How to get a social scholarship c. What documents are needed for a social scholarship?

Current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of benefits and payments for students. The most popular form of student incentives is a social scholarship. It is worth noting: there are a large number of its types: to stimulate talented youth, encourage graduate students and future candidates of science, or be issued to improve the financial situation of a low-income student.

Who is eligible for the scholarship?

The state social scholarship is paid to students who have a low income or who have a situation that significantly affects it.

It’s worth noting right away: the source of receiving this type of assistance is the federal budget, and therefore only students on a budgetary form can count on this type of assistance. Current legislation does not provide for any time restrictions, and therefore a student can receive a social scholarship until the end of his studies at the university.

  1. Disabled people of the first and second groups who provided an extract from official documents.
  2. Orphans and students who have lost their legal guardians. This type of scholarship has one more limitation - upon reaching 24 years of age, a citizen loses the right to receive it.
  3. Representatives of families whose average income is below the minimum established (low-income). Also requires confirmation from social security authorities.
  4. Students who are recognized as victims of radiation contamination (accidents at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Mayak PA).
  5. Persons who have become victims of man-made and natural emergencies.
  6. Those who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a contract (with at least three years of service).

In addition to them, at the discretion of regional and municipal authorities, as well as the management of the educational institution and faculty (institute), the following can count on a social scholarship:

  1. Students from young families, including those raising children.
  2. Representatives of large families.
  3. Students whose guardian or parent has a first or second group disability.
  4. Students from single-parent families (where one of the parents is absent).

When can payments be suspended?

The main reason for suspending payments or not making them at all is low attendance. In some cases, the reason for this may be debts on one or more items. Fortunately, the law reserves the student’s right to correct the situation and insist on reimbursement of the entire amount that was not transferred to him for the entire period of the debt.

How is a social scholarship awarded?

The obligation to compile a list of recipients (recipients) is assigned by law to the management of universities. They are also obliged to determine the required frequency of payments - most often this period is one month. Based on this, the social scholarship is assigned for a calendar year and after two semesters, a representative of the “optional” category may lose financial assistance by decision of the rector’s office or dean’s office.

Other types of assistance, such as personal or academic scholarships, do not deprive the student of the right to receive a social scholarship for students in 2017 year. It is important to familiarize yourself with the regulations on the assignment of financial assistance at the very beginning of the academic year, since it also indicates the deadline for submitting documents (certificates) to confirm your status. In most cases, the student will have about one month to collect the necessary papers.

What documents are required to receive a social scholarship?

The list of documents directly depends on which of the categories listed above the student belongs to. Payment of social scholarships to students in 2017 is based on:

  • for disabled people - a certificate of disability, made according to a standard sample and issued by a medical and labor expert commission;
  • for orphans and those who have lost their guardians - a corresponding document from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The procedure for applying for scholarships for representatives of low-income families is a little more complicated. To apply for this type of financial assistance, they will need a certificate from the Department of Social Protection of the Population, which geographically serves the student’s place of registration. This organization will need to provide the following list of documents:

  1. Copies of passports (or documents replacing them) and birth certificates of all family members.
  2. Extract from the house register or financial and personal account. Both documents are provided by multifunctional centers, as well as passport offices.
  3. A certificate from a university or college indicating enrollment or study on a budget basis.
  4. Copies of a work record book or certificate from the labor exchange for all unemployed able-bodied family members.
  5. A statement of the confirmed total income of all family members for the last quarter.

Receipt process

Simultaneously with the provision of all the above documents, the student will be asked to fill out an application for a certificate. After its adoption, employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population will check the information given to them and calculate the average income and compare it with the minimum indicators for your constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

If this figure is lower, the family is recognized as low-income and the student receives a corresponding certificate. This document must be submitted to the leadership of the faculty (institute), or to the accounting department. There, the student will be asked to submit an application for a social scholarship.

An important point: the validity period of the certificate of low-income family is one calendar year from the date of receipt. That is, to receive a social scholarship two semesters later, you will have to repeat the procedure described above again.

Volume of payments

This year, the minimum amount of a social scholarship established by law is 2,010 rubles for students on a budget-funded place at a university. For a secondary educational institution the situation is much worse - there the figure is 730 rubles. In reality, payments will certainly be higher than these figures.

Important: cessation of payments if a student’s academic performance is positive is a criminal offense. It falls under two articles at once:

  • 145 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Non-payment of wages, pensions, scholarships, benefits and other payments”;
  • 285 part 1 “Abuse of official powers.”

For displaced people

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 N 1000, foreigners, migrants and stateless persons have the full right to receive social scholarships in the general manner. At the same time, they must also be trained at the expense of the federal budget. All the above requirements apply to them as well.

Also, the provision of material assistance may be regulated by international treaties that the Russian Federation has concluded with other countries. Consequently, along with other students, displaced students are also entitled to a social scholarship. In this context, 2017 did not bring any changes to the current state of affairs.

Bottom line

A social scholarship is one of the forms of social assistance for students of higher secondary educational institutions. Only those who study full-time at the expense of government funding, including immigrants, foreign citizens and stateless persons, can count on receiving it. State social scholarships are awarded to students from the following population groups:

  • disabled people of groups I and II;
  • orphans;
  • victims of radiation and natural disasters;
  • low-income;
  • past 3 years of contract service in the RF Armed Forces.

In all cases, confirmation of belonging to one of these categories falls on the shoulders of the student himself. A certain period is allotted for submitting documents (mostly a month from the beginning of the academic year); registration is required every two semesters, regardless of whether you have received payments in the past.

In Russian universities and colleges, some categories of students can receive a so-called social scholarship. This is a monthly cash benefit that is paid to those in particular need. In this article, we looked at who is entitled to such a scholarship, how to achieve it and in what amount it can be received.

In Russia, a full-time student is a certain status that allows in many cases to equate a student at a university until he reaches 23 years of age with minor citizens. This indicates the recognition of full-time students as more socially vulnerable sections of society. But there are special categories of students who need constant financial support measures due to extreme need; a state social scholarship is established for them.

This is a benefit provided for by the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, paid to special categories of students receiving education on a budgetary basis. Students with benefits can study both at the highest level - a university, and at the secondary level - at a secondary school (college, vocational school, technical school).

The procedure for assigning and issuing social benefits to students is spelled out in detail in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1000 dated August 28, 2013 ( Order of the Ministry of Education and Science).

A student applying for a scholarship and a college student who is entitled to financial assistance from the budget must be paid, as a rule, in the form of a monthly payment to a special bank account.

A scholarship in the nature of social support does not replace an academic scholarship; its payment does not in any way affect the remuneration due for good academic performance.

Who is eligible to receive

The list of persons entitled to receive social financial assistance is determined at the federal level. Despite the limited list, the normative act provides educational institutions with some freedom in this matter. Management has the right to decide on additional measures to support those in need using funds from off-budget fund establishments. These could be:

  • Expanding the circle of scholarship recipients by including additional groups of people in need (for example, members of large families, young parents);
  • Increase in the federally established monthly payment amount.

The following categories are established by law:

  1. Orphans, as well as children left without guardians, including those whose both parents or the only parent who raised them died during their education;
  2. Children who have been disabled since childhood, as well as those who have become disabled with the assignment of the first and second groups of disability, who also received disability due to illness or injury during military service;
  3. Combat veterans ( more details in the Law “On Veterans”);
  4. Contract servicemen who have served in the armed forces for at least 3 years are equated with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian National Guard, civil defense, state security, and the FSB;
  5. Persons exposed to radiation or injured during man-made disasters;
  6. Low-income citizens.

A social scholarship provided for the poor is awarded only if the applicants document their need, namely, the level of income per family member must be less than the minimum subsistence level adopted in each specific region of the country.

  • Children from a large family;
  • Young parents;
  • Children whose parents are recognized as disabled people of non-working groups (I and II).

To receive a monthly social benefit, a student must confirm his status. State social scholarships, in accordance with current legislation, are awarded to persons who have provided supporting documents to the educational institution; they are different for each category of beneficiaries.

The termination of the scholarship does not depend on the student’s academic performance, since the measure is not stimulating, but supporting in material terms. If a person has confirmed his right to receive this benefit, the educational institution cannot refuse him. Termination is only possible:

  • upon completion of studies at an educational institution (including upon expulsion);
  • in the case when the status that affects the receipt is lost (the student is no longer considered low-income, a decision is made to remove the disability).

For the reason specified in the second paragraph, the recipient of the benefit must notify the dean’s office about this, since if the student receives the benefit without justification, the student may be held accountable.

Is a social scholarship available to payers?

In addition to the established list of persons applying for a social scholarship, the legislation establishes two mandatory conditions. Firstly, training must be carried out on a budgetary basis. Secondly, the form of study chosen by the student is full-time only.

At the same time, if a student is on academic leave or parental leave until he turns 3 years old, this will not be a legal reason to interrupt the transfer of social scholarships. If a student is asked to write any kind of refusal for the period of absence, this will be illegal.

Students of evening and correspondence faculties are deprived of receiving benefits, because they master educational programs without interrupting their work.

Paying students are also not provided with this privilege. If a student’s education is paid for by himself or his parents, then if he becomes an orphan or recognized as disabled, some universities provide for a transfer to free education. But this becomes possible with high performance indicators. Also, taking into account the financial difficulties of students, the management of the educational institution is accommodating and provides a deferred payment.

Taking into account the direction of social policy in Russia, in 2019 it is planned to establish new benefits for families with children. It is possible that this will also affect student support measures.

Amount of financial assistance

The amount of financial assistance is established by government regulations. Minimum values ​​have been established, which depend on the level of the educational institution:

  • 730 rubles – for students in secondary schools;
  • 2010 rubles – for students at state universities.

The amount of a social scholarship cannot be assigned below the given indicators. From educational program: bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree doesn't depend at all. The payment is transferred in one payment per month.

Regulatory acts provide that some students are guaranteed an increased social scholarship. Only students who meet the following conditions are eligible to receive it:

  1. Freshmen and sophomores;
  2. Training is carried out according to bachelor's and specialist's programs;
  3. Have good academic performance, there are no “satisfactory” points in the grade book;
  4. Belong to one of the categories of the legislative list of students on benefits, discussed earlier;
  5. Does not belong to the specified categories, but has not reached 20 years of age at the time the scholarship is awarded and the student’s only parent has group I disability.

According to Government Decree No. 679, the amount of the benefit is 6,307 rubles. The indicated value is an irreducible minimum; institutions have the right to increase it. The order of the Ministry of Education contains a rule according to which: the amount of scholarships, including increased social scholarships, must be greater than or equal to the cost of living per person in the country as a whole.

This indicator is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for each quarter of the calendar year. To assign an increased scholarship, the educational institution forms its own scholarship fund, taking into account the 4th quarter of the previous year. The increased amount of cash payments is established based on the results of the session.

In case of termination of studies, a social scholarship, including an increased one, is paid in proportion to the time that the expelled student devoted to study from the first day of the calendar month to the day of expulsion.

Who is in charge of the appointment?

The state social scholarship is assigned by order of the head of the institution, the rector of the university or the director of a vocational school or college. The administrative act indicates the date from which payments begin. This is the date the student submits the necessary documents confirming his right to receive a social scholarship.

A document certifying that a student is classified in one of the preferential categories must contain the period for maintaining such status. If we are talking about a permanent certificate (for example, a veteran’s certificate, a certificate of disability, a certificate of absence of a guardian), then the appointment of a preferential scholarship occurs before graduation. From January 1, 2017, the procedure for awarding scholarships has changed for low-income citizens. They were required to not only confirm their insufficient income, but also their receipt of government assistance. For those students who are recipients of state social assistance ( for the poor), the scholarship is awarded for exactly 1 year, just like state social assistance.

You will need this information:

The procedure for assigning any payments is fixed in the relevant local act of the educational institution. The decision on the amount of social benefits from the budget for students is made by the Academic Council, taking into account student opinion and representatives of the students' trade union (when it is established in an educational institution). The accepted level of scholarship should not be less than the normatively established one.

How to apply for

In order to apply for a social scholarship, you must ensure in advance that you have all the necessary documents. The Department of Social Policy prepares certificates from 2 weeks to a month, and documents on the basis of which social payments are made must be submitted to the dean’s office until early October, while writing a statement.

The status of an orphan and a person left without care is confirmed by a certificate from the guardianship; veterans provide a certificate; for persons with disabilities, the certificate indicates the validity period of the restrictions.

To go to the district Department of Social Policy, a student needs 2 types of certificates from an institute or college: about receiving a scholarship and about studying at this institution. Based on these papers and a copy of the passport, the applicant will be issued a corresponding certificate for receiving a social scholarship.

The government agency will also additionally request the following documentation if the student is low-income:

  1. Certificate No. 40, which is taken at the place of residence and reflects the composition of the family living at a specific address;
  2. 2NDFL with data for the previous 3 months for all working family members, as well as other documents indicating the total family income (it also includes pensions, benefits, alimony payments). If a healthy, able-bodied family member has no income, he brings a certificate stating that he is registered with the labor exchange;
  3. Copies of passports, birth certificates of younger family members.

The status of a low-income citizen is confirmed annually. A social scholarship for other reasons is awarded until completion of studies.

First-year students know firsthand how difficult it is in the first years of study, when they still don’t have the strength to find a part-time job. In order to partially solve the financial issue, you can get a scholarship. To do this, several conditions must be met. They depend on the type of stimulus payment you are applying for.

It is quite difficult for applicants and first-year students to understand the variety of types of scholarships. Therefore, it is important to take care of this issue immediately after enrollment and collect all the necessary documents, if required.

Main types of scholarships

Almost every student can qualify for assistance from the state. He is able to achieve this right on his own - with the help of good academic performance and participation in competitions and olympiads, and a number of students receive support because of their social status.

  1. The first type of scholarship can be assigned to you automatically if you perform well at school - academic. After the first semester, you need to completely close the session and study without C grades in order for it to be extended. The Academic Council also has the right to pay you for active social work or other achievements. You can find out about additional charges directly from the educational institution.
  2. If you perform well, you receive minimum payments. If all exams and tests are passed perfectly the first time, then increased pay is assigned for your success.
  3. If, in addition to positive grades, during your studies you manage to win prizes at olympiads and competitions, conduct scientific activities and demonstrate your talents in every possible way, then you may be nominated for a presidential scholarship.
  4. Regardless of study, a social scholarship is paid. It’s worth talking about it separately. Applying for this type of benefit is a little more difficult, but the time spent will more than pay off.

To find out what payment you are entitled to, you need to clarify the rules of your university, college or technical school, and also know your rights.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

In 2018-2019, state support is provided to a fairly wide range of people receiving specialized secondary and higher education. Special charges are made to those who belong to vulnerable segments of the population:

  • disabled children (groups 1 and 2);
  • orphans and children from single-parent families (there is an age limit - only up to 23 years);
  • for the poor, if the income for each family member is below the subsistence level;
  • victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • those who became disabled during hostilities, as well as veterans of various wars;
  • children from large families;
  • if parents are disabled group 2 or 3;
  • students who have created their own family and are raising a child in it.

However, the list of students who may qualify for payments may be reduced by the federal authorities in your region. In order to find out whether it is possible to receive funds, you need to contact social security.

On what basis is a social scholarship awarded?

You do not need to bring a package of documents directly to the educational institution (sometimes this can be very inconvenient, since it may be located in another city). If you have the right to receive this payment, then you will have to contact the Multifunctional Center or district social protection at your place of residence. There you need to submit documents that confirm your right.

Typically, you should collect a small amount of information:

  • about family composition (extract from the house register);
  • about enrollment;
  • about the income of all family members.

They can and have the right to demand additional documents from you. For example, if you want a social scholarship to be assigned to you due to a disability, then be prepared to present medical documents.

After verification, you will be issued a certificate, which in turn must be submitted to the dean's office. This can be done at the very beginning of school, in September. Then the first funds will be credited to you this month.

Social scholarship: what determines its size

The minimum amount of this payment is set by the state, and now it is about 1,650 rubles for universities, about 700 for colleges and technical schools. But each educational institution sets its own scholarship amount. This most often depends on the prestige of the institution. If you receive higher education at an academy or federal university, then you should count on fairly good support. You can find out exactly how much you will be credited monthly when submitting a certificate.

The government annually discusses the issue of increasing subsidies for students. It is planned to bring them as close as possible to the subsistence level, but for now this remains at the level of draft laws. Currently it is planned that the increase will be 20% in the new academic year. Deputies are also solving the problem of students receiving secondary vocational education. Budget-funded places in universities are now being cut, and many are simply forced to enroll in technical schools first, since families simply cannot pay for tuition. In addition, this type of financial support is not paid for correspondence, evening and paid studies.

Is the social scholarship awarded in the summer?

If you want to receive money all year, then you need to be responsible for your studies. The scholarship is awarded only to those who submit all assignments on time and have no debts after the sessions. If you fail a test or exam, payment will be suspended until the debt is paid off. For example, in June you had to pass one of the specialized subjects, but you failed the examiner’s tasks. In this case, the management of the educational institution has the right to suspend or completely cancel the accrual of the summer scholarship. If you correct your mistake during the re-examination, you may be eligible to receive the subsidy again and be reimbursed for the missed months.

The Ministry of Education strives to create favorable conditions for learning in all regions of the country. In addition to ensuring effective work, it takes care of low-income and socially vulnerable categories of students. For this purpose, needy students are awarded a social scholarship.


A social scholarship is one of the government support measures aimed at providing financial assistance to low-income and vulnerable segments of the population. It is provided to students, and is distributed at two levels of education.

  1. Average. These are colleges, technical schools and other educational institutions that implement secondary vocational education programs.
  2. Higher. This category includes universities - universities, academies, institutes. At the same time, the scholarship is provided for not only bachelor's and master's programs.

A social scholarship does not depend on an educational one - it is awarded only on special grounds. Moreover, it is accrued monthly and has a fixed amount.

This type of financial assistance is regulated by certain regulations.

Normative base

Social scholarships are calculated on the basis of the following laws.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

Not all students are entitled to a social scholarship. To receive it you must meet the following criteria:

  • study full-time;
  • be on budget training;
  • have no academic debt.

In addition, the scholarship is provided only to certain categories of citizens.

  1. Orphans. These include students who have not had parents (due to the death of the latter) since birth or who have lost them before the age of 18.
  2. Left without parental care. This category includes children whose mother and father were deprived of parental rights.
  3. Disabled people of the first and second groups. The presence of disability must be documented by a medical certificate.
  4. Low-income citizens. The student’s family income (or his own) does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region.
  5. Students who suffered radiation exposure as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radioactive disasters.
  6. Students who have served under a contract for three or more years in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other military structures.

Additional help from the university

Some universities provide assistance to state employees who find themselves in difficult living conditions or suffering from an incurable disease. In these cases, the administration of the educational institution can independently establish the types of scholarships available to needy students. This is not a government measure; it is an initiative of the university itself.

As a rule, financial support is provided:

  • low-income students;
  • student families with small children;
  • disabled people and other categories of citizens.

The assistance provided is always realized only in the form of cash payments - it can take the following forms:

  • free food in the canteen;
  • scholarship supplement;
  • preferential living conditions in a hostel;
  • survivor benefits;
  • one-time financial assistance for food, clothing and other necessary things;
  • provision of materials for training (notebooks, textbooks, stationery);
  • others at the discretion of the university.


Social scholarships differ from regular (academic) scholarships and have their own characteristics.

  1. Providing payments for a period of one calendar year. Social benefits are assigned only for a full 12 months. After this time expires, you must re-apply to extend payments. If this is not done, the scholarship will no longer be awarded.
  2. Year-round coverage. These types of social assistance are continuously valid for a whole year. During the holiday period, the stipend continues to be paid. The same applies to maternity and academic leaves.
  3. Academic performance. Grades do not affect the receipt of this type of payment. Even if a student has unsatisfactory grades in his attestation book, this is not a reason to cancel the social scholarship.

Along with this, there are reasons on the basis of which payments are terminated.

  1. Change or cancellation of the basis that previously gave the right to receive a social scholarship. For example, for low-income students this is an increase in family income (above average). In this case, it is imperative to provide up-to-date information to the university, otherwise the payments received will be considered illegal.
  2. Repeated course. If the student leaves for a second year of study, the payment of the scholarship stops.
  3. Debts. Many people are interested in the question of whether the concept of “suspension of social scholarships” exists. Yes, if there are academic debts and an open session, payments will not be accrued. But if the student eliminates this reason, they will be renewed.
  4. Deduction. One of the significant reasons for canceling social assistance is the expulsion of a student from an educational institution. It does not matter whether he was expelled for poor academic performance or left the university of his own free will. But upon reinstatement, the student has the right to re-assignment of the scholarship.

These are the main reasons on which the accrual of a social scholarship may be terminated. Its cancellation can also occur on the student’s personal initiative, but this exception is rare.


The amount of social assistance is small. It is not enough to meet basic living needs for one month. The payments are only minor financial assistance.

The university sets the scholarship amount independently, but it cannot be less than the minimum established by law.

Table 1. Minimum amount of social support

How to get a?

In order to receive a social scholarship, you need to perform a series of sequential actions. They involve collecting the necessary package of documents and submitting it to the government agency.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Prepare the necessary documents.
  2. Contact the social security authority or MFC at your place of registration or residence. The procedure for issuing them is the same.
  3. To write an application. The staff will provide a sample.

Once the application is accepted, the student will be entered into a database and the information provided will be verified. Based on this, a certificate will be issued stating that the student has the right to receive a social scholarship. The document production period is no more than 14 days. Based on this, he will receive monthly payments from the university.

What documents are needed for registration?

  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Identification.
  • Certificate of income.
  • A certificate indicating that you have studied at a specific institution (issued by the university).


The exact list of documents can be obtained from the city administration. It may not be the same in different regions, as it depends on local legislation.

After receiving the certificate, you must contact the administration or admissions department of your educational institution.

In addition to a certificate from a social authority, you must provide:

  • passport;
  • educational and other documents required by a specific educational institution.

So, only needy students have the right to receive a social scholarship. It is appointed as state support; if there are grounds, it can be canceled. It is also possible to suspend the scholarship - currently it is carried out in the presence of academic debt.

Hello, Ekaterina.

For how long is the social scholarship issued?

The educational institution must provide you with any information regarding the payment of a social scholarship. There are a lot of nuances in assigning payments. For non-resident students, students from low-income families, excellent students - for each category of student, the package of documents for applying for a social scholarship may differ significantly.

However, the main document that is necessary to assign this payment is a certificate issued by the social protection authorities. This certificate is a document confirming that the student meets the status of a person in the category entitled to payment.

It is this certificate, issued by the social security authority, that the student provides to the university, confirming his right to this type of scholarship. It is best to apply for a certificate in September, then there is hope that already in October the social scholarship will be assigned and paid. The payment is made on the basis of the university’s administrative document, which is issued after submitting a certificate from social security. The scholarship is paid every month, but payment may be suspended or canceled if the student violates the terms of its appointment (academic debt, disciplinary problems, expulsion from the educational institution).

In answer to your question, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the certificate mentioned earlier is only valid for a year. Therefore: yes, if you applied for a scholarship in October last year, you will have to hurry up and contact the social security authorities, because the process of re-issuing documents will take some time. If you do not provide a certificate for the new academic year, the payment of the scholarship will be suspended.

Social scholarship 2017: what's new?

Please note that from January 1, 2017, the procedure for issuing a social scholarship has been changed. Since the last time you came across this question was in 2016, you will probably be interested in learning about the innovations. Moreover, a significant increase in your student budget depends on strict compliance with the new requirements regarding the assignment of this payment.

Starting from this year, the state social scholarship is awarded only to those students who have received state social assistance. The new version of the education law, which has been amended for the current year, regulates the changed grounds for assigning a social scholarship to students. This basis is a document that confirms the appointment of a scholarship for a preferential category of students. We are talking about a certificate issued by the social protection authority and which confirms the student’s right to receive a social scholarship.

According to the new requirements, the scholarship must be awarded from the date of submission to the educational organization of a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance. However, the validity of this document is limited to one year. If you submit to the educational organization a certificate from social security confirming your right to a social scholarship on November 1, 2017, it will be valid until October 1, 2018.

Sincerely, Natalia.