Chgu im Ulyanov official economic. Faculty of Economics of ChSU named after

Among the currently existing specialties, economic areas are extremely popular. The interest of young people in this area is explained by the fact that people want to understand the essence of the changes taking place in the country, their goals and the final result. Economic knowledge allows you to analyze existing problems and take actions that contribute to the development of society and the state. To obtain the appropriate education, you can contact I.N. Ulyanov. One of its structural divisions is the Faculty of Economics.

About the higher education institution

The Chuvash University has been operating in Cheboksary since 1967. This is a classic university, which in the past was formed as a result of the merger of the history and philology department of the local pedagogical institute and a branch of the capital's higher educational institution related to the energy sector.

In the early years the university was a small educational institution. Now it is a large multidisciplinary university, which is a leading educational, scientific and cultural center in the Chuvash Republic. It is considered one of the best universities in Cheboksary. CSU today is:

  • 16 faculties;
  • 3 branches;
  • more than 16 thousand students;
  • over 1 thousand highly qualified teachers.

Introduction to the Faculty of Economics and its history

Of all the existing structural divisions, the Faculty of Economics of Chelyabinsk State University deserves attention. Ulyanov. This structural unit is of interest to modern applicants. Several decades ago, the faculty also attracted applicants. It appeared in 1967. During the first admissions campaign, 750 applications were accepted from applicants. The competition was about 15 people per place. After entrance examinations, only 50 people were enrolled in the Faculty of Economics. They were to study for a degree in industrial planning.

In subsequent years, Faculty of Economics of ChSU named after. Ulyanov developed, new specialties appeared, departments were opened. Currently, the structural unit prepares bachelors, specialists and masters in several areas and profiles. The offered forms of training are full-time, part-time and part-time.

Advantages of studying at the Faculty of Economics

Entering the Faculty of Economics of ChSU named after. Ulyanova, applicants make the right choice:

  1. The structural unit is one of the most prestigious in a higher education institution. It offers only the most relevant and popular areas of training. Ample opportunities open up for graduates. They can get a good position in a large company or become individual entrepreneurs.
  2. The Faculty of Economics pays attention to practice-oriented training. Thanks to this, by the time they graduate from university, students become maximally prepared for work, their knowledge is not divorced from life.

Bachelor's studies

After graduating from school or university, people enter the Faculty of Economics for a bachelor's degree. This is the first level of higher education. "Economics" is one of the areas of study at the bachelor's level. It attracts many, but they are afraid to come here because they believe that there is an oversupply of economists in the labor market. In fact, there can never be too many such specialists. They are needed in all factories, companies, and government agencies. Economic knowledge is also necessary for those people who plan to open their own business.

There are several other areas of training available at the Faculty of Economics undergraduate degree. These are “management” and “municipal and public administration”. In the first direction, the structural unit prepares leaders, managers of a new type who are proficient in innovative management technologies and methods of modern management, and in the second - professional specialists for municipal and state authorities. There is also “business informatics” in the bachelor’s degree. This is a modern direction in which students learn to apply communication and information systems in business.

Studying a specialty

In addition to bachelor's degrees, applicants are offered another specialty - "economic security." The program is designed for 5 years of full-time study at the Faculty of Economics of ChSU. Its goal is to train specialists capable of performing professional tasks to ensure the safety of people, society and the entire country in the economic sphere.

The specialty program of the Faculty of Economics is designed to provide students with basic knowledge in the field of economics and law. Such education allows people in the future to perform different tasks in the enterprises in which they get a job:

  • develop economic plans;
  • assess the economic efficiency of projects;
  • protect private, municipal and state forms of property;
  • provide advice in the event of potential and real economic threats, etc.

Master's studies

A master's degree is the next level of higher education after a bachelor's degree. It involves obtaining in-depth professional specialization. The Faculty of Economics has eight master's programs. Here is their list:

  • in “Economics” - “foreign economic activity management”, “financial consulting, accounting and auditing”, “management, economics and business valuation”;
  • in “management” - “marketing management”, “strategic management”;
  • on “municipal and state management” - “management of municipal and state institutions”;
  • on “finance and credit” - “management of municipal and state finances”, “banking activities and banks”.

Address of the university and the Faculty of Economics

Applicants who decide to enter the university at the Faculty of Economics must come to the admissions committee and submit a package of documents along with the application. The university is located in Cheboksary on Universitetskaya Street, 38. But classes will be held at a different address. The Faculty of Economics has its own building. It is located on Moskovsky Avenue, 29.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Faculty of Economics of ChSU named after. Ulyanova provides students with a quality education. This is confirmed by the fact that in 2015 the structural unit was able to pass international professional and public accreditation of undergraduate and graduate educational programs.

Analysis and audit", 080116 "Mathematical methods in economy", 010502 "Applied computer science in economics". At the origins of one of the oldest faculties of the university there are 1 famous scientists: P.A. Sidorov, G.N. Akhmeev, L.P. Kurakov (now rector of the university), V.I. Ildemenov, V.M. Popov (currently professor Russian Economic Academy) etc. It was they who formed their own scientific schools and formed the “backbone” of the faculty for many years, and the personnel potential was replenished by production professionals, highly qualified teachers from other universities in the country and graduates of the Faculty of Economics.

The institute has 2 large faculties with a total number of students of about 5000. The institute employs 12 doctors of science, 73 candidates of science, 143 full-time teachers, 39 employees and support personnel.

History of the faculty

In the year Chuvash ASSR For the first time, the training of highly qualified economists began. 750 applications from applicants were submitted to the Faculty of Economics, and 611 people took the exams. The competition was 15 people per place. After exams in Russian language and mathematics, the number of applicants dropped sharply, leaving 81 people. The examinations took place under very difficult conditions. There were many applications for a very small number of places. This created great difficulties in the work of the admissions and examination committees. In addition, entrance exams took place in parallel with the educational process, which is very rare in organizing the activities of universities. In the first year, 50 students were admitted to the Faculty of Economics in the specialty "Industrial Planning". The first graduation of specialists in the field of economics, planning and management took place in the city and consisted of only 39 people. Their preparation was carried out by the departments of national economics USSR and organization and planning of industrial production, formed in and respectively. First department of the Faculty of Economics Chuvash State University was the Department of National Economics USSR, the successor of which is currently the Department of Regional Economics and Entrepreneurship. The department is headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A.E. Yakovlev. Many scientists who work or have worked at the department became doctors of economic sciences and professors. L.P. Kurakov in the s. began his research in the research sector of the department. Among the students who graduated from the university with specialties from the department, there are many major production organizers, entrepreneurs, famous economists, and scientists. The educational process is conducted by highly qualified teachers and specialists from enterprises of the Chuvash Republic. In their work, teachers are guided by the latest instructional materials, actively use the best practices of accounting and auditing of foreign companies, the requirements of international standards for accounting, reporting and auditing. One of the oldest departments is the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit. The department is headed by A.G. Brusov, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

  • In the city, under the leadership of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor G.N. Akhmeev, the Department of Economic Efficiency and Analysis of Economic Activity was created, which was subsequently transformed into the Department of Financial Management, Statistics and Taxation, the head of which was a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the Chuvash State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences , Professor L.N. Tolstov.
  • The department of industrial economics and production organization dates back to the city, designed to provide educational process in the courses “Industrial Economics” and “Organization, Planning and Enterprise Management” at four technical faculties in eight specialties. The department, formed on a voluntary basis in the city, received official status.
  • In the city, the department of information systems was allocated as an independent department of the Faculty of Economics, engaged in training specialists in the field of creation and implementation of automated systems in various sectors of the national economy - industry, construction, transport, in municipal authorities and at market infrastructure facilities. At that time, the head Department Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.M. Petrov is the author of a number of works on complex automation of enterprises in Chuvash Republic, currently the department is headed by a candidate of economic sciences, associate professor KV. Novozhilova.
  • In the city, in order to train qualified international specialists with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and create a modern intellectual base for foreign economic activity, the Department of International Economic Relations was opened. The department was headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.M. Popov. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor T.V. Muzhzhavleva.
  • The Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling was opened in the city. Currently the department is headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor V.V. Nikitin.
  • The Institute of Economics, Finance and Law was opened in the city, which included the following faculties: economics, correspondence finance and economics, law, faculty of business and management (evening and correspondence).
  • In the city, by order of the university dated March 21, No. 36-ok teaching staff, the Department of Forecasting and Strategic Planning was created.
  • In the city, by order of the university dated December 12, No. 630-general, a financial and economic institute was created ChSU, which includes the faculties of economics, correspondence finance and economics, business and management, international economic relations from October 21 to replace the liquidated Institute of Economics, Finance and Law.
  • In the city, by order of the university dated June 28, No. 464-general, the Department of Current Problems of Economic Theory was created at the Faculty of Economics of the Financial and Economic Institute. Also this year, by order of the university dated July 18, No. 504-general, the Department of Financial Management, Statistics and Taxation and the Department of Finance and Credit were merged into the Department of Finance, Credit and Statistics.
  • In the city, by order of the university dated December 15, No. 827-obshch, the department of informatization of the budget system was opened as part of the economic faculty of the financial and economic institute on the basis of the regional computer center of the State Tax Service RF.

Research work

At the Faculty of Economics, much attention is paid to research work, which is diverse in nature:

  • the Department of Current Problems of Economic Theory develops problems of the strategic functioning of the Russian economy, studies issues of improving public administration, developing the labor market, forecasting regional economic systems, modernizing the social sphere, in particular the education system;
  • Scientific research of the Department of Enterprise Economics is aimed at creating viable and competitive business systems in the production, commercial and financial fields. As a result of scientific research, a number of publications and teaching aids were published;
  • scientific research of the Department of Finance, Credit and Statistics is carried out in the field of economic problems Russia And Chuvashia, statistics, financial management, analysis of enterprises’ activities and prevention of their bankruptcy, budgeting and forecasting, banking and insurance;
  • The specialization of the scientific work of the Department of Information Systems in Economics is the promotion of effective means of design and implementation of automated systems, the construction of scenarios for solving multivariate economic problems, information technologies for data analysis, including modeling of economic calculations, the creation of automated accounting systems, financial analysis, audit, business planning and Internet technologies in local and network computer environments: “Information technologies as a factor in the development of regional finance”; “Development and improvement of the financial system Chuvash Republic"; “Development of the tax system and informatization of tax authorities”;
  • The Department of Economic Theory and Market Economy conducts research in the field of transformation of economic relations and forms of ownership in the conditions of agrarian-industrial integration. She also conducts research on the formation of various forms of ownership and management in the agro-industrial complex of Chuvashia;
  • the Department of World Economy develops topics such as “International Management”; “Study of foreign market conditions”; "International Marketing"; “Foreign economic complex of the region”;
  • Scientific research at the Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling is carried out in the direction of “Simulation Modeling of the Regional Economy.” The main content of these works is system modeling of regional economic complexes, which makes it possible to take into account the main factors that determine the efficiency of production and entrepreneurial activity in a competitive environment. Particular attention is paid to studying the influence of the human factor on the possible results of entrepreneurial activity.


  • Current problems of economic thought;
  • Economic theory and market economy;
  • World Economy;
  • Regional Economics and Entrepreneurship;
  • Finance, credit and statistics;
  • Enterprise Economics;
  • Accounting, analysis and audit;
  • Economic and mathematical modeling;
  • Information systems;
  • Management and Marketing;
  • Innovation Economy;


  • Kurakov Vladimir Lvovich- Director of the Financial and Economic Institute, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor;
  • Yakovlev Anatoly Egorovich- Deputy Director of the Financial and Economic Institute, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor;
  • Ryabinina Elina Nikolaevna- Deputy Director of the Financial and Economic Institute, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor;
  • Yusupov Ildus Yunusovich- Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Urusova Irina Nikolaevna- Deputy Dean for Research, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Morozova Natalya Vitalievna- Deputy Dean for the correspondence department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

, Chuvash Republic . The university has branches in the cities of Kanash and Alatyr, as well as in the village of Batyrevo, Chuvash Republic.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanova - modern education for a worthy future

    ✪ Presentation of the Faculty of Medicine of ChuvSU

    ✪ Dance Day at ChSU

    ✪ I choose ChuvSU




The issue of creating a state university in the city of Cheboksary was raised back in 1920 by the revolutionary committee and the First Congress of Soviets of the Chuvash Autonomous Region, as well as in 1958-1959, but the creation of the university was postponed each time. By 1967, three universities were already operating in Cheboksary: ​​and the Volzhsky branch. The Volzhsky branch of the Moscow Energy Institute had a laboratory base, training areas, student dormitories, a library (a collection of about one hundred thousand volumes), there was also a printing house, a computer laboratory, educational workshops, and classrooms for diploma design. In addition to three universities, two other scientific, industrial and cultural institutions with a significant number of scientific and pedagogical personnel also functioned in Cheboksary.


Chuvash State University was organized on September 1, 1967 by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 17, 1967 No. 796, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 21, 1967 No. 631 on the basis of the Volzhsky branch and the Faculty of History and Philology.

At the opening of the university, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S. F. Saikin was appointed rector. Professor S. A. Abrukov became vice-rector for science, and A. K. Arakelyan became vice-rector for academic affairs. In the first year of its existence, the university included seven faculties: historical and philological, medical, general technical, chemical, economic, electrical engineering, industrial electrification and construction.

By Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated November 30, 1967 No. 882, the university was named after the Russian educator, democratic teacher I. N. Ulyanov.

In the 1967-1968 academic year, more than 1,300 students studied at the faculties of electrical engineering and electrification of industry; about 3,800 students studied at evening and correspondence faculties, including general technical faculties; teaching was conducted by about 200 people, of which 20 were doctors and candidates of science. There were 900 students studying at the Faculty of History and Philology (about 350 full-time); The scientific and teaching staff included 3 professors and 30 associate professors.

By the 1968-1969 academic year, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was opened. Eight faculties of the university numbered 45 general scientific and special (major) departments, providing basic scientific (20 departments) and special (25 departments) training and graduation of young specialists in 15 specialties (23 specializations). The General Technical Faculty with correspondence and evening courses was the basis for the creation of mechanical engineering and civil engineering faculties.

In July 1981, Professor P. A. Sidorov was appointed rector of the university, who held this position until 1990. Under him, multi-storey educational buildings are being built on Universitetskaya Street.


Until 2005, the university had a military department.

After 2010

By order of the Federal Agency for Education dated January 12, 2010, Professor V. G. Agakov was approved as rector.

On September 27, 2011, the University Board of Trustees was formed, whose members included 28 heads of enterprises, institutions, ministries and departments at the republican and federal levels.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2013, A. Yu. Alexandrov was approved as rector of the university.

Educational and research activities

The university includes 17 faculties, 3 branches (Alatyrsky (in the city of Alatyr); Batyrevsky (in the village of Batyrevo); Kanashsky (in the city of Kanash)), a Center for Continuing Education, created in order to provide additional educational services, optimize the management of educational activities, and enhance introduction of innovative projects and educational models into the educational process.

The university employs about 150 professors, doctors of science and over 600 associate professors and candidates of science.

The International Relations Department works to establish contacts with educational institutions abroad and organize international exchanges of teachers and students. The work of the department is aimed at establishing contacts in the form of international conferences, organizing seminars and courses, and exchanging teachers and students. The university carries out training programs for foreign students and interns. Many of the graduates continue their studies in residency and postgraduate studies at the university. Foreign students are given the opportunity to simultaneously receive additional education for the right to teach the Russian language in their countries.

Faculties and specialties

The university has the following faculties: design and computer technology; foreign languages; Informatics and Computer Science; arts; historical and geographical; mechanical engineering; medical; on working with foreign students; radio electronics and automation; building; management and social technologies; applied mathematics, physics and information technology; chemical-pharmaceutical; economic; energy and electrical engineering; legal; Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism.

The university provides training in 57 bachelor's degrees, 27 specialist training programs, and 31 master's degrees.

Full-time students study in bachelor's (4 years) and master's (2 years) programs. By correspondence, full-time and part-time - bachelor's degree (5 years). A shortened form of training on the basis of higher professional and special vocational education of the relevant profile for 2-4 years.

The university provides training in the following specialties:

Master's degree: Automation of technological processes and production; vocal art; geography; conducting; infocommunication technologies and communication systems; Informatics and Computer Science; the art of folk singing; mathematics ; mechatronics and robotics; musical and instrumental art; musicology and musical applied arts; applied mathematics and computer science; software engineering; radio engineering; standardization and metrology; construction ; heat power engineering and heating engineering; technosphere safety; management in technical systems; quality control ; physics; chemistry; electronics and nanoelectronics; electrical power engineering and electrical engineering.

Specialty: Information security of automated systems; the art of concert performance; clinical psychology ; composition; medicine; musical and theatrical art; musicology; pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior; pediatrics; translation and translation studies; legal support of national security; law enforcement activities; application and operation of automated systems for special purposes; psychology of professional activity; radio-electronic systems and complexes; special radio systems; dentistry; construction of unique buildings and structures; heat and electricity supply of special technical systems and facilities; pharmacy; fundamental and applied chemistry; fundamental mathematics and mechanics; artistic direction of the symphony orchestra and academic choir; economic security; war journalism; logistics support; border activities.

Scientific and innovative activities

Research and innovation activities at the university are led by Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation V.V. Afanasyev.

The university has six dissertation councils:

  • D 212.301.01: specialties: 08.00.01 - Economic theory (economic sciences) and 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economics) (economic sciences);
  • D 212.301.02: specialties: 05.09.10 - Electrical technology (technical sciences), 05.09.12 - Power electronics (technical sciences), 05.14.02 - Electric stations and energy systems (technical sciences);
  • D 212.301.03: specialties: 01.10.02 - Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Chuvash, Mari, Komi) (philological sciences), 02.10.20 - Comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics (philological sciences);
  • D 212.301.04: specialties: 09.00.01 - Ontology and theory of knowledge (philosophical sciences), 09.00.11 - Social philosophy (philosophical sciences);
  • DM 212.301.05: specialties: 07.00.02 - Domestic history (historical sciences), 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology (historical sciences);
  • D 212.301.06: specialties: 05.09.01 - electromechanics and electrical devices (technical sciences), 05.09.03 - electrical complexes and systems (technical sciences).


University infrastructure

Academic buildings

Academic buildings are mainly located in the North-Western region of the city of Cheboksary. The building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is located in a historical building in the city center.


The student town is located in the northwestern part of Cheboksary, uniting eight dormitories with a capacity of more than 3,000 places. In 2009, the university became the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best student dormitory in the category “Best organization of medical care in a student dormitory (campus).”

Science Library

The history of the Scientific Library dates back to 1958 from the library of the Cheboksary branch.

The library's collections contain 1.91 million copies (as of January 1, 2010) of various publications, and the collection of rare books and valuable manuscripts contains 24,100 copies. In the multimedia classroom of the Scientific Library, access to full-text electronic copies of monographs and textbooks by university teachers is provided.

Research part

The scientific and innovation complex of the university includes:

  • 24 problem and industry research laboratories.
  • Currently, there are 20 scientific and pedagogical schools at ChSU.
  • The university has 6 problem research laboratories, 8 research laboratories, 2 industry research laboratories, 3 scientific and educational laboratories, the Chuvashia scientific and technological park, a scientific, educational and innovative complex of high technologies, new materials, resources - and energy saving.
  • ·The University operates a “Center for Collective Use in the Field of Nanotechnologies”.


  • Art Museum named after. A. A. Kokelya
  • Museum of I. N. Ulyanov and I. Ya. Yakovlev

Palace of Culture

The university has a Palace of Culture.

Publishing house ChSU

The university has its own publishing house, which publishes printed materials: the Ulyanovets newspaper, books and brochures by authors - scientists from ChSU and other universities in Russia.


There is a sanatorium at the university.

University Information Policy

Bulletin of Chuvash University

Since 1995, the university has been publishing a periodical - the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Chuvash University". The magazine is published in two series:

  • humanities (history, philosophy, law, economics, linguistics, literary criticism, journalism, pedagogy, psychology, etc.);
  • natural and technical sciences (medicine, geography, mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and power engineering, systems theory, mechanical engineering, automated control systems, etc.).

Since 2001, the journal has been included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications published in the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science should be published.

University newspapers

The university publishes the university weekly newspaper “Ulyanovets”. In addition, the newspaper “Vesti Alma Mater” is published.

Website and Internet services

Information services are associated with the provision of reference and news services through university websites. The university website system includes the portal, the website of the scientific and technical electronic library, the website of the scientific library, websites of faculties, branches and other structural divisions.

The portal is horizontal (polythematic) and is intended to provide reference information. Contains links to other university sites. To identify most of the Chuvash State University websites, the address after the host is followed by a tilde and the name of the site (for example, - website of the Faculty of Journalism), which is associated with hosting sites on Debian GNU/Linux. Some university websites located on non-university web servers have a third-level domain name (for example, - website of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering).

The websites of the Faculty of Journalism and the Institute of Finance and Economics are powered by Joomla! . Drupal was chosen for the website of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science. The university has its own mail server,, which provides receiving and sending electronic letters.

The results of monitoring the transparency of websites of Russian universities for applicants for 2011, which was carried out by the National Research University Higher School of Economics together with RIA Novosti commissioned by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Social Navigator project, allow us to assess the availability of information on the official website of the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov for applicants.

The first stage of monitoring the openness of sites was carried out according to the programs of the first higher education (full-time full-time education) in public and private universities: for those entering bachelor's/specialist and master's degrees. In 2011, the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov, based on the availability on the university website of materials for applicants to a bachelor’s/specialty degree, necessary for making a decision on choosing a university, received the highest score (135 points) in terms of the sum of points (135 points), for applicants to a master’s degree - entered to the second group of universities with a score of 35.

The second section of monitoring of university websites was devoted to the transparency of information for applicants, relevant based on the results of posting lists recommended for enrollment. In addition, the availability of materials useful to a wider audience was assessed: information about university teachers, training programs and graduates. According to the results of the second monitoring section, the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov received 20 points.


Student composition

The university educates students from more than 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as students from near and far abroad: from the USA, Western Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America. By 2015, 446 foreign citizens from 30 countries in 17 specialties of higher professional education received a university diploma of higher professional education.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, more than 600 foreign citizens from 40 countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and 8 CIS countries studied at the university at 14 faculties in 20 specialties and 15 areas of training.

Student organizations

In order to create conditions and support the scientific and technical creativity of students, there is a Student Scientific Society (SSS).

The student government body of the university is Student Council, functioning as a coordinating body of full-time students in order to ensure the implementation of students’ rights to participate in the management of the educational process, solving the most significant issues in the life of university students, developing their social activity, supporting and implementing social initiatives. The chairman of the student council is a member of the Academic Council of the university.

Is involved in ensuring the social rights of university students Primary trade union organization of students of the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation, among other things, organizing the issuance of vouchers to university sanatoriums, health resorts and health institutions, and excursion trips. The organization was founded on January 23, 1970, and is an independent legal entity; The chairman of the organization is a member of the Academic Council of the university.

Student events

Traditionally, the university hosts student cultural events: the “Miss ChSU” beauty contest, the “Super Student” competition, the Interfaculty KVN ChSU, the “Student Spring” festival, the interfaculty competition “Tatiana of the University”, “Staff Birthday”

University alumni



It’s not in vain that you are loved by your native people, - You radiate a bright light of knowledge. Prosper in this noble cause, Our Chuvash University! Chorus: Alma mater, alma mater, You are rich in pets and winged. A cantata of love sounds in your honor, Higher school, praise to you, praise! You work for the glory of your homeland, Like a professor, for many winters and years. Every day you become wiser, Our pride is the university! Chorus: Your doors are open to all your friends, Every faculty is glad to try. Your student is always faithful to science, - Glory, glory, university! Chorus.