Modern methods of personnel selection. Modern recruitment techniques

Find good specialist, who can take the place of a departing employee or effectively fit into an expanding workforce is not easy. After all, he must be not only a professional who copes well with his work responsibilities, but also sufficiently adequate person to become part of the team without provoking conflict situations without being late for work and without setting others up.

To find one, you need to know the methods of searching and selecting employees, as well as know how to make the process of assessing applicants fairly objective.

Selection rules

In his work, a candidate selection specialist should be guided by the following principles:

  • Complexity. You cannot select an employee based on any one factor: for example, hiring a system administrator just because he is good at his job professional field. To become part of the team, a system administrator must also be responsible, neat, hard-working, and these qualities also need to be identified in applicants.
  • Objectivity. The interviewer's assessment can be (and likely will be) subjective, so the selection process should include methods that make the results comparable. For example, if you need to hire a waiter, you should give all applicants the same test: set a table for guests. Thus, it will be possible to evaluate who did better, not by subjective criteria, but according to objective ones.
  • Scientificity. The simplest interview continues to be popular, but it cannot be the only method for personnel search. It is also necessary to apply modern developments, tests and psychological techniques, including non-standard ones, which will allow you to create the most reliable portrait of the applicant and assess how suitable he is.
  • Continuity. The work of a human resources specialist must be continuous, until the moment an employee for the empty position is found.
  • Impartiality. You cannot refuse a good specialist just because the personnel officer does not like him for personal reasons. Perhaps the applicant is a woman with three children, perhaps the applicant is a young guy who has just graduated from college, or a disabled person of the third group. As long as its feature does not interfere with work, it is insignificant and should not be taken into account.

Only when the interviewer adheres to all five principles can he find a worthy employee.

Options for attracting candidates

To find an employee, you can turn to the following sources:

  • Own organization. People who work in a certain field usually have friends who are interested in it. If you ask employees to find a person suitable for a vacant position, this can bring many applicants to the company, for whom there is someone to vouch.
  • Facilities mass media . An announcement about the search for a specialist can be posted on the Internet (this is the most popular and easiest way, since most job seekers look for vacancies via the Internet), broadcast on radio or television, and hung on poles throughout the city. How big square covered - by more people will be able to find out that they are being looked for.
  • Higher education institutions. If the organization agrees to hire young specialists and train them, good decision could be cooperation with educational institutions who are engaged in training workers of the required profile. There are many options - post advertisements on stands in universities, arrange open lessons with job offers and stories about prospects, spread rumors. The only disadvantage of this approach is that the employees will be inexperienced.
  • Private recruitment agencies. This option requires the least time and effort - it is enough to simply issue the specialists with the requirements for applicants and a monetary reward, and all the burdens will fall on their shoulders. However, there is a big disadvantage - agencies do not work for free, and selecting employees using their own resources can be quite expensive.

Either way, it's not too difficult to attract people. It is much more difficult to choose from them those who are suitable.

Selection methods

To choose the one who is ideal for the position, you need to conduct a kind of admissions exam -. As a rule, it includes:

  • Interview. At this stage, a casual conversation is held with the candidate, finding out how adequate he is, what is his level professional ethics whether he is ready to really work and what salary level he is applying for.
  • Testing. At this stage, as a rule, the applicant’s professional data is checked, offering him a small task that will help identify his level. The tasks are different for all specialists. The bartender is asked to mix several cocktails or name their composition, the teacher is asked to quickly create a daily routine for the children, the waiter is asked to set a table, the programmer is asked to correct errors in the code. The main thing is that the results can be compared with the results of others.
  • . They are designed to reveal the adequacy of the candidate and his personal qualities.
  • Questionnaire. It is also not suitable for everyone and requires that the applicant fill out, on the basis of which it will be possible to get an idea of ​​his personality.

Sometimes atypical steps are added to the interview. For example, a quiz, blitz testing or stress test. In any case, the main thing is to get an idea of ​​what the applicant is like.

The results can be assessed according to several criteria:

  • Test results. Everything is simple here: this is the most objective of the evaluation criteria, since it represents a comparison - this candidate solved all the problems correctly, and this one only solved half. It is obvious which of them is better suited for the position.
  • Results of questionnaires and psychological tests. There are no particular difficulties here either: just look at what qualities the tests revealed. Is one applicant sociable, optimistic and persistent, while the other is withdrawn, serious and irresponsible? It is immediately clear which of them is better for the company.
  • Interviewer's subjective assessment. This indicator is the most unreliable and in no case should be the only one. However, the opinion of a person who communicated with the applicant personally, saw how he spoke, felt lies or sincerity and was able to formulate general impression, cannot be discounted. There are things that no tests will reveal - that is why the interviewer should be an experienced specialist who understands people and has a good understanding of the essence of the proposed work.

In general, evaluate which candidate fits better for others, it may be difficult. But the tests speak for themselves, and you need to focus primarily on them, and also not allow typical mistakes.

You can learn modern interview techniques from the following video:

Common Mistakes

For those who do not search for employees very often, some things may not be obvious. There is a whole list of mistakes that can be made due to inexperience:

  • Limitation. Requiring applicants to fax their resumes or just call them narrows the pool of those who will get an interview. There are people who do not have a fax, and there are those who open up only in personal communication. You shouldn’t discount them right away.
  • Pickiness towards the applicant. If the resume that came in response to an ad seems completely unattractive, this is not a reason to refuse a specialist. Many people simply don’t know how to write a resume in a way that makes people want to answer it.
  • Being picky about yourself. If a person writes that he only wants to work in a large company, it’s worth trying to attract him anyway - everyone has their own concept of largeness.
  • Stealth. If the ad doesn't include a salary, a large percentage of applicants simply won't respond.
  • Being late. If the interviewer is late for an interview, few candidates will want to continue working with the organization.
  • Disapproval of a previous employee. If the interviewer speaks negatively about a previous specialist, the applicant may transfer this hostility onto himself and not want to be spoken about in such a way later.

Finding the perfect employee is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to act consistently and not make stupid mistakes.

Every manager is looking for his ideal employee: qualified, motivated and loyal. How not to make a mistake when choosing the best from many candidates? Practice shows that the use of modern selection and assessment methods reduces personnel costs, increases the efficiency of human resources and contributes to the growth and development of the company as a whole.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why recruitment, selection and assessment of personnel in organizations are among the most important processes personnel management;
  • What are the basic principles of personnel selection and evaluation in an organization;
  • What stages does personnel selection include and what assessment methods are used during the initial selection;
  • What recruitment methods are most effective;

Personnel management: recruitment methodology in organizations

Human resource management is a job that requires a flexible approach and some practical experience in the HR field. This is targeted and organized activity, whose task is to provide optimal conditions for the work of the company. Formation of human resources is one of most important tasks management.

Highly qualified employees with the proper level of motivation and loyalty can ensure maximum productivity of the organization. This is why employers are so interested in the quality of personnel.

Personnel selection and assessment- basic functions of personnel management . Rational use human resource certainly has great value. However, it is important not only to competently manage existing specialists, but also to pay attention to who exactly the employer hires. Many economic goals of an organization become achievable if its management takes the quality of its human resources seriously.

Thus, qualified selection can help increase labor productivity, reduce costs, and ensure optimal and timely placement of key employees.

In world practice, two main areas of personnel selection predominate:

  • Search and selection of employees to fill vacancies;
  • Search for specialists as an investment and innovation resource ensuring its development;

The combination of these areas allows us to provide a comprehensive approach to personnel selection And initial assessment personnel . The essence of this approach is that the search and employment of new employees turns from a familiar routine into a full-fledged one. marketing strategy, which positions the company’s corporate culture, working conditions and business characteristics in a certain area as a product in the human resources market.

This approach allows you to solve a number of important problems for the employer:

  • Timely identification of qualitative and quantitative needs for workers in accordance with the goals and capabilities of the enterprise;
  • Search for optimal sources of staff replenishment and selection of appropriate technology for attracting suitable applicants;
  • Creation of criteria for selecting applicants in accordance with qualification requirements and necessary for efficient work personal qualities in this position;
  • Selection of optimal methods of personnel selection and assessment to accurately identify the degree of compliance of applicants with established criteria;
  • Maintaining favorable conditions for the adaptation of new employees;

Modern methodspersonnel selection and assessment in the organization

Recruitment, like any management process, is subject to certain rules. First of all, it must be adapted to the production and organizational conditions of the organization, the specifics of its activities, corporate culture, strategic goals and possible prospects.

Principles for selecting applicants

The effectiveness of personnel selection and applied personnel assessment methods largely depends on compliance basic principles recruiting:

  • Complexity
    For selection best applicants a comprehensive analysis of information about applicants. It is important to study biographical data and professional career history, determine the level of competencies and skills, and identify basic business and personal qualities.
  • Objectivity
    The results should be repeated with repeated samplings. Influence subjective opinion recruiter's time to make a hiring decision should be minimal.
  • Continuity
    The search and selection process should be ongoing, and not initiated when the need for new employees arises. Work on the formation of a personnel reserve should be included in the organization's strategy.
  • Planning
    All activities must be carried out systematically, in accordance with the company’s planned need for employees. They must take into account the development prospects of the enterprise and its staff.
  • Alternativeity
    The company needs to strive to attract as many larger number applicants. This is necessary to ensure that the best applicants can be selected based on the specifics of the vacancy.
  • Activity
    Effective recruiting involves constant work with potential employees and the use of basic personnel selection methods .

Principles for assessing candidates:

With regard to personnel assessment methods used in personnel selection, it is necessary to ensure their compliance with the following principles:

  • Awareness
    When assessed against highly detailed criteria, the candidate must be more informed;
  • Objectivity
    The attitude towards the evaluated applicants should be as impartial and fair as possible;
  • Integral application of assessment techniques
    The methodology chosen for a specific vacancy must be applied to all candidates without exception;
  • Regularity
    The assessment must be carried out in accordance with established standards and certain rules;
  • Economical
    The selected methods of personnel selection and assessment must provide an optimal level of reliability with a justified amount of financial investments and organizational costs;
  • Differentiation
    Assessment technologies should vary depending on the specifics of the vacant position. It is necessary to identify groups of positions for which it would be appropriate to use similar techniques.

Stagesrecruitment and methodsits primaryassessments

Since this process is an organizational one, it can be divided into several stages. At the same time, some stages are mandatory for any vacancy, and some can be skipped in order to speed up the process or due to their inexpediency.

  1. Preliminary selection
    At this stage, an analysis of the submitted resumes and remote interviews are carried out. After some candidates are eliminated, the remaining ones are invited to a preliminary conversation. Recruiter evaluates appearance potential employees, their communication style, behavioral characteristics.
  2. Questionnaire
    The main requirement for a job application is its brevity. It is better to keep the number of questions to a minimum, and their content to be quite correct and neutral. At this stage, the recruiter receives information about the work experience and main achievements of the applicant, finds out whether he has recommendations and whether someone can confirm them.
  3. Autobiography
    Some companies ask candidates to write an autobiography to analyze the psychophysiological characteristics of a person. This is typical for large companies who turn to specialists in the field of psychology and graphology to obtain a professional analysis of the candidate’s personal qualities.
  4. Interview
    Those who pass the first stages of selection are invited to a hiring interview. The type of interview is determined by the requirements for the vacant position and the applicants for it. Various types of interviews can be used in personnel selection. The interview can either be conducted according to a pre-prepared scheme or be loosely formalized.
    The task of an HR specialist at this stage is to get the maximum useful information about the candidate, his professional competencies and personal characteristics. It is important to understand whether his qualifications, work experience, skills and abilities meet the requirements of the proposed position.
  5. Testing
    In some cases, to get additional information and to further narrow the circle of applicants for a vacancy, the employer, when selecting personnel, resorts to an assessment method such as testing. The test can give an HR specialist Additional information about professional skills, preferred methods of work, goals and attitudes, psychological characteristics, motivation, ability to career growth and so on.
  6. Checking references
    If references are available, the hiring manager should verify their authenticity by contacting the applicant's former colleagues or supervisors.
  7. Medical checkup
    If the position has special health requirements, a medical certificate may be required for employment. As a rule, this applies to professions that involve responsibility for people’s lives: pilots, sailors, food workers, civil servants, police officers.
  8. Making a decision about employment
    Based on the results of the events, the employer makes a decision on hiring or refusing employment. In some cases, an additional interview with the potential employee’s immediate supervisor or head of the organization may be necessary. If management accepts positive decision, a contract is concluded with the candidate employment contract and issue a hiring order.

TechniquesselectionAndpersonnel evaluations

Recruitment methods are constantly being improved. Every manager is interested in recruiting the best of the best specialists to the team. In addition, at the selection and assessment stage, the preferred methods of stimulating personnel are determined. In this regard, non-standard methods of selection, interviewing and analysis of professional competencies are emerging. However, the basic techniques do not undergo major changes.

Recruitment methods

  • Mass recruiting
    Used to select low and mid-level workers. As a rule, it involves searching for employees for certain positions through the company website, vacancy sites, and recruitment agencies. The analysis of applicants’ abilities before admission to work is significantly simplified and is aimed at identifying compliance basic requirements positions.
  • Direct search (exclusive search)
    It is used to search for senior-level employees or highly specialized specialists with special skills and competencies. The peculiarity of this personnel selection technique is that it is aimed, among other things, at working specialists.
  • Headhunting
    This method is considered a type of direct search. As a rule, it is aimed at employed people senior specialists and implies luring them to a competing company. This procedure requires large financial and time costs. In addition, only a highly qualified HR professional can do it.
  • Preliminary
    It's relative new method search for young personnel. It involves searching for specialists among those undergoing internships and internships at the company. HRs select promising students and, subsequently, invite the best to work.

About the advantages and disadvantages different methods read recruitment

Methods for assessing applicants

  • Primary selection at the stage of resume analysis(analysis of compliance of the specified characteristics, work experience and skills with the requirements of the vacant position);
  • Interview(personal meeting with the candidate to check his professional and personal qualities);
  • Assessment center(comprehensive analysis focused on identifying the real qualities of applicants, their professional and psychological characteristics, potential opportunities);
  • Professional questionnaires(direct testing of the knowledge and skills required by the candidate);

Read articles

Technologies for searching and selecting personnel do not stand still. Methods that worked great just a few years ago do not work today. desired result. There are many reasons for this: the demographic situation, the “difficult” labor market, changes in the motivation of young professionals, and so on. The essence remains the same. Finding the right candidate is becoming increasingly difficult.

In my article I want to dwell on two components of the personnel selection process - the search (methods of attraction) and selection (evaluation) of personnel.

I note that detailed description The “work” of all the methods (who/how/why/when to use them and how much it costs) is not my task.

The article turned out to be lengthy, so I won’t bore you with a long introduction.

Personnel search

4 main recruitment technologies:

  • Mass recruiting (massrecruiting) — used for selection large quantity employees. These are mostly specialists line level, with sufficiently clearly defined professional skills and experience;
  • Recruiting (recruiting) — search and selection of qualified specialists. As a rule, it is carried out among candidates already looking for a job;
  • Direct search (executive search) — search for rare specialists and/or middle managers. Conducted both among free specialists and those still working;
  • Headhunting - Poaching a specific working specialist.

Methods of attracting personnel (search sources):

Speaking about methods and sources of personnel search, it is worth noting that some of them are used only by direct employers (due to certain restrictions), while some are more often used by recruitment agencies.

  • Personnel reserve— nominating a candidate from among the organization’s employees for an open vacancy;
  • Referral Recruiting– There are two types of referral recruiting: within the company and external. Referral recruiting within the company - employees recommend candidates from among their friends; outside the company - the candidate is sought by recommendation former colleagues, acquaintances, etc.;
  • Targeted training in universities— the company “grows” future employees by offering employment after completing targeted training;
  • Employment centers at universities – attracting young specialists for the period industrial practice with subsequent employment, especially relevant for workers and technical specialties;
  • Open days – This is an acquaintance of candidates with the organization “from the inside”, an opportunity to evaluate working conditions with their own eyes and communicate with managers. The main disadvantage of this method is the lack of guarantees of attracting interesting candidates and the very labor-intensive process of organizing an event;
  • Job fairs– the most interesting are the industry ones, good opportunity make a company presentation and collect contacts of candidates interested in the job;
  • State employment centers - This method works well when attracting personnel with low salary requirements;
  • Targeted retraining of specialists in training centers– training of promising employees of the organization with their subsequent promotion;
  • Posting job vacancies near the organization– one of the “guerrilla” methods, works well for retail trade and workers, production specialties;
  • Recruitment agencies– by contacting the agency, the employer receives a guarantee of attracting a certain number of candidates who meet his requirements, from which he can choose the most suitable one;
  • Posting vacancies on specialized employment sites- one of the most common passive ways attracting personnel, I’ll note the disadvantages low activity candidates and the inconsistency of the received responses with the stated requirements;
  • Searching for resumes on specialized employment sites- one of the most common active ways attracting personnel, often expensive and extremely labor-intensive;
  • Placing advertisements for vacancies in specialized printed publications well suited for searching for blue-collar, technical and manufacturing specialties;
  • Placement of vacancy announcements in non-core print media– allows you to reach candidates who are not open to currently market;
  • Posting advertisements for vacancies in public transport – the main advantage of this method is a large coverage area and the ability to interest candidates who are not open to the market;
  • Posting job vacancies on radio and television– perfect for a small city, but for a metropolis this method is too expensive.

If we talk specifically about modern methods of personnel search, we can highlight the following:

  • Search for candidates in in social networks – a relevant, inexpensive, but labor-intensive method of attracting personnel. Well suited for searching for young and mid-level professionals.
  • Searching for candidates on the Internet (forums, specialized communities) - inexpensive, but rather labor-intensive method. Allows you to contact to a narrow circle specialists, as well as get recommendations for interesting candidates.
  • Posting job advertisements on the Internet in video format – one of the most popular methods today. The cost of creating a video about a company/vacancy is comparable to the cost of traditional methods of attracting personnel. The effectiveness of this method is quite high. Thanks to the distribution of the Internet, it is possible to maximum amount views.

The active use of these methods of attracting personnel is associated with the development of the global web. Following the candidates, recruiters also went to the Internet.

Recently, methods such as:

  • Personnel leasing– use of temporary labor resource provided by recruitment agencies for a long period of time to solve the organization’s production problems;
  • Outsourcing– transfer to a third party of some business processes that are non-core for the organization;
  • Temporary staff– unlike leasing, it is used in cases where an organization needs additional employees for a short period (from one day to several months);
  • Outstaffing– registration in the staff of a specialized agency of employees working in a company that, for one reason or another, no longer wants to maintain these personnel.

Of course, these methods are not methods of attracting personnel to the organization, but they solve the problem of its shortage no less effectively.

Personnel selection

Speaking about the selection of candidates, namely all sorts of different tests, we can no longer make a distinction between direct employers and agencies. All selection methods are used by them in equally, and their choice depends on the knowledge and experience of a particular selection specialist.

So, the main methods for selecting candidates:

  • Analysis of resumes and other documents- screening based on formal criteria;
  • Telephone interview— screening according to formal requirements, determining the level of expected salary;
  • Interview- except necessary competencies Both the appearance and demeanor of the candidate are assessed;
  • Stressful interview— level of stress resistance, pattern of behavior in a stressful situation;
  • Questionnaire— compliance with procedures, willingness to make contact;
  • Testing— psychological, level of intelligence, etc.;
  • Essay— the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing;
  • Solving business cases— model of behavior in a given situation;
  • Logical and associative tasks- behavior, reaction to questions, logical thinking abilities;
  • Infusion into work groups— evaluation of communications, work proposals;
  • Collection of recommendations- recommendations from employers, colleagues with previous places work;
  • Collecting information on social networks.

I would also like to note some unconventional and largely controversial selection methods:

Anthropological selection method

Anthropological- the candidate’s abilities, his intellectual and creative abilities are assessed based on the structure of his skull: size brow ridges, position of lips and ears, etc.

Graphological selection method

Graphological- the applicant’s handwriting is analyzed, based on this analysis, conclusions are drawn about individual characteristics candidate. According to graphologists, graphological examination allows one to evaluate a person’s personal and business qualities. It must be said that this method is used mainly in Europe. In Russia it is not widespread, and graphology itself is often classified as a pseudoscience.

Astrological selection method

Astrological— the candidate’s zodiac sign is analyzed. It is believed that by the zodiac sign one can determine the personal and business qualities of a candidate, the success of his entry into the team, and his predisposition to certain types of work, professions and positions. In Russia, again, this selection method is not common.

It is rarely used by professional recruiters (well, perhaps out of female curiosity). But a male leader can resort to him at the most unexpected moment and make a choice in favor of a candidate based on his zodiac sign.

Numerological selection method

Numerological- the same story with numerology. The candidate is assessed by date of birth (the numbers themselves, their order, combination, etc.).


Palmistry- Palmists evaluate a person’s abilities based on palm parameters. They even say that palmists can evaluate professional qualities.

The boom in attracting palmists, magicians, psychics and other people of outstanding abilities occurred in the “dashing” 90s. Turning to such “specialists” removes the responsibility for making a decision on choosing a candidate, but the quality of assessing candidates is difficult to assess.


Polygraph (Lie Detector)- the least exotic method, has real scientific basis. Used for over 100 years. Average level The reliability of the lie detector is 95%. IN Lately is becoming increasingly widespread.

To sum up the unconventional methods of personnel selection, I will say that I have formed a rather entertaining image of a recruiter-astrologer-numerologist-palm reader with a polygraph at the ready. Do I need to say that I don’t know such a specialist? And you? 🙂

Of all the above unconventional methods there is not a single one that would guarantee 100% correctness of choice (with the possible exception of a lie detector). But also traditional methods do not provide such a guarantee.


The choice of ways to attract and select personnel depends on many factors: the state of the labor market, the profile of the vacancy, the corporate culture of the organization, its financial capabilities. At the same time, recruiters, as a rule, do not stop at any one method, but use them in combination.

Recruiting personnel is a rather complex task, the solution of which in each company occurs according to an individual scheme. Recruitment methods today come in a huge variety, and only HR specialists can decide which one will be the most effective in the situation at hand.

The employee selection procedure is divided into two successive stages: searching for candidates and selecting the best among them.

To find personnel, there are four main methods that are actively used in daily work by HR managers of almost all companies.

MethodMain featuresAudience of candidates
RecruitingSearch and selection of low and mid-level employeesPeople looking for employment
Exclusive searchTargeted search for rare specialists and senior management personnelBoth free and working professionals
Head huntingA type of Exclusive search, when a kind of “hunt” is conducted for the best specialists of competitors with the aim of luring them to youProfessionals and leading senior managers whose activities will help bring the company to greater high level development
PreliminaringAttracting young people to work through internships and internships promising specialists, whose activities in the future will be the key to the company’s successStudents, university graduates

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the above methods for searching and evaluating candidates during the personnel selection procedure will be the most effective, since each of them is good in its own way and under certain conditions. An analysis of the responsibilities of the vacant position, the state of affairs in the company, the urgency of the vacancy and the current situation on the labor market should be mandatory factors in choosing the appropriate method.

Methods for selecting the best

There are many more methods for assessing candidates for a position when selecting staff than methods for the search itself.

It is important to note that the concept of “best” in different situations will have different interpretation. So, one organization needs an employee, in full meets the stated requirements, since it is assumed that it will provide full results on the first day of work. Another employer is ready to devote time to training a new employee, as long as he can quickly fit into the corporate culture and has a certain set of personal qualities. The third company may not take into account the experience of previous activities at all - for it, the first place will be human qualities candidate.

Based on this, there is no universal recipe for choosing the best applicant. But it is still important to have the necessary set of methods for assessing applicants in order to select exactly the candidate who will ideally meet the organization’s needs.

Collection of data about applicants

In most cases, the initial screening occurs at the stage of receiving a resume, and for recruiters the assessment professional qualities It is not difficult for an applicant to apply for this document. But it happens that precisely because of the unification of these techniques, HR specialists stop carefully studying resumes and simply skip truly interesting specialists, paying more attention to the formal side of presenting information.

It must be admitted that this stage of employee selection should be approached more responsibly than just looking for applicants in their resumes keywords. A good HR manager must be able to read between the lines, and then the danger of missing out on a valuable specialist is almost completely eliminated.


This concept has quite a few interpretations and in Russia it is often associated with a conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan. Having a plan is what distinguishes a screening interview from any other conversation.

Modern techniques assessment and selection of personnel allow the use of interviewing in a variety of forms.

Interview formDistinctive featuresA comment
During telephone conversation With the applicant, after studying his resume, the information provided is clarified and supplemented, attention is focused on the features of working in the company in questionSuitable for finding workers for virtually any position. Doesn't require a lot of time
Can take place in several formats: free unstructured interview; structured interview; situational interviewIt is possible to compare the answers of different candidates to similar questions. Applicable when selecting an employee for a creative position
Expert groupSeveral interviewers communicate with the applicant at once. The need for such an interview may arise in cases where the vacancy being filled requires the employee to have highly specialized knowledge that an HR specialist will not be able to assess.During the interview, a rather tense situation is created for the applicant, which makes it possible to test his resistance to stressful situations

Assessment interview

An assessment interview is great when you need to short terms choose the best specialist from a large number of candidates. The methodology is based on observations by specially trained appraisers of the behavior of applicants in real working conditions or when performing specific tasks. The content of the latter reflects the problems of activity and the main aspects of a particular position.

Assessment is somewhat similar to testing, as it involves standardization: checking all candidates for compliance with certain criteria and rating on the same scale. In some cases, assessors add a structured interview or testing to the applicants’ performance of special tasks.

Psychological testing

Despite the high popularity of testing as a method of selecting applicants, its use in recruitment should be subject to certain restrictions:

When choosing this method of assessing candidates, you should also observe ethical standards: You cannot subject a person to psychological examination against his will.


In practice, when selecting employees, they can also be used professional questionnaires, with the help of which you can identify incompetent candidates at the beginning of testing skills and knowledge. Alternatively, skills testing can be carried out empirically, when an expert or recruiter checks the candidate’s professionalism in the process of performing a certain task, which will subsequently be part of his job responsibilities. For example, typing speed when filling a secretary position, level of foreign language proficiency for a translator, etc.

HR services use various methods of personnel selection in their activities. For example, when selecting new employees in American companies they use the method psychological analysis, for this the candidate is required following documents: questionnaire filled out at home; handwritten application letter (at least 15 lines); photographs (frontal and profile). HR specialists analyze photographs using physiognomic tables containing 198 individual signs. The questionnaire and letter of application of a candidate for a position are subject, first of all, to graphological analysis, during which 238 signs are identified to characterize the personal parameters of the applicant. The questionnaire contains 140 questions, the answers to which are analyzed not so much by content, but from the point of view of style and nature of presentation, where the candidate’s personality traits involuntarily appear. When selecting workers using this method, under a plausible pretext, entrepreneurs reject up to 80% of applicants.

In most foreign companies, each candidate is comprehensively analyzed. It takes up to 48 man-hours to select one candidate in Japan, and up to 16-18 in the USA. A network of special assessment centers with qualified staff and modern equipment has been widely developed, and numerous psychological tests. When hiring, less attention is paid to the formal knowledge of the candidate, and more to his human and business qualities. The most serious inquiries are made about each candidate. same place work. In Japan, for example, when hiring a university graduate, company representatives talk to his former professors.

The most common methods for evaluating personnel in Japanese corporations are the following.

1. Study of the biography, where the main aspects of the analysis are:
family relationships;
nature of education;
physical development;
main needs and interests;
features of intelligence;

2. Personal file data, which is a kind of dossier where personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. According to the personal file, the progress of the employee’s personality development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.
3. Expert assessments to determine the abilities and personal qualities of a manager or candidate for nomination. They are carried out on the basis of processing special questionnaires that are filled out for the person being assessed by superior managers, subordinates and himself (tripartite personnel assessment). Typically, the questionnaire form contains the following data:
abilities (identification of professional qualities necessary to perform the main functions of management: the ability to make decisions, plan, organize people, control the activities of subordinates);
work experience (compliance or non-compliance with the position held; quality of professional activity; aspiration for the future, plan for career advancement);
development (to assess character traits and improve them).

The questionnaire lists 24 character traits: perseverance, optimism, rudeness, secrecy, talkativeness, diligence, etc.
4. Execution written assignments: developing a project, preparing a business letter, writing a report, etc. The examinee either submits the completed task to a commission of experts for subsequent verification, or immediately after writing the work, reports it to the examiners.
5. Oral exams, which usually take the form of interviews, interviews, group discussions. As a rule, their topics are production problems typical for the position occupied by the subject.

Recently, in industrial developed countries graphological bureaus have become widespread, which analyze the professional and personal qualities of workers based on their handwriting. For example, in the USA there are already hundreds of such bureaus, and they have turned into a real branch of business. The most reputable companies and government agencies trust graphologists, based on just a few lines handwritten by candidates for high positions, to determine their aspirations, degree of self-control and initiative, and thereby - the likelihood of success or the danger of an unsuccessful choice. Graphological analysis is the simplest, cheapest and most importantly for corporations and firms. the right way selection than traditional psychological tests.

In many Japanese and Western companies, when vacancies appear in the management apparatus, an internal competition for filling the position is first announced (among its employees) and only in case of negative results are outside specialists invited to participate in the competition. It improves moral climate in a team, strengthens faith in their organization. Much attention is paid to working with reserves. All large companies have so-called movement matrices, which reflect the current position of each manager, his possible movements and the degree of readiness to take the next position (ready to take immediately; will be ready in a year; will be ready in two years, but for this it is necessary to improve his qualifications in such and such areas, etc.).

The most important element of personnel management is the movement of managers. Correct, targeted relocation allows not only to ensure the employee’s suitability for the position, but also to overcome stagnation and conservatism in thinking. In the management practice of developed countries, there are at least three types of transfers of managers: firstly, promotion (or demotion) in position with an expansion (or narrowing) of the circle job responsibilities, an increase (decrease) in rights and an increase (decrease) in the level of activity; secondly, an increase in the level of qualifications, accompanied by an assignment to the manager of more complex tasks and does not entail a promotion, but is accompanied by an increase in salary; thirdly, a change in the range of tasks and responsibilities that is not caused by advanced training and does not entail a promotion in position and an increase in salary (rotation). This type of rotation leads to broadening one's horizons, increasing and expanding managerial qualifications and, ultimately, to job growth. This type of movement is especially typical for Japan.

IN last years Assessment procedures are changing significantly: employees themselves are increasingly involved in them. Research conducted at the General Electric Corporation revealed that about 90% of managers and 86% of subordinates believe that self-esteem must be taken into account as component assessments in general. This, according to the respondents, will increase its efficiency, involve employees in the management process, and the assessment itself will cease to be only an expression of the opinions of managers.

Methods for selecting management personnel and their improvement are today the focus of management theory and practice. A survey of heads of a number of corporations showed that the interview is universal remedy assessment of the manager’s business and personal qualities. Appointment to a leadership position based on reviews and recommendations is also of significant interest. Analysis of the results of the use of biographical data (obtained on the basis of responses reflecting the main stages of life path future leader), which indicates a high degree of its reliability.

Considering wide use"verbal" methods of personnel selection and placement, Western researchers great attention focus on studying typical mistakes that job candidates make during interviews with HR employees or managers. Such errors include:
insufficient preparation for the interview (the candidate should have preliminary information about the future place of work and use it as actively as possible during the conversation);
lack of a conversation plan (the candidate must outline the main topics of the interview in advance and be ready to present any necessary information);
inability to answer questions briefly and clearly (within three phrases) concrete questions;
inability or unwillingness to ask questions (which indicates a lack of interest in the place of future work);
inability to listen to the interlocutor (which leads to misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and confusion when answering questions);
inability or unwillingness to produce the first favorable impression appearance(modesty and a certain conservatism in clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, etc. are recommended).

In all cases of use various methods selection and placement of personnel, allowing you to correctly determine which qualities of a person deserve special attention, Western specialists It is recommended to carefully study the functional responsibilities for each specific position.