Apathy what to do. How to overcome apathy due to depression

Apathy is a symptom that is expressed in detachment, indifference to events happening around. And also in the lack of desire to do anything. Most often it occurs after stressful situations, as a protective mechanism of the psyche that prevents it from breaking down from nervous overstrain.

First of all, you need to try to find the cause of your condition. Otherwise, there is no point in dealing with the consequences. We will describe some reasons:

  • A turning point in life has arrived - a midlife crisis. When you realized that you have crossed 30 years of age, and this is forever.
  • An unfulfilled personal life is a traditional reason for reluctance to do anything at all.
  • Adaptation after a strong positive emotional upsurge, for example, after a long journey. It's really hard to return to a gray, noisy city when it was so quiet, beautiful and calm there. Not everyone can quickly get used to the idea that their life is here. What awaits the job, the road to it and back.
  • Professional burnout. This happens when a person works for a long time in his profession, but marks time and does not grow in his career. He has already mastered all the basics of his current professional status and now leads only a routine existence, fulfilling his duties. Or he simply overworked himself because he is under constant stress at work.
  • Stay at home for a long time without work or on parental leave. And every day is a repetition of the previous one (Groundhog Day).
  • You retired from a job that took up almost all your free time and you don’t know what to do with yourself or what to put your hands to.

Understand exactly what happened. Why did I lose interest in everything? How to deal with laziness and apathy?

Staying in this state for a long time will lead to irreversible consequences. Simply put: life will pass you by. Start working on yourself. If you decide that this mood is caused by stress at work, eliminate it:

  • Communicate with colleagues more. This will defuse the situation and lift your spirits.
  • Learn to relax. Do the most uninteresting tasks in the morning, then rest for 20 minutes. Continue your day after lunch with more enjoyable errands. Learn to live at work without seeing it as a punishment. No other way.
  • Work is an opportunity to improve yourself and educate yourself. Treat it that way. You gain experience and do things that wouldn’t be done without you.

If this is the autumn-winter mood, which often torments you after a bright sunny summer, color it:

  • You can go to the gym, swimming pool, dance courses, handicrafts. Choose an activity for your soul. On the Internet you can find many free courses from sculpting dolls and knitting to learning foreign languages.
  • Do some minor repairs, hang brighter wallpaper or buy new curtains, rearrange the furniture. If you have no strength to overcome your sadness and indifference, color the world around you.
  • Socialize more with positive, energetic friends. Those who know how to set up and invigorate.

How to overcome laziness and apathy at home?

If you are sitting at home, you are lazy and nothing makes you happy - pull yourself together urgently. Otherwise, you will never break out of this circle.

  • Start by putting things in order. Take old things and damaged dishes to the landfill. Distribute unwanted clothes and shoes to friends or put them up for sale on the Internet. Free up space in your rooms and clean the air. All this accumulated property is depressing.
  • Now that you have already felt changes and some surge of strength and energy, continue to save yourself. Make it a rule not to just have lunch or dinner, but to do it beautifully and with imagination.
  • Don't think that just because you're at home more often, you can look however you want. Get home clothes so that they look no worse than the ones you wear out in public.
  • Be sure to take a walk before bed if possible, or get off a couple of stops earlier and walk to work.
  • Get a dog or other pet. A friend will never let you be sad.
  • On weekends, be sure to get out into nature. Skiing in winter. In the summer, go to the river, dacha or forest for a picnic.
  • Learn to wake up cheerfully, even if you went to bed late. Perhaps a contrast shower and daily routine will help. At first you will have to force yourself, but then you will feel a surge of strength and a good mood, since you did not lie in bed until lunch.

In general, apathy is a symptom that people began to complain about recently. After all, before they simply had no time to think about it. We have begun to live well; most of us do not need to grow crops, care for livestock, light a fire, or maintain a farm.

How to get out of apathy? What else can be done? Reconsider your attitude towards life and stop setting yourself limitations that are caused by laziness. You can always find time and energy to go to the gym or clean up your home.

Now your main enemy is yourself, you need to understand the following:

  • No one will come to the rescue or pull you out of this state.
  • Working on yourself is not easy, but not impossible.
  • It will be uncomfortable, you will have to break your usual way of life and its stereotypes. But without doing this, you will not move.
  • Learn to take responsibility. In any case, no one else will take it upon themselves.
  • Make a choice where and in what you need to grow. Follow it.
  • Start with one task, don't try to master everything at once.
  • Natural selection applies here too. And if previously the one who survived was the one who was strong and hardy, which means he could feed himself. Today, those who do not know how to control themselves remain at the bottom: lethargic, irresponsible, uninitiative people.

If nothing helps you, then the problem may be deeper. In this case, you need to consult a specialist doctor, because there are practically no irreversible conditions.

So, we hope that you understand: only your desire and hard, painstaking work on yourself will change the situation. It is for this reason that we defined the concept of apathy. What to do if you don’t want anything and how to live further is now up to you to decide.

Prepared by a doctor of the highest category, Ramilya Khalitovna KHABIROVA.

It is better to get rid of apathy as soon as possible. Don’t think that this condition will go away on its own. If a person is strong, then he will cope with apathy. Or rather, a strong spirit will not allow himself to be brought to such a state. But a weak person can feel apathy. People who easily succumb to negative impressions or whose nervous system is in a weakened state are especially susceptible to it. When a person of this type is in a bad mood for a long time, the most insignificant event can cause a nervous breakdown.

Apathy. What kind of illness?

How to deal with apathy and what is meant by this concept? There is an opinion among doctors that apathy is the body’s way of protecting itself from overload. It may be associated with unstable functioning of the human nervous system, a negative emotional background, which is accompanied by general fatigue.

A person closes off from external stimuli. Thus, it allows the body to restore strength and improve the functioning of body systems.

In a state of apathy, a person does not experience any emotions about one thing or another. He is absolutely indifferent to everything that happens. Nothing makes him happy, but nothing makes him sad either. A person doesn’t want to think about anything. He cannot pull himself together and tune in to a positive mood. How to deal with apathy? He doesn't know the answer to this question for sure.

When a person is in a cheerful mood, he plans for tomorrow, waits for good news, and thinks about what to wear. And in a state of apathy, he does not want to make plans for the future. For example, he does not think about the upcoming vacation or about any other pleasant events and pastimes. What made a person happy a certain time ago does not bring pleasant emotions in a state of apathy. They are also not interested in activities that brought them pleasure in the past. Films that evoked emotion cease to be of interest.

I don’t want to listen to my favorite songs, attend educational institutions and engage in work. In the case when close relatives begin to tell a person in a state of apathy that he needs to get out of this state, the reaction can be aggressive and inadequate.

What can you do? How to start taking action?

How to deal with apathy? If a person is in this state, then the problem is that he cannot concentrate on doing anything. It seems that any action requires a lot of effort from him, there is no energy to carry out his plans. How to deal with apathy? Now we will give useful tips that should point you in the right direction. So, you have apathy, what should you do?

  1. First of all, under no circumstances should you let the situation get worse. No need to relax. The first thing to do is to pull yourself together and begin to control the situation. Under no circumstances should you let her go.
  2. A person must begin to get himself out of an apathetic mood on his own. You should know that you should not rely on external help. Even if someone close to you wants to do this, it can provoke aggression on the part of the patient.
  3. It is necessary to remember that if you allow yourself to remain in a state of upset and sad mood, this will take you out of your usual way of life for a long time.

An interesting technique will make you cry and smile

How to overcome apathy? There is a technique, following which, a person in this condition needs to aggravate the situation. You should think about yourself, that you are the most unfortunate person on earth, you feel very bad, and so on. It is necessary to create an absurd and comic form of apathy, namely, self-pity. If you want, you can cry.

But you should know that this method can not help all people, but only those whose apathetic state has been prolonged, but it is not too deep and neglected. Also, those who have a sense of humor can laugh at themselves. That category of people who fail to reconfigure themselves through humor in a positive way should try other methods.

How to overcome apathy? If a person manages to cry and feel sorry for himself, then this is considered a good indicator and a kind of warm-up for getting out of a negative perception of reality. If you just managed to feel sorry for yourself, then there is a possibility that the person will want to try to make an effort on himself and get out of a prolonged depression.

Pamper yourself, because you deserve it!

After feeling sorry for yourself, you can move on to the next stage of getting out of apathy. It includes a technique that involves pampering yourself. For example, you can buy yourself something that you have been thinking about for a long time, but did not dare to buy. You can also go to a restaurant, spend time in the company you want, order something tasty, perhaps some kind of delicacy or delicacy. You need to stop counting money, allow yourself to relax and enjoy some action or taste. Every day of life passes and cannot be repeated, so you need to appreciate every moment and, when the opportunity arises, make the most of it.

Expand your horizons

It is not recommended to focus on the same thing. It is necessary to switch, go to exhibitions, museums, cinemas, walks, play sports, communicate with different people. If a person participates in different areas of life, this will give him the opportunity not to get hung up on something specific, but to look at the same things from different angles.

What actions should be taken?

First of all, you just need to start doing the previously planned things and not think that everything is bad. At the initial stage, you can do them mechanically. It’s okay, over time the right mood will come and it won’t seem like everything is bad. You can write down on a piece of paper all the things that need to be solved or implemented, and do them one after another.

It’s better not to think too much about how you will do it, or about possible difficulties, etc. It will be good if a large number of tasks can be accommodated in a small time period. This way, you will not have the opportunity to be depressed about anything. Active activity will bring a person out of such a depressive state, he will forget what apathy towards life is, learn to appreciate every moment and enjoy it. The main thing is to force yourself to start.

Preventive measures that will help a person not to go deeper into a depressive state

The most important rule to remember is the ability to diversify your life. There is no need to do the same thing like a robot. It is recommended to come up with new types of activities. If you don’t have enough imagination, you can come up with some new activity for yourself by looking at what other people are interested in. Perhaps someone will like the type of activity. You can also visit new places. Traveling is a great way to switch gears and experience new emotions.

A new novel will help not only get out of a bad mood, but also improve your condition several times over.

It is very useful to start your morning with exercise. At first it will be a little difficult to do a set of exercises, but over time, exercise will become a habit, and everything will turn out easy and simple.

In addition, it is recommended to carry out other physical activities. For example, swimming, running, walking or doing yoga. Everyone can choose an activity to their liking. Some people like bodybuilding, while others like Pilates. It doesn’t matter what a person’s hobbies are in terms of sports, the main thing is that he exercises. During sports, blood circulation improves. Thus, the brain begins to function better, which has a positive effect on a person’s main work activity.

Water treatments deserve special attention. They give a person a good mood and stimulate appetite.

If any failure occurs, there is no need to blame yourself and be depressed about it. If a person feels that a bad mood is creeping up on him, then he needs to immediately force himself to think about something pleasant.

The problem of men. How does negligence manifest itself in representatives of the stronger sex? What to do?

It is believed that apathy occurs less frequently in men than in women. Actually this is not true. Women are more emotional than men. As for experiences, here men are also susceptible to depression and apathy. They have plenty of reasons to be in a bad mood. Firstly, if a man is married, then he is responsible for supporting his family. Secondly, failures at work or in business can seriously affect men's health. Relationships with the opposite sex cause very serious emotional experiences. Men are very vulnerable, not all of them are self-confident, etc. In addition, they almost always keep their emotions under control. That is why they cannot afford to relax and cry. In this regard, emotional experiences accumulate, and this may not end very well for the guy. It is worth saying that the life expectancy of men is shorter than that of women. It often happens that guys do not share their experiences with others, but keep everything to themselves. This situation is harmful to their health.

You can recognize male depression in his aggressive behavior, consumption of drinks that contain alcohol, and drugs. In addition, a guy in this state has no mood at all, complete apathy sets in. When a man is intoxicated, he can allow himself to disconnect from problems for a while. In this situation, the main thing is to remember that alcohol or other drugs will not solve anything, and perhaps will only worsen the problems.

Men should know that depression can be cured like any other disease. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, because you need to use available means to get out of this state.

Blues and apathy. How to prevent yourself from getting depressed?

There is such a term as spring apathy. You should know that almost all people are susceptible to this disease. As a rule, apathy towards life in the spring is due to the fact that the body did not receive enough vitamins in the winter. Apathy can also arise from waiting for something for a long time. For example, if a person is waiting for some event. It could be something important, like a wedding. Usually the fair sex is expected to get married. This is why apathy in women can be associated with anticipation of something. This condition can also occur after a long-awaited event. The spring state of apathy, as a rule, goes away with time. In order not to aggravate the situation during such a period of time, it is recommended to take a break from work, rest and switch to something new.

The problem of women. Why does it arise, how does it manifest? What to do in this situation?

If we talk about girls, apathy is often found after childbirth. This is due to the fact that they have been waiting for this event for a long time. In addition, they are prone to emotional outbursts.

Plus, hormonal surges are added to everything. Also, a woman’s body gets tired during pregnancy and childbirth, and it wants to rest. But in fact, it turns out that a small child requires increased attention, and the girl does not manage to get enough sleep and gain strength. She experiences fatigue, drowsiness, and apathy. During this period of time, the support of relatives is very important. They can help a woman, give her time to sleep, sit or walk with the baby, prepare lunch or dinner. At first glance, these things seem ordinary and do not require any special attention, but for a woman in the postpartum period they will be very useful.

The support of your husband is also important. If possible, he can take a vacation. In this way he will support his wife morally and help her with household chores.

Apathetic depression. What kind of illness is this?

These concepts complement each other. At first, a person becomes depressed. Over time, it can turn into apathy. Then you don’t want anything, you have no strength at all. Therefore, when signs of depression appear, you should not treat them superficially; it is recommended to take all necessary measures to get out of this state.

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will provide a person with a good mood. You need to learn to live life to the fullest and not give in to despondency. In addition, it should be remembered that the latter is considered a sin, therefore, even from the point of view of religion, one should not allow such a state in oneself.

Who suffers more often from apathy and depression - an egoist or an altruist?

It is believed that a person who has selfish character traits is more susceptible to depression and despondency than one who is focused on giving to people. The fact is that an egoist is more vulnerable to any failures directed in his direction, especially if they directly concern him. A person who is not self-obsessed will simply not think about what anyone said about him. He will draw conclusions and make the appropriate decision. Egoists are prone to overthinking and overthinking themselves at the slightest provocation. As a result, a meaningless comment can develop into a big ball of negativity. People who are prone to such thoughts about themselves need to learn to treat themselves with humor, because one of the wonderful properties of human nature is the ability to laugh at oneself. You shouldn’t take everything too seriously, you need to be able to relax and look at the world around you with a dose of condescension, patience and humor.

Proper nutrition and exercise are excellent cures for apathy

It is also recommended to keep yourself in good physical shape. Blood circulation in the brain affects mental activity. In addition to the sports activities that need to be carried out to keep the body in shape, special attention should be paid to nutrition.

It is necessary that a person’s menu includes products that are filled with useful microelements and vitamins. You shouldn't give up eating to work. The ideal option would be a full lunch and a walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to monitor your health. You should not bring yourself to a state from which you can only get out of it with the use of special medications. It is better to prevent painful conditions through the preventative methods discussed above.


It should be remembered that apathy can occur in both women and men. That is why you should be more attentive to your loved ones and relatives, surprise them more often and simply make them happy. It is important to remember that we are all ordinary people who want warmth, comfort and a little understanding. It is necessary to give this to those who are close to us, who are dear to us. An apathetic state is very dangerous, since outside help is very limited. A person can get out of this state only if he wants to.

Our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not even know what our psyche is asking for. The main reason for apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

I don't want anything. I sit like a vegetable, there are no desires, no feelings, no aspirations of any kind. Complete lack of interest in life. I don’t even have the strength to move or do anything. I should go to bed, and it would be better forever.

But before, life inside was burning with fire. There were desires, there were aspirations, it was interesting, and life brought pleasure. Now there is only emptiness in my soul. What broke, what went wrong? Who should I turn to for help, what should I try?

We understand the causes of the condition and with the help of the latest knowledge of our time - system-vector psychology.

Man is the principle of pleasure

What is apathy? A state of indifference and indifference to everything around. How does this even happen? Let's start to understand this from the very beginning: with what a healthy person is.

A person in essence is his psyche, that is, a set of desires and properties that in system-vector psychology are combined into vectors. There are 8 vectors in total, each of which carries its own unique desires and characteristics, determining the values, aspirations, type of thinking and all other traits of their owners.

Man unconsciously always strives for pleasure. Everything he does in his life, he does with the desire to have fun. Feeling a desire for something, a person goes to realize it. When he gets what he wants, he enjoys it, and then the desire doubles. Next, we make greater efforts, but the pleasure from achieving the goal is greater.

The obstacle is that our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not even know what our psyche is asking for. The main reason for apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

What are they about, our unconscious desires?

To understand how apathy arises and how to deal with it, let’s take a closer look at what desires a person lives in each vector.

  • The owners strive for superiority - social and material. Status in society and the opportunity to earn good money for their work are important to them.
  • For owners, the main value is family, children and home. Respect and recognition are important to them in society. They are the best professionals, masters of their craft.
  • For representatives, the meaning of life is love, warm, heartfelt relationships. They want emotional connections with people.
  • People with the main request are knowledge of the forces that control this world and the people around them, knowledge of their purpose, the meaning of appearing on this earth.

To understand how to treat apathy, you need to formulate the exact cause of apathetic conditions. It will sound like this: “I want it and I don’t get it.”

Causes of apathy

1) We are not aware, which means we do not realize our desires.

A person is disoriented and often makes mistakes; he does not realize his own desires, but those imposed by society. For example, a person with an anal vector seems to feel that he wants a family, but from all sides they shout: “First you need a career, then a family! Once you start a family, you won’t get a career!” And he tries, works hard to build a career. Inside there is constant dissatisfaction. It's like you're not doing what's right for you.

A person does not know himself and makes efforts in the wrong place. He invests, but doesn’t get any satisfaction. Again he makes efforts - again he gets nothing. And then you no longer have the strength to do anything, and you don’t want to do anything. An apathetic state occurs.

2) Bad scenario or traumatic experience.

A person may be fully aware of his desires, but something may prevent him from getting what he wants.

For example, in a skin vector this could be a failure scenario. It is formed in childhood, when a child with the cutaneous vector is beaten or humiliated. As a result, the child relearns to unconsciously derive pleasure not from achievements and victories, but from failures and setbacks. He consciously sets big goals for himself, wants status, money, but unconsciously relaxes and calms down if nothing works out again.

When a person is unaware of such a scenario, he can fight like a fish against ice, but still achieve nothing. Until the scenario for failure is realized and worked out, nothing will change. Then it gradually extinguishes frustration, knocks down the desire for the person to feel less pain from endless fruitless efforts.

People with a visual vector are very emotional and sensitive. Their main desire is love. With all their hearts they strive for her - for a warm, tender relationship. But it doesn’t always work out to build emotional connections. A person can suffer, try, but still not get what he wants. And after a lot of pain experienced, he resigns himself and doesn’t try anymore. And he doesn’t want anything...

Injuries in the visual vector are also possible: a strong shock has occurred, for example, the loss of loved ones, and the psyche, in order to preserve itself, turns on a defense mechanism and blocks emotional sensitivity. Then a person experiences a complete or partial shutdown of emotions, he feels emotional emptiness. But this is a temporary condition.

3) Desire gets into time trouble.

It happens that a desire is completely felt and realized, but in the given life circumstances it is not possible to realize it. This happens, for example, to women on maternity leave, when they do not have the opportunity to do their favorite job, communicate with people, or “go out into the world.”

Fading desires

When a desire is not realized for a long time, it turns into frustration, into internal tension. When frustrations (“I want and don’t get”) accumulate for a long time, a person constantly feels pain and dissatisfaction. He becomes aggressive - he begins to hate everyone, get irritated, yell or throw hysterics, that is, “dump” his shortcomings on those around him. All this aggression begins to corrode him from the inside. This manifests itself in the form of psychosomatic diseases and disorders.

And then, gradually, the psyche begins to curtail desires in order to save the person. This is a kind of mercy of nature. A person becomes lethargic, without energy, doesn’t want anything, and can no longer do anything. It just fades away completely. No desires - no life.

How can this happen, for example, in a woman with an anal vector? Her main value is family, home, children. But in situations where a family has broken up or loved ones have died, an inner emptiness sets in; women often call this condition emotional burnout. Who should I knit warm socks for? Who should bake the pies? Who to meet after work, who to take care of? The meaning of life is lost, there is emptiness inside. Gradually it comes so that it won’t be so painful to live.

Complete apathy and depression

The sound vector stands separately in the hierarchy of desires. His only desires are not related to the material world. If earthly desires (in the other seven vectors) are fully realized by people, then the desires of the sound vector are most often not realized.

Desires in the sound vector are desires to reveal the structure of the world, what is hidden, the reasons for our birth, the meaning of life, our purpose. If these desires are not fulfilled, a person completely loses interest in anything, does not want to communicate with people, loses the meaning of any daily actions, feels physical weakness, drowsiness, calling it chronic fatigue syndrome. in the sound vector - a consequence of severe conditions, depression, this is complete exhaustion and despair from the inability to fulfill one’s sound desires.

The sound vector is dominant - this means that if his desires are not fulfilled, then this gradually reduces desires in other vectors (desire for communication, family, money, love, etc.). Gradually, a person completely loses meaning in life, may hate people, and constantly strive for loneliness.

He doesn’t want to communicate with anyone, but he needs to answer the questions that others constantly ask him. A person does not understand what he wants, where he should go, and more often than not he does not want anything at all. A complex emotional disorder arises - a person is alive, but psychologically, emotionally he seems to be dying, he simply lives automatically, in apathy.

How to get rid of apathy and depression in order to return to a full life? Revealing the structure of the psyche at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan, a sound person forgets about depression, he awakens a completely unbridled interest in life and the desire to live.

Apathy: what to do if you don’t want anything

Advice from a systems psychologist: realize your natural desires, use in life the principle of pleasure that corresponds to the internal structure of your psyche.

When a person realizes his own nature, his true unconscious desires, already at this stage his energy is freed. This makes it possible to start moving in your life not at random, but in the right direction, with knowledge of your structure. Treatment of apathy is a solvable problem.

You won't have to have bad experiences anymore. In addition, you will be able to free yourself from the shackles of previous experience, from the obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling your desires.

Scenario for failure, resentment, bad experience, procrastination (postponing for later), fears, panic attacks, phobias. All these problems are studied at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology is multifaceted knowledge about the human psyche, about what drives us from the inside. For people with a sound vector, learning this knowledge is the greatest pleasure available in our time.

It's time to get back to life. This world is waiting for you - alive, energetic, waiting for the realization of your talents! No person is born just like that - this world needs him, and every person is capable of becoming happy when he realizes himself according to the properties inherent in him by nature. confirm this. These people were able to return to life from their depression and apathy:

“There was a certain anticipation of new discoveries of each coming day. I started going outside and now I can’t sit still for a minute. A new source of energy appeared inside - the thirst for life. Understanding myself, the components of my psyche (vector) and their needs, I clearly realize that I do not have the right to do something that is not my job in life and be in the wrong place!!”

And you too can overcome apathy. Start with the free online training “System-vector psychology”, which will be held in the near future. .

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

At times, many of us experience apathy and depressive moods, which, of course, does not have the best effect on the quality of our lives. Some people plunge into this state for a long period, while others manage to cope with the problem that has arisen in a short time. How to find ourselves in the second category, and not allow apathy to take over us? First you need to define what apathy is.

Apathy, what is it?

The concept of the term Apathy

So, apathy is a state in which a person is indifferent to what is happening around him, and the level of his interests and aspirations is critically reduced. He finds it difficult to concentrate and has to literally force himself to do anything. A person prone to apathy does not want to delve into other people's conversations, he is unfamiliar with the festive mood and does not strive for any activity. Often such people say the phrases: “I don’t want anything,” “I don’t care,” and so on.

What is apathy

So, what kind of person can be called apathetic, what characteristics does this quality have? We are talking about the tendency to experience a state of indifference, lethargy, dispassion to any events happening around. An apathetic person often demonstrates a complete lack of interests, even if this was not characteristic of her before. In general, there can be many reasons for apathy: a tragedy in one’s personal life, the collapse of a business, the deception of a loved one, the death of a relative, and so on. As a result, a person feels emotional burnout, and this is understandable even with a quick glance at it. Apathy can also occur due to emotional or physical overload. Sometimes, the cause of this condition may even be vitamin deficiency.

Apathy in psychology

Psychologists can easily “calculate a person” who is in an apathetic state - such people have significant differences from others. As we have already noted, the essence of apathy is absolute indifference to the world around us, which cannot but be striking. Signs of apathy:
    A person loses interest in past hobbies, he significantly reduces contacts with loved ones, the “patient” not only does not show participation in joyful events, but is also indifferent to phenomena that previously made him angry or upset. Also, an apathetic person is revealed by indifferent behavior and speech without emotions - he is completely alienated from society and completely tries to ignore questions addressed to him or answer as superficially as possible. Such a person ceases to empathize with loved ones, not being interested in their problems and grief. Also, an apathetic person is not able to rejoice at the successes of others. This often results in hostility in the family. By the way, the more attention a relative tries to pay to a person in apathy, the more noticeably he tries to distance himself. Prone to inaction and aimless pastime. He can, as before, go to work or classes, but he does everything by inertia, without showing much initiative. There are no vegetative reactions to situations - the person’s face is indifferent, does not blush, does not turn pale. Gestures are scanty, there are no spontaneous movements. Often there are signs of uncleanliness, which can go as far as complete disregard for personal hygiene. Apathy can be characterized by the performance of meaningless and highly compulsive actions: shaking a leg, rubbing one's hands, tapping one's fingers on a table surface.

How to get rid of apathy and indifference to everything

If you notice that you are often in a sad mood and are almost indifferent to everything around you, you should take some necessary measures to get rid of apathy. If you want to cure total indifference, then you need to remember about such aspects as rest, a good night's sleep, avoiding stressful situations. It is difficult to achieve at least any positive result in eliminating apathy if a person has to feel stress factors and at the same time does not satisfy natural physiological needs: quality sleep and good nutrition. That is why it is important to create your daily schedule so that there is room for sound sleep and daytime rest. Don’t forget about the weekends, which should be spent usefully - walk in the parks, meet friends, visit relatives. Make your diet so that every day there is a place for foods characterized by a high content of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals. There is no need to switch to a fasting diet if you are apathetic - poor food will simply leave your body without the elements that are necessary to produce energy.

How to deal with apathy towards life

1) Change the melody on the alarm clock. If your day starts with a standard alarm melody, replace it with the beats of your favorite song. Try to change the melody as often as possible. 2) Try to eat a varied diet, include foods you love in your daily menu. By the way, according to scientists, foods such as bananas, ice cream and chocolate significantly improve your mood - periodically add these foods to your diet. 3) Do not deny yourself pleasant purchases. It could just be a new T-shirt, jumper, set of screwdrivers, headphones. 4) Try to please yourself more often. Surely, just recently you had an activity that brought you joy - try to bring it back into your life. This could be about reading, going bowling, meeting with friends, attending football matches and much more. 5) Play sports. Every day you should do at least basic exercises - just do exercises. This way you will not only keep yourself in shape, but will also be able to lift your mood and get rid of drowsiness. 6) Let there be more room for diversity in your life. Change the arrangement of furniture in the room, put a photo of a loved one on the table, hang a picture on the wall that you enjoy looking at. 7) Listen to positive music more often. Even if it seems to you that you are not in the mood to listen, just turn on the album of your favorite band. Also, make time for watching feature films, giving more preference to the comedy genre. 8) Record your results daily, you can keep a diary. Write down what tasks you completed during the day and put a red plus sign next to them.

How to get rid of apathy and laziness at home

Laziness always results from apathy, but there are situations when this is completely inappropriate - we all have at least minimal responsibilities. How to encourage yourself to implement them?
    First of all, you need to accustom yourself to creating a daily routine. When you know what you should do at a certain moment, you will get more done and mentally tune yourself. You can make an action plan for the week in order to decide on your goals and learn how to properly manage your time. In your case, motivation is very important, because only a motivated person is able to reach a given goal without great emotional loss. If you have motivation, it will be easier for you to complete this or that task. If you need to cook lunch, choose dishes that you yourself love and imagine their taste. Promise to reward yourself for doing your job - this could be some kind of purchase or an interesting pastime. There is another method of combating laziness, which at first glance may seem somewhat absurd. However, this does not at all negate its high efficiency! The essence of the method comes down to the fact that you need to be as lazy as possible. Sit in a chair and sit without doing anything. At first you are unlikely to feel any discomfort, but soon enough, time will begin to flow too slowly - so much so that you yourself will be glad to take on any activity.

How to overcome apathy due to depression

In this case, you should be consistent and be gradual. There is no need to expect that a person who is in deep depression will immediately get out of it by using some simple method. You will have to move towards recovery gradually, and often it requires the help of experienced specialists. Practice shows that most people who are faced with apathy need the participation of a psychologist or psychotherapist. A professional will help determine the true reasons why a person is in this state - only a few people in apathy are able to do this on their own.

Apathy is a term used to describe a state of indifference to what is happening around a person. Over time, without proper treatment, it can progress. In most cases, the state of apathy accompanies certain mental and nervous diseases. Outwardly, the signs of the disease are very similar to banal laziness, which is why it is so important to take into account all the symptoms, diagnose the problem in time and begin to fight it.

Causes of apathy

The causes of apathy can be a variety of factors. Most often this is:

  • Prolonged emotional or physical stress
  • Lack or lack of rest
  • Some chronic diseases, especially those with severe symptoms
  • Unsatisfaction of desires and needs, as well as shame for them
  • Sudden changes in situation or condition, including pregnancy, retirement, death of relatives and friends, family problems, etc.
  • The desire to obtain only the maximum result in all situations
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Lack of vitamins and sunlight
  • Constant reproaches and instructions from others, strong pressure from them
  • A long wait for something scary or exciting
  • Frequent stress and anxiety
  • Taking certain medications, such as steroids, birth control, sleeping pills, antibiotics and many others
  • Elderly age
  • Various types of addiction, such as alcohol or tobacco
  • Incorrect hormonal therapy and problems with the endocrine system.

These are not all the reasons for this condition. And not always the presence of one or two of the listed factors can cause this condition. It depends on them how to deal with apathy in each specific case, what to do to eliminate the symptoms and return the person to normal life.

Autumn apathy occupies a special place. It occurs in many healthy people in mid-autumn, when it rains constantly and the person experiences discomfort and lack of sunlight. Doctors suggest how to cope with apathy in this case. No special treatment is required. It’s enough to saturate your life with bright colors, do what you love, or discover something new, or even change your image. And then the autumn apathy will go away without any consequences.

Signs of apathy

Apathy is not easy to recognize. Outwardly, it looks like laziness and is a frequent companion of neuroses and depression. Here are the most characteristic symptoms of this condition, if you notice them, you should immediately consult a doctor, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence:

  • Increased fatigue
  • Indifference to everything, including activities, food, things that previously caused pleasure
  • Decreased mental activity
  • Emotional decline
  • Speech and movement inhibition
  • Decreased mobility and talkativeness
  • Lack of initiative
  • Lethargy, weakness, drowsiness
  • Increased fatigue, impotence
  • Reluctance to do anything
  • Tired of life
  • Sadness and depression
  • Problems with memory and thinking.

Moreover, these symptoms can either be very noticeable to others or be invisible. In the second case, a person may commit suicide for no apparent reason or isolate himself from society.

Most often, the state of apathy is also accompanied by such symptoms as indifference to the world around us, the absence of external manifestations of emotions and feelings, drives and desires. In some cases, apathy acts as a defense mechanism, for example, with unrequited love or due to the lack of opportunity to realize oneself as an individual. Sometimes it is one of the symptoms of a disease, for example, schizophrenia, depression and others.

Complete apathy

Complete apathy is characterized by absolute paralysis of all feelings and emotions. A person is like a robot, performing all actions automatically. He is not interested in anything; ordinary duties and actions cause mental discomfort. It is very difficult to get out of this state.

Differences between apathy and laziness

If laziness is not characteristic of a person, and in addition to it there are several other signs listed above, then you need to look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of apathy. After all, it is precisely this state that is signaled by the reluctance to do anything and take initiative. It is worth noting a few differences between laziness and apathy:

  1. With apathy, a person does not want to do absolutely anything. It is impossible to captivate or interest him. Laziness extends only to some aspects of life
  2. If you suffer from laziness, then you are not indifferent to the results of your doing nothing. While with apathy a person is not interested in anything
  3. Apathy is a long-term condition that can overshadow several weeks or months. Feelings of laziness occur periodically
  4. With laziness, there is no emotional-volitional disorder, which is precisely what characterizes apathy.
  5. Apathy is a serious disease that needs treatment. There is only one way to get out of a state of laziness - through willpower. Only you yourself can defeat it
  6. Laziness tends to have a specific focus on a specific action, situation, or object. Apathy paralyzes a person’s feelings and emotions and makes him indifferent to everything. In the first case, a person wants something instead of work or other routine duties. For example, watch a movie, relax instead of doing exercises in the gym.

If a person can cope with laziness on his own, then the second condition requires timely diagnosis and treatment. It will not be possible to cope with it without the help of a specialist, even if relatives and friends, as well as he himself, try to take any action to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the problem, and try to get out of this state

How to get rid of apathy

Before you fight apathy, be sure to visit a specialist to identify the causes of its occurrence and rule out the presence of other mental or nervous diseases. In case of serious problems, for example, drug or alcohol addiction, schizophrenia, depression, drug treatment is usually used. Moreover, the main attention is paid to eliminating the factor that caused this condition.

If a person suffers from indifference for quite a long time (several months), then the question of how to get rid of apathy is solved in a hospital setting. It is under the supervision of specialists that the doctor will determine which measures will be most effective. It will help to distinguish apathy from laziness, depression and other conditions, and will help eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Also considered good measures to prevent and treat apathy are:

  1. Balanced diet
  2. Normal sleep (at least 7-8 hours without interruption)
  3. Sufficient amount of physical activity
  4. Fulfillment of desires, the opportunity to at least sometimes do what you want and like, saturating life with bright emotions
  5. Visit to a psychoanalyst
  6. Reducing stress and fatigue in life
  7. Health monitoring, including the state of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems

Don't hold back your tears, if you want to cry, don't keep your emotions inside. Nothing bad will happen if others see that you need rest and help. This is absolutely normal.

Also, experts, if the question arises of how to deal with apathy, recommend taking a vitamin-mineral complex, changing your job, environment, social circle and place of residence, doing something that brings pleasure, something you want to do for hours. If laziness or indifference occurs, you should definitely analyze your condition, find out the reasons for its occurrence, and only then decide how to deal with apathy.

The favorable attitude of others and relatives, the absence of pressure from them, accusations of laziness and idleness, will help in the treatment of apathy,

If you notice that you or your loved ones have been feeling unreasonably sad, constant laziness, a desire to be alone and indifference to everything for several days or weeks, then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is he who will be able to tell you how to get rid of apathy in your case, what to do to prevent the occurrence of this condition.

Do not self-medicate and do not think that everything will go away on its own. Apathy and depression need proper therapy. Without it, the patient's condition will only worsen over time.