Types of universities in the world. What is the best university in the world? National University of Singapore

The British publication Times Higher Education presented the results of the leading ranking of world universities Times Higher Education – Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE). I learned about this from Aspects’ message.

The rankings use 13 performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparison, grouped into five areas: teaching (learning environment), research (volume, income and reputation), citations (research impact), international engagement (staff, students and research), income from production activities(knowledge transfer).

Below – 10 best universities world in 2019:

1. Oxford University, UK

It is included in the group of "old universities" of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as in the elite Russell group of the best 24 universities in the UK.

Training is paid. Oxford University is a leader in prestigious ratings universities around the world.

2. Cambridge university, Great Britain

The University of Cambridge is a UK university, one of the oldest (second after Oxford) and largest in the country.

Educational and scientific work undergraduate and graduate students are organized in six so-called “schools” of the university.

Each “school” is an administratively thematic (problem) group of several faculties (a set of departments), research institutes, laboratories, and the like.

Among people connected in one way or another with the University of Cambridge, 88 Nobel laureates– according to this indicator, it occupies one of the first places among higher educational institutions in the world.

3. Stanford University, USA

Stanford University - private university in the USA, one of the most authoritative and rated in the USA and in the world. Located near the city of Palo Alto (60 km south of San Francisco).

Teaching is carried out in many faculties, including law, medicine, technology, music and others.

The structure also includes various schools (like Stanford Graduate School of Business) and research centers (like CCRMA).

The university is located in Silicon Valley. Its graduates have founded companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Sun Microsystems, Nvidia, Yahoo!, Cisco Systems, Silicon Graphics and Google.

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) moved up one position to fourth place in the rankings.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a university and research center located in Cambridge (a suburb of Boston), Massachusetts, USA.

MIT occupies a leading position in prestigious rankings of world universities, is an innovator in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence, and its educational engineering programs, programs in information technologies, economics, physics, chemistry and mathematics by the U.S. publication. Known for its system of ranking national universities, News & World Report recognizes them as the best in the country year after year.

The institute is also renowned in many other fields, including management, economics, linguistics, political science and philosophy.

5. Caltech

California Institute of Technology - Private research university, located in Pasadena, California, is one of the leading universities in the United States and one of the two most important, along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, specializing in the exact sciences and engineering.

He also owns a laboratory jet propulsion, which runs most automatic spacecraft NASA.

There are 31 Nobel Prize laureates associated with the institute in one way or another. Of these, 17 are graduates and 18 are professors.

6. Harvard University

Harvard University is one of the most famous universities in the USA and around the world, the oldest university in the USA. Located in the city of Cambridge (part of the Boston metropolitan area), Massachusetts.

75 Nobel Prize winners have been associated with the university as students, faculty or staff.

Harvard University ranks first in the country for the number of billionaire alumni, and its library is the largest academic library in the United States and the third largest in the country.

Harvard is part of the group of elite American universities - the Ivy League.

7. Princeton University

Princeton University is a private research university and one of the oldest and most famous universities in the United States. It is one of the most prestigious universities in the country.

The university is one of eight Ivy League universities and one of nine colonial colleges founded before the American Revolution.

Princeton University provides bachelor's and master's degrees in the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and engineering.

The university does not have schools of medicine, law, business or theology, but does offer professional degrees in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, the School of Engineering and applied sciences, and also at the School of Architecture.

8. Yale university

Yale University is a private research university in the United States, the third of nine colonial colleges founded before the Revolutionary War.

It is part of the Ivy League, a community of eight most prestigious private American universities.

Together with Harvard and Princeton universities, it makes up the so-called “Big Three”.

The university consists of twelve divisions: Yale College, where four-year education culminates in a bachelor's degree; postgraduate studies in various specialties, including exact, natural and humanitarian sciences, and also 10 professional faculties, training specialists in the fields of law, medicine, business, and environmental protection.

9. Imperial College London

Imperial College London - higher education educational institution in South Kensington, specializing in science, engineering, medicine and business.

Imperial College is part of the Golden Triangle, a group of the most elite British universities that also includes the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Traditionally included in the lists of the most prestigious higher educational institutions.

10. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois, USA, founded in 1890.

The university is one of the most famous and prestigious institutions of higher education due to its influence in the fields of science, society and politics.

The university includes a college, various graduate schools, interdisciplinary committees, 6 institutes vocational training and the Institute of Continuing Education.

In addition to humanitarian and natural sciences the university is well known for its institutes vocational education, including Medical school them. Pritzker School of Business Booth Institute of Law, School of Social Services Administration, School public policy them. Harris and Theological Seminary.


Presented to the attention of readers best universities in the world 2016 according to the British publication Times Higher Education, which conducted a global study among higher education institutions.

(University of Chicago, USA) opens the top ten best higher education institutions in the world in 2016. Today, the University of Chicago has 12 scientific institutes and 113 research centers. This is where a lot has been done important discoveries: the world's first nuclear chain reaction; proven hereditary predisposition people to cancer; the statement about the positive impact of reading is substantiated classical literature on the human brain. Also, graduates of the University of Chicago developed a modern doctrine of the US military-political course. 89 Nobel laureates studied or worked here.

(ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland) is ranked ninth in the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. It is famous for its academic programs and scientific developments in the fields of engineering, technology, mathematics and natural sciences. ETZ Zürich has 21 Nobel Prizes received by its alumni and professors, including the 1921 Physics Prize awarded to Albert Einstein.

(Imperial College London, UK) in 2016 took eighth place in the list of the best educational institutions in the world. It is famous for its engineering and medical specialties. Among famous alumni Imperial College has 15 Nobel laureates, including the inventor of penicillin Sir Alexander Fleming, the inventor of holography Dennis Gabor, Sir Norman Howorth for his research on carbohydrates and vitamin C.

(Princeton University, USA) was ranked seventh in the top ten best universities in the world 2016. Laboratory Princeton University surprises with the breadth of developments in various types scientific activity. Opening a fractional quantum effect Hall belongs to Princeton alumnus Daniel Tsui, who received Nobel Prize. John Nash's research in mathematics revolutionized game theory, which became the basis separate industry in experimental economics. Princeton scientists were able to cross the speed of light barrier, disproving Einstein's theory. They were also able to increase productivity solar panels by 175%, which will make it possible to solve the energy crisis in the future. Over the years, this university has produced 35 Nobel Prize winners, including John Nash (mathematics) and Richard Feynman (physics).

(Harvard University, USA) takes sixth position in the ranking of the best universities 2016. Graduates of the legendary Harvard are prominent figures, businessmen, politicians, others creative personalities. Among them are eight US presidents, including John Kennedy and Barack Obama. Also popular Hollywood stars Matt Damon, Natalie Portman. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, also studied at Harvard. Bill Gates, who was expelled for poor academic performance, but still received a diploma a few years later. But his companion Steve Ballmer managed to immediately successfully complete his studies at Harvard. Ukrainian figures also studied at the educational institution: Orest Subtelny, Grigory Grabovich, Yuri Shevchuk.

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) is located in the middle of the ranking of the best universities in the world in 2016. It is here that pioneering research is conducted in the fields of robotics, information technology, artificial intelligence, economics and mathematics. The institute has world-famous research centers - the Lincoln Laboratory, which is engaged in technological developments in the field of national security, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory, Cambridge Electron Accelerator Laboratory. About 11,000 students study at the institute at a time, of which 10-15% are foreigners. About 1,500 teachers provide training.

(University of Cambridge, UK) is ranked fourth in the list of the best higher education institutions in 2016. It is especially famous for its success in the bosom of exact sciences and medicine. No other university in the world has given the planet as many Nobel Prize winners as Cambridge. 88 university alumni and faculty received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received prizes in physics, 25 in medicine, 21 in chemistry, 9 in economics, 2 in literature and one peace prize. Famous medieval scientists such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon studied here. It was in Cambridge that the creators of modern nuclear physics - Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bohr and J. R. Oppenheimer - worked, taught and researched.

(Stanford University, USA) opens the top three universities in the world 2016. It is known for its innovation in the field of industry high technology. It is considered a global research center and a giant in the field of networking technology. The place is known for the birth of such branded companies as Facebook, Apple, Xerox, Hewlett-Packard. Many startups are created here and the future of the IT industry is determined.

(University of Oxford, UK) ranks second in the ranking of the best higher education institutions in 2016. Main directions educational activities The university is considered to include the humanities, mathematics, physical and social sciences, as well as medicine. At Oxford University, a huge number of discoveries are being made in the field of cosmology - the study of Mars, the trajectory of galaxies (for example, it was found that our galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about 5 billion years), the development of theories of the emergence of the Universe. In particular, in 2013, scientists at Oxford University discovered a “glass planet” whose surface is strewn with an analogue of our earthly glass.

(California Institute of Technology, USA) tops the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. Abbreviated as Caltech. He owns the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which launches most of NASA's robotic spacecraft. Caltech remains a relatively small university, with approximately 1,000 undergraduate and 1,200 graduate students. There are 31 Nobel Prize winners in one way or another associated with Caltech. Of these, 17 are graduates and 18 are professors. 65 alumni and faculty have received the U.S. National Medal of Science or the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, and 112 have been elected to membership. national academies Sci.

Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Sorbonne - the names of the most famous universities in the world speak for themselves. Their diplomas are a priori high quality of education, prestige, guaranteed employment in highly paid positions, the opportunity to do science or make brilliant career, other prospects opening up to graduates.

Every country has renowned universities that attract applicants from different corners planets. The largest number are located in the US, followed by the UK. But this does not mean that the training of future specialists in France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and Canada is worse.

Harvard is the oldest American University. He has long been firmly among the three most famous educational institutions peace.

Harvard was founded on September 8, 1636 in the city of Cambridge, where it still operates successfully today. Initially, it operated as a college, on the basis of which a higher education institution was later founded. John Harvard, whose name it bears, was the initiator of its discovery and the main sponsor.

Over the years, Harvard has graduated tens of thousands of specialists in various fields. Among the graduates are Barack Obama, Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Zuckerberg. Almost forty future Nobel laureates and eight future American presidents studied within its walls.

Preparation includes all popular areas. For the convenience of students, campuses and libraries have been built on the campus. There are museums and Botanical Garden. The cost of education at Harvard reaches $40 thousand per year.


Yale is another one famous university one of the top three in America and the world. It has been operating in New Haven since 1701 and is renowned for its international approach to learning. Yale has students from 100 countries. A year of training costs $40.5 thousand.

The educational institution is named after the merchant Eli Yale, who sponsored the school, which over time grew into a prestigious university. His pride is a huge library, the third largest on the planet.

At one time, George W. Bush, John Kerry and others graduated from Yale University famous politicians and businessmen.

Princeton is famous in America and far beyond its borders for its brilliant academic preparation and impeccable reputation. It is located in the city of the same name in 1746 and trains highly specialized researchers, artists and other spheres.

Princeton University's educational programs are based on developing abilities and unlocking the creative and scientific potential of students. Each student studies a program in his or her specialization plus an additional one that goes beyond vocational training. This approach is justified by the prospects - graduates will be able to work in several directions in the future.

Princeton graduated American President Woodrow Wilson and US First Lady Michelle Obama. Albert Einstein once taught here in room 302.

Oxford is one of the most popular universities in Europe, the pride of the English educational system. The famous university is located in Oxfordshire.

The exact date of its opening has not been established, but it is known for certain that students were being trained already in 1096.

The educational system practiced at Oxford allows us to prepare and graduate highly professional specialists different areas activities. Throughout the entire educational process, mentors help the students assigned to them. Teaching staff strives to diversify students' leisure time.

There are dozens of interest sections, libraries, and museums on the territory. A year of training costs approximately $15 thousand.

Among the famous graduates are Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Lewis Carroll.

Cambridge is a legendary representative high school, opened in 1209. It went down in the history of education as the institute that trained and graduated the largest number of future Nobel laureates. The prestigious prize was awarded to 88 Cambridge University students. And this is not the limit.

Training is carried out in 28 areas. The cost of one-year training is about $14 thousand. Talented students can apply for scholarships and grants that fully or partially compensate financial costs.

Cambridge graduates include Vladimir Nabokov, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, and Stephen Hawkins.

Stanford University is relatively young when compared to Harvard. The Stanford couple founded the university in Silicon Valley in 1891 in memory of their deceased son.

Today private institute deservedly considered prestigious. He thought with specific purpose– training of in-demand and competitive specialists who will benefit society. The stated goal continues to this day.

Stanford graduates are the founders of brands Google, Nike, Hewlett-Packard and others. The programs include scientific and practical research. IN study groups– no more than 6 people per 1 teacher. True, the cost is high - 40.5 thousand dollars per year.

The famous Sorbonne is not only the oldest institute, but also one of the iconic landmarks of the French capital.

Students can study within its walls for free, since the university is state-owned. It won’t work without costs - you’ll have to pay for membership fees, health insurance, language training (for foreigners).

The duration of training depends on the student: there are quick training programs designed for 2-3 years, and long-term ones for 5-7 years. The main emphasis is on practical lessons, independent research work.

Honore de Balzac, Osip Mandelstam, Lev Gumilyov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Charles Mantoux - they all graduated from the Sorbonne.

The educational institution opened in New York in 1754. Its prestige is evidenced by the fact that the institute is part of the Ivy League.

For reference, the Ivy League is an association that unites 8 American universities With high quality education. League members are America's leading research centers.

Education at a private university in Columbia is expensive - $45,000 per year. Students additionally pay for food, accommodation, health insurance, other expense items. The total costs are almost double.

At one time, Franklin Roosevelt, Jerome Salinger, and Mikheil Saakashvili studied here.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded in the state of the same name in 1861 and for several decades has been considered a leader in the following areas:

  • exact sciences;
  • natural sciences;
  • engineering;
  • modern technologies.

The average cost of one-year training is $55,000, of which 70% is the tuition fee itself, and the remaining 30% is accommodation, meals, and related expenses.

Among the graduates of the Institute of Technology are 80 Nobel Prize laureates, hundreds of outstanding engineers and scientists.

The capital's Moscow State University is not included in the list of the most popular universities in the world, but the famous university is a leader in the quality of education in Russia. It has been operating since 1755 and was originally called the Imperial Moscow University.

The educational institution received its current name in 1940. Students are trained at 41 faculties. The cost of training varies, depending on the chosen direction, and ranges from 217-350 thousand rubles per year. Preparation for budget places free.

The institute holds its own Olympics for schoolchildren. The winners are admitted to the university without competition, provided that they successfully pass the Unified State Exam.

Summer is ahead, which means yesterday’s schoolchildren will go to storm the walls of universities. In pursuit of good education and in-demand specialty, everyone will choose their own option. And what institutions are considered the most prestigious universities not only in our country, but throughout the world?

Meet ten educational institutions whose diploma opens the door to high society.

Harvard University (USA)

According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities, honorary first the place was the famous Harvard. This is not surprising, because it was founded back in 1636 and is the oldest university in the United States.

In addition to twelve faculties, the university has its own museums and a huge library.

Particularly popular are medical, legal and economic faculties, and applicants from the USA and hundreds of other countries around the world strive to get here.

Stanford University (USA)

In second place is Stanford, located in California. Based in late XIX century it provides the best business education in the world. Graduates of this university became the founders of such companies as Nvidia, Hewlett-Packard, Yahoo, Google, Electronic Arts, Sun Microsystems and others.

Every year, this university is home to 15,000 students who dream of getting into the famous “Silicon Valley” - a group of organizations that select employees at Stanford.

University of Cambridge (UK)

Founded in 1209, this university is one of the oldest in the world. Among its graduates there are 87 Nobel laureates - no other educational institution can boast of such a result.

Cambridge consists of 31 colleges and more than a hundred courses, only three of which admit women.

The university is also unusual in that its president is a real prince (Philip, Prince of Edinburgh).

Oxford University (UK)

Cambridge's main rival, the equally famous Oxford, was founded in 1117 and became the oldest university in Europe. Only a hundred years ago they began to admit women, and they switched to co-education in the 70s of the 20th century.

A huge library, dozens of sports sections and three hundred clubs make the life of Oxford students incredibly interesting. By the way, it was this university that 2 kings, 25 prime ministers graduated from, and Lewis Carroll and John Tolkien taught here.


This private university was founded at the end of the 19th century, and only exact sciences, paying Special attention engineering. Students studying here become NASA specialists, and during their studies they can use their own rocket laboratory.

Among the dozens of university traditions, there are some very interesting ones, for example, on Halloween, frozen food is thrown from the library tower into liquid nitrogen pumpkin, and every freshman must overcome the “truancy day” and get to lectures, bypassing the traps set by senior students and teaching staff.

Imperial College London (UK)

Inventor of penicillin, who became a cult figure in modern medicine, was a graduate of Imperial College. However, he was not the only one who glorified the walls of his native educational institution - a dozen more Nobel laureates have a local diploma.

Natural sciences, engineering and medicine are the main profile of this university, and its diploma makes the aspiring doctor a desirable specialist in most European clinics.

University College London (UK)

The first university in England to admit students regardless of gender, age and social status based solely on their knowledge and enthusiasm. Still has greatest number women professors and is an excellent option for foreigners, since it still does not betray its selection principles.

University of Chicago (USA)

The university, founded by Rockefeller in 1890, has become the main economic and socio-political university in the United States. Even Barack Obama and his wife managed to work here, he as a teacher of constitutional law, she as an assistant dean.

By the way, among the graduates of the University of Chicago there are almost as many Nobel laureates as there are in Cambridge - 79 people.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

Computer technology and innovation, modern technology And artificial intelligence— these are the questions that students and graduates of the Massachusetts Institute are engaged in. Leading IT specialists are trained here, who are recruited by Nokia, Apple and others from their senior years.

Columbia University

The university, founded in New York in 1754, became a place of training political elite. The faculties of political science, journalism and international relations are constantly in full swing, and any world events find a response within the walls of the university, sometimes leading to strikes.

Many American ministers and presidents studied here, for example, the current leader of the United States. During the existence of the university, 54 of its graduates received the Nobel Prize.

Unfortunately, Russian universities There are few in the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and they are at the very bottom. Thus, Moscow State University ranks only seventieth place.

But you should be pleased with the fact that the top ten best universities in the world accept foreign citizens, so you have a chance too.

Choosing a university is an extremely responsible task facing graduates and their parents. There are many factors to consider. What are people's hobbies, what would they like to become, what life goals. And based on this, choose the location of the university, its Teaching Staff, quality of education and much more.

We have prepared for you a list of the best universities in Europe where you can get an education. We also indicated the cost of training. Choose the best one, submit documents and start gnawing on the granite of science.

1. Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Emprego pelo Mundo

The Technical University of Madrid is an old university. Some faculties are more than 100 years old. The School of Architecture and Engineering has great importance, because it was here that the history of Spanish technology was made for two centuries. At this university you can get bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in business and social sciences, engineering, and technology. The university employs 3,000 employees and 35,000 students study.

Cost of education: 1,000 euros per year ( approximate price).

2. University of Hamburg, Germany


There are six faculties at the university. These faculties offer almost every possible discipline - from economics, law, social sciences to the humanities, natural sciences and computer science, as well as medicine. More than 5,000 employees and almost 38,000 students. This is one of the largest universities in Germany.

Cost of education: 300 euros per semester.

3. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

This is one of the oldest universities in the world. And, perhaps, the most prestigious educational institution in Spain. There are two campuses. One is located in Moncloa, the second is located in the city center. Here you can earn bachelor's degrees in business and social sciences, arts and humanities, medicine and engineering. This is very big university, where more than 45,000 students study.

Cost of education: 1,000–4,000 euros for the entire period of study.

4. Oxford University, UK


The history of this educational institution dates back to 1096. It is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. More than 20,000 students study here. Business, social sciences, arts and humanities, language and culture, medicine, engineering and technology are available. More than 5,000 employees. He was awarded the royal decoration nine times.

Cost of education: from 15,000 pounds.

5. University of Glasgow, UK


The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest places of learning in the UK. The fourth oldest university in the entire English-speaking world. Ranked among the top ten employers for research in the UK. There are many programs for studying abroad that help with employment. The following areas are available: business, social sciences, arts, humanities, language and culture, medicine, engineering and technology. You can also get doctorate.

Cost of education: from £13,750.

6. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany


Founded in 1810. Then they called him "the mother of all" modern universities" This university has great authority. Here students are offered a comprehensive humanistic education. It was the first university of its kind in the world. Like other schools on this list, you can earn a doctorate, as well as bachelor's and master's degrees. At the university, 35,000 people are gnawing on the granite of science. It is unique in that only 200 people work here.

Cost of education: 294 euros per semester.

7. University of Twente, Netherlands


This Dutch university was founded in 1961. Initially worked as University of Technology in order to increase the number of engineers. It is currently the only university in the Netherlands with its own campus. The number of places is limited - only 7,000 students. But 3,300 scientists and specialists work at the university.

Cost of education: 6,000–25,000 euros per year.

8. University of Bologna, Italy

Forum Vinsky

One of the oldest universities in the world. Many believe that this university serves as the starting point and basis European culture. This is where 198 various directions offered to applicants annually. More than 5,000 employees and more than 45,000 students.

Cost of education: from 600 euros per semester ( approximate price).

9. London School of Economics and Political Science, UK


It was founded in 1895 with the goal of helping students specialize in the study of social sciences. It has its own campus, which is located in central London. Here you can study criminology, anthropology, social psychology, international relationships, sociology and many other sciences. About 10,000 students study and 1,500 employees work. It was this institute that gave the world 35 leaders and heads of state and 16 Nobel Prize laureates.

Cost of education: £16,395 per year.

10. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium


Founded in 1425. It is currently the largest university in Belgium. It is highly rated and has campuses throughout Brussels and Flanders. More than 70 international programs training. At the same time, 40,000 students study here and 5,000 employees work here.

Cost of education: 600 euros per year ( approximate cost).

11. ETH Zurich, Switzerland

It began its work in 1855 and today is one of the best universities in the world. The main campus is located in Zurich. The educational institution offers some of the best programs in physics, mathematics and chemistry. More than 20,000 students and 5,000 employees. To enter you need to pass a test.

Cost of education: CHF 650 per semester ( approximate cost).

12. Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany


One of the oldest universities in Germany. Based in the capital of Bavaria - Munich. 34 Nobel Prize winners are graduates of this institution. The second largest university in Germany. 45,000 students and approximately 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: about 200 euros per semester.

13. Free University of Berlin, Germany


Founded after World War II, in 1948. One of the best universities in the world in terms of research work. It has international offices in Moscow, Cairo, Sao Paulo, New York, Brussels, Beijing and New Delhi. This allows us to support scientists and researchers and establish international connections. 150 different programs are offered. 2,500 employees and 30,000 students.

Cost of education: 292 euros per semester.

14. University of Freiburg, Germany


Was created with the goal of enabling students to study without political influence. The university collaborates with more than 600 scientists from around the world. 20,000 students, 5,000 employees. Knowledge of German is required.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per semester ( price is approximate).

15. University of Edinburgh, UK


Founded in 1582. Representatives of 2/3 of the world's nationalities study here. However, 42% of students are from Scotland, 30% from the UK and only 18% from the rest of the world. 25,000 students, 3,000 employees. Famous Alumni Stars: Katherine Granger, JK Rowling, Charles Darwin, Conan Doyle, Chris Hoy and many others.

Cost of education: from £15,250 per year.

16. Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland


This university is publicly funded and specializes in science, architecture and engineering. Here you can meet students from more than 120 countries. 350 laboratories are based on the territory of this university. In 2012, this particular university filed 75 priority patents with 110 inventions. 8,000 students, 3,000 employees.

Cost of education: CHF 1,266 per year.

17. University College London, UK

British Bridge

Strategically located in the heart of London. Known for his impressive research. This institute was the first to admit students of any class, race and religion. 5,000 employees and 25,000 students study at this university.

Cost of education: £16,250 per year.

18. Berlin Technical University, Germany

Garant Tour

This university played big role in making Berlin one of the leading industrial cities in the world. Students are trained here in the fields of technology and natural sciences. 25,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per year.

19. University of Oslo, Norway


Founded in 1811, it is publicly funded and is Norway's oldest institution. Here you can study business, social sciences and humanities, arts, language and culture, medicine and technology. 49 Master programs per English language. 40,000 students, more than 5,000 employees. Five scientists from this university became Nobel Prize laureates. And one of them received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cost of education: no information.

20. University of Vienna, Austria


Founded back in 1365, it is one of the oldest universities in German-speaking countries. One of the largest universities in Central Europe. The largest scientific and pedagogical university in Austria. Its campuses are located in 60 populated areas. 45,000 students and more than 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 350 euros per semester.

21. Imperial College London, UK

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Imperial College London began offering its services in 1907 and celebrated its 100th anniversary as an independent institution. Previously it was part University of London. This is one of the most prestigious universities Great Britain. This college is related to the discovery of penicillin and the fundamentals fiber optics. There are eight campuses across London. 15,000 students, 4,000 employees.

Cost of education: from £25,000 per year.

22. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


The University of Barcelona was founded in 1450 in the city of Naples. Six campuses in the second largest city in Spain - Barcelona. Free courses in Spanish and Catalan. 45,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: 19,000 euros per year.

23. Moscow State University, Russia


The university was founded in 1755 and is considered one of the oldest institutions in Russia. More than 10 research centers that provide practical help students in research work. It is believed that the academic building of Moscow State University is the highest educational institution in the world. More than 30,000 students and up to 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: 320,000 rubles per year.

24. Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


Largest and oldest technical university Sweden. Emphasis is placed on applied and practical science. More than 2,000 employees and 15,000 students. Compared to other universities in this part of the world, a large percentage of students are foreigners.

Cost of education: from 10,000 euros per year.

25. University of Cambridge, UK


Founded back in 1209. Always included in the list of leading universities in the world. 3,000 employees and 25,000 students from all over the world. 89 Nobel laureates. Cambridge graduates have the most high percent employment in the UK. A truly world-famous university.

Cost of education: from £13,500 per year.