n = 2 mm. The actual diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000 km, which means the diameter of the sunspot is 128,000 km - 4.4 times the diameter of the Earth.

Fill out the report table.

Draw conclusions.

Answer the questions:

1. What processes on the Sun occur during periods of its greatest activity?

2. Define the following concepts

a) stain -

b) torch -

c) flash -

d) prominence -

3. What is the importance of studying solar activity?

As children, every summer day we rejoiced in the sun’s rays and did not understand at all the adults who said something about “magnetic storms” and the need to wear a Panama hat and, in general, they advised staying in the shade. However, we are growing up, and the influence of solar activity on human health is becoming more and more clear to us.

Over time, the sun no longer seems to us like a radiant and warm speck in the blue sky; it already appears to us as a huge gas ball, inside of which thermonuclear reactions are constantly taking place. The influence of all these reactions leads to the fact that the sun boils all the time, producing a stream of various particles, magnetic fields and radiation. Scientists call all this “solar wind.” This wind does not have a constant speed; it can reach the earth in three days or a day, bringing with it ultraviolet and infrared radiation, which affects human health and general well-being.

The impact of solar activity helps us not only navigate in space, distinguish objects, but also feel warmth. However, if you do not take any measures to protect the skin, you can get burns. The beneficial effect of sunlight on human health is that under the influence of radiation, blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, and the absorption of many biologically active substances by the skin increases, which is why infrared irradiation is so often used to combat many diseases.

Ultraviolet radiation is the most active part of solar energy. This radiation is divided into rays A, B, C. The most dangerous of them are C rays, however, thanks to the ozone protective layer of our planet, their activity upon reaching the earth's surface is greatly reduced. But the influence of rays A and B produces vitamin D in our skin, which is necessary for human health. At the same time, ultraviolet rays are the main source of this vitamin, since food contains very little of it. The daily requirement of vitamin D is from 20 to 30 mcg, and in yolks, which are in first place among all products in terms of the content of this vitamin, there is only 3-8 mcg. A glass of milk contains about 0.5 micrograms of vitamin D, and other products contain even less. Vitamin D has a positive effect on calcium absorption. If there is a deficiency of this vitamin, calcium will simply begin to be washed out of the body, the adrenal glands will malfunction, the functions of the thyroid gland and metabolism will be disrupted, and the immune system will deteriorate.

Solar activity also has a positive effect on the level of endorphins in the body. And in fact, is it possible to be sad on a sunny warm day, especially if we are lying on a beach somewhere by the sea. But a deficiency of solar energy leads to a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in mental activity, deterioration in performance, resistance to diseases decreases, the process of recovery and recovery is significantly prolonged, and the risk of damage to the musculoskeletal system increases.

Dangerous influence of solar activity

We need to know moderation in everything, and today we have a much greater chance of receiving excess solar heat than receiving too little, and this leads to a completely opposite effect, negatively affecting human health.

Wanting to get a beautiful, golden tan in a short time without using special protective creams, we put our health at great risk. After all, this can lead to the development of malignant formations on the skin, deterioration of the heart muscle and exacerbation of diseases of the endocrine system.

The “solar wind” consists not only of ultraviolet radiation, but also of magnetic flux, which we call magnetic storms. If the negative influence of ultraviolet rays somehow reduces the ozone layer, then we have no protection from magnetic storms. Magnetic fluxes are also always different in strength and development, so it is impossible to classify them in any way. However, they are all united by their impact on human health. Since the early twenties, the effects of magnetic storms on health have been noticed. It was noticed that the condition of patients begins to deteriorate sharply after a solar flare. First of all, diseases of the heart and vascular system were identified. Patients experienced increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and an increased number of myocardial infarctions.

Magnetic storms also affect pregnancy, causing the threat of premature birth. In addition, during periods of increased solar activity, there is an increase in the number of accidents, people's intelligence deteriorates and their reaction slows down.