Experiments with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen and fun with it

Not long ago I got a piece that I had wanted for a long time: a Dewar flask. For those who don’t remember, this is a large aluminum thermos that allows you to store liquid gases inside, usually liquid nitrogen (although there are special dewars for helium, oxygen, and so on). There is a vacuum between the walls of the thermos. Such a vessel allows you to store its contents for about a month or even more if you're lucky. On the Internet we managed to find a very cheap refill for cylinders: a full dewar (16 liters) delivered to your home for 600 rubles, which opens up slightly limited prospects for the use of this wonderful toy.

The boiling point of nitrogen is -196° C. The range of entertainment with it is huge. For example, it can liquefy oxygen, whose boiling point is -182.98 °C, and obtain a pale blue liquid with a slightly magnetic properties. Soaked liquid oxygen cotton wool or sawdust turns into a powerful explosive - oxyliquit. Organics stuck in nitrogen become brittle and brittle: classic school experience with breaking of a leaf or rubber hose. If you pour nitrogen into a cup of hot tea, it begins to boil violently and sends clouds of smoke over the edge of the cup like tentacles.

Cookies dipped in nitrogen become cold, crispy and brittle, and when eaten (if they haven’t had time to warm up), they allow you to exhale “smoke” due to the instantly boiling nitrogen. By the way, this “smoke” is just a mist of water condensing from the air. It has a characteristic faint odor, the kind you can smell in a freezer, for example.
Liquid nitrogen allows you to do solid mass substances to which we are accustomed as liquids. Solid gasoline, solid oil, solid acetone, even solid alcohol. Ever wanted a sandwich with vodka? Here you go :)
Listing all the possible experiments and games with this lovely substance is currently beyond my strength (maybe I’ll make a page later). Another interesting thing that immediately came to mind:
— the Pelte element, cooled with nitrogen, begins to produce a current sufficient to illuminate the LED, the picture is attached;

- if you cool a small oxygen cylinder entirely, pour liquid nitrogen into it, and then close it and throw it away, then when it heats up it will explode more fun than any grenade (the nitrogen will be under a pressure of 600-700 bar, while the critical pressure for the cylinder is 300-400). I haven’t tried it yet, I feel sorry for the cylinders, nitrogen and myself;
— a capillary tube lowered into a thermos filled with nitrogen begins to spit it very colorfully, leaving trails of condensation mist of water;
- Nitrogen can be used to cool hot soup;

— a burning color LED (the most common 5mm) immersed in nitrogen changes its properties in a poorly predictable way. My red faded away, the yellow-green changed color to bright orange, the blue went into the ultraviolet region, the green simply went out;
- if you pour nitrogen into a bowl with soapy water, frozen bubble;
— in nitrogen, HSTP properties begin to manifest — high temperature superconductors, for example YBaCuO. Copper reduces resistance several times. You can arrange magnetic levitation.

I recommend purchasing a Dewar flask and the nitrogen in it for anyone eager to experiment. It's worth it. A very wonderful thing.
In the pictures below: a frozen Pelte element and an LED, illuminated ice crystals on a thermos with nitrogen, frozen berry juice, a large thermos with nitrogen.

Explosion of a plastic bottle with liquid nitrogen

Exploding a bottle of liquid nitrogen is one of the most spectacular experiments (although it is not one of the safest). Its essence is simple: liquid nitrogen is poured into an ordinary PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle as completely as possible, after which the cap is quickly tightened and hastily retreated to a safe distance, preferably at least 10 meters. Liquid nitrogen boils due to the influx of heat from outside, the pressure inside the bottle increases - after a while a rather strong explosion occurs.

Since the wait for an explosion sometimes takes a relatively long time (for example, 5 minutes), another, even more spectacular version of the experiment is often carried out. A twisted bottle of liquid nitrogen is placed in a plastic bucket (tank or other large container) of water. Soon there is an explosion with a spectacular fountain of water. This often destroys the plastic container. IN in this case the delay before the explosion is minimal (tens of seconds), so you have to run away very quickly.

The magazine has already described an experiment on exploding a bottle of liquid nitrogen - Explosion of a plastic bottle with liquid nitrogen. Then in a half liter plastic bottle poured 70-100 ml of liquid nitrogen, quickly tightened the lid, and began to observe with safe distance. After 2-3 minutes the bottle noticeably swelled, after about 4 minutes the bottle exploded loudly and a cloud of fog formed.

Unfortunately, during the experiment the camera turned off and it was not possible to film the explosion, so I decided to repeat the experiment. Everything turned out a little chaotic: in the afternoon there was an opportunity to collect one and a half liters of liquid nitrogen. It was a pleasant surprise, but still a surprise - I was completely unprepared for the experiments: I did not have the necessary materials and utensils at hand. But the main thing is that there were no worthwhile ideas. A mercury hammer, the fragility of cooled objects, the production of liquid air... I didn’t want to repeat what my colleagues or I myself did.

Then he decided to explode a bottle of liquid nitrogen. It was 5 degrees below zero outside, so I didn’t want to leave the bottle in the snow. Of course, liquid nitrogen will boil in the cold, but it is unknown how long it will take before the explosion: the lower the ambient temperature, the slower the heat should flow to the liquid nitrogen. Meanwhile, the camera may simply turn off in the cold.

In order not to risk being left without a video, I decided to place a bottle of nitrogen in a vessel with water. The only suitable vessel that was at hand was a six-liter PET bottle. I filled it with water, screwed on the cap and took scissors with me to cut off the top in place. There were two bottles for nitrogen: a liter and a two-liter; after some hesitation, I chose the liter. I took my camera and tripod and went into the forest. Liquid nitrogen was carried in a thermos. The lid was slightly screwed on, but not tightly (otherwise the thermos itself might explode instead of the bottle). I had to make sure the thermos was standing upright all the way and protect it from shocks. There were twenty to thirty minutes left before dusk, so we had to hurry.

I found a remote place, arranged everything I needed and began preparations: I set up a tripod, cut off the top of a six-liter bottle (turning it into some kind of bucket). Then, using a glass funnel, I poured 3/4 liquid nitrogen into the bottle (I placed several matches between the funnel and the neck so that evaporated nitrogen could come out of the bottle during pouring). Right hand I was visibly shaking because I had to carry 10 kilograms of things in a hurry, but nothing could be done about it.

After pouring in the nitrogen, he quickly screwed on the cap of the bottle and placed it in the cut-off bottle of water. A cracking sound was heard - apparently, ice was freezing on the outer walls of the nitrogen bottle. About thirty seconds later there was a rather loud explosion. A cloud of fog and snow shot up (even small breasts were lifted into the air).

The camera was 4 meters away, the experimenter was 5 meters away. Of course, it’s better to move further away: if you overestimate the danger, it’s okay, if you underestimate it, you can be seriously injured.

Cryo show with liquid nitrogen at home, school, kindergarten and for a child's birthday.
Modern parents prefer high-quality, and most importantly, healthy entertainment. The Edutainment direction (entertainment + education) is very popular in Moscow. The liquid nitrogen chemistry show combines fun performance and learning.

We present to your attention the newest chemical show for children from 4 to 14 years old - a show with liquid nitrogen. If your child has already seen a chemistry show with dry ice, and you want to surprise him with something, then this program is for you. Frozen flowers and fruits, ice balloons, color reactions, frosty smoke, dousing with liquid nitrogen, fire on the hand, cryo-ice cream - all this will not leave any child indifferent. Sea positive emotions and unbridled fun are guaranteed.

More from school years we all know that nitrogen is chemical element, colorless and odorless. The air we breathe contains 78% nitrogen. At a temperature of minus 200 degrees, nitrogen becomes liquid. Stay in liquid state he is helped by special equipment - a Dewar flask. It is in this reliable vessel that we bring liquid nitrogen to children's party. We work directly with the liquid nitrogen manufacturer, so liquid nitrogen shows are absolutely safe.

If it’s a child’s birthday, your inquisitive little chemist will become the presenter’s assistant.
The child himself will demonstrate a spectacular experiment. A living flower immersed in liquid nitrogen will become crystalline and break into hundreds of tiny fragments.

The presenter will open fascinating world extreme low temperatures. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is minus 196 degrees! In a matter of seconds, fresh grapes will harden like stone and turn into frozen grapes.

Children get to know unusual properties liquid nitrogen. What will happen to the balloon from exposure to nitrogen? The transformations of a balloon amaze both children and adults to the core.

Liquid nitrogen is an unusually cold substance. What happens if the professor gets liquid nitrogen on her hand? Don't worry, this experiment won't cause her the slightest harm. The hands of our scientist will only feel a rejuvenating massage. By the way, liquid nitrogen is used in cosmetology, triggering the processes of immune activation. Well, we have convinced you that liquid nitrogen is absolutely safe.

Cryoshow is fun scientific presentation in which children are directly involved. Thick smoke from liquid nitrogen is not magic. This real science. These snow-white puffs of smoke exude frosty freshness and mystery! There is no end to those who want to touch it!

The guys will help the presenter conduct the “color reactions” experiment. Two clear liquids will give a crimson color, then the solution suddenly turns green! Children will add orange color, but inexplicably the liquid before their eyes will suddenly turn yellow, and a minute later - blue!! This experience is like a magic trick.

Cryoshow with liquid nitrogen is the most beautiful and educational show in Moscow and the Moscow region. Why? Because our experienced scientist knows how to do a fantastic experiment - fire on her hand! The “fire on the hand” experience is so simple that not only parents, but also children can repeat it.

At your request, the presenter will reveal the secret of the “fire in the palm” experiment and, under her guidance, you can easily repeat this fascinating trick. The experience is safe, but the presenter will conduct it only with your consent.

At the end of the holiday, the artist will prepare ice cream. Within a few minutes, a mixture of milk, condensed milk and cream will turn into a children's favorite treat. This dessert is created right before your eyes.

Ice cream prepared using liquid nitrogen has a natural, delicate creamy taste and is very popular with children and adults. Attention! Maximum amount children for this experience - 15 people. If there are more children, from 16 to 30 people, an additional payment of 2000 rubles will be required.

Cost of a cryo show with liquid nitrogen (Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road): 1 hour - 8,000 rubles.
The cost of a cryo show with liquid nitrogen for 40 minutes (without making ice cream) is 7,000 rubles.

Travel outside the Moscow Ring Road is paid individually, based on the distance.

Do you know that Professor Nicolas, for your convenience, has recorded many videos of interesting experiments for children with detailed descriptions and recommendations on how to conduct experiments correctly? The professor's cheerful and intelligent assistants will not only show, but also tell in detail how and in what way this or that process occurs - why liquids do not mix, but fold like a bookcase, why ice is called dry, or many other educational things.
Video experiments in chemistry will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents, because there are so many spectacular experiments - a sight for sore eyes! Under each video there is a description of the experiment itself, the necessary materials and ingredients, and most importantly, an explanation of the process. It is important for us that the child can figure out why this or that phenomenon occurs, understand the essence of the process - to awaken curiosity and interest in science. And let us not seem immodest to you, we manage to do this. Numerous positive reviews parents are proof of this.
In our video library you can find and watch chemical experiments for children. We have made a selection of the most colorful and spectacular experiments, since chemistry is a science that has countless similar processes in its arsenal. But we never stop there, we constantly update and expand our video series. Your feedback really helps us make the selection even more interesting, entertaining and educational.
In addition, here you will find videos of entertaining physics experiments for children. Teachers of the subject can use the video material we offer as a guide for conducting interesting experiments in the classroom. Students always perceive a topic with joy and attention when it is presented in an accessible, visual, and easy-to-understand form. You can see spectacular once physical experience, and he will be remembered for a lifetime.
By the way, do you know how to pierce a bag filled with water with a pencil so that it doesn’t leak out? Interesting? You can see scientific experiments with water on our website, and you will find out that this is done easily and simply. And then you yourself can show your child an interesting hocus pocus. To do this, we recommend purchasing science kits for children, which we always have in stock and are very easy to order. Just call us on our contact number, or use the form feedback. Our managers will answer you very quickly, and very soon your child will be able to try on the role of a great experimenter.

Professor Nicolas continues to amaze
Oh, that restless crazy professor Nicolas! Like all professors, he is always searching. Home experiments for children are his latest “developments”. On our website you can find many experiments that can be carried out at home, and which do not require particularly complex devices and ingredients. Look in the catalog and choose something that your child might like.
Experiments in the dark fresh air, chemical reactions, experiments with pressure and liquid are only part of what can be found in our video library. Older children themselves can look for what they like best and try themselves in the role of a real scientist. Why not? All scientists were also once children, and, most likely, they conducted their childhood experiments in the same way. But in their time, it is unlikely that there were such visual aids which we offer you.
We receive a lot of questions from parents - is it dangerous to conduct entertaining experiments in chemistry, is this harmful to the child’s health? You can be absolutely calm - all experiments are carefully selected and thought through, primarily based on safety considerations. An experimenter sleeps inside every child, who wakes up from time to time. Isn't it better to take control of the situation, let simple experiments for children at home, which Professor Nicolas selected specifically for children who want and love to experiment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for advice. We will be happy to provide detailed information on all points of interest to you. For communication, you can use contact numbers or special form presented on our website. We promptly respond to any request, and are very happy when we receive suggestions and wishes from our clients. This helps a lot to improve our work, make it more efficient, clearer, and more informative.
You have the opportunity to subscribe to an interesting newsletter with experiments, as well as order an interesting show for your child. Our managers will select and advise programs based on your wishes, and will suggest how to supplement it. You will receive a confirmation on your phone and everything necessary information, and after the show there will be another call to find out how it went and whether you and your child liked it.
You can also buy science kits for children from us to conduct experiments - it will not be difficult for you. To do this, you just need to contact our managers by phone or use the feedback form provided on the website.
Our minimum order amount is 5,000 rubles. Delivery in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region (up to 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is free. If you want us to bring your order directly to the show, then in this case there is a 20% discount on the entire range with no limit on the order amount!

Hello! We offer our clients a new cryogen show in Kyiv - exciting and incredible experiences with liquid nitrogen. Despite the fact that the temperature of this liquid is about -195 degrees Celsius, we hasten to assure you that every element of our cryogen show is absolutely harmless and safe for humans. The magician and illusionist takes all precautions when handling liquid nitrogen, so you don’t have to worry about your health. To some, such experiences may seem unusual and cautionary, but this impression will quickly dissipate after the first minutes of the show program. And then the audience will see incredible combination physics, skills and mastery of our magician, the result of which will be your admiration and unforgettable emotions from the fantastic experiences of our show.

The effectiveness of liquid nitrogen at children's parties

A show performance at children's parties using liquid nitrogen is a truly unusual, exciting performance that any child will definitely enjoy! A magician can demonstrate to children how to a short time and at a very low temperature, any vegetable or fruit becomes “glassy”, and when hit with a hammer, the frozen object shatters into different sides like glass.

Products-gifts made from inflatable construction balls are also very interesting and pleasant for every child. Our magician can make 15 figures from special balloons: poodle, cat, mouse, giraffe, bunny, swan, duck, parrot, heart, flower, sword, baseball cap, Aladdin's hat, alien cap, and sausage. If you immerse such a craft in liquid nitrogen, it will completely “disappear”, and then in the hands of a child it will take on its previous appearance. Modern children are very erudite and smart, so it’s difficult to surprise them with anything. However, our experienced illusionist will quite simply delight and amaze any child with the new cryogen show in Kyiv.

If you cut out a nail-like product from simple rubber with scissors, and then immerse it in liquid nitrogen for a few seconds, then after that it becomes as if it were made of iron, and any child can hammer such a nail into a wooden plank! Our show's magician can also pour liquid nitrogen onto his robe, after which children can touch it with their hands and see that it is frozen and very cold. In addition, to surprise the children, the presenter may even briefly dip his hand in a container of liquid nitrogen! The video clearly demonstrates how many other tricks you can do with this amazing liquid. For example, if you pour ordinary water into liquid nitrogen, you get a lot of amazing smoke. The magician can also demonstrate to the kids quick way making ice cream with the addition of liquid nitrogen. They can then eat this delicacy with pleasure if they wish. Children will be able to see with their own eyes how balloon can inflate on its own, and may even burst! Your child will be able to hold a frozen real flower in his hands, which crumbles like glass when pressed with his finger. In addition, our magician still has a lot of different tricks and tricks in stock that will delight all children!

Cryogen show for anniversaries, corporate events and weddings!

For adults, our experienced magician is ready to show clearly how alcoholic drinks turn into jelly, with which you can do anything, for example, spread on bread or make alcoholic desserts. In the photo you can see frozen cognac, the strength of which is 40 degrees. You can freeze or turn vodka, alcohol, wine and other alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks into jelly, and then eat them! Liquid nitrogen is absolutely safe gas, it disappears completely.

As the final part of the celebration, outdoors You can make a grand explosion - pour liquid nitrogen into a plastic bottle, place it in a plastic barrel and pour a huge amount of light tennis balls on top. In five minutes there will be a huge explosion and thousands of balls will spectacularly scatter everywhere, bouncing and leaving all the guests with an excellent holiday impression!