What is the moral climate in a family? Where does gastritis come from? Psychological climate and its impact on relationships


Family - a complex system relationships between spouses, parents, children, and other relatives. Taken together, these relationships constitute the microclimate of the family, which directly affects the emotional well-being of all its members, through the prism of which the rest of the world and their place in it are perceived. Depending on how adults behave with the child, what feelings and attitudes are expressed by loved ones, the child perceives the world as attractive or repulsive, benevolent or threatening. As a result, he develops trust or distrust in the world (E. Erikson).

Psychological climate families can be defined as a set of psychological attitudes, moods, relationships between parents and children.The following indicators of the state of the psychological climate of the family are distinguished: the degree of emotional comfort, the level of anxiety, the degree of mutual understanding, respect, support, assistance, empathy and mutual influence; place of leisure (within or outside the family), openness of the family in relationships with its immediate environment.
D.V. Winnicott distinguishes two categories of psychological climate: favorable and unfavorable. A favorable psychological climate in the family is determined by the following features intrafamily relationships: mutual understanding and stability, cohesion, positive emotional condition, moral family values. An important influence on the psychological climate of the family is exerted by the culture of communication between spouses and with children, joint family self-care for the family, and the creation of a family subculture. Stabilization emotional relationships depends on the equality of its members, the individual needs that marriage and family life as a whole satisfy.

A favorable home environment has a positive effect on relationships with friends and classmates, and creates a sense of teamwork in the child.An unfavorable psychological climate in a family is determined when there are chronic difficulties and conflicts in one or more areas of family relationships; family members experience constant anxiety and emotional discomfort; alienation prevails in relationships. At the same time, children are characterized by conflict in other areas of communication - at school, informal associations, and subsequently in work collectives.

It should be noted that one of the factors in shaping the psychological climate of a family is character. Stability, stability of character traits gives us the opportunity to predict how a person will behave in certain situation, his reactions to everyday difficulties, etc.

Another important factor psychological climate in the family - marital compatibility, which is one of the most complex phenomena of family and marital relations between people. The degree of this compatibility determines not only its psychological climate, but also the stability of the family, its social effectiveness in terms of performing the most important function - reproductive and educational, as well as psychotherapeutic.

The peculiarity of parent-child relationships in the family is that they are of particular emotional significance for both the child and the parents, and therefore form a certain psychological climate in the family. The most important manifestations of parental attitude are tenderness, care, sensitivity to the needs of the child, reliability, security, predictability, consistency. These relationships involve two opposing trends. One of them is the desire for knowledge, risk, exciting situations, and the other is the desire for protection and security. One tendency encourages the child to separate from his parents and strive for external world, while the other returns it back. The parent's ability to properly encourage these tendencies determines the usefulness of the parental relationship for the child's development.

There are a variety of types of psychological climate in the family, each of which characterizes intrafamily relationships, the components of which are parent-child relationships, reflecting the content family values and therefore the educational potential of the family.

V.M. Sokolov highlights following types psychological climate in the family:

1) a stable negative psychological climate of the family is the opposite of a positive climate. Usually this type psychological climate indicates problems within the family. A negative climate is characterized by a lack of family devotion on the part of the spouses, a low degree of mutual support, and insufficient concern for the welfare of each of its members. With a negative psychological climate of the family, one can observe negative attitude between spouses, including towards children, there is irritability, suspicion; in such a family, minor quarrels constantly break out, which often grow into large, protracted conflicts;

2) the unstable, variable psychological climate in the family is manifested in the insufficiently friendly attitude of the spouses towards each other. Often the attributes of a variable psychological climate include minor quarrels, inattentive attitude towards each other, “formal” or “duty” smiles, jokes and even laughter.

3) an uncertain psychological climate, manifests itself in families where spouses, partially disappointed in living together, experience some tension. This prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positiveemotions . If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic;

4) stable positive psychological climate. In a family with a favorable psychological climate, each member treats the others withlove , respect and trust, to parents - also with reverence, to the weaker - with readiness to help at any moment. Important indicators of a family’s favorable psychological climate are the desire of its members to carry out free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do things together homework, highlight the virtues and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, and removes stress conditions, increasing self-esteem social significance and implementation personal potential every family member.

The nature of the family atmosphere is determined primarily by how family members communicate with each other. There are friendly families in which no one is left on the sidelines, where there are no those who suppress the initiative and activity of others. Parents here respect and support each other - they do not denigrate each other in the eyes of the child or undermine their authority. The family thus turns into a world in which all life is reflected and where all difficulties are overcome with the help of all family members.

Of course, the climate in the family can change. Many things change as children grow older. Just as the weather changes in nature, so does the family atmosphere - one day can be clear and sunny, and another - cloudy, sometimes a thunderstorm can break out. The existence of a certain climate, characteristic of a particular family, is the main thing that largely determines the emotional, social and other types of development of the child.


  1. Winnicott, D.W. Conversation with parents / D.V. Winnicott. - M.: DiK, 2012. – 296 p.
  2. Clarina, L.M. Development of a preschooler in kindergarten and at home / L.M. Clarina. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2011. – 183 p.
  3. Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy and home educationhttp://www.pedlib.ru/Books/3/0386/3_0386-23.shtml

  4. Sokolov, V.M. Moral development of a preschooler / V.M. Sokolov. - M.: Sfera, 2005. – 385 p.

What is meant by the socio-psychological climate of the family? And what indicators influence satisfaction with the climate in the family?

Social and psychological family climate- this is the degree of satisfaction of spouses with the atmosphere in the family. Friendly communication and psychological support of family members are indicators of the psychological climate in the family. Psychological factors are an important component of family relationships.

Also, the climate in the family is influenced by sexual compatibility and joint leisure. Numerous studies have revealed the following trend: the longer the experience family life, the higher the satisfaction psychological support. This is not surprising, since it increases over time psychological adaptation to partners.

If you ask a woman about the socio-psychological climate in her family, it turns out that she is more critical in assessing this issue than her man. This is confirmed by research by psychologists. For a strong marriage, the following indicators are important for women: absence of domestic problems, family vacations, harmonious sexual relationships, communication, friendship, care, psychological atmosphere. For men, the most important thing in family relationships is common interests with a child-centered bias.

Practical research shows that if at least one of the spouses is satisfied with the marriage, this contributes to a favorable climate in the family. The favorable climate in the family is influenced by the number of children in the family: the more children in the family, the more favorable the family climate.

Some sociologists are inclined to believe that the degree of satisfaction with marriage and, accordingly, a favorable climate in the family depends on the person himself, or rather, a person who is able to take responsibility for everything in his life is always satisfied with his marriage.

Factors influencing a favorable family climate

1) “Socio-demographic and economic characteristics families"

Examples of indicators: total income family, number of children, age of husband and wife.

2) “Non-family sphere of life of spouses”

Examples of indicators: profession of spouses, social environment.

3) “Attitudes and behavior of spouses in the main areas of family life”

Examples of indicators: spouses' views on the distribution of household and economic responsibilities and leisure activities.

4) “Characteristics of interspousal relationships”

Examples of indicators: community of moral values, attitude towards love and fidelity, respect for each other.

How to restore a favorable climate in the family?

Unfortunately, many families with unfavorable climate in family. In these families, everyone lives their own life. In the family, it is not customary to solve problems at a “round” table; everyone solves their problems on their own. Not only are problems solved by each family member independently, but also the joyful moments of family members remain unattended. For example, they don’t congratulate each other on their birthday, top five, and so on.

An unfavorable family climate develops not only in dysfunctional families, but also in families leading healthy image life. What is the reason? The cause of a negative family climate is a lack of communication.

To resume favorable climate communication needs to be established within the family. You need to communicate not only with your spouse, but with your children. Moreover, you need to talk about everything, not keep silent about grievances. Topics for conversation should be varied. Talk about anything: the weather, the man who stepped on your foot, the new teacher at school, politics, flowers, or just talk about your day.

Create a family tradition, such as having dinner at the same table every night, or turning off the Internet for two hours and playing Board games. More often, everyone goes on a joint vacation that would suit all family members.

This advice may seem banal to some, but without a doubt it is the most effective for restoring a favorable climate in the family.

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Psychological climate in the family and styles family education.

Goals: 1. Development of the parents' need for acquisition psychological-pedagogical knowledge.

  1. Improving pedagogical culture.
  2. Information support for parents.

Equipment: report class teacher, presentation, tests for parents, questionnaire for students, reminders for parents.

Progress of the meeting:

Good afternoon, dear parents and guests!

Our meeting today is dedicated to family relations, the meeting agenda is as follows:

  1. Lecture by the class teacher.
  1. Results of the 3rd quarter.
  2. Miscellaneous.
  1. I took the words of L.N. Tolstoy as the epigraph to our conversation today:

“Happy is he who is happy at home.”

Why did you choose this topic?

Someone might say that it’s probably too late to talk about the psychological climate and styles of family educationin the 7th grade. First of all, it’s never too late to educate! Secondly, it is in grades 7-8 that students’ academic performance declines, and this largely depends on the psychological climate, both at school and at home. Thirdly, the children are now going through a rather difficult physiological period, and who else but parents and, of course, teachers should be extremely attentive to children and show maximum effort in the education process. It is easy to offend and injure a child at this age, but regaining trust will be very difficult.

If you use a psychologist’s technique, you can imagine that a child is a cup. ANDThe parents' task is to fill it.What kind of person do you want your child to be? What character traits should he have?

What qualities would you like to give him?

Probably each of you dreams that his child will grow up healthy, strong, smart, honest, fair, noble, caring, loving. And none of the parents would wish their child to become deceitful, hypocritical, and vile. It is not enough to fill the cup, it is important that it does not spill, does not break, but becomes even richer. The family in which your child lives should be one of the few places where the child can feel like an individual and receive confirmation of his importance and uniqueness. The family gives the first and main lessons of love, understanding, trust, and faith.

Yes, the topic of family has worried people at all times. Each family decides for itself how to raise its child. Unanimous opinion in this matter no. Every adult can play a huge role in a child’s life - constructive or destructive. Most psychologists believe that psychological health or the ill health of the child is inextricably linked with the psychological atmosphere, or climate of the family, and depends on the nature of the relationships in the family. In familywith a favorable psychological climateeach of its members treats the others with love, respect and trust, their parents - also with reverence, and the weaker ones - with readiness to help at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of a family are the desire of its members to spend free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do homework together, emphasize the virtues and good deeds of everyone, and the simultaneous openness of the family and its wide contacts. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, increases the assessment of one’s own social significance and realizes the personal potential of each family member.

When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, tension, alienation, and even conflict interpersonal relationships, they have a feeling of insecurity, in this case they talk aboutunfavorable psychological climatein family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, deficiency in positive emotions. This has a negative impact primarily on children,on their behavior, attitude towards others, academic performance.

The nature of intrafamily relationships and the moral and psychological climate of the family have a great influence on the development of the child’s personality. Having mastered the norms of behavior and relationships of their parents, children begin to build their relationships with loved ones in accordance with them, and then transfer the skills of these relationships to others.surrounding people, comrades, teachers.

Before the meeting I held anonymous a survey with children in our class to determine the psychological climate in families.You can see the results of the survey on the board.(Annex 1).

How to properly give what children expect from us? How to distinguish miseducation from the right one? And can upbringing be wrong at all?

What parenting methods and styles do we follow? Which one is the best? Or maybe a little bit of everything?

In the classification of parents' educational style, the most common

there are three: democratic (authoritative), liberal (permissive) and authoritarian, and the corresponding (response) children's characteristics. In the very general view it looks like this.

Now I will ask you to take a test to determine your parenting style. (The results will remain with you, and there is no need to voice them!)(Appendix 2.)

Now let’s move on to characterizing family parenting styles, and you will be able to determine the advantages and disadvantages of your style.

Democratic parents- proactive, kind children. Parents love and understand their children, often praise them, and, as a rule, do not punish them for mistakes; they explain why this should not be done. They react calmly to whims and firmly refuse to obey them. As a result, children grow up to be inquisitive, self-confident, sociable and with self-esteem.

Liberal parents -impulsive, aggressive children. Parents have almost no control over their children, allowing them to do whatever they want, including not paying attention to aggressive behavior. As a result, it becomes uncontrollable.

Parents establish strict control over their children’s behavior, believing that they must obey their will in everything. Punishment, as well as intimidation and threats are most often used as educational methods. Children are gloomy, anxious, and therefore unhappy.

In addition to parenting styles, psychologists have identified a huge number of types of parenting, but I want to draw your attention only to those types that negatively affect the child’s psyche:

"Family Idol"

Probably, any of us would not mind becoming an idol for at least someone, even if only for a moment... and, speaking about this type of upbringing, it involuntarily seems that the child is lucky: he is adored, he is truly loved, we love him not just, but without limit. Any whim of a child is law. In all his actions, his mother and father find only originality, and even the pranks of the “idol” are unique. Such a child, firmly believing in his exclusivity, grows up as a capricious, self-willed egoist, only consuming and not wanting to give in return.

While ahead of his peers in demands, the “idol” of the family often lags behind them in basic developmental skills: he is not able to wash and dress himself, parents relieve the child of all responsibilities. And this will affect later, when working life begins.


Such a child is deprived of independence and does not strive for it. The child is accustomed to obeying and following the advice of adults who have thought through his whole life to the smallest detail and “developed” his route, unwittingly turning into dictators. Without realizing it, out of the best intentions, they dictate every step of the child and control him in everything, probably even in his thoughts. Raising him to the skies, they not only admire the child, but also “prepare” the child prodigy. He wants to live up to expectations. And in order for him to justify them, he is protected not only from the vicissitudes of fate, but also from the blow of any breeze. And since they protect it, it means he really is great value and, believing this, the child elevates his persona, day by day only plunging into the greenhouse climate of his family: overprotective

sparks creativity.

Living according to clues is existence. Quite often, overprotection leads to a violent reaction of protest


The other extreme of our educational influences. The child is left to his own devices. He feels unwanted, superfluous, unloved. Parents only occasionally remember that he exists and pay minimal attention to him. And he is capable of anything for even a little attention. No one wants to satisfy his needs at all. Forced to think about himself, envying all the children

All this is reflected in the child’s psyche, and over time he suddenly begins to feel inferior. And this complex, complex own inferiority child, haunts him then all his life.

"Education in the cult of illness."

This type of upbringing usually occurs when a child is sick with a fairly serious chronic illness or when parents, fearing that the child will suddenly get sick, shake in horror over him, preventing all his desires, and he, perceiving any illness as his privilege, gives

to him special rights, unwittingly speculates on the current situation and

abuses it.

He expects sympathy and compassion from everyone, and even “fights” for it. Such children, growing up, often find it difficult to adapt to reality.

They often choose the path of opportunists or sycophants. Their fate is that of weak-willed and pampered people.

How many of us parents have ever wondered which of these types we use? It's never too late to think and make adjustments to your style of communication with your child. After all, if today he is just on everything sprout which thirsts for moisture and warmth, then tomorrow it will give you fruits in which worms may appear, destroying them and you.

But which of us is not without sin? Everyone has negative trait character that prevents us from being better. The dignity of a person is that he admits his shortcomings and tries to correct them.

We should learn to control our actions and actions. Weigh every word, learn to love and understand your children, and the results will not take long to arrive.

“The main mistake of parents is that they try to raise their children without raising themselves!” L.N. Tolstoy.

And now, I offer you a few problem situations, let's try to find a way out of them.

Problem situation 1.

The daughter skips school, explaining to the teacher that she is caring for her sick grandmother.(“Today Maria Ivanovna called about your attendance. I was very ashamed during the conversation, and I would like to avoid these experiences.”

Problem situation 2.

Your child didn't do the cleaning his room, and guests come to you. ("I feel embarrassed when guests see your room like this; it looks much better tidied up.”)

Problem situation 3.

The son returned home later than usual.(Mom comes to the meeting and says: “When someone in the family comes later than we agreed, I worry so much that I can’t find a place for myself.”)

2. Results of the 3rd quarter. The quarter ended well. Out of 17 students:

Excellent student -1

With one “4” - 1

Khoroshistov -8

Dear parents, now I would like to ask you to express your opinions about our meeting.

If you have any questions, please ask.

I would like to end my speech with the words of the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky:

“Loving your children, teach them to love you, if you don’t teach them, you will cry in old age - this, in my opinion, is one of the wisest truths of motherhood and fatherhood.”

And I want to give you reminders that may help you adjust your relationship with your children.(Appendix 3).

Thanks to all participants! And please always remember!

Family - this is what we share among everyone

A little bit of everything: tears and laughter

Rise and fall, joy, sadness

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Family is what is always with you

Let the minutes, seconds, years rush by.

But the walls are dear, your father's house

The heart will remain in it forever.

Appendix 1. Questionnaire for children.

Read the following statements. If you agree with the statement, put “yes”; if you disagree, put “no”.

1. Our family is very friendly.

2. On Saturdays and Sundays, we usually have breakfast, lunch and dinner together.

3. I feel very comfortable in my home.

4. I relax best at home.

5. If discord occurs in the family, then everyone quickly forgets about it.

7. Visits from guests usually have a beneficial effect on family relationships.

8. In the family, at least someone will always console me, encourage me, and inspire me.

9. In our family, everyone understands each other well.

10. When I leave home for a long time, I really miss my “native walls”.

11. Friends, having visited us, usually note the peace and tranquility in our family.

12. It’s customary for us to relax in the summer with the whole family.

13. We usually perform labor-intensive tasks collectively - spring-cleaning, preparation for the holiday, work on summer cottage and so on.

14. A joyful, cheerful atmosphere prevails in the family.

15. It is customary in the family to apologize to each other for mistakes made or inconveniences caused.

16. I am always pleased with the order in our apartment.

17. Guests often come to us.

18 . The presence of certain family members usually throws me off balance.

19. There are circumstances in the life of our family that greatly destabilize the relationship.

20. Some habits of some family members really irritate me.

21. There is a very unbalanced person in the family.

22. It is noticed: visits of guests are usually accompanied by minor or significant conflicts in family.

23. From time to time, strong scandals arise in our house.

24. The atmosphere at home often has a depressing effect on me.

25. In my family I feel lonely and useless.

26. The situation is rather painful, sad or tense.

27. In my family, I am irritated by the fact that everyone or almost everyone in the house speaks in a raised voice.

28. The family is so uncomfortable that you often don’t want to go home.

29. I am often bullied at home.

30. When I come home, I often have this state: I don’t want to see or hear anyone.

31. Family relationships are very strained.

32. I know that some people in our family feel uncomfortable.

Data processing.

For each “yes” answer to 1-17, 1 point is awarded.

For each answer “no” in 18-32, 1 point is awarded.


The indicator “characteristics of the family’s biofield” can vary from 0 to 35 points.

0-8 points. Stable negative psychological climate. In these intervals there are families who recognize their life together as “difficult,” “unbearable,” and “nightmarish.”

9-15 points. Unstable, variable psychological climate.

16-22 points. Uncertain psychological climate. It notes some "disturbing" factors, although overall a positive mood prevails.

23-35 points. Stable positive psychological climate of the family.

Appendix 2. Test for parents.

  1. What do you think is the to a greater extent character is determined

of a person - by heredity or upbringing?

A. Mainly by education.

B. A combination of innate inclinations and environmental conditions.

B. Mainly by innate inclinations.

2. How do you feel about the idea of ​​children raising their parents?

A. This statement has no relation to reality.

B. I agree with this, provided that we must not forget about the role of parents as educators of their children.

V. I absolutely agree with this.

3. Do you think parents should educate their children about gender issues?

A. When the children are old enough, it will be necessary to start a conversation about this, and in school age the main thing is to take care of protecting them from immorality.

B. Of course, parents should do this first.

V. Nobody taught me this, life itself will teach me.

4. Should parents give their child pocket money?

A. It is better to regularly issue a certain amount and control expenses.

B. It is advisable to give out a certain amount for a certain period so that the child learns to plan expenses himself.

B. If he asks, you can give it.

5. What will you do if you find out that your child was offended by a classmate?

A. I’ll go to sort things out with the offender and his parents.

B. I will advise the child how best to behave in such situations.

B. Let him figure out his own relationships.

6. How do you react to your child's foul language?

A. I will punish you and try to protect you from communicating with ill-mannered peers.

B. I will try to explain that in our family, and in general, among decent people this is not accepted.

B. A child has the right to express his feelings. Just think, we all know such words.

7. How will you react if you find out that your child lied to you?

A. I’ll try to get him to clean water and shame.

B. I’ll try to figure out what prompted him to lie.

B. If the reason is not too serious, I won’t get upset.

8. Do you think that you are setting a good example for your child?

A. Absolutely.

B. I try.

Q. I hope so.

Processing the results.

Count the number of answers corresponding to each letter.

Answers prevail A - authoritarian parenting style.

Most answers B - authoritative (democratic) parenting style.

Most replies IN - permissive parenting style.

Appendix 3.

Memo to parents.

If the child is constantly criticized, he learns….(hate)

If a child lives in enmity, he learns... ( be aggressive)

If the child grows in reproaches, he is studying… ( live with guilt)

If the child growing in tolerance, he learns... (to understand others)

If a child is praised, he learns... ( be noble)

If a child grows up in honesty, he learns... ( to be fair)

If the child growing up in safety, he learns... (to trust people)

If a child is supported, he learns... (to value himself)

If a child is ridiculed, he learns... (to be withdrawn)

If the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he is studying… ( be responsive, find love in this world.)

« Loving your children, teach them to love you, if you don’t teach them, you will cry in old age - this, in my opinion, is one of the wisest truths of motherhood and fatherhood.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Family in a person's life. It seems there is no person who does not know the expression: “Everything happy families each look alike unhappy family unhappy in her own way." This is how L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina” begins. What is behind the now classic phrase of the difficult past? life path writer and wise man? Is it possible to find a universal secret to family happiness?

Popular wisdom says: “We choose friends, but we get relatives.” For centuries, the family has been revered as a great value, especially when a person needed a large team in order to simply survive in difficult conditions of the struggle for existence.

In our modern society large families become rare, and relatives are sometimes barely acquainted. Today, even very elderly people will not be able to immediately explain who a brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law is. The words seem outdated, archaic. This is probably happening because family ties are becoming less strong and are concentrated within the so-called nuclear family, consisting only of parents and children. Even grandparents often live separately from their grandchildren. Such fragmentation cannot but give rise to alienation.

Family ties are based on blood kinship. It would seem that what could be stronger and more reliable to protect a person from loneliness? But alas... Not in every family even the closest people understand each other.

The family in modern society is becoming a small group. True, a special small group.

Firstly, this is a kinship alliance based on emotional feeling- love (first marital, then parental, filial or daughter). Family relationships based on emotional closeness promote care for the most vulnerable members of society. It is not without reason that they say that the humanism of a society is determined by the position of the weak in it - children and the elderly.

Secondly, carried out in the family most important function biological and social reproduction of the population. Recently, English geneticists established that namesakes descended from a common ancestor. Think about it, ultimately, all people on Earth are relatives in some generation.

Third, education is carried out in the family, that is, the transfer of experience, certain foundations, and values ​​to new generations. Kind family traditions- a source of stability and humanity of society.

What determines the psychological climate of a family?. The concept of “psychological climate” arose by analogy with geographical climate. One of modern psychologists belong to the following words: “Psychological climate, or microclimate, or psychological atmosphere - all these rather metaphorical than strictly scientific expressions very successfully reflect the essence of the problem. Just as a plant can wither in one climate and flourish in another, a person can [either] experience inner satisfaction... or wither.”

In a family as a small group, each participant in the relationship has their own roles. Moreover, the roles of family members (mother, father, eldest son, younger sister, etc.) do not always coincide with the group role (leader, “soul of society”; “ think tank", "scapegoat", etc.). Often in modern family the role of leader belongs not to the father, as it was in a patriarchal family, but to one whose contribution to family well-being is recognized by all family members.

Think about the climate in a family where the question is always on the agenda: who is the boss of the house? Is a clear answer really that important? Maybe we should always remember instead moral responsibility and often ask yourself the question: how to help your closest and dearest people? In an atmosphere of mutual concern, the question of primacy will be resolved by itself. The head of the family is the one who surrounds those in need with care and attention.

First of all, the psychological climate determines the well-being of a person in the family (mood, psychological comfort). This well-being depends on the relationships between members of the family team. It is the relationship of care, attention, cooperation that makes the family climate warm and pleasant. On the contrary, disrespectful relationships and indifference make the climate harsh, unpleasant, and difficult to live in. A positive family atmosphere is incompatible with the “law of the jungle”, where physical strength and enmity. Harsh, hostile, irreconcilable relationships destroy the family structure. In this case, of course, not only adults suffer, but, above all, children.

IN modern psychology In family relations, there are three main styles of family relationships: permissive, authoritarian and democratic. Each of them has its own climate.

A permissive style of relationships usually manifests itself in a family as the absence of stable, or even any relationships at all. In such a family there reigns icy detachment, cold alienation, indifference to the affairs and feelings of the other. Such a family is only formally something whole, but in reality everything in it is dead and lifeless, like in an icy desert.

The other two styles represent a kind of scale, where at one pole there is unceremonious dictatorship, cruelty, callousness and aggressiveness towards each other, and at the opposite - true equality, mutual warmth, richness of feelings, cooperation. Everyone will probably agree that the best climate is closer to the democratic pole.

In family relationships, their orientation is also distinguished. Thus, in many families the focus is on activity - on the business side of life. This guideline, assessing people by their success in their activities, can give rise to extremely soulless people. business people who do not think about the feelings of loved ones. In such families you can hear: “I do everything to ensure well-being, and the rest does not concern me.” Children in such families sometimes find it difficult to meet the high expectations of their parents, for whom the success of children is one of the elements of success in life.

Sometimes the family pays too much great attention relationships with other people. Excessive enthusiasm for such an orientation leads to excessive selectivity in communication and closure in a close circle of “friends.” At home in such a family, not only outsiders feel uncomfortable, but also those relatives who do not correspond to the idea of ​​“people in our circle.”

The next type of focus in family relationships - on oneself and self-satisfaction - can, in extreme cases, give rise to attitudes of selfishness and selfishness, which is incompatible with family happiness. Often such families experience storms, storms that end in the death of the family ship.

So, the psychological climate of the family is a relatively stable emotional mood. It is the result of the totality of the mood of family members, their emotional experiences, attitudes towards each other, towards other people, towards work, towards surrounding events. A favorable psychological climate is characterized by cohesion, benevolent demands on each other, a sense of security, and pride in belonging to a family. In a family with a favorable climate, love, trust in each other, respect for elders, mutual respect, and a willingness to understand and help others reign. An important place in creating a favorable climate belongs to family life, traditions, and common spiritual values. Family as special small group, based on family ties, presupposes special intra-family communication, during which the family realizes its functions. Communication in a favorable family environment is characterized by naturalness, cordiality, and mutual interest.

An unfavorable family climate leads to tension, quarrels, conflicts, and a lack of positive emotions. Younger family members especially suffer in such an environment. In the most severe cases, such a climate leads to family breakdown.

Family debt. Close family ties raise with particular urgency the question of compliance with certain moral requirements. Turning these requirements into personal rules, their acceptance by a person as an indispensable condition for relating to others is a moral duty.

There is a family duty to society and its future. It lies in the fact that it is the family that primarily influences the upbringing of children. Constitution Russian Federation directly indicates that “caring for children and raising them is an equal right and responsibility of parents” (Article 38). Society, represented by the state, takes upon itself the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood, and requires parents to fulfill their family duty. Every child from the moment of birth has a state-guaranteed right to the care and attention of adults. Although the family is a purely personal matter, the state is not indifferent to the conditions in which its citizens are formed; by granting parental rights, it simultaneously determines the responsibility, the civic duty of parents - to take care of their children, to create the necessary conditions for their full development. If the family does not fulfill these responsibilities, established by law In this case, parents may be deprived of their rights.

It should be noted that parents have equal rights and responsibilities towards children. The law does not differentiate between men and women in determining their civil duty to take care of family and children, their health, physical, spiritual and moral development, training and material support, speak out in their defense in all institutions. These rights and responsibilities realize the duty of parents to their children.

Data from special studies show that satisfaction family relationships Modern Russians largely depend on mutual understanding, mutual assistance and interaction between spouses and parents. Among other things, today’s family lays the foundations for the strength and happiness of future families. Let us remember the wonderful words from the work of the 15th century German humanist. S. Brant:

    The child learns
    What he sees in his home:
    His parents are an example to him...
    If children see us and hear us,
    We are responsible for our deeds
    And for the words: easy to push
    Children on a bad path.
    Keep your house tidy
    So as not to repent later.

The concept of “family duty” is not limited to the duty of parents to society and their children. Honor requires the repayment of debts both directly and indirectly. figurative meaning this word. Children also have a responsibility to care for their parents, especially as adults. If you expect to have an equal position with other family members, then the duty to take care of the family, its well-being, everyday life, and emotional atmosphere lies with you. It is often worth remembering that a family is a small group. Little things are very important in it, which can make the life of a family unbearable or, on the contrary, smooth out difficulties and adversities, create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, which we associate with the concept of “father's home.”

In conclusion, we will not deny ourselves the pleasure of quoting S. Brant once again:

    The fools are more stupid, the blind are more blind
    Those who didn't raise children
    In decency, in obedience,
    Without showing any care or diligence...

    Basic Concepts

  • Family.


  • Psychological climate, family duty.

Self-test questions

  1. What role does the family play in society?
  2. What are the main functions of the family?
  3. Name the roles that exist in the family. How are they related to group roles?
  4. What does the psychological climate in the family depend on? What factors (conditions) does it include?
  5. How do you understand what family debt is? What is it made of?


  1. Draw family tree your family. In the family album, find photographs of relatives unknown to you personally, ask your parents about them.
  2. Collect family stories and legends. Conclude what psychological climate these family stories reflect.
  3. Remember what family heirlooms are kept in your family, who they belonged to, and what events they are associated with.
  4. From the point of view of the psychological climate in the family, comment on the following lines of S. Brant:

      The one who, lured by money, enters into marriage
      Getting ready to enter - fool:
      There will be quarrels, scandals, fights!

    Select proverbs and sayings that correspond in meaning this fragment works of the German humanist “Ship of Fools”.

  5. Make up your own interpretation of the concept of “family debt”; if necessary, consult a dictionary.

Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of a family are the desire of its members to spend free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do homework together, and emphasize the virtues and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, increases the assessment of one’s own social significance and realizes the personal potential of each family member. The initial basis for a favorable family climate is marital relationships. Living together requires from spouses a willingness to compromise, the ability to take into account the needs of the partner, to give in to each other, to develop such qualities as mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual understanding.

When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, and alienation, in this case they speak of an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic. The psychological climate of the family is expressed in the prevailing attitudes and moods: enthusiastic, joyful, bright, calm, warm, anxious, cold, hostile, depressed.

With a favorable microclimate, each family member feels equal among equals, needed, protected and confident. He feels the family as a kind of haven where he comes to rest, or a well where he draws life-giving freshness, vigor and optimism. The main thing in the family is a sense of self-esteem and the desire to respect the right of everyone to be an individual, and not just a husband, father, master of the house or partner. A favorable psychological atmosphere is associated with communication that is not a burden to any of the family members.

A favorable psychological atmosphere is present in a harmonious family. In such a family one can feel the joy of life. All residents of the House are confident that they will be listened to with interest and joy. Here everyone knows that they are taken into account and always take into account the position of others. That’s why people openly show their feelings: joys and sorrows, successes and defeats. In such a family, people are not afraid to take risks, because they know that the family will understand that the search for something new is always associated with possible errors. Mistakes indicate that a person is growing, changing, improving and developing. In a harmonious family, everyone feels in their place, and they are the way they want to see themselves - recognized and loved. Here we are used to looking at each other, and not at the ceiling. And even babies look open and friendly. A silent calm reigns in the family (but not an indifferent silence for fear of being misunderstood). A storm in such a House is a sign of some very important activity of family members, and not at all an attempt to start a quarrel. After all, everyone knows: if they don’t listen to him now, it’s only because there is no time for it, and not because they don’t like him. In such families, people feel cozy and comfortable. Adults and children do not hide tenderness and at any age show it not only in kisses, but also in openly talking with each other about themselves and their affairs.

A family is a complex system of relationships between spouses, parents, children, and other relatives. Taken together, these relationships constitute the microclimate of the family, which directly affects the emotional well-being of all its members, through the prism of which the rest of the world and their place in it are perceived. Depending on how adults behave with the child, what feelings and attitudes are expressed by close people, the child perceives the world as attractive or repulsive, benevolent or threatening. As a result, he develops trust or distrust in him. This is the basis for developing a child’s positive sense of self. Emotionally favorable relationships in a family stimulate feelings, behavior, and actions aimed at each other in all its members. A person’s well-being in the family is transferred to other areas of relationships (to peers in kindergarten, school, work colleagues, etc.). And on the contrary, a conflict situation in the family and a lack of spiritual closeness between its members often underlie developmental and educational defects.

To maintain a favorable climate in the family, it is necessary to maintain the communicative sphere of life at the proper level. Communication between parents and children important point in giving the home a positive psychological atmosphere. Main Law- feel comfortable when communicating.

The formation of a favorable psychological climate is affected by the type of family, the position taken by adults, relationship styles and the role they assign to the child in the family. The child's personality is formed under the influence of the psychological climate.