How can non-distributed agreed upon definitions be expressed? Inconsistent definitions: examples. Agreed and non-agreed definition

If the main members of the sentence are the basis, then the secondary ones are accuracy, beauty and imagery. Particular attention should be paid to definitions.

Definition as a member of a sentence

The definition refers to the word with substantive meaning and characterizes the sign, quality, property of an object that the word being defined names, answers the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?” and them case forms. There is agreement and inconsistent definition In russian language.

For example, "I loved watching the big beautiful bird white".

The defined word is “bird”. From him the question is posed: “which one?”

A bird (what?) large, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize an object in this sentence according to the following characteristics: by size, by appearance, by color.

Definitions "big, beautiful"- agreed upon, and " white"- inconsistent. How do agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones?

Definitions " big, beautiful" - agreed, they change when the defined word changes, that is, they agree with it in gender, number, case:

  • bird (what?) large, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what kind?) big, beautiful.

Definition "white"- inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) white;
  • birds (what?) are white;
  • a bird (what?) is white;
  • bird (what?) white;
  • about a bird (what?) white.

Therefore, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we have found out how agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones. The former change when the main word changes, while the latter do not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the material from which the item is made

Inconsistent words are never expressed by adjectives, participles, or harmonized pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with and without prepositions and have different meanings sign of an object. One such meaning is “the material from which the object is made.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the purpose of the item

Very often it is necessary to indicate why an object exists, then inconsistent definitions are used that mean “the purpose of the object.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the accompanying subject attribute

If it is said that something is present or something is absent from the subject of speech, then inconsistent definitions with the meaning “accompanying subject attribute” are usually used.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of item ownership

Inconsistent definitions are widely used in the language, expressing the belonging of an object or, more precisely, the relationship of an object to another object.

Distinguishing inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns, the problem of distinguishing between definitions and additions arises. Complements are also expressed by nouns in and do not differ formally from inconsistent definitions. Distinguish between these minor members only possible from a syntax point of view. It is therefore necessary to consider ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Complements refer to verbs, gerunds, participles, and definitions refer to nouns, pronouns indicating the subject.
  2. For additions we put cases, and for definitions we put the questions “which?”, “whose?”

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

In such cases, the following questions are posed: “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?” and their case forms. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by possessive pronouns.

IN her a light came on in the window (in whose window?).

His my friend didn’t come (whose friend?).

IN their the garden had the most delicious apples (in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in the simple comparative degree

If a sentence contains a simple adjective, then it is an inconsistent definition. It denotes a feature of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in some other object. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by an adjective in the simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built himself a house better ours.

Society is divided into people cleverer me and those who are not interesting to me.

Everyone wants a piece more than others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverbs

Often adverbs act as inconsistent definitions; in such cases they have the meaning of a characteristic in quality, direction, place, method of action. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Let's listen to the opinion of your neighbor (which one?) left.

The closet was small with a door (what kind?) outward.

The room was bright with a window (what kind?) against.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

The infinitive can be an inconsistent definition for nouns that have abstract concepts: desire, joy, need and the like. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture these magical pictures.

The need (what kind?) lives ineradicably in the heart. be in love anyone.

The division will perform a task (what?) take height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should experience joy (what kind?) feel yourself as a human being.

She had a habit (what?) talk with someone invisible.

Isolation of inconsistent definitions in the Russian language

Separating inconsistent definitions in writing with commas depends on the position taken and their prevalence. Inconsistent definitions that stand directly behind the word being defined - a common noun - are not prone to isolation.

At the back of the garden there was a long barn (what kind?) from boards.

The old woman served sour cream in a bowl (what kind?) with broken edge.

Girl (what?) V blue dress stood at the entrance to the park, waiting for someone.

In the park (which one?) with cleanly swept alleys it was empty and boring.

Desire (what?) survive at all costs owned him all the time.

Inconsistent definitions that appear after the main word - a common noun - are isolated only if it is necessary to give it special semantic significance. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

In the same jacket , from gray wool, she left the room as if the whole year of separation had never happened.

This vase , with a broken neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions appear before the word being defined, they are most often separated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial connotation of meaning.

In a long elegant dress, the sister seemed taller and more mature.

In a long skirt and bare arms, a girl stands on stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Inconsistent definitions are always isolated if they refer to and to a proper name. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

She, with braids to the waist, went out into the middle of the room and looked for me with her eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starched blouse, loudly called the servants and told the girl who came to remove the scattered things.

It (the sun) with red-orange rim, hung very low from the horizon.

Practical task in OGE format

Among exam tasks there is one that requires knowledge of inconsistent definitions. To complete such a task, you need to find a sentence that has an inconsistent definition. Next is a text with numbered sentences, among which you need to find the one you need.

Example 1: Find a sentence with an inconsistent common definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time neither the boy nor the man broke the silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Do you want me to buy you a dog? 5) Shepherd dog with black stripe on the back.

Example 2: Find a sentence with an inconsistent isolated definition.

1) Mother stood very close to Nadezhda.

2) She came in from the street.

3) In a raincoat and a white robe, she seemed different to Nadya than she was two months ago.

4) And Nadezhda, not yet coming to her senses, looked at her mother for three seconds, not recognizing her.

5) She saw several new wrinkles spreading from the wings of her nose to the corners of her lips.

6) Only the mother’s gaze remained the same, the same as Nadezhda wore in her heart.

Example 3: Find a sentence with an inconsistent non-isolated definition.

1) She was beaming with joy.

2) Today they called her mother.

3) Didn’t all the neighbors hear this girl with dark hair screaming:

5) The girl understood why her aunt was happy.

6) Only she herself still didn’t understand whether she was calling her.

Answers: 1(5), 2(3), 3(3).

Separate and non-separate definitions

A. Separate agreed upon definitions.

  • Common definitions expressed by a participle or an adjective with words dependent on them and coming after the qualified noun: The sun, not yet in full force, warms gently and gently; Light clouds, still pink from the sunset, stood thoughtfully in the sky. .
  • Two or more single definitions appearing after the noun being defined are isolated if this noun preceded another definition: The other shore, high, mountainous, was deserted . In the absence of a previous definition, two subsequent single definitions are separated or not separated depending on the degree of their connection with the defined noun. Wed: A) The night has come, moonlit, clear; People, small, black, fussily run past the monuments ; b) He began to talk about his childhood days in strong, heavy words.; He lived a long and difficult life; Away from the rich neighborhoods, we saw tired people with an expression of hopelessness in their eyes, with gloomy and sad faces (in the examples of the second group, nouns without definitions do not independently express the desired meaning).
  • A single definition stands out, standing after defined noun, if this definition has an additional circumstantial meaning: The boy, offended, blushed (that is, “because I’m offended”) ; People, amazed, became like stones (“because they were amazed”).
  • Common or single definitions that stand directly before defined by a noun if they have additional adverbial meaning(causal, conditional, concessive, temporary): Attracted by the light, the butterflies flew in and circled around the lantern.; Always calm and reasonable, Victor was in no hurry to answer; Surprised, the girl could not say anything .
  • Single isolated definition carries a significant semantic load, meaning can be equated to subordinate clause , may have a clarifying meaning: And within a few minutes it was already raining, pouring .
  • A definition, common or single, is isolated if it separated from the qualified noun other members of the proposal(regardless of whether the definition comes before or after the word being defined): Daria is in a hurry to get things done... and, full of thoughts about her husband, calls him and speaks to him; Their eyes closed and, half-closed, they also smiled; Kashtanka stretched, yawned and, angry, gloomy, walked around the room; Filled with the sun, buckwheat and wheat fields lay across the river .
  • The definition is isolated, personal pronoun, regardless of the degree of prevalence and location of the definition: Short, stocky, he had with terrible force in hand...; I, tired and worn out by the difficult journey, was given tea and put to bed; Surprised and offended, I fell silent . Definitions for personal pronouns in exclamatory sentences like: Oh, you're stupid! Oh, I'm clueless!

B. Separate, inconsistent definitions.

  • Inconsistent definitions expressed indirect cases nouns (usually with prepositions), are isolated if it is necessary to emphasize the meaning they express: This man, a soldier with a bag on his shoulder, stopped and came close to Dolokhov’s horse...; She was a slender, slightly lean girl with smart brown eyes on a pale, long face .
  • Most often, inconsistent definitions are isolated at own name and with a personal pronoun: Ivanov, with a hat on his head, stood nearby; I'm surprised that you, with your kindness, don't feel it .
  • Inconsistent definitions are separated if form a series homogeneous members with preceding or following separate agreed definitions: My companion, thin, tall, with a hooked nose and drooping mustache, angry and hungry, walked silently next to him. .
  • Inconsistent definitions are isolated, expressed comparative degree adjective, if the defined noun is preceded by an agreed definition: Another room, almost twice as large, was called the hall .
  • An inconsistent definition is distinguished by a dash, expressed indefinite form verb, if you can put the words “namely” in front of it without damaging the meaning: Each of them set themselves a noble goal - to serve society .

B. Non-separate agreed upon definitions.

  • Participles and adjectives with dependent words, standing after indefinite pronoun , are not isolated, since they form one whole with the preceding pronoun: Something flashed, flapping its light wings; Someone who looked like a military man came in .
  • Definitive, demonstrative and possessive pronouns are not separated by a comma from the following participial phrase: All students who appeared for the exam were well prepared; You need to learn these words written on the board .
  • Common definitions are not distinguished coming before the noun being defined(if they do not have additional adverbial shades of meaning): Daria Alexandrovna stood among the things scattered around the room .
  • Common definitions that appear after the defined noun are not isolated if the latter itself is in this proposal doesn't express the required concept and needs a definition: Marya Dmitrievna assumed a dignified and somewhat offended look (the combination “took on the form” does not make sense, looked dignified and offended - predicate); We were greeted by a young and pleasant-looking man .
  • Common definitions are also not distinguished if in meaning they are connected not only with the subject, but also with the predicate, being part of the predicate: People walked completely wet, angry . This usually happens with verbs of motion and state acting as a significant connective.
  • Definitions are not separated expressed complex shape comparative or superlatives adjective, since it does not form a turnover and acts as a single member of the sentence: More accurate information is needed; The most accurate information received .sources:

Exercise on the topic “Isolating definitions”

Exercise: indicate the numbers of sentences where definitions need to be separated.

1. The old man’s wrinkled face froze in an expression of melancholy.
2. The golden ball of the sun rose across the high and transparent sky.
3. Tired of the spring bliss, I fell into involuntary oblivion.
4. The horses walked slowly across the steppe, densely overgrown with grass.
5. Near the outskirts, a window open to the sky is burning.
6. A panorama that was amazing in its appearance unfolded before us.
7. Pugachev, true to his promise, approached Orenburg.
8. Excited and tired, I threw myself into a chair.
9. He carefully read the letter written in small handwriting.
10. I was taken off the horse, wet to the last thread, almost without memory.
11. On the table lay the pebbles and shells the boy had collected.
12. A lamp covered with a yellow shade illuminated the room.
13. Silent, he did not forbid me to talk about everything.
14. Sciences alien to music were alien to me.
15. The moisture-smelling March snow crunches underfoot.
16. Small houses appeared on the outskirts among the old trees beginning to curl.
17. Snowfall that did not stop for several days limited visibility.
18. For blue seas forgotten, he faded away alone.
19. For the third week it rained persistently and mercilessly.
20. An electric flashlight suspended on a pine branch illuminated the children’s faces.
21. The sand that became damp at dawn was strewn with pine needles.
22. Angry in appearance, he was kind at heart.
23. Drops of dew that have not yet had time to dry sparkle on the foliage.
24. The silence was interrupted by the sounds of a song flying from afar.
25. Black eyes, serious and piercing, looked at me.
26. Suddenly a shadow flashed on a bright stripe crossing the floor.
27. Tired of walking through the swamp, I wandered into the barn and fell asleep deeply.
28. Suddenly the entire steppe shook and, engulfed in blue light, expanded.
29. Enriched with new concepts and feelings, he began to re-read his books again.
30. Growing up in poverty and hunger, Paul was hostile to those who were in his opinion rich.

I. Definitions are separated, standing in post position , i.e. after defined (or substantivized word):

1. expressed participial phrase.

  • City, destroyed in the center , with the streets somehow tidied up and swept, it fell wearily silent.
  • (V.P. Astafiev)
  • All, railway related , is still filled with the poetry of travel for me.
  • (K. G. Paustovsky)

2. expressed adjective with words dependent on it.

  • Those are also worth three, everyone is gloomy.
  • (M. Gorky)

II. Singles definitions, standing after defined noun, are separated:

1. if before already defined by a noun there is a definition. *

  • The whole look Arkadieva uncles, graceful and thoroughbred , retained his youthful slimness.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • Small Anechka, elegant and beautiful , I was looking forward to Santa Claus.

3. if it applies to a single definition comparative turnover.

  • List literature , huge , like a real high school student, I had to read it over the summer.

III. Separate themselves common or single definitions standing directly before determinednoun (in preposition), if they have additional adverbial meaning(causal, conditional, concessive, temporary).

  • Deafened by a heavy roar ,
  • Terkin bows his head.
  • (A. T. Tvardovsky)
  • Disheveled , unwashed , Nezhdanov looked wild and strange.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)

Such definitions can be preceded by the word "being" or convert them to adverbial clauses. (Wed: Being deafened by a heavy roar, Tyorkin bows his head. Or: Terkin bows his head, because he is deafened by a heavy roar.)

IV. Regardless of location always in sentence are isolated common or single definitions:

  • She, calm and calm , I spent a long time preparing for the upcoming conversation.
  • Full of thought , walked I once on the high road.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • A He, rebellious , asks for storms
  • As if there is peace in the storms!
  • (M. Yu. Lermontov)

2. separated from the defined noun by text.

  • Young travelers very tired and , exhausted , we barely trudged to our overnight stop.
  • And in the yard , dull and boring ,
  • rang out bell monotonous.
  • (M. Yu. Lermontov)

V. Not isolated common (or single definitions):

1. standing in preposition And not having additional circumstantial meanings.

  • The expanse of the plain flowed into hung with rare clouds sky.
  • (K. A. Fedin)
  • Her big eyes, filled with inexplicable sadness, seemed to be searching in my something like hope.
  • (M. Yu. Lermontov)

3. expressed by a complex form of the name, since such forms do not form a turnover and are indivisible member offers.

  • In a circle closest to the bride were her two sisters.
  • (L.N. Tolstoy)

* Note.

If there is no definition before the defined noun - isolation of single definitions standing in post position , optional: definitions are isolated when they convey the meaning of an additional characteristic, and are not isolated if they have a close intonation-semantic connection with the word being defined.

  • And the Cossacks , both on foot and on horseback , they took three roads to three gates.
  • (N.V. Gogol)
  • Under this thick gray overcoat my heart was beating passionate and noble...
  • (M. Yu. Lermontov)

In the first sentence of the definition on foot And horse-drawn transmit the value of the additional characteristic; they can be lowered without significant damage to semantic structure offers.

In the second sentence of the definition passionate And noble closely related in meaning to the word being defined heart. The hero of M. Yu. Lermontov emphasizes that the heart knows how to love, namely passionate, noble heart.

We continue to explore the levels language system, based on the book "Russian language: I understand - I write - I check." Topics that are very important for understanding the language system will remain outside our attention." Incomplete sentences", "Affirmative and negative sentences", "Suggestions on the purpose of the statement. The role of word order, intonation and form of the predicate in a sentence." Now the emphasis is on direct preparation for the Unified State Exam, but for a holistic perception of the language, all of these and other undiscussed topics are very important. We will talk about the isolation of minor members, in particular agreed upon definitions.

Lesson 25. Separation of secondary members. Isolation of consistent single and common definitions. Learning to create statements

Let's compare the offers:

1) Leaves curled up and blackened by frost rustle underfoot in a birch alley.(I. Bunin)

2) Leaves, curled and blackened by frost, rustle underfoot in the birch alley.

The structure of both sentences is the same. Here are the compositions of the subject and predicate with common minor members:

leaves(which?) curled up and blackened by frost;

rustling(Where?) under your feet in a birch alley.

Exercise. What are the two main homogeneous minor members in the group that makes up the subject? What part of speech are they expressed, what dependent word do they have, and what is this turn called?

However, the presented sentences do not coincide in the order of the words - members of the sentence, which leads to a redistribution of logical and intonation accents.

In the first sentence, the word order is direct, the intonation of the phrase is neutral, the subject is emphasized with a slight logical emphasis leaves and circumstance alley(check!), no punctuation is required.

In the second sentence, the common definition, expressed by the participial phrase, comes after the subject - the word being defined. This provision gives the definition greater independence, an additional message, which in speech is shown by logical and intonation emphasis (check!), and in writing - by commas.

As we know, any members of a sentence can change their location (at the author’s request, of course), but at the same time grammatical basis always remains the grammatical center of the utterance, even if the logical load does not fall on it. Secondary members of a sentence, which, with a changed word order or other speech conditions take on a special logical load, and in writing are distinguished by punctuation marks with commas or dashes, called isolated, and the semantic and intonation highlighting of the secondary members of the sentence itself is called isolation.

To understand the essence of the separation of definitions, we must remember:

a) which secondary members of the sentence relate to definitions;

b) what definitions are called agreed upon and what parts of speech can be expressed;

in which main member sentences extends the definition;

d) what part of speech is the word being defined and what type of syntactic subordinating connection between the defined word and the agreed definition;

e) as well as suffixes of participles

(all answers are in the discussed lessons).

It is also important that the definition usually takes place next to the word being defined - before or after it, and the neutral position of the agreed definition when in direct order words - up to the word being defined: wild dog.

The isolation of agreed definitions - both single and common - depends primarily on the location of the definition in relation to the word-subject being defined, as well as on the part of speech in which the word being defined is expressed.

Single agreed definitions, expressed by adjectives and participles, and common ones, expressed by adjectives with dependent words and participial phrases, are distinguished.

Agreed Definition

1. If a definition, single or common, is worth after defined word - noun (that is, when reverse order words). For example:
1) Ball, red, remained a bright spot in the blue sky.
2) Marina, smiling, sat by the window.

3) Baluev, so strong in its inseparability from life, was dull and gray.(V. Veresaev)
4) We heard a dull noise and saw Terek, .(A. Pushkin)
Not isolated
1. If the definition is worth before defined by a word - a noun, for example:
1) Red the ball remained a bright spot in the blue sky.
2) Smiling Marina was sitting by the window.
3) So strong in its inseparability from life Baluev was dull and gray.
4) We heard a dull noise and saw spreading in different directions Terek.
2. If a common definition comes before the word being defined - a noun and has an additional adverbial meaning (reasons, conditional, etc.), for example:
1) Accompanied by an officer, the commandant entered the house.(A. Pushkin)
2. If a common definition comes before the word being defined - a noun and does not have an additional adverbial meaning, for example:
Accompanied by an officer the commandant entered the house.
3. If the definition is separated from the defined word of the noun by other members of the sentence, for example:
And again, cut off from tanks by fire, the infantry lay down on a bare slope.(M. Sholokhov)
3. If the defined word, a noun without a definition, does not express a complete meaning and therefore requires mandatory expansion, for example:
I was afraid to hear things for myself quite unpleasant . - Combination afraid to hear things has no meaning without a definition.
4. If the word being defined is a personal pronoun, then the definition is always isolated, regardless of location, for example:
Lulled by sweet hopes , he was fast asleep. (A. Chekhov)
He slept soundly, lulled by sweet hopes.
He was lulled into a deep sleep.
Lulled to sleep, he slept soundly.
4. If the definition refers to the word being defined - defining pronoun, then, as a rule, it is not isolated, for example:
All those who came to the meeting sat quietly.
However, if there is logical pause separation possible:
All, those who came to the meeting, sat quietly.

Rationale for separation(in order of points).

1. The definition that comes before the word being defined (in reverse word order) carries a special logical load of an additional message, practically approaching in meaning to another sentence (subordinate attributive) as part of the main statement, and is always intoned in speech. This is especially true for the common definition, expressed by the participial phrase; compare with the example given: We heard a dull noise and saw the Terek, which spread in different directions.

Compare change in intonation and carry logical stress from definition to the word being defined in synonymous sentences with direct word order without isolation in the second column.

2. A common definition with an adverbial meaning, expressed by a participial phrase, can be replaced by a circumstance - participial phrase with the word being. For example, a synonymous sentence: Accompanied by an officer, the commandant entered the house.

Circumstantial significance is mainly given to the definitions expressed passive participles. Active participles tend to have an adverbial meaning if they appear before proper names, for example: Previously attracting attention, Mitya was now nothing special.

3. The definition, as we know, must be located next to the word being defined. To prevent the phrase from being constructed incorrectly, the definition separated from the word being defined must be isolated, thus indicating its special logical load.

4. The presence of a definition with a personal pronoun only as a separate one is explained morphological properties pronouns - point to an object without naming it. Since the definition must characterize the word being defined in terms of its quality or attribute, and pronouns have neither one nor the other, then the definition and the word-pronoun being defined are syntactically incompatible.

Note. In sentences with a zero connective between the subject and noun part of a compound nominal predicate, a separate agreed definition can in turn relate to the subject. In this case, in writing it becomes necessary to place two punctuation marks at the same time before the predicate - a dash between the subject and predicate and a comma closing a separate definition, for example:

This fence, surrounded by barbed wire - the most unpleasant place in the town.

Exercise. There is a sentence in the review essay The author-publicist uses lexical means, characteristic fiction and promoting the reader’s interest in the author’s position. In this phrase, the semantic emphasis is shifted to a separate participial phrase, and therefore to “signs of the subject”: it is important for the reviewer to show the essence of the lexical means that the author uses. Let's rearrange the phrase to the word being defined: The author-publicist uses lexical means characteristic of fiction and promoting the reader’s interest in the position occupied by the author.. What - the subject or signs of the subject - are highlighted in the phrase? Which part of the sentence is at the end of the phrase and therefore takes the stressed position? Which phrase - the first or the second - is clearer and why?

Not isolated adjective in full form and participle, if they are part of a compound nominal predicate. In this case, these parts of speech take place not next to the word being defined, but after the linking verb denoting movement or state, and form a semantic whole with it, for example:

We're from the party left happy.

The essence of the message is to show not the process, but the state of the subject, which is confirmed by the location of the adjective after the verb, and not next to the pronoun.

Compare the sentence with another word order: Satisfied , we left the party. Prove, guided by the lesson material, that with this word order, the adjective satisfied will necessarily be a separate definition.

Exercise. Read the sentence with a separate definition. Compose a synonymous with a non-separated definition next to it. Please note that with a non-isolated definition, the semantic emphasis is on the noun being defined (the subject is important to the author), and with a separate definition - on the definition (the characteristics of the subject are important).

Sample. The letter, written in small handwriting, lay on the table. - A letter written in small handwriting lay on the table.

1. Readers liked the poems of the young poet, published recently. 2. The sea stretched out in front of us, golden in the rays of the sun. 3. The village, still sleeping at such an early hour, appeared around the bend. 4. People, amazed, stood rooted to the spot. 5. The excursion organized by the history teacher brought great benefit to the high school students. 6. The wind, cold and nasty, climbed under the coats of passers-by.

Participial after the defined word Child,| fell asleep in my arms|, suddenly woke up.
Participial phrase both before and after the word being defined, if it is a pronoun Upset about her son, she couldn’t pull herself together.
Participial phrase before the word being defined, if it has an additional adverbial meaning Shocked by the news, the mother slowly sank into a chair. (why? for what reason?)
Two or more agreed definitions appearing after the word being defined Child, full and satisfied, fell asleep in my arms.
Agreed definition, possibly single, if the word being defined is a pronoun 1).He, well-fed, quickly fell asleep. 2). Well-fed,

he quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent separate definition

Isolated circumstance

Standalone application Application - special kind definition expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines:

jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden. Both single and common application, if the word being defined is a pronoun He,, helped me a lot.
A common application, if it appears after the word being defined, expressed by a noun My brother, excellent doctor treats all our relatives.
If the application is “detached” from the word being defined The door was opened by the son of our neighbors, five year old baby.
Single non-extended definition, if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words He saw his son baby, and smiled.
Any application, if it comes after the word being defined - a proper name Bear, neighbor's son desperate tomboy.
Isolation expressed by proper names, if they serve to clarify or explain And the neighbor's son started the fire, bear, a desperate tomboy.
Application, if it comes before the word being defined - a proper name, if it expresses an additional adverbial meaning Architect from God, Gaudi could not build an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Task 17

What is meant? There are appeals in the language, introductory words and combinations, introductory sentences , plug-in structures. All these phenomena relate to the topic. But in KIMs there is a circle linguistic phenomena

narrowed Therefore, we will limit ourselves to introductory words and sentences. What do you need to know about them?
1. Introductory words are not parts of the sentence.
2. Introductory words are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence. Everyone knows that they are separated by commas in writing. The difficulty is not in punctuation as such, but in the need to recognize such words, combinations of words and constructions. The fact is that in Russian the same word can appear in different roles

. How not to confuse introductory words with homonymous members of the sentence? We learn to distinguish. To do this, compare: Fortunately, my mother did not ask what time I returned, and unpleasant conversation

did not have. Fortunately

- introductory word, separated by a comma.

did not have. The dishes break, fortunately. - addition, syntactic connection

- control: beats (to what?) fortunately. Try lowering fortunately
. In the second sentence, this cannot be done without violating the meaning and grammatical structure of the sentence.

Let's compare:

The dishes break, fortunately. ≠ The dishes break. Try lowering You feel that this is not the same thing at all. Why doesn't the second sentence allow for such a transformation? Because Try lowering is not part of the sentence. Moreover, it is not grammatically related to any part of the sentence. Therefore, the sentence structure will not change if the introductory word is omitted.

In the Russian language, many words can be used in two ways: both as introductory words and as members of a sentence.

Maybe Oh, my brother will become a musician. ≠ Brother May be musician: he has perfect pitch.
You, right, from North? ≠ You solved the problem right.
Maybe, he will call today. ≠ Article Maybe write in a week.
See, we are not late, you worried in vain. ≠ You you see road sign?

In some cases, a double interpretation of the meaning of a sentence is possible, for example:

She's definitely right.

undoubtedly= of course: speaker’s confidence, introductory word

She's definitely right.

undoubtedly= without conditions and restrictions, circumstance of measure and degree

Then, he became a famous actor.

Then - word introducing argument, introductory word

Then he became a famous actor.

Then= later, time circumstance

In such cases, broader context and intonation help to distinguish between introductory words and sentence members. oral statement or punctuation of writing. But in CIMs there are no commas: everyone must determine for themselves whether they are needed or not. This means that the only thing you can focus on is the meaning of the sentence and the possibility - the impossibility of omitting the analyzed words without violating grammatical connections and sentence structure.

Lists of examples will help you notice introductory words and sentences.

What is expressed

Emotions, feelings, assessment

Fortunately, to joy, unfortunately, to chagrin, to chagrin, unfortunately, to shame, to surprise, to amazement, to happiness, to joy, to surprise, to happiness, to truth, to conscience, to justice, what good , strange thing, amazing thing, funny to say, don’t say it as a reproach