Soft sign after hissing ones: rules and exceptions. Soft sign at the end of words after sibilants

Part of speech




b is written – zh.r. 3 stacked units

Youth, luxury

b is not written

m.r. 2 cl. units

Watchman, key, ivy

Tasks, pears, schools


In short adjectives with a base, a hissing b is not written

Fresh, hot, good


Indeterminate form

Take care, get burned

2nd person unit

You can draw

Imperative mood

Smear it, don't cry


Always (excl. already, married, unbearable)

Jump up, wide open, completely


Just, you know, you see, you see

Examples for spelling warm-up:

Re h b , young and b , We w b , di h b , But h b , full h b , before h b , ne h b , retu w b , su w b , those h b , you w b. Kama w , comrades sch , But and , pay and , headlights w , feces h , boron sch , gara and , monta and ,gro w , traction h , obru h , le sch , ovo sch , pla sch , pla h, Yes h , ro sch , matured sch , fire sch , roof w , meet h , thousand h Sve and , prigo and , pogo and , inho and , similar and , not good and , similar and , ry and , bests and , du and , awkward and , broad-shouldered h , oho h , lol h , singing h , I live h , I'll jump h , traction h , I'm taking h , bad luck h. Teach w b , teach w b Xia , wear w b , wear w b Xia , carrying w b , carrying w b xia, losing w b , losing w b Xia , sleep w b , get some sleep w b xia, familiar m b those , familiar m b Xia ; bro With b bro With b Xia bro With b those bro With b hang on ; otre and b. Splo w b , sunday h b , about h b , for example h b , That h b -in-th h b , backwards h b , Nastya and b , naotma w b , nevmo h b.

Exercise No. 1. Explain the spelling of b, indicate the spelling, indicate the part of speech.

ovo sch

Exist, 2nd class, m.r.

Do not Cry

I'll mix sch

Short adjective

get carried away



mutual assistance

you'll have fun

you'll cry

storage facilities

you'll get burned




Exercise No. 2. Put these nouns in R.P. pl. h, make up phrases with the subordinating connection management.

Exercise No. 3. Match these words with nouns with the same root as hissing, write them down, and indicate the spelling.




to help





Exercise No. 4. Write down the nouns in R.P. pl. numbers

Exercise No. 5. Replace the full forms of adjectives with short ones. Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence. What part of the sentence are short adjectives?

good friend

handsome young man

viscous honey

dense forest

shameless man

hot coffee

broad-shouldered young man

black cop

son who looks like his father

biting frost

red baby

skinny goose

suitable occasion

Exercise No. 6. Change verbs according to patterns.

will be offended

grievances look Xia

will rise



will look after

will grow up

get some sleep

    Explain the spelling of verb endings in the 3rd person plural form. numbers.


Eat b , eat b those



do not Cry


console yourself



you'll save

Save, save


you'll distract

you will cut

you take care

Exercise No. 7. Find the correspondence of phrases with synonymous adverbs with hissing, indicate the spelling.

Exercise No. 8. Fill in the columns of the table (indicate only word numbers)

1) lubricate_ 2) married_ 3) youth_4) supine_ 5) tractor_ 6) treasure_ 7) sushi_ 8) pursue_ 9) mighty_ 10) already_ 11) enter_ 12) hide_ 13) thing_ 14) fresh_ 15) skinny_ 16) violinist_ 17) completely_ 18) save_ 19) quiet_ 20) kalach_ 21) awkward_ 22) good_ 23) cottage_ 24) trifle_ 25) hidden_ ​​26) lie down_ 27) brooch_ 28) timing_ 29) hot_ 30) hard-working_ 31) luxury_ 32) brought_ 33) cut_ 34 ) speech_ 35) patronage_ 36) omniscient_ 37) electric oven_ 38) dried up_ 39) calculated 40) false_ 41) prestige_ 42) revenge_ 43) kleish_ 44) sick_ 45) strongman_ 46) medical doctor_ 47) arbitration_ 48) brilliant_ 49) and w_ 50) smelly_

Methodological development of a Russian language lesson in 3rd grade on the topic “Soft sign (ь) at the end of nouns after hissing ones”

This lesson was developed according to the new standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, according to the “Perspective” program. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, 4 types of educational activities are formed in the lesson: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Lesson topic: “Soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing ones”

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the spelling of a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.


Introduce the rule of writing a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants;

Learn to plan and evaluate your work

Develop memory, thinking, attention.

To cultivate in students a tolerant attitude towards each other, the ability to listen to the opinions of others and express their point of view;

Foster independence and creative activity.

Didactic materials: handouts (cards)

During the classes.

1. Motivation for educational activities.

Good afternoon guys! Today I would like to start our lesson with a proverb: “Every day adds a piece of wisdom to us”

How do you understand it?

Our knowledge is wealth that we put in a chest, and when necessary, we take out this knowledge and use it.

Let's smile at each other, give each other a good mood. May today's lesson bring us all the joy of communication.

Today in class, guys, you will have to complete many interesting tasks, make a very important discovery, and your helpers in this will be: attention, resourcefulness, and your knowledge.

2. Updating basic knowledge and fixing difficulties

1) A minute of penmanship

Zhzh Shh Shch Shch y

What can you say about these letters? Which one is the odd one out?

Write these letters in your notebook on the first line, alternating them.

Second line: reeds, stove, rye, ball, daughter, baby, crying, youth

What can you say about these words? (this is a noun, singular, ending in hissing sounds)

2) Fixing the difficulty.

Give these definitions in one word:

Football competition (match)

Twelve o'clock at night. (Midnight.)

Little child (Baby)

Hunter's catch (game)

What difficulties did you have in writing words? (Where to write b and where not to.)

What question arises? (Why is ь written after hissing words in some words, but not written in other words).

Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is? (Spelling ь at the end of nouns after sibilants).

What goal will we set for ourselves in the lesson? (Find out when it is written and when it is not written)

3. Practicing the method of action. Construction of an algorithm for solving a spelling problem

match, midnight, crumb, game

Write words with a soft sign at the end in one column, and without a soft sign in the other.

What unites the words of the first group? (noun, unit h., w.r.) And the second? (noun, singular, m.p.) How do the words of the first group differ from the second? In what gender is a soft sign written and in which is it not written?

What conclusion can be drawn? (for feminine nouns a soft sign is written at the end, for masculine nouns it is not written)

This is your hypothesis, is it correct? The pages of the textbook will help answer this question.

Read the rule, let's compare it with the conclusion we made. Do they match? (Yes)

A soft sign after sibilants is written at the end of feminine nouns. This is a spelling.

Now let's work in pairs and try to create an algorithm for writing a soft sign in the word night (children work in groups independently)

The following algorithm is compiled:

1. Determine the part of speech.

2. Determine the genus.

3. If the noun is feminine, a soft sign is written.

4. If the noun is masculine, the soft sign is not written..

(Check and compare)

Let's return to the words that were written during the penmanship minute, check the correctness of our hypothesis.

– Let us check if you will fall into a trap while performing such a task?

Night.. – night..ka daughter..- daughter..ka

What's the trap?

(This is a completely different spelling).

4. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

1) - Today we have compiled an algorithm for correctly writing a soft sign at the end of feminine and masculine nouns. And for what? When will this algorithm be useful to you? (When we write a dictation, complete tasks in order to write correctly).

And in order to check whether you have understood everything well, let’s work on our own.

You will find the task for independent work on the cards that are on your desks.

In the words given on the cards, you either write a soft sign or do not write. Prove the correctness of your choice.

Key..., bream..., stove..., thing..., night..., mouse..., pencil..., luggage..., pencil..., small thing..., jam..., ball..., hush...

Exchange cards and check whether your neighbor on the desk completed the task correctly (mutual check).

5. Physical training

We completed the tasks

And a little tired.

And now it's time

Let us all rest, friends.

I will name the nouns, and you, if a soft sign is written in a word, squat, if it is not written, you clap: night, tick, thing, trembling, baby, hut, brick, penny, mouse, comrade, ball, oven.

6. Independent work

1) Write down the phrases, insert the necessary words with a sibilant at the end.

Pencil..., cold..., polar..., fragrant..., ambulance..., sonorous...

2) Game “Fourth wheel”

Pencil... cloak... mouse... hut...

Brick... small thing... night... daughter...

Touch...key...things.... bake….

Rook….help…. executioner….kalach….

7. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

Tell me, what topic did we work on in class today? What was your goal?

Continue the phrases:

Before this lesson I didn’t know...

Now I know….


As a result of my work in class I…..

During the lesson I worked...

My mood…

I am very glad that this lesson was interesting and useful for you and that it was easy for you to work in the lesson. Thanks for the work!

In this article we will look in detail at when it is written after sibilants in verbs, nouns and adverbs. We will also show typical spelling errors using clear examples. soft sign after hissing ones.

There are only 4 hissing letters in the Russian language. These are the letters Ш, Ж, Ш and Ш. The main cases concerning the writing of b after sibilants are the writing of a soft sign after sibilants in a verb, at the end of nouns and adverbs. Let's look at each case separately.

When is b written after sibilants in a verb?

The answer is clear:

“We ALWAYS write a soft sign after hissing verbs!”

Textbooks most often list that “b” is written if the verb is in the infinitive (answers the question, what to do? or what to do?), in the second person singular (combined with the pronoun you) or in the imperative mood (indicates for action).
It is not necessary to remember all this, since in all other forms there are no hissing words at the end.
Let's look at examples.
Infinitives: attract, burn, lie down.
Second person, singular: write, love, breathe.
Imperative form: cut, spread, eat!

By the way, a soft sign can appear not only at the end of verbs. When adding –sya and –te after the hissing letter “b” it is preserved. For example: cut, spread, fall in love.

The most popular mistake with a soft sign in verbs is writing it between -t and -sya in different persons. If we write " to shave"(what to do? with a soft sign), then " shaves"(what does it do?) we will write without b. The rule is simple: “ If the question has a “b” at the end, then we also write a soft sign between –t and –xia.“We remember that the letter T is not a hissing letter, so this rule is not entirely on the topic of the article.
We looked at verbs. Let's move on to nouns!

Soft sign after sibilants at the end of nouns

The rule is quite simple:

“b is written after hissing nouns at the end ONLY if the noun is feminine singular!”

In all other cases, b is NOT written after hissing nouns at the end.

Let's look at examples.
With a soft sign after hissing ones:
Rye, night, lie, thing, daughter.
“The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter.” A.S. Pushkin.
The feminine singular can be determined by substituting the pronoun “my”.
My daughter, my lie, my whim.

Without soft sign:
Doctor, knife, many clouds, many pears, brick, roll, scarecrow, Alexander Sergeevich.
“Above him is a golden ray of sun…” M.Yu. Lermontov.

As we see, the soft sign is not written after masculine singular nouns, in plural nouns, or at the end of masculine patronymics.
It's easier to remember when a soft sign is written in nouns than when it is not written :) .

Soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end

Everything here is also quite simple:

“b is ALWAYS written after hissing adverbs at the end, with the exception of the adverbs: already, married, unbearable.”

Examples: away, completely, backhand, just, gallop, wide open, backwards, exactly the same.

It is very important to understand what an adverb is, since a common mistake is writing a soft sign after sibilants in short adjectives.
Good, handsome, hot, powerful, smelly, etc. are written without a soft sign.

How to distinguish a short adjective from an adverb?
The adverb answers the questions: Where? When? Where? Where? Why? For what? …and most often: How?
An adverb denotes a sign of action, that is, refers to a verb. He walked away. He refused outright. He repeated it exactly.

A short adjective answers the question: What? And denotes the attribute of an object. That is, to refer to a noun. The house is good. The shower is hot. Wind, wind, you are powerful...

In addition to verbs, nouns, adverbs and short adjectives, b after sibilants is found in particles and pronouns. In them, most people write the soft sign intuitively correctly and remembering these cases, in our opinion, is not so important.
However, for reference:
In particles with hissing endings, the soft sign is always written. These are particles: look, just, look, see.
Examples of using particles in sentences:
I mean, that's how it is. Look what I found. It's just thunder.

There are only two pronouns: OUR and YOURS. In them SOFT SIGN IS NOT WRITTEN.

Here, in fact, are all the main cases of using b after sibilants.
To reinforce this, we also present to your attention a diagram that combines everything that has been said above regarding writing a soft sign after hissing ones.

If you have any questions about when it is written after sibilants in nouns, verbs, adverbs or other parts of speech, be sure to write them in the comments.

Is the word tish written without a soft sign or with a soft sign?

    The word **shush** is written with a soft sign.

    Feminine nouns, 3 declensions, ending in a hissing consonant are written with a soft sign.

    Example: night, speech, silence, oven, mouse, bald spot and so on.

    Masculine nouns with a hissing consonant at the end are written without a soft sign.

    Example: tape, match, match, doctor.

    In order to understand, you need to write a soft sign in nouns ending in hissing, you just need to determine what kind of noun.

    Feminine - we write b.

    We don’t write masculine gender.

    If the word ends with a feminine sibilant, then you need to write a soft sign. That's why the word "quiet" is written with a soft sign. The word consists of four letters t-i-sh-y. We remember the spelling or learn the rule and write correctly.

    To determine whether it is necessary to write a soft sign in the word quiet, let’s determine its gender based on the context:

    The silence of the night brought sleep.

    How quiet is it? night

    This is a feminine noun with a zero ending, in contrast to feminine words with the ending -а/я (country, land). Let's classify it as the third declension. Ve third declension nouns are written with a soft sign:

    silence, brooch, rags, buckshot, speech, weakness, help.

    The soft sign in the writing of these words is a kind of marker that will help distinguish them from masculine nouns of the second declension, which, on the contrary, are written without a soft sign, for example:

    hoop, match, vernissage, crew, crumb, baby, raincoat, ivy.

Why you need to know the rule

The letters Ш and Ж indicate only hard sounds, and the letters Ш and Ш - only soft sounds. b is not heard after these letters, since it is not able to give softness to hard sounds or add softness to already soft ones.

b after sibilants is considered a letter that denotes the form of the word, but native speakers understand the form of the word without b. On the contrary, we determine by the form of the word whether it is necessary or not to write b.

Thus, writing in Russian b after hissing has no rational explanation and practical meaning. b after the hissing ones- a tribute to tradition. But you will have to learn the rule, since no one has canceled it yet.


Sibilants fall at the end of words with the following word forms:

In some words from this list b is written, in others it is not written.

After hissing words (zh, ch, sh, shch), the letter ь is written only in the following cases:

In nouns

At the end of feminine nouns in them. and wine pad. units h., for example: rye, night, mouse.

In verbs

  • At the end 2nd person units h. present and future tense of the verb after the final sh, for example: you carry - you carry, you carry - you carry, you accept - you accept.
  • At the end of the verb in singular. h. imperative mood, and the letter ь is preserved before -sya, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat.
  • In plural h. imperative mood before -those, -tes, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat.
  • At the end of the verb in an indefinite form, and the letter ь is also written before -sya, for example: cut, cut.

In adverbs

In all adverbs after final ones sh and h, For example: all the way, gallop, away, and also in adverb wide open.

Toch b-exactly b written with two b's and hyphens.

In particles

At the end of the particles: you see, you see, just, you see.


You wash your face b - 2nd person verb.

You wash your face b Xia- 2nd person verb.

Namazh b - imperative verb.

Namazh b xia - imperative verb, the letter ь is also preserved before -sya.

Namazh b those - imperative verb, the letter ь is also preserved before -te.

Namazh b hang on - imperative verb, the letter ь is preserved and before - tes.

Midnight b - feminine noun of the 3rd cl. in them pad.

Doctor - s masculine noun.

And behind the clouds - noun in gender pad.

Absolutely b- adverb with H at the end.

Unbearable - adverb with Ж at the end.

Lish b - particle.

Hot - adjective in short form.

History of the rule

The spelling b after sibilants has remained unchanged since the first spelling textbooks.

Before the reform of 1918, writing b in nouns had, if not meaning, then logic: at the end of feminine nouns with a sibilant at the end, b was written, at the end of masculine nouns - b. Here is a copy of a page from a 1915 textbook.

The uselessness of the rule was realized even by the first philologists who described Russian grammar.

During the reform of 1918, it was necessary to remove unnecessary, unreadable b and b at the end of words, which was proposed by a commission of philologists in 1912, but for some reason the Bolsheviks removed b and left b.

Since then, during all spelling reforms, philologists have proposed to bring the matter to an end: to remove the rules about b after hissing words and not to write it after h, sch, w, zh at all. For example, this was proposed to be done during the spelling discussion of 1929 - 1930, in the 60s when drawing up a set of rules for Russian spelling, and in subsequent years during attempts at reforms.

What to pay attention to

  • Although there is a special clause in the rule for adverbs, at the moment there are only 9 adverbs with a sibilant at the end in the language. It’s easier to remember the spelling of 8 words and 3 exceptions than to remember the rule all your life. Without b: I can’t bear to get married. S b: completely, galloping, completely, wide open, away, unbearably, backhanded, backwards, exactly.
  • Do not confuse adverbs with short adjectives, which are written without b: hot, viscous, smelly.
  • The rule lists all verb forms that have a sibilant at the end. And this means that in verbs, b is always written after sibilants.