Talking to yourself out loud. Why am I talking to myself

« Where's my jar of body butter? Damn, you always throw everything around and then can’t find it!«.

I don't talk to anyone. I'm just looking for my favorite lotion.

« Yeah, here you go! You rolled it under the bed!«.

« I often talk to myself for a long time“,” admits Gigi Angle.

And this doesn't just happen when I'm in the privacy of my own home.

I'm talking to myself while I'm walking outside. When I'm sitting in the office or when I'm shopping.

Thinking out loud helps me materialize what I'm thinking about. This allows me to understand the meaning of things and events.

When a person talks to himself, from the outside he looks crazy. We all know it: mentally ill people talk to themselves, right? After all, not everyone can talk to someone who is sitting between their ears.

I'm sure a lot of people saw me wandering the streets of New York and thought, "Oh my god, drug addiction is really terrible." And, yes, sometimes I talk to things like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings - especially rings and jewelry in general.

I decided to study the phenomenon. And do you know what turned out to be?

Talking to yourself is actually a sign of genius.

The smartest people on the planet talk to themselves.

Look at the inner monologues greatest thinkers. Look at the poems! Look at the history!

Albert Einstein was talking to himself. When he was a teenager, he had no desire to communicate with peers. I preferred to keep everything to myself. reports that he "liked to quietly repeat the same phrases to himself several times."

As you can see, I'm not alone. And I'm not completely crazy. I'm probably just very smart. Ha!

Talking to yourself makes your brain work more efficiently.

The authors of the experiment, Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupyan, gave 20 different people The task is to find a specific product in the supermarket - for example, bread, milk or an apple. During the first series of the test, participants had to silently scurry around the store. In the second set, they were asked to say out loud the name of what they were looking for. Needless to say, they did it much better the second time?

The scientific publication Live Science explains this phenomenon by the fact that talking out loud - even to oneself - causes the areas of the brain responsible for memory to work more actively. And this gives a tangible effect.

Here's how Lyupyan explains it:

“If you know what an object looks like, then talking to yourself will help you find it. You know that, for example, a banana is yellow and has a special oblong shape. When you say "banana" out loud, your brain activates its visual abilities to help you find it. So yes, it works."

Children who talk to themselves develop faster.

There is scientific evidence that indicates that children who talk to themselves from childhood generally develop faster. They begin to lace their own shoes earlier, do better at school, and know more words and quickly learn to read not syllable by syllable.

And since children learn to speak by listening to and imitating adults, they usually pick up the habit of self-talk from their parents. So, at least in the family and in the presence of your children, you can feel free to help yourself think in this way.

Talking to yourself helps organize your thoughts.

When my thoughts are incoherent and I need to organize them, I know that the easiest way to do this is to start saying everything that is going on in my head out loud.

Plus, psychologists know that vocalized questions calm the nerves. If something is bothering you, talk it out. It will become easier.

Psychologist Linda Sapadin even claims that speaking out loud about your problems can help you make important and difficult decisions.

Everyone knows that best way To solve a problem is to talk it out. So why not do it alone, on your own?

Self-talk helps you achieve your goals.

Making a list of your goals and immediately starting to fulfill them is an unrealistic task. And it's very depressing.

But if you start saying your goals out loud, it will be easier for you to achieve what you want. If you support yourself through the process, each step will seem less difficult and less time-consuming.

Sapadin explains:

“When you talk about your goals out loud, it's easier for your attention to focus. Plus, you reinforce your intentions with words and control your emotions. It makes it much harder for the brain to get distracted.”

In general, you understand. We, who like to chat alone, are, of course, the “crazy ones”, but in fact we are also the smartest and effective people of all.

We do not regret the time spent in listening to our inner voice. Now we will speak to ourselves loudly and proudly!

Why do people talk to themselves? To understand the reasons for this, you must first highlight how people speak:

  • They lead in silence internal dialogue with you.
  • They talk to themselves out loud.
  • They talk with a non-existent interlocutor from outside or inside themselves.

Internal silent dialogue with yourself.

This phenomenon is completely normal for any person, and especially for an introvert who is closed and silent by nature. A withdrawn introvert is reluctant to communicate with others. outside world and does not allow anyone else to interfere with his personal life. Therefore, living in your own inner world, the introvert silently conducts dialogues with himself.

But internal dialogues do not take place. Conversation with oneself begins in childhood, when the child is already able to pay attention to his inner psychological processes, and continues until the end of life. According to Z. Freud inner speech represents a conversation between the three components of the human psyche - the Ego (the conscious and comprehended part), the Id (the forbidden and repressed part of the consciousness) and the Super-Ego (all manifestations of the Super-I). Therefore, the essence of internal dialogue is a dialogue between our meaningful consciousness and its unconscious part, the censor of which is the Super-I. In the process of internal dialogue, an agreement occurs between these three structures of the psyche, facilitating the process continuous development personality.

In difficult life moments, internal dialogue helps a person make the right decision to get out of the current situation.

Talking to yourself out loud.

You can also talk to yourself out loud. Sometimes people do this out of a feeling of loneliness, melancholy and hopelessness. Talking out loud replaces a person real communication with people, therefore, when real interlocutors appear, the need to talk to oneself out loud goes away.

As a result of numerous studies by psychologists, it has been found that in other situations, talking to yourself out loud is useful for improving brain activity. By speaking a problem out loud, a person stimulates the brain and copes with the task assigned to him faster. Scientists explain this by the fact that speech can significantly enhance brain activity and improve the processes of perception and assimilation of information. This is especially true for this type of person, the auditory learner, who perceives the surrounding reality by ear.

Thus, talking to yourself in any form - silently or out loud - is very helpful in solving problems various contents and complexity.

Talking out loud with an invisible interlocutor.

The sight of such a conversation in public, as well as among the people around us, causes at least great surprise. It’s strange to see a person talking enthusiastically with someone invisible interlocutor. Moreover, the words of an imaginary interlocutor can come to him not only from the outside. Listening to an outside voice within himself, a person answers out loud... listens - and answers again. How to explain this strange behavior?

It's no secret that many people have a habit of talking to themselves. Sometimes this comes in the form inner monologue, but there are often cases when a person talks to himself out loud. Having noticed such tendencies in yourself, you should not be afraid or suspect that you have any mental abnormalities. Scientists who have devoted themselves to studying this issue large number time, they agreed that conversations with oneself in most cases are not a deviation from the norm and in many ways are even useful.

Positive aspects

The undeniable benefit of such monologues is that they greatly help a person organize his thoughts, coordinate his actions, and sort out the little things. existing problem. Talking to yourself brings undoubted benefits and emotional state person. The opportunity to express out loud, even if alone with yourself, all the accumulated emotions, worries, anxiety, anger and other negativity contributes to significant relief. Moreover, having splashed out most of negativity during a monologue with himself, a person talking with other people can discuss this problem more balancedly and calmly.

During a conversation with oneself, the functioning of a person’s brain improves, since the perception and processing of information accelerates, attention and observation increase, as a result of which a person quickly and easily comes to right decisions the tasks facing him. Moreover, the effectiveness, speed and fruitfulness of his activities are several times higher than the results of those people who do not tend to talk to themselves. As can be seen from the results of scientific research, most people who talk to themselves are absolutely normal and even more successful in solving some problems.

When should you worry?

However, in some cases, such conversations, along with other symptoms, can still serve as an indicator mental disorders. This is quite easy to determine. Most of us, when talking to ourselves, conduct a kind of monologue, pondering a serious question, splashing out negative emotions while searching for a solution to the problem. In case of deviation from the norm, a person does not just talk to himself, it is as if he is talking to an invisible interlocutor, answering his questions, arguing, swearing. At the same time, active gestures and facial expressions are often present.

This behavior may indicate the presence of such serious illnesses, like schizophrenia, split personality and more. If, in addition to dialogues with an imaginary interlocutor, a person has hallucinations, do not appropriate behavior, isolation, obsessions, emotional disorders, then a visit to the appropriate specialist should not be postponed.

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life is beyond the power of people with mental problems: daily stress, life changes that occur at an alarming speed - all this negatively affects the weak human psyche.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the definition of “schizophrenia” appeared - this is the name of the disease when a person talks to himself.

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In principle, almost every person talks to himself, but he does it quietly, and unnoticed by anyone - this is normal and may be associated with stress, or the person is simply bored, or he does this at a time when he is thinking hard, trying to decide a task or to plan something - at these moments the words of reasoning quite break out loud.

However, if a person talks to himself out loud, without waiting for an answer from an imaginary interlocutor, and if he does it emotionally, not paying attention to those around him, then this is a very alarming symptom of schizophrenia.

Observation and conclusions

To determine the illness of a person who talks out loud to himself, you should take a closer look at how he does it:

  • If a person is conducting a dialogue with an invisible interlocutor, then the relatives of such a person should seriously think about it and try to show their relative to a psychiatrist.
  • You should also carefully study how long such conversations last for a person. If it’s only two or three days, then we can say that this is not a disease, but a minor pathology, which, of course, is also better to treat.
  • Psychosis is accompanied by hallucinations, but schizophrenia is also accompanied by persistent hallucinations (when a sick person hears command voice ordering him to do a specific act).

    Schizophrenia is generally accompanied by a loss of communication between the sick person and real world. His behavior becomes strange: the patient’s emotional expressiveness decreases, speech and thinking may be impaired. But the patient will not necessarily have all these symptoms.

    IN lately According to statistics, mental illnesses are becoming more common. And this is a tribute to our time. Therefore, if one of your friends began to behave very strangely, or began to talk out loud to himself, then you should definitely seek professional help.

    This is not a runny nose and it will not go away on its own - you need to determine the cause and try to decide on the treatment for this illness. And only a qualified specialist can do this. In any case, before drawing any conclusions, you need to show the person to the doctor, and only then, based on what the doctor says, draw conclusions.

    What is the name of the disease when a person talks to himself?

    I will divide all "talk to myself" into Three groups:

    1. When a person speaks out loud some or most of his own thoughts, without noticing what is happening and not doing it intentionally. That is, uncontrollably. At the same time, a person does not turn to anyone except himself. All his words are essentially rhetorical.

    2. Conversations in which the patient, as it were, stages certain dialogues. At the same time, he can play several roles at once, while changing the volume and timbre of his voice. In other words, he voices two or more individuals. By doing this, I emphasize again, unintentionally.

    3. The patient is hallucinating. And at the same time he sees in front of him a scene in which, besides himself, other people or creatures participate. So he conducts a conversation with them, addressing them, but without voicing them. From the outside it looks like a conversation with yourself. In fact, this is so, since he is in the pathological world of his visions. He can (as it were) meet and see off guests, be at a doctor’s appointment, talk with spirits, and so on. The further it goes, the more pathological it becomes.

    The first option is almost normal. We will not make any diagnosis. And the second and third options very much remind us of one of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

    Answered 2014-07-24T00:33:36+04:00 1 year, 7 months ago

    If a person simply talks to himself, reasons, then this is within the normal range.

    If a person is talking to someone else who is in his imagination, but from the outside it looks as if he is talking to himself, then this is a disease, schizophrenia.

    Answered 2014-07-24T00:48:45+04:00 1 year, 7 months ago

    Neuropsychiatric disorders in which a person can talk to himself can take up an entire essay. The reasons for this phenomenon: split personality, alcoholism, hallucinations, drug use narcotic substances, head injuries, schizophrenia.

    Answered 2014-12-29T22:29:32+03:00 1 year, 2 months ago

    It depends on how a person talks to himself. You can talk to yourself, with an invisible interlocutor, both during delirium tremens, and during schizophrenia, and simply if a person is bored. And some even develop this habit, like thinking out loud.

    Answered 2015-01-28T17:43:01+03:00 1 year, 1 month ago

    It doesn't have to be a disease!

    Maybe a person suffers from a lack of communication or is lonely - so he needs to talk somehow

    If the disease is usually Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) when a person’s mind splits into several other independent personalities. and then a person talks to his own mind!

    Schizophrenics also talk to themselves (more precisely, with hallucinations)

    Answered 2014-07-24T00:31:31+04:00 1 year, 7 months ago

    I think something like this.

    A) This is not a disease. A person reasons, models the arguments and counterarguments of an imaginary opponent in a possible discussion.

    B) This is psychosis (schizophrenia, paranoia, etc.), accompanied by split personality and/or hallucinations.

    C) This is a disease of alcoholic and/or narcotic origin.

    D) This is not a disease. The actor rehearses the role.

    D) This is not a person. Anything can be expected from spirits or aliens.

    Answered 2015-01-31T03:50:12+03:00 1 year, 1 month ago

    Wow, with help big question I found out that I am a schizophrenic, but dear, this is not entirely true, if it were so I would not sit and write an answer, if a person talks to himself, or asks himself some questions and answers, this is normal, he just needs to hear advice from smart person:), but if a person talks to someone else, sees some images and talks to them, then perhaps he has some kind of mental disorder!

    Answered 2015-01-14T22:53:14+03:00 1 year, 1 month ago

    This may be an early symptom of schizophrenia, but it may also be normal if the person is otherwise behaving normally. If, in addition to the fact that he talks to himself, he conducts entire conversations out loud, if there are other behavioral disorders and deviations, and there is reason to doubt his adequacy, then here, already, a consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary, since with schizophrenia, a person hears the voices that sound in his head, it is with them that he can have long conversations. “Voices” are one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia.

    Answered 2014-07-24T00:25:37+04:00 1 year, 7 months ago

    The human mind creates a separate mental area with which the basic personality of a person can communicate.

    Answered 2014-07-24T00:20:10+04:00 1 year, 7 months ago

    It is difficult to find a person who would never talk to himself in any situation. Many people like to talk when they are doing some kind of work, as if consulting with themselves, some talk to themselves in order not to fall asleep when this is not possible, others simply throw out emotions in this way. In most cases, these are not symptoms of some disease, but normal, adequate behavior. But it happens when a person really constantly talks to an invisible interlocutor and this is no longer good. This may be a symptom of schizophrenia, which results in a split personality. And some consider such people to be possessed by demons.

    Answered 2015-04-02T01:48:11+03:00 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Mother has a friend who is in public, wonderful and pleasant conversationalist. Finds with everyone common language, but one day I saw her walking around the room and saying something under her breath. I don’t even know how long it lasted for her, but I couldn’t stand it and asked who she was talking to. In fact, everything turns out to be very simple. This man is lonely, there is no husband, and the children have already grown up and moved away. And so it went.

    And my friend got a job in a clinic where neuropsychiatric patients are treated. He says that most people there have the same symptoms, plus glitches and worries at the slightest reason. Such people have mental problems. They don’t know what they are doing and therefore they are forcibly treated with injections and pills. They are diagnosed by a doctor.

    Answered 2015-01-20T10:51:14+03:00 1 year, 1 month ago

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    Man talking to himself schizophrenia

    Loneliness, rehearsal, dissatisfaction, habit from childhood or psychological disorders, imaginary conversations can occur for any of these reasons. Let's discuss the implications of these conversations in detail.

    Society does not consider imaginary conversations with oneself as something normal. Since it is not accepted by society, people tend to feel embarrassed about this habit. However, not every person who talks to themselves suffers from the disorder. Generally speaking, there are several situations in which people feel the need to discuss several issues, just with themselves.

    In such situations, they probably feel the need own council. They can talk to themselves to avoid others interfering in their personal affairs. And then the question arises: are these people different from others? What could this behavior mean? Are they mentally ill? Imaginary conversations can actually be helpful in maintaining your mental health. Let's discuss in more detail whether "self-talk" is a habit, a necessity, or a mental disorder.

    Possible reasons for talking to yourself

    A person can have an imaginary conversation with four completely different entities. These entities may include an imaginary friend, a real friend, God, or oneself. Such people share their feelings, thoughts and experiences by speaking them out loud when they are alone. They may also rehearse an upcoming situation or mentally try to change a situation that happened in the past by changing what was said or done in their head. These people also tend to talk out loud in private. Some diseases associated with mental health, can also lead to imaginary conversation. Below are the reasons and significance of imaginary self-talk.


    ❑ Situations– Absolutely anyone can find themselves in such a situation if they are nervous or unsure about the upcoming meeting. This could include a job interview, a conversation with some celebrity/very influential person, preparing for an argument, debate or discussion, a romantic proposal, etc.

    ❑ Imaginary conversation- given the situation, the person will rehearse by talking to himself. He will say what he wants to say in the upcoming situation. He will also say (on behalf of the interlocutor) what he would like or expect to hear from his interlocutor. However, the real situation, in almost all cases, will never turn out to be the same as it was in your head.

    ❑ Meaning. This conversation only indicates that the person lacks self-confidence. He is nervous and unsure of the upcoming situation. Therefore, he wants to prepare in advance. Thus, this imaginary conversation does not indicate any mental disorder. It's completely normal to be a little nervous in certain situations.

    Dissatisfaction with the past

    ❑ Situation- Almost every person has encountered some situation in the past with which he is dissatisfied. Most people accept the fact that nothing can be done in the present to change the past. However, a person who does not accept this fact will replay this situation in his mind.

    ❑ Imaginary conversation- The person will always be thinking about ways that could improve the situation, which may include better understanding, smart things that should have been said, things that should not have been said, and other things. He spins the situation by changing the actual dialogue. In this conversation, he will speak modified dialogues and respond to them, playing the role of the other person as well.

    ❑ Meaning - dissatisfaction. If a person is extremely dissatisfied with the past, he tries to find satisfaction by changing irreversible situations in his mind. However, this temporary satisfaction later leads to complete disappointment when reality hits him. This conversation does not mean a mental disorder, it only means dissatisfaction and a desire to correct a situation that cannot be changed.


    ❑ Situation— a lot of people are looking for self-motivation before any competitive situation. It could be an exam, a match, an interview or a presentation, they like to reassure themselves that they can do it.

    ❑ Imaginary conversation- in such situations, a person strives to preserve his spirit. For example, before an exam, you may hear him say: “Let's ____ (whatever it is), you will pass this test. You know that you are well prepared, relax and remember everything, and so on. Having said this, a person will feel more comfortable to pass the upcoming exam.

    ❑ Meaning. This conversation means the need for self-motivation. Some people have a habit of motivating themselves because they believe that they need motivation to get through an upcoming situation with best results. Talking to yourself for this purpose is not abnormal, and in any case, is not a disorder or illness.

    Wishful thinking

    ❑ Situations- this situation includes some unfulfilled dreams, or what the person wanted, but it didn’t work out. Wishful thinking can also include situations from the past that a person wants to change, or a future where a person wants to fall into place.

    ❑ Imaginary conversation- in such situations, you can hear a person talking about things that are unrealistic for himself. He can play out various scenarios that did not happen in the past and have no scope in the future. He can also talk about an imaginary person, framing the character of the person he would like to meet in reality.

    ❑ Meaning. This conversation means that either the person is not happy with reality and wants better, or that he just likes to dream about unrealistic things, although his reality is not that bad. Such conversations can also stem from the world media. Movies with happy endings, surreal heroism and quirky characters also play important role in shaping such behavior. However, this imaginary conversation also means a naive, easily influenced person. It is not part of a psychological disorder or disease.


    ❑ Situations- usually people have a habit of sharing what is happening in everyday life with friends, siblings, parents or spouse. However, when a person is lonely and has no one to talk to, he tends to talk to himself. In most cases, they solve problems themselves. But they also feel socially inept.

    ❑ Imaginary conversation- self-talk as a result of loneliness is more realistic. Having such conversations, a person tends to pour out his feelings into words, perhaps out loud or in his head. He may also act out actions that are not accepted by society. He will discuss real situations and analyze his feelings. However, when escaping loneliness, a person can also wishful thinking and talk about what his life should have been like.

    Anxiety and panic

    ❑ Situations- in case of panic and anxiety, people mostly feel negative in everything. They are experiencing strong fear and panic in any situation that seems dangerous or unpleasant to them. An individual engages in his own conversation when he experiences a panic attack because he is so focused on his problems that he becomes disconnected from the people around him (the outside world).

    ❑ Imaginary conversation- in this case the person has imaginary conversation with himself to improve his situation. Since his mind is already filled negative thoughts, the person will try to have a convincing conversation with himself. Talking calms his fear and reduces the level of anxiety and panic. For example, if a person is claustrophobic, in a closed place, they are likely to tell themselves, “It’s normal. This place is not that congested. You still have enough oxygen to breathe. No, you won’t suffocate here.”

    ❑ Meaning. Having such a conversation means a desire to overcome fear. A person tries to make himself more comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. Therefore, this conversation proves useful to a person and helps him overcome a difficult situation.


    ❑ Situations- in depression, a person feels lost, useless, separated from the world, he is visited by thoughts of suicide, and gradually he goes crazy. He has lost interest in life and feels like crying for no reason. He can also conduct sleepless nights and suffer from insomnia. Depression is usually associated with anxiety.

    ❑ Imaginary conversation– since depression makes a person feel empty and lost from within, it becomes very difficult for a person to interact with people around him. Therefore, talking to his parents and/or friends is something impossible for him. A person may talk to himself due to feelings of isolation. However, this is a very severe case of depression. A person should consult a psychiatrist if he experiences such symptoms.

    ❑ Meaning. The meaning of this conversation is depression. The feeling of emptiness and isolation makes a person feel so bad that he begins imaginary conversations with himself. This may be a sign of a mental disorder. Consultation with a psychiatrist is very important in this case.


    ❑ Schizophrenia

    A person suffering from schizophrenia usually sees hallucinations. He may experience and respond to visual and auditory hallucinations. A person can only visually imagine some other person (perhaps a relative, friend or just any person) in the room. Then the person tries to start a conversation with an imaginary interlocutor. To the viewer, it may seem that the person is having an imaginary conversation with himself. In the audio case, a person may feel as if someone is talking to him. He can speak in response to what he hears, even if he is alone in the room. Again, someone watching this person may think that he is talking to himself. However, these symptoms are part of schizophrenia. A person suffering from Alzheimer's disease may face a similar situation.

    ❑ Down syndrome

    Most people with Down syndrome talk to themselves. These conversations are not associated with hallucinations or delusions. These conversations can be about yourself, your toys, or about some third party (imaginary or real). They can also connect with their toy or some object present in the room. This behavior is considered normal. However, if a person's tone suddenly changes during this self-talk, this may be a sign psychological problems. These problems may include anxiety, depression, physical illness or pain.

    Other Possible Causes

    There are several other reasons why people may have imaginary self-talk.

    ❑ Habits childhood- Children often have the habit of putting life in each of their toys. Then they talk to their toys and take care of them (more like nurturing a toy). Some children grow up to go through this stage, and some do not. These habits change as you grow older, but do not die completely. Such children have imaginary friends or have developed the habit of talking to themselves.

    ❑ Natural causes. Last but not least. Every person has an endless conversation with himself. He constantly analyzes, perceiving and organizing situations through these conversations. Often, when thinking, people tend to talk to themselves. Additionally, they may not even realize they are having these conversations.

    Imaginary conversations basically refer to the relationships that a person is trying to create with himself. They also reflect your level of comfort with yourself. Raising past problems and trying to correct them can mean recognizing mistakes. However, they can also mean more serious problem who needs medical attention.

    Why do we talk to ourselves?

    Have you ever noticed that you talk to yourself out loud? This happens when a person is very tense, concentrated, or his emotions are “over the edge.”

    Surely, when you catch yourself doing this, you will think: “Horror, I’m talking to myself! Am I really sick? That’s it... schizophrenia is on the doorstep!” Is this really true? Let's figure out whether talking to yourself always means a mental disorder and whether in this case you need to see a doctor.

    I'm talking to myself, does that mean I'm crazy?

    Any disease related to the object of psychiatry has not one, but several symptoms. If, apart from the rare occasions when you notice yourself communicating with yourself, nothing else suspicious has happened to you, there is nothing to worry about. But still, knowledge of these signs will not be superfluous:

  • hallucinations (auditory and visual);
  • frequently recurring feeling of déjà vu;
  • obsessive ideas, as if someone is stalking you, wishing you harm, spying on you, constantly mocking you;
  • a feeling of unreality of what is happening;
  • complete apathy, reluctance and/or inability to do anything;
  • strong causeless fear, out of nowhere extreme anxiety and similar sensations.
  • In sick people they are greatly exaggerated and have the character of obsessive delirium, annoying and painful. Often these symptoms can be combined with pure physiological reactions. For example, during panic attack(strong fear) a person begins to choke, his hands sweat, and other intense sensations arise. If something like this happens to you, you need to see a psychotherapist. There is nothing scary or shameful about this. Perhaps you have experienced some kind of tragedy and cannot on our own deal with it.

    In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between mental illnesses themselves and neuroses. The latter are temporary and are usually caused by some kind of strong shock. Mental illness often accompanies the patient throughout his life (for example, schizophrenia). It is accompanied by a whole “bouquet” of extremely severe symptoms.

    Self-talk as a child's learning method

    Have you noticed that children often talk to themselves while playing? So they play out some situations, play roles (matter or her daughter, a scary bear, etc.). For kids, talking to themselves out loud is absolutely normal and even useful. This is how they learn. This is very good way concentrate. As soon as a person grows up, he tries to avoid talking to himself out loud, just so as not to seem strange to others.

    Why do people talk to themselves as adults?

    Have you ever wondered why people talk to themselves as adults? It's about about mentally healthy citizens. Our thinking is structured as follows: millions nerve cells constantly interact and send each other nerve impulses. We literally find ourselves “attacked” different thoughts, ideas, memories, questions and suspicions.

    It’s as if some kind of “hell brew” is seething in the human head. Moreover, this process does not stop for a minute. It is especially pronounced in women, whose thinking is not linear by nature. It is similar to many open tabs in the browser that are active at the same time.

    Often people talk to themselves in order to focus on one thing, to highlight this thought and completely direct their mental flow to it. Especially if the question concerns something very important and urgent. Emotional people often use this method in tense situations. In this case, talking to yourself is normal and has nothing to do with mental disorders.

    Talking to yourself is normal and sometimes even useful

    IN different times There have been studies done on why people talk to themselves. It has been found that in some situations this method of self-organization helps to better cope with the task. When people talk to themselves, it is as if they are programming themselves verbally for a certain result. In other words, they lead themselves.

    For example, if you lost a key in your apartment, then commenting on your actions will help you quickly build a logical chain and find the loss. After all, why does a person talk to himself? Using this simple method, it forces the brain to concentrate as much as possible on one thing, to collect all resources to solve the problem. And it works well. In addition, by talking to yourself, you can throw out emotions, for example, from the same lost key.

    Bitter feeling of loneliness

    But it also happens that a person starts a dialogue with himself solely from a lack of communication. Every person has a need for communication, and if he does not find interlocutors, it does not disappear anywhere. This is the most sad reason why does a person talk to himself? In such a situation, we can recommend starting to correct the situation as soon as possible: sign up for a club, take master classes, start going to gym or any other public place. Do not get drawn into this state of loneliness, otherwise the habit of communicating with yourself will develop into a painful strangeness.

    Talking to yourself - the norm or deviation?

    It's no secret that many people have a habit of talking to themselves. Sometimes this happens in the form of an internal monologue, but there are often cases when a person talks to himself out loud. Having noticed such tendencies in yourself, you should not be afraid or suspect that you have any mental abnormalities. Scientists who have devoted a large amount of time to studying this issue have agreed that conversations with oneself in most cases are not a deviation from the norm and in many ways are even useful.

    Positive aspects

    The undeniable benefit of such monologues is that they greatly help a person organize his thoughts, coordinate actions, and analyze the existing problem in detail. Talking to oneself also brings undoubted benefits to a person’s emotional state. The opportunity to express out loud, even if alone with yourself, all the accumulated emotions, worries, anxiety, anger and other negativity contributes to significant relief. In addition, having thrown out most of the negativity during a monologue with himself, a person, when talking with other people, can discuss this problem more balancedly and calmly.

    During a conversation with oneself, the functioning of a person’s brain improves, since the perception and processing of information accelerates, attention and observation increase, as a result of which a person quickly and easily comes to the correct solutions to the problems facing him. Moreover, the effectiveness, speed and fruitfulness of his activities are several times higher than the results of those people who do not tend to talk to themselves. As can be seen from the results of scientific research, most people who talk to themselves are absolutely normal and even more successful in solving some problems.

    When should you worry?

    However, in some cases, such conversations, along with other symptoms, can still serve as an indicator of mental disorders. This is quite easy to determine. Most of us, when talking to ourselves, conduct a kind of monologue, thinking about a serious issue, throwing out negative emotions, and searching for a solution to the problem. In case of deviation from the norm, a person does not just talk to himself, it is as if he is talking to an invisible interlocutor, answering his questions, arguing, swearing. At the same time, active gestures and facial expressions are often present.

    This behavior may indicate the presence of serious diseases such as schizophrenia, split personality, etc. If, in addition to dialogues with an imaginary interlocutor, a person has hallucinations, inappropriate behavior, isolation, obsessions, emotional disorders, then a visit to the appropriate specialist should not be postponed.

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“It’s like I’m writing subtitles for my life,” admits 37-year-old Alexandra. – Everything I’m going to do, I comment out loud: “It’s warm today, I’ll wear a blue skirt”; “I’ll withdraw a couple of thousand from the card, that should be enough.” If my friend hears it, it’s not scary - he’s used to it. But in public place people start looking at me sideways and I feel stupid.”

It helps me concentrate. By saying our actions out loud, we are not at all striving for communication - so why don’t we just remain silent? “The need for comments appears when the task facing us requires concentration,” notes psychotherapist Andrei Korneev, a specialist in somatic psychology. – There was a period in the lives of each of us when we described out loud everything that we did or were going to do. Although we may not remember it: it happened at the age of about three years. Such speech, addressed to no one, is a natural stage of development; it helps the child navigate objective world, go from spontaneous reactions to conscious actions and learn to manage them. Then external speech“collapses”, goes internal, and we stop noticing it.” But it can “unfold” again and sound out loud if we perform some kind of complex sequence operations, for example we collect electronic circuit or prepare a dish according to a new recipe. Its function is the same: it makes it easier for us to manipulate objects and helps us plan them.

Elena, 41 years old, Norwegian language teacher

“Criticizing myself out loud, or even scolding, was a habit for me. I never thought about it and somehow involuntarily made a remark to myself in the psychotherapist’s office. And he asked: “Who told little Lena that she was a klutz?” It was like an epiphany: I remembered that this was exactly how my friend had scolded me. school teacher. And I stopped saying that - because I don’t think so, these words are not mine!”

I'm throwing out my emotions. Exclamations that have no addressee can be a manifestation of strong feelings: indignation, delight. One day, Pushkin, alone, “clapping his hands and shouting, “Oh yes Pushkin! what a son of a bitch!” - I was so pleased with my work. Replies: “At least it’s gone!” student before an exam, “so what to do about it?” the accountant over the quarterly report and the things we say while looking after the train we missed - they all have the same reason. “A statement in such a situation serves as an emotional release and is often accompanied by an energetic gesture,” explains Andrei Korneev. “Strong is a surge of energy, and it requires some kind of manifestation outside so that we can get rid of excess tension.” I continue to have an internal dialogue. Sometimes we seem to look at ourselves from the outside - and evaluate, scold, and lecture. “If these are monotonous statements in which the same assessments are made, little dependent on changes in circumstances, this is a consequence of emotional trauma, most likely received by us in childhood,” says Andrei Korneev. “An unresolved conflict turns into an internal one: one part of us conflicts with another.” Strong feeling that we experienced in the past found no outlet (for example, we could not express anger towards our parents) and remained locked inside. And we relive it, repeating out loud the words that were once addressed to us.

What to do?

Separate your thoughts from others

Who speaks to us during such monologues? Are we really expressing our own thoughts and opinions or are we repeating what our parents, relatives or close friends once told us? “Try to remember who it was. Imagine that this person is now in front of you, suggests Andrei Korneev. - Listen to his words. Find an answer that you can give now as an adult, taking into account your life experience and knowledge. As a child, you may have been confused or scared, unsure of how to respond, or afraid. Today you have something to say, and you will be able to defend yourself.” This exercise helps complete the experience.

Try to speak more quietly

“If talking through actions helps you, you don’t need to try to get rid of it,” Andrey Korneev reassures. – And if disapproving glances or comments from others who do not want to be aware of your plans interfere with this, then try to avoid them. What should I do for this? Speak more quietly, in a whisper. This is exactly the one rare case, when the more illegible, the better. Then those around you will not suspect for a second that you are addressing them, and awkward situations will become smaller. Gradually you can switch to silent pronunciation, it’s a matter of training.” Look closely and you will notice other people moving their lips near a store shelf with twenty types of cereals. But this doesn't bother anyone.

Prepare in advance

Make a grocery list when going to the store. Calculate your time when getting ready for the train. Learn everything exam papers. Planning and careful preparation will eliminate the need to think on your feet and worry out loud. Of course, there are emergencies that are beyond our control and that cannot be foreseen. But, hand on heart, we admit that they happen rarely.