Belgorod Agricultural. Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

The agricultural sector has not developed for a long period of time. Now the situation has changed. Cash investments went into the agro-industrial complex. As a result, production increased in a number of areas. However, there was also a shortage of qualified personnel, because many school graduates had not previously even considered agricultural universities as options for continuing their education.

Due to the revival of the industry, applicants have become interested in relevant education. Various agricultural universities in Russia are invited to receive it, one of which is located in Belgorod. Its name is Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin. Residents of the city, out of habit, call it an academy, because it used to have that status.

About the educational institution

The Belgorod Agricultural Institute appeared in 1978. It was founded on the basis of a branch of the Agricultural Institute operating in Voronezh and the Design and Technological Institute of Livestock Husbandry. In the 90s, the university received the status of an academy. This was due to the development of the institution, as well as the contribution to the agricultural industry and higher education of a city like Belgorod.

Agricultural The academy, which has become a university, is an educational and scientific center consisting of 5 main faculties: agricultural, technological, engineering, economics and veterinary medicine. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Faculty of Agriculture

This structural unit has existed since the founding of the educational organization. It is considered the leading department of the university. Here, students are trained under bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs in areas related to the profile of the structural unit (agronomy, agrochemistry and agro-soil science, landscape architecture, ecology and environmental management, land management and cadastres).

Students studying at the Faculty of Agriculture become highly qualified and innovatively thinking specialists. They are in demand among employers. Graduates work at various enterprises in the city and region - in insurance companies, environmental authorities, research institutes, and educational institutions. Some people are leaving Belgorod. Agricultural The academy provides good knowledge with which you are not ashamed to declare yourself on the labor market of other Russian cities.

Faculty of Technology

The Belgorod Agricultural Institute, which is now called a university, created a faculty of technology in 1979. This structural unit still operates to this day. Its history has been going on for almost 40 years. At first, the faculty trained only livestock specialists. Later, new specialties were opened. The structural division began to produce agricultural production technologists and engineers for enterprises involved in meat and milk processing.

The modern Faculty of Technology continues to train the above-mentioned specialists. Applicants from different localities come to Belgorod for admission. Agricultural The academy offers several areas - “Animal science”, “Technology of processing and production of agricultural products”, “Food products of animal origin”, “Vocational training”.

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering was formed later than the previous ones. It appeared in 1989. During its existence, the structural unit produced a huge number of engineers. Today Belgorod State Agrarian University prepares bachelors in several areas: “Agroengineering” and “Vocational Training”.

People studying at the faculty are immersed in scientific life. Employees of the structural unit are working to improve agricultural production machines, develop energy-saving technologies, and increase the reliability of technical equipment. The necessary studies are carried out in a special laboratory. Students here learn information about new research and gain experience in conducting test work.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics of Belgorod Agrarian University was formed in connection with the increased needs of agricultural organizations for economists and managers. This structural unit is now considered the most prestigious in the university. It is an educational and scientific center. The developed material and technical base provides a high level of training for bachelors, specialists and masters in economics, which Belgorod needs.

Agricultural The academy, which has become a university, at the Faculty of Economics provides training in such areas as “Economics”, “Management”, “Human Resources Management”, “Vocational Training”, “Applied Informatics”. After completing their studies, graduates are employed in enterprises in all sectors of the national economy, in banking structures, tax authorities, government agencies, etc.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Let us continue to consider the organizational structure that the agricultural sector has. Academy (Belgorod). The faculties include a department of veterinary medicine. Its history began with the training of students in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” in 1982. The specialized faculty did not yet exist at that time, so training was carried out by the animal engineering faculty. A structural unit related to veterinary medicine appeared in 1985.

Today the faculty continues to work and train future veterinarians. Students here learn to recognize and treat animal diseases, engage in preventive activities, perform autopsies and draw conclusions about the causes of death of living beings.

The educational process allows students to receive useful practical information, because the faculty has created a pathological anatomical museum. There are aquariums and terrariums containing fish, turtles, a crocodile and a python.

Additional faculties

Belgorod State Agrarian University has 2 additional structural divisions. One of them is the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education. It accepts graduates of the 9th and 11th grades to study in programs designed to train mid-level personnel. The faculty graduates the following specialists:

  • livestock specialists;
  • agronomists;
  • mechanical technicians;
  • electrical technicians;
  • fish farming technicians;
  • software technicians;
  • technical technicians servicing of motor transport;
  • veterinary paramedics;
  • technologists for the production and processing of agricultural products. products;
  • specialists in land and property relations;
  • accountants.

There is also a department of correspondence education. This structural unit has been operating since 2004. It organizes the educational process in those areas of training in which the university is allowed to carry out its educational activities. Studying in the correspondence department is characterized by a smaller classroom load. Students study the main part of educational information on their own.

There are sufficient numbers of agricultural universities in Russia. One of them is the Belgorod Agricultural University. This is an educational institution with a wide range of training areas and specialties. All of them, which are relevant and in demand in the modern world, are implemented at existing faculties, which were discussed above. If you are interested in this university, then go to the village of Maysky. Agricultural which is already a university, is located here on Vavilova Street, 1.

Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin has been a source of personnel for the agro-industrial complex not only in the Belgorod region, but also in other regions of the country for many years.

Innovative education system

Modern requirements for a graduate are high, and in agriculture advanced technologies are being introduced by leaps and bounds. Therefore, the Agrarian University adheres to the main task: a young specialist must not only meet the demands of high-tech industries, but also be capable of self-development and be able to think for the future.

The entire powerful complex of the university works for this. In particular, there is a unique system of laboratories, scientific, training and production sites. With the support of the Regional Government, the Center for Agrarian Problems was created. His activities made it possible to unite the scientific forces of Belgorod and surrounding regions, increase funding for science, and strengthen the material and technical base. By the way, the university’s developments brought more than 500 million rubles to the region’s farms.

The Agrotechnopark operates successfully, which includes an exhibition center, a business incubator, an information and consulting center and a production sector: a plant growing shop, a workshop, storage and processing areas, a rabbit farm, a poultry farm, a mushroom shop, a greenhouse, a vivarium, a veterinary clinic, and an apiary.

Employment is not a problem!

The university has one of the highest employment rates among Russian universities of a similar profile: more than 78% of graduates immediately begin to build a career. This is the result of clearly planned work.

In particular, the organization of practical training for students - classroom systems in production. The university has concluded agreements with 47 basic farms in the Belgorod region and other regions in all spheres of agricultural production and activity.

One of the university's main customers for training is the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. There is also a system of targeted training at the request of enterprises. There are about 50% of such students at the university, which means that several thousand young people know for certain what specific position awaits them after receiving their diploma.

It is important that the university has created a department for promoting the employment of graduates. The labor market is monitored here and direct contacts with enterprises have been established.

The agricultural university is confident that the level of knowledge acquired allows young people to get a decent job and look into the future with optimism. The teaching staff makes every effort to ensure that highly professional and creative specialists graduate from the walls of the university.

Ekaterina Papakina

Belgorod Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin

Educational directions:

“Agriculture and fisheries” (agronomy; agrochemistry and soil science; agricultural engineering; landscape architecture, technology of production and processing of agricultural products);

“Veterinary and animal science” (veterinary medicine; animal science);

“Economics and Management” (economics; management; personnel management);

“Education and Pedagogical Sciences” (vocational training);

“Industrial ecology and biotechnology” (food products of animal origin);

“Applied geology, mining and geodesy” (land management and cadastres);

“Informatics and Computer Science” (applied computer science).

Education levels:

Primary: agricultural classes, lyceum groups, intellectual clubs, research laboratories based on core schools;

Secondary vocational education;

Higher: bachelor's and specialist's degrees, master's, postgraduate studies;

Postgraduate: international course “MBA-agribusiness”, international master’s course “Agricultural Management”, advanced training and retraining of personnel, doctoral studies.

  • 5 people - Conducting applied scientific research W 1
  • 34 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 44
  • 50 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "080000 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014 (from 01.09 .2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations the functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 43
  • 35 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "19.00.00 INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 42
  • 19 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "05.00.00 EARTH SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 41
  • 66 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "21.00.00 APPLIED GEOLOGY, MINING, OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING AND GEODESY" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015. S 40
  • 41 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "260,000 TECHNOLOGY OF FOOD PRODUCTS AND CONSUMER PRODUCTS" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014. (from 01.09.2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations whose founder’s functions and powers are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 39
  • 466 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "35.00.00 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 38
  • 47 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialty programs for the contingent accepted for training in the enlarged group of specialties "110000 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES" (in accordance with OKSO) S 37
  • 9 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialty programs for the contingent accepted for training in the enlarged group of specialties "080000 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" (in accordance with OKSO) S 36
  • 37 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "09.00.00 INFORMATICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 35
  • 524 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "110,000 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014 (from 01.09.2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations whose founder’s functions and powers are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 34
  • 126 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists on the basis of secondary general education in an enlarged group of areas of training and specialties (professions) "38.00.00 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" S 33
  • 112 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists on the basis of secondary general education in an enlarged group of areas of training and specialties (professions) "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" S 32
  • 217 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists on the basis of secondary general education in an enlarged group of areas of training and specialties (professions) "35.00.00 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES" S 31
  • 137 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists on the basis of secondary general education in an enlarged group of areas of training and specialties (professions) "21.00.00 APPLIED GEOLOGY, MINING, OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING AND GEODESY" S 30
  • 165 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialty programs in the enlarged group of specialties "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 29
  • 24 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "38.00.00 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 28
  • 27 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 27
  • 92 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "35.00.00 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 26
  • 20 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in enlarged groups of areas of training "44.00.00 EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 25
  • 162 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialty programs in the enlarged group of specialties "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015 S 24
  • 3 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015 S 23
  • 31 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "35.00.00 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015 city ​​S 22
  • 11 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "44.00.00 EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015. S 21
  • 46 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015 S 20
  • 287 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "35.00.00 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015 city ​​S 19
  • 41 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "21.00.00 APPLIED GEOLOGY, MINING, OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING AND GEODESY" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014. until 09/01/2015 S 18
  • 27 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "19.00.00 INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015. S 17
  • 17 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "09.00.00 INFORMATICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015. S 16
  • 12 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of training areas "05.00.00 EARTH SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09.2015 S 15
  • 213 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialty programs in the enlarged group of specialties "110,000 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014 (from 01.09 .2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations the functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 14
  • ( from 01.09.2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations whose founder’s functions and powers are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 13
  • 33 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "120,000 GEODESY AND LAND MANAGEMENT" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014 (from 01.09 .2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations the functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 12
  • 21 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "050000 EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGY" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014 (from 01.09 .2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations the functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 11
  • 17 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the enlarged group of areas of training "020000 NATURAL SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2012 to 01.09.2014 (from 01.09. 2013 to 01.09.2014 for organizations the functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation) S 10
  • 0 people - Implementation of additional general education general development programs S 9
  • 0 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs S 8
  • 10 people - Implementation of the main professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the enlarged group of training areas "38.00.00 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 09/01/2015 S 7
  • 12 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the enlarged group of training areas "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 09/01/2015 S 6
  • 28 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in an enlarged group of training areas "35.00.00 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 until 09/01/2015 S 5
  • 21 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the enlarged group of training areas "06.00.00 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2014 to 01.09 .2015 S 4
  • 1 person - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the enlarged group of training areas "38.00.00 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 3
  • 12 people - Implementation of the main professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the enlarged group of training areas "36.00.00 VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 2
  • 5 people - Implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the enlarged group of training areas "06.00.00 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES" for the contingent accepted for study in the 1st year from 01.09.2015 S 1

Financial indicators

Year of latest information - 2016

Employees at the beginning of the year - 1030.95 people

Employees at the end of the year - 1033.00 people

Average salary - 25,459.00 rub.

Expenses - 646,486,572.00 rub.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin
(Belgorod State Agrarian University)
International name

Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin

Year of foundation



Turyansky Alexander Vladimirovich

Legal address

308503, Belgorod region, Belgorod district, Maysky village, st. Vavilova, 1

Coordinates: 50°31′23″ n. w. 36°27′13″ E. d. /  50.523° N. w. 36.4537° E. d. / 50.523; 36.4537 (G) (I) K:Educational institutions founded in 1978

Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin(Belgorod State Agrarian University) - higher educational institution (educational and scientific center for agriculture) in Belgorod.


In 1956, a regional agricultural experimental station was created, which became a scientific, methodological and organizational center for the promotion and implementation of scientific achievements and best practices in agricultural production in the region. In 1971, it was reorganized into the Research and Design and Technological Institute of Livestock Husbandry of the Central Chernobyl Plant.

On December 4, 1978, the branch and the Research and Design and Technological Institute of Livestock Husbandry of the Central Black Earth Zone were merged into the Belgorod Agricultural Institute.

In 1994, the institute received the status of an academy.

In 2011, the academy was named after V. Ya. Gorin.


The university has faculties:

  • Agronomic
  • Technological
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Economic
  • Engineering
  • Secondary vocational education
  • Correspondence vocational education

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  • Dannikov V. . - 13.01.2012. - № 2 .
  • Kuznetsov N. A., Novospassky K. M., Sobolev V. P. Belgorod region. - Voronezh: Tsentr.-Chernozemnoe book publishing house, 1979. - 259 p.
  • Makarov, Yaroslav// Belgorod news. - 03.12.2013.
  • Osykov B. I. Belgorod alphabet: Krat. local historian reference.. - Voronezh: Voronezh Central-Chernozem. book publishing house, 1990. - 207 p.
  • Sobolev V. P.. - Voronezh: Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 1983. - 422 p.

An excerpt characterizing Belgorod State Agrarian University

“You’ve already fallen for a petite fille [girl],” said Dolokhov, who knew about Anatole’s marriage. - Look!
- Well, you can’t do it twice! A? – Anatole said, laughing good-naturedly.

The next day after the theater, the Rostovs did not go anywhere and no one came to them. Marya Dmitrievna, hiding something from Natasha, was talking with her father. Natasha guessed that they were talking about the old prince and making up something, and this bothered and offended her. She waited for Prince Andrei every minute, and twice that day she sent the janitor to Vzdvizhenka to find out if he had arrived. He didn't come. It was now harder for her than the first days of her arrival. Her impatience and sadness about him were joined by an unpleasant memory of her meeting with Princess Marya and the old prince, and fear and anxiety, for which she did not know the reason. It seemed to her that either he would never come, or that something would happen to her before he arrived. She could not, as before, calmly and continuously, alone with herself, think about him. As soon as she began to think about him, the memory of him was joined by the memory of the old prince, of Princess Marya and of the last performance, and of Kuragin. She again wondered if she was guilty, if her loyalty to Prince Andrei had already been violated, and again she found herself remembering in the smallest detail every word, every gesture, every shade of play of expression on the face of this man, who knew how to arouse in her something incomprehensible to her. and a terrible feeling. To the eyes of her family, Natasha seemed more lively than usual, but she was far from being as calm and happy as she had been before.
On Sunday morning, Marya Dmitrievna invited her guests to mass at her parish of the Assumption on Mogiltsy.
“I don’t like these fashionable churches,” she said, apparently proud of her free-thinking. - There is only one God everywhere. Our priest is wonderful, he serves decently, it’s so noble, and so is the deacon. Does this make it so sacred that people sing concerts in the choir? I don’t like it, it’s just self-indulgence!
Marya Dmitrievna loved Sundays and knew how to celebrate them. Her house was all washed and cleaned on Saturday; people and she were not working, everyone was dressed up for the holidays, and everyone was attending mass. Food was added to the master's dinner, and people were given vodka and roast goose or pig. But nowhere in the whole house was the holiday more noticeable than on Marya Dmitrievna’s broad, stern face, which on that day assumed an unchanging expression of solemnity.
When they had drunk coffee after mass, in the living room with the covers removed, Marya Dmitrievna was informed that the carriage was ready, and she, with a stern look, dressed in the ceremonial shawl in which she made visits, stood up and announced that she was going to Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky to explain to him about Natasha.
After Marya Dmitrievna left, a milliner from Madame Chalmet came to the Rostovs, and Natasha, having closed the door in the room next to the living room, very pleased with the entertainment, began trying on new dresses. While she was putting on a sour cream bodice still without sleeves and bending her head, looking in the mirror at how the back was sitting, she heard in the living room the animated sounds of her father’s voice and another, female voice, which made her blush. It was Helen's voice. Before Natasha had time to take off the bodice she was trying on, the door opened and Countess Bezukhaya entered the room, beaming with a good-natured and affectionate smile, in a dark purple, high-necked velvet dress.
- Ah, ma delicieuse! [Oh, my charming one!] - she said to the blushing Natasha. - Charmante! [Charming!] No, this is not like anything, my dear Count,” she said to Ilya Andreich, who came in after her. – How to live in Moscow and not travel anywhere? No, I won't leave you alone! This evening M lle Georges is reciting and some people will gather; and if you don’t bring your beauties, who are better than M lle Georges, then I don’t want to know you. My husband is gone, he left for Tver, otherwise I would have sent him for you. Be sure to come, definitely, at nine o'clock. “She nodded her head to a milliner she knew, who sat down respectfully to her, and sat down on a chair next to the mirror, picturesquely spreading out the folds of her velvet dress. She did not stop chatting good-naturedly and cheerfully, constantly admiring Natasha's beauty. She examined her dresses and praised them, and boasted about her new dress en gaz metallique, [made of metal-colored gas], which she received from Paris and advised Natasha to do the same.
“However, everything suits you, my lovely,” she said.