Incorrect use of participial and participial phrases. Comparative characteristics of subordinate clauses and participial phrases. Typical mistakes when using participial phrases

Problem morphological definition participles. The gerund, like the participle, is classified differently by different linguists. The textbooks mentioned in the previous section express the same positions as in the case of the participle. D. E. Rosenthal and others consider the gerund unchangeable form verb, A. N. Tikhonov - independent part speech. The problem is due to the fact that gerunds, which, like participles, are formed only from verbs, are not preserved by all verb features, but at the same time acquire some of the characteristics of an adverb. School textbooks also give various interpretations participles. But in any case, the gerund is understood as a word denoting an additional action, which acts as a sign of the main action, called the predicate verb.

Signs of a verb in gerunds. The participles have in common with the generating verb lexical meanings. Yes, for the verb Get stuck V Explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegova - N.Yu. Shvedova indicated 2 meanings: 1) to enter tightly, to get into something. so that it is difficult to remove, release; 2) transfer Linger, stay for a long time somewhere. (colloquial). Participle Stuck retains both of these meanings: 1) stuck in the trunk; 2) stuck with a friend.

Participles retain a number of morphological and syntactic properties of the verb:

A) type: perfect (think - thinking) and imperfect (invent - having invented);

B) transitivity / intransitivity (having bought a book - dreaming about a book);

C) the ability to be defined by an adverb (buy (when?) yesterday - having bought (when?) yesterday);

D) recurrence / non-returnability (collecting - gathering).

The tense of gerunds is not determined, but these words in a sentence (in context) acquire a relative temporal meaning. When naming an additional action, gerunds denote time not relative to the moment of speech, like verbs, but relative to the moment of the main action, called the predicate verb. An action called a gerund may occur simultaneously with the main action: I stand, swaying, on shaky walkways. An action indicated by a gerund may precede the main action: P Having collected her bags, the mother went into the room. A gerund can also name an action that took place after the moment of the main action, expressed by the predicate verb: She closed the desk drawer, locking it with a key.

An action called a gerund is always performed by the same person or thing that produces the main action expressed by the predicate verb: Seeing his mother, the son rushed to meet her. It is the lack of understanding of this feature of gerunds that is the cause of most errors in their use. Let's remember classic example from A. P. Chekhov’s story “The Book of Complaints”:

“Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat flew off. I. Yarmonkin."

Another example, now from an archaeological report: Behind the back of the buried person, lying on the pelvic bones, was the collapse of a molded jar-shaped vessel. It turns out that the “collapse of the vessel” (as archaeologists call vessels found in a crushed state) had pelvic bones, on which it fell! But it was easy to avoid this mistake: you just need to add possessive pronoun: Behind the back of the buried person, lying on his pelvic bones, was the collapse of a molded jar-shaped vessel.

It is this feature of gerunds that explains why gerunds, as a rule, are not used in impersonal sentences where there is no active person common to the actions, expressed by a predicate verb and gerunds. “However, if both actions refer to the same person (generalized or specific) and this clearly follows from the meaning of the sentence, then the gerund can also be used in impersonal sentences: It is inexplicably good to sail along the Volga on an autumn night, sitting on the stern of a barge, at the helm.”

Signs of adverbs in gerunds. Basics lexical difference gerundial participles from adverbs is that gerundial participles, although they can answer the question of an adverb of manner of action (stood (how?), bending over, against the wall), reason (torn off his sleeve (why?), getting angry) and some other categories, simultaneously answer and to the “verbal” question: what are you doing? or having done what?; if the meaning of the action is lost, then the gerund becomes an adverb: We talked (what were we doing? how?), standing on the bank of the river. – He learned to eat (how?) standing up. Morphological and syntactic features adverbs in gerunds are immutability and the ability to be a circumstance in a sentence with a predicate verb, with which the gerund forms a phrase according to the method of adjacency.

Formation of participles. Participles perfect form are formed from the stem of the infinitive, and imperfect form– from the stem of the present tense verb. For more details about the peculiarities of the formation of forms of gerunds, see the above textbook by A. N. Tikhonov, p. 395-397. We are more interested in errors:

Examples of typical errors

1. Concluding that he did not live, but existed.– The participial phrase refers to the omitted grammatical basis: Drawing a conclusion, we can say that Oblomov did not live, but existed.

2. Flyagin traveled around the world throughout his life, and every time he arrived in a new place, people perceived him as a strange, unusual person.- Double fault. Firstly, the non-literary (colloquial) form “arrived” was used instead of “arrived”, and secondly, the participial phrase is correlated with the second a simple sentence, actor in which (people) do not perform the action named by the gerund. Suggested edit: Flyagin traveled around the world throughout his life, and in every new place people perceived him as a strange, unusual person.

3. While serving his sentence, it was just as hard for him.– One of those cases when the gerund cannot be used in impersonal offer, since instead of the subject of the action (he) the object of the state (him) is named. In such cases, the easiest way is to replace the participial phrase with a subordinate clause. Suggested edit: When he was serving his sentence, it was just as hard for him.

4. Having committed a crime, we can say that he “separates” himself from people.– The mistake lies in the wrong choice of place participial phrase in a sentence. Suggested edit: We can say that, having committed a crime, Raskolnikov “separates” himself from people. However, in in this case You can place the participial phrase both after the subject and at the end of the sentence.

Material for group work

1. In our time, there are few places left that are not affected by the problem of environmental pollution, cutting down forests, leaving production waste in recreation areas, and polluting water bodies.

3. I was amazed how, without even knowing the name of the play, you can already determine that this is winter and this is spring.

4. The man walked, leaning on his umbrella.

5. After reading the poem, hostility is felt.

6. Reading the text, a feeling of pride appears.

7. People work and have families.

8. Having escaped from the monastery, he went towards the mountains.

9. Having been free, he liked it there.

10. Having finished playing, it was already too late.

11. Looking at the birch tree, I have the feeling that streams began to flow.

12. Looking at the tree near the house, I imagine spring.

13. After reading the poem “Rus”, patriotic feelings are born in the reader.

14. Having arrived there, a cat and a dog ran out to us.

For example: Approaching the station, my hat fell off.

An adverbial phrase denotes an additional action to the main one. IN this proposal the main action is expressed by the verb “flew”. This predicate refers to the word "hat". It turns out that the hat was approaching the station. It will be right: As I approached the station, my hat fell off or Approaching the station, I lost my hat.

Violation of word order.

For example: We not only received a textbook, but also a collection of exercises.

Here we are dealing with a violation of word order when double alliance"not only but". It will be right: We received not only a textbook, but also a collection of exercises.

4) Violation of agreement.

For example: A young doctor came to the appointment.

Here we are dealing with a violation of agreement between the subject “doctor” and the definition “young”, which is unacceptable. And the discrepancy between the subject and the predicate (the doctor has come) is an acceptable option. It will be right: The young doctor came(or came) to the reception(If we're talking about about a woman).

Syntax and stylistic errors

Ignorance of the features of functional styles of Russian literary language is the main cause of syntax and stylistic errors. As a rule, syntax and stylistic errors are associated with the use complex syntax, adverbial phrases in conversational style.

For example: He is my brother.

The use of the connective “to be” in the present tense is typical for scientific style. In a conversational style this usage is a syntax-stylistic error.


  1. Define morphological norms.

2. Give examples of nouns that have plural endings -ы(-и), -а(-я).

3. What are the nouns of the 2nd declension in gender? n. plural have endings -ov(s), and which ones have zero endings?

  1. What ending do they have in instrumental case foreign names on -ov and -in? Give examples.
  2. Explain complex morphological rules regarding adjectives.
  3. Tell us about the basic rules for using numerals.
  4. Tell us about the basic rules for using verbs.
  5. Talk about the basic rules for using pronouns.
  6. What are they connected with? morphological errors? Give examples.
  7. What are the morphological and stylistic errors associated with? Give examples.

11. What does syntax study?

12. What are they connected with? syntax errors?

13.What are syntax and stylistic errors associated with?

14. Tell us about the rules for agreeing the predicate with the subject.

15. Tell us about the rules for constructing sentences with homogeneous members.

16. Tell us about the rules for using participial phrases.

Lecture No. 4

Subject: Normative-stylistic direction of speech culture. Functional and emotional-expressive styles of the Russian literary language


1. Social and content features of functional styles of the Russian literary language.

2. Speech features of functional styles of the Russian literary language.

3. Vocabulary from the point of view of emotional and expressive coloring.


1. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook / A.I. Dunaeva, V.A. Efremova, V.D. Chernyak. Ed. V.D. Chernyak. St. Petersburg: SAGA: M.: Forum, 2007.

2. Russian language and speech culture: tutorial/ L.A. Vvedenskaya, M.N. Cherkasova. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007.

3. Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Russian language. Grammar. Text. Styles
speech. 10-11 grades. - M., 1997.

4. 5. Potemkina T.V., Solovyova N.N. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook / T.V. Potemkina, N.N. Solovyova. – M.: Gardariki, 2007.

As you know, in order for your speech to produce the desired effect, it is not enough to speak and write without errors; you also need to master other communicative qualities of good speech. One of the considered communication skills– appropriateness of speech – is directly related to knowledge of the styles of the Russian literary language: functional and emotionally expressive. Thus, it is necessary to get acquainted in detail with the styles of the Russian literary language, study their social and meaningful features and speech features in order to appropriately use language means, characteristic of a particular style, in their speech.

Functional styles

Depending on the goals of communication and the scope of language use, our speech is formatted differently. These are different functional styles.

When using gerunds and participles in speech, the following should be observed: syntactic norms:

1. An action expressed by a gerund can only refer to the subject.

For example, in one of his stories A.P. Chekhov cites an entry in his book of complaints: Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat flew off. In addition to other speech and grammatical errors, this statement also contains an error in the use of gerunds. The subject of this sentence is the noun hat. In accordance with grammar rules It turns out that it was the hat that drove up to the station and admired the beauty of nature outside the window.

In order to correct the sentence in accordance with the norms, it is necessary to change the construction: transform my complement (it is the subject of the action) into the subject: Approaching the station, I lost my hat.

    An exception to this rule is gerunds, which refer to the infinitive expressing the action of another person:

    His house was full of guests, ready to entertain his lordly idleness, sharing his noisy and sometimes riotous amusements (A.S. Pushkin).

    In this case, the action of the gerund, dividing, refers to the addition of guests and grammatically depends on the infinitive to amuse.

    The phrase proceeding from may not relate to the subject, since the form proceeding is no longer perceived as a gerund (this is a preposition):

    The calculation is based on average production rates.

2. Precisely because the action of the gerund refers to the subject, gerunds cannot be used in impersonal sentences, that is, where there is no active subject expressed by form nominative case.

For example: Returning home, I felt sad. Such a statement will be grammatically incorrect, since the action of the gerund, returning, refers to the complement me. To correct a sentence, you must either transform it so that the object becomes the subject (When I returned home, I was sad), or replace the gerund with a predicate verb or a subordinate clause (When I returned home, I was sad).

    It is allowed, although not encouraged, to use gerunds in those impersonal sentences that include an infinitive (When returning home, you need to stop at the bakery on the way).

3. For the reason stated above The use of gerunds in passive (passive) constructions is not allowed, that is, in those sentences where the subject does not indicate the real subject (it is usually expressed by an addition in the instrumental case), but the object of the action.

    The predicate in such sentences is usually expressed either by the passive participle (The fighter is wounded in the head by a grenade fragment), or reflexive verb with the suffix -sya (The house is being built by workers). Sentences like: Coming out of encirclement, the soldier was wounded in the head will be grammatically incorrect; Having found the necessary funds, the house is built by the workers of our trust.

    To make such sentences correct, you must either replace the adverbial phrase with a synonymous construction, or transform passive design to active:

    When leaving the encirclement, the fighter was wounded in the head by a shrapnel; When the fighter left the encirclement, he was wounded; Having found the necessary funds, the workers of our trust began construction of the house.

4. It is not recommended to use gerunds in sentences where the predicate verb is in the form of the future tense: Arriving in the city of my childhood, I will definitely meet with school friends and my first teacher.

5. Participles usually cannot be combined as homogeneous members with other circumstances or with a predicate.

Currently, sentences that can be found in XIX literature centuries: Pechorin, wrapped in an overcoat and pulling his hat over his eyes, tried to make his way to the doors (M.Yu. Lermontov); The cavalry guards galloped, but still holding their horses (L.N. Tolstoy).

    Exceptions form participles (most often in the perfective form with the meaning of a state as the result of a previous action), which begin to acquire the characteristics of an adverb. Usually these are circumstances of the course of action. But they can only be homogeneous with circumstances that perform the same function in a sentence: The lady sat in a chair, sometimes sideways, sometimes with her legs crossed (A.N. Tolstoy).

Note 1. The place of the adverbial phrase in the sentence is relatively free. At the same time, there are certain tendencies in placing the participle before or after the predicate.

    Before the predicate verb Usually a gerund is used, which denotes the action preceding the action expressed by the predicate verb:

    Taking out the scarf, Sergei handed it to me (Sergei first took out the scarf and then handed it to me).

    Before the predicate verb Usually there is also a gerund indicating the cause or condition of the action, since the cause or condition always precedes the effect:

    Frightened, Tonya screamed (Tonya screamed because she was scared, and she was scared at first, and then she screamed).

    After the predicate verb Usually a gerund is used with the meaning of a subsequent action:

    The horse fell, crushing my leg (First the horse fell and then crushed my leg).

Note 2. When using a perfect or imperfect gerund, it is necessary to take it into account semantic relations with a predicate verb and the form in which the verb appears.

    Participle imperfect form usually used if the action expressed by the gerund coincides in time with the action expressed by the predicate verb:

    Smiling, she extended her hand to me; Smiling, she extended both hands towards me.

    Participle perfect form indicates an action preceding the action expressed by the predicate verb:

    Smiling, she extended her hand to me.

    When using perfect and imperfect gerunds, word order and other factors should be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to which of the actions is expressed by a gerund and which by a predicate verb. IN otherwise a sentence may become incorrect or inaccurate in terms of the meaning it expresses.

    So, in the sentence: Approaching the river, the riders stopped their horses - there is a semantic inaccuracy. The imperfect gerund indicates the coincidence in time of two actions expressed by the verb and the gerund, but in reality the riders first drove up to the river and then stopped the horses. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the perfect participle: Having approached the river, the riders stopped their horses.

    Another example: The newspapers report that Kent went crazy after jumping out of a twentieth-story window. In this case, it would be necessary to replace the verb with a gerund, and the gerund with a verb (Having lost his mind, Kent jumped out of the window). Otherwise, the situation expressed in the sentence will be diametrically opposite to what was in reality. The perfect participle indicates an action that precedes the action expressed by the predicate verb. Therefore, if we leave the original construction (Kent went crazy by jumping out of a twentieth-story window), then we can decide that Kent first jumped out of the window and only then (in flight) went crazy.

Exercises for the topic “The use of participles and participial phrases»

Exercise 1. Correct speech errors associated with the use of participial phrases.

1. After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me.

2. By listing the names of the dead at the end of the film, it is believed that they will not be forgotten.

3. Looking at such injustice, my heart bleeds.

4. Arriving at the site on the first day, we were immediately given a task.

5. Having moved to 9th grade, we had new item.

6. Reading the poem, you feel the power of every word.

7. Having lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to have new family.

8. Standing at the door to the living room, I could clearly hear their conversation.

9. Having run away from home, the boy was found by the police.

10. Approaching the city, my hat fell off.

11. Without finishing school, Sergei had to work.

12. Using a calculator, the calculation is carried out correctly and easily.

13. Having woken up, he was told that breakfast was served.

14. After reading the play, images of the characters clearly appeared before me.

15. Having finished the excursion, lunch was waiting for us at the restaurant.

16. After the trial, the writer was sent to Siberia, while there long years.


1. After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me.

2. When the names of the dead are listed at the end of the film, we believe that they will not be forgotten.

3. When I look at such injustice, my heart bleeds.

4. When we arrived at the site on the first day, we were immediately given a task.

5. When we moved to 9th grade, we got a new subject.

6. Reading the poem, I feel the power of every word.

7. When she lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to start a new family.

8. Standing at the door to the living room, I clearly heard their conversation.

9. The boy who ran away from home was found by the police.

10. When I was approaching the city, my hat fell off.

11. Sergei, who did not finish school, had to work.

12. When using a calculator, the calculation is carried out correctly and easily.

13. After he woke up, he was told that breakfast was served.

14. After reading the play, images of the characters clearly appeared in front of me.

15. After the end of the excursion, lunch was waiting for us at the restaurant.

16. After the trial, the writer was sent to Siberia and remained there for many years.

Exercise 2(for advanced language learners). Find errors and inaccuracies in the use of gerunds and participial phrases. Justify your answer. Correct the sentences.

1. Reading “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky, we are faced with images of representatives of “ dark kingdom».

2. Going to her first ball, Natasha Rostova felt natural excitement.

3. Re-reading M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths”, every time I have a question whether there can be two truths.

4. Raskolnikov cannot understand that by killing the old woman, the world will not change.

5. Having driven 40 kilometers, the buildings of the satellite city became visible to us on the left of the road.

7. The master lived in the basement, and every time he saw someone’s legs, his heart sank.

8. Having climbed the mound, Pierre became able to see the entire panorama of the battle.

9. Having risen to the top, not a single sound is heard from the valley.

10. Having started working on his dissertation, my friend no longer had time to play chess.

11. Everything stated in the monograph is very important, given the lack of time of a practicing physician.

12. Having gotten lost in the forest, the children were ready to give in to despair.

13. Having read the story carefully, I think that there are no editorial amendments in it.

14. Having run away from home, the boy was soon found by his parents.

15. After walking through several rooms, I was met by the count himself.

16. The Foolovites were amazed when they heard the rhythmic ringing of the bell.

17. The coachman, who was sleeping and leaning on his elbow, began to five horses.

18. Having settled in the village, his dream remained the same.

19. They dragged out the sick on mattresses or by taking them under the arms.

20. Having thrown ourselves into the water, we took off our shoes and clothes as we went.

21. Science requires such advice that, if applied, it would be possible to achieve great effect V practical work.

22. Then the father is appointed head of the workshop, working in this position for a year and a half.

23. It would be necessary to find out who accepted the unfinished construction of the facility, thereby violating the government decree.

24. He left after finishing the repairs and checking the operation of the engine.

26. Convinced of his helplessness, the hero had to cut the rope.

27. Having lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to start a new family.

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Participial phrases are synonymous with other constructions. When choosing the desired option, its grammatical and stylistic features are taken into account.

The participial phrase gives the statement a bookish character. The advantage of this construction compared to the subordinate clause adverbial clause is its compactness. Compare: When you read this manuscript, pay attention to the underlined places. -- While reading this manuscript, pay attention to the underlined places. (322b)

On the other hand, the advantage of subordinate clauses is the presence of conjunctions in them, giving the statement various shades of meaning that are lost when replaced subordinate clause participial phrase. Wed: when he entered..., after he entered..., as soon as he entered..., as soon as he entered..., etc. and the synonymous version having entered, indicating only the previous action, but devoid of subtle shades of temporary meaning. When using the participial phrase in such cases, the loss of the conjunction should be made up where necessary, lexical means, for example, upon entering... he immediately (immediately, immediately
and so on.).

Participial phrases can be synonymous with other constructions. Wed:

walked, wrapped in a warm fur coat - walked, wrapped in a warm fur coat; looked with his head held high - looked with his head held high; was in a hurry, anticipating something bad - was in a hurry, anticipating something bad; read the manuscript, making notes - read the manuscript and made notes.

Violation of the rules for the use of participial phrases
1) An adverbial phrase should begin a phrase in documents. For example: Considering...; Considering...; Pay attention to...; Guided by... etc.
2) Compilers of business papers make mistakes by not taking into account that both actions in a sentence with an adverbial phrase must be carried out by the same person, and accordingly this person and his main action must be reflected in the positions of the subject and predicate in the sentence. For example: “After working for only two months, he had complications with the shop manager. Correct option: After working for only two months, he ruined his relationship with the shop manager.

Errors in the use of participial and participial phrases

Discrepancy in time and type of participle with the predicate verb or surrounding vocabulary is unacceptable: Representatives of all regions were at the meeting, with the exception of two delegates who were absent due to good reasons. The novel reveals all the depth social inequality, dominant in pre-revolutionary time in Russia.

Participial must not include a qualifying noun: I have received the edited manuscript by the author. Narrow road was covered with falling snow underfoot. For reasons beyond our control central television we cannot continue the transmission.

The participial phrase must be adjacent to the word being defined in front or behind; transferring is not recommended:

Mountain chain stretches from east to west, consisting of many ridges. Along a narrow path we climbed to a platform meandering between the rocks..

Verb - predicate and gerund should not denote actions various items and persons:

As I approached the station, my hat fell off.

I was filled with laughter more than once while watching the comedy “The Inspector General.”

After reading the play, images of the characters appeared in front of me.

We must not allow diversity in the use of gerunds: Reading the article and noting required material, I always make statements. Wriggling like a snake, a fiery stream runs and suddenly, encountering masses of drier and taller grass, it flares up with a bright flame and again moves on.

It is impossible to classify an adverbial phrase as a predicate - passive participle: The painting shows a boy with his legs spread wide and his hands on his knees.

Different linguists classify differently. The textbooks mentioned in the previous section express the same positions as in the case of the participle. D. E. Rosenthal and others consider the gerund to be an unchangeable form of the verb, A. N. Tikhonov – an independent part of speech. The problem is due to the fact that gerunds, formed, like participles, only from verbs, do not retain all verbal features, but at the same time acquire some of the features. School textbooks also give different interpretations of the gerund. But in any case, the gerund is understood as a word denoting an additional action, which acts as a sign of the main action, called the predicate verb.

Signs of a verb in gerunds. Participles have common lexical meanings with the generating verb. Yes, for the verb Get stuck in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov - N.Yu. Shvedova, 2 meanings are indicated: 1) to enter tightly, to get into something. so that it is difficult to remove, release; 2) transfer Linger, stay for a long time somewhere. (colloquial). Participle Stuck retains both of these meanings: 1) stuck in the trunk; 2) stuck with a friend.

Participles retain a number of morphological and syntactic properties of the verb:

A) type: perfect (think - thinking) and imperfect (invent - having invented);

B) transitivity/intransitivity (having bought a book - dreaming about a book);

C) the ability to be defined by an adverb (buy (when?) yesterday - having bought (when?) yesterday);

D) recurrence/irrevocability (collecting - gathering).

The tense of gerunds is not determined, but these words in a sentence (in context) acquire a relative temporal meaning. When naming an additional action, gerunds denote time not relative to the moment of speech, like verbs, but relative to the moment of the main action, called the predicate verb. An action called a gerund may occur simultaneously with the main action: I stand, swaying, on shaky walkways. An action indicated by a gerund may precede the main action: P Having collected her bags, the mother went into the room. A gerund can also name an action that took place after the moment of the main action, expressed by the predicate verb: She closed the desk drawer, locking it with a key.

An action called a gerund is always performed by the same person or thing that produces the main action expressed by the predicate verb: Seeing his mother, the son rushed to meet her. It is the lack of understanding of this feature of gerunds that is the cause of most errors in their use. Let us recall a classic example from A.P. Chekhov’s story “The Book of Complaints”:

“Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat flew off. I. Yarmonkin."

Another example, now from an archaeological report: Behind the back of the buried person, lying on the pelvic bones, was the collapse of a molded jar-shaped vessel. It turns out that the “collapse of the vessel” (as archaeologists call vessels found in a crushed state) had pelvic bones, on which it fell! But it was easy to avoid this mistake: you just need to add a possessive pronoun: Behind the back of the buried person, lying on his pelvic bones, was the collapse of a molded jar-shaped vessel.

It is this feature of gerunds that explains why gerunds, as a rule, are not used in impersonal sentences where there is no active person common to the actions expressed by the predicate verb and the gerund. “However, if both actions refer to the same person (generalized or specific) and this clearly follows from the meaning of the sentence, then the gerund can also be used in impersonal sentences: It is inexplicably good to sail along the Volga on an autumn night, sitting on the stern of a barge, at the helm.”

Signs of adverbs in gerunds. The main lexical difference between gerunds and adverbs is that gerunds, although they can answer the question of an adverb of manner of action (stood (how?), bending over, against the wall), reason (torn off his sleeve (why?), getting angry) and some other categories , at the same time answer the “verbal” question: what are you doing? or having done what?; if the meaning of the action is lost, then the gerund becomes an adverb: We talked (what were we doing? how?), standing on the bank of the river. – He learned to eat (how?) standing up. The morphological and syntactic features of adverbs in gerunds are immutability and the ability to be an adverbial circumstance in a sentence with a predicate verb, with which the gerund is formed according to the method of adjacency.

Formation of participles. The perfect participle is formed from the stem of the infinitive, and the imperfect form is formed from the stem of the present tense verb. For more details about the peculiarities of the formation of forms of gerunds, see the above textbook by A. N. Tikhonov, p. 395-397. We are more interested in errors:

Examples of typical errors

1. Concluding that he did not live, but existed.– The participial phrase refers to a missing grammatical stem: Drawing a conclusion, we can say that Oblomov did not live, but existed.

2. Flyagin traveled around the world throughout his life, and every time he arrived in a new place, people perceived him as a strange, unusual person.- Double fault. Firstly, the non-literary (colloquial) form “arriving” was used instead of “arriving”, and secondly, the participle phrase is correlated with the second simple sentence, the character in which (people) does not perform the action called by the participle. Suggested edits: Flyagin traveled around the world throughout his life, and in every new place people perceived him as a strange, unusual person.

3. While serving his sentence, it was just as hard for him.– One of those cases when the gerund cannot be used in an impersonal sentence, since instead of the subject of the action (he) the object of the state (him) is named. In such cases, the easiest way is to replace the participial phrase with a subordinate clause. Suggested edit: When he was serving his sentence, it was just as hard for him.

4. Having committed a crime, we can say that he “separates” himself from people.– The mistake lies in the incorrect choice of the place of the adverbial phrase in the sentence. Suggested edit: We can say that, having committed a crime, Raskolnikov “separates” himself from people. However, in this case, you can place the participial phrase both after the subject and at the end of the sentence.

Material for group work

1. In our time, there are few places left that are not affected by the problem of environmental pollution, cutting down forests, leaving production waste in recreation areas, and polluting water bodies.

3. I was amazed how, without even knowing the name of the play, you can already determine what it is, and this is spring.

4. The man walked, leaning on his umbrella.

5. After reading the poem, hostility is felt.

6. Reading the text, a feeling of pride appears.

7. People work and have families.

8. Having escaped from the monastery, he went towards the mountains.

9. Having been free, he liked it there.

10. Having finished playing, it was already too late.

11. Looking at the birch tree, I have the feeling that streams began to flow.

12. Looking at the tree near the house, I imagine spring.

13. After reading the poem “Rus”, patriotic feelings are born in the reader.

14. Having arrived there, a cat and a dog ran out to us.

15. Having seen the execution, something changed in Ivan Vasilyevich.

16. Approaching and not having time to ask the professor a question, Woland introduces himself to them.

17. Approaching the edge of the cliff, my head began to spin.

18. Before he reached his team a kilometer away, he was captured by the Germans.

19. “I want to surprise you,” he said, smoking a cigar.

20. But after the ball, having seen what was happening to the soldiers, what they were forced to do, how they were treated, the main one lost all desire to join the army.

21. You never know how it might end if you do something.

22. There is a defensive war going on, protecting our land from invaders.

23. As you get closer, you want to flutter more and more like a butterfly.

25. Looking at the creations of Michelangelo, the thought of beauty and perfection comes to us.