Command of the Northern Fleet. Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy

Republic of Crimea - subject Russian Federation. Until March 2014, it was part of Ukraine as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC).

March 11, 2014 The Supreme Council Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council adopted a declaration of independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. On March 16, a referendum was held in Crimea and Sevastopol, according to the results of which 96.77% of voters in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 95.6% of voters in Sevastopol voted for reunification with Russia. March 18, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, Chairman State Council Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov and the chairman of the coordinating council for the creation of a department for ensuring the life of the city of Sevastopol Alexey Chaly signed an Agreement on the admission of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. On March 21, 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the formation of the Crimean federal district, which included the Republic of Crimea and the city federal significance Sevastopol.
The Republic of Crimea is located on most of the peninsula of the same name. In the north it borders with Ukraine, in the east across Kerch Strait- with the Krasnodar Territory, in the southwest - with the federal city of Sevastopol.

The territory of the republic is 26.1 thousand square meters. km.

Administrative division

The Republic of Crimea includes 14 districts, 16 cities (11 - republican significance), 56 urban-type settlements, 948 rural settlements. The capital is Simferopol. Largest cities: Kerch, Evpatoria, Yalta, Feodosia.

According to territorial body Federal service state statistics Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea, number permanent population as of August 1, 2014, it was 1 million 960 thousand 541 people, including 1 million 219 thousand 884 people - urban, 740 thousand 657 - rural.

Population of the districts (as of August 1, 2014):
Bakhchisarai - 91.6 thousand;
Belogorsky - 64.5 thousand;
Dzhankoysky - 74.3 thousand;
Kirovsky - 54.2 thousand;
Krasnogvardeisky - 91.5 thousand;
Krasnoperekopsky - 29.9 thousand;
Leninsky - 62.8 thousand;
Nizhnegorsky - 51.5 thousand;
Pervomaisky - 35.4 thousand;
Razdolnensky - 34.1 thousand;
Saki - 79 thousand;
Simferopol - 160.7 thousand;
Soviet - 34.9 thousand;
Black Sea - 32.3 thousand.

Population of cities of republican significance (as of August 1, 2014):
Simferopol - 358 thousand;
Alushta - 50.9 thousand;
Armyansk - 25.5 thousand;
Dzhankoy - 35.2 thousand;
Evpatoria - 121 thousand;
Kerch - 145.7 thousand;
Krasnoperekopsk - 29.5 thousand;
Saki - 22.5 thousand;
Sudak - 32.3 thousand;
Feodosia - 105.2 thousand;
Yalta - 138 thousand.

National composition
According to the All-Ukrainian Population Census of 2001, representatives of over 125 nationalities and nationalities lived on the territory of the autonomy.
According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine as of November 1, 2013, the main nationalities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are Russians (58.5%), Ukrainians (24.3%), Crimean Tatars (12.1%), Belarusians (1.4%) , Armenians (1.1%).

Constitution and authorities
The Constitution of the Republic of Crimea was adopted by the State Council of the Republic on April 11, 2014.
Republic of Crimea - democratic constitutional state within the Russian Federation. State languages are Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.
State power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial. Executive power is exercised by the head and the Council of Ministers (government) of the Republic of Crimea. The highest official in charge executive branch, is the head of the republic, elected by deputies of the Crimean parliament for a period of five years. The Council of Ministers is the highest executive body state power republics. Its chairman may be the head of the region, or he may be appointed by the head of Crimea in agreement with the State Council. The legislative (representative) body - the State Council, consists of 75 deputies elected for five years.

Electoral preferences of the population

In the first round of the presidential elections on January 17, 2010, voter turnout in the region was 63.1%.
Voting results:
Viktor Yanukovych - 61.13%
Yulia Tymoshenko - 11.96%
Sergey Tigipko - 10.97%
Petr Simonenko - 4.5%
Arseniy Yatsenyuk - 2.56%
Inna Bogoslovskaya - 1.35%
Victor Yushchenko - 1.26%
Vladimir Litvin - 1.23%
Anatoly Gritsenko - 0.44%
Alexander Pabat - 0.34%
Oleg Tyagnibok - 0.25%
Lyudmila Suprun - 0.11%
Alexander Moroz - 0.09%
Vasily Protivsikh - 0.09%
Yuri Kostenko - 0.05%
Mikhail Brodsky - 0.04%
Sergey Ratushnyak - 0.04%
Oleg Ryabokon - 0.02%

In the second round of the presidential elections on February 7, 2010, voter turnout was 67.1%.
Voting results:
Viktor Yanukovych - 78.24%
Yulia Tymoshenko - 17.31%

In the elections of deputies to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on October 28, 2012, voter turnout in the autonomy was 49.45% (the lowest in the country).
Results of voting by party lists (parties that received more than 5% of the votes):
Party of Regions - 52.34%
Communist Party of Ukraine - 19.41%
"Fatherland" - 13.09%
IMPACT - 7.17%.
Also, candidates from the Party of Regions won in all single-mandate constituencies of Crimea.

In the elections of deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of ​​the first convocation on September 14, 2014, voter turnout was 53.61%. To enter parliament, parties must receive at least 5% of the votes.
Results of voting on party lists (the first 5 parties that received greatest number votes):
"United Russia" - 70.18%
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) - 8.49%
Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) - 4.48%
Rodina Party - 2.65%
"Communists of Russia" - 2.11%.
In all 25 single-mandate constituencies, candidates from the United Russia party won.

The total budget revenues of the Republic of Crimea for 2013 amounted to 4 billion 798 million hryvnia (19 billion 192 million rubles), expenses - 4 billion 797 million hryvnia (19 billion 188 million rubles). In 2014, the total volume of regional budget revenues is planned at 5 billion 377 million 603 thousand hryvnia (21 billion 510 million rubles), expenses - 5 billion 252 million 953 thousand hryvnia (21 billion 12 million rubles).
The gross regional product (GRP) of the Republic of Crimea at the end of 2012 amounted to 44 billion 536 million hryvnia (171 billion 292 million rubles). The share of autonomy in Ukraine's GDP was 3%. The structure of the regional economy was dominated by the service sector, which accounted for more than 60% of GRP (trade provided 13%, transport and communications - 10%, real estate transactions - 10%, social sector - 10%, public administration - 8%). Among the sectors of material production in Crimea leading place occupied by industry (16% of GRP) and agriculture (10%).
Tourism brings significant income to the republic. The development of the peninsula as a resort began in the second half of the 19th century. Then the palace and park ensembles of Oreanda, Livadia, Dulber, Chair and others appeared here. Many of them have survived in Crimea to this day. I loved to relax in Livadia royal family Romanovs. After October revolution Crimea is becoming an “All-Union health resort”, receiving hundreds of thousands of tourists a year.
According to Rostourism, the resort and tourism sector of Crimea includes 825 institutions: 151 specialize in sanatorium treatment and others medical services, 224 - on health-improving services, 92 - on children's recreation. Most of all children's sanatoriums are located in Evpatoria. In the Yalta region there is an international child Center"Artek".
At the beginning of October 2014, the number of tourists visiting Crimea exceeded 3 million people (in 2013, about 6 million tourists visited the peninsula). About half of tourists come to Crimea for a beach holiday. The most popular resorts are Yalta, Alushta, Feodosia, Sudak and Evpatoria. According to the Minister of Tourism and Resorts of the Republic Elena Yurchenko, in the first half of 2014, tourists spent about 60 billion rubles in Crimea, of which 35.4 billion were spent on housing, 17.5 billion on entertainment and transport, 5.9 billion - for souvenirs. total amount taxes received by the republic from the tourism industry amounted to 750 million rubles, including deductions from citizens who rented out real estate to tourists.
In 2013, more than 2.5 thousand large, medium and small enterprises operated in Crimea, employing almost 200 thousand people. In 2013, the volume of industrial products sold amounted to 16 billion 201 million hryvnia (64 billion 804 million rubles). 61.5% of the total volume of products sold falls on the processing industry, 5.9% on the mining industry, and 29.9% on the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning. The main industrial sectors are mechanical engineering, including agricultural, shipbuilding, chemical, mining, light and food industries, including winemaking.
There are 38 wine industry enterprises in Crimea with a total production capacity of 264 thousand tons of grapes per year. The largest wineries: the Massandra plant, the Koktebel vintage wine and cognac plant, the Inkerman vintage wine factory. total area vineyards of all farms are about 3 thousand hectares.
According to the Crimean Customs, in April-June 2014, exports of goods amounted to 11 million 461 thousand 100 dollars, imports - 28 million 29 thousand 700 dollars (at the end of 2013, exports amounted to 914 million 940 thousand 600 dollars, imports - 1 billion 144 million 711 thousand 800 dollars). The main trading partners are Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Panama, Romania, China, Georgia, and the USA.
In April-June 2014, the economy of the Republic of Crimea received 4 million 828 thousand 700 dollars of direct investment from six countries: the Virgin Islands, Uzbekistan, Belarus, France, Cyprus and Turkey. There were no direct investments from Crimea during this period. In 2013, direct investments in the amount of 147 million 300 thousand dollars were received in Crimea, and 200 thousand dollars of direct investments were sent from Crimea.

In August 2014, the average monthly nominal wage in the republic amounted to 15 thousand 612 rubles.
The amount of unpaid wages as of September 1, 2014 amounted to 195 million 200 thousand rubles.

At the end of August 2014, the number of unemployed in Crimea was 15 thousand 248 people. --0--

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in early March that his department had begun consultations on the amount of assistance that Russia could provide to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Exactly how much investment the peninsula will need is still unknown, but it is obvious that Crimea cannot survive alone. The region is structured in such a way that without subsidies from mainland Ukraine, Russia or any other potential allies, Crimea will remain one of the poorest corners of Europe with a pronounced seasonal economy and interruptions in drinking water and electricity.

According to Siluanov, the budget deficit of the Crimean autonomy now amounts to 10 billion hryvnia (at the current exchange rate, just over a billion dollars). In this sense, Crimea is not much different from Ukraine as a whole, which today also cannot make ends meet and is basically eating away its money.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Rustem Temirgaliev cited other figures. According to him, about a billion dollars are needed for support budget system(which is more or less consistent with preliminary data from the Russian Ministry of Finance) and another three billion dollars for investment in the economy of the peninsula.

It is not entirely clear, however, for how long the funds that Siluanov and Temirgaliev spoke about should be allocated. IN last year the total volume of budget expenditures of the republic reached 5.5 billion hryvnia, subsidies and subventions from the state treasury of Ukraine - 2.7 billion hryvnia, and the deficit amounted to approximately 300 million hryvnia. According to Temirgaliev, in 2013 the republic paid the same 2.7 billion to the budget of Ukraine, that is, as much as they gave, they received.

Why is Crimea so desperately in need of investment? The fact is that today the peninsula is not self-sufficient large group vital goods and resources. If we assume for a moment that the Crimean autonomy will separate from Ukraine, then he will have to purchase these resources at market prices. The option in which Kyiv wants to arrange some form of blockade of Simferopol cannot be ruled out either.

The main issue that worries Crimeans now is the availability of drinking water. Large rivers There are no fresh lakes on the peninsula. A significant part of the water flows into the territory of the republic through the North Crimean Canal, and comes there from the Dnieper. Now Crimeans use water from the “mainland” for free, and it is far from certain that this state of affairs will continue in the event of separation from Ukraine. In addition, according to local environmentalists, the canal is heavily polluted and silted, and even now some of the water cannot be purified until required standards quality. Own funds the autonomy does not have the autonomy to clean the canal, but organize it in short time drainage from Russia (for example, from Kuban) is unrealistic. Not in better condition There are also some internal reservoirs of Crimea.

Crimea's gross regional product in 2012 was $4.3 billion - just under three percent of Ukraine's GDP ($170 billion). Crimea has a trade surplus, supplying more goods abroad than importing. The main export item is food products, primarily wine and wine materials.

The same difficulties with electricity. With the exception of small solar and wind power plants, Crimea has no own sources, and more than 90 percent of consumption (1,200 megawatts of power) comes from the main territory of Ukraine. According to the new prime minister of the autonomy, Sergei Aksenov, a plan for supplying the peninsula in an extreme case (if Kyiv does stop supplying) has already been developed - “with the assistance of Russian colleagues.” But what specific measures are meant is still unknown - it is hardly possible to extend a power line across the Kerch Strait in the shortest possible time.

Gas is actually the only thing that Crimea does not need. In 2013, gas production by the Chernomorneftegaz enterprise reached 1.65 billion cubic meters. The autonomy consumes less than a billion cubic meters per year, showing a positive balance, and supplies fuel to the “core” part of the country. Most likely, the republic will need supplies of oil and gasoline, but organizing them is relatively easy.

Photo: Sergey Anashkevich / RIA Novosti

Removing these economic bottlenecks will take hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars and at least several years. However, it is unlikely that Crimea will be able to ensure such rapid economic growth as to independently generate the amounts necessary for large-scale infrastructure investments. The economy of autonomy is quite archaic and highly specialized.

Its main industry, as it has been for the last hundred years, remains tourism. Last year the number of tourists was almost six million, only slightly behind the 2012 record. The majority of local households are somehow connected with this area - either directly or through related industries.

In terms of GDP per capita, as well as in terms of salaries, Crimea is at the bottom of the list of Ukrainian regions. The average Crimean citizen in January 2014 received 2,693 hryvnia (the average in Ukraine is 3,148 hryvnia). For comparison, the average salary in the neighboring Russian region is Krasnodar region- amounted to 21.8 thousand rubles (5.5 thousand hryvnia), and in the Rostov region - 19.7 thousand rubles (4.9 thousand hryvnia).

The tourism sector generates billions of dollars in revenue each year, but much of this revenue is hidden. Crimea, as in Soviet times, is mainly of interest to lovers of “wild” recreation. Local citizens, as a rule, rent out their apartments and rooms for the holiday season. Naturally, this business almost always bypasses the tax office. Expect that new government would be able to change the situation quickly enough, it would be strange. And to establish organized recreation on the peninsula, colossal investments in infrastructure renewal are needed, similar to what happened in Sochi.

However, this does not guarantee an influx of tourists, but prices will almost certainly increase. Now the tourist attractiveness of Crimea is such that residents will earn a living in any case, although perhaps not this year: according to a number of tour operators, the current season in Crimea has already been ruined.

“I am convinced that Crimea could live and prosper independently. Even as part of Ukraine, Crimea could receive much more from the tourism market - the basis of the region's well-being - than it has. Now about five million tourists come to Crimea. They spend, let’s say, $1,000, that’s five billion dollars, but taxes on this amount don’t go to the budget.”

Lev Mirimsky, Crimean businessman and politician, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada - in an interview with

Almost all sectors of the Crimean economy provide only domestic consumption. The only exception, besides tourism, is winemaking, which actively developed here back in the 19th century (in fact, Crimea became the first center of the Russian wine industry). Russia has been and remains the largest importer of Crimean wine. Outside the CIS, the products of “Massandra” and “Inkerman” can only be of interest to lovers of geographical exoticism.

IN last years Wine supplies to Russia have decreased. This was partly due to the tightening of customs controls on the Russian-Ukrainian border last year, which also affected Crimean products. Negative role The constant increase in Russian excise taxes on alcohol also played a role. However, even in this situation, Crimea supplied more than 18 million bottles of wine to the Russian Federation in 2013 (30 percent less than in 2012). In general, Crimean wines occupy a very significant part Russian market- about 6 percent.

Taking into account the fact that wine consumption in Russia is generally growing at a fairly rapid pace, Crimeans have good prospects for earning more in this area. However, investments are also required here. Grape bushes on the peninsula often live longer than 40 years - this is the maximum period for fruitfulness, and new plantings require money. It is not a fact that the winemakers of Crimea, which has an almost ideal climate for growing quality wine, will be able to fully renew the “fixed assets” without outside help.

Even if we assume that Crimea is able to achieve independence, it will not be able to become a self-sufficient state. To raise its economy at least to the level of the average Russian region (in terms of GDP per capita it is inferior to most of them), the republic needs huge investments - it cannot cope on its own.

In 2013, excluding the shadow sector of the economy, the contribution of the GRP of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to the GDP of Ukraine was officially estimated at 3.0%, while only 12.4% of the local budget was replenished from taxes on tourism activities. Accordingly, at the time of inclusion in Russia, the GRP of Crimea was about 0.25% of the annual GDP of the Russian Federation.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in March 2014, the implementation of large-scale projects began aimed at modernizing the economy of Crimea and its integration with the rest of Russia. In 2014, Crimea received the status of a free economic zone.

In 2015, the physical volume of the gross regional product (GRP) of Crimea increased by 8.5%, according to this indicator Crimea took 2nd place among the regions of Russia. Construction began on the Simferopol Thermal Power Plant and the road-railway bridge across the Kerch Strait. In December, the first two lines of the energy bridge were put into operation, connecting the Crimean energy system with the Unified Energy System of Russia.

In 2016, Crimea’s GRP grew by 6.0%. In May, the construction of an energy bridge from Krasnodar region to Crimea, its capacity reached the designed 800 MW. In December, the main gas pipeline was put into operation, connecting Crimea with the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia. The construction of attack ships for the Russian Navy began at the shipyards of Crimea.

In 2017, the Crimean economy grew by 10% (record growth rates over the last decade). In May 2017, construction of the federal highway"Tavrida" from Kerch to Sevastopol.

In April 2018, the new terminal of the Simferopol airport was put into operation. On May 16, 2018, automobile traffic on the Crimean Bridge opened, Crimea received a direct land connection with the rest of Russia.

Industry [ | ]

The main industries are food, chemical, shipbuilding, hydrocarbon production, and electric power.

In 2016 the volume industrial production in Crimea amounted to 101 billion rubles, including:

  • Mining - 10%
  • Manufacturing industries - 60%
    • Food industry - 26%
    • Chemical production - 15%
    • Mechanical engineering - 10%
  • Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 30%

Among the largest industrial enterprises in Crimea: shipbuilding plant "More", shipbuilding plant "Zaliv", "Chernomorneftegaz" (oil and gas production), "Massandra" (wine production), Crimean Soda Plant (soda production), Crimean Titan (titanium dioxide production ).

In 2015, the industrial production index of Crimea grew by 12.4%, in 2016 - by 4.6%.

Agriculture[ | ]

Agriculture is very developed in Crimea. Its specialization is grain growing, livestock farming, viticulture, horticulture, vegetable growing, as well as the cultivation of essential oil crops (lavender, roses, sage).

Production volume Agriculture in Crimea in 2015 amounted to 61.8 billion rubles.

Crop production[ | ]

Grain farming is developed in Crimea. In 2017, 1.7 million tons of grain were harvested in Crimea - a record harvest in recent years. The volume of grain harvest in Crimea is approximately twice the needs of the population of the peninsula.

Vegetable growing is also developed. In 2014, 414 thousand tons of vegetables and 388 thousand tons of potatoes were produced.

Production of other types of crop products (in 2014):

  • Sunflower - 101 thousand tons
  • Melon food crops - 10.5 thousand tons
  • Fruits and berries - 113 thousand tons
  • Grapes - 70 thousand tons

Livestock [ | ]

The production of meat, milk, and wool is carried out.

Construction [ | ]

There are 262 construction organizations operating in Crimea (as of 2016). In 2016 the volume construction work completed construction companies Crimea, amounted to 7.5 billion rubles. In 2017, 834 thousand m2 of housing were put into operation in Crimea, which is 2.9 times higher than in 2016. The bulk of housing (74%) was built by the population.

Currently, several large facilities are being built in Crimea, including the Crimean Bridge, the Tavrida federal highway, and the Simferopol Thermal Power Plant with a capacity of 470 MW.

Transport [ | ]

The main types of transport operate - road, rail, pipeline, sea, air.

Automobile transport[ | ]

Freight turnover of Crimean road transport in 2015 amounted to 128 million ton-km, passenger turnover - 2.14 billion passenger-km.

In 2015, 6 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the Crimean road network; as a result of the work carried out, 219 km of roads were repaired during the year.

The road network of Crimea is connected with road network the rest of Russia thanks to the Crimean Bridge, which began vehicular traffic on May 16, 2018. Construction underway federal highway"Tavrida" 253 km long between Kerch and Sevastopol.

Railway transport[ | ]

In 2015, Crimea's railway transport transported 3.5 million tons of cargo and 62 thousand passengers.

An important role in the transport of Crimea is played by the Kerch ferry crossing, which connects Crimea with the rest of Russia through the Kerch Strait. In 2015, 4.76 million passengers, 1 million cars, 42 thousand buses, 217 thousand trucks were transported by ferries of the Kerch crossing.

Tourism [ | ]

On the territory of Crimea there are 770 hotels and sanatorium-resort institutions, the total capacity of which is 158 thousand beds. In 2016, Crimea received 5.6 million tourists.

Crimea traditionally attracts lovers of sanatorium-resort and beach tourism. Tourism is facilitated by a favorable warm climate and the presence of many attractions. Most tourists vacation on the southern coast of Crimea. In Soviet times, Crimea was called the “all-Union health resort.”

Retail[ | ]

Retail trade occupies an important place in the economy of Crimea due to its tourism specialization.

The dynamics of retail turnover are of a pronounced seasonal nature, which is associated with the influx of tourists in the summer. Its greatest volume is from June to September. During these months, in the resort towns of Crimea (Sudak, Alushta, Yalta, Feodosia), the number of trade enterprises, cafes, and restaurants increases significantly.

Retail trade turnover in Crimea in 2015 amounted to 195 billion rubles.

Investments [ | ]

In terms of investment per capita, Crimea corresponds to the Russian average. In 2017, investments in fixed assets in Crimea amounted to 195 billion rubles ($3.4 billion).

Labor resources[ | ]

Number work force in Crimea as of the fourth quarter of 2015 amounted to 956 thousand people, of which 892 thousand people were employed, 64 thousand people were unemployed. The unemployment rate is 6.7%.

Energy [ | ]

Crimea has significant reserves of energy resources and the potential of renewable sources. Gas and oil production is carried out, as well as the production of electricity and heat.

Gas consumption is approximately equal to its production - 1.5-1.6 billion m3 per year. Underground gas storage helps solve the problem of shortages during the heating season. Gas system Crimea is included in the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia through a gas pipeline commissioned at the end of 2016.

The need for electricity is covered by its own generation, which in 2015 amounted to 1.47 billion kWh, as well as by the flow of electricity from the Krasnodar Territory.

Finance [ | ]

Banking system[ | ]

The systemically important bank of Crimea is the Russian National Commercial Bank, state-owned represented by the Federal Property Management Agency. RNKB has over 180 bank branches in Crimea, serving more than 1.4 million individuals and about 42 thousand corporate clients. The second most important bank in Crimea is "", owned by the regional authorities of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Taxes [ | ]

Free participants economic zone on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol they pay a contribution of 6% to the Russian Pension Fund, 1.5% to the Social Insurance Fund and 0.1% to Federal Fund compulsory health insurance.

Income of the population[ | ]

The average salary in Crimea is 30,577 rubles (June 2017). The highest salaries (as of November 2015) are received by employees financial sector(38 thousand rubles), government administration and support military security(35 thousand rubles), mining (32 thousand rubles), electric power (28 thousand rubles), transport (27 thousand rubles), education (24 thousand rubles), healthcare (23 thousand rubles). In the agricultural sector, the average salary is 15 thousand rubles, in Food Industry and trade - 18 thousand rubles, in chemical industry and construction - 20 thousand rubles.

More than 560 thousand people receive pensions in Crimea. The average old-age pension in December 2015 was 11.5 thousand rubles.

International trade[ | ]

According to Crimean Customs, exports of goods from Crimea in 2015 amounted to $79 million, imports of goods - $100 million, negative balance - $21 million.

The main export items of goods in 2015: shipbuilding products, chemical products, cereals, meat products, ferrous metals. Major import items: engineering products, drinks, dairy products, vegetables.

Crimea's largest trading partners in 2015 were Ukraine, Panama, Turkey, Belarus, China, and India.

Territorial structure[ | ]

Economic microdistrict Compound Industry specialization Agriculture Specialization
Northwestern Krasnoperekopsky district
Razdolnensky district
Pervomaisky district

Kerch City Council

mining and metallurgical
mechanical engineering
grain farming
meat and dairy farming

Dynamics of GRP of the Republic of Crimea[ | ]

Year Volume, billion rubles Growth in physical volume compared to the previous year % of Russia's gross value added
189,4 - 0,32 %
248,3 +8,5 % 0,40 %
315,9 +6,0 % 0,46 %

Links [ | ]

Notes [ | ]

  1. Crimea is pulling GDP up:: Economy:: RBC newspaper
  2. Who is investing in Crimea - VEDOMOSTI
  3. Young people are growing up in Crimea
  4. RBC investigation: who owns the resorts of Crimea:: Economy:: RBC

The new commander of the Northern Fleet (NF) will be the Chief of Staff of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, a source in the fleet command told FlashNord.

“The decision has already been made at the Ministry of Defense and the documents have been approved. In the near future, Nikolai Evmenov will be introduced to the personnel in a new capacity,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Let us recall that a year ago, after Evmenov’s speech to submariners of the Northern Fleet was posted online, the admiral became a real Internet star. Even experienced sailors were amazed that “swearing through a word” - in in this case it was literal. “So to them, Comrade Admiral!” – commentators were delighted.

Currently, N. Evmenov is the acting commander of the Northern Fleet. The current commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, was appointed acting commander-in-chief of the Navy at the end of November. According to that source, V. Korolev is the most likely candidate for the post of commander in chief.

N. Evmenov became the new chief of staff of the Northern Fleet in November 2012. Before that, he commanded the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet (PF). N. Evmenov became famous after publishing a video in 2014 in which he can be heard telling submarine officers about the inadmissibility of driving while intoxicated. The recording, which collected hundreds of thousands of views, was made during his service at the Pacific Fleet, but it was published only in 2014.

A stern admiral instructs heroic submariners

(Carefully! Obscene language! 18+):

The admiral was especially inspired at the 7th minute

The opinions of commentators were divided at the time. Some believed that there was nowhere in the navy without swearing, others believed that they had witnessed the shame of the Russian fleet...

“I served in the Navy for 25 years, I saw and heard everything! – Vitaly Melnik also responded. “But I’ve never seen a senior officer with such shoulder straps stoop so low in front of his subordinates.” You can imagine P.S. Nakhimov or S.O. Makarov in the place of Rear Admiral Evmenov. Under N.G. Kuznetsov, he would no longer serve in the USSR Navy. His rhetoric is not justified by any circumstances and speaks only of the low intelligence of this person who occupies such a high position! But these officers will copy him, for them he is an example! Why has the culture in the navy eroded? At all!? Sad!!!"

Immediately after the video appeared, N. Evmenov announced a month without swearing in the Northern Fleet. The command of the Northern Fleet decisively took up the eradication of swearing in the ranks of sailors, wrote “ Russian newspaper" IN military units and on the ships of the Northern Fleet more than 100 different educational activities. These include lectures and reports on the topics of military education and cultural recreation.

Discussion of the article

Jul 23 2016 11:57AM

Yes, he said it right!!! and for those who don’t understand simple truths, you need to swear, maybe it will work out that way! The homeland pays, treats, etc. and some “Officers” cannot control themselves - to stop in time when drinking alcohol..... But what kind of defender is he, since he simply cannot control himself!!! the list of those killed speaks clearly...... as a result - there is absolutely nothing good for either the Motherland or the family of the victims....

May 24, 2016 2:13PM

Hmmm. The first comments were annoying, but I see smart people more.

From myself: he served from 1998 to 2008 in Kamchatka. People-icons of the Pacific Fleet: Sidenko, Kirillov. I also include Evmenov there. “Uncle Kolya,” as the headquarters officers called him behind his back.

PySy: Whoever doesn’t like Evmenov’s style, for the sake of interest, look in the vastness of Tyrnet for the statements of Yuri Vasilyevich Kirillov (this is not fiction, on the parade ground this performance could last for hours, impromptu)

Apr 12 2016 11:41PM

NEMO and Alex! It turned out in my life that from the age of 17 I was associated with the armed forces. Not being a career military man (there is such a definition - civilian), but I served for a fixed-term period and took the oath in the Union and I can give the personnel a head start in my specialty. I do not serve, but I work in the auxiliary fleet. I have subordinates, and when they don’t understand something, I explain to them exactly as the admiral did in this video (and lo and behold, they begin to understand me and focus on the problem that has arisen). This is psychology. In the army and navy you can deliver a lot of grief without resorting to swearing and excessive voice. Everything will be purely according to the regulations and automatically (you deserve it, you get it)

And swearing gives a psychological assessment of what happened. We are all human and nothing human is alien to us. Admiral (he is also a human). It is not he (Alex) who is drunk freak, and freaks those who brought a combat officer to such emotional framing of his monologue. And in prison they don’t really believe stories (you, Alex, as I understand it, just like you weren’t in the navy) It’s just that I started my work in construction parts on the Kola Peninsula (if that means anything to you). But I can’t tell you only one thing..... This rare fossil cattle is responsible for life, health, well-being,

the moral behavior of the people subordinate to him before the state and their parents. They will ask for everything from this (as you said) rare brute. (Imagine yourself in his place). It is the boss’s prerogative to communicate with the people subordinate to him the way they deserve it by their behavior (if they are sheep, then talk like with sheep). On top of everything else, he is also responsible for ensuring that you live calmly, peacefully, sleep sweetly, They ate deliciously, all so white and fluffy (you probably don’t even pick up fried chicken with your hands, but poke it with a fork). Sorry for the spelling, I didn’t graduate from universities, but I expressed myself honestly, as I think and consider it correct, which is what I subscribe to. Alexey Pekhterev 566 OSO

Jan 19 2016 1:18AM

You should join the navy for a couple of years to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of sailing personnel, especially submariners, when you 100%, right down to your cap and health (there is no personal time there, and leaving the town with permission, there were such times) belong to one goal, which can destroy entire continents - therefore civic ethics in men's team there is no channel there. And submariner admiral Evmenov is an indisputable authority, he himself served there.

Dec 30 2015 5:41PM

In confirmation of the following.

Where are the 10th and 25th Submarine Divisions located? At the end of the recording there is a command concerning them. We use the Internet - oops! It turns out the Pacific Fleet! Then we look where the submariner served... it turns out that until 2011 he was in the Pacific Fleet, and for the last five years he studied at the Academy (In Moscow - General Staff or in Leningrad - Navy). Although the details are no longer important...

..."announced a month without swearing in the Northern Fleet"! Ahaha!...))

Dec 30 2015 2:58PM

Just in case, this is not the Northern Fleet, but the Pacific Fleet. At least 5-6 years ago. There are no berths for parades in the Northern Fleet, where they stand submarines Project 949. That is, 90% of the information in the article is nonsense!

And the fact that “contract soldiers” (drunken sailors), mind you - not officers, “cleans for nothing”, is all outright emotion! Moreover, they characterize the open, honest character of a person, his straightforwardness and sincere indignation at the death Russian citizens V Peaceful time, due to sloppiness and permissiveness...

One pilot died in Syria, halfway around the world, but so many died here... listen carefully! He does not speak from himself, he speaks from the mothers and children of the murdered!!! He calls for conscience and prudence! However, there is also a threat for those who do not understand or do not want to take the path of self-awareness (in the sense of “this is the last, Chinese warning”).

Dec 15 2015 4:56PM

And you Nemo and Alex didn’t even serve, damn it. The admiral explained everything clearly and clearly. How could it be different? Well, there are a lot of linking words, like in German der.. des.. dem..., but in our navy the linking word b..d. By the way, after the service I also couldn’t express my thoughts without this word, but then I learned. As you can see.

Dec 15 2015 11:49AM

Hmmm, a rare fossil beast.

And why no one ever punched him in the face?

Dec 15 2015 1:09AM

Some kind of drunken freak, not an officer. He should go to jail and tell stories

The Arctic is a special territory, and it requires appropriate treatment. Caring attitude to nature, respect for the people working here, attention to the defense of the region... The last and most difficult task is carried out by the Northern Fleet.

In December it will be three years since the creation on its basis of an interspecific strategic association for the protection national interests Russian Federation in the Arctic. We talked about ensuring security in this area with the commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Nikolai Evmenov.

Nikolai Evmenov: “The Northern Fleet is a guarantor of stability, allowing it to protect Russia’s economic and political interests anywhere in the World Ocean.” Photo: press service of the Northern Fleet.

- Nikolai Anatolyevich, what is the Northern Fleet like today?

We are the only and most powerful formation of the Russian Navy, which has the status of a military district.

In the area of ​​responsibility of the fleet there are four constituent entities of the Russian Federation, airspace, the waters of the Northern Arctic Ocean and the northern coast of Russia from the border with Norway to the Laptev Sea inclusive. Availability of maritime strategic nuclear forces And modern ships the far ocean zone makes the Northern Fleet a guarantor of stability and allows it to protect Russia’s economic and political interests anywhere in the World Ocean.

- Who is protecting the Russian Arctic today and how?

The Northern Fleet includes unique formations and units. This is an Arctic motorized rifle brigade, a tactical group of coastal troops, units air defense who are on combat duty on the islands of the Arctic Ocean, on the archipelagos of Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya and New Siberian Islands.

The system of military infrastructure on the Arctic islands and continental regions has already been largely formed and continues to be improved. Far North. On the islands of Kotelny and Alexandra Land, closed-circuit administrative and housing complexes were built in which our military personnel live and serve.

- The Arctic does not spoil the weather. How are things going with the delivery of supplies and cargo to such remote bases?

Each Arctic base of the Northern Fleet, like an orbital station, is capable of existing autonomously from a year to a year and a half. Moreover, if necessary, any materials, equipment or supplies can be delivered to the base as quickly as possible. short term, despite the weather and natural conditions. Each is equipped with all-season airfields that can receive Various types aircraft, including heavy transport and fighter aircraft.

2017 is the year of ecology, and the Arctic is a unique natural area, which requires protection in itself. Is the Northern Fleet doing any work in this direction?

Let's start with the fact that construction here is carried out in the most environmentally friendly ways so as not to harm nature.

Secondly, we try not only to preserve environment, but also clean it of accumulated debris. For the third year in a row, on Kotelny Island, an environmental platoon of military logistics personnel of the Northern Fleet collects scrap metal and presses it for removal and disposal.

During three years of cleaning the island, Severomorsk workers removed more than 2,400 tons of scrap metal.

- What innovations are planned to strengthen defense capabilities in the Arctic?

A monitoring system is being created for the surface and underwater situation of the Northern sea ​​route and complete control airspace over our area of ​​responsibility in the Arctic.

At the end of 2015, the first anti-aircraft missile regiment on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago began combat duty. It is armed with a modernized air defense system.

Since 2012, ships and vessels of the Northern Fleet have been making regular voyages in the seas of the Arctic Ocean to improve the training of sailors and personnel ground and coastal naval forces.

- What do you remember about this year? What stages of Arctic development have yet been completed?

Traditionally, one of the central events for us was the voyage of a detachment of warships and support vessels across the seas of the Arctic Ocean. This time it was the largest and most intense.

Nine ships and support vessels were involved. IN total they covered about 6,000 nautical miles - from Severomorsk to the New Siberian Islands and back. Through the waters of the Barents Sea, Kara seas and the Laptev Sea, as well as along the Yenisei River to the port of Dudinka. In this area, Arctic fighters motorized rifle brigade Together with airborne forces and special forces units, we conducted an interspecific tactical exercise on security and defense industrial facility in the Arctic.

During the campaign, the Severomorsk troops landed on the unequipped coast four times. For the first time, we landed heavy equipment on Cape Chelyuskin, the northernmost point of Eurasia.

- But campaigns are not only military operations, but also work with people?

During the exercises in Taimyr, military personnel of the Northern Fleet performed a large cultural program. We held sports competitions with local volleyball, football and hockey teams, met with young people and told schoolchildren about the features of service in the Northern Fleet. As part of the military-technical forum "Army-2017" in the Northern Fleet, our ships in Dudinka were open to visits by city residents. During the forum, more than ten thousand fleet ships visited Dudinka local residents. 160 Taimyr schoolchildren were accepted into the ranks of the Youth Army.

To explore the Arctic, the Arctic Oceanographic Expedition has been recreated as part of the hydrographic service of the Northern Fleet, which already has several discoveries to its credit.

Several expeditions on hydrographic vessels are sent to the Arctic every year. Researchers have made more than 20 discoveries geographical objects in the Novaya Zemlya region. Due to the melting of glaciers, several islands, capes and straits were formed, which have already been mapped.

This year, the hydrographic vessel "Senezh" studied the coastline on the Arctic islands of Vize, Ushakov, Schmidt, as well as on Severny Island of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. In the process of research, hydrographers discovered two previously unknown capes and a new island emerging from under the Chaev glacier.


2012 - Marines of the Northern Fleet for the first time in history Russian Navy landed on the unequipped coast of Kotelny Island.

2013 - a detachment of ships led by the flagship of the Northern Fleet heavy nuclear missile cruiser"Peter the Great" delivered equipment and property to the New Siberian Islands to restore the Temp air commandant's office.

2014 - exercises to protect the Arctic island zone and the sea coast of the Russian Federation on the New Siberian Islands.

2015 - for the first time, an inter-service exercise was held with the participation of units of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet to protect important facilities on the Taimyr Peninsula.

2016 - For the first time in history, amphibious assault landed on the unequipped coast of the island of Alexandra Land in the northernmost archipelago of Russia - Franz Josef Land.

2017 - hike from Severomorsk to the New Siberian Islands with disembarkation amphibious assault on armored vehicles to the islands of Kotelny, Golomyanny, Cape Chelyuskin and to the unequipped river coast near the port of Dudinka on Taimyr.