Professional standard for a preschool teacher. Why do we need a professional teacher standard? Purposes of introducing the document

Education has always been an area that the government has not neglected. That is why, in order for professionals to deal with education, professional standardization was introduced at one time regarding the level of qualifications of the teacher. Preschool educational institutions are no exception. This category includes organizations involved in the education of children under 7 years of age.

There are currently 2 types of standards applied to preschool education workers (educators, specialists, etc.):

  • Federal State Educational Standard approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • professional standard approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Both standards were developed in 2013, but relate to different areas: the Federal State Educational Standard concerns educational institutions in general, and the professional standard refers to personnel policies, certification work, the development of job instructions and other actions relating to specific employees. In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is already in effect, and the professional standard infor teaching staff comes into force only in 2019.

However, both the Federal State Educational Standard and teacher professional standard Preschool educational institutions are closely related to each other. The fact is that from 2019, when professional standards for teaching staff come into force, the Federal State Educational Standards will have to be developed taking into account the requirements laid down in the professional standard.

What does the professional standard for a kindergarten teacher include?

Professional standard for a teacher in the preschool educational institution includes the following structural parts:

  • General information about the standard
    This section defines what specific type of activity the professional standard for preschool teacher,
    what OKZ and OKVED codes should be used when recording this type of activity. It should be noted here that according to the professional standard, the concept of “teacher” is broader than “educator”. Teachers include both educators and teachers in schools and other general education institutions. The division occurs at the level of OKZ codes (code 3320 applies to educators) and OKVED (80.10.1 - preschool education services).
  • Functional map
    This describes the functions that a teacher must perform in his work. In relation to professional standard for preschool teacher The main functions in relation to children will be:
    • training;
    • education;
    • development.
  • Characteristics of functions
    In this part professional standard for preschool teacher
    The functions mentioned in the functional map are characterized in detail.
    In addition, official titles for positions are established here
    (“educator”, “teacher”, etc.), educational requirements and others
    qualifying conditions. It should be noted that data is also used here
    unified qualification directory approved
    Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 2010.
  • Information about which organizations have developed professional standards
    Mention of the developers of the professional standard is placed in a separate section.
  • So, professional standard of a preschool educational institution teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard was developed by MGPPU with the participation of Central Election Commission No. 109 of Moscow.
  • In conclusion, it remains to be said that the professional standard for a preschool educational institution teacher,
    due to be introduced in 2019, should be new and effective
    way to organize the work of preschool
    educational institutions, increase the effectiveness of educational and educational
    activities in them, as well as to achieve greater competence from
    workers. How useful the introduction of professional standards will be will show

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    The teaching profession is often spoken of as one of the most important in modern society. This approach places high demands on the specialist who is entrusted with the training and education of the younger generation.

    The teaching profession is often spoken of as one of the most important in modern society. This approach places high demands on the specialist who is entrusted with the training and education of the younger generation. But if previously teachers in their work had to be guided only by job descriptions, then since 2016 the regulatory framework has been supplemented with the concept of a professional teacher standard.

    Professional Standard: Testing

    The idea to introduce a professional standard in the educational field appeared back in 2013, when the first pilot draft of the document was developed. Its authors set themselves the goal of formulating requirements for the personal qualities of a teacher, his professional training, methods of working with students and other aspects of the profession that would meet modern realities.

    On October 18, 2013, Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 544n “On the approval of the professional standard of a teacher (educator, teacher)” was issued, which provided for the development of the final version of the regulatory document, as well as its testing in a number of educational institutions in the country. The official approval of the professional standard was initially planned for January 1, 2015, but the decision of officials to continue testing postponed this date by exactly 2 years.

    Testing of the new standards, which was carried out in 43 regions of the country, shows an improvement in all indicators without exception - this was the conclusion made by the developers of the new bill, who carefully observed the trial practice of introducing the professional teacher standard. The level of training of students, working conditions of teachers, final scores on the Unified State Exam and control tests - serious results were achieved for each individual point, which allowed officials to decide on the admissibility and timeliness of introducing a professional standard as early as January 1, 2017.

    Professional standard for a teacher: download text

    Already in 2017, each teaching staff had to confirm their compliance, as well as integrate their work exclusively in accordance with the new professional standard. An order giving the new document legal force, as well as the full text of the “Professional Standard of a Teacher (educator, teacher)” in the version that will be sent by the Ministry of Labor to all Russian educational institutions and made available to all teachers in the country without exception, on our website.

    Professional standard for teachers 2018: structure

    The development of a professional standard for a teacher was carried out on the basis of those high professional requirements that, according to experts, analysts and teachers themselves, an education specialist should have. Their list today includes universal education, erudition, competence (awareness) and progressiveness. Attention is also paid to the teacher’s ability to find an approach to children with different levels of development, the ability to respect the student’s personality, and clearly see the abilities of each of them. A modern teacher is an example for young people gaining experience, and therefore the norms affect both the appearance and style of the teacher.

    In force since 2017, the professional standard has a clear structure consisting of three fundamental areas. The authors of the document highlight the following main aspects of pedagogical activity:

    1. Education.
    2. Upbringing.
    3. Development.

    The first two sections contain those requirements for a teacher that affect impeccable knowledge of the subject, mastery of all the necessary techniques and methodological techniques for conveying it to every student. Experts call the third section of the professional standard the most difficult, since it significantly expands the competence of a specialist, assuming that an ordinary teacher of mathematics, history or physics will be represented by a person with the skills of a “school doctor” - a psychologist, therapist, defectologist.

    By the way, the authors of the bill were prompted to take such a step, among other things, by the authorities’ decision to lay off narrow specialists (school psychologists, speech therapists) as part of the program “to optimize the staffing schedule of employees of educational institutions and to raise funds to increase the amount of remuneration for their labor.” Let us note that officials have already announced a serious increase in the salaries of teachers who will be able to confirm their qualifications in accordance with the new standard.

    Why do we need a professional teacher standard?

    The main idea of ​​the innovation is that a teacher who meets the professional standard will meet the requirements, a list of which was formed through more than 2 years of work, both theoretical and practical. Such a specialist will continue to be expected to be educated and intelligent, kind, sensitive and attentive to students, understanding their problems and difficulties. At the same time, the development of technology, the improvement of training programs, the new opportunities that the IT sector opens up, and the new challenges that will face mature students - all this forces us to constantly improve educational processes. Hence, much more extensive responsibilities that go far beyond the scope of the teacher’s subject of specialization.

    Perhaps the new standards turn the teacher into a “universal person” who knows the answers to all questions and is ready not only to teach a subject, but also to teach how to learn. The teacher of today must help the student understand that his future will largely depend on self-education and the desire to understand the world. The main message is to continue education reform by improving the approach to local work.

    What do the teachers say?

    During testing, specialists were able to collect a large amount of information regarding the effectiveness of new measures and requirements. However, against the backdrop of the impressive results that were demonstrated at the “test sites,” there were not always positive reviews of the professional standard from the teachers themselves. The vast majority of complaints raised the issue of unfavorable conditions for meeting the requirements of the new professional standard. First of all, teachers complain about the lack of sufficient material resources in schools, as well as the enormous workload: already today, many teachers work on double duty, which automatically makes an individual approach to each student impossible.

    The specialty of a teacher is one of the most important in Russian society. His responsibilities include the upbringing and development of our children, therefore the requirements for him must be appropriate. However, if previously it was enough for a teacher to simply follow the job description, then in the near future the requirements for him will be regulated by a new document.

    What is the essence of the new requirements?

    The idea to create a professional standard for a teacher arose in 2013. At the same time, a document emerged that became the basis for the future project. The founders reflected in it the requirements necessary for a teacher in modern conditions. They concerned:

    • personal characteristics;
    • training at a professional level;
    • methods of teaching students.

    On October 18, 2013, the Ministry of Labor issued Order No. 544n on finalizing the document and testing it in a number of educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Final approval of the changes was scheduled for 01/01/2015. However, over time, the department decided to continue the test regime for another two years.

    Professional standards for teachers were tested in forty-three regions of Russia. They were widely discussed in teaching groups throughout the country. Having analyzed the results of the experimental implementation of new requirements, the project developers came to the conclusion that the professional standard of a teacher significantly improves all indicators of the educational process, such as:

    • Unified State Examination scores;
    • level of training;
    • teaching conditions.

    For each of these criteria, significant results were achieved. Therefore, the Ministry of Labor decided to implement it in 2017.

    Thus, now each teacher will need to confirm their qualifications, according to the new document. In addition, they are required to use the new provisions in their activities. The document approved by the government of the Russian Federation will be sent by the Ministry of Labor to all educational institutions in the country by 01/01/17.

    Professional standard for a teacher - structure

    It was developed taking into account the requirements that are necessary in modern conditions. Today, an educator must have:

    • universal education;
    • awareness;
    • erudition;
    • competence;
    • progressiveness.

    In addition, the teacher must be able to find a common language with different children, regardless of their abilities and development. It will also be appropriate if he is able to show respect for the student’s personality and sees his capabilities. A teacher today must set an example for the younger generation in everything, from his personal life and appearance to his professional abilities.

    The document approved by the government of the Russian Federation has a clear structure, which has three main directions related to:

    • training;
    • education;
    • development.

    Sections related to the first two areas contain pedagogical requirements regarding knowledge of the subject, mastery of the necessary techniques and conveying knowledge to each student.

    The third direction is perhaps the most difficult, as it radically increases the teacher’s competence. It is assumed that a modern teacher, for example of mathematics or physics, may have the skills of a psychologist or other doctor. In this case, he can count on a significant increase in salary, if, of course, he confirms his qualifications in a related field.

    This is how you can imagine future qualification levels:

    The project developers introduced the last section in connection with the Government’s decision to reduce the number of highly specialized specialists (speech pathologists, therapists, psychologists) in accordance with the program for optimizing educational organizations. Thus, management is trying to find funds to increase teachers' salaries. Now teachers have the opportunity to take advantage of the moment and make good money by mastering a new specialty close to teaching, especially since government officials have already announced possible salaries for teachers.

    Why are professional standards for teachers needed?

    The purpose of the innovation is to create a new view of teaching in society. It is clear that he still must:

    • have a high level of education;
    • be intelligent, kind, sensitive and attentive to students;
    • understand the problems of their clients.

    The current teacher, in the context of the development of technology and new opportunities in the IT field, must constantly improve, master new forms of presenting educational material and be able to go beyond the boundaries of purely teaching specialization. In these conditions, new professional standards for teachers will help quickly transform an ordinary teacher into a universal specialist, navigating many areas of the modern world. It will be easier for such a teacher to convey to the student not only the importance of education as such, but also the need to constantly improve their knowledge.

    It is clear that all this will not happen immediately and from 01/01/17-18 all teachers will not become magicians. However, the bar of requirements has already been raised and the task of all teachers is to reach the heights that meet our times as quickly as possible. The success and advancement of our country depends on this.

    What do teachers think?

    During the test period, the document's creators collected a lot of material confirming the effectiveness of the standard. At the same time, the discussion of the new requirements showed that not everyone has a positive attitude towards the innovation. Some teachers hinted at the insufficient provision of educational institutions to implement new tasks, as well as the heavy workload that teachers are already experiencing. It has long been a known fact that many teachers have two positions, so there can be no talk of any individual approach to working with a student.


    The widespread introduction of new requirements will entail a massive recertification of teachers, and this will take a lot of time. In addition, the Ministry of Labor has not developed a clear methodology for conducting inspections. According to the new requirements, it must be carried out by an independent commission. A teacher who does not reach the required level may be fired. And here the question arises: if the educational institution was unable to ensure the development of the teacher, then who is to blame for this? Can the commission fire him? For example, the standard obliges teachers to master information technologies and use them in their work. Why didn’t the Ministry of Labor answer what to do for teachers whose schools have not heard about computer classes? In general, as many experts say, the document is still quite “raw”. Most likely, its full implementation will be postponed until 01/01/18.

    What to do if your dream candidate comes to you, but he does not meet the requirements of the professional standard.

    From the article you will learn:

    Professional standard for preschool teacher

    The system of professional standards for the most common and significant professions began to be actively implemented in Russia several years ago. Then, in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 N 487-r “On approval of a comprehensive action plan for the development of professional standards, their independent professional and public examination and application for 2014 - 2016,” extensive work began on the formation of a complex professional standards, which today already covers more than 30 sectors of the economy and social sphere.

    Don't miss: the main article of the month from a practical expert

    5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

    Download documents on the topic:

    As of 2017, this complex includes more than 1,000 professional standards that are used to regulate the work of specialists in a wide variety of fields. To streamline this list, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2014 N 667n “On the register of professional standards (list of types of professional activities),” an information resource was created containing a constantly updated database of professional standards.

    Pedagogical activity is considered by the Ministry of Labor and Employment as one of the most responsible areas of activity. That is why professional standards in this area were among the first to be approved. Moreover, taking into account the versatile and complex nature of pedagogical work, such documents were compiled based on the principle of maximum universality.

    Special requirements for applicants for the position of teacher

    Since the work of a teacher requires constant close contact with children, when developing professional standards in preschool educational institutions, experts were guided primarily by the need to ensure their safety. In this regard, at this time professional standard, in addition to the requirements for education and qualifications, special conditions were included, for compliance with which the employer is obliged to check each applicant for the position of teacher in a kindergarten:

    • deprivation of the right to carry out any type of teaching activity, which came into force on the basis of a court verdict;
    • criminal record for special types of crimes listed in Art. 331 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • incapacity of a citizen established in the manner prescribed by current legislation;
    • the presence of diseases that pose an immediate danger to persons in contact with the carrier.

    Application of the professional standard for a preschool teacher

    The procedure for applying professional standards, including the professional standard of a preschool teacher, is regulated by the provisions of Art. 195.3 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, this section of this regulatory document establishes that the application of a specific professional standard is mandatory if such a requirement is established by the Labor Code itself or other applicable regulations.

    At the same time, the professional standard of a preschool teacher does not apply to such documents, which means, within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Art. 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, its use is advisory in nature. In particular, this article invites employers to use it to develop and establish their own requirements for the qualifications of preschool education workers.

    Particular attention should be paid to the timing of the entry into force of this professional standard. Thus, the text of Order No. 544 of the Ministry of Labor contains an indication that its provisions come into force on January 1, 2015. However, due to the complexity of developing this document, the date of its entry into force was postponed by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2014 N 1115n “On amending the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 N 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).”

    Pay attention! The final version of the teacher’s professional standard came into force on January 1, 2017.

    Use of professional standards when the employee is insufficiently qualified

    Current regulatory documents do not consider the discrepancy between the level of qualifications or knowledge of an employee professional standard requirements as grounds for his dismissal. However, in practice, such a discrepancy can create a real problem for an employer who requires certain professional characteristics of a given employee. In this situation, it is advisable to pay attention to clause 2, part 5, art. 47 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which grants education workers the right to undergo training to improve their qualifications. Moreover, such training should be organized at least once every three years.

    Thus, the professional standard of a preschool teacher is a comprehensive description of the requirements for the professional characteristics of such a specialist, including the presence of special knowledge and skills, education, qualifications, etc. At the same time, however, the employer has the right, at his own discretion, to adjust these requirements for the purpose of application in personnel policy, thereby ensuring their maximum compliance with the specifics of the work of his institution. This is due to the fact that professional standard as of 2017, a teacher is not included in the list of professional standards that are mandatory for employers.

    The famous Russian psychotherapist A.M. Kashpirovsky owns the following words: “The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom they learn.” This phrase could become the epigraph of a new bill, which is intended to outline the requirements for teachers - representatives of one of the most important professions in modern society. The educational sphere in Russia continues to be a testing ground for a wide variety of methods and technologies. But where, if not in it, is it necessary to react most quickly to such rapidly changing living conditions?

    In 2013, the Ministry of Labor began developing a professional teacher standard - a set of rules, norms and requirements that were intended for employees of all educational institutions without exception. Initially, the document was planned to formulate provisions regarding the level of professional training of the teacher, the personal qualities of the teacher and the most optimal methods of work. On October 18, 2013, the Ministry issued Order No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard of a teacher (educator, teacher),” which established the following task: by January 1, 2015, finalize and implement a professional standard that would meet the most advanced requirements and take into account modern realities .

    In the process of developing the document, the working group encountered great difficulties, which forced them to postpone the publication of the professional teacher standard for 2 years. However, experts decided to use this time with maximum benefit: they began testing the new standards at several dozen experimental sites (educational institutions), thereby covering 43 regions of the country. The first results obtained showed an improvement in the main indicators of educational activity: an increased level of student preparation and, as a result, higher scores on the Unified State Exam, improved working conditions for teachers, excellent reviews from parents - all this only confirmed the specialists’ decision to introduce a professional standard from January 1, 2017.

    Professional standard for teachers from January 1, 2017: download text

    On our website you can download full text a regulatory document called “Professional Standard of a Teacher (Educator, Teacher)”, which will be available for review in all educational institutions in the country in January 2017. It should be noted that its acquisition of legal force will actually mean the establishment of new requirements for representatives of the education sector, for the methods of their work, the procedure for confirming qualifications of teaching staff, etc.

    Adaptation to the standard of teacher activity

    The professional standard for a teacher has been developed over the course of 3 years, 2 of which experts devoted to testing new norms and requirements. The structure of the regulatory document, which comes into force in 2017, clearly divides the rules into three fundamental areas:

    1. Education. Pedagogically, the employee must have an excellent command of his subject and use the most advanced educational methods in his work.
    2. Upbringing. Any teacher sets an example for the younger generation, which predetermines the acquisition and demonstration of appropriate qualities.
    3. Development. The duty of a teacher is to teach how to learn, to explain the benefits and necessity of self-development and self-education as indispensable components of any educational process.

    As practice has shown, the first section does not cause any particular difficulties for understanding and gradual adaptation of teaching staff to the formulated requirements. The remaining two are not so much more complex as they are difficult to implement. In fact, they expand the competence of a pedagogical worker to the level of a universal specialist who has the skills of a teacher, psychologist, speech pathologist, and child therapist. This is a kind of “school doctor” who knows how to cope with problem children, how to find an approach to each student, how to convey the required information to him, how to determine his potential capabilities, etc. Here we need to recall that today there is an active narrow specialists (defectologists and psychologists) are being laid off, and this work is being carried out as part of “optimizing the staffing schedule of employees of educational institutions and finding funds to increase the amount of remuneration for their labor.”