The rule is the grammatical basis of a sentence. Grammar basis of a sentence with examples

It is quite easy to damage a fingernail or nail plate, because it is a person’s hands that perform various jobs. Therefore, the analyzed type of damage both at home and in production process considered the most common type of injury. However, you should not assume that the analyzed damage is harmless and will go away on its own, especially if the pus under the fingernail is noticeable even with the naked eye. After all, even after a bruise, which is practically painless, both in a child and in an adult, they can penetrate into the wound. different kinds microorganisms or foreign bodies that can lead to the development of serious illnesses. In medicine, the analyzing pathological process is called felon. To prevent development serious complications, for example, to avoid gangrene, pus should be removed as quickly as possible, using comprehensive and most importantly effective treatment.

Symptoms of pathology

Of course, suppuration under the nail causes unpleasant and even painful sensations in both children and adults. As statistics show, it is children who most often suffer from the analyzed pathological manifestation, since they do not fully understand how to properly care for the hygiene of their own hands. It is possible to understand that the purulent process has begun its harmful effects by the following symptoms:

  • itchy sensations in the area of ​​the damaged nail;
  • throbbing pain;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • the appearance of a purulent sac under the nail plate.

The above symptoms occur both after a bruise and after a minor injury at the site of injury and rapidly develop if treatment is not prescribed in a comprehensive and timely manner.

At an advanced stage of development, suppuration can affect both the phalanx and the entire finger. And in worst case the patient will be diagnosed with gangrene for treatment, which will require amputation of the damaged finger.

Treatment technique

You should not ignore pus under the fingernail, especially in a child, because this is a clear sign of the development of panaritium, which requires immediate treatment. If above symptoms pathologies will be noticeable, you should seek help from a doctor immediately.

Traditional methods, proven and effective, can also remove pus under the nail, but only after the doctor examines the site of the bruise and approves the chosen treatment method.

Which medical technique will be used to treat suppuration under the nail primarily depends on the stage of development of the pathology:

  1. On initial stage As the suppuration progresses, it is possible to remove it using conservative treatment methods. After examining the site of the bruise, the doctor prescribes hand baths for the patient, the base of which is added with disinfectant substances, for example, ordinary salt or furatsilin. Such procedures will have a negative effect on the foreign body and will help relieve inflammation. The damaged finger is dipped in a warm disinfectant mixture for 15 minutes, then an anti-inflammatory ointment is applied to the site of suppuration. Oral antibiotics must be prescribed.
  2. If a conservative treatment method does not give the desired effect, the doctor suggests the patient undergo surgery. Surgical intervention is performed in two ways:
  • through a small incision through which pus will come out;
  • removing the entire nail plate and performing further procedures to eliminate purulent formations.
  1. When treating suppuration surgically, local anesthesia is required. After completion, the finger and nail plate are treated with an antiseptic medication and bandaged with a sterile bandage. The patient is required to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor for 7-10 days.

Traditional methods for removing suppuration

IN folk medicine There are several techniques that help remove pus under the nail. Having settled on a traditional treatment method, it is imperative to obtain the approval of the attending physician and carry out any type of procedure in a sterile home environment. Among the most effective techniques the following can be distinguished:

  1. A bath based on propolis tincture. For the medicinal composition you will need to prepare 5 parts warm water and 1 part propolis tincture. The damaged finger is immersed in the composition for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a day. The procedures should be repeated until the pus from under the nail plate is completely removed.
  2. No less effectively helps to get rid of pus is a herbal healing mixture consisting of ordinary chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, St. John's wort and sage. The above herbs should be taken in equal amount, add 1 liter of water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add one tablespoon of soda to the slightly cooled broth. The finger is immersed in the broth for 25-30 minutes.
  3. A warm bath of ordinary salt will help get rid of the purulent process on the very early stage development of pathology. For one liter hot water you will need 3 tablespoons of salt. It is recommended to immerse your finger in a salt bath for 25 minutes, 3-4 times a day.