Knows all the students in school 100. Where do Russian schoolchildren want to work?

Throughout all 11th grade, Russian schoolchildren most often dream of working in the medical field. This is evidenced by the results of a joint survey between the portal and the Brainly company. “Mel” carefully studied the students’ answers and came to the conclusion that the older they get, the more often they choose science rather than humanitarian professions.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Let’s say right away that the survey was conducted in May of this year, and about 1,600 schoolchildren took part in it. All respondents were divided into three groups: the first group included elementary school students (7-11 years old), the second group included middle school students (11-15 years old), and the third group included high school students (15-18 years old). During the survey, students were asked not only to name the specialty they would like to choose in the future, but also to explain their decision. The range of answers turned out to be quite large: from the rather banal “because it’s cool”, “I love teaching children”, “salary” to the quite witty “I feel... mine”, “I like to decide the fate of the world”, “I like that you got to the bottom of it?”

In the end it turned out that the only profession, the loyalty of which students are ready to carry through the years, is medicine or veterinary medicine. In all groups, this specialty was in first place, and only schoolchildren junior classes put it on a par with creativity and art.

In fact, creativity and art should be truly offended. The survey shows that children readily name these areas of activity at the very beginning of their life path: V junior school This profession is chosen by 21.43% of students, on average it becomes 13.65%, and at the end of training, creativity generally slides into the basement - 8th place and 5.24%.

At the same time, the study shows how, as students grow older, their interest in exact sciences. If in the younger and high school information Technology keep in the shade, then in high school they are already confidently in second place (13.61%). Economics and finance (7.85%) and exact/ natural Sciences(7.85%). At the same time, pedagogy was in third place in high school - a profession that was completely uninteresting to children in primary school.

The results of an elementary school survey can bring out a stingy man's (or woman's) tear. Children at this age are apparently driven by the kindest and most tender feelings, so they want to help others (21.43%), create and create (21.43%), and protect (9.52%). The most unclaimed specialties in this age group turned out to be economics and finance (remember the precept - “money is not the main thing”) - only 1.19%. The service sector and administrative positions gained the same number.

But already in high school everything more or less falls into place. Transport is the first to disappear from the top 10 professions: apparently, in the first four years, children manage to become disillusioned with the profession of a driver (be it a rocket or a bus). The desire to engage in art and creativity is rapidly declining, but interest in technical and engineering specialties(3.63%), as well as pedagogy (6.75%). In middle school, for the first time, children begin to dream of working in the media field (4.15%).

However, in high school they conveniently forget about this - and journalism goes to waste. Graduates have their own idols: economics/finance (7.85%), exact and natural sciences (7.85%), technical and engineering (7.33%) and legal specialties(6.28%). The only stronghold humanities Pedagogy remains (7.85%), and all the rest combined gain a modest 3.14%. It is interesting that by the end of school, children practically stop dreaming of working in the police: from third place and 9.52% in primary school, a modest 2.62% remain at the end.

Cherny Erik farm is a small dot on the map in the northwestern part of the Slavyansky district Krasnodar region. According to the latest data, its population is only 442 people. Despite the small number of inhabitants, the farm has its own school. And although there are only 43 students in it, and in some classes there is even one student, it is among the top 40 educational institutions the edges. A TASS correspondent tried to find out what the secret of the school's success was by talking with a teacher, student and parent.

Maxim Solodky, teacher, 34 years old

After studying at the Pedagogical Institute in Slavyansk-on-Kuban and working in several schools and universities, I returned to the place where I was born and to the school where I studied. Here I realized how important it is to have roots. I don’t know whether I will work in education in the future, but I don’t want to leave here - my ancestors also lived here. And my house has been seen for three centuries now. Built during the reign of my great-grandmother, who was from a very rich family. My ancestors watered this land with blood and sweat. On one line, my grandfather and grandmother were awarded medals, on the other, my grandfather was an order-bearer, so I just want to live here.

There was a period, about five years ago, when the school was in the bottom thirty educational institutions the edges. To rectify the situation, children were organized to work in laboratories. Unfortunately, we are not talking about premises equipped with modern equipment, but rather about a work space. If there is no equipment, what will you do? Take up linguistics. If you don’t want to study linguistics, take up mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Of course, I would like every teacher to have the appropriate technical opportunity: a chemist gets a chemical laboratory, and a biologist gets a biological one. But if this is not the case, just space is enough. And desires.

When everyone wants to achieve something, there is a result. Remember the psychologist Howard Gardner, he came up with the concept of “multiple intelligences”? We work according to his scheme: theme scientific work prepared, the child feels good about this topic, speaks with it at conferences, defends himself and takes up high places. And then he simply cannot show himself worse in anything else. We pulled out one aspect, through it we pull out everything else.

The only thing that should not be here is formalization. Once you formalize it all, it dies. Must be less paperwork and more creativity, time for the child. When students began to develop work in laboratories, the school rose in the rankings. Now she is among the top 40 in the region.

There should be less paperwork and more creativity, time for the child

When you enter new system, children gradually get used to the new rhythm. The explanation is simple: the child does not know what is best for him, but when he consistently does something, at first he doesn’t want to, then he begins to notice what he can do. Then, when the understanding of success comes, it no longer needs to be pushed. At some point it opens up and within the framework of this system gives results. The main thing is to understand what exactly the child likes to study. For example, he likes to collect stamps. This means that you need to write a study on philately. Our girl wrote a paper on this topic and took second place in a regional competition.

I am very proud of my colleagues. The school employs ten people who, in addition to knowledge of subjects, are talented in poetry and handicrafts. But the most important thing is that the team is united. And when he’s like that, you can move mountains. Here we prove by our example that even in a small school it is possible to teach children well.

Sasha Hominich, the only student in the eighth grade

Once upon a time there were three of us in the class, but then the rest of the guys left for the cities, and I was left alone. Now I am friends with seventh and ninth graders, and I communicate with my peers on the Internet. It’s not hard for me to study, despite the fact that I have to do 100% of my homework. If you don’t understand something, the teacher will always help and explain.

My favorite lesson is physical education. The teacher and I play table tennis together. Last year I went to regional competitions, where I took fourth place. I lost because of high school students who didn’t know the rules, that’s why they won. When at competitions my peers found out that I was alone in the class, of course, they were shocked. They started asking: “How do you even study?” I answer: “Fine. The only difference is that they explain it to you more carefully.”

They started asking: “How do you even study?” I answer: “Fine. The only difference is that they explain it to you more carefully.”

TO mandatory participation V public life school, when there are no other options, I’m already used to it. I actually like some of the promotions. Last year I did something wrong, and the teachers banned me from participating in the action as punishment." Immortal Regiment". I followed on their heels, asked to lift the ban, promised to improve. And I kept my word: to the end school year behaved well.

I like everything about school. At first they wanted to transfer me to the Chernoerkov school (Chernoerkovskoe rural settlement - locality, which includes a farm. - Approx. TASS), which is 15 kilometers from us, but there are many children studying in classes there. The teacher there needs to distribute attention among everyone, but here it is for me alone.

Lyubov Kamyshanskaya, mother of a fifth grade student

There was no question of where my son would study - we live 50 meters from the school. This is very convenient for us. If he was late at school, he was already home in five minutes. And the nearest school, besides this one, is far away. Taking a child there involves daily transportation costs.

Of course, when I took my child to this school, like any mother, I had my own fears and doubts. I thought: will he be able to pull school curriculum? Maybe he will become worse at reading or writing than others? There was some excitement, but it dissipated within the first week. There were three children in the class, they had the first teacher - always cheerful, dressed up, lessons were like holidays. My son enjoyed going to lessons and loved her very much.

In the classroom, children are one family, just like their parents. We all know each other and if there is any problem, we discuss it together. We do renovations in the classroom ourselves: we set a day, we come, we paint the walls, ceiling, and floors. This year I didn’t even donate money to school, because they said the paint was left over from last year.

I believe that if a child is not given the opportunity to become an excellent student, it does not matter whether he is alone in the class or there are 30 of them. Even if the teacher pays all his attention during the lesson only to him. But we have friends from the cities, and when I come to visit them, they are very surprised at how few students we have in our classes. They envy: you have the real thing individual education, They say.

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy.
Ralph Emerson

A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels.
Elbert Hubbard

Whoever the gods want to punish, they make him a teacher.
author unknown

Teachers work too hard and get paid too little. Indeed, it is a difficult and tedious task to reduce the level of human abilities to the very bottom.
George Leonard

A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival.
Vissarion Belinsky

The student who is not superior to his teacher is pitiful.
Leonardo da Vinci

IN good teacher we appreciate best qualities a trainer, a clown and a circus horse that is driven around in circles year after year.
Maxim Zvonarev

The characteristic of a teacher is not to hesitate in what he himself says.
John Chrysostom

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot do.
Tadeusz Kotarbiński

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.
Adolf Disterweg

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students.

To be good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

I pay the teacher, but my son is taught by his fellow students.
Ralph Emerson

When learning science, examples are more useful than rules.
Isaac Newton

Students remember nothing more firmly than the mistakes of their teachers.
Anton Ligov

All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.
Dmitriy Mendeleev

Years of study, I suppose, are wasted if one does not realize that most teachers are idiots.
Hesketh Pearson

One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact.
Adolf Disterweg

Teaching, learning.

If you don’t know how to do it yourself, teach someone else.
Anton Ligov

They demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, and if a miracle happens, no one is surprised.
Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

He who knows everything still has a lot to learn.
author unknown

He who knows how, does it; those who do not know how to teach others; and whoever does not know how to do this, teaches teachers.
Lawrence Peter

He created a school of ignorance.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

I am not a teacher. I'm just helping you study yourself.
Bruce Lee

He who knows how, does it; those who don’t know how to teach others.
George Bernard Shaw

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.

You need to study a lot to know a little.
Charles Montesquieu

By asking homework, teachers aim at students, but end up at parents.
Georges Simenon

What the teachers digest, the students eat.
Karl Kraus

The secret of teaching is to show that you have known all your life what you read about last night.
author unknown

For every one person who wants to teach, there are about thirty who don’t want to think.
Walter Sellar and Robert Yeatman

The teacher himself must be educated.
Karl Marx

From the lessons of some teachers, we learn only the ability to sit up straight.
Wladyslaw Katarzynski

Diogenes would have the most students with a barrel of wine.
Wladyslaw Katarzynski

If heaven heard the prayers of children, there would not be a single living teacher left in the world.
Persian saying

Teaching is not a lost art, but respect for teaching is a lost tradition.
Jacques Barzin

Being a teacher comes with a lifetime guarantee against kidnapping for ransom.
Stanislav Motsarski

According to teachers, eggs do not teach chicken; according to students, chicken is not a bird.
Alexander Botvinnikov

If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher.
Lev Tolstoy

Education is the sure path to prosperity. But few school teacher serves as proof of this.
author unknown

It is easier for a mentor to command than to teach.
John Locke

The ideal of perfection that teachers embody is too unattractive to strive for.
Karl Froelich

Those who teach us intelligence usually do not appeal to our intellect.
Leszek Kumor

Forever learning; but not - to learn lessons forever.
Grigory Landau

Teaching is not a lost art, but respect for teaching is a lost tradition.
Jacques Barzin

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.
Adolf Disterweg

Live and learn, and you will die a fool.
Russian proverb

There are teachers who cannot be taught anything.
Bel Kaufman

A man who is too old to learn has probably always been too old to learn.
Henry Haskins

The task of the educator and teacher remains to introduce every child to universal human development and make him a person before he masters civil relations.
Adolf Disterweg

If a child has low grades in school, then he has every chance of becoming great! Agree, it sounds strange. But centuries-old history confirms: not always bad marks become harbingers of an unsuccessful future. We know at least 15 great students who have become famous throughout the world thanks to their unique talents. We are not suggesting that you should be indifferent to your children's learning, but rather reminding them that failure in a subject does not mean that your child will not succeed in the future. So, we dare to use famous poor students as an example - we read, we are surprised, we remember!

Napoleon Bonaparte

When they talk about it genius commander, everyone remembers his significant ambitions, incommensurate with small in stature. But the fact that in his studies Napoleon was one of worst students and loved only mathematics, few know. But this was enough to achieve brilliant victories and reach one of the most crushing defeats in the world. One conclusion can be drawn: to be a good strategist, it is enough to know mathematics.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven is one of the most performed composers in the world. He still has no equal in writing music. It is known that musical education he was vaccinated in childhood - with early years studied playing the organ, violin and harpsichord. But with studies there were serious problems– Ludwig was completely at odds with mathematics and writing. His story reminds us that often people who are talented in one area are completely unsuccessful in other areas. And really, why does a musician need mathematics?...

Alexander Pushkin

Many people know that the famous Russian poet was a poor student. Pushkin's biography has been studied very carefully, including his period of study at the gymnasium. Young Alexander I knew absolutely nothing about mathematics and constantly received bad marks in this subject. However, this did not stop him from becoming the best in writing and making his name a symbol of classical Russian literature. Perhaps it is precisely because of such biographical facts famous personalities It is generally accepted that people in the humanities are simply not destined to understand mathematics.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

We remember Mayakovsky's poems from childhood. Already at the age of 11, a boy with a rebel nature got into a revolutionary circle, abandoned his lessons and dropped out of school in the 5th grade. The time he lasted at school was not easy for teachers - in his youth genius poet was a terrible tomboy. This character is reflected in literature - everyone knows Mayakovsky’s slightly harsh style with incredible energy. So, another conclusion: bad behavior at school will also not be an obstacle to a great future.

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton is another genius who faced failure in school. But his example is worthy of respect: one day, after a classmate beat Isaac, the boy came up with a way to demonstrate his superiority - to show that you are smarter. It is known that the boy grew up as a very sick and weak child. And only when he became a leader in his studies was he able to surprise those around him with his extraordinary abilities.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is the most famous “loser” in the world. The parents of the famous scientist were very worried that Albert would not be hired even for the lowest paid job. It is worth noting that he was not a notorious poor student; Einstein’s everyday grades were C’s, with the exception of mathematics and Latin. In addition to low academic performance, the boy dared to argue with teachers, which was simply unacceptable at that time. The school certificate was obtained the second time, then Albert failed the exams at the Polytechnic, receiving deuces in French and botany.

Joseph Brodsky

Joseph Brodsky was an inveterate loser and a hooligan. He despised the Soviet school system, refused to answer in class with such pronounced condescension towards the teachers that parents were not surprised at the deuces. This behavior appeared already in the 5th grade. Growing older, the young man did not betray himself - he skipped classes, received annual bad marks in physics, chemistry, mathematics and English language. It's hard to believe that after such behavior you can become Nobel laureate in literature "for comprehensive creativity, imbued with clarity of thought and passion of poetry."

Thomas Alva Edison

The famous inventor studied at school for only a short time; later his studies were replaced by home studies under the care of his mother. But even during that short period at school, the boy managed to receive very negative assessments of his knowledge - one of the teachers constantly called Thomas a “brainless idiot.” During the first month of training, he became a complete failure and his parents were called to school, saying that he was mentally retarded. After this, the family decided to study at home. For the boy, studying at home was a relief. The most important thing I taught him dear mother- this is reading. And books and own experience steel for him the best teachers for life.

Honore de Balzac

Honore had very difficult relationships with his mother, he lived in a boarding school and practically did not see his relatives. Disappointed with everything, he decided that there was no point in trying hard in his studies and was absolutely indifferent to his studies. During lessons, he looked out the window, did not pay attention to the teachers’ lectures, and answered all questions incomprehensibly. As punishment, his teachers sent him to a cold closet under the stairs so that he could think about his behavior. This happened so often that soon Honore even fell in love with this opportunity for solitude. Who knows, maybe this is what influenced creative activity famous French writer.

Winston Churchill

Famous state political figure was considered one of the stupidest students in his class. Due to poor academic performance, Winston was even suspended from studying Latin and ancient Greek language. One of the reasons low ratings– the boy’s absolute reluctance to be in class. “School has nothing to do with education. This is an institution of control, where children are instilled with basic social skills” - these words of Churchill convey his attitude about the school. If the teachers knew what Winston would receive in the future Nobel Prize in literature, no one would have believed it - it was so difficult to study with him.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

The brilliant designer and inventor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was also doomed to fail at school. main reason low scores mean health problems. Due to hearing loss, which manifested itself as a consequence of scarlet fever, lectures were very difficult for the boy. Do not rush to feel sorry for this child - despite these difficulties, Konstantin loved to misbehave and undermine the educational spirit during classes. At the age of 13, the student had to stay for the second year, and later he was expected to be expelled for poor academic performance. It was difficult to imagine that in the future this boy would become the father of theoretical astronautics.

Bill Gates

One of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates, was also a loser! His parents did everything they could to change his attitude towards studying - once they even offered to pay the boy for every A grade. However, this could not be Bill's motivation: the only thing that attracted him was books. Interestingly, science fiction works accessible to every reader inspired Gates to make great discoveries.

Lev Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy studied with governesses at home. He was not familiar with criticism and restrictions - the boy was constantly given concessions and indulgences. Naturally, with such an attitude, Leo did not want to study at all - why, if you can do other, more interesting things, and there will be little demand from you. At the university, Tolstoy remained in the second year due to failing grades in history and German language, and was expelled from the second year at will. The writer never received an education diploma, which did not become an obstacle to his implementation in the literary field.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

Dmitry Mendeleev was a notorious hooligan: he often fought with his peers, constantly skipped classes and was insolent to teachers. He practically did not do his homework and constantly lied to his mother about his grades. Such behavior could only be stopped by something out of the ordinary, and that’s what happened. Only when faced with the threat of expulsion from the gymnasium did Mendeleev come to his senses. His friends, brilliantly educated Decembrists, helped him. And after some time, the future scientist came to his senses and improved all his subjects, improving his certificate.

Anton Chekhov

It is simply impossible to imagine that the most intelligent of Russian writers stayed in school for a second year twice. But bad grades in arithmetic, geography and Greek did their job. And the most interesting thing is that in Russian literature he never had grades higher than four! The writer's talent manifested itself already at the university, when he entered the Faculty of Medicine, Chekhov began writing stories and discovered himself in a completely new capacity.