England before the Norman Conquest. History of state and law of foreign countries

Norman Conquest. TO middle of the 11th century In England, feudal orders were already dominant, but the process of feudalization had not yet been completed. A significant part of the peasants, especially in the Denlo region, remained free, and the feudal dependent land holders had not yet merged into a single mass of dependent peasants. The feudal estate and the feudal hierarchy have not yet taken a complete form and have not become widespread.

In 1066 England was subjected to the Norman conquest. The Duke of Normandy, William, gathered a large army of Norman, northern French and even Italian knights, eager for booty, the seizure of new lands and dependent peasants. The reason for the invasion was William's claim to the English throne, allegedly bequeathed to him by the English king Edward the Confessor, who had died shortly before. The Pope supported the Duke's claims.

In September 1066, William and his army sailed across the English Channel on large boats and landed in the south of England at Pavensey Bay. Duke's army main force which already consisted of heavily armed knightly cavalry, was more numerous than the English. The latter was led by the new King of England, Harold, elected by the “council of the wise.” Three weeks before the battle with the Normans, he repelled a surprise attack by the Norwegian king Harald Hardrad on Northern England, agreed with William. Harold's army consisted mainly of foot hastily assembled peasant militia and his personal squad. In October 1066 decisive battle At Hastings, the courageously resisting Anglo-Saxons were defeated, and Harold himself died. The Duke of Normandy moved to London, captured it and became king of England under the name of William I the Conqueror.

The conquest, however, met resistance from both the Anglo-Saxon nobility and the significant layer of free peasants that remained in the country. It was especially strong in the north of the country. In response to massive confiscations of land from local population in favor of the alien conquerors in the north and northeast - in Denlo - in 1069 and 1071. major popular uprisings, led by representatives of the local nobility. Suppressing them, the conquerors led by William devastated the main areas of the uprising - the Vale of York and County Durham, which remained uninhabited for several decades after that.

After these uprisings were suppressed, most of the lands of the Anglo-Saxon nobility were confiscated and handed over to foreign conquering knights. Small local feudal lords - heating elements - partially retained their possessions, but became vassals of the Normans barons(as large feudal lords began to be called in England). Medium and small feudal lords, following the continental model, began to be called knights. In the church hierarchy and apparatus royal administration The conquerors who came from France reigned supreme. William himself made up a huge “crown domain” from the confiscated lands, which occupied a seventh of all cultivated land in England. A significant part of the forests located on these lands was turned into royal hunting reserves. Under pain of terrible punishment, the inhabitants of these territories, especially peasants, were forbidden to hunt there, cut down forests, or collect fuel.

Ownership of a vast domain strengthened the king's position in relation to the nobility. This strengthening was also facilitated by the fact that the distribution of lands to the Norman feudal lords occurred gradually, as they were confiscated from the local population, which led to the scattered, uncompacted possessions of large feudal lords, which made it difficult to form vast territorial principalities in England, virtually independent of the king.

Completion of the process of feudalization. "Book Last Judgment». The Norman Conquest contributed to the final completion of the process of feudalization in England. By 1066, the Duchy of Normandy, like France as a whole, was already completely feudalized. Having seized land and political power in England, the conquerors sought to impose their customary order there, to formalize politically and legally the feudal relations that had already been established there. The king himself, to a certain extent, consciously pursued such a policy. One of his important activities along this path was the holding of an all-English land census in 1086, which was popularly called the “Domesday book”, since the persons who gave information to its compilers were obliged, under threat of punishment, to say “nothing.” concealing”, as at the “Last Judgment”. The census had two main goals: firstly, to provide the king with information about the size of the possessions and income of his vassals in order to require a certain military service from them; secondly, the king wanted to have accurate information for imposing a monetary tax on the entire population. The questions of the investigation corresponded to these needs: how much land in each county is in the royal domain, how much does the large spiritual and secular feudal lords have, what is the number of their vassals? At the same time, the number of guides (at this time already fiscal units) in each manor, land plots (plows of land) and plow teams (draft animals) in the domain and among the peasant holders, and the number of peasants of different categories living in the manor were taken into account. The approximate profitability of the manor in money was noted.

In general, the Book of the Last Judgment contained rich information about the economy and social structure almost the entire territory of England, as well as their dynamics, since it recorded data for three periods: 1) the reign of Edward the Confessor; 2) in the years immediately following the conquest, and 3) in 1086. Data from the Great Census indicate that its implementation strengthened feudal system and accelerated the transformation of free peasants into dependent ones. This is evident from the fact that in its final version the unit of accounting in it was not the village, but the estate - the manor, and most importantly - from the fact that many of the free peasants before 1066 were recorded under 1086 as villans. In England in the 11th century. this term, as a rule, denoted holders who were in land dependence, paid rent, including often performing corvée.

The agrarian system and the position of the peasantry in the 11th century-XII centuries The population of England, according to the Domesday Book, at that time was about 1.5 million people; of them, the vast majority (at least 95%) lived in the village. The main occupation of the population was agriculture. In the central and southern, mainly agricultural regions of the country, large villages and the rural community was preserved with a system of open fields, stubble grazing, striping and forced crop rotation. In the northeast, as well as in the west, on the eastern slopes of the Pennines and southern Oxfordshire, sheep farming has become widespread. Wool was already an important trade item at this time. It was exported mainly to Flanders, where Flemish artisans made cloth from it. In these sheep-raising areas, as in the north-west of the country, there were more often small settlements or farmsteads that did not know the system of open fields.

After Norman conquest The English feudal fiefdom (manor) takes on a complete form, subjugating the previously free rural community. The economy of manors, especially large ones, was based on the corvee labor of dependent peasants, partly courtyard servants. Where the system of open fields dominated, its general order included the master's land (domain), as well as the lands of still personally free peasants. Manors with domains, villans and free holders predominated, but there were also many manors that differed significantly from this classical type, in which there was no domain or it was small; free holders occupied a larger place than dependent ones. Manor XI-XII centuries. remained primarily a subsistence economic organization.

Medieval estate (scheme of an English manor of the 11th-12th centuries) 1 - master's land, 2 - church land 3 - peasant plots, 4 - the manor of the lord, 5 - priest's house, 6 - manor's mill. Domain sections are scattered among peasant plots, they are processed by the labor of serfs according to the rules existing in the rural community. The peasants also cultivate the lands of the local church, pay various contributions and bear various duties, and are also subject to various banalities (in particular, mill labor).

The bulk of the peasantry, according to the Domesday Book, were villans who had a full allotment of land - virgata (30 acres) - or part of the allotment, as well as a share in communal grazing and meadows; they performed corvée and made payments in kind and money in favor of the lord. The Domesday Book also lists bordarii - dependent peasants with an allotment significantly smaller than that of a villan (usually from 7 to 15 acres). In addition to villans and bordarii in the English village of the 11th-12th centuries. there were cottarii (later cotters) - dependent peasants, holders of small plots of land, usually 2-3 acres of homestead land. They worked for the lord and earned their livelihood through additional occupations (cottarii were shepherds, village blacksmiths, carpenters, etc.). The lowest category of dependent peasants were serfs. For the most part, these were courtyard people who, as a rule, did not have plots or their own household and performed a variety of hard work on the master's estate and in the master's fields.

The free peasantry did not disappear in England after the Norman Conquest, although its numbers were significantly reduced and legal status worsened. The presence in the village, along with dependents, of a layer of personally free peasants (freeholders) was one of characteristic features agrarian development of England in the Middle Ages. There were especially many free peasants in the northeast of the country - in Denlo. Although the free peasant was obliged to pay the lord a usually small annuity, perform some relatively light duties, and submit to his jurisdiction, he was considered a legally free person.

Throughout the 12th century, various categories of the peasantry increasingly turned into dependent peasants - villans, whose main duty was corvée, usually in the amount of three and sometimes more days a week. In addition, the villan paid the quitrent partly in food and partly in money. He was often subject to arbitrary taxation by his master, paid a special contribution when marrying off his daughters, and gave the landowner the best head of cattle when entering into an inheritance; he was also obliged to observe mill, brewing and other banalities. Numerous church taxes also grew, the heaviest of which was tithes.

Urban development. Cities began to emerge in England as centers of craft and trade in the 10th-11th centuries, even before the Norman Conquest. The Book of the Last Judgment contains up to a hundred cities, in which about 5% of the total population lived.

As a result of the strengthening of England's political ties with Normandy and other French lands, its trade relations. Significant trade with the continent was carried out by London, as well as Southampton, Dover, Sandwich, Ipswich, Boston and other cities. Along with wool, the export items included lead, tin, and livestock. Somewhat later (from the end of XII - beginning of XIII c.) began to export grain and leather. All these products Agriculture Secular feudal lords and monasteries also sold, but sometimes peasants too. Already in the 11th and especially in the 12th century. fairs became widespread (Winchester, Boston, Stamford, York, etc.), which were visited by merchants not only from Flanders, but also from Italy, Germany and other countries.

With the growth of cities as economic centers, a class of city dwellers was formed. The most important cities in England were located on the royal domain, and their lord was the king himself. This complicated the struggle of the townspeople for political autonomy, since individual, even large, cities were unable to fight such a powerful lord. Therefore none of English cities failed to achieve self-government like the French commune; English cities were forced to be content with only individual economic and financial privileges and partial self-government, which were formalized by royal charters.

They usually achieved relief from onerous feudal payments by paying the lord an annual fixed sum of money (the so-called firms) with the right of citizens to arrange and collect these funds among residents themselves. For money, they often acquired the right of self-government and court, which limited the interference of royal or seigneurial officials in the affairs of the city community. Cities also bought the right to have a privileged corporation of citizens (the so-called trade guild), which usually included not only merchants, but also some artisans. However, only those who took part in paying the “firm”, that is, the wealthiest townspeople, could enjoy these privileges. Smaller seigneurial cities usually sought only economic privileges and did not enjoy self-government.

In London, Lincoln, York, Winchester and other cities at the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th century. craft guilds (guilds) themselves appeared, which entered into a struggle with the city elite who were in power. Acute social contradictions between artisans and small traders, on the one hand, and rich townspeople, on the other, in full force manifested themselves in the London uprising of 1196, which arose due to the unfair distribution of taxes by representatives of the city elite. At the head of the dissatisfied was William Fitz-Osbert, nicknamed Longbeard. He openly denounced the London rich, accusing them of seeking to “save their own pockets at the expense of poor taxpayers.” The movement was brutally suppressed, Fitz-Osbert and nine of his associates were hanged.

Features of the line system and political development countries. The meaning of the Norman conquest. The Norman barons were the king's direct vassals. But William demanded vassal service not only from the barons, but also from their vassals. All knights, no matter whose vassals they were, were obliged, according to the “Salisbury Oath” of 1085, at the request of the king to serve in the royal army. With the introduction of direct vassalage of all feudal landowners from the king, the vassalage system became more centralized in England than on the continent, where the rule usually applied: “My vassal’s vassal is not my vassal.”

Since the Norman Conquest, royal power in England turned out to be stronger than in other countries of what was then Western Europe. At first, this was determined by the presence of a large royal domain, the absence of compact large feudal estates, the peculiarities of the vassal system, and the political weakness of cities. Hostility towards the conquerors of the local population, which weakened only in the second half of the 12th century, also prompted the Norman elite to rally around the king. Taking advantage of this situation, Wilhelm I immediately created a relatively strong apparatus central control. The king's officials were placed at the head of the counties - sheriffs, in charge of administration, court, collection of taxes and royal revenues. The taxes levied during the Anglo-Saxon period were retained and even increased, giving the king greater financial resources.

Thus, the Norman Conquest significantly strengthened royal power, the political unity of the country and created the preconditions for the formation of a relatively centralized state in England.

Socio-political development of England at the end of the 11th-12th centuries. Gain central government continued in England even after the death of William I. All layers of the feudal class were interested in this to one degree or another. Even large barons at the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th century. needed him to suppress the hostile Anglo-Saxon population, and above all various kinds peasant protest (after all, it was the Anglo-Saxons who made up the peasantry). The king had other, more consistent allies, primarily small and medium-sized feudal landowners - knights of both Norman and Anglo-Saxon origin. This layer of feudal lords saw in the king protection not only from peasant movements, but also from encroachments on their lands and income by large feudal lords. The royal power was also supported by the church, which, thanks to the generous grants of the Conqueror and his successors, became the largest feudal landowner in the country. She enjoyed wide privileges, and in particular the right to have ecclesiastical courts independent of the royal ones. Natural allies of the royal power were the most significant cities located on the domain, as well as the free peasantry, which made up about 12% of the population, for whom the king was the only protection from large feudal lords.

This balance of social forces created conditions for the preservation and further development the successes of centralization achieved after the Norman Conquest. Successors of William I, especially his younger son Henry I (1100-1135), continued to strengthen the central state apparatus: big role A permanent royal council (royal curia) began to play, which included senior officials - royal judges, persons in charge of the royal office, treasury and tax collection (justiciar, chancellor, treasurer). The curia also included large feudal lords most loyal to the king. It combined judicial, administrative and financial functions.

Important acquired by traveling judges - special commissions of judges who traveled around the country and controlled the activities of the administration, the administration of justice, and the collection of taxes in the counties.

Already under Henry I, a special body was allocated within the royal curia - the treasury, which in England was called the “Chamber of the Chessboard” 1 and was in charge of collecting royal revenues and checking the financial statements of sheriffs. Within the curia there is also a judicial department.

At the same time, in search of a counterbalance to the political influence of large feudal lords and to strengthen the power of local sheriffs, Henry I began to energetically restore, albeit under the control of the central government, the old Anglo-Saxon local governments, assemblies of free residents of hundreds and counties. In assemblies of hundreds, courts were held for minor offenses, taxes were distributed and then collected, and various types of government investigations were carried out.

Despite the successes of centralization, the largest magnates in England showed disobedience to the king at every opportunity. Real feudal strife broke out after the death of Henry I (1135), who left no sons behind. Claims to the throne were made simultaneously by his daughter Matilda, the wife of the Frenchman, Count of Anjou Geoffroy Plantagenet, and his nephew, also a French feudal lord, Stephen Count of Blois. Taking advantage of the struggle for the throne, the feudal lords who supported the contenders ravaged and plundered the country, especially the peasants and townspeople, and completely abandoned the obedience of the central government. Feudal anarchy ended only in 1153, when, through the mediation of the church, Stephen and Matilda entered into an agreement under which Stephen was recognized as king, but after his death the throne was to pass to Matilda's son, the young Count of Anjou, Henry Plantagenet. In 1154 he ascended the English throne under the name of Henry II, marking the beginning new dynasty Plantagenet, who ruled the country until the end of the 14th century. Henry II (1154-1189) concentrated vast possessions under his rule: in addition to England, he owned, like his predecessors, Normandy, as well as vast lands in France - Anjou, Maine, Touraine, Poitou. Later he annexed Aquitaine to them. England thus became part of the great Plantagenet power (sometimes called the Angevin Empire). Possessing large financial resources and relying on support

1 This name was associated with the system of counting monetary amounts. The tables in the chamber were divided by longitudinal lines into several stripes, along which columns of coins were laid out and moved in a certain order, which was reminiscent of a game of chess.

supporting the knighthood, townspeople and free peasantry, Henry II suppressed the unrest of the feudal lords in England, disbanded their detachments, razed castles, and began to appoint people from small and medium-sized feudal lords to the posts of sheriffs, subordinating them entirely to the royal curia. Important role The reforms of Henry II played a role in strengthening the centralization of the state. In an effort to expand the competence of the royal court at the expense of seigneurial courts, he held judicial reform. Its essence was that every free person could, for a certain fee, obtain permission to transfer his case from any patrimonial court to the royal one, where it was investigated by a jury, whereas in patrimonial courts trial was carried out as before with the help of “God’s judgment” 1.

The introduction of the jury attracted a huge influx of cases from the seigneurial curiae to the royal court. The decline in the influence of the latter was also facilitated by the fact that Henry II removed all serious criminal offenses from their competence and significantly limited their jurisdiction over land claims. The Royal Curia was recognized as the highest court of appeal for all seigneurial courts. This reform benefited primarily the knighthood, as well as wealthy free peasants and townspeople. The vast majority of the country's population - the personally dependent peasantry (villans) - was not affected by this reform. The royal courts did not accept the claims of the villans against their masters; they remained under the jurisdiction of their master. The judicial reform of Henry II met the class interests of the feudal lords. By strengthening royal power, providing support to the knights and the top of the free peasantry, she deepened the gap between the free and personally dependent peasants, left the latter outside the protection of the royal courts and thereby contributed to the deterioration of their legal position and the strengthening of feudal oppression.

The expansion of the judicial functions of the royal curia increased the king's income. But large sections of the population suffered from heavy fines imposed by the royal courts. In the process of judicial practice of the royal courts, the so-called common law began to gradually develop - a uniform royal law for the entire country, which gradually replaced local law applied in seigneurial courts and courts of hundreds and counties.

Henry II also held military reform. It consisted in the fact that the military service of the feudal lords in favor of the king was limited to a certain, relatively short period. In return for the rest, and sometimes the entire service, the feudal lords had to pay a special sum of money - “shield money”. For these days -

1 « God's judgment» - ancient form legal process, common among Germanic peoples even before the barbarian invasions. The guilt of the accused in criminal cases was determined using an “ordeal” - testing with water, hot iron, boiling water, etc. In property, in particular land, litigation, the decision depended on the results of the “judicial duel” between the litigants.

The king hired knights, which reduced his dependence on the barons' militia. In addition, the king ordered that every free person, in accordance with his property status, have certain weapons and, when called by the king, must appear to take part in the campaign. Thus, the ancient militia of the free peasantry (Anglo-Saxon “fyrd”), which had fallen into decay, was restored, as it were.

All these reforms strengthened royal power and contributed to the centralization of the feudal state.

Henry II's attempt to place church courts under state control was unsuccessful. On this basis, he clashed with the head of the English church, Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket. During the struggle, on the unspoken order of the king, Becket was killed (1170). The pope intervened in the matter, forcing Henry II, under threat of excommunication, to bring public repentance and abandon the reform of church courts.

Conquest of Ireland. Attempts to take over Scotland. Having strengthened the central power in England, Henry II, in the interests of the English feudal lords, undertook the conquest of Ireland, where feudalism was just emerging and the clan system dominated. The English barons began their campaigns in Ireland in 1169-1170 at their own peril and risk. After their first successes, the king himself arrived in Ireland in 1171, quickly winning victories over the clan leaders, who were forced to recognize Henry II as their “ supreme ruler" However, in fact, the British managed to subjugate only a small part of the Irish lands in the coastal south-eastern part of the island and create a fortified area here, later called “Pale” (literally, a fenced area). From here, the English feudal lords, who became the owners of the clan lands captured in Pale, raided other areas of Ireland, which prevented normal development feudalization and the formation of a state on the island. In Pale, the English conquerors imposed a feudal order, turning the previously free Irish into their dependent peasants.

Henry II also made attempts to subjugate the Scottish state, England's northern neighbor. During continuous border wars he captured the Scottish king William the Lion and in 1174 forced him to conclude a treaty (at Falaise), according to which William brought him homage and vassal oath for Scotland. However, Scotland, already a fairly feudalized and centralized country, soon freed itself from vassalage. In contrast to the pressure from England, she began to move closer and closer to France, with which later (in the 13th-14th centuries) she found herself in a close anti-English alliance.

The emergence of a single English nation. The Normans and other immigrants from France did not immediately merge with the indigenous population of England. Throughout the 12th century, kings often addressed their subjects as "French and English" in official acts. But by the end of the 12th century. ethnic and language differences

between the local population and the Norman conquerors were virtually erased. The French element joined ethnic composition of the emerging English nationality, a single sociocultural type of population emerged. The spoken language of the bulk of the inhabitants of England - peasants, townspeople and the vast majority of feudal lords, especially chivalry - was English. Only the feudal nobility, representatives of the royal administration, and lawyers used not only English language, but also French, which was used along with Latin as official language in government institutions.

Despite the significant strengthening of central power under Henry II, uprisings of the nobility, including the king's sons, who were dissatisfied with his policies, repeatedly broke out in England. They were supported by the rebellious feudal lords of the continental possessions of the Plantagenets, in which Henry II did not have as much power as in England.

Topic: England from the Norman Conquest to Freedom

Goals: characterize the features of government during the Norman dynasty; consider the reforms of Henry II Plantagenet; show the formation of parliamentarism in England.

Lesson plan:

    Examination homework

    Explanation of new material

    Reinforcing the material learned

    Lesson summary


Checking homework.

    Who was interested in the unification of France (oral answer)

    Reasons for the unification of France (working with the whiteboard)

    What successes have been achieved in the unification of France (oral answer)

    Conflict between King Philip 4 and Pope Bonifocius 8 (oral response)

    Estates General:

      1. Estates of the States General (international board)

        Definition of the Estates General (international board).

    Activities of the Estates General.

    From all of the above, let's conclude: what significance did unification have for France?

Explanation of new material #1

Norman Conquest. In 1066, the conquest of England by Duke William of Normandy began. Since he was related to the dying old dynasty, he laid claim to the royal throne.

He received the support of: the Pope; their vassals and knights from other regions of France.

William's troops crossed the English Channel and landed on south coast England. The battle of Hastings, which decided the fate of the country.

Battle of Hastings.

The Norman dynasty began to rule in England. William took away land holdings from most of the major feudal lords and distributed them to his knights.

What are the consequences of the Norman Conquest:

    Strengthening royal power (all swore allegiance to William and became his vassals);

    The beginning of the formation of a centralized state;

    Strengthening feudal oppression (a census of land and population was carried out - the income of the population began to be more fully taken into account).

How did the Norman Conquest affect the development of England?

Explanation of new material No. 2

HenryIIand his reforms.

What can you say about Heinrich?II. (p. 161 – read)

During his reign, a lot of changes occurred in the country and a number of reforms were carried out:

    Judicial reform

    • creation of the royal court

(bypassing the court of the local feudal lord);

      court for the free -

12 jurors;

      court for dependent peasants -

feudal court.

    Military reform:

    • Introduction of shield money

(special contribution of knights to the king instead of campaigns);

      The shield money contained:

people's militia, permanent mercenary army.

    Strengthening the power of sheriffs:

    • The power of sheriffs was formed locally -

royal officials who

governed the county: the sheriff collected taxes,

pursued violation of order.

What significance did these reforms have for France?

Explanation of new material No. 3

Magna Carta.

After the death of Henry II, power passed to his eldest son, Richard I the Lionheart. After Richard's death, Henry II's youngest son, John the Landless, became king. In 1215 he signed Magna Carta- the great charter protected the nobility from the arbitrariness of the king, as well as knights and townspeople. However, having signed the Charter, John did not intend to fulfill its demands; having secured the support of the pope, he began a war against his opponents, but died in the midst of hostilities.

Working with a document (p.163.Semantic Reading Strategy )

Stage 1 – Before reading the text:

        Read the title, highlight familiar and new terms in it.

        Try to guess what the conversation will be about.

Stage 2 – While reading the text:

        Find new words and determine their meanings using the dictionary.

Stage 3 – After reading the text:

        Answer the questions for the test and comment on them;

    The king's power was limited, and the guilty were subject to trial.

    The charter was beneficial free people, barons, merchants.

    They received freedom, they could defend it through the courts - a law appeared.

Explanation of new material No. 4

Parliament. John's son Henry III was a spineless man, under the influence of his wife. He generously granted land and income to foreigners, which caused discontent among the population.

In 1258, the Harrows assembled a royal council, called the "mad council". The barons put forward demands to the king and he was forced to accept the demands:

    Without the barons, the king could not decide important matters;

    Foreigners had to return the castles and estates received from the king.

Having achieved their goal, the barons did not take care of the knights and townspeople. In 1265, in order to strengthen his power, Count Monifort convened a meeting, which included major spiritual and secular feudal lords, representatives of knights and townspeople. This class was called parliament.

Functions of Parliament:

    Participation in the creation of laws;

    Tax resolution;

    Control over the use of taxes;

    Restrictions on the activities of barons.

In parliament, these two houses acted together, so they were able to pass a law that no tax would be collected without the consent of the House of Commons. When approving a new tax, parliament usually presented its demands to the king and extracted concessions from him. Gradually, parliament began to participate in changing laws. The English Parliament had great influence on state affairs. But the peasants did not participate in the work of parliament. Many fled from their masters - the fugitives gathered in detachments and attacked feudal lords, bishops and officials. People composed songs - ballads - about their adventures. The favorite hero of English ballads was the good robber - Robin Hood.

Is there a difference between Parliament and the Estates General?

Calculate how many years the English Parliament has existed?

    Let's highlight what qualities did Robin Hood have?

Consolidation of the studied material:

  • Tic-tac-toe game

1. the Norman conquest began in 1066 - X

2. William I was not related to the English dynasty - 0

3. Henry II did not carry out any reforms – 0

4. Under Henry II, “shield money” appeared - X

5. Charter translated from Latin means letter - X

6. Parliament consisted only of the House of Lords - 0

7. The House of Lords and the House of Commons acted separately - 0

8. Peasants did not participate in the work of parliament - X

9. The favorite hero of English ballads was the good robber - Robin Hood - H.

Lesson summary:

    What new did you learn in class today?

War of the Scarlet and White Roses.

The emergence of the English Parliament

Norman conquest of England


Lecture 11.

England in the XI – XV centuries.

Political centralization is one of the the most important processes in education single state. Despite the general historical prerequisites for this phenomenon, it certainly has individual characteristics, characteristic of each country.

In England, strengthening political power took place in three stages. The most important event that influenced history medieval England was its conquest by French-Norman feudal lords led by William, Duke of Normandy, who received the nickname “Conqueror”.

Since the Norman Conquest, the royal power of England turned out to be stronger than in other countries of what was then Western Europe. At first, this was determined by the presence of a large royal domain, the absence of compact large feudal estates, the peculiarities of the vassal system, and the political weakness of cities. The hostility of the local population towards the conqueror, which weakened only in the second half of the 12th century, also encouraged the Norman elite to rally around the king. Taking advantage of this situation, Wilhelm I immediately created a relatively strong central government apparatus. The king's officials were placed at the head of the counties - sheriffs in charge of administration, court, collection of taxes and royal revenues. The taxes levied during the Anglo-Saxon period were retained and even increased, giving the king greater financial resources. Thus, the Norman Conquest significantly strengthened royal power, the political unity of the country and created the preconditions for the formation of a relatively centralized state in England.

The second stage of the political centralization of England can be considered further reforms of the 11th-12th centuries. The successors of William I, especially his youngest son Henry I (1100-1135), continued to strengthen the central state apparatus: a permanent royal council (royal curia), which included senior officials - royal judges, people in charge of the royal chancellery, treasury and council of taxes (justiciar, chancellor, treasurer). The curia also includes the large feudal lords most loyal to the king. It combines judicial, administrative and financial functions.

Traveling judges became important - special “judge missions” that traveled around the country and controlled the activities of the administration, the administration of justice, and the collection of taxes in the counties.

Already under Henry I, a special body was allocated within the royal curia - the treasury, which in England was called the “Chamber of the Chessboard” 1 and was in charge of collecting royal revenues and checking the financial statements of sheriffs. Within the curia there is also a judicial department.

The reforms of Henry II played an important role in strengthening the centralization of the state. In an effort to expand the competence of the royal court at the expense of the seigneurial courts, he carried out a number of reforms. Its essence was that every free person could, for a fee, obtain permission to transfer his case from any patrimonial court to the royal court, where it was investigated by a jury, while in patrimonial courts the trial was still carried out with the help of “God’s court.”

The introduction of the jury attracted a huge influx of cases from the seigneurial curiae to the royal court. The expansion of the judicial functions of the royal curia increased the king's income. In the process of judicial practice of the royal courts, the so-called common law began to gradually develop - a uniform royal law for the entire country, which gradually replaced local law applied in seigneurial courts and courts of hundreds and counties.

Henry II also carried out military reform. It consisted in the fact that the military service of the feudal lords in favor of the king was limited to a certain, relatively short period. In return for the rest, and sometimes the entire service, the feudal lords had to pay a special sum of money - “shield money”. With this money, the king hired knights, which reduced his dependence on the barons' militia. In addition, the king ordered that every free person, in accordance with his property status, have certain weapons and, when called by the king, must appear to take part in the campaign. Thus, the ancient militia of the free peasantry (Anglo-Saxon “fyrd”), which had fallen into decay, was restored, as it were.

All these reforms strengthened royal power and contributed to the centralization of the feudal state.

Henry II's attempt to place church courts under state control was unsuccessful. On this basis, he clashed with the head of the English church, Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket. During the struggle, on the unspoken order of the king, Becket was killed (1170). The pope intervened in the matter, forcing Henry II, under threat of excommunication, to bring public repentance and abandon the reform of church courts.

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Lesson 20. England: from the Norman Conquest to Parliament.
Subject: history.

Date: 12/21/2011

Teacher: Khamatgaleev E. R.

Objectives: to characterize the features of government during the Norman dynasty; consider the reforms of Henry II Plantagenet; show the formation of parliamentarism in England.

  1. Checking homework.

  2. Henry II Plantagenet.

  3. English Parliament.

Equipment: Ved. §20.

During the classes

  1. Checking homework.

  • What are the reasons for the strengthening of royal power in France?

  • What reforms did Saint Louis IX manage to implement?

  • How did the strengthening of royal power affect the reign of Philip IV the Fair?

  1. England after the Norman Conquest.

  • Who conquered England in 1066? (Duke William of Normandy, later William the Conqueror.)

  • Where did the decisive battle take place? (Under Hastings.)

To strengthen his power, William confiscated many lands of the local nobility and transferred them to his associates. At the same time, he tried to distribute the lands so that one feudal lord had them scattered throughout the country.

  • Why do you think? (To weaken the position of their vassals.)

In addition, 1/7 of all confiscated lands became the property of the king. In 1086, the king conducted a land census. The so-called Domesday Book was compiled - a list of land holdings of the inhabitants of England. In accordance with it, fixed taxes were collected.

  • What were the specific features of English feudalism? (Its specificity was the significant power of the king.)

Textbook material

  • Why is the power of the king of England in XI-XII centuries was more durable than power French king? Why did things change in the 13th century?

England after the Norman Conquest. Since 1066, when Duke William of Normandy was solemnly proclaimed King of England, for several centuries English kings simultaneously owned vast territories in France as vassals of the French king. The destinies of the two states turned out to be closely connected.

In Normandy, William had strong power over his subjects. He sought to ensure that in England the power of the monarch was no less strong. The Normans were encouraged to rally around the king by their not entirely secure position in a captured but not yet reconciled country.

The lands of the Anglo-Saxon nobility, who resisted the conquerors, were confiscated by the new king and transferred to his associates, but he did it in such a way that the possessions of the powerful barons were scattered in different parts of the country. This made possible revolts of feudal lords against royal power less dangerous. In addition, not only large, but also small feudal lords of England had to take an oath of allegiance to the king. They all became his direct vassals. Finally, Wilhelm left himself a huge domain, amounting to 1/7 of all cultivated land in the country.

The strengthening of the king's power was also facilitated by a land census carried out throughout the country in 1086 - the first in medieval Europe. As they saw her off, the king's men demanded that local residents They told them only the truth, as at the Last Judgment, so the census materials were called the “Book of the Last Judgment.” The census provided the king, firstly, with data on the size of his possessions and the income of his vassals and, secondly, with the information necessary to tax the entire population.

The conquerors arrived in England from France, where by that time feudal relations were already dominant. By establishing their customary order in the captured country, they thereby seemed to push the development of feudal relations, which had been going on in England before, but not at such a rapid pace. A feature of the development of England during this period was a significant strengthening of royal power, explained both by the fact of conquest and wise policy William the Conqueror. At the end of the 11th and 12th centuries, the power of the king was much stronger in England than in neighboring France.

  • Do you think William the Conqueror can be called an outstanding politician?

  1. Henry II Plantagenet.

  • Remember what lands Henry owned before he became English king? (He owned Anjou, as well as the lands of his wife, Alienora of Aquitaine, in the south of France.)

Henry II Plantagenet (1154-1189) was the great-grandson of William the Conqueror. During his reign, he carried out several significant reforms that led to the strengthening of royal power. He gave new powers to the sheriffs, who represented the royal authority in the counties. He introduced the so-called “shield money”, which the feudal lord could pay in order to get rid of military service. With this money, the king created his own armed forces. Henry II carried out a judicial reform that gave any subject the right, by paying a certain amount, to transfer the trial from the lord's court to the royal court. Moreover, when resolving the case, the royal judge interviewed representatives of the local population. This is how the modern jury was born. Only Catholic Church the king could not be subdued. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Beckett, firmly defended the principle of the independence of the church from secular power. Representatives of the king's inner circle conspired and killed Beckett. However, this only led to a weakening of the position of the king, who, under pressure from the pope, had to publicly repent.

Textbook material
The Angevin Empire and its creator. The great-grandson of William the Conqueror, the already familiar Henry II Plantagenet (1154-1189), besides England, also owned good half France (albeit on the condition of vassal ownership). The entire collection of vast and rich possessions that came under the rule of Henry II is sometimes called by historians Angevin power(since on his father’s side he was the Count of Anjou).

Henry II was distinguished by energy, perseverance and rare administrative talent. In England, he managed to quickly consolidate his power, so he paid most attention to his French possessions, where he was actually an independent sovereign. The king tirelessly traveled around his lands, suppressed the rebellions of the feudal lords, and strove everywhere to restore order and improve governance. He carried out several important reforms in his domains.

First of all, Henry II consolidated power CherAndfov – their representatives in the counties (as they were called in England administrative districts). Next, the king carried out military reform. Military service he replaced the knight, in whole or in part, with payment "shield money". These funds were used to gather detachments of mercenaries, who were a much more reliable force than an army consisting of vassals.

Great changes in the lives of Henry II's subjects were caused by judicial reform. Its essence was that any free person could, for a certain fee, transfer the consideration of his case from the lord's court to the king's court. In examining the merits of the case, the royal judge interviewed several “worthy, honest and trustworthy” people. Subsequently, the development of this practice led to the emergence court prisIzhnyh.

Strengthening his power, Henry II inevitably encountered the privileges of the church, which he also wanted to subordinate to his influence.

The king decided to make his friend Thomas B the head of the English church e chum salmon But Becket, having become an archbishop, changed dramatically: a lover of life’s pleasures turned into an ascetic, the king’s faithful servant began to deny the monarch’s right to impose new taxes on the church and interfere in its affairs. The king moved from exhortations to threats, but Becket firmly stood his ground. “Is there really no one who could save me from this priest!” - the angry crown-bearer once exclaimed in his hearts. The king's call was heard by the courtiers, and Becket was killed right at the altar of Canterbury Cathedral. This crime led the whole country into indignation; the Pope threatened the king with excommunication. Henry II had to repent. And Thomas Becket was later canonized and became the most revered English saint.

  • What was decisive in the canonization of Thomas Becket?

  1. English Parliament.

  • What is parliament? (Body of people's representation.)

  • Remember who became the English king after the death of Henry II Plantagenet? (His son Richard I the Lionheart.)

After Richard's death, the throne passed to his brother, John the Landless. The new king - petty, cunning, cruel - did not enjoy the love of his subjects. At the same time, he did not commensurate his ambitions with his capabilities. He got into a confrontation with dad Innocent III. But when the pope excommunicated the king, the latter had to repent and recognize himself as a vassal of the Roman throne. The king suffered one defeat after another from Philip II Augustus, losing his French possessions. The defeat by the French king at Bouvines became the reason for the uprising of the barons. In 1215, John was forced to sign the Magna Carta, which markedly limited royal power. It established the rights of the barons and the urban population, which the king had no right to violate. At the same time, a special council of 25 was created, which was supposed to monitor compliance with the Magna Carta.

Notebook entry: 1215 – the year of the adoption of the Magna Carta.

However, John the Landless, in fact, did not comply with the signed document. His son, Henry III, pursued an equally short-sighted policy. In addition, the population was outraged by the king’s foreign policy adventures. As a result, a nationwide uprising arose, led by Count Simon de Montfort. Henry III and his son Edward were arrested, London was taken, and power passed to Montfort, who convened parliament in 1265.

  • Why did Montfort convene parliament? (To strengthen your own power.)

  • Who did the parliament consist of? (From representatives of the aristocracy, knighthood, clergy and townspeople.)

As a result, the Plantagenets returned to power, but the new king Edward I was now forced to assemble a parliament, which acquired the right to approve all taxes in the state. Unlike the States General, the English parliament consisted of two chambers: the House of Lords, which included barons and representatives of the highest church hierarchy. And the House of Commons (knights, universities and townspeople were represented in it). In fact, this is the first representative class assembly in Europe. Over time, similar institutions will arise in France, Spain, Germany, Sweden, etc.

Textbook material
Magna Carta. The son and successor of Henry II, Richard I the Lionheart, spent almost his entire reign outside England. All this time he was intriguing against him younger brother John the Landless (the English call him John), instigated by Philip II Augustus. After Richard's death, John inherited all of his possessions.

The new king was not distinguished by either his father's political talent or the valor and firmness of his older brother. At the same time vengeful and cowardly, hot-tempered and treacherous, John more than once betrayed his supporters and made more and more enemies for himself. He was unable to complete a single task he started and was inactive at crucial moments.

John the Landless wanted to subordinate the barons to his power, but without showing his father’s flexibility and common sense, quickly gained fame as an insidious tyrant. Without any serious reason, he expelled unwanted barons and deprived them of their possessions. It didn’t cost him anything, having collected huge “shield money” from the barons for the war in France, to suddenly cancel the campaign and spend the money on personal needs. At the same time, the excessive extortions and abuses of royal officials turned the knights and townspeople against him.

In an effort to subjugate the English Church to his power, John came into conflict with Pope Innocent III. But the pope excommunicated him from the church and announced that he was depriving him of the throne. The frightened king was forced to make peace with the pope: he declared himself a vassal of the pope and undertook to pay him huge amounts of money every year. Now only victories in France, where he was opposed by Philip II Augustus, could save the king’s authority. But it was here that things turned out worst: in a matter of years, John lost more than half of his French possessions. Having reconciled with the pope, he tried to return them, but in 1214 he suffered a decisive defeat.

  • What else is Pope Innocent III famous for?

When this became known in England, the barons rebelled. They were supported by those sections of the population that had previously taken the side of the king: the clergy, knights, and townspeople. In 1215, the victorious barons forced the king to sign Great xALiberty.

A charter is a document that gives or confirms certain rights.

In essence, it was an agreement of surrender: the king granted the rebels everything that they sought. The Barons won more than others. The charter protected their interests and privileges from the arbitrariness of royal power.

Having won in alliance with the knights and townspeople, the barons had to take their interests into account. Therefore, the Charter protected from arbitrariness not only the nobility, but also knights and townspeople, and to some extent all free people. Special "tip 25" consisting of barons, monitored the implementation of the Charter. If the king violated it, the council could start a war against him.

Historians debate the essence and meaning of the Magna Carta. Some note that its main content is limiting the power of the king in favor of large feudal lords. Others emphasize that for the first time in the Middle Ages, free people received certain guarantees from the arbitrariness of the authorities. One thing is certain: after many centuries, in completely different historical conditions, the bold and clear formulations of the Magna Carta were again used in the struggle of the British against the arbitrariness of royal power. This is why Magna Carta is considered the cornerstone of English freedom and democracy.

  • Where and in connection with what did the word “democracy” appear?

King John had no intention of honoring the Charter. He was preparing to fight the barons, but in the midst of preparations he unexpectedly died.

The emergence of the English Parliament. The son of John the Landless, Henry III, was also no different strong character. Being under the influence of his French wife, he patronized her compatriots to the detriment of the English nobility, and became involved in activities alien to the interests of England. political struggle in Italy, while in France the Plantagenets were losing their influence. Over time, the discontent of the barons grew into a rebellion, which was supported by the knights and townspeople. But the leaders of the movement, having forced the king to accept their demands, did not take care of their allies. Therefore, the knights and townspeople, led by the most determined and far-sighted barons, continued the fight. In the outbreak of civil war, their army led by Count Sim O Mr. de Montf O Rum defeated the king's army. Henry III and Crown Prince Edward were captured. Montfort occupied London and began to rule England.

Needing broad support for his power, Montfort convened for the first time in 1265 an assembly to which, in addition to barons and bishops, representatives of knights and cities were invited. This meeting was called parliament(from the French word “parle” - to speak, that is, “a place where they speak”).

Shortly afterwards, Montfort was defeated and killed in battle. The civil war ended, and its main result was the emergence of parliament.

Although the king's power was restored, it became quite obvious that it would be extremely difficult to govern the country without the support of the estates. Therefore, the new king Edward I began to regularly use parliament in governing the state. Parliament was a good counterbalance to the influence of the nobility, and the taxes it approved were collected more easily and in greater volume than the previous arbitrary levies. In turn, representatives of the estates were given the opportunity, through parliament, to inform the king of their needs.

The structure of the English Parliament differed from the French Estates General. The king invited barons, bishops and abbots of large monasteries to it in personal letters; together they formed the House of Lords. In addition, two knights from each county and two citizens from the most were elected to parliament. big cities. They formed the House of Commons, whose importance was constantly increasing.

  • Why do you think the House of Commons has grown in importance?

This is how a government body arose in England, in which all three classes of the then society were represented. It was not the first in Europe (in Spain there are similar bodies called “court” e sy" arose somewhat earlier), but turned out to be perhaps the most famous. Later, class representation was established in many other European countries (Reichstag in Germany, Riksdag in Sweden, Sejm in Poland and the Czech Republic, etc.).

IN XIII-XIV centuries in England, as in France, it became stronger centralized state with class representation.


1. ... So that the English church would be free and have its rights intact and its liberties intact ... We also granted to all the free people of our kingdom for us and for our heirs on eternal times all the following liberties...

12. Neither shield money nor allowance should be collected in our kingdom except by the general advice of our kingdom, if it is not for the ransom of our captivity, and not for the knighting of our firstborn son, and not for the first-born marriage our daughter...

32. We will not retain the lands of those who are accused of serious crimes, longer than a year and days, and then these lands must be returned to the lords of these fiefs...

39. No free man shall be arrested, or imprisoned, or dispossessed, or declared outlaw, or banished, or in any other way dispossessed, and we will not go against him or send against him except by the lawful judgment of his peers and by the law of the land...

41. All merchants shall have the right freely and safely to leave and enter England, and to stay and travel throughout England, both by land and by water, in order to buy and sell without any illegal duties...

60. All those above-mentioned customs and liberties, which we have deigned to recognize as subject to observance in our kingdom, as far as it concerns us in relation to our vassals, everyone in our kingdom, both laymen and clergy, are obliged to observe, as far as it concerns them in attitude towards their vassals.

  • The interests of which population groups did the Magna Carta express? Confirm your answer using text. Do you think the famous Article 39 of the Charter applies to all free people, or does it mean a narrower section of the population?

  1. Self-control issues.

  1. How did the Norman Conquest affect the development of England?

  2. Locate England's possessions in France on the map. How significant were they for both states?

  3. Prove that all the main reforms and activities of Henry II were of a centralizing nature.

  4. Why did parliament, first assembled with specific purpose during the civil war, did not disappear with its end, but, on the contrary, acquired a permanent character?

  5. Based on the textbook text and the map (p. 187), determine the position of the vassals English king different from the position of the vassals of the French king?

  6. Make your own plan for paragraph 3 of the Magna Carta.

  1. Homework: read and retell §20 “England: from the Norman Conquest to Parliament” (pp. 192-201); answer questions p. 201.
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