Paid agreement for practical training. Standard contract for conducting practical training for students of the Berezniki Construction College at enterprises (organizations)

Higher and secondary education programs provide for the need to consolidate theoretical knowledge during work at an enterprise. This provision is enshrined in law by orders of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the regulations do not cover many aspects, the resolution of which is left to the university or company that takes young specialists under their wing. Traditionally, many questions are raised about the agreement on internships for students, a sample of which is not included in the current laws.

According to legal norms, students are sent to practice at an enterprise on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational institution and the company. If a company wants to attract young specialists, it needs to contact the university and sign an agreement. Fresh personnel will be sent to the concerned departments as part of the distribution.

The opposite situation is possible: a student finds an organization where he wants to do an internship and contacts the university to document his choice. In this case, the institute needs to contact the company to sign the agreement.

As a rule, universities have their own sample contract for practical training. If it is not there or the institute is ready to sign the version drawn up by the organization, you can make an agreement yourself.

It is necessary to specify the following points:

  • Full name of the student, his university, course, faculty;
  • name of the host organization, contact details, legal address;
  • the time period for students to complete internships;
  • work schedule (hours of work, busy days and days off);
  • amount of remuneration (if the latter is implied);
  • documents that will reflect the results achieved at the end of the cycle (practice diary, report, student profile, etc.).

The contract for student internship will not be drawn up correctly if it does not indicate who performs the functions of a supervisor. As a rule, this role is assigned to a representative of a higher or secondary vocational educational institution. If there is a need to appoint a curator on the part of the host company, the employee must be paid for additional functions. This is reflected in the additional agreement to his employment contract and job description.

The agreement with the university is signed by both parties and sealed, after which it acquires legal force.

The law does not oblige a company to sign an internship agreement with the university where a particular person is studying. The company has the right to sign an agreement with the student himself. In this case, lawyers recommend playing it safe and asking the student for a certificate from the university that he is actually enrolled in it and that he will undergo practical training on specific dates.

When do you need to enter into an agreement with an intern?

For most employers who take university students under their wing, the question remains unclear whether it is necessary to sign an employment contract directly with the student. The answer depends on the agreements reached with the university and the nature of the training cycle.

Most often, it is enough to conclude an agreement with the educational institution for student internship, a sample of which will be provided by the university. Some institutions offer tripartite agreements that are signed by the employing company, the student and the educational institution.

There are six cases in which it is desirable or mandatory to sign an employment contract directly with the trainee:

1. The agreement with the university contains a clause obliging the employer to sign an agreement with the student

For example, the document states that the subtleties of the relationship between the parties, mutual rights and obligations are regulated by a separate agreement signed by the trainee and the company providing the workplace.

2. The contract for student internships, a sample form for which was provided by the university, does not contain any issues that are significant for the company.

The document does not indicate that the trainee is obliged to obey the internal rules of the organization; it does not state what schedule he works on or what duties he performs. To regulate these significant points, you need to draw up a separate document.

3. There was no agreement with the university

It is possible that the educational institution will refuse to sign an agreement with the company, citing the fact that a report from the student is enough for it. To clarify the work schedule, rights and obligations of the parties, the organization needs to sign a contract directly with the student.

4. The student took a vacant position

If the company has a vacant position for which an employee is being sought, and the intern fully performs the functions required during the internship, an employment contract must be concluded. The employer's refusal to sign the papers is a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5. The student undergoes practical training

If a university student comes to an enterprise and not only observes the progress of processes, but performs duties within the framework of a specific position, and participates in production activities, he is considered actually allowed to work. Refusal to sign an employment contract in this case will be a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

6. The company wants to conclude an employment agreement

If, for its own reasons, it is more convenient for a company to regulate its relationship with an intern through an agreement, it has the right to formalize it regardless of the position of the university on this issue.

A completed sample student internship agreement can be found on the websites of information and legal systems. The contract is usually issued for a specific period. In the future, if the organization decides to continue cooperation, a permanent agreement can be signed.

The only peculiarity of the contract is that the text states that the employee is accepted for practical training. Otherwise, the execution of the agreement and the preparation of accompanying documents is similar to the case of hiring an ordinary specialist who has graduated from a university.


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to conduct practical training for students

St. Petersburg “___” _____________ 201__

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" (SPbGASU), hereinafter referred to as the University, represented by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Irina Robertovna Lugovskaya, acting on the basis of power of attorney No. ___ dated _________. on the one hand, and ________________________________________________________________________________,

(name of enterprise, organization)

hereinafter referred to as the “ENTERPRISE”, represented by ______________________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of __________________________________ on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The ENTERPRISE provides places for UNIVERSITY students to undergo all types of internships, in accordance with the curricula for areas and specialties and within the time limits established by the educational process schedule.

2. Responsibilities of the parties

2.1. The ENTERPRISE undertakes:

2.1.1.Provide the UNIVERSITY with places in the amount of _________________ for practical training of students studying in the field of preparation (specialty)______________________________ course ______.

2.1.2. Provide students with safe working conditions at each workplace. Conduct mandatory briefings on labor protection: introductory and at the workplace with the execution of the established documentation; where necessary, train student trainees in safe working methods.

2.1.3. Appoint qualified specialists to manage production practices in the divisions of the ENTERPRISE.

2.1.4.Provide trainee students with the opportunity to use laboratories, offices, workshops, a library, drawings, technical and other documentation in the divisions of the ENTERPRISE.

2.1.5.At the end of the practical training, give a description of the work of each student trainee and the quality of the report he prepared.

2.1.6. Investigate and take into account accidents if they happen to students during their internship at the ENTERPRISE, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. THE UNIVERSITY undertakes:

2.2.1. One month before the start of the practical training, provide the ENTERPRISE with a program of pre-graduate practical training for students for approval.

2.2.2. Select the most qualified teachers as practice managers.

2.2.3. Provide the ENTERPRISE with a list of students sent for internship no later than a week before the start of the internship.

2.2.4. Ensure that students comply with labor discipline and internal regulations of the ENTERPRISE.

2.2.5. Investigate and take into account accidents if they happen to students during their internship, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Responsibility of the parties

3.1. The relations of the Parties not regulated by this Agreement are subject to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the practice of SPbGASU students.

4. Other conditions

4.1. All disputes arising between the parties under this Agreement are resolved in accordance with the established procedure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The Agreement comes into force after it is signed by the Parties and is valid from ___________________ 20___ to _______________ 20 ___.

5. Legal addresses and signatures of the parties


to conduct practical training for students

federal citystate budgetary educational institution of higher educationEducation "Moscow State University of Technology and Management

named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)"

in the 20__ / 20___ academic year

Moscow "____"__________20____

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)" (FSBEI HE "MSUTU named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)"), hereinafter referred to as the "University", represented by the rector V.N. Ivanova, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand , and ________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”, represented by ____________________________________________________________ acting on the basis of _________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows:


      The subject of this agreement is the joint activities of the Parties in organizing and conducting practical training for University students in the 20___/20____ academic year.

      Place of practice: _______________________________________________

(name of organization, address of practice)

      The duration of the internship and the list of University students is indicated in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.


2.1. Provide the University with jobs in the Organization for conducting practical training for University students.

2.2. To provide University students with safe working conditions at each workplace.

2.3. Conduct mandatory training on labor protection: introductory and at the workplace with the execution of established documentation. If necessary, provide training to student interns in safe working methods.

2.4. Appoint qualified specialists to manage production practices in departments (shops, departments, laboratories, etc.) of the Organization.

2.5. Provide student interns and University teachers - practice managers - with the opportunity to use laboratories, offices, workshops, a library, drawings and drawing supplies, technical and other documentation in the Organization’s departments necessary for students to successfully master the internship program and complete individual assignments.

2.6. Describe the work of each student intern and the quality of the report prepared by him at the end of his practical training.

2.7. Do not allow or involve a University student in work that is not related to the specialty he is studying.


3.1. Send to Student Organizations within the time limits provided for by the calendar schedule of the educational process of conducting practical training, specified in clause 2.1. actual agreement.

3.2. Select the most qualified professors, associate professors, and teachers as practice managers.

3.3. Before sending for practical training, ensure that students undergo a medical examination (if necessary, in agreement with the Organization when concluding the contract).

3.4. Ensure verification and quality control of labor safety briefings.

3.5. Ensure that students comply with labor discipline and internal labor regulations mandatory for employees of the Organization.

3.6. Provide employees of the Organization - managers of students' practical training, with methodological assistance in organizing and conducting practical training.


4.1. The Agreement comes into force after it is signed by the Parties.

4.2. This Agreement is valid for the period from “___”_______ 20__ to “____”_______ 20__.

4.3. This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of one of the parties with mandatory notification to the other party at least one month before the expected date of termination of this agreement.





6.1. Changes and additions to this agreement are made by agreement of the parties and are formalized in separate additional agreements to the agreement.

6.2. All disputes arising between the parties under this agreement are resolved by agreement of the parties or in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. For failure to fulfill and/or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. In everything else that is not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one is kept at the University and the other at the Organization.



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technical University named after.

K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)"

Address: Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73

INN 7709125605

Gearbox 770901001

UFC in Moscow


them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)"

l/s 20736Х72650)

account 40501810600002000079

in Ward 1 Moscow

BIC 044583001

OKPO 02068812

OKTMO 45381000 (45381000000)

_________________ V.N. Ivanova

Appendix No. 1

to agreement No. ____

from "___"_________ 20___




A prerequisite for obtaining a diploma of completion of training is the acquisition of practical knowledge. This can be done through internship. In this article we will tell you about useful information regarding what is required to draw up a special agreement through which an organization will take a student for internship.

When do you need to conclude an internship agreement?

In most situations, employers who hire students wonder whether Is it necessary to enter into a formal contract?. The answer to this will depend on what agreements are in place with the university, as well as what the training cycle for young specialists includes.

The most common practice is to conclude a formal agreement with a university, a sample of which will be provided by the university. In some cases, the option of signing a tripartite agreement is provided. In such a situation, the parties are not only the company and the educational institution, but also the student himself.

In practice, there are at least six reasons why you should sign an agreement.

Step-by-step registration instructions

The procedure itself consists of three steps. Their features are described below.

Step 1. Agreement with the educational institution

Initially, one should take into account the fact that the relationship that arises as a result of practical training is formed between the enterprise that accepts students and the educational body that conducts theoretical training. To simplify the search for companies willing to take on students, a special cooperation agreement is usually drawn up in advance.

To create full conditions stipulated by the parties in the concluded agreement, the employer needs to develop appropriate conditions that allow for safe internship, as well as provide all the necessary places in advance. In the case of an educational institution, its representatives undertake to provide a full guarantee of students’ compliance with labor discipline and the requirements prescribed in the internal regulations.

Step 2. With a trainee

According to the requirements of the educational standard, two types of internship are provided - industrial or educational. Since in the latter case the student is not engaged in direct work activities, there is no mandatory need to draw up an employment contract. Accordingly, there is also no need for payroll. If the work offered to a specialist fully complies with the rules for passing the practical program and the characteristics of the qualifications presented for the specialization, he is accepted into the staff if there is an appropriate free place on the staff.

Note! If an employer from time to time takes on a large number of students who are undergoing internships, a logical solution would be to create appropriate vacancies specifically for them.

As practice shows, the best solution for a company is signing a fixed-term employment contract with a student, based on the requirements in accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code. The signing of this type of document can be justified with reference to the need to accept a future specialist to undergo practical training activities. If up to this point the student has not held another position (and this almost always happens), he is required to have a work book and issue an insurance certificate of pension insurance from the state.

From the moment the employment contract is concluded, the student receives full employee rights. This means that he is entitled to wages for his work and full social insurance. If temporary disability occurs, the company is obliged to pay cash benefits. To this list is also added the accrual of annual leave required by law, and so on.

On the other hand, a student who decides to join a company at the time of his internship must first familiarize yourself with the company rules relating to the schedule drawn up by the employer. A prerequisite for successful internship is compliance with the provisions of internal regulations and compliance with safety requirements.

Step 3. Hiring without being hired

It also happens that there is a vacant position that fully meets the requirements of the internship program. There are situations when educational institutions insist in advance that there is no possibility of completing an internship with parallel employment. In such cases, the possibility of signing an employment contract is not provided.

An order or corresponding order is drawn up and certified within the organization, according to which students engaged in internships can perform production work on the company’s territory. Always in the text the terms and period of completion of the established practice are indicated. A prerequisite is the appointment of a responsible person. This is usually the deputy head, or the head of the organizational unit in whose territory the practice is conducted.

Please note that the opportunity to employ minor students is only available subject to prior medical examination at a specialized institution. This requirement is stated in Articles 266 and 69 of the Labor Code. Since individuals have not yet reached the age of majority, they cannot work full time. A shortened schedule is required.

Note that in the situation under consideration, the trainee cannot receive a specific job function. He just gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of organizing production on the territory of the enterprise. Although he can be assigned to complete a task, they can only have a reduced difficulty. However, in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation, such an employee is fully subject to the internal regulations and labor safety rules developed by the company’s management.

Sample contract. How to fill?

Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with a typical sample of a student internship agreement.

According to the regulatory requirements of Russian legislation, send students for internship possible through a concluded agreement between the educational institution and the host company. If the latter wants to recruit promising personnel, it will have to contact representatives of the university and conclude a formal agreement.

The exact opposite situation is also envisaged, when a student wants to do an internship and turns to his supervisor at the university to helped document the choice made. The Institute contacts representatives of the organization to sign the appropriate agreement.

Higher education institutions, as a rule, submit their own sample for verification, according to which an internship agreement is drawn up. If for one reason or another the document is not available, or university representatives are ready to sign a independently compiled version of the document, it can be developed on its own.

As you can see from the example given above, in the process of drawing up a contract the following data must be written down:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the student, place of study, current course and full name of the faculty;
  • the name of the organization that hosts the trainee, its legal address and contact information;
  • the period of time during which the student must complete work practice;
  • work schedule established by the organization;
  • the amount of wages, if provided for by established legislation;
  • documentation according to which the results achieved as a result of the work are indicated. This is usually a report, an internship diary, a personal reference from a manager or responsible person, or other documents.

Regardless of where exactly the student chooses to go for practice, it is necessary to provide the full name of the person acting as a supervisor. Otherwise, the agreement will not gain legal force. In most cases, this role is assigned to representatives of a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. It also happens that a current specialist working on the territory of the enterprise acts as a curator. A prerequisite in this case is the need for additional payment for performing new functions. This requirement is drawn up in the form of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

After drawing up an agreement with the university, you need to secure it with the seals of the parties. Naturally, the legislation does not have clear restrictions regarding the parties who can take part in signing the agreement. This means that if the university refuses to conclude an agreement, this can be done with the student himself. But in order to be safe from possible troubles, you will have to request an official certificate, which confirms that the person is actually on the staff, and that at a certain period he needs to undergo an internship at the enterprise.


to conduct practical training for students of the Berezniki Construction College at enterprises (organizations).

from "_ 5 __ »___ April __2010 G.

We, the undersigned, on the one hand, are the Berezniki Construction College, hereinafter referred to as the “Educational Institution”, represented by the director

Acting on the basis of the Charter and ____ "BSSU" ______


hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise”, ___________ Departure____

___Igor Borisovich _________, acting on the basis____ charter __________

have entered into this agreement as follows:

Subject of the agreement.

“Educational institution” in accordance with the Regulations on industrial (professional) practice of students and a license for educational activities (series A

No. 000 register. No. 87 dated 01/01/01) sends, and the “Enterprise” accepts, in agreement with the heads of departments, for industrial practice (technological , pre-graduation) student group ______ SM-41 _______, (Underline whatever applicable)

______________________________ ______________,

(Full Name)

___________________________________________04.01.1991 ___________the year of birth,

in accordance with the practice schedule, in the specialty:

030503 “Jurisprudence” (since 2009)

- 190605 “Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry)”

190604 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”

270103.11 “Technical operation of buildings and structures”

270103.12 “Estimate documentation, standardization and pricing of construction work and construction products”

(Underline whatever applicable)

(Obligated, not obligated)

student during pre-diploma internship.

4. Responsibility of the parties.

4.1. The “Educational Institution” is not responsible for the student’s compliance with labor safety rules and regulations and internal labor regulations at the “Enterprise.”

4.2. The parties are responsible for violation of the contract in accordance with current legislation.

4.3. All disputes arising between the parties under this agreement are resolved in the manner prescribed by law.

5. General provisions.

5.1. The agreement comes into force after it is signed by both parties. Duration of the contract with __ April 5, 2010 __ By ____ May 29, 2010 ___.

5.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored at the “Enterprise”, the second - at the “Educational Institution”.

6. Legal addresses:

Educational institution Enterprise(address, contact phone)

618416 Berezniki "BSSU" 618400

st. Sverdlova 126 reception), Perm region, Berezniki,

deputy director for management and control, trans. Lokomotivny, 8

cell -570 – reception; Fax

Public Management Agency

institutions of the Perm region


cash account GRKTs GU Bank

Russia in the Perm region, Perm

Manager // Manager //