The best colleges in the UK ranking. Considered the best in South West England

UK Universities - the most popular institutes, universities and colleges in the UK. Detailed descriptions of study programs, reviews, photos and videos about UK universities.

    The very best

    Cambridge university

    One of the oldest and largest English universities, the University of Cambridge was founded in 1209. Already in the 13th century. The faculties of humanities, law, theology and medicine were formed in Cambridge. Since those times and to this day, Cambridge has consistently occupied the highest places in world university rankings, competing with Oxford for the title of best university.

    The very best

    Oxford University

    The university city of Oxford, located north-west of London, is famous for having one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the world. Every fifth of the city's 150,000 population is a student. However, the atmosphere of relaxed fun, thirst for knowledge and sincere belief in science attracts not only those who want to study to this place.

The UK education system is considered one of the best in the world - and this is not surprising: it was here that the first higher education institutions appeared, many of which are still functioning today. Back in the 12th century, two of the most famous universities in Great Britain were founded - Oxford and Cambridge. And already in the 15-16 centuries, universities began to open in Scotland and other regions of the country. Many of the higher education institutions that arose in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and are still functioning today are informally called “ancient universities.”

In general, the British are accustomed to dividing everything into groups and giving names to different categories. It's the same with universities. So, the ancient universities are Oxford and Cambridge in England, as well as four universities in Scotland (in Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Aberdeen and Glasgow) and one more in Ireland - Dublin. They were replaced at the very beginning of the 20th century by new universities, reformed from colleges of applied disciplines.

The country's five universities: Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield are informally referred to as the “red brick universities”.

The buildings of academic buildings and academic campuses of many new universities were built of red brick - hence the name for such a distinctive feature. Originally, this designation was derogatory: how could universities that grew out of ordinary colleges compete with old universities that had built their reputations over centuries? New universities developed rapidly, but were perceived as “upstarts” compared to the old universities.

However, with the opening of even newer universities - in the 60s. 20th century - the term “red brick” became a symbol of high respectability. “Old new” universities were no longer equated with upstarts, as they had proven their right to exist with the high level of education of their graduates. A new term appeared - “plate glass universities” - these were the new universities, to which the University of Sussex and the University of East Anglia, as well as some others, belonged.

Thus, from three different temporary groups of universities, a complete picture of higher education institutions in the UK emerged. Today, many universities have public status, but there is no such thing as free education for the British - both local residents and foreign students have to pay. But the cost of training is quite justified - as we said above, British education is considered one of the best in the world, since it incomprehensibly combines centuries-old traditions and the most modern teaching technologies, as well as the latest equipment and highly professional teachers.

Anyone can enroll in universities in the country, but the most important requirement is excellent knowledge of the English language. If you are going to enroll here, you can improve your English level by taking special courses - Foundation - this is something like preparatory courses. During their completion, foreign applicants, in addition to specialized training, can take an intensive language course, as well as learn more about what education is like in the UK and under what conditions it is provided.

In addition to the fact that UK universities are the best in the world in terms of quality of education, many of them are also the most beautiful.

For example, the University of Glasgow in Scotland, established by a papal bull back in 1451, is a real castle in the Gothic style with an abundance of towers and sharp spiers. And the most striking example of “red brick” universities today is Royal Holloway University in London. The building, made of bright red brick, which has not faded at all with time, is stylized as the Château de Chambord in France - an architectural masterpiece of the Renaissance. Oxford University is the second oldest in the world and the oldest university in the UK. Estimated to have been founded in 1096, the university occupies a magnificent ancient complex of buildings in the town of Oxford, among which the Bodleian Library, Radcliffe Rotunda and Magdalen College stand out.

Education systems in different countries

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  • Malta + English

Best Universities in the World

  • UK Universities: Eton, Cambridge, London and others
  • Universities in Germany: Berlin im. Humboldt, Düsseldorf Academy of Arts and others
  • Universities in Ireland: Dublin, National University Galway, University of Limerick
  • Universities in Italy: Bo, Bologna, Pisa, University for foreigners in Perugia
  • Universities in China: Peking University, Beida University, Zhejiang University and others
  • Lithuania: Vilnius University
  • US Universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton and others

England's universities have centuries-old traditions and are among the most prestigious in the world. Check out the list and descriptions of the most popular universities in the UK and choose the one that suits you in all respects.

Getting one can seriously impact your ability to find a good job and advance faster in your career. Traditions are respected in this country and, not least, they relate to education. It is not for nothing that English higher education institutions are among the best, according to various experts. You can see a lot of foreigners here, their number exceeds 65 thousand people. Restrictions are related to age, which must be at least 18 years old. Of course, you need to finish school in your home country.

Requirements and features of training

Since in England, completion of secondary education requires completion of 13 years, a foreign applicant will not need a matriculation certificate, but will need to pass the A-levels exam. This can be done at one of the international colleges or private schools, completing a two-year pre-university training

You can also take preparatory courses in advance that will help you enter an English institute. There is an opportunity to transfer to study after the first or second year of a domestic university. You will have to demonstrate excellent knowledge of the English language and pass the exam.

The first three to four years will be needed to complete your bachelor's degree. This makes it possible to have a first academic degree and become a bachelor of law, humanities, technology, pedagogy, as well as medicine and music.

Many universities pay great attention not only to studies and a well-organized and comfortable life, but also to the opportunity for students to learn English more deeply.

An important advantage is that every foreign student will be able to choose a program that will meet their own capabilities and needs. Of course, this does not cancel the mandatory course. But if you can get general information at lectures, then at seminars you have the opportunity to study almost individually with a teacher, since classes are usually held in small groups.

Some orthodoxy did not prevent us from building it in such a way that everyone could more fully reveal their abilities and learn to independently solve various problems and find solutions.

After a bachelor's degree, you can move on to the second stage and obtain a master's degree. This will not only improve your professional level, but also actively engage in research work. Therefore, it is important to choose a university that has a good laboratory and library collections. True, it should be noted that many famous scientists work at universities and, in addition to their own research, help young graduate students write their dissertations.

Rules and fees

It is important to know a few rules that will help you enter an English university faster and more successfully.

You need to pay attention to the English language. The Foundation program will help fill gaps and raise the level of knowledge.

After choosing a specialty, you need to study the university rankings and choose two universities that are most suitable. Those in the top ten have more stringent, special requirements.

The collected documents and application must be sent in advance. Admission and consideration runs from September 1 to October 15. You will have to come to Oxford and Cambridge and submit documents directly to the admissions committee.

In England, UCAS is the College and Universities Admissions Service, so admissions are processed through this service.

It is imperative to send the exam results, since only then there is a real chance to begin your studies at the university.

For foreign students, tuition fees may vary, since EU citizens receive certain discounts and some benefits. In addition, after receiving a diploma in this country, you can even work for two years in your specialty.

To obtain a bachelor's degree in England you will have to spend three whole years, in Scotland - even four. However, no one bothers you to simultaneously undergo an internship and earn extra money. This combination of study and work is a very common phenomenon in England.

Those who have chosen some areas of medicine or architecture will have to study until the age of seven. But it only takes two years to become a master.

The cost of education is also influenced by the prestige of the university and the rating of the specialty. On average, the price ranges from 10 to 12 thousand pounds per year. True, medical specialties can cost 20-22 thousand pounds.

But no matter where the training takes place, all that can be said is that the money was well spent.

Great Britain is a country with centuries-old traditions of higher education. The first English university - Oxford University - was founded in the 11th century. Since then, many educational institutions have grown on the shores of Foggy Albion. Today, some of them, like Oxford, need no introduction.

The most prestigious universities in the UK according to The Times Higher Education

One of the most authoritative publications specializing in creating international rankings of educational institutions, The Times Higher Education (THE) has surpassed its colleagues in determining such rather vague indicators as the influence and prestige of an educational institution.

In addition to the overall world ranking of universities, THE website published the World Reputation Rankings 2016. This classification was formed based on a survey of academic experts and represents the Top 100 most influential universities in the world.

According to THE, the top ten most famous and prestigious universities on the planet include two English educational institutions: the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

University of Oxford- the oldest university in Great Britain. The official opening date of the university has not been established: according to some sources, the first students, mainly clergy, appeared in Oxford in the 11th century.

Today the University of Oxford includes 38 colleges with more than 22,000 students. The teaching staff of the university is formed by members of the most prestigious scientific organizations, such as the Royal Society of London and the British Academy. Oxford alumni include Jonathan Swift, Lewis Carroll, Oscar Wilde and Margaret Thatcher.

University of Cambridge- the second oldest university in Britain and Oxford's main rival in the battle for places in international rankings (applicants are prohibited from applying to both universities in the same year).

Cambridge was founded in 1209 by a group of scholars who left Oxford. Today the university is a confederation of 31 colleges, with approximately 19,000 students from all over the world. There are 130 Nobel laureates among the university's students and staff - more than any other university in the world.

Famous UK universities in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017

Other analytical giants do not undertake to form classifications solely on the basis of such a subjective indicator as the university’s reputation in the academic environment. However, they often include reputation in the general list of criteria, along with a number of objective parameters: the volume of research work of the university, the Hirsch index (science citation index), etc.

The top ten best universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings this year included 4 British educational institutions: the above-mentioned Cambridge and Oxford, as well as UCL (University College London) and Imperial College London.

University College London (UCL) was founded in London in 1826. When it opened, UCL became the first university located in the British capital, and also the first educational institution in the country to admit students regardless of their religion. In addition, in 1876, the university began to admit women to study earlier than other universities in the UK.

Today UCL is the oldest college within the University of London. More than 38,000 students study here, the university has 2 overseas campuses - in Qatar and in Australia. Among the university's graduates are such outstanding personalities as Mahatma Gandhi, Alexander Bell, Peter Higgs (after whom the Higgs boson was named).

Imperial College London- a prestigious technical university in South Kensington. The educational institution was founded in 1907 by merging three previously existing universities. Exactly one hundred years old Imperial College London, like University College London , was part of the University of London, but since 2007, the college has operated as an independent educational institution.

Imperial College London has more than 16 thousand students. Among the college's graduates and staff are 15 Nobel laureates, as well as many members of reputable scientific communities.

The most famous UK universities in other international rankings

To complete the picture, we will consider 2 more classifications of higher educational institutions from reputable rating agencies.

The Top 20 universities in the world according to CWUR in 2016 include Oxford and Cambridge. Top twenty from U.S. News & World Report, in addition to Oxbridge, also includes Imperial College London.

Having analyzed the information from the above sources, it is not difficult to notice that the list of the most famous universities in England is not that extensive and is not very open. From year to year, the “prize places” in the rankings of the best universities on the planet go to the same British universities (Oxbridge + - 1, 2 universities). Young educational institutions are simply not able to compete with the ancient giants, whose reputation and authority have developed over centuries.

Among travelers planning to study abroad, English universities are very popular. The standards are generally recognized to be at a high level, and the document obtained after it is highly valued by employers from all over the world.

English universities are traditionally considered the best and are represented in the first positions in all of them, which explains the huge number of applicants who want to enroll in them. However, for successful study it is important not only to decide on the institution where you plan to enroll, but also to prepare accordingly.

Requirements for applicants

An important feature of receiving education in the Foggy Albion is the applicant’s compliance with certain requirements.

First of all, they relate to successfully passing the special A-levels exam. Anyone wishing to enter the university will not be allowed to take such a test immediately - they will need to take a preparation course.

This can be done in international colleges or special private schools, the program of which assumes this feature. The duration of training is 2 years. As part of your preparation, you should take advantage of the opportunity to attend preparatory courses, which can increase the likelihood of successful admission.

The programs of some domestic universities imply the possibility of transferring to a foreign educational institution, located, among other things. If you want to start studying at any of the universities in England, Scotland or Wales, it is very important to choose the right educational institution.

As an example, the path from a Russian school to a UK university

When choosing, it is advisable to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Level of preparation required for admission.
  2. Prestige of the university.
  3. Payment amount.
  4. Time frame for obtaining education in the chosen specialty.

Whatever the final choice of educational institution, an applicant from the Russian Federation or CIS countries must speak English at the required level, which will minimize discomfort during the educational process and communication. To be admitted, the applicant must be over 18 years of age and have a school certificate.

Cost and duration of training

For the vast majority of those who want to receive, the greatest interest is the cost of training. It varies significantly depending on the degree of fame and prestige of a particular institution, as well as on the chosen specialty.

Universities in large cities tend to provide more expensive services than their little-known provincial counterparts. Tuition fees, on average, are noticeably lower than in American universities. The most expensive specialties are related to the field of medicine, while other areas are much cheaper. Tuition prices start from 10 thousand pounds and reach 30 thousand when it comes to medical fields.

Watch the video: Cost of studying in the UK.

In order to optimize training costs, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  1. Procedure for paying for tuition (annually, monthly).
  2. Opportunity to receive scholarships, grants and other benefits.
  3. Duration of education.

Often, students work part-time during their studies, which makes paying for tuition much easier.

Classification of UK higher education institutions

Universities existing in this country are usually divided into 6 groups depending on the date of their foundation. Not only the degree of prestige of an educational institution, teaching traditions, but also the internal rules of universities directly depend on this indicator. The following groups are distinguished:

  • Ancient Universities, which includes institutions founded from the 12th to the 16th centuries. It is the oldest and most prestigious in the country's educational system.

    Ancient Universities include Oxford University, the oldest university in Great Britain.

  • Red Brick. This includes colleges of engineering and applied sciences that received university status before the outbreak of World War II. They are located, as a rule, in large industrial centers and teach natural sciences.

    The University of Birmingham was founded in 1825 and received a Royal University Charter in 1900.

  • Russell Group. They belong to the previous group, since in terms of the principles of education, the disciplines taught and the internal routine, they are absolutely identical.

    The University of Bristol is one of twenty-four prestigious UK universities that are part of the Russell Group

  • Plate Glass. Educational institutions whose founding date dates back to the sixties of the last century. They are distinguished by less traditional internal orders and a more fresh look at the learning process.

    The Plate Glass group also includes Aston University, which received its status in 1966

  • New Universities. This group was formed only in 1992, since it was then that a number of new colleges earned the right to be called universities, and received state subsidies on an equal basis with other, more ancient universities.

    The University of Brighton was originally an art school, gaining university status in 1992

  • Recently Created Universities. The youngest category, formed in 2005. Similar to previous groups, it includes universities, formerly called colleges.

    The University of Bedfordshire is one of England's newest universities, founded in 2006

The cost of training and the complexity of entrance examinations largely depend on the institution’s membership in a particular group. This should definitely be taken into account in the process of selecting an institution for education.

What documents should be prepared

The specifics of admission to English universities are such that the applicant will have to prepare not only the standard package of documents required for admission to the university, but also a number of additional documents.

An approximate list of them includes:

Watch the video: How to correctly write a motivation letter for admission to UK universities.

In addition, you will need to visit the educational institution in person, as this seems to be an integral requirement for applicants. International students can use Skype for interviews.

Features of universities in Scotland and Wales

In addition to England itself, travelers planning to study abroad have the opportunity to enroll in universities in Scotland or Wales.

After all, in these areas there are many large educational institutions, the prestige of a diploma from which is no less than that of English universities.

Admission to universities in Wales and Scotland implies a number of advantages:

  • more favorable conditions for admission;
  • reduced tuition fees in comparison with universities in England;
  • global recognition of diplomas, as well as an incredibly high percentage of employment among graduates;
  • low cost of living compared to other regions of Europe.

The average tuition fee starts from 7 thousand pounds, which is 3 thousand pounds less than the same value typical for the UK.

Cost of Bachelor of Management programs in England and Scotland

A feature of studying in Scotland and Wales is the need to obtain a 13th grade education before entering a higher education institution. To do this, a foreign applicant can either study for 1 to 2 years at a domestic university, or receive the necessary training in one of the following ways:

  1. Enter a Scottish/Welsh school and graduate.
  2. Study at a Scottish/Welsh college.
  3. Prepare for Foundation courses or any other program that allows you to enter British universities.

It is advisable to contact representatives of the educational institution where you plan to study 1–2 years before admission, which will allow you to clarify the list of documents and requirements for passing the exam.

Watch the video: Education in Scotland.

Top Universities in England

All categories of UK higher education institutions are in high demand from applicants. However, there are a number of unique ranking leaders, and among them there are representatives of all categories of universities.

  1. University of Oxford (from 6 thousand pounds per year).
  2. University of East Anglia (from 14 thousand pounds per year).
  3. University of York (from 16 thousand pounds per year).
  4. Bournemouth University (from 14 thousand pounds per year).
  5. University of Bristol (from 19 thousand pounds per year).
  6. Cambridge University (from 13 thousand pounds per year).
  7. University of Manchester (from £15,500 per year).
  8. University of Sussex (from 12 thousand pounds per year).
  9. Durham University (from 23 thousand pounds per year).
  10. University of Leeds (from 16 thousand pounds per year).
  11. Coventry University (from 13 thousand pounds per year).
  12. University of Leicester (from 13 thousand pounds per year).
  13. University of Reading (from 9 thousand pounds per year).
  14. University of Kent (from 20 thousand pounds per year).
  15. Newcastle University (from 9 thousand pounds per year).

You can familiarize yourself with the position of English universities in the world rankings.

The most famous building in Cambridge is King's College Cathedral. It took almost a hundred years to build - from 1446, and became the greatest architectural structure.

In addition to educational activities, this educational institution boasts numerous research centers, as well as the largest library in the United Kingdom. Applicants to Cambridge most often give preference to medical and social sciences.

Oxford competes with Cambridge for the right to be called the best university in the UK, which is explained not only by the high standards of education, but also by the prestige of the diploma. It is due to the fact that over 50 students studied at the university, who later became Nobel laureates. In addition, among his listeners were representatives of the political elite, such as Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and others.

Today, Oxford allows 21 thousand students to receive education at the same time. A quarter of them are foreign students.

Among other things, the university is actively engaged in scientific activities, and its scientists have made a list of high-profile discoveries. The quality of education at Oxford is beyond doubt, as the university has earned the Queen's Award 9 times, which is more than any other educational institution in England.

The University of York and Eton are also among the UK's largest universities and boast a huge number of international students. They often received various awards and prizes for the highest quality of education, which made them extremely popular among applicants. Among the areas of study there are natural, humanities and social sciences.

Just like other leading educational institutions, the University of York is a major research center. According to this indicator, it took 14th place out of 155 educational institutions in England, which is confirmed by its numerous awards.

Studying in England is a dream for many young people thinking about higher education. Universities in England are so prestigious that high tuition fees do not bother students and their parents from all over the world. Currently, about 65 thousand foreign students.

The result of studying at English higher education institutions is an international level qualification and serious knowledge in numerous subjects. The structure of English education is such that one university can unite several colleges and departments (for example, observatories, laboratories, business schools).

Laboratory classes, lectures, exams in each institution are organized centrally, i.e. are common to everyone, and individual classes and seminars are held in colleges.

To obtain a bachelor's degree, you have to study at English universities for three years, and at Scottish universities for four. For architectural, medical and other specialties, longer training is implied. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies and obtain a master's degree in 1-2 years.

Oxford students

The government of England is interested in qualified personnel from other countries, therefore it is developing internship programs, where a graduate can work in England for up to 2 years in his specialty. A program has also been developed to provide work permits to those students who, after studying, decide to stay and live and work in England.

For the efficiency of work and cooperation between educational institutions, societies are created, for example, the Russell group unites 24 of the best higher education institutions in England.

The term "red brick universities" refers to 6 prestigious institutions of large industrial cities, which were originally created as colleges of engineering and applied subjects, but then received royal university charters.

It is worth taking a closer look at the universities included in the list of the most famous universities, both in England and in the world.

Oxford University

The oldest university in England and the second oldest higher education institution in Europe is located in the city of Oxford. Scientists have not established the exact date of its foundation, but it is known that in the 11th century they were already teaching there.

Oxford University has a unique tutoring system - depending on the chosen specialty, each student receives personal assistance from a mentor.

Oxford has the largest university library in England. In addition to libraries, Oxford has its own publishing house and museums. Various hobby groups are organized for students and many competitions are held. Sport occupies an important place in the life of an Oxford student.

There are about 50 Nobel laureates among Oxford alumni. Many prominent politicians studied at Oxford (Tony Blair, David Cameron, Margaret Thatcher, etc.).

It is interesting that an applicant cannot enroll in the same year at the same time, i.e. apply to Oxford and Cambridge.

This educational institution in the city of Cambridge was the second in England after Oxford. It was formed in 1209. According to the chronicles, some scientists left Oxford because a student killed a local woman, and founded the University of Cambridge.

Oxford and Cambridge together form the union of the oldest English universities, the so-called “Oxbridge”. It so happens that these two institutions have been competing with each other for a long time.

In terms of the number of Nobel laureates among people associated with Cambridge, this university outperforms almost all educational institutions in the world. There are 88 Nobel laureates among Cambridge scientists.

The famous building of Cambridge is King's College Cathedral. The cathedral's boys' choir performs on TV every year at Christmas.

The educational institution in Birmingham is one of the most popular in England. The average competition for admission is 9 people per place. This is the only educational institution in England that has its own railway station.

Birmingham was the first in England where all students were accepted on equal terms, regardless of their social status and religion. The number of students in Birmingham is more than 30 thousand people.

This higher education institution is located in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh. It is interesting, first of all, because representatives of higher authorities, writers and famous scientists studied there (Arthur Conan Doyle, Walter Scott, Charles Darwin, Gordon Brown, etc.).

All the prime ministers of Great Britain studied at the three universities described above and the University of Edinburgh alone.

The job of employing graduates is excellent here. Assistance with documents and work permits is also provided for those foreign students who, after receiving their diploma, wish to stay and work in Scotland.

The university, which unites several educational institutions in Manchester, is in third place in the number of Nobel laureates (25) after Oxford and Cambridge. The competition for a place at the University of Manchester is the highest in England.

The Manchester educational institution includes: Manchester Museum, which houses more than 4 million artifacts from around the world; Whitworth Art Gallery, which exhibits historical prints, sculptures, paintings, and printed works; Theater Kontakt, designed mainly for youth audiences.

The main alternative to Oxbridge is the public research university in Nottingham.

The third oldest university in England is Durham University, and the Durham Castle building in which it is located is the oldest university building in the world.

Aston University ranks first in England in terms of teaching medical subjects.

The University of Buckingham is interesting - the only private institution among universities; has extensive connections with colleagues in other countries.

The Westminster educational institution, which was formerly called the Central London Polytechnic, was the first to introduce the new science of photography. The first photo studio in Europe was opened here.

Cranfield University is a joint French-British postgraduate institution. This educational institution is the only one that has its own airport and aircraft for teaching and researching aerospace technologies.

Thanks to the widespread use of distance learning methods, the Open University of Great Britain has become the largest in terms of the number of students.

Also known are Southampton, Leeds, Bristol, Liverpool and many other higher education institutions. In total there are more than 120 universities in England. English higher education institutions are rightfully considered one of the best in the world.

Interesting video about Cambridge University: