Emotions are positive and negative. The role of “positive” and “negative” emotions

Emotion is an outward source. This is a way of self-expression in life. This is a characteristic of a person’s attitude towards life.

The emotions people express can be divided into two broad categories. We can think of them as opposites to each other, or we can simply say that there is a dividing line where emotions of one type turn into emotions of another type.

We can call these two types of emotions “negative” and “positive”. This is not so much a value judgment, but rather a description of the basic action of each group. Ratings as "good" or "bad" are not particularly helpful.

Negative emotions express an attempt or intention to “exclude.” Strengthening one's own position at the expense of others. Stay away from bad things, destroy what is perceived as a threat. Negative emotions are fueled by a deep-seated fear of the unknown, fear of the actions of others, and the need to control and contain others so as not to be harmed by them.

Positive emotions express an attempt or intention to “turn on.” Consider something in its entirety. Work on learning new points of view, interact more with others, enjoy getting better at something. Positive emotions are fueled by a deep desire for pleasure and unity.

Negative emotions are, for example: indifference, grief, fear, hatred, shame, guilt, regret, indignation, anger, hostility.

Positive emotions are, for example: interest, enthusiasm, boredom, laughter, sympathy, action, curiosity.

Within each category there is a range of different emotions. It can be said that some are more positive or more negative than others. But they do not have to be placed on a linear scale for convenience, since each of them is a mixture of several elements.

Some emotions are disguised as positive or negative, but are actually something completely different. There is a kind of pity that seems to be a genuine concern for others, but which is more likely to be a consolation from the fact that someone else has it worse. Eat hidden hostility, which masquerades as friendliness, and which may be difficult to recognize at first. Likewise, some types of anger or tears may appear negative, but may actually be an expression of concern and concern for the whole. It's not the superficial that matters external manifestation, but the underlying mechanism and incentives.

It may seem like you just need to get rid of negative emotions. But it's not that simple. They have an important purpose. In essence, they show that there is something that a person does not know and cannot cope with. If negative emotions become a stimulus to learn something and deal with it, they are very useful. If a person is always joyful, he may not notice what is wrong.

Positive and negative emotions are opposites. It is impossible to get rid of one and leave only the other. Ultimately they need to be combined into one.

A client's negative emotion usually directs us to areas that need to be addressed. It shows us that there is something here that the personality cannot cope with. We help her deal with it and transform it into something more rewarding and joyful.

Negative emotions are useful as an incentive to get away from the unwanted. Positive emotions are useful as an incentive to move towards what you want.

Trouble occurs when parts of this system get stuck. Especially when the functions of emotions are reversed and the person begins to move towards what she does not want. Therefore, stuck negative emotions are the primary target for processing.

People can express all sorts of combinations of these emotions. Some people remain stuck in a negative emotion, such as grief, almost all the time. Others remain stuck in positive emotions, such as contentment, and do not know how to experience negative emotions, even when they need to.

Some people react according to certain emotional patterns in stressful situations. For example, a person may have hidden grief or fear that is triggered by certain circumstances. An offhand remark can press a button that releases pent-up anger.

The goal of processing is to make people more flexible in emotions, able to use any most appropriate emotion, and able to use their full range when necessary. A flexible and active person will most likely prefer to live in a positive frame of mind. But in fact, the goal is to unite into one whole, to go beyond the positive/negative idea altogether.

"Negative" emotions play a more important role biological role compared to “positive” emotions. It is no coincidence that the mechanism of “negative” emotions functions in a child from the first days of his birth, and “positive” emotions appear much later. A “negative” emotion is an alarm signal, a danger to the body. A “positive” emotion is a signal of returned well-being. It is clear that the last signal does not need to sound for a long time, so emotional adaptation to the good comes quickly. The alarm must be sounded until the danger has been eliminated. As a result, only “negative” emotions can become stagnant. “Negative” emotions are harmful only in excess, just as anything that exceeds the norm is harmful. Fear, anger, rage increase the intensity of metabolic processes, lead to better nutrition of the brain, strengthen the body's resistance to overload, infections, etc.

Neural mechanisms of positive emotional reactions more complex and subtle than negative ones. “Positive” emotions have independent adaptive significance, i.e. the role of “positive” emotions is different from the role of “negative” emotions: “positive” emotions encourage living systems to actively disrupt the achieved “balance” with environment: “The most important role of positive emotions is the active disruption of peace, comfort, the famous “balancing of the body with external environment"." "Negative emotions, as a rule, ensure the preservation of what has already been achieved by evolution or individual development subject. Positive emotions revolutionize behavior, prompting us to look for new, not yet satisfied needs, without which pleasure is unthinkable. This does not indicate the absolute value of positive emotions. They can be caused by primitive, selfish, socially unacceptable needs. In such cases, we will undoubtedly give preference to such negative emotions as anxiety for the fate of another person, compassion for those in trouble, and indignation at injustice. The social value of emotions is always determined by the motive that brought it to life.”

Types of emotional states

Depending on the depth, intensity, duration and degree of differentiation, we can distinguish the following types emotional states: sensual tone, actual emotions, affect, passion, mood.

The simplest form of emotions is the emotional tone of sensations - innate hedonic experiences (from the Greek hedone - pleasure), accompanying certain vital influences (for example, taste, temperature, pain). Already at this level, emotions are differentiated into 2 polar classes. Positive emotions evoked beneficial effects, encourage the subject to achieve and maintain them; Negative emotions stimulate activity aimed at avoiding harmful influences.

1. Sensual or emotional tone is simplest form emotions, an elementary manifestation of organic sensitivity that accompanies certain vital influences and encourages the subject to eliminate or preserve them. Often such experiences, due to their weak differentiation, cannot be expressed verbally. Sensory tone is recognized as an emotional coloring, a unique qualitative shade of the mental process, as a property of a perceived object, phenomenon, action, etc.

2. Emotions themselves are mental reflection in the form of direct biased experience life meaning phenomena and situations determined by the relationship of their objective properties to the needs of the subject. These are subject specific mental processes and conditions that arise in a specific environment and are narrowly focused. Emotions arise when there is excessive motivation in relation to the real adaptive capabilities of the individual. Emotions arise due to the fact that the subject cannot or does not know how to give an adequate response to stimulation (situations characterized by novelty, unusualness or suddenness).

It is traditional to divide emotions into positive and negative. However, emotions such as anger, fear, shame cannot be unconditionally categorized as negative. Anger is sometimes directly correlated with adaptive behavior and even more often with defense and affirmation of personal integrity. Fear is also associated with survival and, along with shame, contributes to the regulation of permissive aggressiveness and the establishment of social order.

A popular classification of emotions in relation to activity and, accordingly, their division into sthenic (inducing to action, causing tension) and asthenic (inhibiting action, depressing). Classifications of emotions are also known: by origin from groups of needs - biological, social and ideal emotions; by the nature of the actions on which the probability of satisfying the need depends - contact and distance.

3. Affect is a rapidly and violently occurring emotional process of an explosive nature, which can provide a release in action that is not subject to conscious volitional control. The main thing in affect is an unexpected shock, sharply experienced by a person, characterized by a change in consciousness, a violation volitional control behind the actions. In affect, the parameters of attention change sharply: its switchability decreases, concentration and memory are impaired, up to partial or

complete amnesia. Affect has a disorganizing effect on activity, consistency and quality of performance, with maximum disintegration - stupor or chaotic unfocused motor reactions. There are normal and pathological affects.

The main signs of pathological affect: altered consciousness (disorientation in time and space); inadequacy of the intensity of the response to the intensity of the stimulus that caused the reaction; the presence of post-affective amnesia.

4. Passion is an intense, generalized and prolonged experience that dominates other human impulses and leads to concentration on the object of passion. The reasons that cause passion can be different - ranging from bodily inclinations to conscious ideological beliefs. Passion can be accepted and sanctioned by the individual, or it can be experienced as something unwanted and intrusive. Characteristics passions are the strength of feeling, expressed in the appropriate direction of all thoughts of the individual, stability, unity of emotional and volitional moments, a peculiar combination of activity and passivity.

5. Mood is a relatively long-lasting, stable mental state of moderate or weak intensity. Causes, mood-inducing, are numerous - from organic well-being (vital tone) to the nuances of relationships with others. Mood has a subjective orientation; in comparison with a sensory tone, it is perceived not as a property of an object, but as a property of the subject. Individual personal characteristics play a certain role.

The variety of manifestations of human emotional life confronts psychology with the need to differentiate them more clearly. According to tradition domestic psychology, it is customary to distinguish feelings as a special subclass emotional processes. The feeling is experienced and revealed in specific emotions. However, in contrast to the actual emotions and affects associated with specific situations, feelings highlight phenomena in the surrounding reality that have a stable need-motivational significance. The content of a person’s dominant feelings expresses his attitudes, ideals, interests, etc. So, feelings are stable emotional relationships, acting as a kind of “attachment” to a certain range of phenomena of reality, as a persistent focus on them, as a certain “capture” by them. In the process of regulating behavior, feelings are assigned the role of leading emotional and semantic formations of the individual.

Emotional reactions (anger, joy, melancholy, fear) are divided into emotional response, emotional outburst and emotional explosion (affect). The emotional response is, according to the authors, the most dynamic and constant phenomenon of a person’s emotional life, reflecting rapid and shallow switches in a person’s relationship systems to routine changes in situations everyday life. The intensity and duration of the emotional response are small, and it is not capable of significantly changing a person’s emotional state. A more pronounced intensity, tension and duration of experience is characterized by an emotional outburst, which can change the emotional state, but is not associated with a loss of self-control. An emotional explosion is characterized by a rapidly developing emotional reaction of great intensity with a weakening of volitional control over behavior and an easier transition into action. This is a short-term phenomenon, after which a loss of strength or even complete indifference, drowsiness.

We can talk about emotional experiences of various durations: fleeting, unstable, long-lasting, lasting several minutes, hours and even days) and chronic. At the same time, one must understand the conventions of such a division. These three groups of emotional reactions can be called differently: operational (appearing with a single exposure), current and permanent (lasting weeks and months). However, an emotional reaction (anxiety, fear, frustration, monotony, etc.) under certain conditions can be operational (fleeting), current (long-term), and permanent (chronic). Therefore, the use of this characteristic when identifying a class of emotional reactions is very relative.

Experiencing both positive and negative emotions creates interesting dynamics and gives food for thought.

Professional and academic research on positive and negative emotions shows that experiencing positive and negative feelings in a 3 to 1 ratio leads people to turning point, after which they become more resistant to unfavorable factors and easily achieve what they can imagine.

With a positive attitude, we learn to see new opportunities, recover from failures more easily, communicate with other people, and become more accomplished.

We constantly experience emotions in our Everyday life related to people life experience or events. We allow ourselves to be drawn into positive and negative emotions, which means it is necessary to consider these emotions in the aspect that is really important to us.

Balance of feelings

All Muslims know that it is necessary to show moderation in everything, to strive for balance and peace with ourselves and what Allah has given us. a short time life.

We must avoid extremes in all things, including emotions: any excessive emotions can be destructive, be it positive or negative.

Positive emotions are positive feelings such as love, hope, enthusiasm, determination, gratitude, optimism, jubilation, and confidence. Negative emotions are irritation, boredom, embarrassment, sadness, fear, dissatisfaction, depression.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said the words that were reported in an authentic hadith narrated by Bukhari:

“None of you will truly believe until he loves his brother as himself.”

So you are in positive attitude, are experiencing positive emotions when you look at the blessings you receive in life. Remember that you have much more than many other people. So, take a few minutes and pray for your brothers and sisters around the world who do not have what you have. Do this while you are in a positive state of mind.

When we thank someone we appreciate the person's contribution to us and how more degree our gratitude - the more positive we will see in others and ourselves.

The more we notice how Allah has blessed us and see His presence in our lives, the more our heart will be at peace.

“The Lord has declared: “If you give thanks, I will multiply for you...” Koran (Sura Ibrahim 14:07).

Take small break while you are busy and thank Allah. You will never be able to thank Allah for everything He has given you, but you will truly appreciate Allah's presence in your life.

Now, let's take a quick look at the negative emotions we may feel: perhaps we are disappointed because we have not fulfilled our potential, or we feel anxious, depressed or jealous. Only we know when we feel these emotions, but what really matters is how we handle these emotions.

Since the month of Ramadan has left us, we sometimes feel guilty for not getting enough done during this month, but let this not stop us from further improvement. Even if we made a mistake, someday we will admit it immediately to Allah or those whom we have offended.

Let us never be arrogant, since arrogance was the cause of the fall of Shaitan.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Every action is based on its intention” (Bukhari)

and in another hadith it is reported:

“The best actions are those that are small and consistent” (Bukhari and Muslim).

Let's decide which sequential positive changes can become a part of our lives forever. This can help you accept any worries and negative thoughts and use them as motivation to help manifest positive changes in our actions and actions in this life and in the life to come.

Finally, let us try not to feel depressed and never lose hope. When we seek happiness in this life, we experience needs in many areas: beautiful clothes, delicious food, wonderful home, great wife or husband, etc. However, if a person expresses gratitude to Allah, he will receive what he really needs - true happiness!

... (and sometimes more) significant. And in in this case even a cursory glance at the problem suggests that negative emotions this is, at a minimum, necessary and an integral part of system, without which this system simply cannot function. ... These are roughly the thoughts that come to my mind when they offer me to get rid of everyone negative emotions and walk through life exclusively in the company positive. And it’s all the more pleasant when I come across publications that directly or indirectly support my position. ...


Existences: calling positive emotions(35%), calling negative emotions(5%), emotionally neutral, or ballast (60%). What's the use of negative emotions? They arise when our activities do not give desired results. And therefore, if negative emotions not too many... us to look for new solutions, ideas, approaches, methods. M.E. Litvak compares the role negative emotions with the role carbon dioxide during the breathing process (as is known, it stimulates inhalation). ...


Might drive you crazy. Every one of you (I'm not) is susceptible negative emotions or let's put it another way negative emotions control you. An aggressive state resulting from “negativity” can lead to... Positive emotions, which I experienced while relaxing in nature - did not have any impact negative influence on my body, and filled it, one might say, with energy. However, several years have passed since then. I have grown up and more and more often negative emotions “ ...


First of all, you need to understand me correctly. I say: express yours negative emotions. But I don't say "publicly". This is how things can get distorted. If you are angry with someone and start expressing your anger, then... there will be no end to it. Things tend to move in circles, and we hope to end that. The moment you feel negative emotion in relation to someone, that person has nothing to do with it. The whole point is that you have a certain energy of anger. And it's time to throw it away...


Principles, even if the immediate benefit is negligible. Negative emotions convey to us important information, and therefore sometimes they even surpass positive emotions by usefulness. Sadness signals a loss, fear a threat, and anger warns of an unworthy act. Negative emotions help us learn. We constantly evaluate the situations in which we find ourselves. Negative emotions indicate that we have a problem, and often...